278873 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK �L FINANCE TF' �T COUIICII ^///� (//^� �.:NARY -QEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT 1 A V L p.� / J� BLtSE -�MAVOR File �O. ` ( y �� ` � � ouncil Resolution . . Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Wf-iEREAS, the City CoLm.cil of the City of Saint Paul heretofore adopted a resolution placing the question of public ownership of a cable cori�nunications system before the voters in the City's general election on April 27, 1982; and WHEREA.S, on such date, the voters failed to authorize the City to acc{uire a cable commLmications sytem; and Wf�REAS, the citizens of the City of Saint Paul have expressed a desire for an orderly and expeditious cable development process; and WE�REA.S, the City Administration has offered the services of City departments and the Mayor's office; now, therefore be it RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, that the City shall immediately initiate a new franchising process; and be it FURTI-IER RESOLVED, the City Council will begin screening and hiring one or more cable consultants to assist in the process; and be it FUR1'E-�R RESOLVED, that prior to screening the consultants, the Council, with the assistance of the cable staff, will study the economic issues, policy decisions and potential uses of a cable TV system in Saint Paul; and be it FURTHER RESOLVE;�, a task force of representatives of the City departments, appointed by the Mayor with the consent of the Council, be irrnnediately formed for the purpose of working with the consultant and cable staff to: 1. Conduct an intensive City needs assessment and evaluate ways in which the City could use cable to improve City services and/or reduce its costs of doing business. COUNCILl14EN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fletcher � �evine [n Favor Masanz NiCOSia scneibel � __ Against BY — Tedesco Wilson Form Appr by City Att ey Adopted by Council: Date Certified a s d y Coun ' Se Y B� Approved by INavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ — BY �NNITE - CITV CLERK COUIICII � BL K ��AVOR E CITY OF SAINT PALTL C 4RV EPARTMENT �/ � � File N 0. � ` � � �� � � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date -2- 2. Report back to the City Council on its activities and progress as determined by the Council. 3. Prepare a report on potential City uses of cable and make recommendations to the City Council about which of these should be accomodated in the RFP. 4. Assist the City Counil with drafting specifications for the RFP that deal with municipal applications of cable. 5. Discuss and develop other policy recommendations and evaluation criteria as directed by the City Council. 6. Provide assistance to the Saint Paul Public School System in evaluating potnetial uses of cable to improve public education. 7. Provide other assistance with the cable franchising process as directed by the City Council; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that the cable staff and consultant will work under the supervision of the Council Research Center and the City Council will at times retain its authority and responsibility to make the final determination on the context of the RFP and retain its power to award the cable franchise. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Fletcher � �evine [n Favor Masanz Nicosia scheibel __�__ Against BY Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date JUN 2 4 1981 Form Approve City Attorne Certified a � by unc� Secr ar BY sy tapproved avor: Date ��N 9 1982 Approved by Mayor fot Submission to Council gy `��� �C _ ��''Z — BY Pt��l�S�iED J U L 3 198� Nt11T - CITV CIEAK '.. '' �/����J•QQ '=�1.� - FLf�l4NCE � /�` C l��TTF' + �7T COUIICI� / If1(1�� r ii R� -O E P A R T M E N 1 � C I T� \/1. �_J� I ♦\ 1 1 Ll lJ L �� ��`� LUE -MAVO�/� � File NO. � • . Co cil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By�' Date WHEREAS, the City Co cil of the City of Saint Paul heretofore adopted a resolution placing the question of pu ic ownership of a cable communications system before the voters in the City's general lection on April 27, 1982; and, WHEREAS, on such date, the voters failed to authorize the City to acquire a cable communications system; and • WHEREAS, by that vote, the Cit' has determined that it should franchise a privately owned cable communications system; a WHEREAS, the City is legally oblig ed to issue new Requests for Proposals and take new proposals for a privately owned cabl communications system; and WHEREAS, the citizens of the City of S int Paul have expressed a desire for an orderly and expeditious franchising process; nd � WHEREAS, the City Administration has offe d the- services of City departments and the Mayor's office; now, therefore be it RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint aul , that the City shall immediately initiate a new franchising process, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that while the City Council wil retain its full power and authority over the cable communications franchising pro ss, it will assign to the city Administration the duty of overseeing the cable communic ions staff and budget; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that a task force of representatives f the City Departments, appointed by the Mayor with the consent of the City Council , e immediately formed for the purpose of assisting the City Council in developing a new equest for Proposals, including but not limited to the following: COU[VC'[LKEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fletcher �e�ine In Favor Masanz Nicosia Scheibel A ga i n s t BY Tedesco Wilson Form Approved it Attor e Adupted bt Cuuncil: Date Cert�tit�d Passed by Council Secretary BY �; --- -- :1ppr�,.ed h} 14avor: Date _ --.—_—___ __ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council �5 -- - -- ----------------------- ---- ---- BY -- ---- ---- I N/NITE, - C�TV CLERK COUflCll �88�3 �.NK ��- F1NAN�,E � �i I TY O F �A I NT ��A IS L C��;�:Rr - DEP4RTMENT ' _._ _ ♦ M 4 Y O R � F�l e �O. � � Council Resolution Presenf d By � R rred To Committee: Date Out o ommittee By Date - 2 - 1. Conduct n intensive City needs assessment and evaluate ways in which the City cou use cable to improve City services and/or reduce its costs of doing busi ss. 2. Report back t the City Council on its activities and progress as determined � - by the Council . 3. Prepare a report o potential City uses of cable and make recommendations to the City Council bout which of these should be accommodated in the RFP. 4. Assist the City Counci with drafting specifications for the RFP that deal with municipal applicati ns of cable. 5. Discuss and develop other licy recommendations and evaluation criteria as directed by the City Counci 6. Provide assistance to the Sain Paul Public School System in evaluating potential uses of cable to impro e public education. 7. Provide other :assistance with the ble franchising process as directed by the City Council ; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that the City Council wi , at all times, retain its authority and responsibility to make the final determinatio on the content of the RFP and retain its power to award the cable franchise. COUNC'[L�IEN Yeas Nays Requested by Depart nt of: Fletcher � �e�i�e In Favor Masanz Nicoaia Scheibel � Against BY Tedesco Wilson JUN 2 2 1981 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted hy� Cuuncil: Date Certified P 5�1 �y C�nci . ret By ` �� � By, ' ,l-�" � � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Co�it�cil Approved by :4lavor: Date —_---- -- - ---- � BY ----- ---------- --- -- BY ---- WHI7E •- C�TV CLEFtK . ' P�NK� - FINANCE \ C��jf�C]� �') � �'J� � HIUERV - MAyO{qTMENT . �I TY OF SA I NT PAU L � File NO. < <� , � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date - �UE�REAS, the City CoLmcil of the City of Saint Paul heretofore adopted a resolution placing the question of public ownership of a cable cor�r►unications system before the voters in the City's general election on April 27, 1982; and tiVI�RFyAS, on such date, the voters .failed to authorize the City to acc�uire a cable comommications sytem; and tiVI�REAS, the citizens of the City of Saint Paul have expressed a desire for an orderly and expeditious cable development process; and ��RE�S, the City Achninistration has offered the services of City departments and the Mayor's office; now, therefore be it RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, that the City shall immediately initiate a new franchising process; and be it FURTf-iER RESOLVED, the City Council will begin screening and hiring one or more cable consultants to assist in the process; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that prior to screening the consultants, the Council, with the assistance of the cable staff, will study the ecanomic issues, policy dscisions and potential uses of a cable TV system in Saint Pau1; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, a task force of representatives of the City departments, appointed by the Mayor with the consent of the Council, be immediately formed for the purpose of working with the consultant and cable staff to: 1. Conduct an intensive City needs assessment and evaluate ways in which the City could use cable to improve City services and/or reduce its costs oF do:ing business. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Ye�s Nays . Fietcher �evina In Favor Masanz Nicosia scne�bei _ __ Against BY --- Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted b� Council: Date Certified }�assed by Council Secretary �Y — �'� — ---------- ------�--- --- IAppruved r,� ',1<�•:.�r: Date _____—________._________ Approved by hSayor for Submission to Council By Ei}• ---------------- ---- — - WHITE - CITY GIERhr ,� - P�NN -FINANCE � � � C RV - OEPARTMF_NY G I TY O F SA I 1�'T I�A U L Council - UE ��- MAVOR . . F1Ie NO. � - Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date -2- 2. Report back to the City Council on its activities and progress as determined by the CotuLCil. . 3. Prepare a report on potential City uses of cable and make recorrnnendations to the City Council about which of these should be accommodated in the RFP. 4. Assist the City Council with drafting specifications for the RFP that deal with municipal applications of cable. 5. Discuss and develop other policy recorrmiendations and evalua.tion criteria as directed by the City Coi.ulcil. 6. Provide assistance to the Saint Paul Public School System in evaluating potential uses of cable to improve public education. 7. Provide other assistance with the cable franchising process as directed by the City Council; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that the cable staff and consultan� will work under the supervision .of the Counci and the City Council will at all times retain its authority and responsibility o make the final dete�nination on the context of the RFP and retain its power to award the cable franchise. ���.� �} COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas N ay�s Fletcher Levine In Favor Masanz Nicosia Scheibel _ __ Age111St BY Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted hy Council: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary • - BY �'� -------------- ---- -- -- Approvc•d by :iavor� Date __________—___�______.__ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By -- --- - -- BY i� WNIT'�'� - C�TV CLERK COUI1C11 �r'(�1�� � PINK - FWANCE GITY OF SAINT PAIIL vv CANARV - DEPARTMENT � BLU� - MAVOR File NO. � , . Co cil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the City Counc'1 of the City of Saint Paul heretofore adopted a resolution placing the question of public wnership of a cable communications system before the voters in the City's general ele tion on April 27, 1982; and, WHEREAS, on such date, the vot� failed to authorize the City to acquire a cable communications system; and , WHEREAS, by that vote, the City has determined that it should franchise a privately owned cable communications system; and WHEREAS, the City is legally obligated t issue new Requests for Proposals and take new proposals for a privately owned cable commu ications system; and WHEREAS, the citizens of the City of Saint Pa 1 have expressed a desire for an orderly and expeditious franchising process; and WHEREAS, the City Administration has offered the ervices of City departments and the Mayor's office; now, therefore be it RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul , t at the City shall immediately initiate a new franchising process, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that while the City Council will retain its full power and authority over the cable communications franchising process, it ill assign to the city Administration the duty of overseeing the cable communications s ff and budget; and be it FURTHE� RESOLVED, that a task force of representatives of the C y Departments, appointed by the Mayor with the consent of the City Council , be immedi tely formed for the purpose of assisting the City Council in developing a new Request f r Proposals, including but not limited to the following: COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Fletcher �evtne In Favor Masanz Nicosia scheibe� __ Against BY — Tedesco Wilson Form Approved it Attor e Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY B� Approved by INavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ _ sy WHITE� - C„ITV GLERK COUI1C11 �88�� PINIC - FINANCE C4NARY - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL f, BLU� - MAYOR File NO. � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date - 2 - 1. nduct an intensive City needs assessment and evaluate ways in which the Ci could use cable to improve City services and/or reduce its costs of doin business. 2. Report b k to the City Council on its activities and progress as determined by the Coun il . � 3. Prepare a repor on potential City uses of cable and make recommendations to the City Counc' about which of these should be accommodated in the RFP. 4. Assist the City Counc with drafting specifications for the RFP that deal with municipal applicat ns of cable. 5. Discuss and develop other p icy recommendations and evaluation criteria as directed by the City Council . 6. Provide assistance to the Saint Pa 1 Public School System in evaluating potential uses of cable to improve lic education. 7. Provide other assistance with the cable ranchising process as directed by the City Council ; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that the City Council will , at 1 times, retain its authority and responsibility to make the final determination on th content of the RFP and retain its power to award the cable franchise. . COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: � Fletcher � Levine In Favor Masanz �� Nicosia scneibet _ � __ Against BY — Tedesco Wilson JUN 2 2 1981 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Y s y Co nci , ret BY By, Approved by Mavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ — BY � . WHITE� - GTY CLERK � . . .. . •.. . . . (� h� . . PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA IN�T PAU L Gouncil� " �QS.*� � • CAI�F�-DEPARTMENT �� - , . . �, �t�G�i -MAVOR� . � . .,. ..FIIP. NO. � • • � ' .. '. f��-- � • C �l Resolution - . � Presented By ���� �'" Referred To Committee: Date :,•�,<:.:_.:., Out of Committee By Date 1i�Ss �t C1f,�► t�ratl et � Cft,y �f �t1�t rart Me�r�tr!'Nr! a�►�d a.�eNttetts� �Ia�tp tiN �stia� K �1t� �rsAip rf' a c�l� �aa�wi�atie�s syst�MRl�i�ra tre w�n�s te � �fbr's +�os�ral �tr+ctta� s� lyrrll g7, 1�l8t: a�i, _ i�� M s�M �tt�s �! � lailyd L'O �f'tZ! !M '� M�prtl'� � pbt! �t�!!� �� a�d . 1�, rj► tl�t te�. tMt Clt�► #ias ia��w4 L srw1� tn�Miss s �t�t�t1� w�ad r�b'!�e ci�rl�et#�s �s�; ,�d !�. � Ctt,�r ts 1a�1'tr +M►1�f�a#+MI b �wr �!� fir h�a1s �d lalot aw �e�sats i'er a grta#�1�► � cab1� !e�#t+� s�►str: �M �, !� citt�rs e! #Me C1�► �r►! Pa�r1 !�r � a �1r� f4�r a � �Iy a�i �d�tlws f'rwrart�los � a� 1�. 'dit Cl�j► ��! a� � �w! t!w �t�rlc�es sf City ��ls a�d ' ''�►- �s NU�r's efffr.�: �t, �_ b� 1t �ESAl.�ED. b�r 1�e ot !�M Ct�1r �t St1�t Par1, tY�t t��r ��►.s�n31 #�a�+tlj► , 1�rttfat+� a �r �ai #e+�ss,� .� ire it - �; � �� .a�i�. � c��► c�c�t ��� r�a�. t� f�x� � � a�se!#� .�r.� �- la a�..�tc�.� i�a�rt:f.! �u� tt �ri1i �sf� #r tr. Et�p 11/rl�is�t1M twie of e�rt�� � cN'�a c�#atta�s �latt a�t �!� a�i Mt #t . f� �, tlitt a t�e! l�r� o! �p��tt�r�rs a�t tM 6t�► 0�l�wrts. a/l���d 4� M�w' �f'!M ti�!.�t af � C�q► G�wci1, is f�tal� !�t f��r..�-�'"`��, tl� � t asslstiet tM C#t,� t�wcfl tA dw�t�� a �wr �r�st lwr��its. t�tl�� �i Zirlbi !� �r fa�i«rtu�: ; � � � ;. , COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Fletcher ` �e��ne In Favor ; Masenz • Nicosla scheibel.. _ Against ' BY Tedesco Wilson Form Approve City Atto e� � Adopted by Council: Date ,1,� ��� Gertified Passed by Couac.il �ecretary BY- � � r�� {�� ,f �''fr _ By _ A►pproved by iNavor: ` Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ BY � �. _ :� .� .PIiK#C�.,t,- FINA CERK '� � . .. ..���7i�r�'y�y' .. . S.� CA -DEPARTMENT GITY � OF SAINT PAUL COU�ICII � � ." ��--MAVOR . . t . . . � Flle NO. . . Cou�cil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date .. Z .. >:- : 2. G�t � t�t�lt�s C1t,X� ass�tt q� �a1�L't �s f� M�ldi tl� . , ..,"°," Ct�jl e�ld +� e�►tt b f�re Ctt,Y s�l�es a��' r�dra {ts assts �t . Mi� bt�t#a�ss. e 1,,,�- �� . t. �rt M�it t� tMt Ctt,r Ci+�rct1 wr ltyt actl�rtties a� �s as �iatn'siM4'" - ig► tM� C�st�1. _ . 3� �� P.�ia�ctM �r4ts�ri� t�Ms� s#�o�s1d � � TM�� �. t� tit t�► � �d� ` 4. Jlssfst tli� Cti�-�cit rrlt� �raf't�ry s�a�ffic�atlMS�tlir� �!' dMtt d�t1 rt�iu ro'lcip) �itcatia� �f cairl�. .� ''�4... . `�`�- 5. Dl�caats a� iw�1� �r pritq e� a� �a'l�atlwf �b�i� as '`��.._ _ dl�+�i b�► �s �t�► �13. t. 1►e�f_� �s#s�w t�o tM� Sai�t Paa 1fG S�1 �j►str f� a�atrtti� { - �t�ai wrs of' u�►►t� !� 'i�c +Nweatir�s. �`�E �wrir. � a��:l�oe r# csbl. l�cA�Is�.� �r.a�s as ��e�fi�d ►p !rs �1t�► t3�awreltt as�t bs # � � f�,t.Y �.�, i�at tM � f�a�cil v#�1. �t ait 11�s. ssta4s fts anlM�1� �� a�0 r+e�pas�if��t�► � ri� � � +drl�latl� �s t�r e�at �1` tMt �1" a�i ra�f� � tts �r �s �wt�d � ca�1i , fse. � . _, �r COUNC[LMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Fletcher � �ev�ne In Favor Masanz ` Nicosia scnetbei � Against BY Tedesco Wllson '� `,U� 2 2, ��2 Form Approved by City Attorney � Adopted by Council: Date � �Certified Pas oun il S e ry; BY ��1 By � , -ACpp.coved by 1Aavor: Date - Approved by Mayor for Submiss'son to Council By BY .� � D.�J . . ' �.._.�, � ,�"� �� CI'TY OF SAINT PAUL ���� r f i� ,.�n ar � OFFIGE 03+ THE Cl'PY CflUNCIL � �'_�_,�g���;��=' FILED _ .- �� .�1' �. � 'f n,. t^, R7 y! ,"`� r.�;,_ ,�,,,� V i�i i �.J � K« U� �,' .'a z;-; ni� . a � C17Y vLE�f'?�'c CFFfvE `�' �;:UL, :'�3;h'p:. June 23, 1982 Council President Victor J. Tedesco and Hanorable Members of the City Coun.cil Seventh Floor, City I�all Saint Pau1, AZinnesota 55102 Dear Fresident Tedesco arid Council Members: , On June 24 at the 10:00 a.m. City Council meeting, I will be making a motion to reconside.r Ordinance No. 278873 dealing with the cable television franchise. 0�1 June 18 the Energy, Utilities and Environment Corrnnittee met as a whole and . came to an agreement that the City Cotulcil would retain control of the franchising process, development of RFP, and the duty of_ over.seeing the cable comQnunications staff and budget. Several amendments were made to Councilman l'Vilson's original resolution with the intent of maintaining Council. control. However, after reviewing the �nended resolution ivhich �aas brought back from committee by Councilman �Vilson and passed by the full Council, it is apparent that the Council failed to eliminate �vording that wi"11 in fact assign the city acbninistration the duty of ovexseeing the cable co�rnnwlications staff and budget. Since this was not the intent of the Energy Cormnittee on June 18, I will be making a motion to delete paragraph 8 of the resolution dealing with the cable coriununi- cations staff. I will also be making a motion to amend the beginning portion of paragraph 9 so it would read as follows: "FURTf-IER RESOLVED, that the cable staff and consultant ►vill remain under the st�pervision of the Council; and a task force of representatives of the city departments be vnmediately formed for the purpose of working with the consultant and cable staff to:" In addition, I will be making a motion to add the following wording after nwnber 7 of paragraph 9: "FURTI-IER RESOLVEll, that the City Council will begin sereening and hiring one or more consultants to assist with the process after a period of two weeks from this date." �Z't'�' HALL SZVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 ��_ � Council Pres�dent Victor J. Tedesco and June 23, 1982 Honorable b4embers of the City CoLmcil Page 2 , . I have included a copy of the passed resolution with notations of intended changes. IF you have any suggestions as to how we might further clarify or amend the resolution so that it is in line with the discussion on June 18, I would be glad to hear them. Sincerely, � BOB FLETQ�ER Councilman BF/jfc cc: Dlayor George Latimer A1 Olson, City Clerk�