278857 WMITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA IT L Council [J�"� CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. •��`✓��� BI.UE - MAYOR RETURN COPY TO VALUATIONS DIVISIO�' uncil Resolution Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the lega.l description of real property for the American Linen Compan�y lease wa.s approved in Council Resolution C.F. No. 278675, adopted May 11, 1982, was erroneously described as foll�rs: The northerly 2�3 of Lot l; the northerly 100 feet of Lot 2; Lots 4 and 5, Rice and Irvine's Addition to St. Paul, aceordi.n� to the recorded pl,at thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVID, that Council Resolution C.F. No. 278875, ,adopted. Ma.y 11, 1982, is hereby amended by changing the legal description of the praperty to be leased to read as follaws: Lot l, 2, 3, 4 and 5, Block 55, Rice and Irvine's Addition to St.Paul, accordin� to the recorded plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Re�ister of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesot,a.. BE IT FURTI�R RESOLVID, that in all other respects, Council Resoiution C.F. No. 278675 shall remain and continue in f�a,7.1 force and effect. COUIVCILME(V Requested by Department of: Yeas F1e�hgr Nays �evine [n Favor Fi ce and Mana ement Serviees Masanz Nicosia A gai nst By irector Scheibel - -- Tedesco ��� JUN � 7 1982 Form A rove ify ey Adopted by Council: Date Certified P s by Co nci ecr 6� � � sy � Appr y Mayor r S b iss�on to Council t�pproved by � av r Date 0 By %—_ � BY . �:, B� H� UN 2 �1 _ DEEARTMffi0T Finance & l�riagement .� May 28� 1982 ROUTING an�D EXPLANAT14N SHEET ��� J. Wm. Donc�v�n �REEN SHEET �11F 2 - Ol For �dministrative Orders, Resolutions, Qrdinances aad agreemeats "� s--��-�1 ��-�',�`t,:.,,� ° ��.n�� RGUTIP�G ORDER - ROUTE BY ASSI�NE,� Nt1MBER: IR CTOR dF MANAGEMENT ;�UN 9 " ��2 �-- oR MAYORS Or�-iC� DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR 2 DIRECTOR, FINANCE $ MGT. SERVICES 1 CITY ATTORNEY � CITY CLERK SU�ET DIRECTOR � Divisior�if V1�lv�ation� A�ION RE�LESTEn �CLiP ALL_ L�CATIONS FaR MAYORAL Sif� TP uR�): �aTor's approval and to subm3t resolution to City Coupcil. W�ar N LL BE AChIEVE� BY TAKING ACT1�N ON T�E ATTACHED MATERiALS �PJiRPASE AND ATIONALE�?t To e}.�nge the legal description on Cauncil File 278675., adopted l�l�y 11, 1982, to co3.ncide with the lease agreement between the City a�d America.n Linen Supp7�y CA. � \ . RF�Fi . FiNANCIAt_, RLDGETAR`t, ANtI PER^�P1NEL IMPACTS ANTiCIPATEDS OF (�vj� ��Q - Fj �I. -.�. . A/��F'°qRF�i� �8 None O�2qN tijFiyTyF p� � AC�MF��F���,oR o SFR��S ATTACHME"JTS ��I ST AI.L ATTACHMENTS): 1. Council Resolution 2. Copy of Council Resolution C.F. 278675 3. 2�p of Area 4. Copy of executed lease agre�nt. ;VG LF.A.SZ �2�'c2.'V �t�tCL�SS<.�y �J•t a.LCaCUn2►t.i. G •LtQ �0 CeV.e:tg Sty7!1C2�C►tg OCwllf11�3 Ut;�:.Or►�ct : C.i,tJ A.ttc-�►i¢_l: t. Cowcc,i.Z K2scL�.G:�::t R2�:ri,te�•" X YES U4' 1. R,z.tcEu.t,�o�c:" yES �� _. I�uwta►ic2 R2:;:c.i..:•zd? YES X VC 2. Ijuu,zcuice Suj�.i.c��uct? YES VO 3. 1,:a:�•.a.scct A.:tzc;iew" vES x 'VO Re�is� t1�I:4/8/82 � -� HOW.TO USE THE GREEN SI�EET , The GREEN SFiEET has several purpos�s: 1. To assist in routir_c documents and in securing � required signatures 2 . To brief the reviewers of documents on the impacts of approval 3 . To help ensure that necz5sary supportinQ materials are prevared and, if required, attached. ROUTING � Most GREEN SHEET actions must be reviewed by a Department Director, the City A�torney, the Di�ector o* �Ianagen�ent, the Director of Finance and Management Services. Other possible reviewers/si�natures a�e listed. , ., . . ;;r . . BRIEFING � Most of the GREEN SHEET headings are designed to assist in developing a precis of the decision which-..�he at,tachmen�.s, represent. The headings are offered to -remind �users; of some ` of the� more critical elements of this brief. , The Financial, Budgetary and Personnel Impacts headinq provides a space to explain the cost/benefit aspects oi the decision. Costs and benefits relate both to City budget (General Fund and/or Special E'unds) and to broader financial impact,�s (cost to users, homeowners or other groups affected by the action) . The personnel .. impact is a descr�,Qtion of change or shift of Full-Time Equivalent ' (FTE) positions. SL'PPORTING PKATERTALS In the Attachments section, list all attachments. If tne GRr.EN SHEET is well done, no letter of transmittal need be included (unless signing such a letter is one of the requested actions) . Note: Actions which require City Council reso?utions include: a. Contractual relationship w?th another government uni�. I7`._�,._,� ...� .. - _.. b. Collective bargaining. . . c . Purchase or sale of 3.and, or lease of land. d. Issuance of bonds by Citv. � e . Eminent domain. f . Assumption of liability b� City, or gra-�ting by City of indemnificatian. g . Agreer.tents with Statz or r^e�eral Government under which t:�ey are �rov_�ing funding. Note also: If an aqreemer.t re4uires evidence of insurance%co- ir.surazce, a Certificate of Insurance shnuld be one of the attach..�nents at time of routing. �� , • �µ����� ....y y�,,, . .. ., . +�1ti�� .r--�...CITY CLERK . . . .. . �•-�� ,-. .. . �"����� %'�K.•r" _ ..WNANCE I:VARV - DEPARTMF_NT { j I '�'Y (,�. �� I N T �'A j.T I. Cauncil ve - n�avorx File N O. �..;�a�s�cil I�es o l u ti o n 'rf°sented E3y _ ` -- — ---- --- Referrt�cl T�� __._ ____ _------ -._____ _- -_._ ___ Committee: Date �_- __.----- -- Uut �f Cornmittee E3y_ � - Date --- ----- — T�VI7D, �t � p�er City offic�.a� are he�by authar'iz�ed arid directed t� e�ecut�e an �ha.lf of th� City a I,��t t� �ie�n S�ply �ny, far P�'kin� �Y, Px'aP�-Y legally d�scx'ibed as fc�llc�rs: °.i'� a��xxrttyerly 2/3 of Lot 1; tYx� x�a�ly 10� feet of Ivt 2; ��s 4 �d 5, �ae ar�d Irvine's Adr3itfon b� St. Paut, aaoo�c� $ng � tt� x�er�a�ed pla�. �xeof Qn file and. o�' recard i.n t}�e ta�'fiae of the R�gi�ter of Uee�s in axx� for ��y t�tmty, Mi.nne�ota . Ft� VID, �'hat � Lease shall pravf� that ti�e l�d �ivd at�ill ita�leac� � ��ary' u� Feric�d P+riar to caextain �rprcyv+an�ts � be mer�e by t�c: cit�► a� w�e].7�. aes a �ive c5} �ear lease perioa «nmencing aft�er sai.a i�mv�enfi� hav�e be� �r�lst�ed. � R�, 'I�a.t th� I�.se sha.11 k� apprc�vecl as ta £�m a.nd re�nner by the City A�bc�'t�ey. ���.�:�kl°�i f+Fa"VVQr'�i� r YZ rJ���o�0� �-.�' � 'Uir�et�crs t�f F#,�a�s � D�tgart. 3ervice$ ,�..�.. ���Y ;_,,�,� �. -- ---- -- --�---f- - -- _- ----__ _ _ -- - --- >-,- _.__ ____ _ --____- _ _----------- COUNCILMENf � Requestgd by D artment of: ��'rE'85 ;\dy'S Hunt Levine —.---.______ In f'avor _--- —-- -_. _._.._ _-- ------------- Maddox McMahon � �wuer __ A ga i n s t E3 y ___.__. ------------- •�wdewo Wilson MA�/_11 1�$? ___�_ Form Appr y City Attorney ldopted by Council: Date 1_� J_ 1 L __-- ...---..� r 1 ertified 'P• �5 • •b Cuuncil Secretary � "°��{'�= �~ `� � °�' �- �'�- _- ----- ---- --- �°� - - Bp - :�--v'��"" - - -.__. . s - — ---- +��proved by 31a�.�,�: �,a,� _ r M Y � � 1982 Approved by Mayor for Submissl.4n to Council __.. -- - '� ! . (, ' ^.- �5' ----- __ _-- -- �Y --�� _Ifj `�i+'-E`���_..--��1`l�'�` 1 ������ —�����-�U � LEASE AGREEMENT ��9 By this lease made thej�� day of�,�`� �'�' , 1982, by and between the City of Saint PaGI , a municipal corpora ion of the State of Minnesota hereinafter referred to as the "Less " , and The American Linen Supply�°a corporation incorporated under the laws of the State of Delaware, hereinafter referred to as "Lessee" . The Lessor, for and in consideration of the covenants and agreements hereinafter made on the part of the Tenant, does hereby lease to the Tenant the premises in the City of Saint Paul , County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, described as: Lot l , 2, 3, 4 and 5 of Rice and Irvine' s Addition (t�lock 5,) to St. Paul , accordinc� to the �,ecorcied ��lat thereof on file and of� record in the office of the Register af Ueeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota to be used solely for the purpose of parking of vehicles owned or operated by Tenant or its employees and agents, or assigns. To have,.and to hold the same for the term commencing on the % ~T� day of ,%1;��, -;�,_-�-- , 1982, and expi ri nq on the _� .R.��_day of _M�__ ,� , 1987, inclusive, and from month-to-month thereafter; provided}' t�the Lessor or the Tenant may terminate this lease upon thirty (30) days written notice of termination to the other. It is covenanted and agreed as follows: ARTICLE l . The Tenant shall pay the Lessor as rent for said premises the sum of One Thousand Uol1ars ($1 ,000.00) per month. The rental amount is to be renegotiated on a hi;annual basis . The first installment shall be due on the� 5T� _day of _ i`���1c_ �- , 1987_, and subsequent payi7�ents due on the first day of each and e�ry month thereafter. The Tenant shall be liable for and shall pay al"� charges for utilities services , taxes and assessments for the premises during the term as indicated in Article No. � of this Lease. Should the Tenant fail to pay for such utilities and services , when due, the Lessor shall have the right to pa.y same, the amount whereof will be so much additional rent and to be payable �vith the next installment of rent due. : P,RTICLE 2. The Tenant admits that no representation as to the condition : of the prernises has been rnade by the Lessor which is not endorsed hereon, and agrees that the Tenant will not alter, repair or improve said premises � except for surfacing and security fencing. ARTICLE 3. The Lessor and its Agents shall not be liable to the Tenant for an,y damage or injury to the Tenant or the Tenant' s property occasioned by the failure of the Lessor to keep said premises in repair, nor shall the Lessor be liable for any damages or injury arising from any act, ommission or negligence of the Lessor' s agents , servants or employees , all claims for any such darnage or injury being hereby expressly waived by the Tenant. ARTICLF 4. The Tenant shall not make alterations in, or alterations to the leased premises without the written consent of the Lessor. The Tenant shall keep the premises together with adjoining areas , alleys and sidewalks , in a clean and healthful condition and all sidewalks iri front of, anci along said premises shall be cleared of ice and snow, and the Tenant shall comply with all Federal , State and Local Laws with regard to the use and condition of the leased premises , at the Tenants ' s sole expense. At the termination of this lease, the Tenant shall surrender the prernises to the Lessor in sub- stantiall,y as c�ood condition as when received. ARTICLE 5. The Tenant does hereby release, discharge and agree to indemnify, protect, defend and save harmless the lessor and the City of Saint Paul , Minnesota, from liability for ariy cost, damage, expense, injury, or other casualty to any person whornsoever or property whatsoever caused by or arising out of the Tenant' s use and occupancy of said premises ; and in addition, the Tenant shall furnish a public liability insurance policy to the Lessor in the amount af $500,000.00 bodily injury and $100,00�;Op property damage, naming the City of Saint Paul , Minnesota, insured, prior to the delivery of possession to the Tenant. - i Lease Agreement �;� �r�,� , Page -2- �d � ARTICLE 6. The Tenant shall not allow said premises to be occupied �'����� in whole, or in part, by any other party, and shall not sublet the same in whole or in part, nor assign this lease without, in each case, the written consent of the Lessor; and the Tenant shall not permit any transfer by operation of law of the Tenant' s interest created hereby. The Tenant shall not permit any mechanic' s lien or encumbrances to be placed upon the premises or any part thereof. ARTICLE 7. The Lessor shall have the right without notice to sell , destroy, or otherwise dispose of any personal property left on the premises by the Tenant after he has vacated or abandoned the leased premises , or been evicted therefrom. ARTICLE 8. The Tenant shall be responsible for the prom�t payment of all charges for public utilities and semi-public or private services such as water, gas , electricity, sewerage disposal , refuse or ash removal , snow removal , grass or weed cutting and any special service, including assessments and real property taxes which are levied during the term of thi, lease. ARTICLE 9. The Tenant agrees to permit the Lessor or the Lessor' s employees , agents or contractors to enter said premises at all reasonable time to inspect them or the adjacent Lessor' s property to the west, or to rnake repairs , alterations or improvements , or demolition of adjacent building, or for any such other purposes as may be deemed necessary by the Lessor, the Tenant hereby waiving any and all claims and demands for loss or damage, or dimution of rent on account thereof, or on account of any obstruction to sidewalks , entrances or windows . ARTICLE 10. The Tenant agrees to remove any improvements includiny but not limited to fencing and other improvements authorized pursuant to ARTICLE 4 and leave the premises backfilled and roughgraded upon ninety (90) days written notice by the Lessor to vacate the premises. However, Lessor may at its option, retain such improvements and Tenant will not be required to backfill the premises upon vacation. Tenant hereby waives all claims for relocation benefits of any kind as a result of this tenancy. This lease and all covenants and agreements herein c;ontained shall be binding upon and inure to the respective heirs , administrators , successors and assiqns of all the parties to this lease. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this lease the day and year first above written. In the Presence of: CIC�'-�SAINT PAUL,_.---, : - __ �����1,�z�-�4<��-�':� r Zl� �_ Ma �. _ __-_ �.�-�� Ci- y� Clerk ` � �~y, � , �� , ,� n � � /' � i�rector� �� artment of — --------- � . �__-_ _._.-=----- , p Finance d Manag men rvi s '�. \� � � ..�-- i Di ec or, D ar ment of Planning � an onomic elopment In the Presence of: AME AN, � SUPPLY�,I� ; � - - � - _ �, ��G�'�.6)�l �. C�����(��_� -- BY-_ � �''� � ���.-:.�.�', - ���_��-� _ It5 Vicg�P sid �-�& 7'reasurer /� � ;r�: �� ,� � ����� 1� (_.,C��.:,�� � l�-� And__ / ��_.�ti�_� :�-_-�---_� _ - -L-- -,-�. --�---- I t s �-- ',�, -�LG-�C•tt-�--'�-" ��, �. �' APpROVED AS TO FORM OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY „r ��^•, - 2�� �� __. �.-�--- -------- l � ����� ,i - s _�� A ., � �. '; � ^ ,. . .� ,� �, �. , ,. . . , , . . , � � ���M�'i�ln �;��'`+�� ..M (� , � . 1�} f. � � �p �.:. �:F s °° , ~ ' ' �� � % � :. 9 .e:� :. � • � y ` '}� �5�+�t� ..-.;,,�'I�,a„ .��. �` � ; � � , .f�%�...'�,..,} '. ,�. t ! e yw .�S �r„'�1t z a,.::.:.,A ...�l,�t' r ' �� �� � ,& .,, , x�.. _ ._,. . .. ,. . . �� i t � ANIi Af�fiRFE,'�, t , , . "� ' h.. x. . _.:3�a_,: - ..e , ���.. . ` ��n , � ., .r � � CORROON & BLACK ,.� ,� ��;� � ,,� � >,.ti�� � �:c�k,rnM����; nr�s�r�F�n�rv�: cc�a�€a�����-��� P. O. BOX 12 2 6 - �_ ., Y\y 1 ^ � , � _ _ SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 41`l1 � �"�'`'r '"�'t�� � i � TRANSPORTATION INSURANCE COMPANY ��, OE:�r,���, _ ���� . � _._ . � ��,� ��f�I ' �� CONTINENTAL CASUALTY COMPANY __.__ __ __ _. _. " / r_� _ � n�NO •�� �, ;�, �� rr,�iriE,� � t __— -- - AMERICAN LINEN SUPPLY COMPAN W ' ' � ' ; __ ._ _ 47 SQUTH NINTH STREET ; "� , � a MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55402 ; �:. � s_.. - , , . � . �; �, �_,.t r i �, i � �r.� i �r ��f;� . .. . . �. , . . . . . .. �'.; . : i tl•;-.i. ,iPt�.t? � , . . Sg 4 „ i; �,< i ;,-_�;i�i ,��!i?i r f s��i � �nl�cit:�r_ �. ._ _,_ .._. ... .... �� f , ,<<,it� , � , , . . , � iGf��VE(�At.�r�LIA.EiI!!TY _� ___ t � , �'t� � I � � „�.��„ � , � �� A �`XI . .,. ;� CCP 005312512 9-1-82 � , ���� � e7�. �iX �. .�,., � � , � B (X� ������ � RDX 1784296 � i ' � �� . , . IX� , � ,-. , ;�x �. � �� ; � � ; � � iX, �,. . , � ,, . ' 1,000 1,000 � `X� ,: i ��� i.X' , , , , , �`� i _ � � 1,000 ___ . , �„ _ ,� � _ _- -� — � � r��a�c�mo���_� i_in�►�uTY � , . A � � � 'ixl ;��.n� �����,� �.� ����:�: BUA 004636311 9-1-82 ! �'� � , , (Xi ��-,�,F-, CCP 005312513 (Texas) I i � � � � � �� � � �',�� ����;,���� i MP 4055631 (Mass.) ; ! � � � � ` � `.� �� _ ° B ��� r��;r� .:,,�.�; RDX U84296 i 1�000 u> ; ; ' , . ., ,.. _�_ _ _._ . __ � , �; _ �. EXCESS lIpE311..ITY i I i t � , . � �_� JMH�Ff Lfi FURM i �-,..f',i. -���,�.��.,�.i � ' �, � � _J 'rr�[�«,ianr�t��ni-i����, � � �� , 4M i �� ��, ! � _...._ . _..._.__ .._.._ �� � ._. : . woRKERS�cofM��c�`� ,r;.? ;r��� j � , A ar��� WC 005397168 ' 9-1-82 . `' ��;` �``' �� ���'' , ; EM4F'l�0`(CR'_:' I �I ' !; �, � � �w;,r;;H��;r7�"�: �oo _._.._ _ . _. � ! flif�iN , . 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