278856 WHITE - CITYCLERK ��('�[�����, PINK - FINANCE ]�x CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I TY O F SA I NT �A U L COUflC1I �f�� BLUE - MAYOR - File N 0. Co ncil Resolution ^ Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVE, That the proposed PLAT entitled: "MCKINLEY ROW TOfrdNHOUSES PHASE ONE" as recommended and approved by the Director of Public Works be and the same is hereby accepted. dc COUfVCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Public Works Levine � In Favor Maddox „ j � McMahon f� B snowaiter __ Against Y T�e� Donald E. Nygaard, r ctor Wuson .IUN i 7 �98Z TJE/FJ�_, Form App ov d City torney �6���. Adopted by Council: Date _ Certified P s- �+✓Vu ' Sec BY By _ r Pcpproved y : av r Dafe U� �9 2' Ap , by Mayor for S mi io o Council BY � — BY , �) UBLlS D .�_. d �I � ` ' , DEPARTMENT: �blic works L ROU�ING A�D D(PLANATIgN SHEET CONTACT: F• xoqrefe 6REEN SHEET PHONE: 292-6130 DATE: 6-3-8��^��� For ddministratfve Orders, Resolutions, Ordinances and Agreements ��� .�`�':_...,.i �'i.W. ROUTING ORDER - R041'FE BY ASSIf•_NEFL N MB &; � DIRECTOR OF MANAGEMENT JUN g ' 1�2 3 MAYOR CJ�f�Y"ORS OFFICE �_ DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR DIRECTOR, FINANCE & MGT. S�JtVICE3 2 CITY ATTORNEY �}.._ CITY CLERK BUDGET DIREC70R AGTtON REQIlESTED �C IP A O ATIONC FpR MAYnRAI Si(;NATIIRF); Approval for submission to council I�HAT WILL B ACHI VED BY TAK.iN, a�TT�N nN TH ATTA -H D ATFR141 S �PIIRPA4F IINi1 ROTiANAI F)7� Council approval is necessary to filing of the proposed PLAT entitled: "MCKINLEY ROW TOWNHOUSES PHASE ONE" F(NANCIA . B iD� TARY AN� P ttanNNFi 1MpnrTC AwrtrraeTCn; None � ATTACHMENTS �LIST ALL ATTACHMENTS): 1. Council Resolution 2 Copy of proposed PLAT entitled: "MCKINLEY i40W TOWNHOUSES PHASE ONE" 3, eaee Kev.c¢w nec on ¢nt o o auppowtcrg cumeW.ts � _ . ci.ry A.uox.ne.y: i. Counc.i,L Reao.�u,ti.on Reqwi/ced? x yES NO 1. Reeo.fu,ti.onY YES NO 2. Tneunance Requi�r.edt YFS x NO 2. Ineunccnce Su6�.i.�i.entf YES NO 3. Ineunance A.Lta.chedf YES X NO � pav�c]r+n !1M•G/TO/A� _ _ DEPARTMENT: P- �� � CONTACT: F• xoqrefe ' ROUTIN6 ar�n EXPLANATI�N SHEET PHONE: 292-G130 GREEN SHEET DATE: 6-3-F3 IV��.I��� For ddministrative Orders, Resolutions Ordinances and Agreements ' ._ _ . --,,� _OUTING ORDER - RO ET Rv ASSrrNFn NIIMRFR; ;;�-��. _..Y CTOR OF MANA6EMENT !JUN 9 - 1��1 3 R � DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR ��a�0�` `"' 'i�'_ DIRECTOR, FINANCE 3� MGT, Sp.RVICES � CITY ATTORNEY �_ CITY CLERK BUDGET DIRECTOR ACTION REQl1ECTED �Cf IP AI I I O('nTtntic cno MAVf1011� � �, Approval for submission to council IIIHAT NILI BE ACHI V D BY TAKINC ArTtnu flu Tuc ATT��� M (P iaPnSF arun anTTn ��� �». Council approval is necessary to filing of the proposed PLAT entitled: "MCKINLEY R047 TOWNF30USES PHASE ONE" UNIT A.CTION 1NITil1L' DATF Bureau _.l ' � DJ��h �'.�Z �-3-�L FINANCIAI BUD FTARY nun PGOCn��.��� 1..e... „ry� l ��o����� -?�'-'�7!S�O� �.. � r � � l�sSt. Dir. _ s:.�.�._.. P1one ......_...___ Director �-' ..._._, . �F� l 1�12 Clerical � -Qo- � -,,...�.. ATTACHMENTS �LIST ALL ATTACHMENTS): 1. Council Resolution ' 2, Copy of proposed PLAT entitled: "MCKINLEY ROW TOWNHOUSES PHASE ONE" 3, eaae nev.c¢w neceae�,ty on. ¢n.t o e o owtng euppo2Lcng c,umente D��`'�"Q'� ` C.i.ty A.ttonneu: 1. Counc,i,L R¢,eo.�u,ti,on Requ.iicedY x y� Np 1. Reeo.�u.ti.on? YES NO 2. Ineunance Req;,ai�c¢,dY _YES x NO 2. Indunance Su66.i.c,i.en,tY YES NO 3. Ineunance A,LtAChedY YFS X NO — — o.,.r:t;..., n...,I�o/a'+ OPY � NHOIJSE S PHASE ONE . :�:� ,.,,t�:. � 'r:now All Fersot;s i�y `I .e;:e tresei.t,, t}:�t '�voo:�merk, Inc. , a h:inr�e�sota '"'c,r� � ���i�� , �wr.er, a ,' � �', S.} t• ;,an'� of �'t. Faul, a P��i,�neso';� :;orpor<:tion, -nort�;a�ee, of the follokit:c �f,.-c,rit�e� prope;ty �it t''' �;'ity of ��t. Paul, Y�a��sey �;otint,y, t�:ir:resota : The Sou�tFl 11E.�� f�eet of Lot� 1f� , 17 ar;d 1°, �nd that p�rt of the :outh 11� .� feet of� Lot lies '�'est of a line deacribe� ,�s follow�;, :'eE:�innin� et a poi�.t or; t�ne so��_itl: line o` ai�.� distant 13��. 1�' feet r;<��st, mea�ure�j alonE- the sout': l.ines of sain lota, from t}��e :��,:`_n�'e� of �ai.d Lot 16; thence r�ur:nin�. :�ortn at ri�.nt ant�l e� to sai`d sout�, l ine of Lot 1� to thE line of the >outh 11E .� feet of said Lot 19� �nc� t:�er�e tez-r<<inai,inr ; a.11 in �?lock 17, *:�:c riarshall 's P.dc'.ition to ;;t. i'aul , u���: f y County, ^;i^`le;,ot�: �ubject to the reserv?tion of e solar aecess ea�emer.t a� descri�ed b}� th<:t �aec' fiie ? �. ?�urr.ber 214�444 ir the officE of t,he County �?ecorder o_' :�a^;se�� C'ou;:ty, ;�:ir.r�.c:;-ot_. _ �� „� � -,ve c<used the same to be surveyed, pl�tted and knowr. as 1•;c'r �'� � '� �t" ; `�":;-�= �. r: ' ` � ,:oodrnark� Inc. , a �:innesota �orpor�,tior., nas caused these preser.t„� to r�e si�::ec; Z,y it, prorer this day of , 148?_• �i�-r.e�i: 'w'ood�nark� lnc. , a r:inne.�,ot� �; o:�po�r���ti on � it:- :rE.�;;�E�„�. � _ . 'Tec :. . �e�r.?'i�' — , it�. .�i.cr-p,-c:-;-,; i�avid C;. ��ri�t �. western ;,t�:'e .�rn:k. of ::t . i'�ul, 2. '`:ir,nesot� Corporat.ior:, h�: c�:u:=ec? t}_e��e pre;=er:t: to rF, ,�i� ��r•o��er officer; �r,��3 its corpor�te se�+l to be hez•eun�o affixe�,� t,�r:i ,, �a,' o� � - . ' t: :�t�i �02'�102';�:�.1 0,"` .;i;_ne�3: ;.esterr, :�t-�te ?�-c�n'� o�. �1,. . �s..� , �. .��:irr,r _ , its — ' "�ate of .:inrE::�ot� ,,. . _ ___ _ --- , its --- County of R2�n:�ey �� _ Tr�e :or�e���oin��� irstru:nent, was ackno�rled�F�� �e'�oi'e �ne t''�i� dav of by Ted �. Iie?urik_, prs�;si�'ent, <.nd by iiavid C. :�ri��:=, vice-pre�i�er,t�� of 'r;oodm�rk� Inc. , - �" �OY•por2tion, on be?��r.lf o`.� the corpor�:tion. _:otarv '. u'.��l ;c, ?tar::eti- .;ountv, '.�:inr,e�-o� '�:v Co^:�..��i or��. _��vpi res ;t<.�.e of ��irmes�t�� . . Count,y o� R��n:sey . '1'ne fo^e���ii<< in;tru:Tient ��as aekno�,•ledr�c^ ���c.f��J�c. �*�e t}:i:, !.2;' of — a r;.. �^', �� � n� 'YlE�t,e2'I"! ,�t2 _ i� --t,. - 8U� �. ,'� 1:11:C�Ot�. ,OI'��OT;,f jC , t e T�_n:K o � o` the corpor�tion. ,�:ot-ary ;��u�;l ic i{��-�:�e�� '��u�:�.��, 1•:i�;r.e;-��� �. � r;v ��o:n�:�i�: ion :��r�,iJ�e:� — I, JoYin R. Zvrpin, hereb,y certif'y th�t I have st�rvey�:� �n,? platte,': tr�e pro} e:'t�' desc''i'•'E� of this plat as ricKIi��Lr�Y ROW 2��;?'n'?�� ''U.;�:� � ��:'A� �; ;�r��;��.�,� tr�t thi� plat i- a co�rEC± reprF -e-.��t tnat all distances are correctly show�r. or. the plat; that a1.1 mor.u^�er;t � :�:a�lE tee:. co� recti� �round as shown; that the eut�ide bourdary lir.es are correctly de,^if�r.<:tea o:: tti.e pi�{; � la��ds, ea�.emecits or put:iic hi�hwav� other th�n ;�s shown thereon. � � ��'"' �,Y� ' �r .��� e �d: � �` �r,�,y,y� :�r +E � v ��, ��,T°bhn R. Turpin, ReF'istei�ed Land Surveyor A�innesota Re�istr�tion I�'umber 6740 State of Minnesota S.`?. Co�znt Of NC NNfP//( y Tne � rveyor'� Certi.`ic�te wa� �t:'��cri'�ec �-ncj s�:oz'r, to refore ^:e, _,�.,. ` thi s��ay of ,�'`��',�r` , 19t��. , , , � _ . � �.��..�� �� ,->�J/1-'�5 N,q/J�xN o: � ?�'ot�ry 1�b1�crN�rr�Y�Pt�,,.,,�.�,�.t��, '�'.inne�ot i;,;, �, '�;y Corimi�,�ior _;x.�,ir�_ ,;�„�.��C � "�° 1`� . Approved and accepted -by the �;it,y �ouncil of tne �ity or ::t. i aul, J�:innesot��, t} i:- • ����• �� Mc KINLE Y Ri 66 : • ` �.:} � f� .... . � . . � I ' — .... . .. _ � - . _ . . .•• – .. . .• '� w I I . .'j I `,�t yV,E"S T � /3/.60 � .� o��;, i � ,.; . � � � ;;i ' I � _ v � I • � � a,o � � • ' � ��.n � I . � r j' , � o r � . I o i • , � I r� i • I � �� I � � La I • . � I � Z � 3 : I. • ' , r � . .. � O � •, �;i• . ,'' ,�'•• • • � � � � .. � o . �, . l � � o ;:� `� ° :�� � � 8i� pCl�C ; ► : � . ;�"; � ^ I S.B9 S2'32��£ I ••,; , `` :d.00 20.DO '••. o /8,00 , /8.00 /�.DD i � • • I •.. y i ..� � � � �... ,�� � : � _,�, !v � °° � ���� `� io N ti � '� Q OO �' �.�e � O I� Q �o � � I Q O O 1� O 'v � 'Z.�� -o a lo � � a �` � o � � o � � Q a Z�o . ' or � I� er Z � � I� � �' �v I �..• �- �•• Z� Z �� 1 � >o 0 �� I � � �o >.-^ i �� �° 1 � � � I�.00 20.00 � _ h� . _ :i8.a0 � /B.DO /8•U0 � � 900 � o, - � N. 8 9°SZ�3 2'N' � .� _ ____ _ _ __ �°r I /6, /7, /8 aRd 19 0� � oo. _ _ a �--Soufh /iaF of �o�s 1 , _... -/5.06• - •92.00 - 66 zs.o6 __.. ----13�2. 12--- - ------- __ ---- - -- EAS r S,W. ccrnP�' or Lof /6, B/ock /7, tila�kubin a�d Ma�shd//s Add�fion fo S� PQ'u/, P�pcP�( by R. L. S, No. 3960 • ••• �.. ..•i . • ••. ••• �•. • : 5..;::J;;':�;:J.. :.. � b ________ -- — __ � � — — SCALF� 1 //V« = zO fEET ___�_____--�-_��___--1 � i I � ► - � 1-0 8D 90 ,00 r� �� � �p 10 30 4o SO 60 S CA L E /N FEET � INOICATE8 IRON PIPE MONUAAENT d PLASTIC PIU� IABELED 'RL8 874 � � INDICA7ES IFiON PIPE MONUMENT FOUND IN. PLACE BEARIN(38 3HOWN ARE BASEO ON AN ASSUMED DATUM � „ nnesot2 La��s of 1°7F_ , tY�i 4: pl a t ha.s beer: reviewE �'ursuart, o Ch�_pter 7, -"�.i. r.:innesota Statt � 19g2, and the concz�tions of h�ve been ful`illed. g. R. Kvider�: - -- --_ �.,,,.