278728 WHITE - CITY CLERK �M����Q PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT �AUL Council / CANARY - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAYOR File N . ouncil Resolution Presented By ,.�-�-�- � �--- Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RE50LVED, that upon recommendation of the Mayor and pursuant to Section 10.07. 4 of the City Charter, there is hereby transferred the following in the 1982 General Fund Budget: From: Specified Contingent Reserve Transfer to Budget Fund 09061-536-000 $ 5 ,000 To: Community Services Parks and Recreation Parks Maintenance, repairs 03132-279-000 $ 5 ,000 Approved, as to funding Approved Direc o Finance Budge D ector � �� ��N COUIVCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Levine [n Favor Maddox McMahon B Showalter - __ Against Y -- Tedesco �Ison Adopted by Council: Date MAY 2 5 1982 Form Approve b C' At mey Certifie assed Co il Se �tary_ BY � By —_ Approved by av r: Date Y 2 1 198� Approved a for Submission to Council By � _ _ — gY _ PUBUSHED J UN 5 1982 ���� ;�'��'�28 �:: _�; -�-��� CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM ����3���� April 22, 1982 AP(� � � 1G82 T0: Gregory Blees MaYf�RS OFFICE FROM: Robert Pir The Parks and Recreation Division is in need of an additional 1981 appropriation in the amount of $5,000 for emergency repairs at Mears Park. A deta.iled description of the necessary repairs is attached. Your prompt consideration regarding this request is appreciated. R.P.P. APPRO�;IED: s J. K ey :c�n u ,�.� :�; 2'�8'�2� CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES DIVISION OF PARKS AND RECREATION 488-7291 FORESTRY SECTION 1224 No. Lexington Parkway St. Paul, Minnesota 55103 DATE: April 19, 1982 . MEMORANDUM T0: Lloyd Burkholder FROM: Gerald Aichele�� .a . SUBJECT: Mears Park Winter Damage REmove and replace 3 leading edges on the steps for a total length of about 45 ft. This is area where the barricades are r;ow located . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 425.00 Remove and replace 3 leading edges on the steps for a total length of about 60 ft. This is area . across from Park Square Court . . . . . . . . . . . . 550.00 Remove and replace 5 leading edges on the steps for a total length of about 100 ft. Area across from the Globe Building entrance . . . . . . . .. . . . 900.00 Remove and replace brick in the walking area south side of large pool and near trees .. . . . . . . . . . . 780.00 Remove and replace brick in the walking area across from Park Square Court Building .. . . . . .. . . . . 400.00 Remove and replace other brick in other walking areas in the park .. . . . . . . . . . . 1 ,500.00 Remove and replace sections of the brick retainer wall across from Park Square Court Building . . . .. . . . .. . . 425.00 - APPROXIMATE TOTAL COST $ 5,000.00 A stonemason and a stonemason laborer runs in cost approximately $255.00 per day. They need a truck for fine sand, water, cement, and chocolate color mortar. �o �'2S'`'`--� 2'7�'�2� �,��--- irR�Us I��Nr�Il�nrIIN�JG fM1lILL_S, ��h�(L, ��---, - -- - � __ _ �L '�1,�' l'f_,`,ti;��i) U is'f fHF ric)U`�r C)r SlF!!,U`� __ _ 150 SIBIEY STREET, SAItJT °AUI, MiNf'�ESO7A 55101 ?24•4341 Area Gode 612 April 21, 1982 R�c��v�r� , APR 2 21egZ Mr. Don Boxmeyer MAYdRS OFFtCE St . Paul Dispatch 55 E. Fourth St . St . Paul , Minnesota 55101 Deur pon: I appreciate the article concerning 1�ears Park. Our business being a neighbor in the Lowertc>wn area and • directly acijoinin�; Mears Parlc, I have w��tched for the last 25 ycars the progress down in this ureu. When the politicians and Mr. Mears �inally obtained some o:f the easy to get government funds, thE:y proceeded to build the brick battle tield. I was op��osed to the park being reconstructed in the manner in which it was done at the time . • I now feel like you do, that the park should be main- �tained in a first quality manner so thai; it truly c�oes benefit the city of St . Paul and Lowertown . I am glad you brought this mat�ter to thE; attention of , the public and I hope our city iathers will take heed. Sincerely , - STRAUS KNITTING b1ILLS , INC. . Anthony M. Straus Vice President and General Manager AMS/dcg - cc: George Latimer � Len Levine ; "tendiny to our hiiitiinc� ti,r c;vcr :::,li ., �;:nlury . RflUTING aryA EXP�TIQ�V ����� t�ifEEN: SHE�T)' � �., 11��.���l� 'Ft�r Admtnl°stratine Orders, ReaSa,�utic�s, EE}rrdfnatn�s•#�d �ersesr���l .� /# .�pr� -, `S t7(7G #�T Q���. .ag&� � MAY4RS Q�Ft�� � IM6 �ER R 1� SY 6NED N� BER. � �_ �Ttsvg,l 7 g� D T RECTOR � ��l�i+lT ' . 4� Tr1IdEd1i 7 MAYOR . , .,,],,_ �FAR'1'h�liT DIRECTOR , _S,r.,._., DIRECT4R, ��t�E°8 #i�'E.`�i"�E� » .. 6. . C�'�li ATtORNEY �. CI'f� Cl.ERK • � , ' • `' ...�- 8!l�16Ef DIRECTQR ' . ,.:� �.��s��t���L�n:�f-�s�, Chaj���� . A�sta� .R�o��cT�n (S�'.tP � � L�A7.IS�l.�.E4?B.,1�8Y�4�'�t��� '°.��: , m�ie Mayar's sigriatu�e, sig�i.fying aPP�e>val f��c':su�rni���vri to �auneal� is � ; �equested on the attached reslc�u�iari. ' ` :, . , . _ ; , ., , , :; _ . . � , � . . B�dget monies wil.l be approp�riatEd for th� ��p�ir o� the sh�J��. �cm�itiQn r af Mea�s Park. The uneven edges of st�ps ar�d wa9.,�way�� :a potentiaZ c��se £+or �c+cident� (and city liability? will -?�e repai��d. �E__NAN[I�l . .�w�.TABY AND PF�'dNy 1 „� P(�,ACT�c.�jiGIPA't�S ' $ 5,Ofl0 will be appropriated to the Grc>und� �qa;��ten.���e ac�ivity. fihe , _ funds wi�l�l cca�►e from tMe 5pecified Co�tir�ge�t -��rv�: . Na persoz�nel F�E' s are affected. ° . ,: 1 , ; � , , , :_ Atra�r��rrs E�is�r n�t arsn��rs): . 1, ; rest�lution _ . . . . ' , ' '. ,.2. I,etters from the .Parks Di�i�ion :: ` 3. : Res�rue Status Re�o�t � . t� : @LCSe h¢V.cQtt► n¢C¢bd�t.ty �Ch ¢►1.t o 12,�o ouJtkttl btljl�'R�.Rf� a ` . . tI '�,�R1L�tPJCL-: C'� /�LLCR►t¢tf: —.�. I. Cou,iei.� Reao4r:zi.c�t:Reqwi.tedY gx f�ES N0 i. RCeeX�.tronf : i�F.S NO 2. I�LSUn.a.nce Req�.i,ted? yES XXNO ; Z. i�wwra�tce ��ic�.t►tt.' �FS �;VC' 3. I►aswuu�ce A.tt,actied? YES XXNU � ' `:�fsaon .�t3��t:4%�f82