278852 MMITE - GTV CLERK �����:�j
Bl_UE - MAVOR � Flle NO.
Co ncil Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
WHEREAS, in order to align precinct boundaries with the
1982 Legislative District boundaries and with the recently
created City Council District boundaries, and pursuant to
Minnesota Statutes , Section 204B.14; be it
RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does
hereby prescribe and rearrange the voting precincts and boundaries
thereof for the City of S�int Paul as described in the attached
Exhibit A, which Exhibit A shall be on file in the Office of the
City Clerk; and, be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, Tha.t the City Clerk is hereby directed to
post in a conspicuous place in his office notice of the changes
as set forth in Exhibit A for a period of at least sixty days
following the adoption of this resolution.
Yeas Fletcher Nays Requested b epartment .
Masanz In Favor
Scheibel �__ Against BY ,
w''� JUN 15 1982
Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified :s by C un � - ec a BY .��'`�� ' "' �����
sy /�
tApproved �IVlavo : Date N .�. 6 1� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
By By
� �vB (SHED _J U .6 1982
, . -
� D�ART�E�c City Clerk's office
� � ' CdNTACT: A1 Olson
For Admiafstrative Orders, Resolutions, Ordinanoes and Agreements ���8��
_ .r,,,,.., CI7Y ATTOR.NEY CITY ,GLERK _
. .. . . . .
Ac'Tt�N RFA � ST D � IP A 0 -�TI�N,,� FOR j�/�YQRAL S,]GNATURE)7
Approval of resolution for submission to Council.
Precinct lines will be changed to correspond to new legislativE lines and some
:�mew precincts will be created as a result of legislative redistricting.
Costs of approxima.tely $12,000 will be incurred in changing votei registration wards
to correspond to new precincts, to notify voters, and to prepare new maps.
1� Proposed Resolution-
2 Exhibit A - Precinct Boundary list.
ucae nev.cuv neceaa.�.ty on a.ttac ent o .tte o uung aaprwn.tcr9 cumenxa
�; . . Gi.ty A.ttonney:
J. Coune,i.Y. R¢.ao.eu,ti.on Reqwi�eedY YES NO 1. Reec4.uti.ott? YES _ MO
2. 2newr.G.nee Req;�,ia.ed? YES N4 ' 2. Tnaw�anee Su$�i.c.i.en.t?_yES �N0
3. Inaunance A.tL�chedY YFS ND .
, Revisi.a� �Sa4l39/82
' � � 2���'�.
, t��
North - Burlington Northern Ry. from North - Minnehaha from Hamline to Lexingtcn
Hamline to Lexington East - Lexington from Minnehaha to
East - Lexington from Burlington , University
Northern Ry. to Minnehaha South - University from Lexington to Hamline
South - Minnehaha from Lexington to West - Hamline from University to Minnehaha
West - Hamline from Minnehaha to DISTRICT 1 - PRCT. 8
Burlir.gton Nortrern Ry.
North - Blair from Victoria to Dale
DISTRICT 1 - PRCT. 2 East - Dale from Blair to University
South - University from Dale to Avon
North - Burlington Northern Ry. from West - Avon from University to Edmund,
Lexington to Dale Edmund from Avon to Victoria,
East - Dale from Burlington Northern Victoria from Edmund to Blair.
Ry. to Blair
South - Blair from Dale to Victoria, DISTRICT 1 - PRCT. 9
Victoria from Blair to Lafond,
Lafond from Victoria to Lexington North - Lafond from Lexington to Victoria
West - Lexington from Lafond to East - Victoria from Lafond to Edmund,
Burlington Northern Ry. Edmund from Victoria to Avon, Avon
from Edmund to University
DISTRICT 1 - PRCT. 3 South - University from Avon to Lexington
West - Lexington from University to Lafond.
North - Blair from Mackubin to Western
East - Western from Blair to University DISTRICT 1 - PRCT. 10
South - University from Western to
Mackubin N6rth - Burlington Northern Ry. from Dale
h�est - Mackubin from University to Blair to Rice
East - Rice from Burlington Northern Ry
DISTRICT 1 - PRCT. 4 to Lafond
South - Lafond from Rice to Como, Como
North - Blair from Western to Como, Como from Lafond to Blair, Blair from
from Blair to Lafond, Lafond Como to Dale
from Como to Rice West - Dale from Blair to Burlington
East - Rice from Lafond to Univers�ty Northern Ry.
South - University from Rice to Western
V:est - Western from University to Blair. DISTRICT 1 - PRCT. il
DISTRICT 1 - PRCT. 5 North - Blair from Dale to Mackubin
East - Mackubin from Blair to University
North - Como from Rice to Capitol Hts, South - University from Mackubin to Dale
Capitol Hts from Como to Valley, West - Dale from University to Blair
Valley from Capitol Hts. to Jackson
East - Jack:�on from Valley to University DISTRICT 1 - PRCT. 12
South - University from Jackson to Eice
West - Rice from University to Coffo. North - University from Hamline to
DISTRICT 1 - PRCT. 6 East - Lexington from University to Marshall
South - Marshall from Lexington to Hamline
North - Pennsylvania from Jackson to West - Hamline from Marshall to University
- Mississippi
East - Mississippi from Pennsy.lvania
to University ,
South - University from Mississippi to �
West - Jackson from University to
(Precinct 6 includes that portion
of District 7 bounded on the North -
by Pennsylvania, on the East by
Mississippi, on the South by
University and on the West by 35E.)
Nortr - University fro� Lexington to Avon North - Concordia from Lexington to Oxford.
East - Avon from University to Aurora. Oxford from Concordia to Carroll.
Aurora from Avon to Fisk, Fisk Carroll from Concordia to Victoria.
from Aurora to Central. Central East - Victoria from Carroll to Dayton.
from Fisk to Avon. Avon from Dayton from Victoria to Milton.
Central to St. Anthony. St. Milton from Daytcn to Laurel.
pnthony from Avon to Fisk. Fisk South - Laurel from Milton to Lexington
from St. Anthony to Carroll. West - Lexington from Laurel to Concordia.
South - Carroll from Fisk to Oxford.
Oxford from Caz•roll to Concordia. DISTRICT 1 - PRCT. 19
Concordia fr�om Oxford to Lexir�gton.
West - Lexington from Concordia to North - Carroll from Victoria to Dale. Dale
University from Carroll to Iglehart. Iglehart
from Dale to Kent. Kent from
DISTRICT 1 - PRCT. 14 Zglehart to Marshall. Marshall from
Kent to Mackubin.
North - University from Avon to Dale East - Macku�in from Marshall to Dayton
East - Dale from University to Carroll Soutr: - Day-ton from Mackubin to Victoria.
South - Carroll from Dale to Fisk West - Victoria from Dayton to Carroll.
west - Fisk from Carroll to St. Anthony.
St. Anthony from Fisk to Avon. DISTRICT 1 - PRCT. 20
Avor_ from St. Anthony to Central.
Central from Avon to Fisk. Fisk North - Carx•oll from Mackubin to �.rundel.
from Central to Aurora. Aurora Arundel from Carroll to Concordia,
from Fisk to Avon. Avon from Concordia from Arundel to ,Tohn
Aurora to University. Ireland Blvd.
East - John Ireland Blvd. from Concordia to
DISTRICT 1 - PRCT. 15 Summit. Summit from John Ireland Blvd
to Selby.
North - University from Dale to Western South - Selby from Summit to Western. Western
East - Western from University to Concordia from Selby to Dayton. Dayton from
South - Concordia from Western to Arundel. Western to Mackubin.
Arundel from Concordia to Carroll. West - Mackubin from Dayton to Carroll. �
Carroll from Arundel to Mackubin.
Mackubin from Carroll to Marsh«11. DISTRICT 1 - PRCT. 21
Marshall from Mackubin to Kent.
Kent from Marshall to Iglehart. North - Portland from Griggs to Grotto
Iglehart from Kent to Dale. East - Grotto from Portland to Summit
West - Dale from Iglehart to University South - Summit from Grotto to Griggs
West - Griggs from Summit to Portland
North - University from Western to Rice
East - Rice from University to John Ireland North - Laurel from Lexington to Milton
Blvd. John Ireland Blvd. from Rice East - Milton from Laurel to Dayton, Dayton
to Concordia. from Milton to Victoria. Victoria
South -- Concordia fro�r John Ireland Blvd. from Dayton to Laurel. Laurel from
to Western Victoria to Avon. Avon from Laurel
Itiest - Western from Concordia to University. to Portland.
South - Portland from Avon to Lexington
DISTRICT 1 - PRCT. 17 West - Lexington from Portland to Laurel
North - Marshall from Hamline to Lexington DISTRICT 1 - PRCT. 23
East - Lexington fro� Marshall to Portland
South - Portland from Lexington to Griggs, North - Dayton from Victoria to Mackubin
Griggs from Portland to Summit, East - Mackubin from Dayton to Selby. Selby
Summit from Griggs to the Short Line Rd. from Mackubin to Kent. Kent from
West - The Short Line Road from Summit to Selby to Holly. Holly from Kent to
Hamline. Hamline from tre Short Line Dale:. Dale from Holly to Portland.
Road to Marshall . South - Portland from Dale to Avon.
West - Avon from Portland to Laurel. Laurel
from Avon to Victoria. Victoria from
Laurel to Dayton.
- 2 -
North - Dayton from Mackubin to Western North - Swnmit from Grotto to Kellogg
East - Western from Dayton to Summit East - Kellogg from Summit to Pleasant
South - Summit from Western to Dale �outh - Pleasant from Kellogg to Irvine.
West - Dale from Summit to Holly. Holly Irvine from Pleasant to Western.
from Dale to Kent. Kent from � Western from Irvine to Ramsey. Ramsey
Holly to Selby. Selby from Kent from Western to Pleasant. Pleasant
to Mackubin. Mackubin from Selby from Ramsey to St. Clair. St. Clair
to Dayton. from Pleasant to Grotto
West - Grotto from St. Clair to Summit.
Nor�h - Selby from Western to Summit
�ast &- Summit from Selby to . North - Pleasant from Kellogg to Sixth. Sixth
�outh Western from Pleasant to Smith. Smith from
West - Western from Summit to Selby Sixth to College. College from Smith
to Tenth. Tenth from College to Main.
DISTRICT 1 - PRCT. 26 Main from Tenth to 35E. 35E from
Main to Wabasha.
North - Portland frc�m Grotto to Dale East - Wabasha from 35E to _lOth. lOth from
East - Dale from Portland to Summit Wabasha to St. Peter. St. Peter from
South - Summit from Dale to Grotto 10th to 7th P1.
West - Grotto from Summit to Portland South - 7th P1 from St. Peter to 6th. 6th from
7th P1. to 5th. 5th from 6th to
DISTRICT 1 - PRCT. 27 Kellogg.
' West - Kellogg from 5th to Pleasant.
North - Burlington Northern Ry from Rice
to Jackson DISTRICT 2 - PRCT. 6
East - Jackson from Burlington Northern Ry ��
to Valley North - Columbus from W�basha to Robert.
South - Valley from Jackson to Capitol Hts. Robert from Columbus to 13th. 13th
Capitol Hts from Valley to Como. Como from Robert to Jackson.
from Capitcl Hts to Rice. East - Jackson from 13th to ?th P1.
West - Rice from Como to Burlington Northern Ry.South - 7th P1. from Jackson to Minnesota.
Minnesota from 7th P1. to 6th. 6th
DISTRICT 2 - PRCT. 1 from Minnesota to Cedar. Cedar from
6th to 7th P1. 7th P1. from Cedar
North - Summit from the Short Line Road te to St. Peter.
Lexington West - St. Peter from 7th P1. to lOth. lOth
East - Lexington from Summit to the from St. Peter to Wabasha. WabasY.a
Short Line Road from lOth to Columbus.
Soutt: - The Short Line Road from
& West Lexington to Summit DISTRICT 2 - PRCT. 7
DISTRICT 2 - PRCT. 2 Korth - 12th from Jackson to University. Univer-
sity from 12th to Mississippi.
North - Summit from Lexin�ton to Milton East - Mississippi from University to Grove.
East - Milton from Summit to St. Clair Grove from Mississippi to Willius.
South - St. Clair from Milton to Lexington Willius from Grove to 7th. 7th from
West - Lexington. from St. Clair to Summit Willius to Burlington Northern Ry.
Burlington Northern Ry. from ?th to 3rd.
DISTRICT 2 - PRCT. 3 3rd from Burlington Northern Ry. to
Lafayette Freeway. Lafayette Freeway
North - Summit from Milton to Grotto from 3rd to River.
East - Grotto from Summit to St. Clair South - River from Lafayette Freeway to Jackson.
South - St. Clair from Grotto to Victoria. west - Jackson ext. from River to 12th.
Victoria Ext. from St. Clair to (Precinct 7 includes that portion of
CMSP & 0 Ry. CMSP&C Ry from Victoria ext. District 7 bounded on the North by 7th;
to Milton on the East by Burlington Northern Ry. ;
West - Milton from CMSP&0 Ry to Summit. on the South by 3rd and on the West by
Lafayette Freeway) .
North - Jefferson from 35E to Victoria.
East - Victoria from ,Tefferson to Palace.
Palace from Victoria to Osceola.
Osceola from Palace to Randolph.
South - Randolph from Osceola to 35E.
- - West - 35E from Randolph to .Tefferson.
- 3 -
North - CMSP & 0 Ry. from Victoria to North - Randolph from Lexington to Victoria
Osceola East - Victoria from Randolph to 7th. 7th
East - Osceola from CMSP & 0 RY. to Palace from Victoria to Otto. Otto ext. from
South - palace from Osceola to Victoria 7th to River.
West - Victoria from Palace to CMSP & 0 Ry. South - River from Otto ext. to I-35
West - I-35 from River to Randolph.
North - St. Clair from Victoria to Pleasant.
Pleasant from St. Clair to Western. DISTRICT 2 - PRCT. 16
East - Western from Pleasant to 7th.
South - 7th from Western to Jefferson. North - Randolph from Victoria to Drake
Jefferson from 7th to Osceola. East - Drake ext. from Randolph to River
Osceola from Jefferson to CMSP & 0 Ry. South - River fro� Drake ext. to Otto ext.
CMSP & 0 Ry. from Osceola to Victoria. West - Otto ext. from River to 7th. 7th
West - Victoria from CMSP & 0 RY. to St. Clair. from Otto to Victoria. Victoria
from 7th to Randolph.
North - Grand from Pleasant to Douglas
East - Douglas from Grand to Goodrich. North - Jeffersori from Osceola to 7th.
Goodrich from Douglas to C & NW Ry. ?th from Jefferson to Western.
South - C & NW Ry. from Goodrich to Western. East - Western from 7th to C & NW Ry.
West - Western from C & NW Ry. to Pleasant. C & NNi RY. from Western to River.
Pleasant from Western to Grand. South - River from C & NW Ry. to Drake ext.
� West - Drake ext. from River to Randolph.
DISTRICT 2 - PRCT. 12 Randolph from Drake to Osceola.
Osceola from Randolph to Jefferson.
North - Irvine frcm Western to Pleasant.
Pleas�nt from Irvine to Kellogg. DISTRICT 2 - PRCT. 18
East - Kellogg from Pleasant to Eagle.
Eagle from Kellogg to River. North - River from West Annapolis ext. to
South - Ri�er from Eagle to C & NW Ry. East & East Annapolis ext.
West - C & NW Ry. from River to Goodrich. West
Goodrich from C & NW Ry. to Douglas. South - East Annapelis ext. from River to
Douglas from Goodrich to Grand. Concord. Concord from East Anna.polis
Grand from Douglas to Ramsey. to George. George from Coi�cord to
Ramsey frc�m Grand to Western. Robert. Robert from George to Concord.
Western from Ramsey to Irvine. Concord from Robert to Wabasha.
Wabasha f.rom Concord to Plato. Plato
from Wabasha to Ohio. Ohio from
DISTRICT 2 - PRCT. 13 Plato to Cherokee. Cherokee from Ohio
to Baker. Baker f'rom Cherokee to
North - 5th from Kellogg to 6th. 6th Cherokee Hts. Cherokee Hts from
from 5th to 7th P1. 7th P1. from B�er to Annapolis. Annapolis ext.
6tr to Cedar. Cedar from ?th P1. from Cherokee Hts. to the River.
to 6th. 6th from Cedar to Minnesot a• DISTRICT 2 - PRCT. 19
Minnesota from 6th to 7th P1. 7th
P1. from Minnesot� to Jackson.
East - Jackson from 7th P1. to River North - Ohio from Isabel to Plato. Plato
South - River from Jackson to Eagle fram Ohio to Wabasha.
West - Eagle from River to Kellogg. East - Wabasha from Plato to Concord.
Kellogg from Eagle to 5th. Concord from Wabasha to Robert.
Robert from Concord to George.
DISTRICT 2 - PRCT. 14 South - George from Rcsbert to Winslow.
Winslow from George to Robie.
North - Randolph from Lexington to I-35 Robie from Winslow to bellows.
East - I-35 from Randolph to River West - Bellows from Robie to Isabel,
South - River from I-35 to Rankin ext. Isabel from Bellows to Ohio.
lrest - Rankin ext. from River to 7th. -
7th from Rankin to Lexington
. Lexington from 7th to Randolph.
- 4 -
North - Cherokee from King to Ohio. North & Concord from State to Annapolis
& West Ohio from Cherokee to Isabel. East - ext.
Isabel from Ohio to Bellows. South - Annapolis ext. from Concord to
East - Bellows from Isabel to Robie. Oakdale.
Robie from Bellows to Waseca. West - Oakdale from Annapolis to State.
Waseca from Robie to George. State from Oakdale to Concord.
George from Waseca to Charlton.
Charlton from Waseca to Morton. DISTRICT Z - PRCT. 26
South - Morton from Charlton to Manomin.
Manomin from Morton to King. . North .- St. Clair from Lexington to Milton.
King from Manemin to Cherokee. East - Milton from St. Clair to CMSP & 0 RY.
CMSP & 0 RY. from Milton to Victoria.
DISTRZCT 2 - PRCT. 21 Victoria from CMSP & 0 Ry. to Jefferson
South - Jefferson from Victoria to 35E. 35E
North - Kir.g from Cherokee to Manomin. from Jefferson to Randolph. Randolph
East - Manomin from King to Annapbiis from 35E to Lexington.
South - Annapolis from Manomin to West - Lexington from Randolph to St. Clair.
Cherokee Hts.
West - Cherokee Hts. from Annapolis to DZSTRICT 2 - PRCT. 27
Baker. Baker from Cherokee Hts
to Cherokee. Cherokee frcm North - University from Rice to 12th.
Baker to King. East & 12th from University to Jackson.
South - Jackson from 12th to 13th. 13th '
DISTRICT 2 - PRCT. 22 from Jackson to Robert. Robert from
13th to Columbus. Columbus from
North - Morton from Manomin to Charlton. Robert to Wabasha. Wabasha from
East - Charlton from Mortor. to Page. Columbus to 35E. 35E f.ram Wabasha
Page from Charlton to Waseca. to Main. Main from 35E to lOth. lOth
Waseca from Page to City Limits. from Main to College. College from
City Limits from Waseca to lOth to Smith. Smith from College to
Charlton. Charlton from City 6th. 6th from Smit:h to Pleasant.
Limits to Annapolis. Pleasant from 6th to Kellogg.
South - Annapolis from Charlton to Manomin. West - Kellogg from Pleasant to Summit.
West - Manomin from Annapolis to Morton. Summit from Kellogg to John Ireland
Blvd. John Ireland Blvd. from Summit
DISTRICT 2 - PRCT. 23. to Rice. Rice from John Ireland Blvd.
to University.
North - Robie from Waseca to Winslow.
Winslow from Robie to George. DISTRICT 3 - PRCT. 1
George from Winslow to Hall.
East - Hall from George to Page North - Summit from Fairview to Cambridge.
South - Page from Hall to Winslow. East - Cambridge from Summit to Amherst.
Winslow from Page to Curtice. Amherst from Caabridge to St. Clair.
Curtice from Winslow te Bidwell. South - St. Clair from Amherst to Fairview.
Bidwell from Cur•tice to City Limits. Fairview from St. Clair to Summit.
City Limits from Bidwell to Waseca.
Waseca from City Limits to Page. DISTRICT 3 - PRCT. 2
Page from Waseca to Charlton.
West - Charlton from Page to George. North - Summit from Cambridge to Snelling.
George from Charlton to waseca. East - Snelling from Summit to St. Clair.
Waseca from George to Robie. South - St. Clair from Snelling to Amherst.
West - Amherst from St. Clair to Cambridge.
DISTRICT 2 - PRCT. 24 Cambridge from Amher•st to Summit.
North - George from Hall to State DISTRICT 3 - PRCT. 3
East - State from George to Oakdale. '
Oakdale from State to Annapolis. North - Summit from Snelling to Hamline
South - Annapolis from Oakdale to Bidwell. East - Hamline from Summit to Goodrich
West - Bidwell from Annapolis to Curtice. �outh - Goodrich from Hamline to Sarat.oga.
Curtice from Bidwell to Winslow. Sarato�a from Goodrich to Lincoln.
Winslow from Curtice to Page. Lincoln from Saratoga to Snelling.
Page from Winslow to Hall. Hall West - Snelling from Lincoln to Summit.
from Page to George.
- 5 -
., � . , .
. - � 2`�����
North - Lincoln from Snelling to Saratoga. North - James from Cretin to Fairview
Saratoga from Lincoln to Goodrich. East - Fairview from James to Highland Pkwy.
Goodrich from Saratoga to Hamline. South - Highland Pkwy. from Fairview to Cretin
East - Hamline from Goodr•ich to St. Clair. West - Creting from Highland Pkwy. to James
South - St. Clair from Hamline to Snelling
West - Snelling from St. Clair to Lincoln,. DISTRICT 3 - PRCT. 13
DISTRICT 3 - PRCT. 5 North - James from Fairvsew to Snelling
East - Snelling from James to Scheffer
North - Summit from Hamline to the Short South - Scheffer from Snelling to Fairview
Line Road West - Fairview from Scheffer to James
East - Short Line Road from Summit to �
St. Clair DISTRICT 3 - PRCT. 14
South - St. Clair from the Short Line Road
to Hamline North - Palace from Snelling to Pascal.
West - Hamline from St. Clair to Summit Pascal from Palace to James. James
from Pascal to Hamline.
DISTRIGT 3 - PRCT. 6 East - Hamline from James to Scheffer
South - Scheffer from Hamline to Saratoga
North - St. Clair ext. from River to Finn West - Saratoga from Scheffer to Niles.
East - Finn from St. Clair to James. Niles from Saratoga to Snelling.
James from Finn to Cretin. Cretin Snelling from Niles to Palace.
from James to Ford Pkwy.
South - Ford Pkwy. ext. frora Cretin to River DISTRICT 3 - PRCT. 15
West - River from Ford Pkwy. ext. to
St. Clair ext. ' North - James from Hamline to Lexington
East - Lexington from James to
DISTRICT 3 - PRCT. 7 ' Montcalm Hills.
South - Montcalm Hills from Lexington to
North - St. Clair from Finn to Prior Montcal� P1. Montcalm P1. from
East - Prior from St. Clair to James Montcalm Hills to Sch effer. Scheffer
. South - James from Prior to Finn from Montcalm P1. to Hamline.
West - Finn from James to St. Clair West - Hamline from Scheffer to James
North - St. Clair from Prior to Wheeler North - Ford Pkwy. from River to Cretin.
East - Whe�ler from St. Clair to James Cretin from Ford Pkwy. to Highland
South - James from Wheeler to Prior Pkwy. Highland Pkwy. from Cretin to
West - Prior from James to St. Clair Cleveland.
East - Cleveland from Highland Pkwy to
DISTRICT 3 - PRCT. 9 Magoffin
South - Magoffin ext. from Cleveland to River
North - St. Clair from Wheeler to Snelling West - River from Magoffin ext. to Ford Pkwy.
East - Snelling from St. Clair to James
South - James from Snelling to Wheeler DISTRICT 3 PRCT. 17
West - Wheeler from James to St. Clair
North - Highland Pkwy. from Cleveland to
DISTRICT 3 - PRCT. 10 Howell
East - Howell from Highland Pkwy. to
North - St. Clair from Snelling to Hamline Magoffin �
East - Hamline from St. Clair to James South - Magoffin from Howell to CMSP Ry.
South - James from Hamline to Pascal. CMSP Ry. from Magoffin to Cleveland.
Pascal from James to Palace. West - Cleveland from CMSP Ry. to
Palace from Pascal to Snelling. Highland Pkwy:
West - Snelling from P�lace to St. Clair.
North - Scheffer from Fairview to Snelling
North - St. Clair from Eamline to Short East - Snelling from Scheffer to Ford Pkwy.
Line Road South - Ford Pkwy from Snelling to Howell
East - Short Line Road from Hamline to West - Howell from Ford Pkwy. to Highland
Lexington. Lexington from the Pkwy. Highland Pkwy. from Howell to
Short Line Road to James Fairview. Fairview from Highlanc? Pkwy
South - James from Lexington to Hamline to Scheffer.
West - Hamline from James to St. Clair
- 6 -
North - Ford Pkwy. from Howell to Snelling North - CMSP Ry. from Prior tc� Davern
East - Snelling from Ford Pkwy. to Montreal. East - Davern ext. from CMSP Ry. to River
Montr•eal from Snelling to Da�•ern. South -• River froff Davern ext. to Ft. Snelling
Davern from Montreal to Edgcumbe. • Bridge
South - Edgcumbe from Davern to Hampshire. West - Ft. Snelling Bridge from River to
Hampshire from Edgcumbe to Howell. Norfolk. Norfolk from Ft. Snelling
West - Howell from Hampshire to Ford Pkwy. Bridge tc� Sue. Sue from Norfolk to
Graham. Graham from Sue to Prior.
DISTRICT 3 - PRCT. 20 Prior from Graham to CMSP Ry.
North - Niles from Snelling to Saratoga. DISTRICT 3 - PRCT. 26 ,
Saratoga from Niles to Scheffer.
Scheffer from Saratoga to Hamline. North - Morgan from Edgcumbe Rd. to Davern.
East &- Hamline from S�heffer to Edgcwnbe. Davern from Morgan to St. Paul.
South Edgcu�be from Hamline to Snelling. St. Paul from Davern to ?th. 7th
West - Snelling from Edgcwnbe to Niles from St. Paul to Rankin.
East - Rankin ext. from 7th to River
DISTRICT 3 - PRCT. 21 South - River from Rar:kin ext. to Davern ext.
West. -��Davern ext. from Ri��e:r to CMSP Ry.
North - Scheffer from Hamline to Mori�alm P1. CMSP Ry. from Davern to Edgcumbe Rd.
Montcalm P1. from Scheffer to Edgeunc.be Rd. from CMSP Ry. to Morgan
Montcalm Hills. Montcalm Hills from
Montcalm P1. to Lexington. DISTRICT 4 - PRCT. 1
East - Lexington from Montcalm Hills to �
Montre.al North - Hoyt from City Limits to Como
South - Montreal from Lexington to Hamline East - Como from Hoyt to Carter
West - Hamline from Montreal to Scheffer South - Carter ext. from Cobo to Hy. 280.
Hy. 280 from Carter ext. to
DISTRICT 3 r PRCT. 22 Burlington Northern Ry. Burlington
Northern Ry. from Hy. 280 to City
North - Magoffin ext. from River to Cleveland. Limits.
Cleveland from Magoffin to CMSP Ry. West - City Limits from Burlington Northern
East - CMSP Ry. from Cleveland to Prior. Ry. to Hoyt.
Prior from CMSP Ry. to Graham.
Graham from Prior to Sue. Sue from DISTRICT 4 - PRCT. 2
Graham to Norfolk. Norfolk from Sue
to Ft. Snelling Bridge. Ft. Snelling North - Hoyt ext. from Como to Cleveland
Bridge ext. to River. East - Cleveland ext. from Hoyt to Como
South - River from Ft. Snelling Bridge ext. South - Como from Cleveland ext. to Hoyt
& West to Magoffin ext. & West
North - Magoffin from CMSF Ry. to Howell. North - Como from Carter to Cleveland ext.
Howell from Magoffin to Hampshire. Cleveland ext. from Como to City Limits.
Hampshire from Howell to Edgcumbe Rd. City Liff,its from Cleveland to Snelling.
Edgcwnbe Rd. from Hampshire to Davern. East - Snelling from City Limits to Burlington
East - Davern from Edgcumbe Rd. to Morgan. Northern �y.
Morgan from Davern to Edgcumbe Rd. South - Burlington Northern Ry from Snelling
Edgcumbe Rd. from Morgan to CMSP Ry. to Hy. 280.
South - CMSP RY. from Edgcumbe Rd. t:o West� -• Hy. 280 from Burlington Northern Ry.
& West Magoffin. to Carter ext. Carter ext. from
Hy. 280 to Como.
North - Montreal from Davern to Snelling.
Snelling from Montreal to Edgcumbe Rd. North - Hoyt from Snelling to Albert:
Edgcumbe Rd. from Snelling to Montreal. East - Albert from Hoyt to Arlington.
Montreal from Edgcumbe Rd. to 7th. Arlington from Albert to Hamline.
East - 7th from Montreal to St. Paul Hamline from Arlington to Midway Pkwy.
South - St. Paul from 7th to Davern South - Midway Pkwy. from Hamline to Snelling.
West - Davern from St. Paul to Montreal West - Snelling from Midway Pkwy. to Hoyt
- 7 -
- � 2�����
North - Midway Pkwy. from SnE�lling to Horton. North - Burlington Northern Ry. from
Horton from Midway Pkwy. .to Lexington Holton to Hamline
East - Lexington from Horton to Burlington East - Hamline fro� Burlington Northern Ry.
Northern Ry. to University
South - Burlington Northern Ry. from Lexington South - University from Hamline to Simpsor..
to Snelling West - Simpson from University to Van Buren.
west - Snelling from Burlington Northern Ry. Van Buren from Simpson to Pascal.
to Midway Pkwy. Pascal from Van Buren to Taylor.
(Precinct 5 includes that portion of Taylor fro� Pascal to Holton. Holton
District 5 bounded on tr:e North by from Taylor to Burlington Northern Ry.
Hortcn, on the East by Lexington, on
the South by Burlington Aorthern Ry. DISTRICT 4 - PRCT. 12
and on the West by Hamline) .
North - University from City Limits to
DISTRICT 4 - PRCT. 6 Cleveland
East - Cleveland from University to I-94.
North - Burlington Northern Ry. from City I-94 from Cleveland to Cretin.
Limits to Prior Cretin from I-94 to Marsh211.
East - Prior from Burlington Northern Ry. South - Marshall from Cretin to City Limits
to University West - City Limits from Marshall to
South - University from Prior to City University
West - City Limits from University to DISTRICT 4 - FRCT. 13
Burlington Northern Ry. �
North - University from Cleveland to
DISTRICT 4 - PRCT. 7 Wheeler �
East - Wheeler from University to CMSP Ry.
North - Burlington Northern Ry. from South -• CMSP Ry. from Wheeler to Cleveland
Prior to Snelling West - Cleveland from CMSP Ry. to
East - Snelling from Burlington Northern Ry University
to Pierce Butler Rte. Pierce Butler
Rte. from Snelling to Aldine. Aldine DISTRICT 4 - PRCT. 14
from Pierce Butler Rte. to Minnehaha
South - Minnehaha from Aldine to Prior North - University from Wheeler to Hamline
West - Prior from Minnehaha to Burlington East - Hamline from University to Marshall
Northern F�y. South - Marshall from Hamline to Fairview
West - Fairview from Marshall to CMSP Ry.
DISTRICT 4 - PRCT. 8 CMSP Ry. from Fairview to Wheeler.
Wheeler from CMSP Ry. to University
North - Minnehaha from Prior to Aldine
East =�Aldine from Minnehaha to University DISTRICT 4 - PRCT. 15
South - University from Aldine to Prior
West - Prior from University to Minnehaha North - Marshall from Snelling to Hamline
East - Hamline from Marshall to Short Line
DZSTRICT 4 - PRCT. 9 Rd. Short Line Rd. from Hamline to
North - Pierce Butler Rte. from Aldine to South - Summit from Short Line Rd. to
Snelling Snelling
East - 5nelling from Pierce Butler Rte. West - Snelling from Summit to Marshall
to University
South - University from Snelling to Aldine DISTRICT 4 - PRCT. 16
West - Aldine from University to Pierce
Butler Rte. North - I-94 from Cretin to Cleveland.
Cleveland from I-94 to CMSP Ry.
DISTRICT 4 - PRCT. 10 CMSP Ry. fromiCleveland to Fairveiw.
East - Fairview from CMSP Ry. to Marshall
North - Burlington Northern Ry. from South - Marshall from Fairview to Cleveland.
Snelling to Holton Cleveland from Marshall to Iglehart.
East - Holton from Burling Northern Ry. Iglehart from Cleveland to Cretin.
to Taylor. Taylor from Holton to Hest - Cretin from Iglehart to I-94
Pascal. Pascal from T�ylor to
Van Buren. Van Buren from Pascal
to Simpson. Simpson from Van Buren
to University.
South - University from Simpson to Snelling
West� - Snelling from University to Burlington
Northern l�y.
- 8 -
North - Iglehart from Cretin to Cleveland. North - Summit from Prior to Fairview:.
Cleveland from Iglehart to East - Fairview from Summit to St. Clair
Marshall. Marshall from Cleveland South - St. Clair from Fairview to Prior
to Fairview. West - Prior from St. Clair to Summit
East - Fairview from Marshall to Laurel
South - Laurel from Fairview to Cleveland. DISTRICT 4 - pRCT. 24
Cleveland from Laurel to Selby.
Selby from Cleveland to Cretin. North - Hoyt from Albert to Hamline
West - Cretin from Selby to Iglehart East - Hamline from Hoyt to Arlingtcn
South - Arlington from Hamline to Albert
DISTRICT 4 - PRCT. 18 West - Albert from Arlington to Hoyt
North - Marshall from Fairview to Snelling DISTRICT 5 - PRCT. 1
East - Snelling from Marshall to Laurel
South - Laurel from Snelling to Fairview North - Larpenteur from Hamline to Lexington
West - Fairview from Laurel to Marshall East - Lexington from Larpenteur to Horton
• South - Horton fros Lexington to Hamline
DISTRICT 4 - PRCT. 19 West - Hamline from Horton to Larpenteur
North - Marshall from City Limits to Cretin DISTRICT 5 - PRCT. 2
East - Cretin from Marshall to Selby.
SeZby from Cretin to Cleveland. North - Larpenteur from Lexington to
Cleveland from Selby to Summit. Victoria
Summit from Cleveland to Cretin. East - Victoria from Larpenteur to E.Como Blvd
Cretin from Summit to Goodrich. South - E. Como Blvd from Victoria to Como
South - Goodrich ext. from�Cretin to City Lake Dr. Como Lake Dr. from E. Como
Limits. Blvd. tc Lexington
West - City Limits from Goodrich ext. to West - Lexington from Como Lake Dr. to
Marshall. Larpenteur
North - Laurel from Cleveland to Fairview � North - Larpenteur from Victoria to Dale
East - Fairview from Laurel to Ashiand. East - Dale from Larpenteur to Arlington
Ashland from Fairview to Dewey. South - Arlingtcn from Dale to Victoria
Dewey from Ashland to Summit. West - Victoria from Arlington to
Summit from Dewey to Prior. Larpenteur
Prior from Summit to Fairmount.
South - Fairmount from Prior to Cretin DISTRICT 5 - PRCT. 4
West - Cretin from Fairmouiit to Summit.
Summit from Cretin to Cleveland. North - Larpenteur from Dale to Mackubin
Cleveland from Summit to Laurel. East - Mackubin from L�rpenteur to Hoyt.
Hoyt from Mackubin to Arundel. Arundel
DISTRICT 4 - PRCT. 21 from Hoyt to Nebraska. Nebraska from
Arundel to Mackubir.. Mackubin from
North - Laurel from Fairview to Snelling Nebraska to Orange. Orange from
East - Snelling from Laurel to Summit Mackubin to Burlington Northern Ry.
South - Summit from Snelling to Dewey Burlington Northern Ry. - from Orange
West - Dewey from Summit to Ashland. to Western. Western from Burlington
Ashland from Dewey to Fairview. Northern Ry. to Cook.
Fairview from Ashland to Laurel. South - Cook from Western to Dale
West - Dale from Cook to Larpenteur
Ncrth - Goodrich ext. from River to Cretin. �
Cretin from Goodrich to Fairmount.
Fairmount from Cretin to Prior.
East - Prior from Fairmount to St. Clair.
South - St. Clair ext. from Prior to River
West - River from St. Clair ext. to
Goodrich ext.
- 9 -
North - Larpenteur from Mackubin to Farrington North - Arlington from Victoria to Dale
East - Farrington from Larpenteur to East - Dale from Arlington to Maryland
Wheelock. Wheelock from Farrington to South - Maryland from Dale to Como Blvd.
Western. Western from Wheelock to West - Como Blvd. from Maryland to Victoria.
Burlington Northern Ry. Victoria from Como Blvd. to Arlington.
South - Burlington Northern Ry. from Western
to Orange. Orange from Burlington DISTRICT 5 - PRCT. 12
Northern �y. to Mackubin.
West - Mackubin from Or�.nge to Nebraska. North - Maryland from Como Blvd. to Dale
Nebraska from Mackubin to Arundel. East - Dale from Maryland t.o Co�o
Arundel from Nebraska to Hoyt. Hoyt South - Como from Dale to E. Como Blvd.
fros Arundel to Mackubin. Mackubin West - E. Como Blvd. from Como to Maryland
from Hoyt to Larpenteur.
North - Maryland from Western to Galtier.
North - Larpenteur from Farrington to Rice Galtier from Maryland to Geranium.
East - Rice from Larpenteur to Geranium Geranium from Galtier to Rice.
South - Geranium from Rice to Galtier. East - Rice from Geranium to Cook
Galtier from Geranium to Maryland. South - Cook from Rice to Western
Maryland from Galtier to Western. West - Western from Cook to Maryland
West - Western from Maryland to Wheelock
Pkwy. Wheelock Pkwy. from Western DISTRICT 5 - PRCT. 14
to Farrington. Farrington from
Wheelock Pkwy. to Larpenteur. North - Burlington Northern Ry. from
Lexington to Chatsworth. Chatsworth
DISTRICT 5 - PRCT. 7 from Burlington Northern Ry. to Como.
Como from Chatsworth to Como Blvd.
North - Larpenteur from Rice to Soo Line Ry. Como Blvd. from Como to Burlington
East - Soo Line Ry. from Larpenteur to Northern F�y.
Jackson. Jackson from Soo Line Ry. East - Burlington Northern Ry. from Co�co
to Magnolia Blvd. to Como P1. Como P1. from
South - Magnolia from Jackson to Rice. Burlington Ry. to Front. Front from
West - Rice from Magnolia to Larpenteur Como P1. to Chatsworth. Chatsworth
from Front to Burlington Ncrthern Ry.
DISTRICT 5 - PRCT. �i South - Burlington Northern Ry. from
Chatsworth to Lexington
North - Larpenteur from Soo Line Ry to 35-E West - Lexington from Burlington Northern l�y.
East - 35-E from Larpenteur to Maryland. to Burlington Northern Ry.
South - Maryland from 35-E to Soo Line Ry.
West - Soo Line Ry. from Maryland to DISTRICT 5 - PRCT. 15
North - Burlington Northern Ry. from Como P1.
DISTRICT 5 - PRCT. 9 to Como. Como from Burlington
Northern Ry. to Dale.
North - Larpenteur from 35-E to Edgerton East - Dale from Como to Burlington Northern A
East - Edgerton from Larpenteur to South - Burlington Northern Ry. from Dale to
Maryland Chatsworth.
South - Maryland from Edgerton to 35-E West - Chatsworth from Burlington Northern Ry.
West - 35-E from Maryland to Larpenteur to Front. Front from Chatsworth to
Como P1. Como P1. from Front to
DISTRICT 5 - PRCT. 10 Burlington Northern Ry.
North - Como Lake Dr. from Lexington to DISTRICT 5 - PRC9'. 16
& East Como Blvd. Como Blvd. from,Coma '
Lake Dr. to Como. North - Cook from Dale to Galtier
South - Como from Como Blvd. to Chatswortr. East - Galtier from Cook to Front. Front
Chatsworth from Como to Burlington from Galtier to Farrington.
Northern Ry. Eurlington Northern Farrington from Front to Burlington
Ry. from Chatsworth to Lexington. Northern Ry.
West - Lexington from Burlington Northern South - Burlington Northern Ry. from
Ry. to Como Lake Dr. Farrington to Dale.
West - Dale from Burlington Northern Ry.
to Cook -
- 10 -
� , . . _ .
� - � � 2`����1�'
North - Cook from Galtier to Rice North - Larpenteur from Edgerton to Arcade
East - Rice from Cook to Burlington East - Arcade from Larpenteur to Wheelock.
Northern Ry. Wheelock from Arcade to Walsh. Walsh
South - Burlington Northern Ry. from Rice from Wheelock to Cottage.
to Farrington South - Cottage from Walsh to Payne. Payne
West - Farrington from Burlington Northern from Cottage to Ivy. Ivy from
Ry. to Front. Front from Payne to Edgerton.
Farrington to Galtier. Galtier West - Edgerton from Ivy to Larpenteur
from Front to'Cook.
North - North City Limits from Arcade to
North - Magnolia from Rice to Sylvan East Shore Drive.
East - Sylvan from Magnolia to Manitoba East - East Shore Drive from North City
South - Manitoba from Sylvan to Rice Limits to Arlington. Arlington from
West - Rice from Manitoba to Magnolia E«st Shure Drive ta Burlington
Northern Ry. Burlington Northern Ry.
DISTRICT 5 - PRCT. 19 �rom Arlington to Magnolia. Magnolia
from Burlington Northern Ry. to
North - Manitoba from Rice to Sylvan. Atlantic. Atlantic from Magnolia to
Sylvan from Manitoba to Magnolia. Cook,
Magnolia from Sylvan to Jackson. South - Cook from Atlantic to Earl
East - Jackson fros Magnolia to Burlington West - Earl from Cook to Ivy. Ivy from
Northern Ry. _ Earl to Forest. Forest from Ivy to
South - Bur•lington Northern Ry. from Wheelock. Wheelock from Forest to
Jackson to Rice Arcade. Arcade from Wheelock to
West - Rice from Burlington Northern Ry. North City Limits.
to Manitoba �
North - Larpenteur from East Shore Drive to
North - Soo Line Ry. from Jackson to Maryland. Burlington Northern Ry.
Maryland from Soo Line Ry. to 35-E. East - Burlington Northern Ry. from
East - 35-E from M�+ryland to Pennsylvania. Larpenteur to Arlington
South - Pennsylvania from 35-E to Jackson. South - Arlington from Burlington Northern Ry.
West - Jackson from Pennsylvania to to East Shore Drive
Soo Line Ry. West - East Shore Drive from Arlington to
(Precinct 20 includes that portion of Larpenteur
District 1 bounded on the North by
Burlington Northern Ry. , on the East DISTRICT 6 - PRCT. 4
by 35-E, on the South by Pennsylvania,
anC on the West by Jackson) . North - Larpenteur from Burlington Northern
Ry. to Prosperity Rd.
DISTRICT 5 - PRCT. 21 East - Prosperity Rd. from Larpenteur to
' Hazelwood. Hazelwood from Prosperity
North - Maryland from 35-E to Edgerton Rd. to Arlington.
East - Edgerton from Maryland to Case South - Arlington from Hazelwood to Burlington
South - Case ext. from Edgerton to 35-E Northern Ry.
West - 35-E from Case ext. to Maryland West - Burlingtcn Northern Ry. from
Arlington to Larpenteur.
North - Case ext. from 35-E to Edgerton North - Larpenteur from Prosperity Rd. to
East - Edgerton from Case to Chicago &
Northwestern Ry. White Bear ,
South - Chicago & Northwestern Ry. fro�c East - White Bear from Larpenteur to Sherwood
Edgerton to Burlington Northern Ry. South - Sherwood from White Bear to Kennard.
Kennard from Sherwood to Arlington.
Burlington northern Ry. from Chicago Arlington from Kennard to Hazelwood.
& Northwestern Ry. to 35-E. West - Hazelwood from Arlington to
West - 35-E from Burlington Northern Ry. prosperity Rd. Prosperity Rd. from
to Case ext. Hazelwood to Larpenteur.
- li -
. � • � '
North - Larpenteur from White Bear to Mc Knight North - Ivy from Kennard to Hazel. Hazel
East - McKnight from Larpenteur to Ivy from Ivy to Clear. Clear from Hazel
South - Ivy from Mc�Knight to Winthrop. to E. Furness Pkwy. E. Furness Pkwy.
Winthrop from Ivy to Nebraska. from Clear to Cottage. Cottage from
Nebraska from Wir_throp to Ruth. E. Furness Pkwy. to Winthrop. Winthrop
Ruth from Nebraska to Montana. from Cottage to Ivy. Ivy from
Montana from Ruth to White Bear. Winthrop to McKnight.
West - White Bear from Montana to East - McKnight from Ivy to Chicago &
Larpenteur. Northwestern Ry.
South - Chicago & Northwestern Ry. from
DISTRICT 6 - PRCT. 7 McKnight to White Bear
West - White Bear from Chicago & Northwestern
North - Ivy from Edgerton to Payne. Ry. to Maryland. Maryland from
Payne from Ivy to Cottage. White Bear to Kennard. Kennard from
Cottage from Payne to Arcade. Maryland to Ivy.
East - Arcade from Cottage to Maryland
South - Maryland from Arcade to Edgerton DISTRICT 6 - PRCT. 12
west - Edgerton from Maryland to Ivy
North - Maryland from Edgerton to Arcade
DISTRICT 6 - PRCT. 8 Arcade from Maryland to Rose.
Rose from Arcade to Mendota.
North - Wheelock from Walsh to Forest East - Mendota from Rose to Jessamine
East - Forest from Wheelock to Ivy. Ivy South - Jessamine from Mendota to Edgerton
from Forest to Earl. Earl from West - Edgerton from Jessamine to Maryland
Ivy to Rose.
South - Rose from Earl to Arcade DISTRICT 6 - PRCT. 13
West - Arcade from Rose to Cottage.
Cottage from Arcade to Walsh. � North - Rose from Mendota to Earl
Walsh from Cottage to Wheelock Pkwy. East - Earl from Rose to Cook
South - Cook from Earl to Forest. Forest
DISTRICT 6 - PRCT. 9 from Cook to Magnolia. Magnolia from
Forest to Mendota.
North - Arlington fros Burlington Northern Ry West - Mendota from Magnolia to Rose
to Kennard
East - Kennard from Arlington to Maryland DISTRICT 6 - PRCT. 14
South - Maryland from Kennard to Burlington
Northern Ry. North - .Tessamine from Edgerton to Greenbrier
West - Burlington Northern Ry. from Maryland East - Greenbrier from .Tessamine to
to Arlington Burlington Northern Ry. Burlington
Northern Ry. from Greenbrier to
DISTRICT 6 - PRCT. 10 Chicago & NW Ry.
South - Chicago & NW Ry. from Burlington
North - Montana from White Bear to Ruth. Northern Ry. to Edgerton
Ruth from Montana to Nebraska. West - Edgerton from Chicago & NW Ry. to
Nebraska fr�om Ruth to Winthrop. .Tessamine
East - Winthrop from Nebraska to Cottage
South - Cottage from Winthrop to E. Furness DISTRICT 6 - PRCT. 15
Pkwy. E. Furness Pkwy. from Cottage
to Clear. Clear from E. Furness Pkwy. North - Jessamine from Greenbrier to Arcade
to Hazel. Hazel from Clear to Ivy. East - Arcade from Jessamine to Sims. Sims
Ivy from Hazel to Kennard. from Arcade to Forest. Forest from
West - Kennard from Ivy to Sherwood. Sims to Burlington Northern Ry.
Sherwood from Kennard to White Bear. South - Burlington Northern F�y. from
White BBar from Sherwood to Montana. Forest to Greenbrier
West - Greenbrier from Burlington
Northern Ry. to Jessamine
- 12 -
, �I
North - Jessamine from Arcade to Mendota. North - Chicago & Northwestern Ry. from
Mendota from Jessamine to Magnolia. Hazel to McKnight
Magnolia from Mendota to Forest. East - McKnight from Chicago & Northwestern Ry.
Forest from Magnolia to Cook. Cook to Maryland. Maryland from McKnight
from Forest to Atlantic. Atlantic to Edgewater. Edgewater from
from Cook to Magnolia. Magnolia Maryland to Case.
from Atlantic to Burlington Northern Ry. South - Case from Edgewater to Mohawk.
East - Burlington Northern Ry. from Magnolia Moha.wk from Case to Stillwater.
to Forest Stillwater from Mohawk to Hazel.
South - Forest from Burlington Ncrthern Ry. to West - Hazel from Stillwater to Chicago &
Sims. Sims from Forest to Arcade. Northwestern Ry.
West - Arcade from Sims to Jessamine
North - Chicago & Northwestern Ry. from
North - Burlington Northern Ry. from Minnehaha Johnson Pkwy. to Hazelwood
& West to Johnson Pkwy. East - Hazelwc�od from Chicago & NW Ry. to
East - Johnson Pkwy. from Burlington Northern Minnehaha
Ry. to Minnehaha South - Minnehaha from Hazelwood to Johnson Pkwy
South - Minnehaha from Johnson Pkwy. to West - Johnson Pkwy. from Minnehaha to
Burlington Northern Ry. Chicago & Northwestern Ry.
North - Maryland from Burlington Northern Ry. North - Stillwater from Hazel to Mohawk.
to Kennard Mohawk from Stillwater to Case. Case
East - Kennard from Maryland to Jessamine. from Mohawk to Edgewater. Edgewater
Jessamine from Kennard to Kingsford. from Case to Maryland. Maryland from
Kingsford from Jessamine to Ames. Edgewater to McKnight.
Ames from Kingsford to Chicago � NW Ry. East - McKnight from Maryland to Minnehaha
South - Chicago & NW Ry. from Ames to Johnson .. South - Minnehaha from McKnight to: �3aze1.
p�, West - Hazel from Minnehaha to Stillwater
West - Johnson Pkwy. from Chicago & NW Ry. to �
Burlington Nor�thern Ry. Burlington DISTRICT 7 - pRCT. 3
Northern Ry. from .Tohnson Pkwy to
Maryland. North - Burlington Northern Ry. from 35E to
Chicago and NW Ry. Chicago and NW Ry.
DISTRICZ 6 - PRCT. 19 from Burlington Northern Ry. to Burling-
ton Northern Ry.
North - Chicago & Northwestern Ry. from East - Burlington Northern Ry. from Chicago and
Hazelwood to Ames. Ames from Chicago NN1 Ry. to 7th.
& NW Ry. to Kingsford. Kingsford from South - 7th from Burlington Northern Ry. to
Ames to Jessamine. Jessamine from Willius. Willius from 7th to Grove.
Kingsford to Kennard. Kennard from Grove from Willius to Mississippi.
Jessamine to Maryland. Maryland from West - Mississippi from Grove to Pennsylvania.
Kennard to White Bear. White Bear from Pennsylvania from Mississippi to 35E.
Maryland to Chicago & NW Ry. Chicago & 35E from Pennsylvania to Burlington
Northwestern Ry. from White Bear to Hazel: Northern Ry.
East - Hazel from Cr:icago & Northwestern Ry. to (Precinct 3 includes that portion of
Stillwater District 2 bounded on the North by
South - Stillwater from Hazel to Hazelwood University and Lafayette; on the East by
West - Hazelwood from Stillwater to Chicago & Burlington Northern Ry. ; on the South by
Northwestern Ry. . 7th, �Willius and Grove and on the West b�
Mississipp�. �
North - Stillwater from Hazelwood to Hazel
East - Hazel from Stillwater to MinnehahG
South - Minnehaha from Hazel to Hazelwood
West - Hazelwood from Minr.ehaha to
- 13
.. �����,-�`
North - Minnehaha from Burlington Northern Ry. North - 7th from Burlington Northern Ry. to
to Forest Mounds Blvd. „Mounds Blvd. from 7th
East - Forest from Minnehaha to 6th, to 6th. 6th from Mounds Blvd. to
South - 6th from Forest to Mounds Blvd. Maple. .
West - Mounds Blvd. from 6th to 7th. East - Maple from 6th to 3rd. 3rd from
7th from Mounds Blvd. to Burlington Maple to Bates. Bates from 3rd to
Northern Ry. Burlington Northern Ry. Z-94. I-94 from Bates to Mound.
from 7th to Minnehaha. Mound from I-94 to Clermont.
South - Clermont ext. from Mound to River.
DISTRICT 7 - PRCT. 5 River from Clermont ext. to
Lafayette Freeway.
North - 6th from Maple to Earl , West - Lafayette Freeway fron River to 3rd.
East - Earl from 6th to Fre�ront 3rd from Lafayette Freeway to
South - Fremont from Earl to Arcade. Burlington Northern Ry. Burlington
Arcade from Fremont to 3rd. 3rd Northern Ry. from 3rd to 7th.
from Arcade to Maple. •
West - Maple from 3rd to 6th. DISTRICT 7 - PRCT. 11
DISTRICT 7 - PRCT. 6 North - 3rd from Bates to Arcade.
Arcade from 3rd to Fremont.
North - Minnehaha from Johnson Pkwy. to Fremont from Arcade to Forest.
Hazelwood East - Forest from Fremont to I-94.
East - Hazelwood from Minnehaha to 6th South - I-94 from Forest to Bates
South - 6th from Hazelwood to Birmingham West - Bates from I-94 to 3rd.
Birmingham from 6th to 5th. 5th
from Birmingham to Earl. DISTRICT 7 - PRCT. 12
West - Earl from 5th to 6th. 6th from
Earl to Johnson Pkwy. Johnson North - Fremont from Forest to Earl.
Pkwy. from 6th to Minnehaha. Earl from Fremont to 5th. 5th
from Earl to ,Tohnson Pkwy.
DISTRICT 7 - PRCT. 7 East - Johnson Pkwy. from 5th to I-94
South - I-94 from Johnson Pkwy. to
North - Minnehaha from Hazelwood to Forest.
Kennard West - Forest from I-94 to Fremont
East - Kennard from Minnehaha to
Old Hudson Rd. DISTRZCT 7 - PRCT. 13
South - Old Hudson Rd. from Kennard
to Birmingham North - 5th from Johnson Pkwy. to Etna
West - Birmingham from Old Hudson Rd. East - Etna from 5th to 3rd. 3rd from
to 3rd. 3rd from Birmingham to Etna to Birmingham. Birmingham
Etna. Etna from 3rd to 5th. from 3rd to Old Hudson Rd. Old
5th from Etna to Rirmingham. Hudson Rd. from Birmingham to
Birmingham from 5th to 6th. White Bear. White Bear from
6th from Birmingham to Hazelwood. Old Hudson Rd. to I-94.
Hazelwood from 6th to Minnehaha. South - I-94 from White Bear to Johnson
DISTRICT 7 - PRCT. 8 West - Johnson Pkwy. from I-94 to 5th
North - Minnehaha from Kennard to Hazel DISTRICT 7 - PRCT. 14
East - Hazel from Minnehaha to Old
Hudson Rd. North - I-94 from Mound to Y.y. 61
South - Old Hudson Rd. from Hazel to East - Hy. 61 from I-94 to South City
Kennard Limits
West - Kennard from Old Hudson Rd. South - South City Limits from Hy. 61
to Minnehaha to River �
West - River from South City Limits to
DISTRICT 7 - PRCT. 9 Clermont ex t. Clermont ext.
from River to Mound. Maund from
North - Minnehaha from Hazel to McKnight Clermont to I-94.
F.ast = McKnight from Minnehal-.a to Fremont _
South - Fremont from McKnight to Hazel
West - Hazel from Fremont to Minnehaha
- 14 -
� , � • �/`/V�
North - I-94 from Hy. 61 to White_Rear NORTH - Minnehaha from Forest to Johnson Pkwy
East - White Bear from I-94 to A St. East - Johnson Pkwy. from Minnehaha to 6th
South - A St. from White Bear to South - 6th from Johnson Pkwy. to Forest
Point Douglas Rd. Point West - Forest from 6th to Minnehaha
Douglas Rd. south from A St.
to Hy. 61.
West - Hy. 61 from Point Douglas Rd.
to I-94
North - Fremont from Hazel to McKnight
East - McKnight from Fremont to Burns
South - Burns from McKnight to White
West - White Bear from Burns to Old
Hu�son Rd. Old Hudson Rd. from
White Bear to Hazel. Hazel
from Old Hudson Rd. to Fremont.
North - Burns from White Bear to McKnight �
East - McKnight from Burns to Upper .
Afton Rd.
South - Upper Afton Rd. from McKnight
to White Bear
West - White Bear from UpF�er Afton Rd.
to Burns
North - A St. from Point Douglas Rd.
to White Bear. Whi�e Bear from
A St. to Upper Afton Rd. Upper
Afton Rd. from White Bear to
East - McKnight from Upper Afton Rd.
to Lower Afton Rd.
South - Lower Afton Rd. from McKnight
to Forest Hill. Forest Hill
from Lower Afton Rd. to Hy. 61.
West - Hy. 61 from Forest Hill to
Point Douglas Rd. Point
Douglas Rd. from Hy. 61 to A St.
North - Forest Hill from I�y. 61 to Lower
Afton Rd. Lower Afton Rd. from
Forest Hill to McKnight.
East - McKnight from Lower Afton Rd.
to South City Limits. ,
SOUTH - �outh City Limits from
McKnight to Hy. 61.
WEST - Hy. 61 from South City Limits
to Forest Hill
- 15 -
PINI� � FINAN�E �`OUn�.l' �����''�
-..,aN� - C;E v4RTU�ENT (i I •TY O F 5A I 1�1 T j�A LT L
�, �.. - MA�oA File NO.
-` Council Resol 'o
Presented By �^'�
b - ����.Z
Referred To ' Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
WHEREAS, in order to align precinct boundaries with the
1982 Legislative District boundaries and with the recently
created City Council District boundaries, and pursuant to
Minnesota Statutes , Section 204B.14; be it
RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does
hereby prescribe and rearrange the voting precincts and boundaries
thereof for the City of S�int Paul as described in the attached
Exhibit A, which Exhibit A shall be on file in the Office of the
City Clerk; and, be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, That the City Clerk is hereby directed to
post in a conspicuous place in his office notice of the changes
as set forth in Exhibit A for a period of at least sixty days
following the adoption of this resolution.
Yeas Fl�. Nays Requested b e artment
���^8 �_ In Favor
N'� � Against BY ,
T�� JUN 5 �y
Wilson � i�vt Form Approved by City Attorney
Adupted by Council: Date
CerUf►ed Passed by Council Secretary BY �"C�' �� �"' `�'�
By� '
Approved b� \7avor. Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
By _ BY
•.,� A1 Olson I
��t~' ' (�I'.PY Oi�` SA�II\TT �AU City Clerk
;: {���`'�� , ; 386 City Hall �
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�'�- r� �� .� Date: June 9, 1932 Fl�F� �
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.J.1A�-S SQ-EL9E1.. (ALT.)
TIN� . 9:00 a.m. %�
PLACE : Room 707 City Hall . ,%�
A G E N D A !
1. Approval of Minutes - r9arch 23, 1982 '
2. Resolution revising certain preeinct boundaries in accordance with i
legislative redistricting. �
3. C.F. No. 278723 - An Ordinance amending Section 331.01 of tlle ,
Legislative Cocle pertaining to £ood licenses by deleting the protion
�,Thich exempts the public market from the provisions of the Food Code.
4. C.F. No. 278724 - An Ordinance amending Chapter 331.05, 331.07 and
331.30 of the Legislative Code pertaining to food licenses by deleting
the section allowing for short term pennits �aithout fee and amending
other sections pertaining to itinerant food establishments.
CC r4embers of the City Council Chris Lind
1�layor George Lat imer Ron Vannell i
Ed Starr James Delano
Frank Villawne Dennis Chada
Al Olson Diane Lynch
Linda Kohl �Villiam Buth
Dane Srtiith Lee �lxdahl
John Connelly Pat r1oen
Nancy Anderson Dr. Paul Cox
, '
/� .,�.........�... .
1� CONTACT: A1 0l son
'. For Administrative Orders� Resolutions, Ordinances and Agreements F � �
�����.'.i i
- 1
Approva� of resolution for submission to Council. �
Precinct lines will be changed to correspond to new legislative lines and some
mew precincts will be created as a result of legislative redistricting.
Costs of approximately $12,000 will be incurred in changing voter registration wards �
to correspond to new precincts, to notify voters, and to prepare new maps. �
1. Proposed Resolution•
2 Exhibit A - Precinct Boundary list.
N v�.de nev.cuu necebe.c.ty oh en.t o t te oefouung euppon.tuig ocumen.ta
�epcu.bnen,t ; - - Gi.tN A,ttonney:
1. Counc.i.f Reeo.Py,Li.on Reqwi�ed? yES NO 1. R2ac�uti.onY YES NO
2. Inaw�cnce Req:ua.ed? YES NO 2. Inauna»ce SuSd.i.c,i.entf YES NO
3. Tneunance A,Ltached? VES NO �
Revision OPS:4/29/82
Approved b} \7avor Date _ I) nyN�v��., .,y �.�ay.,� wi �uuuu����u w �.ouncii
1' .
• EXHIBIT A ������
North - Burlington Northern Ry. from North - Minnehaha from Hamline to Lexingtcn
Hamline to Lexington East - Lexington from Minnehaha to
East - Lexington from Burlington , University
Northern Ry. to Minnehaha South - University from Lexington to Hamline
South - Minnehaha from Lexington to West - Hamline from University to Minnehaha
West - Hamline from Minnehaha to DISTRICT 1 - PRCT. 8
Burlir.gton Nortrern Ry.
North - Blair from Victoria to Dale
DISTRICT 1 - PRCT. 2 East - Dale from Blair to University
South - University from Dale to Avon
North - Burlington Northern Ry. from west - Avon from University to Edmund,
Lexington to Dale Edmund from Avon to Victoria,
East - Dale from Burlington Northern Victoria from Edmund to Blair.
Ry. to Blair
South - Blair from Dale to Victoria, DISTRICT 1 - PRCT. 9
Victoria from Blair to Lafond,
Lafond from Victoria to Lexington North - Lafond from Lexington to Victoria
West - Lexington from Lafond to East � Victoria from Lafond to Edmund,
Burlington Northern Ry. Edmund from Victoria to Avon, Avon
from Edmund to University
DISTRICT 1 - PRCT. 3 South - University from Avon to Lexington
West - Lexington from University to Lafond.
North - Blair from Mackubin to Western
East - Western from Blair to University DISTRICT 1 - PRCT. 10
South - University from West�ern to
Mackubin Nbrth - Burlington Northern Ry. from Dale
i�est - Mackubin from University to Blair to Rice
East - Rice from Burlington Northern Ry
DISTRICT 1 - PRCT. 4 to Lafond
South - Lafond from Rice to Como, Como
North - Blair from Western to Como, Como from Lafond to Blair, Blair from
from Blair to Lafond, Lafond Como to Dale
from Como to Rice West - Dale from Blair to Burlington
East - Rice from Lafond to University Northern Ry.
South - University from Rice to Western
V:est - Western from University to Blair. DISTRICT 1 - PRCT. il
DISTRICT 1 - PRCT. 5 North - Blair from Dale to Mackubin
East - Mackubin from Blair to University
North - Como from Rice to Capitol Hts, South - University from Mackubin to Dale
Capitol Hts from Como to Valley, West - Dale from University to Blair
Valley from Capitol Hts. to Jackson
East - Jack�:on from Valley to University DISTRICT 1 - PRCT. 12
South - University from Jackson to F.ice
West - Rice from University to Cowo. North - University from Hamline to
DISTRICT 1 - PRCT. 6 East - Lexington from University to Marshall
South - Marshall from Lexington to Hamline
North - Pennsylvania from Jackson to West - Hamline from Marshall to University
- Mississippi
East - Mississippi from Pennsy.lvania
to University ,
South - University from Mississippi to
West - Jackson from University to
(Precinct 6 includes that portion
of District 7 bounded on the North -
by Pennsylvania, on the East �y
Mississippi, on the South by
Uni�ersity and on the West by 35E.�
DISTRICT 1 - PRCT. 13 DISTRICT 1 - PRCT. 18 2����a�
Nortr - University fron Lexington to Avon North - Concordia from Lexington to Oxford.
East - Avon from University to Aurora. Oxford from Concordia to Carroll.
Aurora from Avon to Fisk, Fisk Carroll from Concordia to Victoria.
from Aurora to Central. Central East - Victoria from Carroll to Dayton.
from Fisk to Avon. Avon from Dayton from Victoria to Milton.
Central to St. Anthony. St. Milton from Daytcn to Laurel.
pnthony from Avon to Fisk. Fisk South - Laurel from Milton to Lexington
from St. Anthony to Carroll. West - Lexington from Laurel to Concordia.
South - Carroll from Fisk to Oxford.
Oxford from Cai•roll to Concordia. DZSTRICT 1 - PRCT. 19
Concordia from Oxford to Lexington.
West - Lexington from Concordia to North - Carroll from Victoria to Dale. Dale
University from Carroll to Iglehart. Iglehart
from Dale to Kent. Kent from
DISTRICT 1 - PRCT. 14 Iglehart to Marshall. Marshall from
Kent to Mackubin.
North - University from Avon to Dale East - Macku�in from Marshall to Dayton
East - Dale from University to Carroll Soutr: - Day-ton from Mackubin to Victoria.
South - Carroll from Dale to Fisk West - Victoria from Dayton to Carroll.
West - Fisk from Carroll to St. Anthony.
St. Anthony from Fisk to Avon. DISTRICT 1 - PRCT. 20
Avor_ from St. Anthony to Central.
Central from Avon to Fisk. Fisk North - Carr�oll from Mackubin to �.rundel.
from Central to Aurora. Aurora Arundel from Carroll to Concordia,
from Fisk to Avon. Avon from Concordia from Arundel to John
Aurora to University. Irelar_d Blvd. �
East - John Ireland Blvd. from Concordia to
DISTRICT 1 - PRCT. 15 Summit. Summit from John Zreland Blvd
to Selby.
North - University from Dale to Western South - Selby from Summit to Western. Western
East - Western from University to Concordia from Selby to Dayton. Dayton from
South - Concordia from Western to Arundel. Western to Mackubin.
Arundel from Concordia to Carroll. West - Mackubin from Dayton to Carroll. �
Carroll from Arundel to Mackubin.
Mackubin from Carroll to MarshfGll. DZSTRICT 1 - PRCT. 21
Marshall from Mackubin to Kent.
Kent from Marshall to Iglehart. North - Portland from Griggs to Grotto
Iglehart from Kent to Dale. East - Grotto from Portland to Summit
west - Dale from Iglehart to University South - Summit from Grotto to Griggs
West - Griggs from Summit to Portland
North - University from Western to Rice
East - Rice from University to John Ireland North - Laurel from Lexington to Milton
Blvd. John Ireland Blvd. from Rice East - Milton from Laurel to Dayton, Dayton
to Concordia. from Milton to Victoria. Victoria
South - Concordia frocr John Ireland Blvd. from Dayton to Laurel. Laurel from
to Western Victoria to Avon. Avor_ from Laurel
West - Western from Concordia to University. to Portland.
South - Portland from Avon to Lexington
DISTRICT 1 - PRCT. 17 West - Lexington from Portland to Laurel
North - Marshall from Hamline to Lexington DISTRICT 1 - PRCT. 23
East - Lexington from Marshall to Portland ,
South - Portland from Lexington to Griggs, North - Dayton from Victoria to Mackubin
Griggs from Portland to Summit, East - Mackubin from Dayton to Selby. Selby
Summit from Griggs to the Short Line Rd. from Mackubin to Kent. Kent from
West - The Short Line Road from Summit to Selby to Holly. Holly from Kent to
Hamline. Hamline from tre Short Line Dale:. Dale from Holly to Portland.
� Road to Marshall. South - Portland from Dale to Avon.
West - Avon from Portland to Laurel. Laurel
from Avon to Victoria. Victoria from
Laurel to Dayton.
- 2 -
DISTRICT 1 - PRCT. 24 DISTRICT 2 - PRCT. 4 �''����`�
North �- Dayton from Mackubin to Western North - Summit from Grotto to Kellogg
East - Western from Dayton to Summit East - Kellogg from Summit to Pleasant
South - Summit from Western to Dale South - Pleasant from Kellogg to Irvine.
West - Dale from Summit to Holly. Holly Irvine from Pleasant to Western.
from Dale to Kent. Kent from Western from Irvine to Ramsey. Ramsey
Holly to Selby. Selby from Kent from Western to Pleasant. Pleasant
to Mackubin. Mackubin from Selby from Ramsey to St. Clair. St. Clair
to Dayton. from Pleasant to Grotto
West - Grotto from St. Clair to Summit.
North - Selby from Western to Summit
�ast &- Summit from Selby to . North - Pleasant from Kellogg to Sixth. Sixth
South Western from Pleasant to Smith. Smith from
N�est - Western from Summit to Selby Sixth to College. College from Smith
to Tenth. Tenth from College to Main.
DISTRICT 1 - PRCT. 26 Main from Tenth to 35E. 35E from
Main to Wabasha. �
North - Portland frem Grotto to Dale East - Wabasha from 35E to 10th. lOth from
East - Dale from Portland to Summit Wabasha to St. Peter. St. Peter from
South - Summit from Dale to Grotto lOth to 7th P1.
West - Grotto from Summit to Portland South - 7th P1 from St. Peter to 6th. 6th from
7th P1. to 5th. 5th from 6th to
DISTRICT 1 - PRCT. 27 Kellogg.
West - Kellogg from 5th to Pleasant.
North - Burlington Northern Ry from Rice
to Jackson DISTRICT 2 - PRCT. 6
East - Jackson from Burlington Northern Ry _ �
to Valley North - Columbus from Wabasha to Robert.
South - Valley from Jackson to Capitol Hts. Robert from Columbus to 13th. 13th
Capitol Hts from Valley to Como. Como from Robert to Jackson.
from Capitc�l Hts to Rice. East - Jackson from 13th to 7th P1.
West - Rice from Como to Burlington Northern Ry.South - 7th P1. from Jackson to Minnesota.
Minnesota from 7th P1. to 6th. 6th
DISTRICT 2 - PRCT. 1 from Minnesota to Cedar. Cedar from
6th to 7th P1. 7th P1. from Cedar
North - Summit from the Short Line Road tc= to St. Peter.
Lexington West - St. Peter from 7th P1. to lOth. lOth
East - Lexington from Summit to the from St. Peter to Wabasha. Wabasl:a
Short Line Road from lOth to Columbus.
SoutY: - The Short Line Road from
& West Lexington to Summit DISTRICT 2 - PRCT. 7
DISTRICT 2 - PRCT. 2 North - 12th from Jackson to University. Univer-
sity from 12th to Mississippi.
North - Summit from Lexin�ton to Milton East - Mississippi from University to Grove.
East - Milton from Summit to St. Clair Grove from Mississippi to Willius.
South - St. Clair from Milton to Lexington Willius from Grove to ?th. 7th from
West - Lexington. from St. Clair to Summit Willius to Burlington Northern Ry.
Burlington Northern Ry. from 7th to 3rd.
DISTRICT 2 - PRCT. 3 3rd from Burlington Northern Ry. to
Lafayette Freeway. Lafayette Freeway
North - Summit from Milton to Grotto from 3rd to River.
East - Grotto from Summit to St. Clair South - River from Lafayette Freeway to Jackson.
South - St. Clair from Grotto to Victoria. West - Jackson ext. frpm River to 12th.
Victoria Ext. from St. Clair to (Precinct 7 includes that portion of
CMSP & 0 Ry. CMSPI�C Ry from Victoria ext. District 7 bounded on the North by 7th;
to Milton on the East by Burlington Northern Ry. ;
West - Milton from CMSP&0 Ry to Summit. on the South by 3rd and on the West by
Lafayette Freeway) .
North - Jefferson from 35E to Victoria.
East - Victoria from Jefferson to Palace.
Palace from Victoria to Osceola.
Osceola from Palace to Randolph.
South - Randolph from Osceola to 35E.
West - 35E from Randolph to Jefferson.
- 3 -
� � � �'���5��
North� - CMSP & 0 Ry. from Victoria to North - Rar.dolph from Lexington to Victoria
Osceola East - Victoria from Randolph to 7th. 7th
East - Osceola from CMSP & 0 RY. to Palace from Victoria to Otto. Otto ext. from
South - Palace from Osceola to Victoria 7th to River.
West - Victoria from Palace to CMSP & 0 Ry. South - River from Otto ext. to I-35
West - I-35 from River to Randolph.
North - St. Clair from Victoria to Pleasant.
Pleasant from St. Clair to Western. DISTRICT 2 - PRCT. 16
East - Western from Pleasant to 7th.
South - 7th from Western to Jefferson. North - Randolph from Victoria to Drake
Jefferson from 7th to Osceola. East - Drake ext. from Randolph to River
Osceola from Jefferson to CMSP & 0 Ry. South - River from Drake ext. to Otto ext.
CMSP & 0 Ry. from Osceola to Victoria. West - Otto ext. from River to 7th. 7th
West - Victoria from CMSP & 0 RY. to St. Clair. - from Otto to Victoria. Victoria
from 7th to Randolph.
North - Grand from Pleasant to Douglas
East - Douglas from Grand to Goodrich. North - Jefferson from Osceola to 7th.
Goodrich from Douglas to C & NW Ry. 7th from Jefferson to Western.
South - C & NW Ry. from Goodrich to We�stern. East - western from 7th to C & NW Ry.
West - Western from C & NW Ry. to Pleasant. C & NNi RY. from Western to River.
Pleasant from Western to Grand. South - River from C & NW Ry. to Drake ext.
: West - Drake ext. from River to Randolph.
DISTRICT 2 - PRCT. 12 Randolph from Drake to Osceola.
Osceola from Randolph to Jefferson.
North - Irvine frcm Western to Pleasant.
Pleas�.nt from Irvine to Kellogg. DISTRICT 2 - PRCT. 18
East - Kellogg from Pleasant to Eagle.
Eagle from Kellogg to River. North - River from West Annapolis ext. to
South - Ri�er from Eagle to C & NW Ry. East & East Annapolis ext.
West - C & NW Ry. from River to Goodrich. West
Goodrich from C & NW Ry. to Douglas. South - East Annapelis ext. from River to
Douglas from Goodrich to Grand. Concord. Concord from East Anna.polis
Grand from Douglas to Ramsey. to George. George from Coi�cord to .
Ratnsey from Grand to Western. Robert. Robert from George to Concord.
Western from Ramsey to Irvine. Concord from Robert to Wabasha.
Wabasha f.rom Concord to Plato. Plato
from Wabasha to Ohio. Ohio from
DISTRICT 2 - PRCT. 13 Plato to Cherokee. Cherokee from Ohio
to Baker. Baker f'rom Cher�okee to
North - 5th from Kellogg to 6th. 6th Cherokee Hts. Cherokee Hts from
from 5th to 7th P1. 7th P1. from Baker to Annapolis. Annapolis ext.
6tr to Cedar. Cedar from 7th pl. from Cherokee Hts. to the River.
to 6th. 6th from Cedar to Minnesota.
Minnesota from 6th to 7th P1. 7th DISTRICT 2 - PRCT. 19
P1. from Minnesot� to Jackson.
East - Jackson from 7th P1. to River North - Ohio from Isabel to Plato. Plato
South - River from Jackson to Eagle from Ohio to Wabasha.
West - Eagle from River to Kellogg. East - Wabasha from Plato to Concord.
Kellogg from Eagle to 5th. Concord from Wabasha to Robert.
. Robert from Concord to George.
DISTRICT 2 - PRCT. 14 � South - George from Rc�bert to Winslow.
Winslow from George to Robie.
North - Randolph from Lexington to I-35 Robie from Winslow to bellows.
East - I-35 from Randolph to River West - Bellows from Robie to Isabel.
South - River from I-35 to Rankin ext. Isabel from Bellows to Ohio.
Vrest - Rankin ext. from River to 7th. -
7th from Rankin to Lexington
Lexington from 7th to Randolph.
- 4 -
. ,
- � : 2"1�3����
North - Cherokee from King to Ohio. North & Concord from State to Annapolis
& West Ohio from Cherokee to Isabel. East - ext. �
Isabel from Ohio to Bellows. South - Annapolis ext. from Concord to
East - Bellows from Isabel to Robie. Oakdale.
Robie from Bellows to Waseca. West - Oakdale from Annapolis to State.
Waseca from Robie to George. State from Oakdale to Concord.
George from Waseca to Charlton.
Charlton from Waseca to Morton. DISTRICT 2 - PRCT. 26
South - Morton from Charlton to Manomin.
Manomin from Morton to King. . North - St. Clair from Lexington to Milton.
King from Mancmin to Cherokee. East - Milton from St. Clair to CMSP & 0 RY.
CMSP & 0 RY. from Milton to Victoria.
DISTRICT 2 - PRCT. 21 Victoria from CMSP & 0 Ry. to Jefferson
South - Jefferson from Victoria to 35E. 35E
North - Kir,g from Cherokee to Manomin. from Jefferson to Randolph. Randolph
East - Manomin from King to Annapoiis from 35E to Lexington.
South - Annapolis from Manomin to West - Lexington from Randolph to St. Clair.
Cherokee Hts.
West - Cherokee Hts. from Annapolis to DISTRICT 2 - PRCT. 27
Baker. Baker from Cherokee Hts
to Cherokee. Cherokee frcm North - University from Rice to 12th.
Baker to King. East & 12th from University to Jackson.
South - Jackson from 12th to 13th. 13th
DISTRICT 2 - PRCT. 22 from Jackson to Robert. Robert from
13th to Columbus. Columbus from
North - Morton from Manomin to Charlton. Robert to Wabasha. Wabasha from
East - Charlton from Mortor_ to Page. Columbus to 35E. 3�5E frum Wabasha
Page from Charlton to Waseca. to Main. Main from 35E to lOth. lOth
Waseca from Page to City Limits. from Main to College. College from
City� Limits from Waseca to lOth to Smith. Smith from College to
Charlton. Charlton from City 6th. 6th from Smit:h to Pleasant.
Limits to Annapolis. Pleasant from 6th to Kellogg.
South - Annapolis from Charlton to Manomin. West - Kellogg from Pleasant to Summit.
West - Manemin from Annapolis to Morton. Summit from Kellogg to John Ireland
Blvd. John Ireland Blvd. from Summit
DISTRICT 2 - PRCT. 23 to Rice. Rice from John Ireland Blvd.
to University.
North - Robie from Waseca to Winslow.
Winslow from Robie to George. DISTRICT 3 - PRCT. 1
George from Winslow to Hall. �
East - Hall from George to Page North - Summit from Fairview to Cambridge.
South - Page from Hall to Winslow. East - Cambridge from Summit to Amherst.
Winslow from Page to Curtice. Amherst from CaIIbridge to St. Clair.
Curtice from Winslow te Bidwell. Sauth - St. Clair from Amrierst to Fairview.
Bidwell from Cur�tice to City Limits. Fairview from St. Clair to Summit.
City Limits from Bidwell to Waseca.
Waseca from City Limits to Page. DISTRICT 3 - PRCT. 2
Page from Waseea to Charlton.
West - Charlton from Page to George. North - Summit from Cambridge to Snelling.
George from Charlton to Waseca. East - Snelling from Summit to St. Clair.
Waseca from George to Robie. South - St. Clair from Snelling to Amherst.
West - Amherst from St. Clair to Cambridge.
DISTRICT 2 - PRCT. 24 Cambridge from Amherst to Summit.
North - George from Hall to State DISTRICT 3 - PRCT. 3
East - State from George to Oakdale. �
Oakdale from State to Annapolis. North - Summit from Snelling to Hamline
South - Annapolis from Oakdale to Bidwell. East - Hamline from Summit to Goodrich
West - Bidwell from Annapclis to Curtice. �outh - Goodrich from Hamline to Saratoga.
Curtice from Bidwell to Winslow. Sarato�a from Goodrich to Lincoln.
Winslow from Curtice to Page. Lincoln from Saratoga to Snelling.
Page from Winslow to Hall. Hall West - Snelling from Lincoln to Summit.
from Page to George.
- 5 -
� ,
' �������
Nortti - Lincoln from Snelling to Saratoga. North - James from Cretin to Fairview
Ssratoga from Lincoln to Goodrich. East - Fairview from James to Highland Pkwy.
Goodrich from Saratoga to Hamline. South - Highland Pkwy. from Fairview to Cretin
East - Hamline from Goodr�ich to St. Clair. West - Creting from Highland Pkwy. to James
South - St. Clair from Hamline to Snelling
West - Snelling from St. Clair to Lincoln,. DISTRICT 3 - PRCT. 13
DISTRICT 3 - PRCT. 5 North - James from Fairview to Snelling
East - Snelling from James to Scheffer
North - Summit from Hamline to the Short South - Scheffer from Snelling to Fairview
Line Road West - Fairview from Scheffer to James
East - Short Line Road from Summit to �
St. Clair DISTRICT 3 - PRCT. 14
South - St. Clair from the Short Line Road
to Hamline North - Palace from Snelling to Pascal.
West - Hamline from St. Clair to Summit Pascal from Palace to James. James
from Pascal to Hamline.
DISTRICT 3 - PRCT. 6 East - Hamline from James to Scheffer
South - Scheffer from Hamline to Saratoga
North - St. Clair ext. from River to Finn West - Saratoga from Scheffer to Niles.
East - Finn from St. Clair to James. Niles from Saratoga to Snelling.
James from Finn to Cretin. Cretin Snelling from Niles to Palace.
from James to Ford Pkwy.
South - Ford Pkwy. ext. from Cretin to River DISTRICT 3 - PRCT. 15
West - River from Ford Pkwy. ext. to �
St. Clair ext. � North - James from Hamline to Lexington
East - Lexington from James to
DISTRZCT 3 - PRCT. 7 Montcalm Hills.
South - Montcalm Hills from Lexington to
North - St. Clair from Finn to Prior Montcal� P1. Montcalm P1. from
East - Prior from St. Clair to James Montcalm Hills to Sch effer. Scheffer
. South - James from Prior to Finn from Montcalm P1. to Hamline.
West - Finn from James to St. Clair West - Hamline from Scheffer tfl James
North - St. Clair from Prior to Wheeler North - Ford Pkwy. from River to Cretin.
East - Whe�ler from St. Clair to James Cretin from Ford Pkwy. to Highland
South - James from Wheeler to Prior Pkwy. Highland Pkwy. from Cretin to
West - Prior from James to St. Clair Cleveland.
East - Cleveland from Highland Pkwy to
DISTRICT 3 - PRCT. 9 Magoffin
South - Magoffin ext. from Cleveland to River
North - St. Clair from Wheeler to Snelling West - River from Magoffin ext. to Ford Pkwy.
East - Snelling from St. Clair to James
South - James from Snelling to Wheeler DISTRZCT 3 PRCT. 17
West - Wheeler from James to St. Clair
North - Highland Pkwy. from Cleveland to
DISTRICT 3 - PRCT. 10 Howell
East - Howell from Highland Pkwy. to
North - St. Clair from Snelling to Hamline Magoffin �
East - Hamline from St. Clair to James South - Magoffin from Howell to CMSP Ry.
South - .Tames from Hamline to Pascal. CMSP Ry. from Magoffin to Cleveland.
Pascal from James to Palace. West - Cleveland from CMSP Ry. to
Palace from Pascal to Snelling.. Highland Pkwy:
West - Snelling from PElace to St. Clair.
North - Scheffer from Fairview to Snelling
North - St. Clair from I:amline to Short East - Snelling from Scheffer to Ford Pkwy.
Line Road South - Ford Pkwy from Snelling to Howell
East - Short Line Road from Haraline to West - Howell from Ford Pkwy. to Highland
Lexington. Lexington from the Pkwy. Highland Pkwy. from Howell to
Short Line Road to James Fairview. Fairview from Highlanc': Pkwy
South - James from Lexington to Hamline to Scheffer.
West - Hamline from James to St. Clair
- 6 -
_ � - 2"7���`�
Nort�i - Ford Pkwy. from Howell to Snelling North - CMSP Ry. from Prior tc� Davern
East - Snelling from Ford Pkwy. to Montreal. East - Davern ext. from CMSP Ry. to River
Montreal from Snelling to Davern. South -• River froff Davern ext. to Ft. Snelling
Davern from Montreal to Edgcumbe. ' Bridge
South - Edgcumbe from Davern to Hampshire. West - Ft. Snelling Bridge from River to
Hampshire from Edgcumbe to Howell. Norfolk. Norfolk from Ft. Snelling
West - Howell from Hampshire: to Ford Pkwy. Bridge tc Sue. Sue from Norfolk to
Graham. Graham from Sue to Prior.
DISTRICT 3 - PRCT. 20 Prior from Graham to CMSP Ry.
North - Niles from Snelling to Saratoga. DISTRICT 3 - PRCT. 26 '
Saratoga from Niles to Scheffer.
Scheffer from Saratoga to Hamline. North - Morgan from Edgcumbe Rd. to Davern.
East &- Iiamline from Scheffer to Edgcumbe. Davern from Morgan to St. Paul.
South Edgcu�be from Hamline to Snelling. St. Paul from Davern to 7th. 7th
West - Snelling from Edgcumbe to Niles from St. Paul to Rankin.
East - Rankin ext. from 7th to River
DISTRICT 3 - PRCT. 21 South - River from Rar:kin ext. to Davern ext.
West . - •�Davern ext. from Riv�e:r to CMSP Ry.
North - Scheffer from Hamline to Mori�alm P1. CMSP Ry. from Davern to Edgcumbe Rd.
Montcalm P1. from Scheffer to Edgcun.be Rd. from CMSP Ry. to Morgan
Montcalm Hills. Montcalm Hills from
Montcalm P1. to Lexington. DISTRICT 4 - PRCT. 1
East - Lexington from Montcalm Hills to
MontrE_al North - Hoyt from City Limits to Como
South - Montreal from Lexington to Hamline East - Como from Hoyt to Carter
West - Hamline from Montreal to Scheffer South - Carter ext. from Cobo to Hy. 280.
Hy. 280 from Carter ext. to
DISTRICT` 3 +- PRCT. 22 Burlington Northern Ry. Burlington
Northern Ry, fr•om Hy. 280 to City
North - Magoffin ext. from River to Cleveland. Limits.
Cleveland from Magoffin to CMSP Ry. West - City Limits from Burlington Northern
East - CMSP Ry. from Cleveland to Prior. Ry. to Hoyt.
Prior from CMSP Ry. to Graham.
Graham from Prior to Sue. Sue from DISTRIGT 4 - PRCT. 2
Graham to Norfolk. Norfolk from Sue
to Ft. Snelling Bridge. Ft. Snelling North - Hoyt ext. from Como to Cleveland
Bridge ext, to River. East - Cleveland ext. from Hoyt to Como
South - River from Ft. Snelling Bridge ext. South - Como from Cleveland ext. to Hoyt
& West to Magoffin ext. & West
North - Magof�in from CMSF Ry. to Howell. North - Como from Carter to Cleveland ext.
Howell from Magoffin to Hampshire. Cleveland ext. from Como to City Limits.
Hampshire from Howell to Edgcumbe Rd. City Lin,its from Cleveland to Snelling.
Edgcumbe Rd. from Hampshire to Davern. East - Snelling from City Limits to Burlington
East - Davern from Edgcumbe Rd. to Morgan. Northern �y.
Morgan from Davern to Edgcumbe Rd. South - Burlington Northern Ry from Snelling
Edgcumbe Rd. from Morgan to CMSP Ry. to Hy. 280.
South - CMSP RY. from Edgcumbe Rd. t:o West� -• Hy. 280 from Burlington Northern Ry.
& West Magoffin. to Carter ext. Carter ext. from
Hy. 280 to Como.
North - Montreal from Davern to Snelling.
Snelling from Montreal to Edgcurabe Rd. North - Hoyt from Snelling to Albert:
Edgcumbe Rd. from Snelling to Montreal. East - Albert from Hoyt to Arlington.
Montreal from Edgcumbe Rd. to 7th. Arlington from Albert to Hamline.
East - 7th from Montreal to St. Paul Hamline from Arlington to Midway Pkwy.
South - St. Paul from 7th tv Davern South - Midway Pkwy. from Hamline to Snelling.
West - Davern from St. Paul to Montreal West - Snelling from Midway Pkwy. to Hoyt
- 7 -
� � � 2"�'���n
NortK - Midway Pkwy. from Snelling to Horton. North - Burlington Northern Ry. from
Horton from Midway Pkwy. .to Lexington Holton to Hamline
East - Lexington from Horton to Burlington East - Hamline frot� Burlington Northern Ry.
Northern Ry. to University
South - Burlington Northern Ry. from Lexington South - University from Hamline to Simpsor.:
to Snelling West - Simpson from University to Van Buren.
west - Snelling from Burlington Northern Ry. Van Buren from Simpson to Pascal.
to Midway Pkwy. Pascal from Van Buren to Taylor.
(Precinct 5 includes that portion of Taylor fro� Pascal to Holton. Holton
District 5 bounded on tr_e North by from Taylor to Burlington Northern Ry.
Hortcn, on the East by Lexington, on
the South by Burlington Aorthern Ry. DISTRICT 4 - PRCT. 12
and on the West by Hamline) .
North - University from City Limits to
DISTRICT 4 - PRCT. 6 Cleveland
East - Cleveland from University to I-94.
North - Burlington Northern Ry. from City I-94 from Cleveland to Cretin.
Limits to Prior Cretin from I-94 to Marsh�ll.
East - Prior from Burlington Northern Ry. South - Marshall from Cretin to City Limits
to University West - City Limits from Marshall to
South - University from Prior to City University
West - City Limits from University to DISTRICT 4 - FRCT. 13
Burlington Northern F�y. �
North - University from Cleveland to
DISTRICT 4 - PRCT. 7 Wheeler
East - Wheeler from University to CMSP Ry.
North - Burlington Northern Ry. from South -• CMSP Ry. from Wheeler to Cleveland
Prior to Snelling West - Cleveland from CMSP Ry. to
East - Snelling from Burlington Northern Ry University
to Pierce Butler Rte. Pierce Butler
Rte. from Snelling to Aldine. Aldine DISTRICT 4 - PRCT. 14
from Pierce Butler Rte. to Minnehaha
South - Minnehaha from Aldine to Prior North - University from Wheeler to Hamline
West - Prior from Minnehaha to Burlington East - Hamline from University to Marshall
Northern Ry. South - Marshall from gamline to Fair•view
West - Fairview from Marshall to CMSP Ry.
DISTRICT 4 - PRCT. 8 CMSP Ry. from Fairview to Wheeler.
Wheeler from CMSP Ry. to University
North - Minnehaha from Prior to Aldine
East - Aldine from Minnehaha to University DISTRICT 4 - PRCT. 15
South - University from Aldine to Prior
West - Prior from University to Minnehaha North - Marshall from Snelling to Hamline
East - Hamline from Marshall to Short Line
DISTRICT 4 - PRCT. 9 Rd. Short Line Rd. from Hamline to
North - Pierce Butler Rte. from Aldine to South - Summit from Short Line Rd. to
Snelling Snelling
East - 5nelling from Pierce Butler Rte. West - Snelling from Summit to Marshal].
to University
South - University from Snelling to Aldine DISTRICT 4 - PRCT. 16
West - Aldine from University to Pierce
Butler Rte. North - I-94 from Cretin to Cleveland.
Cleveland from I-94 to CMSP Ry.
DISTRICT 4 - PRCT. 10 CMSP Ry. from/Cleveland to Fairveiw.
East - Fairview from CMSP Ry. to Marshall
North - Burlington Northern Ry. froa� South - Marshall from Fairview to Cleveland.
Snelling to Holton Cleveland from Marshall to Iglehart.
East - Holton from Burling Northern �y. Iglehart from Cleveland to Cretin.
to Taylor. Taylor from Holton to Hest - Cretin from Iglehart to I-94
Pascal. Pascal from Taylor to
Van Buren. Van Buren from Pascal
to Simpson. Simpson from Van Buren
to University.
South - University from Simpson to Snelling
West� - Snelling from University to Burlington
Northern �j►.
- 8 -
. , .
. . � � � 2'�����
Nortti - Iglehart from Cretin to Cleveland. North - Swnmit from Prior to Fairview:.
Cleveland from Iglehart to East - Fairview from Swnmit to St. Clair
Marshall. Marshall from Cleveland South - St. Clair from Fairview to Prior
to Fairview. West - Prior from St. Clair to Summit
East - Fairview from Marshall to Laurel
South - Laurel from Fairview to Cleveland. DISTRICT 4 - PRCT. 24
Cleveland from Laurel to Selby.
Selby from Cleveland to Cretin. North - Hoyt from Albert to Hamline
West - Cretin from Selby to Iglehart East - Hamline from Hoyt to Arlingtcn
South - Arlington from Hamline to Albert
DISTRICT 4 - PRCT. 18 West - Albert from Arlington to Hoyt
North - Marshall from Fairview to Snelling DISTRICT 5 - PRCT. 1
East - Snelling from Marshall to Laurel
South - Laurel from Snelling to Fairview North - Larpenteur from Hamline to Lexington
West - Fairview from Laurel to Marshall East - Lexington frem Larpenteur to Horton
• South - Horton fros Lexington to Hamline
DISTRICT 4 - PRCT. 19 West - Hamline from Horton to Larpenteur
North - Marshall from City Limits to Cretin DISTRICT 5 - PRCT. 2
East - Cretin from Marshall to Selby.
Selby from Cretin to Cleveland. North - Larpenteur from Lexington to
Cleveland from Selby to Summit. Victoria
Summit from Cleveland to Cretin. East - Victoria from Larpenteur to E.Como Blvd
Cretin from Summit to Goodrich. South - E. Como Blvd from Victoria to Como
South - Goodrich ext. from Cretin to City Lake Dr. Como Lake Dr. from E. Como
Limits. Blvd. tc Lexington
West - City Limits from Goodrich ext. to West - Lexington from Como Lake Dr. to
Marshall. Larpenteur
North - Laurel from Cleveland to Fairview � North - Larpenteur from Victoria to Dale
East - Fairview from Laurel to Ashland. East - Dale from Larpenteur to Arlington
Ashland from Fairview to Dewey. South - Arlingten from Dale to Victoria
Dewey from Ashland to Summit. West - Victoria fro�e Arlington to
Summit from Dewey to Prior. Larpenteur
Prior from Summit to Fairmount.
South - Fairmount from Prior to Cretin DISTRICT 5 - PRCT. 4
west - Cretin from Fairmourit to Summit.
Summit from Cretin to Cleveland. North - Larpenteur from Dale to Mackubin
Cleveland from Summit to Laurel. East - Mackubin from Lurpenteur to Hoyt.
Hoyt from Mackubin to Arundel. Arundel
DISTRICT 4 - PRCT. 21 from Hoyt to Nebraska. Nebraska from
Arundel to Mackubir. Mackubin from
North - Laurel from Fairview to Snelling Nebraska to Orange. Orange from
East - Snelling from Laurel to Summit Mackubin to Burlington Northern Ry.
South - Summit from Snelling to Dewey Burlington Northern Ry. from Orange
West - Dewey from Summit to Ashland. to Western. Western from Burlington
Ashland from Dewey to Fairview. Northern Ry. to Cook.
Fairview from Ashland to Laurel. South - Cook from Western to Dale
West - Dale from Cook to Larpenteur
Nerth - Goodrich ext. from River to Cretin. '
Cretin from Goodrich to Fairmount.
Fairmount from Cretin to Prior.
East - Prior from Fairmount to St. Clair.
South - St. Clair ext. from Prior to River
West - River from St. Clair ext. to
Goodrich ext.
- 9 -
- 2����`a
North`- Larpenteur from Mackubin to Farrington North - Arlington from Victoria to Dale
East - Farrington from Larpenteur to East - Dale from Arlington to Maryland
Wheelock. Wheelock from Farrington to South - Maryland from Dale to Como Blvd.
Western. Western from Wheelock to West - Como Blvd. from Maryland to Victoria.
Burlington Northern Ry. Victoria from Como Blvd. to Arlington.
South - Burlington Northern Ry. from Western
to Orange. Orange from Burlington DISTRICT 5 - PRCT. 12
Northern Ry. to Mackubin.
West - Mackubin from Or�.nge to Nebraska. � North - Maryland from Como Blvd. to Dale
Nebraska from Mackubin to Arundel. East - Dale from Maryland t.o Co�co
Arundel from Nebraska to Hoyt. Hoyt South - Como from Dale to E. Como Blvd.
fro� Arundel to Mackubin. Mackubin West - E. Como Blvd. from Como to Maryland
from Hoyt to Larpenteur.
North - Maryland from Western to Galtier.
North - Larpenteur from Farrington to Rice Galtier from Maryland to Geranium.
East - Rice from Larpenteur to Geranium Geranium from Galtier to Rice.
5outh - Geranium from Rice to Galtier. East - Rice from Geranium to Cook
Galtier from Geranium to Maryland. South - Cook from Rice to Western
Maryland from Galtier to Western. West - Western from Cook to Maryland
West - Western from Maryland to Wheelock
Pkwy. Wheelock Pkwy. from Western DISTRICT 5 - PRCT. 14
to Farrington. Farrington from
Wheelock Pkwy. to Larpenteur. North - Burlington Northern Ry. from
Lexington to Chatsworth. Chatsworth
DISTRICT 5 - PRCT. 7 from Burlington Northern Ry. to Como.
Como from Chatsworth to Como Blvd.
North - Larpentear from Rice to Soo Line Ry. Como Blvd. from Como to Burlington
East - Soo Line Ry. from Larpenteur to Northern I�y.
Jackson. Jackson from Soo Line Ry. East - Burlington Northern Ry. from Co�o
to Magnolia Blvd. to Como P1. Como P1. from
South - Magnolia from Jackson to Rice. Burlington Ry. to Front. Front from
West - Rice from Magnolia to Larpenteur Como P1. to Chatsworth. Chatsworth
from Front to Burlington Northern Ry.
DISTRICT 5 - PRCT. Ct South - Burlington Northern Ry. from
Chatsworth to Lexington
North - Larpenteur from Soo Line Ry to 35-E West - Lexington from Burlington Northern Ry.
East - 35-E from Larpenteur to Maryland. to Burlington Northern Ry.
South - Maryland from 35-E to Soo Line Ry.
West - Soo Line Ry. from Maryland to DISTRICT 5 - PRCT. 15
North - Burlington Northern Ry. from Como P1.
DISTRICT 5 - PRCT. 9 to Como. Como from Burlington
Northern Ry. to Dale.
North - Larpenteur from 35-E to Edgerton East - Dale from Como to Burlington Northern F
East - Edgerton from Larpenteur to South - Burlington Northern Ry. from Dale to
Maryland Chatsworth.
South - Maryland from Edgerton to 35-E West - Chatsworth from Burlington lvorthern Ry.
West - 35-E from Maryland to Larpenteur to Front. Front from Chatsworth to
Como P1. Como P1. from Front to
DISTRICT 5 - PRCT. 10 Burlington Northern Ry.
North - Como Lake Dr. from Lexington to DISTRICT 5 - PRC9'. 16
& East Como Blvd. Como Blvd. from_Como '
Lake Dr. to Como. North - Cook from Dale to Galtier
South - Como from Como Blvd. to Chatswortl:. East - Galtier from Cook to Front. Front
Chatsworth from Como to Burlington from Galtier to Farrington.
Northern Ry. Eurlington Northern Farrington from Frant to Burlington
Ry. from Chatsworth to Lexington. Northern Ry.
West - Lexington from Burlington Northern South - Burlington Northern Ry. from
F�y. to Como Lake Dr. Farrington to Dale.
West - Dale from Burlington Northern Ry.
to Cook
- 10 -
_ � 2������!
North `- Cook from Galtier to Rice North - Larpenteur from Edgerton to Arcade
East - Rice from Cook to Burlington East - Arcade from Larpenteur to Wheelock.
Northern Ry. Wheelock from Arcade to Walsh. Walsh
South - Burlington Northern Ry. from Rice from Wheelock to Cottage.
to Farrington South - Cottage from Walsh to Payne. Payne
west - Farrington from Burlington Northern from Cottage to Ivy. Ivy from
Ry. to Front. Front from Payne to Edgerton.
Farrington to Galtier. Galtier West - Edgerton from Ivy to Larpenteur
from Front to'Cook.
North - North City Limits from Arcade to
North - Magnolia from Rice to Sylvan East Shore Drive.
East - Sylvan from Magnolia to Manitoba East - East Shore Drive from North City
South - Manitoba from Sylvan to Rice Limits to Arlington. Arlington from
West - Rice from Manitoba to Magnolia East Sh�re Drive to Burlington
Northern Ry. Burlington Northern Ry.
DISTRICT 5 - PRCT. 19 �rom Arlington to Magnolia. Magnolia
from Burlington Northern Ry. to
North - Manitoba from Rice to Sylvan. Atlantic. Atlantic from Magnolia to
Sylvan from Manitoba to Magnolia. Cook,
Magnolia from Sylvan to Jackson. South - Cook from Atlantic to Earl
East - Jackson from Magnolia to Burlington West - Earl from Cook to Ivy. Ivy from
Northern Ry. _ Earl to Forest. Forest from Ivy to
South - Burlington Northern Ry. from Wheelock. Wheelock from Forest to
Jackson to Rice Arcade. Arcade from Wheelock to
West - Rice from Burlington Northern Ry. North City Limits.
to Manitoba
North - Larpenteur from East Shore Drive to
North - Soo Line Ry. from Jackson to Maryland. Burlington Northern Ry.
Maryland from Soo Line Ry. to 35-E. East - Burlington Northern Ry. from
East - 35-E from M��ryland to Pennsylvania. Larpenteur to Arlington
South - Pennsylvania from 35-E to Jackson. South - Arlington from Burlington Northern Ry.
West - Jackson from Pennsylvania to to East Shore Dri�ve
Soo Line Ry. West - East Shore Drive from Arlington to
(Precinct 20 includes that portion of Larpenteur
District 1 bounded on the North by
Burlington Northern Ry. , on the East DISTRICT 6 - PRCT. 4
by 35-E, on the South by Pennsylvania,
and on the West by Jackson) . North - Larpenteur from Burlington Northern
Ry. to Prosperity Rd.
DISTRICT 5 - PRCT. 21 East - Prosperity Rd. from Larpenteur to
� Hazelwood. Hazelwood from Prosperity
North - Maryland from 35-E to Edgerton Rd. to Arlington.
East - Edgerton from Maryland to Case South - Arlington from Hazelwood to Burlington
South - Case ext. from Edgerton to 35-E Northern Ry.
West - 35-E from Case ext. to Maryland West - Burlingtc•n Northern Ry. from
Arlington to Larpenteur.
DISTRICT 6 - PRCT. 6 DISTRICT 6 - PRCT. 11 ����,��
North-- Larpenteur from White Bear to Mc Knight North - Ivy from Kennard to Hazel. Hazel
East - McKnight from Larpenteur to Ivy from Ivy to Clear. Clear from Hazel
South - Ivy from MeKnight to Winthrop. to E. Furness Pkwy. E. Furness Pkwy.
Winthrop from Ivy to Nebraska. from Clear to Cottage. Cottage from
Nebraska from Wir.throp to Ruth. E. Furness Pkwy. to Winthrop. Winthrop
Ruth from Nebraska to Montana. from Cottage to Ivy. Ivy from
Montana from Ruth to White Bear. Winthrop to McKnight.
West - White Bear from Montana to East - McKnight from Ivy to Chicago &
Larpenteur. Northwestern Ry.
South - Chicago & Northwestern Ry. from
DISTRICT 6 - PRCT. 7 McKnight to White Bear
West - White Bear from Chicago & Northwestern
North - Ivy from Edgerton to Payne. Ry. to Maryland. Maryland from
Payne from Ivy to Cottage. White Bear to Kennard. Kennard from
Cottage from Payne to Arcade. Maryland to Ivy.
East - Arcade from Cottage to Maryland
South - Maryland from Arcade to Edgerton DISTRICT 6 - PRCT. 12
West - Edgerton from Maryland to Ivy
North - Maryland from Edgerton to Arcade
DISTRICT 6 - PRCT. 8 Arcade from Maryland to Rose.
Rose from Arcade to Meridota.
North - Wheelock from Walsh to Forest East - Mendota from Rose to Jessamine
East - Forest from Wheelock to Ivy. Ivy South - Jessamine from Mendota to Edgerton
from Forest to Earl. Earl from West - Edgerton from Jessamine to Maryland
Ivy to Rose.
South - Rose from Earl to Arcade DISTRICT 6 - PRCT. 13
West - Arcade from Rose to Cottage.
Cottage from Arcade to Walsh. � North - Rose from Mendota to Earl
Walsh from Cottage to Wheelock Pkwy. East - Earl from Rose to Cook
South - Cook from Earl to Forest. Forest
DISTRICT 6 - PRCT. 9 from Cook to Magnolia. Magnolia from
- Forest to Mendota.
North - Arlington from Burlington Northern Ry West - Mendota from Magnolia to Rose
to Rennard
East - Kennard from Arlington to Maryland DISTRZCT 6 - PRCT. 14
South - Maryland from Kennard to Burlington
Northern Ry. North - Jessamine from Edgerton to Greenbrier
West - Burlington Northern Ry. from Mar3�land East - Greenbrier from Jessamine to
to Arlington Burlington Northern Ry. Burlington
Northern Ry. from Greenbrier to
DISTRICT 6 - PRCT. 10 Chicago & NW Ry.
South - Chicago & NW Ry. from Burlington
North - Montana from White Bear to Ruth. Northern Ry. to Edgerton
Ruth from Montana to Nebraska. West - Edgerton from Chicago & NW Ry. to
Nebraska fr•om Ruth to Winthrop. Jessamine
East - Winthrop from Nebraska to Cottage
5outh - Cottage from Winthrop to E. Furness DISTRICT 6 - PRCT. 15
Pkwy. E. Furness Pkwy. from Cottage
to Clear. Clear from E. Furness Pkwy. North - Jessamine from Greenbrier to Arcade
to Hazel. Hazel from Clear to Ivy. East - Arcade from Jessamine to Sims. Sims
Ivy from Hazel to Kennard. from Arcade to Forest. Forest from
West - Kennard from Ivy to Sherwood. Sims to Burlington Northern Ry.
Sherwood from Kennard to White Bear. South - Burlington Northern Ry. from
White Bear from Sherwood to Montana. Forest to Greenbrier
West - Greenbrier from Burlington
Northern Ry. to Jessamine
- 12 -
.. � :
; � ������
North - Jessamine from Arcade to Mendota. North - Chicago & Northwestern Ry. from
Mendota from Jessamine to Magnolia. Hazel to McKnight
Magnolia from Mendota to Forest. East - McKnight from Chicago & Northwestern Ry.
Forest from Magnolia to Cook. Cook to Maryland. Maryland from McKnight
from Forest to Atlantic. Atlantic to Edgewater. Edgewater from
from Cook to Magnolia. Magnolia Maryland to Case.
from Atlantic to Burlington Northern Ry. South - Case from Edgewater to Mohawk.
East - Burlington Northern Ry. from Magizolia Moha.wk from Case to Stillwater.
to Forest Stillwater from Mohawk to Hazel.
South - Forest from Burlington Ncrthern Ry. to West - Hazel from Stillwater to Chicago &
Sims. Sims from Forest to Arcade. Northwestern Ry.
West - Arcade from Sims to Jessamine
North - Chicago & Northwestern Ry. from
North - Burlington Northern Ry. from Minnehaha Johnson Pkwy. to Hazelwood
& West to Johnson Pkwy. East - Hazelwc�od from Chicago & NW Ry. to
East - Johnson Pkwy. from Burlington Northern Minnehaha
Ry. to Minnehaha South - Minnehaha from Hazelwood to Johnson Pkwy
South - Minnehaha from Johnson Pkwy. to West - Johnson Pkwy. from Minnehaha to
Burlington Northern Ry. Chicago & Northwestern Ry.
North - Maryland from Burlington Northern Ry. North - Stillwater from Hazel to Mohawk. �
to Kennard Mohawk from Stillwater to Case. Case
East - Kennard from Maryland to Jessamine. from Mohawk to Edgewater. Edgewater
Jessamine from Kennard to Kingsford. from Case to Maryland. Maryland from
Kingsford from Jessamine to Ames. Edgewater to McKnight.
Ames from Kingsford to Cliicago S NW Ry. East - McKnight from Maryland to Minnehaha I
South - Chicago & NW Ry. from Ames to Johnson � South - Minnehaha from McKnight to: �iazel.
p�y. West - Hazel from Minnehaha to Stillwater
West - Johnson Pkwy. from Chicago & NW Ry. to '
Burlington Northern Ry. Rurlington DISTRICT 7 - pRCT. 3
Northern Ry. from Johnson Pkwy to
Maryland. North - Burlington Northern Ry. from 35E to
Chicago and NW Ry. Chicago and Nw Ry.
DISTRIC7 6 - PRCT. 19 from Burlington Northern Ry. to Burling-
ton Northern Ry.
North - Chicago & Northwestern Ry. from East - Burlington Northern Ry. from Chicago and
Hazelwood to Ames. Ames from Chicago NW Ry. to 7th.
& NW Ry. to Kingsford. Kingsford from South - 7th from Burlington Northern Ry. to
Ames to Jessamine. Jessamine from Willius. Willius from 7th to Grove.
Kingsford to Kennard. Kennard from Grove from Willius to Mississippi.
Jessamine to Maryland. Maryland from West - Mississippi from Grove to Pennsylvania.
Kennard to White Bear. White Bear from Pennsylvania from Mississippi to 35E.
Maryland to Chicago & NW Ry. Chicago & 35E from Pennsylvania to Burlington
Northwestern Ry. from White Bear to Hazel. Northern Ry.
East - Hazel from Cr_icago & Northwestern Ry. to (Precinct 3 includes that portion of
Stillwater District 2 bounded on the North by
South - Stillwater from Hazel to Hazelwood University and Lafayette; on the East by
West - Hazelwood from Stillwater to Chicago & Burlington Northern Ry. ; on the South by
Northwestern Ry. 7th, •Willius and Gr4ve and on the West by
North - Stillwater from Hazelwood to Hazel
East - Hazel from Stillwater to Minnehahz
South - Minnehaha from Hazel to Hazelwood
West - Hazelwood from Minr.ehaha to
- 13
DISTRICT 7 - PRCT. 4 DISTRICT 7 - PRCT. 10 ������
Nort� - Minnehaha from Burlington Northern Ry. North - 7th from Burlington Northern Ry. to
to Forest Mounds Blvd. „Mounds Blvd. from 7th
East - Forest from Minnehaha to 6th, to 6th. 6th from Mounds Blvd. to
South - 6th from Forest to Mounds Blvd. Maple. .
West - Mounds Blvd. from 6th to ?th. East -� Maple from 6th to 3rd. 3rd from
7th from Mounds Blvd. to Burlington Maple to Bates. Bates from 3rd to
Northern Ry. Burlington Northern F�y. I-94. I-94 from Bates to Mound.
from ?th to Minnehaha. Mound from I-94 to Clermont.
South - Clermont ext. from Mound to River.
DISTRICT 7 - PRCT. 5 River from Clermont ext. to
Lafayette Freeway.
North - 6th from Maple to Earl , West �- Lafayette Freeway fro� River to 3rd.
East - Earl from 6th to Fre�ront 3rd from Lafayette Freeway to
South - Fremont from Earl to Arcade. Burlington Northern Ry. Burlington
Arcade from Fremont to 3rd. 3rd Northern Ry. from 3rd to 7th.
from Arcade to Maple. �
West - Maple from 3rd to 6th. DISTRICT 7 - PRCT. 11
DISTRZCT 7 - PRCT. 6 North - 3rd from Bates to Arcade.
Arcade from 3rd to Fremont.
North - Minnehaha from Johnson Pkwy. to Fremont from Arcade to Forest.
Hazelwood East - Forest from Fremont to I-94.
East - Hazelwood from Minnehaha to 6th South - I-94 from Forest to Bates
South - 6th from Hazelwood to Birmingham West - Bates from I-94 to 3rd.
Birmingham from 6th to 5th. 5th
' from Birmingham to Earl. DISTRICT 7 - PRCT. 12
West - Earl from 5th to 6th. 6th from
Earl to Johnson Pkwy. Johnson North - Fremont from Forest to Earl.
Pkwy. from 6th to Minnehaha. Earl from Fremont to 5th. 5th
from Earl to Johnson Pkwy.
DISTRICT 7 - PRCT. 7 East - Johnson Pkwy. from 5th to I-94
South - I-94 from Johnson Pkwy. to
North - Minnehaha from Hazelwood to Forest.
Kennard West - Forest from I-94 to Fremont
East - Kennard from Minnehaha to
Old Hudson Rd. DISTRICT 7 - PRCT. 13
South - Old Hudson Rd, from Kennard
to Birmingham North - 5th from Johnson Pkwy. to Etna
West - Birmingham from Old Hudson Rd. East - Etna from 5th to 3rd. 3rd from
to 3r�d. 3rd from Birmingham to Etna to Birmingham. Birmingham
Etna. Etna from 3rd to 5th. from 3rd to Old Hudson Rd. Old
5th from Etna to Birmingham. Hudson Rd. from Birmingham to
Birmingham from 5th to 6th. White Bear. White Bear from
6th from Birmingham to Hazelwood. Old Hudson Rd. to I-94.
Hazelwood from 6th to Minnehaha. South - I-94 from White Bear to Johnson
DISTRICT 7 - PRCT. 8 West - Johnson Pkwy. from I-94 to 5th
North - Minnehaha from Kennard to Hazel DISTRICT 7 - PRCT. 14
East - Hazel from Minnehaha to Old
Hudson Rd. North - I-94 from Mound to Y.y. 61
South - Old Hudson Rd. from Hazel to East - Hy. 61 from I-94 to South City
Kennard Limits
West - Kennard from Old Hudson Rd. South - South City Limits from Hy. 61
to Minnehaha to River `
West - River from South City Limits to
D.ISTRICT 7 - PRCT. 9 Clermont ext. Clermont ext.
from River to Mound. Mound from
North - Minnehaha from Hazel to McKnight Clermont to I-94.
E.ast = McKnight from Minnehar.a to Fremont _
South - Fremont from McKnight to Hazel
West - Hazel from Fremont to Minnehaha
- 14 -
f � '�����:�
North - I-94 from Hy. 61 to White.Rear NORTH - Minnehaha from Forest to Johnson Pkwy
East - White Bear from I-94 to A St. East - Johnson Pkwy. from Minnehaha to 6th
South - A St. from White Bear to South - 6th from Johnson Pkwy. to Forest
Point Douglas Rd. Point West - Forest from 6th to Minnehaha
Douglas Rd. south from A St.
to Hy. 61.
West - Hy. 61 from Point Douglas Rd.
to I-94
North - Fremont from Hazel to McKnight
East - McKnight from Fremont to Burns
South - Burns from McKnight to White
West - White Bear from Burns to Old
Hu�son Rd. Old Hudson Rd. from
White Bear to Hazel. Hazel
from Old Hudson Rd. to Fremont.
North - Burns from White Bear to McKnight �
East - McKnight from Burns to Upper ,
Afton Rd. �
South - Upper Afton Rd. from McKnight
to White Bear
West - White Bear from Upper Afton Rd.
to Burns
North - A St. from Point Douglas Rd.
to White Bear. White Bear from
A St. to Upper Afton Ad. Upper
Afton Rd. from White Bear to
East - McKnight from Upper Afton Rd.
to Lower Afton Rd.
South - Lower Afton Rd. from McKnight
to Forest Hill. Forest Hill
from Lower Afton Rd. to Hy. 61.
West - Hy. 61 from Forest Hill to
Point Douglas Rd. Point
Douglas Rd. from Hy. 61 to A St.
North - Forest Hill from I-�y. 61 to Lower
Afton Rd. Lower Afton Rd. from
Forest Hill to McKnight.
East - McKnight from Lower Afton Rd.
to South City Limits. �
SOUTH - �outh City Limits from
McKnight to Hy. 61.
WEST - Hy. 61 from South City Limits
to Forest Hill
- 15 -
� . . ,