278690 WH17E - CITV CLERK P�NK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L Council �.��0� CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. Co cil solution Presented By LICi!;il::�:;; C01i:LLT`1';�; Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date .�;�.�,��:;r�: ?roper notice has been receitiTed from �:obert A. Ma.11et, i res�dent of ��allet, Inc.� On 5ale Liquor Licensee at 738 Universit`T ��venue, doir� business as tre �'ad�;er Loun�;e, to increase tr;.e �:_ea �'or tY�.e service o�" l�quor, ou�,door patio, to ��e located on tr�e northeast corner oi ti�e Y:iz�.ldin�;, th�refore, re it ��:c;�UL��i�: mtiat permission be and the same is hereby rranted to lallet, lnc., 73U Uri_versit�r 1ve�iue to increase the aree. �or the service o�' lic�uor to i.zclu�l.e ar_ outdoor patio, seasonaLy, located on the no-rt��ea.st corner of the buildir_�;. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Hunt Nays �";"�"' [n Favor Maddox �y�, d n�cMar�., __ Against BY — Showalter Tedesco Wilson �Y � g ��1 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Y•ss b Council c ta BY t�pp y Mavor: t Y 2 O �982 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By • _ By P ISHED MAY 2 9 1982 ' � ��V�.d r..l� "�����""'`° CITY OF SAINT PAUL � ,,,°'�,=r o.�,,, -"`�� ''�"'' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES �� ��; '� ����'�'n°� ;� �%+o �= DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION ,... Room 203, City Hall J'�''�mm,�.00`••``' GEORGE LATIMER Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 MAYOR 1;a�T l�, 1982 �iada.r� �'resid�nt and_ :::onorable �:e��bers oi the City Council Saint Pa1.L1., :::inrlesota i:ada� i'resident ��r,d �Ionorable t�A:�bers: :�obert x. :iallet, <resic;ent of I�;allet, Inc., On Sa1e Li;uo-r Lice��see at 73� uziiv�rs.:.t�r nvenue, �oin� business as '�'he =:;acl�er LounE;e, r�auests to �.i�crease tY;e area for the se?�vice oi liquor to include a patio located on the northeast corner oa treir buildir�;. , �'he area ti•rould be enclosed T•aith a nriv�.c�� fence cr th access to it onl�r irom tr�� oui_ldin�;. ^�•as apnlication �:as r�een rev�_e��red b�= t;�e License and PerrLt �%it-is:�on and the Cit�T r:ttorne�'s o:'_�'ice. TYe ��eco-�r!end- ation is ror ap;�roval. J?Y�tr vi��' ;,�Ol.�.Y'�! w� � / \�`�'��`��.(�y� Jose� �'. Carcredi iicense ynspector 55 � � � ' . . . , . ° ' � 2'�8�9a �► �, ��ez Mr. xobert Mallet . 73� Univeraity Avent�e 3L. Paul� 1$i �51QLt . Dsar Sirs n��inareaae in area For mervice of liquor (Patio) , x �Y �3, �.982 . '- 10�00 A.M. . � avditorium„ 15�b Floor City Aall Annea� 2�5 W. Fourth Str.