278703 WHITE � - CITY CLERK � PINK - FINANCE ^ TT ���� CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I T Y `J F S A I N T �� �} L COUIICII BLUE - MAYOR Community Develop nt File N . ouncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that upon the recommendation of th.e M�yor and the Council Corr�nittee on Finance, Management and Per�onnel , the Council of the City of S�. Paul does hereby approve the following tran�fer of Community Dev�1opment B1ock Gran�C Years V� and VTI funds; and 6e it FURTHER RESOLVEQ, that the budgets pravided by the City to the Housing and Redeve1opment Authority fo.r imp1ementation of a portion of the City"s Community Development Block Grant Years VT and UTT are hereby revised as indicated be1ow: CURRENT INCREASE REVISED pROJECT T�TLE BUDGET (DECREASE) BUDGET CD Year VT ZTA Acquisitions $ 300,000 ($300,000) -0- Transfer tv CD Year VII 300,000 CD Year VII NHS Revolving Fund $ 150,000 $300,000 $450,000 Transfer from CD Year V� 300,000 (300,000) . -0- NDP Program Income 400,000 (400,000) Unspecified Contingency 413,021 150,000 56�,021 TOTALS $1,263,021 $(250,000) $1,0],3,021 Transfer to CD VIII $250,000 Entitlement � _ _ � ApproY : irec or of Budget Approved: Director of Finance & Management Gre Blees COUNC[LMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays � Hunt in nd Economic Develo ment .�uao- � [n Favor /� Maddox ��/ // McMahon �� snoweite� - __ Against BY �`- Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date MpY � 8 ��2 Form Approv by City Attorney Certified as_ y nci , re BY � �� Bl'. w Appr e y ;14avor. Dat _b Appr v y Mayor for Su ion to Council By �'VCJ _ BY PUB��SHED MAY 2 9 1982 � � . � � � HOl�StHG QND REDEVELOPNf�NT AUTHOR�TY OF THE C1TY 0� SAtNT PAUL, �fINI��S�TI� . . - — �����`� REPORT TO THE COMMISSIONERS DATE APri13o, I�82 . REGA�DING VACANT STRUCTURES IN NHS AREAS ' � ' ,� • 'The Housing Division of the Department of Planning and Econoeni� Development has beeri working with th� Dayton's Bluff and West Side Neighborhood Hausirtig Services Companie� to develop an affordable financing mechanism by which vacant �esidential structures in thase� areas could be rehabilitated and re-occupied. � � � . These properties are considered eyesores and impediments to continued revitatization. 'They . aiso represent health and safety hazards to the sucrounding ,neig,hbor�. - 'i'he propasal first entails appraisals that would be conducted on the homes for which there are willing sellers. The use of the HRA Tax Levy Fund would th�n be considered for us� in possible optioning of the structures. These options would be assigned to quaiifi.ed bui�ders/devel'ap�rs, .identified by the NHSs, who would commit to purchasing and rehabilitating the �truct�res, and selling it to qualified purchasers under the Vfinneapolis/St. Paui Family Housing Program. - To reduce the high cost of interim financing and thus increase the affordability ta the end purchaser, staff proposes to transfer up to $300,000 in ITA Acquisi�Ion �xom CDBG Funds to the NHS Revoiving Loan Fund, for the purpose of providing short term, !ow interes� canstruc�i�r, loans to the qualifaed builders/developers. A fee wovld be chargeci to the builders/developers� to cover 'the administrative cost incurred in this transaction> The Ioans would be secured � - by a promissory note and woutd contain a call provision of December 3!, I982. }3uilders/devetc�p�rs would stil! be required to obtain financing for the acquisition of the property eiYher throu�h a private.lender or through other means. Repayment of ihe ITA ioan would occur upon completi�n. of the improvements and final closing of the Family Housing mactgage� . PED has set aside a sufficient amount of funds already to cover �nticipated ITA �cquisitions °�.hat are reasonably expected to take place in 1982. This set-aside would not interfer with those pro}ects. This report is for informationa! purposes. The matter will be presented ta the CIB Gomrnittee nr,r�l tF,o (`itv C`n��nril fnr �nnrnva) in U�v_ - � �n �- pc. � �8a — 76_ .. ' ` F�:/C7��� Rev01: 9/8/76�5 Rev. : 5/7/80 EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATIVF ORDERS, Rev. : 4/30/81 RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES �,� ��, � � .. Qate: May 3, 19s2 RECEIV�� ��.�,���� �..., �,�,,.�... MAY 5 — 1g82 �r.,; �;� '��- Y , �' ��:..:> � ; T0: Mayor George La�imer MAYORS OFFICE K 's�-` ``� �` � L:-; ;�E.N�, � FROM: Wi 11 i am Q. Patton`�/�(D'' _ .�'�' �� R�; Budget Amendments in CD Years VI and VII RECEIVED ACTION REQUESTED: MAY 41qf� CITY ATTORNEY P�JRPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR TNIS ACTION: The approval of this Resolution will : � , l. Provide an 8 month loan of $300,000 from the ITA Acquisition Fund for the purpose of providing rehabilitation financing for vacant structures within the approved Neighborhood Housing Services (NHS) areas. For more specific detail , please see attached HRA Board Report. 2. Recognize $400,000 in Program Income received as proceeds from the sale of NDP land. $150,000 will be placed in the CD Year VII unspecified Contingency, • and $250,000 will be used as a revenue source to finance the City's CDBG Year VIII Program. F�NANCIAL I�+IPACT: � Sufficient CDBG funds are available and eligible for the above uses. � ATTACHMENTS: /QFC�/L Proposed Council Resolution p �q tcQ HRA Board Report �OFpq/CFOF y�s � O RI�T,� T,S, �� --� �29 Fiyr F p� c�MFNT F�Nqti�R SFR��FS