00-470Council File # �O - 4�n 4RIGINAL Presented Sy Referred To Committee: Date . 1 WHEREAS, the Ciry of Saint Paul periodically negotiates wages and fringe benefits with 2 those City employees who are represented by exclusive bargaining representatives; and 3 WHEREAS, the City periodically establishes wages and fringe benefits, or adjust the 4 established wages and fringe benefits of the City's non-represented management and legislative 5 personnel of the City of 5aint Paul; and 6 WHEREAS, it would be beneficial to the City as a whole, and to hamlonious employment 7 relationships, that the fringe benefits of the Ciry's non-represented management and legislative 8 personnel be more clearly defined; now therefore, be it 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 RESOLVED, that the fringe benefits, and the City continuation for such benefits, granted to the City's non-represented management and legislative personnel pursuant to the resolufion under C. F. No. 272557, as amended by resolutions under C. F. Nos. 89-2281, 90-677, 91-312, 93-1064, 93-1923, and 96-187 be amended by the attached policy by inclusion; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force after its passage, approval and publication. Requested by Depaztmenc of: Adapted by Council: Date �p Porm Apgroved by Ci Attomey: Adopdon Certified by Council Secre By: �� �p "`° \�(/ S� (o o�% By: `--� \ 3- R..�.� � 1 Y roved ayor for S�bmiss n �t Council: Appioved yb Mayor: Date ���j} By: <=�%�"(/� f�G�u �': Green Sheet # \���� RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MiNNESOTA By: Apptoval Recommended by Pinancial Services Dixector: oo_��o Revised , Mav 1. 2000 WAGE AND BENEFIT POLICY FOR NONREPRESENTED MANAGEMENT AND LEGISLATiVE PERSONNEL Risk ' Management Division �-59 240 City HaII 15 West Kellogg Soulevard St Paul MN 55'102 i6511 266-8880 WAGE AND BENEFIT POLICY 00 -v�to This policy for nonrepresented management personnel shall apply to employees with the foflowing titles which are not represented by a certified bargaining unit: Administrative Assistant Administrative Assistant--Public Works Administrative Manager Affirmative Action Director Assistant Director of Human Resources Assistant Fire Chief Assistant to the Mayor I Assistant to the Mayor II Assistant to the Mayor III Assistant to the Mayor IV Assistant to the Mayor V Assistant to the Mayor VI Budget Director Chief Internal Auditor Chief of Police Citizen Service Program Director City Attorney City Clerk and Commissioner of Regist�ation Council Fiscal Policy Director Council Investigation and Research Center Director Deputy Chief of Police Deauri Mavor Director, Department of finanee Technoloqv and Management Services Director, Financial Services Director, Human Riqhts Director, LIEP Director, Planning and Economic Development Director, Department of Public Works Employee Benefits Manager Energy Conservation Specialist Executive Assistant to the Mayor Executive Director, Civic Center Financial Analyst Fire Chief General Manager, Water Utility Human Resources and Management Systems Analyst Human Resources Director Human Resources Manager Human Resources Senior ConsUitant Manaqer Human Resources Soecialist I Human Resources Specialist ll Human Resources Specialist III Human Resources Specialist IV Labor Relations Director Labor Relations Manager La6or Relations Soecialist Legislative Aide Librarv Director Management Assistant III idtanagir�g Director, Civic Center Mavor's Chief of Staff -1- Parks and Recreation Director Policy Analyst Program Administrator Project Manager IV, Public Works Research Anafvstl Research Anaiyst IV Risk Manager Safety/ADA Coordinator Secretary to the Mayor Senior Consultant Soecial Events Coordinator Systems and Organizational Development Specialist Training and Development Manager CAFETERIA PLAN 0 0 - �t'1 O 1lnder the Cafeteria Plan, the empfoyee's se4ection will be limited to the insurance plans offered by the employer, and the employee musi select at least single coverage hospital/medical insurance, dental insurance, and employee life insurance in an amount equal to one-and-one-half (1.5) times the employee's salary. For the purpose of this seiection, the empioyee's annuai saiary shall be based on the salary as of the first day of the first payroll period in each fiscal year. Beginning with the July 1996 premium payments, the employer's direct contribution for benetits wili be increased to 100% of the premium cost for those selecting single health coverage, an additional 70°h ofi the dependent health premium for those seiecting family coverage, and 100% of the life insurance premium cost for an amount of coverage equaling one-and-one-half (1.5) times the employee's annual salary. The employer's direct contribution will be applied to tfie benefit premium costs before the employee's contribution to the benefit premium costs under the Cafeteria Plan. S(CK LEAVE--DISABILITY INSURANCE The provisions of the Civii Service Rules pertaining to the accumulation and use of sick leave cred'+ts shall not apply to employees covered by this policy. In lieu of the sick leave provisions of the Civii Service Rules, such employees shaii be eligible for six (6) discretionary days off with pay in each fiscal year. The maximum number of accumulated discretionary days which may be given in any fiscal year shall be twenty-one (21}, of whicfi fifteen (15) wiil be defined as disability bridge days. Disability bridge days can be used only after three (3) consecutive days of absence due to iilness or injury. In addition to the discretionary days, the employer will provide for the employee short-term and long-term disability coverage. Empioyees returning to or accepting an appointment to a title not covered by the policy sfiafl be covered by the sick leave provisions applicable to that title upon appointment to such title. Any previously accumulated sick leave baiance shall be restored upon such appointment. VACATION Employees covered by this policy shall be eligible for paid vacation as foliows: YEARS OF SERVICE 1 through 8 years 9 through 15 years 16 years and thereafter # OF VACATION DAYS 15 days 20 days 25 days S� 00-4�0 WAGES , . Effective January 1, 1996 and thereafter, the level of increase, or decrease, to salary rates appiicable to titles covered by this policy shall be adjusted to refiect the average wage increase, or decrease, included in the agreements of the City's five largest bargaining units. EMPLOYER TERMlNAT10N PROGRAM Employees appointed to a title covered by this policy shall be eligible for a lump sum payment in the event their employment is terminated by the employer and the employee is completely separated from City employment. An employee covered by this policy, not electing to return to a previously held City position, is eligible under this policy. This amount of payment for employees holding unclassified titles shall be equal to two weeks pay for each year of service in a title covered by the policy. However, this amount shall not exceed twelve (12) weeks pay. Unclassified emolovees who could return to a previouslv held classified oosition and classified emolovees shall be eliqible for a severance oav oroaram if s/he meets the followina repuirements• The emolovee must be voluntarilv seoarated from Citv emAtovment or have been subiect to seoaration bv Iav-off or comoulsorv retirement. The emolovee must file a waiver of re-emolovment with the Citv which will cleariv state that bv reauestinq severance oav the emolovee waives all claims to reinstatement or re-emolovment with the Citv. The lump sum payment for classified employees covered by this po�icy is based on years of service with the City: YEARS OF SERVICE AMOUNT 15 S 8,000 25 S 10,000 For the ourpose of this severance proaram a death of an emolovee shall be considered as se�aration of emolovment and if the emplovee would have met all of the reauirements set forth above at the time of his or her death, oavment ofi the severance pav mav be made to the emolovee's estate or soouse The manner of oavment of severance in amounts of ten thousand dollars lS10 000) or fess shal! be made in accordance with the provisions of Citv Ordi�ance No. 1149�. This severance oav qroqram shall be subiect to and qoverned bv the nrovisions of Citv Ordinance No. 11490 except in those cases where the specitic orovisions of this article conflict with said Ordinance and in such cases, the provisions of this article shall control. Employees who are terminated for cause, misconduct, or any other disciplinary reason shall �ot be eligible for any payment under this employer termination program. This employer termination program replaces any existing severance pay plans currently applica6le to employees covered by this poficy. Employees returning to, or accepting an appointment to, a title not covered by this policy shall be covered by the severance pay plan applicable to that title and shall not be eligible for any payment �C� 00-4� under this employer termination program. In addition, anv Police or Fire �on-reoresented emolovee seoarated from Citv emolovment who has accumulated balance oF at Ieast one thousand eiqht hundred fiftv f1.850) hours of sick leave credits and at least twentv-five (251 vears ot service at the time of his/her se�aretion from service shall 6e qranted severance oav in the amount of thirtv thousand doliars !$3�.0001. The manner of oavment of such severance oav shall be made in three consecutive annual �avments of ten thousand dollars 1S10.0�01 each. The annua! oavments shall be made in FeBruacv of each year. The first pavment sha11 be made durina the month of Februarv in the vear fiollowina the vear in which the emolavee separates his/her emoiovment. Sick leave reouirements wilt be reduced bv 2% for each fufl vear of Ciri service served under the non-re�resented benefit oackaae and aro-rated for oartial vears. RETIREE INSURANCE To be eliqible for Citv contribution to certain health and fife insurence benefits, the emolovee must meet the followina conditions: ♦ Be receivina benefits from a Pubfic Emolovee Retirement Act coverinq emolovees of the Citv of Saint Paul at the time of retirement. ♦ Have severed hislher relations with the Citv under one of the retiree olans. � Have comoleted at least 20 vears of service with ihe Citv of Saint Paul or be receivinq a disabiliri oension refated to the Citv of Sai�t Paul. f Elect to participate in the City's health and life i�surance pfarts proqram. A retiree's participation in the City's health and life insurance plan must be continuous. If an eligi6le employee chooses not to participate at the time of his/her retireme�t, or if a retiree discontinues his/her participation, such reYiree wi41 not be eligible for any future participation in the City's health plans or for any City contribution. Earlv Retirees: Emolovees hired orior to Januarv 1. 1990 who meet the above reauirements will be eliaible to receive an emolover contribution to the health care oremium to a maximum of 5350 oer �'� montfi until such earlv retiree becomes eliqible for Medicare. oo-��o Emolovees hired on/after Januarv 1. 1990 who meet the above reauirements will be eliaible to receive an emotoves contribution to the health care oremium to a maximum of 5300 oer month until such earlv retiree 6ecomes eliaibie for Medicare. Reaular Reiirees: Emolovees hired orior to .lanuarv 1. 1990 who meet the ahove reauireme�ts and are eliaible for Medicare will be eliaible to receive an emolover contribution to the health care �remium to a maximum ofi 5550 oer month. Em�lovees hired on/after Januarv 1. 1990 who meet the above reauirements and are eliaible for Medicare will be eliaible to receive an emolover contribution to the heaith care oremium to a maximum of 5300 oer month. EARLY RETIREE LIFE iNSURANCE The employer will contribute the cost of $5,000 of life insurance coverage for such eariy retirees who quatify for health benefits untit the early retiree reaches age sixty-five (65), at which time the life insurance coverage shali terminate. SURVIVOR HEALTH BENEFI7S The surviving spouse and/or dependent of an employee covered by this policy carrying family coverage at the time of his/her death due to a job connected injury or iliness which was determined to arise out of, and in the course of, his/her employment under workers' compensation law shali continue to be eligible for City contribution toward the City's health insurence plan in the same proportion as is provided for employees under this policy. At age sixty-five (65) the City's contribution will be in the same proportion as is provided to retirees under this policy. In the event of the death of a retiree who is participating in the City's health insurance program, the surviving spouse or dependent of the deceased may continue to participate in the City's health insurance plan at their own cost. Eligibility to continue to participate shall terminate once such spouse remarries or becomes eligible for group health insurance through an employer. Eligibility to continue to participate shail terminate when such dependent fails to meet the definition of dependent in the City's health insurance plan or becomes eligible for group health insurance through an employer. �.'� owre wmntm 5-3-00 i� TOTAL � OF SIGNATURE PAGES + PLANNING COMMISSION CIB CAMMITTEE CML SERVICE COMMISSION Certain non-Tepresented personnel who have been members of a bargaining unit may be required to return to a position represented by the bargaining unit for as little time as one day in order to receive the benefit package they would be eligible for. Provides the same level of benefits for certain non-represented personnel if they eetire in a non-represented position that they would have received if they had retired from a previously held represented position vdhich they have the right to return to. f'�4�°�?G� �i�S�-^c�..f{;�; �r�Ylt�i None. GREEN SHEET m�e�rowccra�e ❑ CIfYAiTOqEY ❑ pIYCIFAK ❑ AYNOI1LfEIMCFiGN. ❑ qNMWlfF1Yl�CRC ❑MYCII�ORb�iM{i) ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� 250NAL SERVICE CONiRACfS MUSTANSWERTHE FOLLOWING Q tias this ce��rm erer warked under a wntract tor thie depammeM? YES NO Has this oneoMrm ever been a aty emPbYee9 YES NO Does this P��m D� a slall not iwrma�NP�s�ee0 bY any curteM city employee7 YES NO Is M(s peisonlfiml e targetetl �xiMoY7 YES NO ao -4'10 No 103109 rn'r cauci . COST/REVENUE 9UDGETED (CIRCLE ON� YES NO SOURCE ACTIVRY NUTABER INFOftMATON (IXPWt� Council File # �O - 4�n 4RIGINAL Presented Sy Referred To Committee: Date . 1 WHEREAS, the Ciry of Saint Paul periodically negotiates wages and fringe benefits with 2 those City employees who are represented by exclusive bargaining representatives; and 3 WHEREAS, the City periodically establishes wages and fringe benefits, or adjust the 4 established wages and fringe benefits of the City's non-represented management and legislative 5 personnel of the City of 5aint Paul; and 6 WHEREAS, it would be beneficial to the City as a whole, and to hamlonious employment 7 relationships, that the fringe benefits of the Ciry's non-represented management and legislative 8 personnel be more clearly defined; now therefore, be it 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 RESOLVED, that the fringe benefits, and the City continuation for such benefits, granted to the City's non-represented management and legislative personnel pursuant to the resolufion under C. F. No. 272557, as amended by resolutions under C. F. Nos. 89-2281, 90-677, 91-312, 93-1064, 93-1923, and 96-187 be amended by the attached policy by inclusion; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force after its passage, approval and publication. Requested by Depaztmenc of: Adapted by Council: Date �p Porm Apgroved by Ci Attomey: Adopdon Certified by Council Secre By: �� �p "`° \�(/ S� (o o�% By: `--� \ 3- R..�.� � 1 Y roved ayor for S�bmiss n �t Council: Appioved yb Mayor: Date ���j} By: <=�%�"(/� f�G�u �': Green Sheet # \���� RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MiNNESOTA By: Apptoval Recommended by Pinancial Services Dixector: oo_��o Revised , Mav 1. 2000 WAGE AND BENEFIT POLICY FOR NONREPRESENTED MANAGEMENT AND LEGISLATiVE PERSONNEL Risk ' Management Division �-59 240 City HaII 15 West Kellogg Soulevard St Paul MN 55'102 i6511 266-8880 WAGE AND BENEFIT POLICY 00 -v�to This policy for nonrepresented management personnel shall apply to employees with the foflowing titles which are not represented by a certified bargaining unit: Administrative Assistant Administrative Assistant--Public Works Administrative Manager Affirmative Action Director Assistant Director of Human Resources Assistant Fire Chief Assistant to the Mayor I Assistant to the Mayor II Assistant to the Mayor III Assistant to the Mayor IV Assistant to the Mayor V Assistant to the Mayor VI Budget Director Chief Internal Auditor Chief of Police Citizen Service Program Director City Attorney City Clerk and Commissioner of Regist�ation Council Fiscal Policy Director Council Investigation and Research Center Director Deputy Chief of Police Deauri Mavor Director, Department of finanee Technoloqv and Management Services Director, Financial Services Director, Human Riqhts Director, LIEP Director, Planning and Economic Development Director, Department of Public Works Employee Benefits Manager Energy Conservation Specialist Executive Assistant to the Mayor Executive Director, Civic Center Financial Analyst Fire Chief General Manager, Water Utility Human Resources and Management Systems Analyst Human Resources Director Human Resources Manager Human Resources Senior ConsUitant Manaqer Human Resources Soecialist I Human Resources Specialist ll Human Resources Specialist III Human Resources Specialist IV Labor Relations Director Labor Relations Manager La6or Relations Soecialist Legislative Aide Librarv Director Management Assistant III idtanagir�g Director, Civic Center Mavor's Chief of Staff -1- Parks and Recreation Director Policy Analyst Program Administrator Project Manager IV, Public Works Research Anafvstl Research Anaiyst IV Risk Manager Safety/ADA Coordinator Secretary to the Mayor Senior Consultant Soecial Events Coordinator Systems and Organizational Development Specialist Training and Development Manager CAFETERIA PLAN 0 0 - �t'1 O 1lnder the Cafeteria Plan, the empfoyee's se4ection will be limited to the insurance plans offered by the employer, and the employee musi select at least single coverage hospital/medical insurance, dental insurance, and employee life insurance in an amount equal to one-and-one-half (1.5) times the employee's salary. For the purpose of this seiection, the empioyee's annuai saiary shall be based on the salary as of the first day of the first payroll period in each fiscal year. Beginning with the July 1996 premium payments, the employer's direct contribution for benetits wili be increased to 100% of the premium cost for those selecting single health coverage, an additional 70°h ofi the dependent health premium for those seiecting family coverage, and 100% of the life insurance premium cost for an amount of coverage equaling one-and-one-half (1.5) times the employee's annual salary. The employer's direct contribution will be applied to tfie benefit premium costs before the employee's contribution to the benefit premium costs under the Cafeteria Plan. S(CK LEAVE--DISABILITY INSURANCE The provisions of the Civii Service Rules pertaining to the accumulation and use of sick leave cred'+ts shall not apply to employees covered by this policy. In lieu of the sick leave provisions of the Civii Service Rules, such employees shaii be eligible for six (6) discretionary days off with pay in each fiscal year. The maximum number of accumulated discretionary days which may be given in any fiscal year shall be twenty-one (21}, of whicfi fifteen (15) wiil be defined as disability bridge days. Disability bridge days can be used only after three (3) consecutive days of absence due to iilness or injury. In addition to the discretionary days, the employer will provide for the employee short-term and long-term disability coverage. Empioyees returning to or accepting an appointment to a title not covered by the policy sfiafl be covered by the sick leave provisions applicable to that title upon appointment to such title. Any previously accumulated sick leave baiance shall be restored upon such appointment. VACATION Employees covered by this policy shall be eligible for paid vacation as foliows: YEARS OF SERVICE 1 through 8 years 9 through 15 years 16 years and thereafter # OF VACATION DAYS 15 days 20 days 25 days S� 00-4�0 WAGES , . Effective January 1, 1996 and thereafter, the level of increase, or decrease, to salary rates appiicable to titles covered by this policy shall be adjusted to refiect the average wage increase, or decrease, included in the agreements of the City's five largest bargaining units. EMPLOYER TERMlNAT10N PROGRAM Employees appointed to a title covered by this policy shall be eligible for a lump sum payment in the event their employment is terminated by the employer and the employee is completely separated from City employment. An employee covered by this policy, not electing to return to a previously held City position, is eligible under this policy. This amount of payment for employees holding unclassified titles shall be equal to two weeks pay for each year of service in a title covered by the policy. However, this amount shall not exceed twelve (12) weeks pay. Unclassified emolovees who could return to a previouslv held classified oosition and classified emolovees shall be eliqible for a severance oav oroaram if s/he meets the followina repuirements• The emolovee must be voluntarilv seoarated from Citv emAtovment or have been subiect to seoaration bv Iav-off or comoulsorv retirement. The emolovee must file a waiver of re-emolovment with the Citv which will cleariv state that bv reauestinq severance oav the emolovee waives all claims to reinstatement or re-emolovment with the Citv. The lump sum payment for classified employees covered by this po�icy is based on years of service with the City: YEARS OF SERVICE AMOUNT 15 S 8,000 25 S 10,000 For the ourpose of this severance proaram a death of an emolovee shall be considered as se�aration of emolovment and if the emplovee would have met all of the reauirements set forth above at the time of his or her death, oavment ofi the severance pav mav be made to the emolovee's estate or soouse The manner of oavment of severance in amounts of ten thousand dollars lS10 000) or fess shal! be made in accordance with the provisions of Citv Ordi�ance No. 1149�. This severance oav qroqram shall be subiect to and qoverned bv the nrovisions of Citv Ordinance No. 11490 except in those cases where the specitic orovisions of this article conflict with said Ordinance and in such cases, the provisions of this article shall control. Employees who are terminated for cause, misconduct, or any other disciplinary reason shall �ot be eligible for any payment under this employer termination program. This employer termination program replaces any existing severance pay plans currently applica6le to employees covered by this poficy. Employees returning to, or accepting an appointment to, a title not covered by this policy shall be covered by the severance pay plan applicable to that title and shall not be eligible for any payment �C� 00-4� under this employer termination program. In addition, anv Police or Fire �on-reoresented emolovee seoarated from Citv emolovment who has accumulated balance oF at Ieast one thousand eiqht hundred fiftv f1.850) hours of sick leave credits and at least twentv-five (251 vears ot service at the time of his/her se�aretion from service shall 6e qranted severance oav in the amount of thirtv thousand doliars !$3�.0001. The manner of oavment of such severance oav shall be made in three consecutive annual �avments of ten thousand dollars 1S10.0�01 each. The annua! oavments shall be made in FeBruacv of each year. The first pavment sha11 be made durina the month of Februarv in the vear fiollowina the vear in which the emolavee separates his/her emoiovment. Sick leave reouirements wilt be reduced bv 2% for each fufl vear of Ciri service served under the non-re�resented benefit oackaae and aro-rated for oartial vears. RETIREE INSURANCE To be eliqible for Citv contribution to certain health and fife insurence benefits, the emolovee must meet the followina conditions: ♦ Be receivina benefits from a Pubfic Emolovee Retirement Act coverinq emolovees of the Citv of Saint Paul at the time of retirement. ♦ Have severed hislher relations with the Citv under one of the retiree olans. � Have comoleted at least 20 vears of service with ihe Citv of Saint Paul or be receivinq a disabiliri oension refated to the Citv of Sai�t Paul. f Elect to participate in the City's health and life i�surance pfarts proqram. A retiree's participation in the City's health and life insurance plan must be continuous. If an eligi6le employee chooses not to participate at the time of his/her retireme�t, or if a retiree discontinues his/her participation, such reYiree wi41 not be eligible for any future participation in the City's health plans or for any City contribution. Earlv Retirees: Emolovees hired orior to Januarv 1. 1990 who meet the above reauirements will be eliaible to receive an emolover contribution to the health care oremium to a maximum of 5350 oer �'� montfi until such earlv retiree becomes eliqible for Medicare. oo-��o Emolovees hired on/after Januarv 1. 1990 who meet the above reauirements will be eliaible to receive an emotoves contribution to the health care oremium to a maximum of 5300 oer month until such earlv retiree 6ecomes eliaibie for Medicare. Reaular Reiirees: Emolovees hired orior to .lanuarv 1. 1990 who meet the ahove reauireme�ts and are eliaible for Medicare will be eliaible to receive an emolover contribution to the health care �remium to a maximum ofi 5550 oer month. Em�lovees hired on/after Januarv 1. 1990 who meet the above reauirements and are eliaible for Medicare will be eliaible to receive an emolover contribution to the heaith care oremium to a maximum of 5300 oer month. EARLY RETIREE LIFE iNSURANCE The employer will contribute the cost of $5,000 of life insurance coverage for such eariy retirees who quatify for health benefits untit the early retiree reaches age sixty-five (65), at which time the life insurance coverage shali terminate. SURVIVOR HEALTH BENEFI7S The surviving spouse and/or dependent of an employee covered by this policy carrying family coverage at the time of his/her death due to a job connected injury or iliness which was determined to arise out of, and in the course of, his/her employment under workers' compensation law shali continue to be eligible for City contribution toward the City's health insurence plan in the same proportion as is provided for employees under this policy. At age sixty-five (65) the City's contribution will be in the same proportion as is provided to retirees under this policy. In the event of the death of a retiree who is participating in the City's health insurance program, the surviving spouse or dependent of the deceased may continue to participate in the City's health insurance plan at their own cost. Eligibility to continue to participate shall terminate once such spouse remarries or becomes eligible for group health insurance through an employer. Eligibility to continue to participate shail terminate when such dependent fails to meet the definition of dependent in the City's health insurance plan or becomes eligible for group health insurance through an employer. �.'� owre wmntm 5-3-00 i� TOTAL � OF SIGNATURE PAGES + PLANNING COMMISSION CIB CAMMITTEE CML SERVICE COMMISSION Certain non-Tepresented personnel who have been members of a bargaining unit may be required to return to a position represented by the bargaining unit for as little time as one day in order to receive the benefit package they would be eligible for. Provides the same level of benefits for certain non-represented personnel if they eetire in a non-represented position that they would have received if they had retired from a previously held represented position vdhich they have the right to return to. f'�4�°�?G� �i�S�-^c�..f{;�; �r�Ylt�i None. GREEN SHEET m�e�rowccra�e ❑ CIfYAiTOqEY ❑ pIYCIFAK ❑ AYNOI1LfEIMCFiGN. ❑ qNMWlfF1Yl�CRC ❑MYCII�ORb�iM{i) ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� 250NAL SERVICE CONiRACfS MUSTANSWERTHE FOLLOWING Q tias this ce��rm erer warked under a wntract tor thie depammeM? YES NO Has this oneoMrm ever been a aty emPbYee9 YES NO Does this P��m D� a slall not iwrma�NP�s�ee0 bY any curteM city employee7 YES NO Is M(s peisonlfiml e targetetl �xiMoY7 YES NO ao -4'10 No 103109 rn'r cauci . COST/REVENUE 9UDGETED (CIRCLE ON� YES NO SOURCE ACTIVRY NUTABER INFOftMATON (IXPWt� Council File # �O - 4�n 4RIGINAL Presented Sy Referred To Committee: Date . 1 WHEREAS, the Ciry of Saint Paul periodically negotiates wages and fringe benefits with 2 those City employees who are represented by exclusive bargaining representatives; and 3 WHEREAS, the City periodically establishes wages and fringe benefits, or adjust the 4 established wages and fringe benefits of the City's non-represented management and legislative 5 personnel of the City of 5aint Paul; and 6 WHEREAS, it would be beneficial to the City as a whole, and to hamlonious employment 7 relationships, that the fringe benefits of the Ciry's non-represented management and legislative 8 personnel be more clearly defined; now therefore, be it 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 RESOLVED, that the fringe benefits, and the City continuation for such benefits, granted to the City's non-represented management and legislative personnel pursuant to the resolufion under C. F. No. 272557, as amended by resolutions under C. F. Nos. 89-2281, 90-677, 91-312, 93-1064, 93-1923, and 96-187 be amended by the attached policy by inclusion; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force after its passage, approval and publication. Requested by Depaztmenc of: Adapted by Council: Date �p Porm Apgroved by Ci Attomey: Adopdon Certified by Council Secre By: �� �p "`° \�(/ S� (o o�% By: `--� \ 3- R..�.� � 1 Y roved ayor for S�bmiss n �t Council: Appioved yb Mayor: Date ���j} By: <=�%�"(/� f�G�u �': Green Sheet # \���� RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MiNNESOTA By: Apptoval Recommended by Pinancial Services Dixector: oo_��o Revised , Mav 1. 2000 WAGE AND BENEFIT POLICY FOR NONREPRESENTED MANAGEMENT AND LEGISLATiVE PERSONNEL Risk ' Management Division �-59 240 City HaII 15 West Kellogg Soulevard St Paul MN 55'102 i6511 266-8880 WAGE AND BENEFIT POLICY 00 -v�to This policy for nonrepresented management personnel shall apply to employees with the foflowing titles which are not represented by a certified bargaining unit: Administrative Assistant Administrative Assistant--Public Works Administrative Manager Affirmative Action Director Assistant Director of Human Resources Assistant Fire Chief Assistant to the Mayor I Assistant to the Mayor II Assistant to the Mayor III Assistant to the Mayor IV Assistant to the Mayor V Assistant to the Mayor VI Budget Director Chief Internal Auditor Chief of Police Citizen Service Program Director City Attorney City Clerk and Commissioner of Regist�ation Council Fiscal Policy Director Council Investigation and Research Center Director Deputy Chief of Police Deauri Mavor Director, Department of finanee Technoloqv and Management Services Director, Financial Services Director, Human Riqhts Director, LIEP Director, Planning and Economic Development Director, Department of Public Works Employee Benefits Manager Energy Conservation Specialist Executive Assistant to the Mayor Executive Director, Civic Center Financial Analyst Fire Chief General Manager, Water Utility Human Resources and Management Systems Analyst Human Resources Director Human Resources Manager Human Resources Senior ConsUitant Manaqer Human Resources Soecialist I Human Resources Specialist ll Human Resources Specialist III Human Resources Specialist IV Labor Relations Director Labor Relations Manager La6or Relations Soecialist Legislative Aide Librarv Director Management Assistant III idtanagir�g Director, Civic Center Mavor's Chief of Staff -1- Parks and Recreation Director Policy Analyst Program Administrator Project Manager IV, Public Works Research Anafvstl Research Anaiyst IV Risk Manager Safety/ADA Coordinator Secretary to the Mayor Senior Consultant Soecial Events Coordinator Systems and Organizational Development Specialist Training and Development Manager CAFETERIA PLAN 0 0 - �t'1 O 1lnder the Cafeteria Plan, the empfoyee's se4ection will be limited to the insurance plans offered by the employer, and the employee musi select at least single coverage hospital/medical insurance, dental insurance, and employee life insurance in an amount equal to one-and-one-half (1.5) times the employee's salary. For the purpose of this seiection, the empioyee's annuai saiary shall be based on the salary as of the first day of the first payroll period in each fiscal year. Beginning with the July 1996 premium payments, the employer's direct contribution for benetits wili be increased to 100% of the premium cost for those selecting single health coverage, an additional 70°h ofi the dependent health premium for those seiecting family coverage, and 100% of the life insurance premium cost for an amount of coverage equaling one-and-one-half (1.5) times the employee's annual salary. The employer's direct contribution will be applied to tfie benefit premium costs before the employee's contribution to the benefit premium costs under the Cafeteria Plan. S(CK LEAVE--DISABILITY INSURANCE The provisions of the Civii Service Rules pertaining to the accumulation and use of sick leave cred'+ts shall not apply to employees covered by this policy. In lieu of the sick leave provisions of the Civii Service Rules, such employees shaii be eligible for six (6) discretionary days off with pay in each fiscal year. The maximum number of accumulated discretionary days which may be given in any fiscal year shall be twenty-one (21}, of whicfi fifteen (15) wiil be defined as disability bridge days. Disability bridge days can be used only after three (3) consecutive days of absence due to iilness or injury. In addition to the discretionary days, the employer will provide for the employee short-term and long-term disability coverage. Empioyees returning to or accepting an appointment to a title not covered by the policy sfiafl be covered by the sick leave provisions applicable to that title upon appointment to such title. Any previously accumulated sick leave baiance shall be restored upon such appointment. VACATION Employees covered by this policy shall be eligible for paid vacation as foliows: YEARS OF SERVICE 1 through 8 years 9 through 15 years 16 years and thereafter # OF VACATION DAYS 15 days 20 days 25 days S� 00-4�0 WAGES , . Effective January 1, 1996 and thereafter, the level of increase, or decrease, to salary rates appiicable to titles covered by this policy shall be adjusted to refiect the average wage increase, or decrease, included in the agreements of the City's five largest bargaining units. EMPLOYER TERMlNAT10N PROGRAM Employees appointed to a title covered by this policy shall be eligible for a lump sum payment in the event their employment is terminated by the employer and the employee is completely separated from City employment. An employee covered by this policy, not electing to return to a previously held City position, is eligible under this policy. This amount of payment for employees holding unclassified titles shall be equal to two weeks pay for each year of service in a title covered by the policy. However, this amount shall not exceed twelve (12) weeks pay. Unclassified emolovees who could return to a previouslv held classified oosition and classified emolovees shall be eliqible for a severance oav oroaram if s/he meets the followina repuirements• The emolovee must be voluntarilv seoarated from Citv emAtovment or have been subiect to seoaration bv Iav-off or comoulsorv retirement. The emolovee must file a waiver of re-emolovment with the Citv which will cleariv state that bv reauestinq severance oav the emolovee waives all claims to reinstatement or re-emolovment with the Citv. The lump sum payment for classified employees covered by this po�icy is based on years of service with the City: YEARS OF SERVICE AMOUNT 15 S 8,000 25 S 10,000 For the ourpose of this severance proaram a death of an emolovee shall be considered as se�aration of emolovment and if the emplovee would have met all of the reauirements set forth above at the time of his or her death, oavment ofi the severance pav mav be made to the emolovee's estate or soouse The manner of oavment of severance in amounts of ten thousand dollars lS10 000) or fess shal! be made in accordance with the provisions of Citv Ordi�ance No. 1149�. This severance oav qroqram shall be subiect to and qoverned bv the nrovisions of Citv Ordinance No. 11490 except in those cases where the specitic orovisions of this article conflict with said Ordinance and in such cases, the provisions of this article shall control. Employees who are terminated for cause, misconduct, or any other disciplinary reason shall �ot be eligible for any payment under this employer termination program. This employer termination program replaces any existing severance pay plans currently applica6le to employees covered by this poficy. Employees returning to, or accepting an appointment to, a title not covered by this policy shall be covered by the severance pay plan applicable to that title and shall not be eligible for any payment �C� 00-4� under this employer termination program. In addition, anv Police or Fire �on-reoresented emolovee seoarated from Citv emolovment who has accumulated balance oF at Ieast one thousand eiqht hundred fiftv f1.850) hours of sick leave credits and at least twentv-five (251 vears ot service at the time of his/her se�aretion from service shall 6e qranted severance oav in the amount of thirtv thousand doliars !$3�.0001. The manner of oavment of such severance oav shall be made in three consecutive annual �avments of ten thousand dollars 1S10.0�01 each. The annua! oavments shall be made in FeBruacv of each year. The first pavment sha11 be made durina the month of Februarv in the vear fiollowina the vear in which the emolavee separates his/her emoiovment. Sick leave reouirements wilt be reduced bv 2% for each fufl vear of Ciri service served under the non-re�resented benefit oackaae and aro-rated for oartial vears. RETIREE INSURANCE To be eliqible for Citv contribution to certain health and fife insurence benefits, the emolovee must meet the followina conditions: ♦ Be receivina benefits from a Pubfic Emolovee Retirement Act coverinq emolovees of the Citv of Saint Paul at the time of retirement. ♦ Have severed hislher relations with the Citv under one of the retiree olans. � Have comoleted at least 20 vears of service with ihe Citv of Saint Paul or be receivinq a disabiliri oension refated to the Citv of Sai�t Paul. f Elect to participate in the City's health and life i�surance pfarts proqram. A retiree's participation in the City's health and life insurance plan must be continuous. If an eligi6le employee chooses not to participate at the time of his/her retireme�t, or if a retiree discontinues his/her participation, such reYiree wi41 not be eligible for any future participation in the City's health plans or for any City contribution. Earlv Retirees: Emolovees hired orior to Januarv 1. 1990 who meet the above reauirements will be eliaible to receive an emolover contribution to the health care oremium to a maximum of 5350 oer �'� montfi until such earlv retiree becomes eliqible for Medicare. oo-��o Emolovees hired on/after Januarv 1. 1990 who meet the above reauirements will be eliaible to receive an emotoves contribution to the health care oremium to a maximum of 5300 oer month until such earlv retiree 6ecomes eliaibie for Medicare. Reaular Reiirees: Emolovees hired orior to .lanuarv 1. 1990 who meet the ahove reauireme�ts and are eliaible for Medicare will be eliaible to receive an emolover contribution to the health care �remium to a maximum ofi 5550 oer month. Em�lovees hired on/after Januarv 1. 1990 who meet the above reauirements and are eliaible for Medicare will be eliaible to receive an emolover contribution to the heaith care oremium to a maximum of 5300 oer month. EARLY RETIREE LIFE iNSURANCE The employer will contribute the cost of $5,000 of life insurance coverage for such eariy retirees who quatify for health benefits untit the early retiree reaches age sixty-five (65), at which time the life insurance coverage shali terminate. SURVIVOR HEALTH BENEFI7S The surviving spouse and/or dependent of an employee covered by this policy carrying family coverage at the time of his/her death due to a job connected injury or iliness which was determined to arise out of, and in the course of, his/her employment under workers' compensation law shali continue to be eligible for City contribution toward the City's health insurence plan in the same proportion as is provided for employees under this policy. At age sixty-five (65) the City's contribution will be in the same proportion as is provided to retirees under this policy. In the event of the death of a retiree who is participating in the City's health insurance program, the surviving spouse or dependent of the deceased may continue to participate in the City's health insurance plan at their own cost. Eligibility to continue to participate shall terminate once such spouse remarries or becomes eligible for group health insurance through an employer. Eligibility to continue to participate shail terminate when such dependent fails to meet the definition of dependent in the City's health insurance plan or becomes eligible for group health insurance through an employer. �.'� owre wmntm 5-3-00 i� TOTAL � OF SIGNATURE PAGES + PLANNING COMMISSION CIB CAMMITTEE CML SERVICE COMMISSION Certain non-Tepresented personnel who have been members of a bargaining unit may be required to return to a position represented by the bargaining unit for as little time as one day in order to receive the benefit package they would be eligible for. Provides the same level of benefits for certain non-represented personnel if they eetire in a non-represented position that they would have received if they had retired from a previously held represented position vdhich they have the right to return to. f'�4�°�?G� �i�S�-^c�..f{;�; �r�Ylt�i None. GREEN SHEET m�e�rowccra�e ❑ CIfYAiTOqEY ❑ pIYCIFAK ❑ AYNOI1LfEIMCFiGN. ❑ qNMWlfF1Yl�CRC ❑MYCII�ORb�iM{i) ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� 250NAL SERVICE CONiRACfS MUSTANSWERTHE FOLLOWING Q tias this ce��rm erer warked under a wntract tor thie depammeM? YES NO Has this oneoMrm ever been a aty emPbYee9 YES NO Does this P��m D� a slall not iwrma�NP�s�ee0 bY any curteM city employee7 YES NO Is M(s peisonlfiml e targetetl �xiMoY7 YES NO ao -4'10 No 103109 rn'r cauci . COST/REVENUE 9UDGETED (CIRCLE ON� YES NO SOURCE ACTIVRY NUTABER INFOftMATON (IXPWt�