278876 CITY OF ST.PAUL COU C� LE N . FINAL ORDER By ' i File No. �•1096��'3 ths'fi� �-1f�A83 �iQ�alict - In the Matter of ut�t RteaftswStial �! a�c �on�tteuttl�anl at/apd uo!'It it�ai�lottl '`��yrING th��ne�o of tt►� follaeta�t wa�tD . North side SEI.I3Y AVFNUE - nale St. to St. Alhans St & 1 West side nALE STREET - Selby Ave. to North 13U' . S-�10963 South side I�IYTON AVENUE - St. Alhans St to �ast 190' & 1 East side ST. ALI3ANS ST. - Selby Ave to Dayton Ave. & North side SLLI3Y AVENUE - St. Albans St. to West 21S' & Wcst side ST ALF3ANS - Selby Ave to Pdorth 130' S-10964 Wesl. side PAYNE AVENUI�; - Jenks Avenue to Lawson Avenue �i S-109b5 North side GRANn AVF.NUE - T7unlap St. to Wc:st ± �j����T & 2 Wes t s ide DUNI.AP STREET - Crand Avenue to Nortt� -�• 150' � �� S-1�96G East side RICI;' STREI:'I" - Ci'iarl_e2s Av�. to Como 1Lveti�e 1 � S b7 F.ar de , ET c �� St. on . 5 5-10968 East side RICE STRF,ET - W. Maf;nolia Ave. to W. ,T�essarnine. 5 i u 5-10969 North side UNIVLIZSITY AVf�:NUI? - LaSalle St. to C�rleron St. 4 u S-10970 South side L. MONTANA AVI:. - West of Wf�ite Iiear Ave. at 6 ��1744 and ��175�a L. Montana Ave. 5-10)71 South side JAMES AVENUE - S. T'rior. Ave. to Cleveland Ave. 3 To reconstruct one (1) sidewalk panel each at ��1984 , 1982 , t� 2978, and 2046, two (2) panels at #2022 & all of ��2018 James. n S-10972 South side WINTFs'R STREF.T - Capitol Blvd. to �;. 20(7 ' 1 b S-10973 East side DAVERN STREET from 5anders Ave. ta Ford Parkway 3 5-10974 Both sides AS}�LAND AVE. - Kent St. r.o �ale St. a}>ur.tin� 1 a Lots 2 ,.3,4 ,8,9, of Alock 16 , and Lots 18, 21 & 22 of_ Block 7, Woodland Park Addition. - i st . 'r - H ve. - c E��r 5-10976 North side JAMES AVENUE - View Street to i�ulton Street 2 } S-10977 South side KENNY ROAp - Payne Ave. to Rrunson Street 7 S-10978 ,South side E, WINONA STREET - S. Robert St. to West 16U' 2 S-10979 East side HARVARD STREET - I.. Pa�;e SL- to E. Mor.ton St. & 2 �� West side iIARVARD STREET - I:. Sidney St. to I:. Pa�;e St. 5-10980 Both sides WATSON AVENUE - Drake St. �o Osceola Ave. 2 5-1.09t31 Northwesr. side STATE STREET - E. Pa�e St. to South 100' 2 S-10982 ,,Both sides E, MONTANA AVE, - liazel Street to vT� St. 6 S-10983 East side WALNUT STREET from Fort Road to Pleasant Ave. & 2 West side WALNUT STFtEET from Fort Road to the North 100' + �, �� C��� . . . /.� � ADVISABILITI' AND llFSIItABILITY ��� TO COUNCIL: rlay 25, 1982 1)ate of �iearin�; I)escripCion Cost 6/24/82 In tl�e matter of new coilstruction aiid or reconstruction of sidewalks and work in- cidenr.al thereto of. the followin�: PI.ANtdING ORDL'R VOTING DISTRICT N1JM13ER PROJECT WAItD $ North side SELBY AVENUE - Dale St. to St. �'1lhans St & 1 Wes t side T�1LE STKEET - Selhy Ave. to North 130' . 8 S-109h3 South side I)AY'TON AVENUE - St. Alhans St to East 190' & ]. East side ST. ALBANS ST. - Se16y Ave to Dayton Ave. & North side SEL}3Y AV�NUE - St. Albans St. to West 215' & West side ST' ALI3ANS - Selby Ave to North 130' S S-10964 Wes� side PAYNE AVENUE - Jenks Avenue to Lawson Avenue 6 16 S-10965 North side GRANn AVENUE - nunlap St. to West ± 300' & 2 West side DUNLAP STREET - Grand Avenue to North �- 150' 7 S-1U96G East side RICE STKF,ET ° Ctlar.les Ave. to Como Avenue 1 6 S-10967 East side RICE STREET - Litchf.i.eld St. to Front Street 5 6 S-10968 East side RICE STREET' - W. Ma�nolta Ave. to W. Jessamine. 5 12 S-109G4 North side UNIVERSITY AVENUE - LaSalle St. to Carleton St. 4 2 S-10970 South side L. MONTANA AV�. - West of Wliite Bear Ave. at 6 ��1744 and �k1754 E. Montana Ave. 14 S-10971 South side JAMES AVENUL - S. Prior Ave. to Cleveland Ave. 3 To reconstruct one (1) sidewalk panel each at ��1984, 1982, 1978, and 2046, two (?) panels at �k2022 & all of ��2018 James. 7 S-10972 Soutt� side WINfER STREET ° Capitol Blvd. to E. 200 ' 1 15 5-10973 East side DAVERN STREET from Sanders Ave. to Ford Parkway 3 $ S-10974 Botti sides ASHLAND AVE. - Kent St. to Dale St. abutting 1 Lots 2,3,�� ,8,9, of Block 16, and Lots 18, 21 & 22 of Block 7, Woodland Park Addition. 15 NEW S-10975 West side I�VERN STREET - IIillcrest Ave. to Ford Parkway 3 9 S-10976 North side JAMES AVENUE - View Street to Fulton Street 2 5 S-10977 South side KENNY ROAD - Payne Ave. to Brunson Street 7 3 5-10978 South side E. WINONA STREET - S. Robert St. to West 160' 2 3 S-10979 East side �1ARVARD STREET - E. Page St to E. Morton St. & 2 West side NARVAR]) STREET - E. Sidney St, to E. Page St. 9 S-10980 Botti sides WATSON AVENUE - Drake St. to Osceola Ave. 2 3 S-10981 Northwest side STATE STREET - E. Pa�e St. to South 100' 2 2 S-10982 Both sides E. MONTANA AVE. - Ha7e1 Street to Curve St. 6 16 & 9 S-10983 East side WALNUT STREET from Fort Road to Pleasant Ave. & 2 West side WALNUT STREET from Fort Road to the North 100' + _ , � ASSESSMENT RATE: $10.00 per lineal foot - 5 f.eet wide (1 , 2 , 3 , Family) New Construcrioh $ 5.00 per lineal foot - 5 feet wide (l , 2., 3 , Family) Reconstructio n COMMERCIAL RATE: (All property other than Residential) 100% of actual cost - estimated to be $3.00 per square £oot � �r: � au �. . � � �r � � �� ur� � � �. � �� � . � �' UBLIC hi � � � I � +G iVC� `� I � � -. �3�'� � Id � V11ALK � C� I�1 �1� � tJ � Tl � � � ; District Pl.anning Council 1�15 � .�._e..� + F' � �_ � N�. S-10975 ; PAGE s s ; ; ; , To decide on whether to pr.oceed with new constructirm of the � following sidewalk orders: i West side DAVERN STREET - Hillcrest Avenue to Ford Parkway ; � i I � � 1 � f�11 � �' C��� ' { �N C� ' � 1..�� t� A►'� I U N ; i i i ; ! Ij 1 ��A� �N �j Thursday, June 24, 1982, 10:0U A.M. ' Cit Council Chambers 3rd rloor Cit Hall-Court House � i If the Council approves the orders (or any part thereof, ; a portion of the costs will be assessed (after construction) 3 against benefitted properties. The estimated assessments � for this pro�ject are as follows: ! i i RESIDENTIAL rates (SINGLE FAMILY TO THREE FAMILY) � � ! A 5 �� S S M E N T New construction (where no walk existed) $10.00* per ? front foot. i I�I�'t�RMATION � Replacement of old walk--$5.00* per front foot. ; 1 *Please note that Residential rates are based on the i construction of a 5-foot wi.de sidewalk; all extra width = ; sidewalks will be prorated accordingly. 3 , 3 COMMERCIAL rates (all property other than residential) � 100X of actual cost estimated to be appx'ox�.m�tely $3.00 ; per square foot of walk constructed. } t � �,�;; � � Construction: 298-4255 Assessm�t��:'� 292-7029 , Q U E S T I 0 N S E11so, City staff will be available to answer any last minute � questions on this pro�ect in the City Council Gk�ambers from } 9:30 to 10:00 A.M. the same day as the hearing. Notice sent June 4, 1982, by the Valuation and Assessment Division ; Department of Finance and Management Services Room 218 City Hall-Court House St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 ' i , � � w� 1,. � t'1 t�! � .�./ � `� 9 � �� �J � � 1 � . C� � � � � IV f ll.,. /�1 � � � � � �.9 1 � V � ��� SIDEWALK C� C� �I ��� � �1 � TIC� f� � i Di_strict Plannin�c�l 8 F � (_ � �Q. S-10974 PAGC To decide c�n whe�tV�er to pr.oceed with reconstructi.on of the following s iciewa(lc ordera: Both sides ASHLAND AVENUE - Kent Street to Dale Street abutting Lots 2,3,4,8,9 of Block 16, and Lots 18, 21 and 22 of Block 7, Woodland Park Addition �d�.,� {� � �JG AItl� LC� � �`�' 10 �! 1 �..{��� �N � Thursday, June 24, 1982, 10:00 A.M. City Council Chambers, 3rd rloor CiCy Hall-Court House If the Councl.l approves the order.s (or any part thereof, a portion of the costs wi11 be assessed (after construction) against benefitted pr.operties. The estimated assessments for this Pr�ject are as fol.lows: RESIDENTIAL rates (SINGI.F T'AMILY TO 7'HREE I�AMILY) � � �� S� � M E N T New construction (where no walk existed) $IO.UO* per f.ront foot. IN�- ORMA�'IC�N Keplacement �F �old walk--$5.�0* per f`rc�nt foot. *Please note tliat ResidentLal raCes are based on tkie constructlon of a 5-foot wide sidewal.k; a11 extr.a width sidewalks will be proratecl accordingly. COMMERCIAL rates (all property other than residential) 100% of actual cost estimated to be aPproxi.matel.y $3.00 per square foot of walk constr.ucted. Construction: �L'9�8-�2'�t'`�.{� Assessments: 292-7029 �5 dr-��S'� Q� � �`r ��w,� Also, City staff will be available to answer <�iiy 1_asC minute ��� questions on this project in the City Council Chambers from 9: 30 to 10:00 A.M. the same day as the hearing. by the Val.uation and Assessment I)ivision Notice sentJune 4, 1982, Department of Pinance and Management S'ervices � Room 218 City }3a11-Court House St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 , `�./' ��• � �� �.�7 �.ud. ' �✓ � �� � �1 �«✓ � 1 �I \,,! � �un � � � W I M � �.w r♦ � • ' � ��r/ � � �� � � � ��°�� � � � � ��� � � � � � � � � � YO� � (7islrict Plannin�� C�>uncil 1115 -...a..�..._.�........................�,-- -- - -.. F�� < <�. � rJ c�. S-�o9�3 F'l�G ��: ,�e..�.� - __ _ , `I'o dec�.ide �,n wh��:Lher to p����ceed witli recon:�;t ru��_t iun uf Ch�� f.ollowinf; sidet-�,�ik c�r�i��rs: East side DAVERN STREET from Saunders Avenue to Ford Parkway ����� ��� �"� �.��� �1�1� �� A, ��� �� � ���� �� � Thursday, June 24, 1982, l 0:00 A.M. City Councll Chan�bers, 3r.d Floor City Hall--CoiirL rlouse If the Counci.l. a1�E>roves tiie orders (or any part thereof, a portion of the costs wil.l. be assessed (after consCr.uction) against benefi.ttecl properties. 'I'he est:imated as5essmenls for this Pr.ojecL are as follows: RESTDEN7'IAI, rales (SINGLG rAMIT.Y TO THREE FAMILY) � 'j �� � � ���"r New constructi.on (where no wal.k existed) $10.0O* per front Poot. I � F'nf�RAAYIt�N RE�pYacement of olcf walk--$5.00k per front foot . *Please note thZt Resi.dentlal rates are based on tk�e constriiction of a 5-foot wide stdewalk; al.l extra width sidewalks will t�e prurated accor.clingly. : COI�1EItCIAL raCes (al]_ property ot.her than residential) 140% of actual cost estimated Lo be approximately $3.00 ; per square foot of walk constructed. , Construction: t�-��4�-5 Assessments: 292-7029 + .�ti t—v�s-r �� � �`� )ON� Also, City staff will be available to answer any last minute questions on this project in the Ci.ty Council Chambers from 9: 30 to 10:00 A.M. tYie same day as the hearing. by the Valuation and Assessment Division Notice sent June 4, 1982, Department of Finance and Management Services Room 218 City Hall-Couzt House St. Paul., Minnesota 55102 I � � �: pAU � � � r � � �► ur� � � � ��-. � c � H � � � � �v � N � T � c � � 8s�s i � ue �. � � IDEWALK C � NSTRUC �' 1C� N D. rict Pl.annin� Council 0{8 --�----- F I L E N 0. S-10963 PAGE To decide on w}lether to proceed with reconstruction of the £ollowing sidewalk orders: South side DAYTON AVENUE--St. Albans Street to East 190' and East side ST. ALBANS STREET--Selby Avenue to Dayton Avenue and North side SELBY AVENUE--St. Albans Street � to West 215' and West side ST, ALBANS--Selby Avenue to North 130' �ur� pC��E A�i I� �..�� ��' I� IV � 1} �.,���� I N G Thursday, June 24, 1982, 10:00 A.M. City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall-Court House � If the Counci.l approves the orders (or any part therepf, a portion of the costs will. be assessed (after conatr.uction) against benefitted properties. The estimated assessments for this project are as follows: RESIDENTIAI, rates (SINGLE TAMILY TO 'THREE FAMILY) � � �� SSM�NT New construction (where no walk existed) $].0.00* per front foot. � � '�O�M�7��� Repl.acement of old walk--$5.00* per front foot. *Please note that Residential rates are based on Lhe construction of a S-foot wi.de sidewalk; all. extr.a width ` sidewalks will be prorated accordingly. , COMMERCIAL rates (all property other than residenti.al ) ; 100% of actual cost estimated to be approximately $3.00 per square foot of walk constructed. � Construction: 298�- Assessments: 292-7029 i . �.z�.s� , Qu� �"�"�01�1 c Also, City staf f will be available to answer any last minute � ���`� questions on this project in the City Council Chamber.s from 9:30 to 10:00 A.M. the same day as the hearin�;. by the Valuation and Assessment Division � � Notice sent June 4, 1982, Department of Finance and M<�nagement Services Room 218 City i�a11-Court House ' St. Paul, Mlnnesota 55102 1 } � �r: � a u �. � ! �r �r c� �� u� � � � �. ��.� . � : PUBLiC� �I � A � INC Nt� �' I � E '78��7� ? 2 SI � � WALK C � NSTRUCTI � N D' ri.ct� Plannin� Council I116 � F i L E N 0. s-io965 PAGE To decide on whether to proceed with reconstruction of the , following sidewalk orders: North side GRAND AVENUE--Dunlap Street to West + 300' and West side DUNLAP STREET--Grand Avenue to North + 150' �V11 �V�� AND LOCA� IO �V : �� ; H E A R I N G Thursday, June 24, 1982, 10:00 A.M. � City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City �H�11-Court House ;' If the Council approves the order.s (or any part thereof, a portinn of the costs will be assessed (after conatruction) i against benefitted properties. The estimated assessments for this project �re as follows: }' RESIDENTIAL rates (SINGLE FAMILY TO THREE FAMILY) ' A� S� �S NiE N T New construction (where no walk existed) $10.00* per � front foot. r. 1: �N F d��A��o N Replacement of old walk--$5.00* per front foot. � , *Please note that Residential rates are based on the ' construction of a 5-foot wide sidewalk; all extra width sidewalks will be prorated accordingly. + COMMERCIAL rates (a11 property other than residenti.a].) 100% of actual cost estimated to be approximately $3.00 per square foot of walk constructed. � Construction: 29�' Assessments: 292-7029 � � f�,z s�r Q� � �"�''�A1 c Also, City staff will be available to answer any last minute ; ����� questions on this pro�ect in the City Council Chambers from ; 9:30 to 10:00 A.M. the same day as the }��earin�;. by the Valuation and Assessment Division ' Notice sent June 4, 1982, Department of Finance and Management Services , Room 218 City Hall-Cc7urt House ; St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 � � �T: PAUL � � � �' Y � � U �J � EL � �' UeLiC HEA � I (VG fUCJT' IC: E 8�'�S � IDEWALK � C� NS�' �tUCTION � � , � ll . tric� P1a�nriinQ Counci� l. �/ 3 � � � � (�,�� S-10979 PI�G � To decide on whet}ier to proceed wit}I reconstruction of tt�e followj.ng stdewa:lk orders: East side HARVARD STREET - F. Page St. to E. Morton Street and West side HARVARD STREET - E. Sidney Street to E. Page Street. ��t� � � e��� � ��� � �.� c� ��r i� �v , � � i Thursday, June 24, 1982, 10:00 A.M. � NEARING � City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall-Court House � , a 1 If the Council approves the orders (or any part thereof, i a portion of tlie costs will be assessed (after construction) i against benefitted properties. The estimated assessments ; for this project are as follows: ' i RESIDENTIAL rates (S7NGLE FAMILY TO THREE FAMILY) ; � A 5 �� 5 5 M E N T New construction (where no walk existed) $10,00* per � front foot. � i N F O R M A T I 0 N Replacement of old walk--$5.00* per front foot. � *Please note that Residential rates are based on the � construction of a 5-foot wi.de sidewalk; all extra width 1 sidewalks will be prorated accardingly. � � � COMMERCIAL rates (all property other than residential) ;; 100� of actual cost estimated to be approx�mately $3.00 i per square foot of walk constructed. � �. Construction: 298-425� Assessm�tits:! 292-7029 � Q u E (v+���N S Also, City staf f will be available to St�tsWer any last minute � questions on this project in the City Cpu�cil Chambers from �` 9:30 to 10:00 A.M. the same day as the :hearing. �j C by the Valuation and Assessment Divisiotl� ; f Notice sent Department of Finance and Management SerVices � Jurie 4, 1982, Room 218 City Hall-Court House ` t St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 � 1 � "r: P.A tJ l�. � I T `� C �► U �J � I l� � , . �'� � Pl18LIC H � A � ING �iCJ �Tl � � �. SIDEWA�. K � C� NS�" � IJCTIa �I 2r88�6 � D ri�t�Ylann� i�n�Council l�9 ' F � (_ � (v Q. 5-10976 � : PAGE � ; ; To decide on whether to proceed w�.th reconstruction of the ? following sidewalk orders: � North side JAMES AVENUE - View Street to Fulton Street i ; , �'URF'a5E ��� ' ; �O �CA�' ION ; , 3 � ���� I N G Thursday, June 24, 1982, 10:00 A.M. ; City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall-Court House 3 i If the Council zi�proves the orders (or any part tl�ereof, ' � a portion of the costs wil.l. be asses5ed (af.ter construction) against benefitted properti_es. The estimated assessments for this project are as fotlows: � RL'SID�NTIAL rates (STNGI.E FAMII.Y 'I'� T}IRtiE FAMTLY) � -- ---- i � � �� � � �� �� New constructi_on (where no walk existed) $1.0.00* {��rr front foot. ; � ��_ ���A�)v'v Replacement o[ ol.d walk--$5.00* per Front toot. � , � *Please note that Residential rates are based on tlie construction of a 5-foot wide sidewalk; all extra width sidewalks wi11 be prorated accordingly. COMMERCIAI. rales (al.l property other than residential_) ' 100% of actual cost estimated to be approximately $3.00 ' , per square fc�ot of wallc constructed. 3 Construction: 298-�+255 Assessments: 292-7029 � Q�C iC±"�" 'o1�i c Also, City staff will be available to answer any last minute G ��� ���`� questions on this project in the City Council Ctiamber.s fr.om 9:30 to 10:00 A.M. the same day as the hearing. � , by the Valuation and Assessment Division i Notice sent June 4, 1982, Department of Finance and Management Services Room 218 City Ha11.-Court House f St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 j a i t ( t � ��: �.� u �. � � �r � �; �� � r� � � �� ��-. ; � u► �e �. i � � � � � � � � � � �r � � � �ss�s �. s � o � WAL � �; � � �� � uC � �� � 1 i i llis -ricti I'lannin�; Cuunc_i.1. �E 14 �= I L. � N U. s-io9�i P�GE°: To ciecide on whether to procced wil{i r��cc�n;�Lruct.ion i�f llie followitl�; sicic�wrilk order�;: South side JAMES AVENUE - S. Prior Avenue to Cleveland Avenue. To reconstruct one(1) sidewalk panel each at #1984, 1982, 1978, and 2046, two (2) panels at ��2022 and all of ��2018 James ��� �� �� d�� ,A1�i.J LC� CA'�' IC� N i���A R I N G Thursday, June 24, 1982, 10:00 A.M. City Council Ctiamhers, 3rd Floor City Hal.l.-Court House If the Council approves the orders (or any part thereof, a portion of tlie costs will be assessed (after construction) against benefitted properties. The estimated assessments for this praject are as foilows: RESIDENTIAI. rates (SINGLI: t'AMILY TO `fHRI?E i�AMILY) l �� �� S S M E N T New construction (wiiere no walk existed) $10.00* per fronC: foot. iIVFdFtMAYION Replaceme.nt of �ld wtillc--$5.0O* per �ront fooC. ; *Please note that ResideiiLia:l rates are based on Che construction of a 5-f.00t wide Sidewalk; all extra wiclth sidewa:Lks wi7.1 be proraCecl accordin�;ly. I � COMMGRCI:AI. rates (all property other than residenLial) � 100% oF actual. cost estimated to be approximately $3.O� } per square foot of walk constructed. } i � Construcrion: 298� Assessments: 292-7029 � , 5�z s,s— P1� C' �`�" � /-1�S Also, City staff will be available to answer any last m.inute �af G W question5 on this project in the City Council. Chamhei-s f.rom 9: 30 to 10:00 A.M. the same day as the hear.ing. by the Valuation and Assessment Divi.si.on Notice sentJune 4, 1982, Department of Finance and Mana�;enient Serv:ices � Room 218 Ciry Hall.-Court House � St. Paul, rl:i.nnesota 55102 + � � � �: p � u �. c i �r �t � � � � � c �� �� PU �3L1 � �i � � F� l �l � � � � � �% � '�88'76 sio � �vA� � +� � n� �� � � � �riaN Dis rict PlanninQ Council !t5 rr.� F I L E N0. s-io9�� PAGE To decide on whether to proc_eed with reconstruction of the following sidewalk orders: South side KENNY ROAll - Payne Avenue to �runson Street ��R �V�� AItl� �t,.! l.� M•1 �V 1, ���� ' � � Thursday, June 24, 1982, 10:00 A.M. City Council Chambers, 3rd I�loor City Hall-Court House If the Counc�il approves tlie orders (or any part thereof, a portion of the costs will be assessed (after construction) against benefitted properties. The estimated assessments for this project are as follows: RESIDI:NTIAL rates (SINGLL I�'AMII_,Y TO '1'HREI; FAMILY) q� �� .�"J. � ���'�` New construct.i.on (wYiere no walk existed) $10.00* per front foot. e ��o�`�A T��N Replacement of old walk--$5.00* per front foot. *Please note that Residential rates are based on the construction af a 5-foot wide sidewalk; a1.1 extra width sidewalks will be prorated accordingly. COMMERCIAL rates (al.l property other than residenti.al) 100% of actiial. cost estlmated to be approximately $3.00 per square foot of walk constructed. Construction: 298-4255 Assessments: 292-7029 01 U C �'�"�0 wIC Also, City staff will be available to answer any last minute �°� �' ����� questions on this project in the City Council Chambers f:rom 9:30 to 1.0:00 A.M. the same day as the hearing. by the Valuation and Assessment Division Notice sent Department of Finance and Management Services June 4, 1982, Room 218 City }3a11-Court House St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 � 1". PAUL . � I �' '� Ct� UN � I �. . i PUBLIC � � EA► � I �JG N � TIC � 2'788'76 � 4 � IDEWALK C � N �TRUCTIaN . D� � ri.ct Pl�ni.n Caunci]. �12 F ( L E N 0. s-io9s2 - PAGE To decide on whether to proceed witt� reconstruction of thE . following sidewalk orders: Both sides E. MONTANA AVE. - Hazel Street to Curve St. , < �URPaSE AND � �.acn►�rioN � �I E A R I N G Thursday, June 24, 1982, 10:00 A.M. ' City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall-Court House If the Council approves the orders (or any part thereof, a portion of the costs will be assessed (after construction) against benefitted properties. The estimated assessments for this project are as follows: � RESIDENTIAL rates (SINGLE FAMILY TO T�1REE FAMILY) � A S S� S S M E N T New construction (where no walk existed) $10.00* per j front foot. i � I N F 0 R M A T I 0 N Replacement of old walk--$5.00* per front foot. ' : *Please note that Residential rates are based on the ' construction of a 5-foot wide sidewalk; all extra width � : sidewalks will be prorated accordingly. i COMMERCIAL rates (all property other than residential) 5 100y of actual cost estimated to be approximately $3.00 per square foot of walk constructed. s ; ; i Constructian: 298-4255 Assessments: 292-7029 � ; Q U E S��o N S Also, City staff will be available to answer any last minute ; quest�.ons on this pro�ect in the City Council Chambers from � 9:30 to 10:00 A.M. the same day as the hearing. ? . i by the Valuation and Assessment Division � Notice sent Department of Finance and Management Servicea � � June 4, 1982, Room 218 City Hall-Court House : St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 � � a � �: � � u � . � � yr � � � ur� � i �.. ��.,� PU � L. IC H � �4 � IiV � f� � �' � � �: 2'788'76 � � ID � WAL �C � � �V �T' � U � `� 1C� 1� ; ; D f_str_i ct_P1_ann i n�:; Cow1c i 1 �`2 I� I Lu � i�J CJ.�s-ioa�o ' � F'�L C7 E�� T�'� decide on wheLher t�> {�ru�•ec�d wit-1� r�������i�i �t.ru��tNi�,ii���i� �t I,�, � � i fo]]c�wiit�� siclewalk c�rcl��rs: � � South side F. MONTANA AVE. West of White Bear Avenue , at ��1744 and �11754 E, Montana Avenue � i � � '� J �"� � �J�.:� � � � � �1 b�•r� 4r� �.� �'� �� � r�s.�s+r«.v�.rrro�war.�x�u�.� I ���� (� G Thursday, June 24, 1982, �� 1�};���� p,M, City Council Ch�mhers, 3rd l�loor City Ha�ll_-Court Hc�u�,e If the Council �pprc�ves the orders (or any ��art �herec>f, a portion of the costs w.il.l b� assessed (aCter ccrostrucLion) against benefitted properties. The estinuited as5e5�mc:i�tti for this pro_ject are as follows: I 1 - --------- � RES7I)I�.N'I'1AI. rates (SINCLI? FAMILY `('0 'I'l�1kF?I? I�AMLLY) � 'a ��' � � ���'�" New constri�ctic>n (�ohere ne� wal}< exisCec]) $1(1.O(1�'� ��er frot�C foot. � � ���� Q� ��� Replacemenl of olci wa]_k--$5.U0* per fr��nt f����t� . ( �P1.ease noCe r_hat ftesidenC inl rates are ha�ed <>n �he � constructic>n c�f <� 5-foot wide sidewalk; �:tl I extr� wi<ith � si.dewa].ks w111 be �>rorated �iccord i.ngl y. ( COPIMER(.IA1, r��te ; (��1:1 proper�ty oCher. tl�an resident�ial) � 100% of actual cost estimated to be approximately $3.00 per squ�ire foot of walk constructed. � Construction: '198-�� ASSessments: 292-7029 �-z Ss' �U � C�`","' i�N� Also, City staf f wi11_ be available to answer any last minut.e � questions on this project in the City Council Chambers froui 9: 30 to 10:00 A.M. ttie same day as the hearing. � by the Valuation and Assessment D:Iv:ist.on I Notice sent June 4, 1982, llepartment of Finanr_e and Management Services I Room 218 City Hall-Court Hotise St. Paul., Mi.nilesota 55102 � �". P �► U �. � @ �' '� � � U � � f �. � . ; PUeLlC NEARI �VG NaTiCE �'788"76 � � IDEWALK CC� NSTRUCTbC� N ;: D. �ric�Pl�nnYin� Cou,nci.l 11 � � �.. � ��. 5-10964 PAGE To decide on wtiPther to proceed with reconstrt�cti.on of t'tie , following sidewalk orders: West side PAYNE AVENUE--Jenks Avenue to Lawson Avenue f" l.J � i_ V .7G . �i rf L.� � I.C� Cp�' IOIV :� ,, �� � �, ;. ;; ;: �!E�R I N G Thursday, June 24, 1982, 10:00 A.M. �' City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall-Court House ;; , ; � 3. If the Council approves the order.s (or at�y part thereof, '� a portion of the costs will be assessed (after construction) against benefitted properties. The estimated assessments " for this pro�ect are as fol.lows: RESIDENTIAL rates (SINGLI: FAMILY TO `('HREE FAMII.Y) .4 � 'J �� � � ��N'�' New construction (where no wal.k existed) $10.00* per ' ,� front foot. I�F'Of�nAATION � Replacement of old walk--$5.00* per front foot. ; *Please note that Residential. rates are based on the '' 4, construction of a 5-foot wi.de sidewalk; al.l extra width .. sidewalks will be prorated accordingly. ' ;' COMMERCIAL rates (all property other than residential) 100% of actual cost estimated to be approximately $3.00 ' ;' per square foot of walk constructed. , Construction: 298�=�- Assessments: 292-7029 �zs s� + , Q U � �"�`� ��� Also, City staff will be available to answer any last mi.nute ;� questions on this pro�ect in the City Council Chambers f.rom � 9:30 to 10:00 A.M. the same day as the hearing. .. by the Valuation and Assessment Divisi.on ?' Notice sent •�:�st�e'k, 1982,Department of Finance and Management Services �� Room 218 City Hall-Court House t St. Paul, Minnesota 551.02 i �� �r: � �► � � � iMr � � � u � � f �.� � �° U B L i C �f � � � i �1 G IN C� �' I �; �. 2'788'7� � � oEwA�. � � t� NSTF� UCT1� �b ' � � D's �rict PI 111[11�Q COl1T1C7� II � � F I L. E �v o. 5-10966 ; � PA� E ' , To decide on whe[her to proceed with reccrostruction of the � following sidewal.k orders: s East side RICE STREET--Charles Avenue to Como Avenue � ; ; I? ��L1RF' CJ�� ;, �►�i I� ; ;, �.� r ��� iot� �� �. , � � � � , �.. N�A� I N G Thursday, June 24, 1982, ]0:0� A.M. � City Council Cliambers, 3rd F1oor City Hall-Court House �� � If tlle Counc.i l ai���roves the order.s (or any part thereof, ;� a portion of tl�e costs will be assessed (after construction) j' agai.nst benefitted properties. The esti.mated assessments '; for this project are as f.otlows: r , � RESIllEN'I'TAI, rate:_ (S1NCI.1?. Ft1MII.Y 'fO '1'HKI�:I? I�AMfLY) ;, � � �ESSM��1T New construction (where no walk existecl) $10.00* per i front foot. e !�I F 0 R M AT I O N Replacement of old walk--$5.00* per f ront foot. :' � �Please note tl�at Itesidential rates are ba5ed c�n Lhe ; construction of �� 5-f.00t wide sidewalk; a11 extra wi.dth + a: sidewa.lks will be prorated accordingl.y. �: ; COMMERCIAL rates (a11 property other thacY resident.i.al) ? 100% of c`iCtilA1 cost estimated to be approxima�ely $3.00 � per square foot of wal.k constructed. 7 1 ,, Construction: 29�' Assessments: 292-7029 ± �. �,s-s- , 4 1 �� � S"�"�oN S Also, City staff will be available to answer any last minute � questions on th�s project in the City Council Chambers from � 9:30 to 10:00 A.M. the same day as the hearing. ; ;. � � by the Val.uation and Assessment Division ' ; Notice sent June 4, 1982, Department of. Fi.nance and Management Services � , Room 218 City Hall-Court House • St. Paul, Mlnnesota 55102 } �. - --- - �"J+ µl�. f t� V � • � ! �� � � 4� t.� 1`N � 1 � , �'".� , �ty�� /`y r f— �.J U � � C fl � � r� � I�i � 1 V �,J � � C � �(r I V'V/� ! � ID► EW�►LK � � �J ��' � U � TIa �J llistrict Pl.annint� Counci.l 1�6 � � L, E (v Q. S-10967 F'I�GE To dc�cide on whether to proceed with r�construction of the foll.owing s Ldewa]k orclers: East side RICE STREET--Litchfield Street to Front Street ���.1 � �' �"J�� ��NC.� �.. c:� �,. �,��� �c� r� ��,�� � � � Thursday,�June 24, 1982, �� 1.0:00 A.ri. City Counc�I1 Ch�rml�ers, 3rd l�'l.00r Ci[y Il�ill.-Court Hotise �� IE tlit� C<�unc�i 1 �i����rc�ve5 t}ie orders (c,�r any part ttiereoE, � a porCii�n o�f the c.osts wi]_1 t,e assessed (after r_onst.ruction) � a�;ai.nst hc�nefitt:ecl C�rc���erttes. 7'he estirnr�tec] �.isse:,sments for.� Cliis ���r�c>je��t .�re <i;� fol]i�ws: � KI?SII�I?N'CI�,I, r,�il ��:�, (SIN(�I,I�; I�AP•iII.Y 'f�) 'I'(Iltl�:l? I'1�N111,Yj � l�� '�" y'• '�� ,�„y �� �� �� New coi�ivlrucci��n �wt�E�re ii�� w;ili< exi:;Ce��l) ;; IU.00�� j�cr ,:.� ..��.. . . f r_ont- f ��ot. � � ��`� �' �� �'� �� � 1 � �.J� IZep1 act��mt�iit c�f ��l�1 e•�r� 1}c----SS.l)0* ��cr Pron t 1 r;�>I.. , �tii�lease ni�te that ttes�iclent�i�il raCCS are h.�:��t�cl <�ri t:iic� constriicti�>n oY a 5--ioot wiile 5idewalk; al7 extr�i wicltl�i sidew<ilks wil �1 be pr.orat.ed ac:cor�li_n};ly. CONtMLRC�.[AL rate;; (al_1 l�roperty other ti�i�in resi�le��cia1 ) �� --� --- —._.__._. 100% of <ictual c��st t�:.�timat�d Lo be ap��roximate�ly $3.O0 per. squar•e t�o�>t of walk c�>ns�ruc�ecl. ConstrucLi_r�i�i: 298—� AssesSments: 292�-702�� �� '' �ts—s" �U � �"�' ��1�1 � Al.so, Clty st�if`P wiil. be <ivail�ihle to answet� riiiy la �t niinute " 0� questions on tl�is pr.uject in the City Councii Ch��mh��r�s tr��m • 9: 30 t�� 10:00 11.M, the sarne day ��s the hearin�r,. 4 by the Va:luat ion and Asse<�sment lli_vi.sion r Notice senC June 4, 1982, Department �>f Finance and Management Servic<�s + Room 218 City llal.l-Court House } St. Paul, Miniieso�a 551.02 � f � �: �' �► U �. � � `� � � � U �1 C� � �.� � C�.,�_ PU � LIC� M � �4 � 1 �1 � N � �' IC; � � SIDEWAL �C CC� NS�' � UCT10 �1 ; , �ll . • ri.ct Plannin Council �l � � � �.. E N�. S-10968 + PAGF To decide on whether to proceed wi_th rPCOnstruction of thc following sidewalk orders: � � East side RICE STREET - W. Magnolia Avenue to West Jessamine f�V� � �.✓�� � ANa Lc� rA�r �orv � ��A� 'N G Thursday, June 24, 1982, 10:00 A.M. City Council Chamber:;, 3rd I�l.00r C:ity H�ill-C�urC Ilouse If the Council appruves ttie orders (or any par.t. thereof, a portion of the costs wil.l be assessed (after constr.uction) against benefitted properties. '1'he estimatecl a5sessme�nt5 for this pro_ject are as fol]ows: � t R�STDENTIAI, rates (SINCLI: FAI�II[.Y 'I'0 `1'IIIlF:E FAMILY) � AS �� 5� SMENT New construction (where no walk existed) $](l.O0* �>er front foot. I���� ���)v� Replacement of old walk--$5.00* per [ront foot. *Please note that Residential rates are bas��d on tl�e. construction of a 5-foot wide sidewa'lk; al.l e�xtra w_IclCh sidewalks will be prorated accordingly. COMMERCIAL rates (al.l. property other than residential) 100% of actual cost estimated to be approximately $3.Q0 per square foot of walk construc[ed. Construction: 298-�-� Assessments: 292-7029 �zs-s— QU� �",')O w'c Also, City staff will be available to answer any last minute ����� questions on this project in the City Council Chambers f:rom 9:30 to 10:00 A.M, the same day as tl�e hearing. by the Valuation and AssessmeTit Division Notice sent June 4, 1982, Department of F�.nance and Management Services Room 218 City Hall-Court 1-1o�ise St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 � �': F' A� U L . � � T �f � � lJ �J � � L c:�`.�' � �� . , PUBLIC HEAf� II� G f� C� �' I � � � � IDEWALK � � �J �� � UCTlOiV � D .s �ric�t F'IanriinQ Council lij ; F � (_ � (�f�, 5-10981 PAGC ; 3 To decide on whether to proceed with reconstructic�n of the ; following sidewalk orclers: Northwest side STATE STREET - E. Page St. to South 100' ; f�lJRpt�SE , A I�!� 1...C� � t�"�` I t�► N H�A R I N G Thursday, June 24, 1982, 10:00 A.M. City Counci.l Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall-Court House If the Council approves the orders (or any part thereof, , a portion of the costs will be assessed (after construction) against benefitted properties. The estimated assessments for this project are as follows: RESIDENTIAI� rates (SINGLE FAMILY TO THREE FAMILY) �� �� � � ��N'�" New construction (where no walk existed) $10.00* per ; front fout. i N�'0 R I�I AY i O N Replacement of old walk--$5.00* per front foot. ; *Please note that Residential rates are based on the ; construction of a 5-foot wide sidewalk; all extra width sidewalks will be prorated accordingly. COMMERCIAL r.ates (all property other than residential) 100% of actual cost estimated to be approximately $3.00 per square foot of walk constructed. Construction: 298-4255 Assessments: 292-7029 Q U � �T��1�1 c Also, City staff will be available to answeX any last minute � ����� questions on this project in the City Council Ghambers from 9:30 to 10:00 A.M. the same day as the hearing. by the Valuation and Assessment Division Notice sent Department of Finance and Management Services June 4, 1982, Room 218 City Hall-Court House St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 ; � � �`: � � U �. � � ��` `� C; �'� tJ �i � IL. PU6LIC H � �4 � I �VG �1C� �' IC � 2�8876 SIDEWALK CC� �iS`� � UC �` I� �1 D"s rict Planni.n��uncil. II12 F i L. E N U. 5-10969 PI�G C To dE:cicle on wiie[her to proceecl wi th recc�nsc ruct:ion of the following s:i�lewalk orders: North side UNIVERSITY AVENUE - LaSalle Street to Carleton Street F�tJi"� �' C� S� ��C� �..� c.; ra�r �� tv ���� �N G Thursday, June 24, 1982, 10:00 A.M. Citiy Counc�il Chamhers, 3rd l�loor City Hal1-Court House If the Cc�uncil. approves the orders (or any part thereof, a port:i.on of the costs wi11 he assessed (after construction) agai.nst henefit.tecl proper.ties. 'I'he estim:�ted assessments for this �>rojc:�rt_ rire as fo"11ows: I2LSIDI�:N'1'IAL raCes (STN(;L,E? f�t1M[f.Y '1'0 "I'{IRI?1? FAr11I,Y) �'� �� � � �� �T New construction (where ni� wallc ex:isCecl) $LO.(1O� ��c�r f.ront foot. � �� �" � ��� 1 �� � Kepl�cemc�nt of: c>ld walk--$S.(l0* per fr.��nt fr�ot. �tl?i.�ase n��t�:� tliat ile:,ident�i�il_ rares �u-c� ha�>��d �,ii tlic� constructiun of r�i 5-fc�ot w�i<le sidewalk; al ] ext_r,� widt.li sidewai.k:, wil l l,e prorated �iccurclint;ly. COMMEKC;IAI., rates (al l. property othr�r th�in resident i�i l ) 100% of actua•1 cost estimaLed to be ap��roximately $3.OU per square foot of walk consLructed. Construction: 298� Assessment:s: 2'32-7()29 �Z�S �� � �`�"' oA'� Also, City staff will. be available to an:�wt�r �iny ]�ist minuCe ��� questions on thi.s pro_ject in the City Counci:l Ciu:in�l>r_-r:; frc�m 9: 30 to 10:00 A.M. the same day as tl�e tiearin�;. by the Valuation rind Assessment llivisi_on Notice sent June 4, 1982, Department of Finance and Management Serv:ice5 Room 2].8 C:I.ty Hal1.-C��urti House St. Pau] , Minn�sota 55102 � ��: � �► u �. . � r �r � � � u � c � �. � � ue �. i � � � � � � i �v � � � �r � � � � IC� EW�►LK CC�► IV �T � lJC1' I� N D . �rict PlanninQ Council l� 3 r..�� . . � � �. E N o. S-�o9�8 PAGE � To decide on whether to proceed wi_th reconstruction of the � following sid�walk or.ders: � South side E. WINONA STREET - S. Robert Street to W. 160' , 1 f�UI� F�OSE � l Ai�D � �.� � �►`�' I 0 N � � , 1 ��A R I N G Thursday, June 24, 1982, 10:00 A.M. � City Cauncil Chambers, 3rd I'loor City Hall-Court House If the Council approves the orders (or any part thereof, I a portion of the costs will be assessed (after construction) # against benefitted properties. The estimated assessments � for this project are as follows: � RESIDENTIAL rates (SINGLE FAMILY 'r0 THR$� FAMILY) � � �� � � ���'r New construction (where no walk existed) $10.00* per : front foot. � , I �VF�ORNIA7'ItJN ' Repl.acement of old walk--$5.00* per frant foot. � � kPl.ease note tliat Residential rates are based on the y construction of a 5-foot wide sidewalk; all extra width ; si.dewalks will be prorated accordingly. � I COMMERCIAL rates (all property other than residential) � 100% of actual cost estimated to be approximately $3.00 � per syuare foot of walk constructed. � � � , Construction: 298- 4255 Assessments: 292-7029 Also, City staff will be available to answer any last minute ' �� � ���O�� questions on thi.s project in the City Council Chambers f.rom j 9: 30 to 10:00 A.M. the same day as the hearing. � , i by the Valuation and Assessment Divi.sion ? Notice sent Department of Ftnance and Management Services June 4, 1982, Room 21.8 Ci_ty Hall-Court kiouse i St. Paul., MinnE�soLa 55l_02 ; � �r: � AU �. . � i �r � �; �� � � c�� � �� � ��..� . - � i �V G �1 c� °ty I � � 2'7��'7� ` PUf3LIC �I � � f SID � WALK Cai� �T' � 11 � 1" IC� I� 1).istric_�t: f'l.�zni_�in�; (',ounc i �L Lf7� � � � �_. �:... � �. S-10972 P!���� F ' � _ � � To declde on wf�iether to pr�ceed with �rc�r���n:;t ru�•t in�� �,f rl���� foll_owin�; sidewalk orclers: ` I South side WINTER STREET - Capitol Blvd, to E 200' ' i I I � i fj!J I�t ��' C���� � ; �►f�J C) ! ; � i L_C� � �`� IC� � i � i I I 3 � I I � i � i ��A� �NG Thursday, June 24, 1982, 10:00 A.M. � City Cauncil Chambers, 3r.d Floor City Iial.l-Court House � i If the Council approves the orders (or any part thereof, ; a portion of the costs wi11 be assessed (after construction) ; against benefi.tted proper.ties. 'I'he estimated assessments � for this project are as follows: � s RESIllENTIAL rates (STNGL,I? FAMILY 'I'0 'I'HREfi: I�At�1II,Y) � _--__— ----- : �� �`J� � S �G N'�` New construct Ioii (wherca no walk exisCc,ci) $10.0O* ��er � front fuot. ; IN�'��MAYION Replacement of o1d waJk--$5,00* per fronl [c,ot. � ; ; *Please note that Resi.dei�tial rates ar.e based on tr�e � constructicm of a 5-foot wide sidewalk; a11. extra width sidewal.k:� w:lll. be proratecl accordingl.y. � COMM�RCIAL rates (all pro��ci-t:y other t}ian residential) ! 100% of actual cost estirnated Co be approximately $3.00 i per square foot of walk construc.ted. ; ( Construction: 298-� Assessments: 292-7029 ' ° �z s� � Q U � CJ'r' ��N S Also, City staff wil.l be availabl.e to answer any last minute � questions on this pro�ect in the City Council Chambers from i 9:30 to 10:00 A.M. the same day as the hearing. � i by the Valuation and Assessment Di.vi.sion � Notice sent June 4, 1982, Department of Finance and Management Services i Room 21.8 City Hall-Court House I St. 1'au1, Minnesota 55102 � 1". P A tJ I� C I T 1� C� � U N C i L. � ��.,� � . . �`� PUBLIC HEARIIVG NC� TI +CE SIOEWALK CON �TRUCTI(JN ` D ric - Pla�n.in Council ��9 F f L E N 0. s-lo9so PAGE To decide on whether to proceed with reconatruction of the following sid�walk orders: Both sides WATSON AVENUE - Drake Street to Osceola Avenue f U11 �VSG AND � LC� CA� ION ; H E A R I N G �ursday, June 24, 1982, 10:00 A.M. City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall-Court House � If the Council approves the orders (or any part thereof, � a portion of the costs will be assessed (after conatruction) � against benefitted properties. The estimated assessments for this project are as follows: � RESIDENTIAL rates (SINGLE FAMILY TO THREE FAMILY) ' A S �E 5 S M E N T New construction (where no walk existed) $10.00* per front foot. i N F O Fi M AT I 0 N Replacement of ol.d walk--$5.00* per front foot. *Please note that Residential rates are based on the ; construction of a 5-foot wide sidewalk; all extra width sidewalks will be prorated accordingly. _ ;, COMMERCIAL rates (all property other than residential) 100X of actual cost estimated to be approximately $3.00 per square foot of walk constructed. I Construction: 298-,42�r� Assessments: 292-7029 � , , Q U � S"T'�0 N S Also, City staff will be available to answer any last minute ; questions on this project in the City Council Chambers from � 9:30 to 10:00 A.M. the same day as the hearing. ; , i by the Valuation and Assessment Division Notice sent Department of Finance and Management Services ' June •4, 1982, Room 218 City Hall-Court House � St. Paul, Minnesata 55102 } � � i f . u �. � � � � � � u � cs �. � �� ; � �: P A �� I H � � F� I �VC NC� TI � � 2'788'76 PU6L. C SIDEWALK C � NS`� f� IJCTIC� I� D's -ric . PlanninR Council �{16&9 ' � i � E N o. 5-10983 ; PAGE � , ; ; : ; To decide on whether to proceed with reconstruction of the following sidewal.k orders: '• East side WALNUT STREET from Fort Road to Pleasant Avenue and West side WALNUT STREET from Fort Road to the North ' 100'+ F�URF' USE A(VD LC� CA`� ION a � _ � � a ; ; ,� �G A R I N G - Thursday, June 24, 1982, 10:00 A.M. City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall-Court House � � If the Council approves the orders (or any parC thereof, a portion of the costs will be assessed (after construction) against benefitted properties. The estimated assesaments for this pro�ect are as follows: x � RESIDENTIAL rates (SINGLT's FAMILY TO THREE FAMILY) ;, A► S �� S S M�N T New construction (where no walk existed) $10.00* per front foot. ' I�V�'�R M AT I 0 N Replacement of old walk--$5.00* per front foot. � *Please note that Residential rates are based on the construction of a 5-foot wide sidewalk; all extra width sidewalks will be prorated accordingly. COMMERCIAL rates (all property other than residential) 100% of actual cost estimated to be approximately $3.Q0 per square foot of walk constructed. • ,. Construction: 298-42�55 Assessments: 292-7029 Q U � �'�"�O1�i c Also, City staf f will be available to answer any last minute ����� questions on this project in the City Council Chambers from 9:30 to 10:00 A.M. the same day as the hearing. by the Valuation and Assessment Division Notice sent Department of Finance and Management Serv�.res June 4, 1982, Room 218 City Hall-Court House - St. Paul., MinnesoCa 55102 ���V�� LAW V�f 1. E`. J O H N E. D A U B N E Y Jl „J�O� ' ATTORNEVS AND COUNSE�ORS AT LAW `��lU .'+; . 1 304 DEGREE OF ��ONOR BU�LDiNG � . FOURTrI AND ('.f DnR S7REET5 JOHN E� DAUBNEV ST. PAUL, MN 55101 6�: �24-43a5 �ANE? C.FESLER , , June 14 , 1982 � The St . Paul City Council , 3rd Floor City Hall Courthouse St . Paul , Minnesota 55101 '. Re: Sidewalk Hearing, Thursda5� . June 24 , 1982 , North side of University Avenue between LaSalle and Carleton Streets, St . Paul President Tedesco 'and Member5 of the City Council : This letter is being written on behalf of L & M Holding Company and Johnson Brothers Wholesale Liquor who are the o«�ners of the property on the North side of University Avenue between LaSalle and Carleton Street5. This sidewalk has very little pedestrian travel and is not in poor condition at the present time . They are at a loss to understand why any consideration of re-construction of this sidewalk should come before S�ou ; a ne� or re-constructed sidewalk at this location is neith�r needed nor wanted. The east end of the block is the old "tile" block , and the balance poured cement . At the most some repairs � are needed. Very truly yours, _ _ /�/` ,.� � �lti � , �,��� gN�-y Johri E. Daubne.��� Attornc�,y for L � M Holdin�; C��mpan}� and Johnson I3rothers Whole:�ale L_iquor JED:mdm cc :Johnson Brothers Whvlesa]e Liquor hiitchel� Johnson 1 • �~,•�� t ,"� CITY OF SAINT PAUL �8��6 INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM December 10, 1980 . MEMORANDUM T0: Mayor Latimer FROM: Robert Pi SUBJECT: Stump Removal for 1981 -We have reviewed the 1981 budget for the Shade Tree Disease Control�Tree . � Maintenance in light of the various budget reductions. The budget cuts r at various stages in the process amounted to more tF�an $700,000 (not - includi�g the tree planting 6udget). TF�rougF�out the process we placed . - priorities on the functions performed�by tF�e Forestry Section and reduced the budget accordingly. , The final reductions by the City Council in the shade Tree Disease -Control/Tree Maintenance budget for 1981 required dropping positions within the operation, based on priority activities. Our first priority is the control of Dutc6 elm disease, second priority is the routine maintenance of existing trees �which we have a legal liability to maintain in a safe manner�, third is the continuation of tree planting and fourth • is the removal of stumps from public property. We have tentatively determined that stump removal , except for cases where construction dictates removal should be dropped as an activity until the budget picture improves. We have left positions vacant and cut back expenditures in order to carry over as much money from 1980 into 1981 as possible. If state funding at a level of 50 percent reimbursement is not available in 1981 , we face a $1 .1 million deficit in the budget which will place the program in critical condition. Since we usually do not know tF�e status of State Shade Tree Disease Control funding until May, we are atte�ting to keep spending to a minimum while still keeping city crews , ' working on tree maintenance and trimning. Without state assistance, the Forestry staff would immediately have to be reduced from 69 positions to . � 35 positions or less. Based on the fact that stump removal is primarily a cosmetic activity and that winter stump removal is highly inefficient, we will be terminating . this operation until April , 1981 . At that time we will review the financial situation and determine whether it is financially feasible to reinstate public stump removal. � mkv �-,...� DEC 12 19$0 CC; Richard Schroeder� Thomas Kelley,tt�$u�tct�fi0�'� Tom Karl - � �'7������°�I CITY OF SAINT PAi� L DEPARTh1ENT OF COMMUNITY 5�(ZVICES � DIVISION OF PARKS AND RECREAI�ION � 488-7291 FORESTRY SECTION 1224 No. Lexington Park��ay St. Paul, Minnesota 55103 June 23 , 1982 T0 : Robert Piram, Superintendent of Parks FROM: Thomas Karl , Arborist IV SUBJECT: Stump Removal Costs . In 1980 , because of budget reductions , the division suspended stump removal operations . Prior to that date Forestry employees ground out the stumps in the boulevard area. The stump hole was left level , filled with chips generated during the removal operation and excess chips hauled away. The Parks Department did not supply black dirt , seed or sod. Number of Stumps Since 1975 , the Parks 'Department has removed 45 , 029 stumps (see chart below) . 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 Total Stumps Removed 2139 4107 6641 10685 10194 11263 0 0 45, 029 During that same period of time the department removed approximately 58, 000 trees . This leads to an estimate of approximately 13 , 000 stumps left on boulevards in 'the City. This includes the estimated removal of 2, 000 trees during the remainder of 1982 . During the summer months an average of 17 stumps can be removed per day. In the snow period this is reduced to 8 , 3 per day. • This gives us a year round average of 13. 75 stumps removed per day by one crew. «.�Mt��W � � � 2�88�6 Page 2 Robert Piram. Stump Removal Costs Assuming that a crew is out 220 days per year and average 13. 75 stumps per day , we can remove 3 , 025 stumps per year. This means that it would take four and a half (4�) years to remove the 13 , 000 stumps presently on the boulevard using one crew. Additional crews would reduce that amount of time. However, if we continue to remove 2 , 000 trees per year, it will take us over 12 years to remove all stumps on the boulevard at the present time , including future removals . , Costs There are two ways to approach • this : OPTION 4�1 1) The City grinds out the stump and the property owner disposes of the resulting chips . � Labor Tree Trimmer II - 8 hours @ $11 . 81/hr. _ $ 94 . 48 Groundsman - 8 hours @ $11 . 47/hr. _ $ 91 . 76 Fringes (22%) _ $ 40. 97 $ 227. 21 Equipment Pickup Truck - 8 hours @ $3. 50/hr. _ $ 28 . 00 Stumper - 8 hours @$25. 00/hr . _ $ 200 . 00 $ 228. 00 Total costs for 8 hour day = $ 455. 21 Since we remove 13 . 75 stumps per day, this gives us a cost • of $33. 10 per stump , NOT hauling debris . Therefore, it would cost the City, based on present Iabor costs , $430 , 300. 00 to remove 13 ,000 stumps . � Q?�'TION � 2 2) This option would includ «uling all debris . : �bor Tree Trimmer II - 8 hours @ $11. 81/hr. _ $ 94 . 48 Groundsman - 8 hours @ $11. 47/hr. _ $ 91 . 76 Loader Operator - 8 hours @ $13 . 77/hr. _ $ 110. 16 Truck Driver - 8 hours @ $11. 77/hr. _ $ 94 . 16 $ 390. 56 22� Fringes 85 . 92 Tota1 I.a.bor $ 476 . 48 Page 3 Robert Piram Stump Removal Costs OPTION �{ 2 ' Equipment ' Pickup Truck - 8 hours @ $ 3 . 50/hr. _ $ 28. 00 Sturap Chipper - 8 hours @ $25 . 00/hr. _ $ 200. 00 Loader - 8 hours @ $12 . 00/hr. � $ 96 . 00 Truck - 8 hours @ $ 9 . 00/hr. _ $ 72 . 00 Total Equipment $ 396 . 00 Total costs, Option �2 for an eight hour day is $872 . 48. Since we remove 13 . 75 stumps per day, this gives us a cost of $63. 45 per stump. This cost does not include any dumping fees . At a removal cost of $63 . 45 and present wage rates , the costs for removing the 13 , 000 stumps presently on the boulevard would amount to $ 824 , 850. 00. CONFLICTS During the time we are removing stumps we are also removing additional trees . If we continue to remove trees at the .rate of 2 , 000 per year , this means that we are actually reducing the number of stumps on the boulevard by only 1, 025 per year . At that rate, with one crew, it would take us twelve (12) years to rem.ove all stumps , including stunps generated by removal in future years . This means also that the total number of stumps. would increase by 24 , 000 during the twelve (12) years it took us to remove the original 13 , 000 stumps. Thus we would remove a total of 37 , OOQ stumps at toda}*s costs of $63. 45 per stump . This means that to totally rid the City of present and future stumps it would cost approximately $2 , 347 , 650 in todays dollars and todays wages . TAK:ah �c: Lloyd Burkholder , ' January, 198Z j; • • . � {r�CrC,�Sf � IC�WtC 7'f r � ��� buu �eva�� 1 ►�CC i\Ci'KOI�Gt ( �U, f �� FIXED UNIT PRICES �88�� t � - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - i . � � The value of any additions or deductions in the work to be done under lump sum contracts, �� ; or of units of work to be done which are not included in the work items listed in the j � Schedule of Prices under unir price contracta will be determined by the unit prices set } forth in the following schedule of prices. � . � � Remove Boulevard and Alley Trees (4" to 18" Dia.) Including Stumps, Each . . . . . . ..$ 200.00 � ' ,�Remove Bouelvard and Alley Trees (Over 18" Dia.) Including Stumps, Each . . . . . . . . . 300.00 j Remove Trees (Over 4" Dia.) Including Stumps in Areas Other Than Above . . . . . . . . . . 200.00 � ' *NOTE - Payment for Grubbing only will be at a rate equivalent to 501' of the ; "Remove Tree" item.-�Payment for stump grinding only will be at a rate ; equivalent to 30� of the "Remove Tree" i' �m. :.� Remove Pavement, Including Base, Per Square �Yarc! . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.00 � � Remove Asphalt Surfacing, Per Square Yard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. .. 2.00 + � Remove Block Pavement Surfacing (Wood or Brick) , Per Square Yard .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . 2.00 ' �� Remove Streetcar Track (2 Rails) Including Rails, Ties, Pavement, or Base and i _ � Surfacing, Per Lineal Foot of Single Track . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . ... 9.00 ' '- ` : Remove Concrete Base, Per Square Yard . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.00 f `� Remove Concrete Curb and Gutter, Per Lineal Foot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.50 j; � Remove Concrete or Stone Curb, Per Lineal Foot . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.25 � ; =� Remove Monolithic Concrete Sidewalk, Per Square Yard . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4.00 � . � Remove Manholes and Catch Basins, Each . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . • 150.00 j .� Remove Side Inlet Structure, Each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • . . . • • • . . . . . . 50.00 �' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -`� Remove Reinforced Concrete Walk 3" to 6" Per S uare Yard 4.00 � : '� � ). Q . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � Remove Reinforced Concrete Walk (Over 6") , Per Square Yard . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . 4.50 ; - 4 :� Earthwork (Borrow in Place - Less than S00 Cubic Yards�, Per Cubic Yard . . . . . . . . . 4.00 ; _� Earthwork (Excavation and Disposal - Less than 500 Cubic Yards) , Per Cubic Yard. . 3.50 � � Gravel Base, Class IV, In Place, Per Cubic Yard . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.00 � � ; E •Gravel Base, Class V, In Place, Per Cubic Yard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.00 � Crushed Rock Base, Class II, In Place, Per Cubic Yard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.00 ; � One Course Monolithic Concrete tv'alk (4" Thick) In Place, Per Square Foot . . . . . . . . 2.00 j �` One Course Monolithic Concrete Walk (5" Thick) In Place, Per Square Foot . . . . . . . . 2.25 ; = Concrete Base (6") Laid in Place, Per Square Yard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20.00 ` One Course Concrete Pavement (8") Laid in Place, Per Square Yard_ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23.00 ' f < One Course Concrete Driveways & Alleys (6"), Includirig Integral Curb, In Place, ; � Per Square Yard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20.00 � Portland Cement (Type 1) Incorporated in Concrete (Applies when Class of � ,�� Concrete used is other than designated in the Plans � Specifications) Per LB. . . .06 :� Concrete Curb, Type III or VI, Straight or Radius, Per Lineal Foot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.00 ; :� Concrete Curb & Gutter, Design B-612, Per Lineal Foot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.00 Concrete Curb & Gutter, Design B-624, Per Lineal Foot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.00 " Bituminous ��'alk or Boulevard (2" Thick) In Place, Per Square Foot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.00 j �� Bituminous Curb, Machine Laid, Per Lineal Foot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . 3.00 ; Steel Reinforcement, In Place (Bars) , Per Pound . . . . . . . .: . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .SO � � Steel Reinforce�aent, Welded Fabric, In Place, Per Pound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50 ? � , Concrete Pull Box, Type "A", Plate 5001, In Place, Each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160.00 ; ..-� Concrete Pull Box, Type "B", Plate 5002, In Place, Each . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . 130.00 � � Concrete Pull Box, Type "C", Plate 5001, In Place, Each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160.00 :� Concrete Pull Box, T�pe "D", Plate 5003, In Place, Each . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. 210.00 ? :� Concrete Pull Box, Type "E", P1ate 5003, In Place, Each . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 210.00 ' Castings in Place Cost of Castings Plus 25X , � . . . . . . . . . . . . .- Concrete Catch Basin Cover in Place, Plate 2302 . . . . . . . . .. Cost of Gover Plus 25% ; �� Insulation Board (Polystyrene - 4" Thick) In place, Square Yard ' � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 30.00 ; -� , a� � � x ' ✓ ; < - . ; �i::-w _ • , .. _ � • ��� SUMMARY OF ENGINEERING RECOMMENDATION HEARING DATE June 24, 1982 ADVISABILITY AND DESIRABILITY � PROJECT: RECONSTRUCT SIDEWALK N.S. SELBY AVENUE from Dale Street to St. Alhens Street and W.S. DALE STREET - Selby Ave. to North 130' S.S. DAYTON AVENUE from St. Albans Street to East 190' and E.S. ST. ALBANS STREET - Selby Avenue to Dayton Avenue; N.S. SELBY AVENUE - St. Albans St. to West 215' and W.S. ST.ALBANS f�om Selby Avenue to North 130' INITIA�ING ACTION: This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the basis of a pet�tion from the Selby-Dale Cooperative and the inspection of the watk. EXiSTING CONDITION: This walk is poured concrete with settled panels , disintregrated and scaled with settled panels , water pockets and missing section. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PROJECT: RECONSTRUCT SIDEWALK W.S. PAYNE AVENUE from Jenks Avenue to Lawson Avenue. INITIATING ACTION: This order was initiated by the airector of Public Works as public necessity on the basis of 3 complaints and inspection of the walk. EXISTING CONDITION: This walk is poured concrete with asphalt patches, disintre- grated scales and settled panels. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. PROJECT: RECONSTRUCT SIDEWALK N.S. GRAP�D AVE from Dunlap Street to West + �00' West DUNLAP STREET f�om Grand to North t 150'; INITIATIN6 ACTION: This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the basis of one complaint and a petition with 1 signer and tmspection of the walk. EXISTING CONDtTION This walk is poured concrete with tree heaves , and asphalt patches. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . PROJECT: RECONSTRUCT SIDEWALK E.S. RICE STREET from Charles Ave to Como Ave. INITIATING ACTION: This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the basis of 2 complaints and an inspection of the walk. EXISTING CONDITION This walk is poured concrete with asphalt patches, scaled, settled pane s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. � ' 2'788'76 ADVISABILITY AND DESIRABILITY Page 2 , PROJECT: RECONSTRUCT SIDEWALK E.S. RICE STREET from Litchfieid Street to Front Aaenue. INITIATING ACTION This order was initiated by the Director of �Jublic Works as public necessity on the basis of an inspection of the walk. EXISTING CONDITIONS: �his walk is poured concrete with tree heaves, offgrade, dis- �ntegratled,scaled, and settled panels. . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . .. . . PROJECT: RECONSTRUCT SIDEWALK E.S. RICE STREET from W. Magnolia Avenue to West Jessamine Avenue. INITIATING ACTION: This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the basis of 2 complaints and inspection of the walk. EXISTING CONDITION This walk is Roured concrete with asphalt patches � scaled, settled pane s and settled panels adjacent curb - tripping edge. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . PROJECT; RECONSTRUCT SIDEWALK N.S. UNIVERSITY AVENUE from LaSalle Street to Carleton Street. INITIATING ACTION This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the basis of a petition with 1 signer and inspection of the walk. EXISTING CONDITIONS This walk is old tile and poured concrete with broken tile, high joints , water pockets, holes in tile, offgrade , disintegrated, scaled, settldd paneis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PROJECT: RECONSTRUCT SIDEWALK S.S. EA�T MONTANA AVENUE from West of Whitb�Bear Avenue at 17 and 175 E. Montana Adenue. INITIATING ACTI0�1 This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the basis of a petdtion with 2 signers and inspection of the walk. EXISTING CONDITION This walk is old poured concrete with high joints , water pockets , asp a t patches, scaled settled panels. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2'788�6 ADVISABILITY AND DESIRABILITY Page 3 . PROJECT: RECONSTRUCT SIDEWF�LK S.S. JAMES AVENUE fr�m S. Prior Avenue to Cieveland Avenue. To reconstruct one sidewalk panel eash at � 1984, 1982, 1978, and 2046 two panels at �f 2022 and all of /{ 2018. INITIATING ACTION: This order was 3nitiated by the Director of Public Works as public necess ty on the basts of 2 complaints and inspeetion of the walk. EXISTING CONDITION: This walk is poured concrete with tree heaves , broken tile, high joints, offgrade, asph��.t patches end scaled, settled panels. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. .. . . PROJECT: RECONSTRUCT SIDEWALK S.S. WINTER STREET from Capitoi Blvd to E. 200';' INITIATING ACTION: This orde� was Initiated �Sy the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the basis of a petation with o�e signer and inspection of the walk. EXISTIN6 CONDITION: This walk is old poured concrete with high joints , water pockets , hotes , settled panels and missing panels. . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. PROJECT: RECONSTRUCT SIDEWALK E.S. DAVERN STREET from Saunders Avenue to Ford Parkway. INITIATING ACTION This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the basis of 1 complaint and Pnspection of the walk. EXISTING CONDITION: This walk is poured concrete with high joints, holes ,�offgrade asphalt patches scaled, settled panelss. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . .. PROJECT: RECONSTRUCT SIDEWALK B.S. ASI;LAND AVENUE from Kent Street to Dale Street abutt ng Lots 2,3, , ,9, of Blk 16 and Lots 18, 21 and 22 of Blk 7, Woodland Pk. INtTIATING ACTION This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the basis of a petition with 2 signers and in�pection of the walk. EXISTING CONDITION: This walk is old tile and poured concrete with tree heaves , ro en t le, high joints , water pockets , holes in tile, offgrade, asphait patches and settled panels. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . �1'1D�.��i� ADVISABILITY AND DESIRABILITY Page 4 PROJECT: CONSTRUCT SIDEWALK W.S. DAVERN STREET from Hillcrest Avenue to Ford Pa�kway. INITIATING ACTION: This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the basis of one complaint and inspection of the walk. EXISTING CONDITION There is no walk here at present time. . .. .. . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . ... . PORJECT: RECONSTRUCT SIDEWALK N.S. JAMES_ AVENUE from View Street to Fulton Street. INITIATING ACTION This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the basis of a petition with 1 signer and inspection of the walk. EXISTING CONDITION This walk is old tile and poured concrete with tree heaves broken tile, and high joints. . .. . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . PROJECT: RECONSTRUCT SIDEWALK S.S. KENNY ROAD from Payne Avenue to Brunson Street INITIATING ACTION: This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the basis of a petition with one signer and inspection of the walk. EXISTING CONDITION This walk is old tile and poured concrete with broken tile, high joints , water pockets, holes in tile, offgrade and asphalt patches. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PROJECT: RECONSTRUCT SIDEWALK S.S. E. WINONA STREET from S. Robert Street to Wes t 1 0 INITIATING ACTION: This order was initiated by the Director of Public Wo�ks as pub ic necessity on the basis of the inspection of the walk. EXISTING CONDTT��N This walk is old tile, broken tile, high joints , holes in the asp a t patches. . . . .. .. . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . I ��s��s ADVISABILITY AND DESIRABILITY Page 5 PROJECT: RECONSTRUCT SIDEWALK E.S. HARVARD STREET from E. Page Street to E,! Morton Street. W.S. HARVARD STREET from E. Sidney Street to E. Page Street. INITIATING ACTION: This orde r was initiated by the Director of Public Works as pub ic necess ty o�i the basis of the inspection of the walk. EXISTING CONDITION: This walk is old tile with tree heaves , broken ttle, high jo nts , holes in tile, offgrade, and asphalt patches. . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . PROJECT: RECONSTRUCT SIDEWALK B.S. WATSON AVE from Drake Street ��m Osceola Ave. INITIATING ACTION: Thisror,der was initiated by the Directo� of Public Works as public necessity on the basis of the inspection of the walk. EXISTING CONDITIONS This walk is old tile with tree heaves � broken tile, high joints��Vwater pockets , holes in tile, offgrade, asphalt patches. .. . . .. .. .. . . .. . .. .. . .. . PROJECT: RECONSTRUCT SIDEWALK N.W. 5. STATE STREET from E. Page Street to South 100' . INITIATING ACTION This order was initiated by the Di �ector of Public Works as public necessity on the basi� of 4 complaints and inspection of the walk. EXISTING CONDITIONS This walk is old tile and broken tile, high joints , and holes in t le, offgrade. . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . PROJECT: RECONSTRUCT SIDEWALK B.S. E. MONTANA AVENUE from Hazel Street to Ruth Street. INITIATING ACTION: This order was initiated by the Director of Pubiic Worlcs as pubiic necessity on the basis of the inspection of the walk. EXISTING CONBITION: This walk is old tile and poured concrete with tree heaves, h gh joints, water pockets , asphalt patches � scaled and settled panels. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PROJECT: RECONSTRUCT SIDEWALK E.S. WALNUT STREET from Fort Road to Pleasant Ave. and W.S. WALNUT STREET from FORT QOAD to North 100' + INITIATING ACTION: This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the basis of 3 complai�ts and inspection of the walk. EXISTING CONDITIONS This walk is old tile with tree heaves , broken tile, high joints, water pockets , holes in tile, offgrade and asph�kt patches. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . � -�7�g 6'�� ��� 3 -�'k F �a t y.�.,'S: s�zcw� �,p�:y,t rm7�a . 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