278688 WF11TE - CITV CLERK �►�y^�^� PINK - FINANCE �'� L� Council � „ CANARV - DEPARTMENT C I TY OF SA I NT �PAIT L File NO. S � " BLUE - MAYOR Co ncil Resolution Presented By �C����� CUI�:�.�iTTTr:� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date ��UL��D: i'�at Applica.tion :� 29>l� for t:�e trans�'er of ma��.c?.r License i�;o. 73, issued to Gene :�. I.i.11er, doin€; business as Diamond Ca,b Co:�lpanV� license emirinR Dece:��er 31, 1982, be and the sa:�e is he�^eb�r trans£erred to ':lilliam C. rendorf, to do ?�usiness as Dia- *�ond Cab CompantT, covering a 197� Chevrolet, Serial i:aumber 1':.7QU8.'�50��11,.� vehicle painted oran�;e �.nd vrhite, ir_sured to COI:�l'IT'T1GUS by Guarant`; T;ational Insurance Co., r011C�r LA 71 �JJ 77• COUNCILMEI� Requested by Department of: Yeas ;:Urit Nays � _� In Favor �iaddox i�:c:;a��on r_�r _ __ Against BY — `�'edesco T���ilson MAY 1 8 1982 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified as• c�l S tar BY � B � App Mavor: Dat � n �QR� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ BY PUBLISHED MAY 2 � ��� �' � 2'����� � '"'°���""''° CITY OF SAINT PAUL ;`'°tiTr o��'o '~�� '���'` DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES �� �`; �_,� iiii'iii'ii �: ,. • = DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION �'<y ��a� ' RoOm 203, City Hdll GEORGE LATIMER Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 MAYOR :'�aJ 18� 19�2 �:adaM President a,nd '--onora`.;le ?':enLers oi the Cit,y Cour?cil Saint :aul, :iinrlesota ,. , _:adam Fresir.ent a.nd j�onoraule i:emrers: Gene �. ::iller and ;?illiari C. zenciorf �ec;uest that laxicab License i;o. 73 ���reser.tlSr issued to Gene �. �iiller be trarsrerred to �:�illian C. �:endorf. i�:. ?'senciorf i-aill operate this ta�cab rersor_ally� and it �rill be �oir�, business as Dia.riond Cab Co*�pan�T, a Z97� Chevrolet, painted oran�e and �rhite. 'iiis application has been rei�wekTed by the License and ierr+�it �i�ision a.nd the City �ttorney�s o�fice. The re- com�:�endation is i"or approval. `v ery trul�^ JTours, (¢��1,�i/F rfDl --,�' l — r Joseph r'. Carchedi Licer_se �nsx�:�ctor O � .` .., � � �S68�g . . . .1�1eiY 13, 1982 : . , . . , . : ; . ,. � . = Mr. William C. B+snKiorP , _ . :. - ,.- . - _ . 724 N. Ha�al�.ne Avsnvue _ ' s�: Pau1, I�t 5�if�t � Y�, � , . . > �� • , L Dear 31rs . . _ �. . . : tranafer af�-3'�udcsb No. T3 . �y 18, 1982 , ' 1Ot00 �.:�,, 8uditor�.um� 15th Floor City Ha11 Anziex� 2� W. Fauz"th, Str. �: