00-472� OR�GINAL Presented By Referred To RESOLUTION Council File # �� � �{� '� Green Sheet # 102881 CfTY (3F SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 0 Committee: Date 1 Whereas , Council File 277510, dated October 1, 1981, did establish certain Special Fund Policies; and 2 3 Whereas , City Wide Information Services has need to fill an existing FTE that must be funded by fees from 4 the departinents receiving service; and 5 12 13 14 15 '-16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 6 Whereas , With the movement of computer technology into the maintenance area of Public Works, 7 computerltechnology staff is needed to install and support systems that will make Public Works more g competitive; and 9 10 W$ereas , The Public Warks funds have sufficient spending authority to finance these increased 11 e�cpenditures; and Whereas , These increased costs will be paid to City Wide Information Services; and Whereas , The Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify that there are available for appropriation $41,319 in excess of those estimated in the 2000 budget: Public Works Administration Fund - 255 FSnancing Plan Current Sud2et 255 Pubiic Works Administration Ftixnd 12322 Computer Services 4301 Normai Activity Services $454,201 All Other Fund Financing the Same 1 835 197 Total Financing Plan $454 201 � Snendine Plan 255 Public Works Administration F�wd 12322 Gomputer Services 0297 Data Processing Service All Other Fund Spending the Same Total Spending Plan General Fund - 001 F�nancine Plan QOl General F4xnd 02025 Personneland Clerical All Activity Financing the Same Total 02025 �nancing Plan Current Budeet $325,795 1 963 603 $2,259,398 Current Budeet � $� Chan e $41,319 � $41,319 Chan2e $41,319 � $41,319 Chan¢e � $� Revised Budeet $495,520 1 835 197 $2,330,717 Revised Budeet $367,114 1963 603 $2,330,717 Revised Budeet � $a Page 1 of 5 �RIGINAL 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 78 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 9� 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 Spendin¢ Plan 001 General Fund 02025 Personnel and Clerical 0268 Management Services Allocation 0282 Rental of Bldg & Office Space Ali Activity Spending the Same Tota102025 Financing Plan Current Budeet $115,238 $14,807 7 060 $137,105 Public Works Engineering Fund - 205 Financine Plan Current $udeet 205 Public Works Engin.eering Fund All Other Fund F4nancing the Same 6 001 924 Total �nancing Plan $6,001,924 Snending Plan 205 Public Works Engineering Fund 12101 Office Engineering Administration 0268 Management Services Allocation 12110 Capital Planning & Programming 0857 Data Processing Hardware All Other Fund Spending the Same Total Financing Plan Current Budeet $565,697 $284,189 5 152 038 $6,001,924 Street Repair and Cleaning Fund - 225 Financin¢ Plan Current Budeet 225 Street Repair and Cleaning Fund All Other Fund Financing the Same $16,689,076 Total �nancing Plan $16,6&9,076 Suendin� Plan 225 Street Repair and Cleaning Fund 42310 Street Repair & Cleaning Admin. 0268 Management Services Allocation 42312 Outlying Comm. & Art. St. Mtc. 0283 Rental of Vehicles All Other Fund Spending the Same Tota1 F`inancing Plan Current Budeet $564,489 $575,000 $15,549.587 $16,689,076 Page 2 of 5 Chanee $4,417 ($4,417) $0 $0 Chanee � $0 Chan�e $12,214 ($12,214) � $0 Chan�e � $0 Chan e $3,626 ($3,626) � $� Revised Budtet $119,655 $10,390 7 060 $137,105 Revised $udeet 6 001 924 $6,001,924 Revised Sudeet $577,911 $271,975 5 152 038 $6,001,924 Revised Budeet $16.689.076 $16,689,�76 Revised Bud�et $568,115 $571,374 $15,549.587 $16,689,076 oo-��a- i �ORiG1NAL 98 99 100 101 1Q2 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 Solid Waste and Recycling Fund - 232 FSnancin¢ Plan Current Bud¢et 232 Solid Waste & Recycling Fund All Other Fund Financing the Same $2,613,603 Total Financing Plan $2,613,603 Spendine Plan 232 Solid Waste & Recycling Fund 32401 Solid Waste & Recycling 0268 Management Services Allocation 0299 Other Misc. Services All Other Fund Spending the Same Total Financing Plan Current Budeet $12,716 $825 2 600 062 $2,613,603 Itight-Of-Way Management Fund - 235 �nancin� Plan Current BudQet 235 Right-Of-Way Management F�nd All Other F�nd F�nancing the Same 1 746 215 Total Financing Plan $1,746,215 Suendine Plan 235 Right-Of-Way Management Fund 32001 Right-Of-Way 0268 Management Services Allocation 0857 Data Processing Hardwaze All Other �xnd Spending the Same Total Financing Plan Current Bud2et $248,604 $29,700 1467 911 $1,746,215 Traff'ic, Signal & Lighting Maintenance Ftixnd - 240 Financine Plan Current Budeet 240 �affic, Signai & Lighting Maint. Fund All Other Fund F�nancing the Same $7,521.425 Total Financing Plan $7,521425 > Fage 3 of 5 Chan¢e � $0 Chanee $161 ($161) � $0 Chanee � $0 Chanee $5,635 ($5,635) � $0 Chanee � $0 Revised Bud2et 2 613 603 $2,613,603 Revised Bud2et $12,877 $664 2 600 062 $2,613,603 Revised Budeet 1 746 215 $1,746,215 Revised Budeet $254,239 $24,065 1467 911 $1,746,215 Revised Budeet 7 521425 $7,521,425 po -4.? 3. �O�RiG�1NAL 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 Snendine Plan Current Budeet 240 Traffie, Signal & Lighting Maint. Etiind 12005 74-a�c Maintenance - Projects 0268 Management Services Allocation $83,906 0283 Rental of Vehicles $110,000 12006 Signal Maintenance- Projects 0268 Management Services Allocation $83,907 0283 Rental of Vehicles $110,000 12007 Lighting Maintenance - Projects 0268 Management Services Allocation $83,907 0283 Rental of Vehicles $169,727 12009 Traffic Warehouse 0268 Management Services Allocation $83,907 0331 Controllers and Components $182,764 12013 Parking Meter Collection & Maint. 0268 Management Services Allocation $45,000 0857 Data Processing Hardware $40,000 All Other Fund Spending the 8ame $6.528,307 Total Financing Plan $7,521,425 Asphalt Plant Fund - 245 Financine Plan Current Budeet 245 Asphalt Plant F�xnd All Other F�nd Financing the Same $1,615,096 Total Financing Plan $1,615,096 Suendin¢ Plan Current Budeet 245 Asphalt Plant Fund 12201 Asphalt Plant �268 Management Services Allocation $41,362 0279 Other Maintenance & Repair $9,126 All Other Fund Spending the Same $1,564,608 Total Financing Plan $1,615,096 Public Works Equipmeut Fund - 250 �nancin¢ Plan Current Bud¢et 250 Public Works Equipment Fund All Other F�ind FSnancing the Same 5 315 904 Total F`inancing Plan $5,315,904 Page 4 of 5 Chanee $1,312 ($1,312) $1,313 ($1,313) $1,313 ($1,313) $1,313 ($1,313) $704 ($704) � $0 Chan2e � $0 Chan2e $119 ($119) � $0 Chan e � $� Revised Bud2et $85,218 $108,688 $55,220 $108,687 $85,220 $168,414 $85,22� $181,451 $45, 704 $39,296 6 528 307 $7,521,425 Revised Budeet 1 615 096 $1,615,096 Revised Budget $41,481 $9,007 1 564 608 $1,615,096 Revised Budeet 5 315 904 $5,315,9�4 aa-��� ORIGINAL 2�0 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 Snendin¢ Plan 250 Public Works Equipment Fund 12202 Equipment Services 0268 Management Services Allocation 0274 Self Propelled Vehicle Repair All Other Fund Spending the Same Total Financing Plan Sewer Utility Fund - 260 Financine Plan 260 Sewer Utility Fund All Other Fund Financing the Same Total Financing Plan Spendine Plan 260 Sewer Utility Fund 22200 Major Sewer System Obligations 0268 Management Services Aliocation 0544 Payment to Nletro Sewer All Other Fund Spending the Same Total Financing Plan Current Budeet $118,049 $200,000 4 997 855 $5,315,904 Current Bud�et $44292.244 $44,292,244 Current Budeet $473,752 $17,280,000 $26,538,492 $44,292,244 Chanee $1,615 ($1,615) $0 $0 Chanee � $0 Chanee $7,577 ($7,577) � $0 Revised Budeet $119,664 $198,385 4 997.855 $5,315,904 Revised Bud�et $44.292,244 $44,292,244 Revised Budeet $481,329 $17,272,423 $26,538,492 $44,292,244 Now, therefore, be it Resolved , That the City Council adopts the above additions to the 2000 budget. Page 5 of 5 Benanav B a ey Bostrom Coleman Harris Lantry Reiter Yeas Absent Requested by De artment of: Public W } gp des +' �� Approval Recommended by Bu et or: . rj O O Adopted by Council: Date � By: '"� '�doption Certified by Council S� etary Form Ap oved by City Attorney: j y � �, � c �' ��—^" By � u[� � � (j�""` r • � 6 0 �pproved By Mayor: Date �� Z�J Z��Q Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council: �y: � /����Z� By: co-�4�ta� l � �-, �ylt� s�%��2����"" � �EPARI'MEM/OFFICE/COUNQL A1b�1C WOIICS _ CONTACTPEFSON&PHONE Bruce Riebe, 266-6091 MU5f BE ON COUNQL AGENDA BY (DA"f� JATEINITIATED GREEN 03/30l2000 InihaVDate DEPARiMEN(DIFECTOR No. 102881 InNaVDa[e cm couNCa v�— ASSIGN � �,� 5 CRYATTORNEY ❑CT'CIFAK NUlABER WR � ^ ROUTiNG ❑ FlNANCIAISEFVICES�Iq. �/��/—�, \ � FINANCIALSERV/ACCTG V i ❑ MAYOR(ORASSISTANT) � Division Manaoer TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES ❑A M�� (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTON REQUESTED Approve additional spending of $41,319 from various Public Works funds to Information Services an Information Services Employee (System Support Specialist II) which wil] work with Public Works Maintenance Operations to provide Computer/Technological assistance. RECOMMENDATIONSApprove (A} or Re�ec[ (R) PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE _ CINLSEflVICECOMMISSION p Staff PEflSONAL SEFVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. HasthisperSONhrtneverworketlunCeracontrectforihistleperlment� YES NO 2. Hu ihis persorvYirtn ever been a ciry employee? VES NO 3. DoesNispersoNfifmpossessaslullnotnormaltypossesSeCbyanycurrentdtyempWyee? VES NO 4. Isthis perwNfmm a targetetl ventlor? YE$ NO Explain ali yes answeYS on separete sheM and anach W green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE.OPPORTUNRV (WHO. WHAT, WHEN, WHERE. WHYy. With the movement of Computer Technology into the Maintenance azea of Public Works, the need for Computer/Technological help is needed to support and install the systems that Public Works will use now and 'an the future to make ourselves more competiflve. There are over 100 users at Dale Street �ield offices thai aze, or will be using Maintenance Management systems like LMM (Lighting Maint. Management in use for over S+years), F1eet Maint(in use for over a year) and Cost Accounting systems. GIS willlink the Maintenance Management and Cost Accounting systems together to enable CiGzens/Employees to better access and manipulate data. This support person will help train, support and coordinate the integation of Maintenance,/F1eet Management and Cost Accounting systems in the field offices. .;,., k � � .. 9 � � " 3ft �'��������` 1 � . � � :; ` � ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: � Improvements in existing services and additional services to customers (Public Works and citizens). Increased use oF computers in the maintenance azea to improve productivity and better manage resources. Example : Use of Maintenance Management Systems to enable more cost accounting in Public Works. None Computer/T'echnological use will be adversely effected. Integration of Maintenance Management wIll be slowed. FfNANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPLAIN) fOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ 41,319 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE� yES No FUNDING SOURCE E�s[ing Services budge[s in Public Works ACTIVItY NUMBER Vatious � � �,� � OR�GINAL Presented By Referred To RESOLUTION Council File # �� � �{� '� Green Sheet # 102881 CfTY (3F SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 0 Committee: Date 1 Whereas , Council File 277510, dated October 1, 1981, did establish certain Special Fund Policies; and 2 3 Whereas , City Wide Information Services has need to fill an existing FTE that must be funded by fees from 4 the departinents receiving service; and 5 12 13 14 15 '-16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 6 Whereas , With the movement of computer technology into the maintenance area of Public Works, 7 computerltechnology staff is needed to install and support systems that will make Public Works more g competitive; and 9 10 W$ereas , The Public Warks funds have sufficient spending authority to finance these increased 11 e�cpenditures; and Whereas , These increased costs will be paid to City Wide Information Services; and Whereas , The Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify that there are available for appropriation $41,319 in excess of those estimated in the 2000 budget: Public Works Administration Fund - 255 FSnancing Plan Current Sud2et 255 Pubiic Works Administration Ftixnd 12322 Computer Services 4301 Normai Activity Services $454,201 All Other Fund Financing the Same 1 835 197 Total Financing Plan $454 201 � Snendine Plan 255 Public Works Administration F�wd 12322 Gomputer Services 0297 Data Processing Service All Other Fund Spending the Same Total Spending Plan General Fund - 001 F�nancine Plan QOl General F4xnd 02025 Personneland Clerical All Activity Financing the Same Total 02025 �nancing Plan Current Budeet $325,795 1 963 603 $2,259,398 Current Budeet � $� Chan e $41,319 � $41,319 Chan2e $41,319 � $41,319 Chan¢e � $� Revised Budeet $495,520 1 835 197 $2,330,717 Revised Budeet $367,114 1963 603 $2,330,717 Revised Budeet � $a Page 1 of 5 �RIGINAL 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 78 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 9� 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 Spendin¢ Plan 001 General Fund 02025 Personnel and Clerical 0268 Management Services Allocation 0282 Rental of Bldg & Office Space Ali Activity Spending the Same Tota102025 Financing Plan Current Budeet $115,238 $14,807 7 060 $137,105 Public Works Engineering Fund - 205 Financine Plan Current $udeet 205 Public Works Engin.eering Fund All Other Fund F4nancing the Same 6 001 924 Total �nancing Plan $6,001,924 Snending Plan 205 Public Works Engineering Fund 12101 Office Engineering Administration 0268 Management Services Allocation 12110 Capital Planning & Programming 0857 Data Processing Hardware All Other Fund Spending the Same Total Financing Plan Current Budeet $565,697 $284,189 5 152 038 $6,001,924 Street Repair and Cleaning Fund - 225 Financin¢ Plan Current Budeet 225 Street Repair and Cleaning Fund All Other Fund Financing the Same $16,689,076 Total �nancing Plan $16,6&9,076 Suendin� Plan 225 Street Repair and Cleaning Fund 42310 Street Repair & Cleaning Admin. 0268 Management Services Allocation 42312 Outlying Comm. & Art. St. Mtc. 0283 Rental of Vehicles All Other Fund Spending the Same Tota1 F`inancing Plan Current Budeet $564,489 $575,000 $15,549.587 $16,689,076 Page 2 of 5 Chanee $4,417 ($4,417) $0 $0 Chanee � $0 Chan�e $12,214 ($12,214) � $0 Chan�e � $0 Chan e $3,626 ($3,626) � $� Revised Budtet $119,655 $10,390 7 060 $137,105 Revised $udeet 6 001 924 $6,001,924 Revised Sudeet $577,911 $271,975 5 152 038 $6,001,924 Revised Budeet $16.689.076 $16,689,�76 Revised Bud�et $568,115 $571,374 $15,549.587 $16,689,076 oo-��a- i �ORiG1NAL 98 99 100 101 1Q2 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 Solid Waste and Recycling Fund - 232 FSnancin¢ Plan Current Bud¢et 232 Solid Waste & Recycling Fund All Other Fund Financing the Same $2,613,603 Total Financing Plan $2,613,603 Spendine Plan 232 Solid Waste & Recycling Fund 32401 Solid Waste & Recycling 0268 Management Services Allocation 0299 Other Misc. Services All Other Fund Spending the Same Total Financing Plan Current Budeet $12,716 $825 2 600 062 $2,613,603 Itight-Of-Way Management Fund - 235 �nancin� Plan Current BudQet 235 Right-Of-Way Management F�nd All Other F�nd F�nancing the Same 1 746 215 Total Financing Plan $1,746,215 Suendine Plan 235 Right-Of-Way Management Fund 32001 Right-Of-Way 0268 Management Services Allocation 0857 Data Processing Hardwaze All Other �xnd Spending the Same Total Financing Plan Current Bud2et $248,604 $29,700 1467 911 $1,746,215 Traff'ic, Signal & Lighting Maintenance Ftixnd - 240 Financine Plan Current Budeet 240 �affic, Signai & Lighting Maint. Fund All Other Fund F�nancing the Same $7,521.425 Total Financing Plan $7,521425 > Fage 3 of 5 Chan¢e � $0 Chanee $161 ($161) � $0 Chanee � $0 Chanee $5,635 ($5,635) � $0 Chanee � $0 Revised Bud2et 2 613 603 $2,613,603 Revised Bud2et $12,877 $664 2 600 062 $2,613,603 Revised Budeet 1 746 215 $1,746,215 Revised Budeet $254,239 $24,065 1467 911 $1,746,215 Revised Budeet 7 521425 $7,521,425 po -4.? 3. �O�RiG�1NAL 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 Snendine Plan Current Budeet 240 Traffie, Signal & Lighting Maint. Etiind 12005 74-a�c Maintenance - Projects 0268 Management Services Allocation $83,906 0283 Rental of Vehicles $110,000 12006 Signal Maintenance- Projects 0268 Management Services Allocation $83,907 0283 Rental of Vehicles $110,000 12007 Lighting Maintenance - Projects 0268 Management Services Allocation $83,907 0283 Rental of Vehicles $169,727 12009 Traffic Warehouse 0268 Management Services Allocation $83,907 0331 Controllers and Components $182,764 12013 Parking Meter Collection & Maint. 0268 Management Services Allocation $45,000 0857 Data Processing Hardware $40,000 All Other Fund Spending the 8ame $6.528,307 Total Financing Plan $7,521,425 Asphalt Plant Fund - 245 Financine Plan Current Budeet 245 Asphalt Plant F�xnd All Other F�nd Financing the Same $1,615,096 Total Financing Plan $1,615,096 Suendin¢ Plan Current Budeet 245 Asphalt Plant Fund 12201 Asphalt Plant �268 Management Services Allocation $41,362 0279 Other Maintenance & Repair $9,126 All Other Fund Spending the Same $1,564,608 Total Financing Plan $1,615,096 Public Works Equipmeut Fund - 250 �nancin¢ Plan Current Bud¢et 250 Public Works Equipment Fund All Other F�ind FSnancing the Same 5 315 904 Total F`inancing Plan $5,315,904 Page 4 of 5 Chanee $1,312 ($1,312) $1,313 ($1,313) $1,313 ($1,313) $1,313 ($1,313) $704 ($704) � $0 Chan2e � $0 Chan2e $119 ($119) � $0 Chan e � $� Revised Bud2et $85,218 $108,688 $55,220 $108,687 $85,220 $168,414 $85,22� $181,451 $45, 704 $39,296 6 528 307 $7,521,425 Revised Budeet 1 615 096 $1,615,096 Revised Budget $41,481 $9,007 1 564 608 $1,615,096 Revised Budeet 5 315 904 $5,315,9�4 aa-��� ORIGINAL 2�0 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 Snendin¢ Plan 250 Public Works Equipment Fund 12202 Equipment Services 0268 Management Services Allocation 0274 Self Propelled Vehicle Repair All Other Fund Spending the Same Total Financing Plan Sewer Utility Fund - 260 Financine Plan 260 Sewer Utility Fund All Other Fund Financing the Same Total Financing Plan Spendine Plan 260 Sewer Utility Fund 22200 Major Sewer System Obligations 0268 Management Services Aliocation 0544 Payment to Nletro Sewer All Other Fund Spending the Same Total Financing Plan Current Budeet $118,049 $200,000 4 997 855 $5,315,904 Current Bud�et $44292.244 $44,292,244 Current Budeet $473,752 $17,280,000 $26,538,492 $44,292,244 Chanee $1,615 ($1,615) $0 $0 Chanee � $0 Chanee $7,577 ($7,577) � $0 Revised Budeet $119,664 $198,385 4 997.855 $5,315,904 Revised Bud�et $44.292,244 $44,292,244 Revised Budeet $481,329 $17,272,423 $26,538,492 $44,292,244 Now, therefore, be it Resolved , That the City Council adopts the above additions to the 2000 budget. Page 5 of 5 Benanav B a ey Bostrom Coleman Harris Lantry Reiter Yeas Absent Requested by De artment of: Public W } gp des +' �� Approval Recommended by Bu et or: . rj O O Adopted by Council: Date � By: '"� '�doption Certified by Council S� etary Form Ap oved by City Attorney: j y � �, � c �' ��—^" By � u[� � � (j�""` r • � 6 0 �pproved By Mayor: Date �� Z�J Z��Q Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council: �y: � /����Z� By: co-�4�ta� l � �-, �ylt� s�%��2����"" � �EPARI'MEM/OFFICE/COUNQL A1b�1C WOIICS _ CONTACTPEFSON&PHONE Bruce Riebe, 266-6091 MU5f BE ON COUNQL AGENDA BY (DA"f� JATEINITIATED GREEN 03/30l2000 InihaVDate DEPARiMEN(DIFECTOR No. 102881 InNaVDa[e cm couNCa v�— ASSIGN � �,� 5 CRYATTORNEY ❑CT'CIFAK NUlABER WR � ^ ROUTiNG ❑ FlNANCIAISEFVICES�Iq. �/��/—�, \ � FINANCIALSERV/ACCTG V i ❑ MAYOR(ORASSISTANT) � Division Manaoer TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES ❑A M�� (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTON REQUESTED Approve additional spending of $41,319 from various Public Works funds to Information Services an Information Services Employee (System Support Specialist II) which wil] work with Public Works Maintenance Operations to provide Computer/Technological assistance. RECOMMENDATIONSApprove (A} or Re�ec[ (R) PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE _ CINLSEflVICECOMMISSION p Staff PEflSONAL SEFVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. HasthisperSONhrtneverworketlunCeracontrectforihistleperlment� YES NO 2. Hu ihis persorvYirtn ever been a ciry employee? VES NO 3. DoesNispersoNfifmpossessaslullnotnormaltypossesSeCbyanycurrentdtyempWyee? VES NO 4. Isthis perwNfmm a targetetl ventlor? YE$ NO Explain ali yes answeYS on separete sheM and anach W green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE.OPPORTUNRV (WHO. WHAT, WHEN, WHERE. WHYy. With the movement of Computer Technology into the Maintenance azea of Public Works, the need for Computer/Technological help is needed to support and install the systems that Public Works will use now and 'an the future to make ourselves more competiflve. There are over 100 users at Dale Street �ield offices thai aze, or will be using Maintenance Management systems like LMM (Lighting Maint. Management in use for over S+years), F1eet Maint(in use for over a year) and Cost Accounting systems. GIS willlink the Maintenance Management and Cost Accounting systems together to enable CiGzens/Employees to better access and manipulate data. This support person will help train, support and coordinate the integation of Maintenance,/F1eet Management and Cost Accounting systems in the field offices. .;,., k � � .. 9 � � " 3ft �'��������` 1 � . � � :; ` � ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: � Improvements in existing services and additional services to customers (Public Works and citizens). Increased use oF computers in the maintenance azea to improve productivity and better manage resources. Example : Use of Maintenance Management Systems to enable more cost accounting in Public Works. None Computer/T'echnological use will be adversely effected. Integration of Maintenance Management wIll be slowed. FfNANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPLAIN) fOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ 41,319 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE� yES No FUNDING SOURCE E�s[ing Services budge[s in Public Works ACTIVItY NUMBER Vatious � � �,� � OR�GINAL Presented By Referred To RESOLUTION Council File # �� � �{� '� Green Sheet # 102881 CfTY (3F SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 0 Committee: Date 1 Whereas , Council File 277510, dated October 1, 1981, did establish certain Special Fund Policies; and 2 3 Whereas , City Wide Information Services has need to fill an existing FTE that must be funded by fees from 4 the departinents receiving service; and 5 12 13 14 15 '-16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 6 Whereas , With the movement of computer technology into the maintenance area of Public Works, 7 computerltechnology staff is needed to install and support systems that will make Public Works more g competitive; and 9 10 W$ereas , The Public Warks funds have sufficient spending authority to finance these increased 11 e�cpenditures; and Whereas , These increased costs will be paid to City Wide Information Services; and Whereas , The Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify that there are available for appropriation $41,319 in excess of those estimated in the 2000 budget: Public Works Administration Fund - 255 FSnancing Plan Current Sud2et 255 Pubiic Works Administration Ftixnd 12322 Computer Services 4301 Normai Activity Services $454,201 All Other Fund Financing the Same 1 835 197 Total Financing Plan $454 201 � Snendine Plan 255 Public Works Administration F�wd 12322 Gomputer Services 0297 Data Processing Service All Other Fund Spending the Same Total Spending Plan General Fund - 001 F�nancine Plan QOl General F4xnd 02025 Personneland Clerical All Activity Financing the Same Total 02025 �nancing Plan Current Budeet $325,795 1 963 603 $2,259,398 Current Budeet � $� Chan e $41,319 � $41,319 Chan2e $41,319 � $41,319 Chan¢e � $� Revised Budeet $495,520 1 835 197 $2,330,717 Revised Budeet $367,114 1963 603 $2,330,717 Revised Budeet � $a Page 1 of 5 �RIGINAL 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 78 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 9� 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 Spendin¢ Plan 001 General Fund 02025 Personnel and Clerical 0268 Management Services Allocation 0282 Rental of Bldg & Office Space Ali Activity Spending the Same Tota102025 Financing Plan Current Budeet $115,238 $14,807 7 060 $137,105 Public Works Engineering Fund - 205 Financine Plan Current $udeet 205 Public Works Engin.eering Fund All Other Fund F4nancing the Same 6 001 924 Total �nancing Plan $6,001,924 Snending Plan 205 Public Works Engineering Fund 12101 Office Engineering Administration 0268 Management Services Allocation 12110 Capital Planning & Programming 0857 Data Processing Hardware All Other Fund Spending the Same Total Financing Plan Current Budeet $565,697 $284,189 5 152 038 $6,001,924 Street Repair and Cleaning Fund - 225 Financin¢ Plan Current Budeet 225 Street Repair and Cleaning Fund All Other Fund Financing the Same $16,689,076 Total �nancing Plan $16,6&9,076 Suendin� Plan 225 Street Repair and Cleaning Fund 42310 Street Repair & Cleaning Admin. 0268 Management Services Allocation 42312 Outlying Comm. & Art. St. Mtc. 0283 Rental of Vehicles All Other Fund Spending the Same Tota1 F`inancing Plan Current Budeet $564,489 $575,000 $15,549.587 $16,689,076 Page 2 of 5 Chanee $4,417 ($4,417) $0 $0 Chanee � $0 Chan�e $12,214 ($12,214) � $0 Chan�e � $0 Chan e $3,626 ($3,626) � $� Revised Budtet $119,655 $10,390 7 060 $137,105 Revised $udeet 6 001 924 $6,001,924 Revised Sudeet $577,911 $271,975 5 152 038 $6,001,924 Revised Budeet $16.689.076 $16,689,�76 Revised Bud�et $568,115 $571,374 $15,549.587 $16,689,076 oo-��a- i �ORiG1NAL 98 99 100 101 1Q2 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 Solid Waste and Recycling Fund - 232 FSnancin¢ Plan Current Bud¢et 232 Solid Waste & Recycling Fund All Other Fund Financing the Same $2,613,603 Total Financing Plan $2,613,603 Spendine Plan 232 Solid Waste & Recycling Fund 32401 Solid Waste & Recycling 0268 Management Services Allocation 0299 Other Misc. Services All Other Fund Spending the Same Total Financing Plan Current Budeet $12,716 $825 2 600 062 $2,613,603 Itight-Of-Way Management Fund - 235 �nancin� Plan Current BudQet 235 Right-Of-Way Management F�nd All Other F�nd F�nancing the Same 1 746 215 Total Financing Plan $1,746,215 Suendine Plan 235 Right-Of-Way Management Fund 32001 Right-Of-Way 0268 Management Services Allocation 0857 Data Processing Hardwaze All Other �xnd Spending the Same Total Financing Plan Current Bud2et $248,604 $29,700 1467 911 $1,746,215 Traff'ic, Signal & Lighting Maintenance Ftixnd - 240 Financine Plan Current Budeet 240 �affic, Signai & Lighting Maint. Fund All Other Fund F�nancing the Same $7,521.425 Total Financing Plan $7,521425 > Fage 3 of 5 Chan¢e � $0 Chanee $161 ($161) � $0 Chanee � $0 Chanee $5,635 ($5,635) � $0 Chanee � $0 Revised Bud2et 2 613 603 $2,613,603 Revised Bud2et $12,877 $664 2 600 062 $2,613,603 Revised Budeet 1 746 215 $1,746,215 Revised Budeet $254,239 $24,065 1467 911 $1,746,215 Revised Budeet 7 521425 $7,521,425 po -4.? 3. �O�RiG�1NAL 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 Snendine Plan Current Budeet 240 Traffie, Signal & Lighting Maint. Etiind 12005 74-a�c Maintenance - Projects 0268 Management Services Allocation $83,906 0283 Rental of Vehicles $110,000 12006 Signal Maintenance- Projects 0268 Management Services Allocation $83,907 0283 Rental of Vehicles $110,000 12007 Lighting Maintenance - Projects 0268 Management Services Allocation $83,907 0283 Rental of Vehicles $169,727 12009 Traffic Warehouse 0268 Management Services Allocation $83,907 0331 Controllers and Components $182,764 12013 Parking Meter Collection & Maint. 0268 Management Services Allocation $45,000 0857 Data Processing Hardware $40,000 All Other Fund Spending the 8ame $6.528,307 Total Financing Plan $7,521,425 Asphalt Plant Fund - 245 Financine Plan Current Budeet 245 Asphalt Plant F�xnd All Other F�nd Financing the Same $1,615,096 Total Financing Plan $1,615,096 Suendin¢ Plan Current Budeet 245 Asphalt Plant Fund 12201 Asphalt Plant �268 Management Services Allocation $41,362 0279 Other Maintenance & Repair $9,126 All Other Fund Spending the Same $1,564,608 Total Financing Plan $1,615,096 Public Works Equipmeut Fund - 250 �nancin¢ Plan Current Bud¢et 250 Public Works Equipment Fund All Other F�ind FSnancing the Same 5 315 904 Total F`inancing Plan $5,315,904 Page 4 of 5 Chanee $1,312 ($1,312) $1,313 ($1,313) $1,313 ($1,313) $1,313 ($1,313) $704 ($704) � $0 Chan2e � $0 Chan2e $119 ($119) � $0 Chan e � $� Revised Bud2et $85,218 $108,688 $55,220 $108,687 $85,220 $168,414 $85,22� $181,451 $45, 704 $39,296 6 528 307 $7,521,425 Revised Budeet 1 615 096 $1,615,096 Revised Budget $41,481 $9,007 1 564 608 $1,615,096 Revised Budeet 5 315 904 $5,315,9�4 aa-��� ORIGINAL 2�0 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 Snendin¢ Plan 250 Public Works Equipment Fund 12202 Equipment Services 0268 Management Services Allocation 0274 Self Propelled Vehicle Repair All Other Fund Spending the Same Total Financing Plan Sewer Utility Fund - 260 Financine Plan 260 Sewer Utility Fund All Other Fund Financing the Same Total Financing Plan Spendine Plan 260 Sewer Utility Fund 22200 Major Sewer System Obligations 0268 Management Services Aliocation 0544 Payment to Nletro Sewer All Other Fund Spending the Same Total Financing Plan Current Budeet $118,049 $200,000 4 997 855 $5,315,904 Current Bud�et $44292.244 $44,292,244 Current Budeet $473,752 $17,280,000 $26,538,492 $44,292,244 Chanee $1,615 ($1,615) $0 $0 Chanee � $0 Chanee $7,577 ($7,577) � $0 Revised Budeet $119,664 $198,385 4 997.855 $5,315,904 Revised Bud�et $44.292,244 $44,292,244 Revised Budeet $481,329 $17,272,423 $26,538,492 $44,292,244 Now, therefore, be it Resolved , That the City Council adopts the above additions to the 2000 budget. Page 5 of 5 Benanav B a ey Bostrom Coleman Harris Lantry Reiter Yeas Absent Requested by De artment of: Public W } gp des +' �� Approval Recommended by Bu et or: . rj O O Adopted by Council: Date � By: '"� '�doption Certified by Council S� etary Form Ap oved by City Attorney: j y � �, � c �' ��—^" By � u[� � � (j�""` r • � 6 0 �pproved By Mayor: Date �� Z�J Z��Q Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council: �y: � /����Z� By: co-�4�ta� l � �-, �ylt� s�%��2����"" � �EPARI'MEM/OFFICE/COUNQL A1b�1C WOIICS _ CONTACTPEFSON&PHONE Bruce Riebe, 266-6091 MU5f BE ON COUNQL AGENDA BY (DA"f� JATEINITIATED GREEN 03/30l2000 InihaVDate DEPARiMEN(DIFECTOR No. 102881 InNaVDa[e cm couNCa v�— ASSIGN � �,� 5 CRYATTORNEY ❑CT'CIFAK NUlABER WR � ^ ROUTiNG ❑ FlNANCIAISEFVICES�Iq. �/��/—�, \ � FINANCIALSERV/ACCTG V i ❑ MAYOR(ORASSISTANT) � Division Manaoer TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES ❑A M�� (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTON REQUESTED Approve additional spending of $41,319 from various Public Works funds to Information Services an Information Services Employee (System Support Specialist II) which wil] work with Public Works Maintenance Operations to provide Computer/Technological assistance. RECOMMENDATIONSApprove (A} or Re�ec[ (R) PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE _ CINLSEflVICECOMMISSION p Staff PEflSONAL SEFVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. HasthisperSONhrtneverworketlunCeracontrectforihistleperlment� YES NO 2. Hu ihis persorvYirtn ever been a ciry employee? VES NO 3. DoesNispersoNfifmpossessaslullnotnormaltypossesSeCbyanycurrentdtyempWyee? VES NO 4. Isthis perwNfmm a targetetl ventlor? YE$ NO Explain ali yes answeYS on separete sheM and anach W green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE.OPPORTUNRV (WHO. WHAT, WHEN, WHERE. WHYy. With the movement of Computer Technology into the Maintenance azea of Public Works, the need for Computer/Technological help is needed to support and install the systems that Public Works will use now and 'an the future to make ourselves more competiflve. There are over 100 users at Dale Street �ield offices thai aze, or will be using Maintenance Management systems like LMM (Lighting Maint. Management in use for over S+years), F1eet Maint(in use for over a year) and Cost Accounting systems. GIS willlink the Maintenance Management and Cost Accounting systems together to enable CiGzens/Employees to better access and manipulate data. This support person will help train, support and coordinate the integation of Maintenance,/F1eet Management and Cost Accounting systems in the field offices. .;,., k � � .. 9 � � " 3ft �'��������` 1 � . � � :; ` � ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: � Improvements in existing services and additional services to customers (Public Works and citizens). Increased use oF computers in the maintenance azea to improve productivity and better manage resources. Example : Use of Maintenance Management Systems to enable more cost accounting in Public Works. None Computer/T'echnological use will be adversely effected. Integration of Maintenance Management wIll be slowed. FfNANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPLAIN) fOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ 41,319 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE� yES No FUNDING SOURCE E�s[ing Services budge[s in Public Works ACTIVItY NUMBER Vatious � � �,�