278848 WMITE - CITY CLERK ���[���
File N 0.
City Attny/P • •
Council Resolution
Presented B
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul,
that the City Clerk is directed to accept and keep on file that
certain Pedestrian Concourse Agreement, dated January 5, 1978,
between the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of
5aint Paul, Minnesota; the City of Saint Paul; the American
National Bank and Trust Company; ANB Realty Corporation; A.C .
Claseman & Assoc. , Inc. ;�Alstores Realty Corporation; Allied
Central Stores, Inc. ; �and Hillcrest Development, attached
hereto, which Agreement contains covenants and obligations
touching and concerning the following described property in
the City of Saint Paul :
Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 8, Block 4, City of
Sain�t Paul (St. Paul Proper) ;
Lots 3, 12, 13 and 14, Block 19, Roberts
and Randall' s Addition; and
Lots 4 , 7, 8, 9 and 10, Block 18, Roberts
and Randall ' s Addition;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk is authorized
and directed to file a certified copy of this Resolution (with
attachments) in the Office of the County Recorder, Ramsey County.
COU[VC[LMEN Requestgd by Department of:
Yeas Nays
H ^ Fletchef �
� � e �ev;ne In Favor
dox � .
nn non Masar� __ A ainst BY � °��"w-
o Iter N�a - g
ed ��i�!
Tedesco JUN 15 1981 Form App oved by City A orney
Adopted by Council: �yj�gq[aDate — .
Certified P s y Counc' cre BY ' ��'
g�; "�✓ `
Appr.ove ^:Nay r. Date _ Ap by Mayor fo i o Council
BY - - — BY
UB SHED w N . 2 4982.
+-,, . DEPRRTMENT: p.E.D.
' �O�TA�T: Darold M. McMahan
<For Administrative Orders s i s dinances aad A reements ������
, Re olut on , Or g
1 Willi�m G. Pear�on a MqYOR
� BUDGET DIRECTOR . . s•.r-•P`'�1,v GD
Mpy 2 � 1982
pproval for submission to Council of 2 Resolutions.
This will formally record 2 skyway concourse agreements. _
As a matter of public record, the Agreements beaome covenanta. running with , .
the land and amprovements thereon.
1. - 2 copies of executed skyway agreement dated 12/19/79
2, - 2 copies of executed skyway agreement dated ]./5/78
3 ���
N .e.eaae nev.cei,v neceaa.c,ty on ee�.t o e 50 ouu,ng auppon.tcru,� ocum
Ue ant : . Ci.tcl A.ftonney:
1. Counc.i.t. Reao�Qu.ti.on Reqwuced? X yES NO 1. Reac.Cu.ti.anP �yFS N0
2. Inawrance Req;,�.�n.ed? YES �NO 2. I►tia�ance Su6�s.c.i.en.tY YES VD '
3. Inawcan.ce A#a.ched? _YES �NO
� � _Faevision OM:4/29/82 .
��� � � � �
- . � � � �
C� Caur►,ty o� Ram�ey ) SS.
I . . . . .Albert B.. Olson,. .. .�. . . .. . .
, . . . . . .. .. . . . . .. . . . . .C.i.ty C.2e1cFz
o� �he C.i.ty a� S t. Pau2, M.i.n.n.e.6 o�a., do he�ceb y ce�r,ti.b y �h.a.t
I have compcviced �he cctta.ched copy o� Counc,i.e �.i.e.e No. 278848. . . . . . . .
and .i,ta a�achmen�, a.b adop�ed b y �h.e Ci�y Counc,i.e on
. .. . . .. .June.15: . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . 19.82. .
and ap�noved by �:he Mayon. . . . . June 16.... . . . . . . . . . . ... . . 19. .g?. . . . . .
w.i,th �he on,i,g�.na.� �h.eh.eo� an �.i,ee �.n m� o���.ce.
� I �u�r,the�c ce�r�',i.�y �h.a.t .6cr„i.d copy .i,a a �r.ue and colvc.ec.t capy
— o� dcr,i.d a�u.g�.na.ea an �.i.Ce �.n m y a S�.i,ce.
�, UlI TN�SS my ha.nd and �h.e b ea2 0� �f:he C.i.t y o� Sa.i,n t Pa.u.Q., •
� M.i,n.ne.d 0�a. �h.i,d.. . .21 ST.. . . . . . . . . ..du.y o�. .. . June�. ... . . . . . . . 19. . 82.
. . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . .
�C.i,ty C.�eh.Fz.
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WMITE - CITY CLERK � � � COUflC1L ���JtJ��
_ + , � File N
`� . . � � � ; Tr � Cou�cil Resolution
� � �� ,��
, �� .
Presented By . .,.. -,..,. t �"' ��#-�`4.-:.;�, _ •
Referred To ' l Committee: Date �
Out of Committee By 1� Date
� �
Jo `"' 88 Z't RSSOLVSD, by tbe Conacil ot th� City of Saint Panl,
S that tha City Clsrk is directed to acc�pt and keep oa file that
— c�mrtaia Pec7�estsiaa Oancourae Agreement, dated Jaanary 5, 1978,
� bstveen the Honsing aad I�edev�lop�ent Anthority of the City of
3aint Panl, l�tinnasota s the Citp o! 3aiat Panl t t2ie Ai�erican
Rationai Bank aad Trnst ComnPanys ANB Realty t7orpozationt �.C.
Clssemaa i 1�►asoc., Ia�c.t Alatores Realty Corporation: li�,tiad
Central Sb�res, Iac.� and Hillcrest Dnvelopment, attached
hereto, vhich Agreemeat coatains covdamnta and obligations
touchinq and ooncerniaq the following daaczibed property fn
tbe City of Saint Faul: : .
. .
Lots 1, 2, 3, �t, 5 and 8, Block 4, City of
3aint Paul (St. Baul Proper� ;
Lots 3, 12, 13 and I4, Hlock 19, �berts
� Ra���•>> •s 1lddition f aad
. z.ots 4, 7. e. 9 aad 10, Block 1�, lbbsrt�
�d Raadall's Additioat
HE Z'! lO�R RESOLVSD, that the Citp Clarlc is anthorised
aud dir�at�d to lile a c+estified c•vpy ot this Reaolntioa I�r3.th
attac3�sats� ia t�e Oiti�c-.e of ths Doontp �scorder, � �nnty.
Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of:
H t
� �e Fle� �_ [n Favor
a Levine / r Y
�, te► Masa� � Against By !,�,J�- 0''P.�."`'`�'�
T N�
YVilson SGhg�bAi . .+:
T�a� JUN i 5 iggl Fo�m Approved by City Attomey
Adupted by Cuuncil: W�� Date ,`
Cert�fied Nassed by Counc' cretar BY
�' � �� ����-��"l�� ti
By' _ -
JUN 1 6 �g8� _ Ap�sau, by Mayor for S Mni � o Council
Appruved by Mavor. Date -------------- -- ,
,� , ,. , :., � ; .r'�--
By __— _— --- ----------_ _------- _.__ �Y'� -r�--
� /� 'L_.�:1 � J J i..�/ �"'� ��'t.� U��
., ,,,;.. � ., . << � � 1'1-2a-?7
. � 'i. _ , ' �► . _
t . . ..
. . - � � � . � � � 2`������
�O � � AGREEtiIENT � �
� � � .
Uo � � � . ' � �
`� � . . '3`HfS AGREEMENT made and entered into this �� day of � ��,..a.» � � �
� • x9'�7� by and between the � • . � �
� . � • - • � . -
� � ' . � OF THE CITY OF SAI:tiT PAUL, 2�I.�N�IESOTt�i, . '
• � a public body corporate and politic
- � . ' _ , thereina�ter referred to as the "FiRA") .� .
- . .� . �. �nd ' .� . . • � � ' _ .
�ITY.AF S�I�iT PaUL, MINNESOTA, a - . � � -
' ' � � � . , municipal eoraoratioZ (hereinafter � � � '
� referred to as the "City") • , :. �
,._. . . . and. ' . •
' . � COMPANY, a corporation organized as a ' � � �
' NationaZ Ban:ting Association under the �.
' laws of the Lnited States of America • • ' .
: . (hereinafter re�erred to "ANB") _ _
_ . , � and �
ANII REALTY CORPO��TI0�1, (nezeina�ter �
� . xeferred to as "Realzy") � �
and � -
. . A. C. C��S��i�.V & ASS^C. ► IP?C. , a � . �
: � . Minneso�a coroorat�.on (hzreinaiter � � � . _
• zeferred to as "Clas�man")
. � • � . and . .
_ . . ,.
ALSTORES RF�,lY CORpaF.F.TICN, ,a business � _
corporatio� organ�zed and existing under � � : '
. � the laws of th� S�ate of . . -
(hereina?=ter re��erred to as "Alstores") � '
� � and ' � : . _
� ALI�IE.D C��;i��L �mG��S, I�iC. , a business . . '-.
� • � corpora��on o���n�zer3 zrid ekisting under "
� the la*�s r�L �.�� State c�f t•S�ssruri � . -
(herei�a.��ar �e��rred t� as "Allied") .
. •f
� and � . -
• . • HILLCR=��^ :�.E't�''-sYflT_'liE:v?', a limited partr.er- ''
ship (he�r���a=��� re�exxr�u� to as "Hillcrest")
That for, ��e pur���e:s o�� th�s Agreeu��nt, HRr-� and the �ity wi�3.
sc�+�tir.:es c:��:3��.-tively �� xe��.�red tfl as "First Parties," and ANB, �
Re�;�Sty, Clase;���, Alstores, AI'lied and Hil�+crest �rill sometimes
. '
co�.�.'.:�ctively b� �re=erred to as •'Second Parties. " -
� . .- • � - .. -
. �`: '� ;�:~ .. . � . . � � , . � ��a '7 HRA .. .- .
, .. .
� • • -.� ' , . , ,. ; • . . 32-28-77 _ _ ' •
�p : • . . .. ,
�O �. That ANB, Realty and Claseman will sometimes be referred to, , - �
� ,.
� ` • collectively, as "Bank." � • • � . � : . � ' . • . . '
'� • . • . ; . . .
. ��TITVESSETH: � � ', . . . '
� ' � WHEREAS, the City and the HRA, 'through the Downtown Urban Renewal
.�Project, Minn. R-20, undertook to dev�elop a pedestrian skyway systent
:; .
within the Downtown Central Business District of Saint Paul, riinnesotaR �
- . and � � . . . _ .� . . - -
� � .j�, i�THEREAS, the City, purssant to Chapter ?64 of the laws of riinnesota,
,: .
,�- . . � . . . -
� . �9?3, is authorized to operate a pedestrian skyway system; and � • . � _
� WHEREAS, an extension of the pedestrian skyway system over East� �
� �. Seventh Street from the Bremer Arcade Building to the Donaldson's - . �
� :Department Store Building, and over Robert Street from the Donaldson's
. Department Store Building to the Metro Square Building, has been �
� approved for funding as part of the Community Development Year II Block
Grant Program; and . -
WHEREAS, Realty, Alstores, and Hillcrest� are the owners, respectivel�
of the aforementioned structures; - and • . = �
. WHER�AS, Allied Qccupies the structure knoVm as the Donaldson's . �
� :�� Depar�men� Store Building, pursuant to the terms of a lease dated
' December 1, 1951, between Alstor.es as Lessor, and .Allied as �,essee; and
�. . j�T�iLREAS, Alstores' rights of ownershig are subject to that certain
� ground :lease dated July 6, 1914 by and between Winifred Niurray Deming, �.
. Lucy �3exander Murray, Fenton C. Murray, and Hermon W. Phillips, as ' �
• trustezs under the .Last t�Till and TestamEnt of Carrie C. Murray, deceased,
Lessors (and others} and the Golden Rule, a corporation, Lessee, filed -
�/ .
: with th� R��gis�er of Deeds in and for Rarnsey County, biinnesota, a$�� .
Bool�: 1 of Leases, Page 259; and '' �
Y7HEFcE�3S, x�a.rt of A.NB's rights of o��nership are subject to that
certain ground lease dated October 12, 1912, in favor of Otto Bremer
and Benjamin N. Schneider, filed on November 23, 1912 with the P,egister
of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, l�iinnesota, in Book I of Leases at
page 543: and �
. _ . -2-
. � � �.
, : i:f .. : . . �. • . . . ' x�. .. . ..
� . .• : . . . . . � i� ..,$-��
� �: : . . . : . �.• �. -
S � � • , • : � . . . . . .
'1 . ���FiEREAS, �iillcrest' s rights of ownership are subject to that �certain .
�� � _ _ .
:• ground lease dated �June 14 , 1912 by and between t4artha
Mi.11er, �lmer K. Pdiller and the Theo Hamm Brewing Co. � .
� � , .filed with the Register of _
' • Deeds in and for Ramsey� County, Minnesota, in December 12, 19I2 • ;
: . - .
. in Book I of Leases at page 560. � • . . . . . ' : - . � .
. � . WFiE�EAS, Second Parties are desirous of the construction of said� : . �
. . � . . . � . . . . � � . � • � " -_=
� . skyway bridges between the aforesaid buildings; and � �. � � - . � - ;�:::: ���
� . . � . . . . . . � '
. j�TFiEREAS, Second. Parties will derive a� substantial. benefit _trom .
the construction of the skyway bridges between their respective buildings;
and .� � _ . • . . � � •- � .. - . . _
. - . : . . . .. . . - .
_ WHEREAS, substantial public monies will be expandsd for the - . �
�onstruction of the aforesaid skyway bridges over Seventh Street and
Robert Street to the respective structures hereinabove referenced; and ,
. � irhiE�S, the City, by Ordinance No. 2 6�g 2 7 granted the �-
HRA per�zission to construct and operate a skyway bridge across Seventh
- Street betw��n Robsrt and I�.�nneso�a Street, ar_d across Robert Street
between Sever.�h Stieet and Ezghth,.Street, which Ordinance is attached � r
� hereto as Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof by reference thereto. -
� . . . . .. - _ •
.FARTIES' AERF.TO AS FOZ,LOj7S c . . . . - . . ' .
� '�; � ].. This A�g�eer.��nt is subject to the aforesaid Ordinance lso. � � •
269927 as a���t�ed hy the Council of the City of Saint Faul. � � .�
-� 2. �The Fir�-ht Par�i.es agree to construct a skyway bridge over .
Se�enth Strezt c�.����ing the Bremer Building and the Donaldson's � �� - •
D��artnent Stor� 8�.:31ding, and a skyway bridge over Robert Street �
� � _ . -
cc�pinecting the I�c�z3�3clson' s �epartment Store Building and the �etra . .
Sc�uare Building. ��r��tant �o plans and• specifi.cations prepared by� the
HRA and Hammel, ��e�en �d Abrahamson dated NovP _r � �, 1,.,A71 .
also krs.own as HRA Contract No. 77-24� ; said plans and specifications
�shall be subject to the approval of Second Parties. Said bridge, . . -
� speci.f�cations and construction shall include the skyway bridge, support �
. structures, necessary construction work on the existing structures herein-
above rzferred to for the purpose of opening said structures to receive
� , � _.� • . � . .' ` . � .,
w ,
. , � ' � ' 3 � l� . . . _ . ., .;.:
. � ' � ' • . HF.A -:. :. M� � "
� �� • , ' � . � 12-28-77 -
� ,�, : . . . `, � �.�� � ; , -
o . � . .
� � � . � . . _ .
� the skyway bridge; necessary mechanical and electrical systems and relatec
� •
�� equipment for the heating, cooling, lighting and roof drainage of• said
� � bridge which .may be connected to or tied into one or more of the abutting
� � buildings for purposes of roof drainage and obtaining a source of heat,
. . . cool air and electricity; glass doors at one end of� each skyway bridge
� � including necessary door framinq; firedoors and framing to the extent
, neces�arX or to the extent required by app�.icable fire and building codes;
. ' finishing related to bridge and cannectors, and insulated or Thermopane
. . . . .
• �glass to the extent glass is used to enclosed said skyway bridges. Bank
�� and Alstores (together with Allied) , and Alstores (together with All.ied)
: �and Hillcrest agree to make the necessary improvements in the interiar
� . of their respective� buildings in order to accommodate the skyway con-
.. � eourse system. � . � . � .
. 3. Claseman�Alstores, and Allied, and/or their respective successors
� in interest, agree to operate and provide the necessary repairs and
maintenance of the skyway bridge over Seventh Street and its integral
parts at their sole e�pense and at no e�pense to the City or the fI�.
Such maintenance shall include, but not be limited to, window, floor ..
and metal trim cleaniiag, polishing, repair ar_d replacement; roof
maintenance; repainting; ligi�t bulb replacement and light fixture
cleaning. Claseman, Alstores and P_J.lied (and/or their r�:�pective �ucces-
sors in interest) shall agree to share the maintenance, operating and
repair costs for the Seventh Stree� skyway bridge and its related equipmen'
4. Alstflres, Alliec� and Hillcrest, and/or their respective successox:
ir� i.nterest, agree to operate and provide the necessary repairs and main-
tenance o� the sk�aay bridge over Robert Street and its integral parts
. at their so3.� expense and at no expense to the City or the HR.A. Such
• .
� maintenanc� shali include, but not be limited to, windo��, floor. and metal
trim cleaning� poiishing, repair and replacement; roof maintenance;
repainting; lig�Zt bulb repiacement and liyht fi:cture cleaning.
. � � .
. -4- . •
. � . . � �
. � � . � � • • . , � . . . .. : .
. � _ • . � . . . -. : � ' . �
V.' � • ' � . . ., � �. � • ' ' . . � „ `s• -:'ti.:.�=�
• . �
tso . . . - �Hg�
� �� `•. .. . - 12-2�5-77.
�J' . • . � � . . � . �• .
1 ` Alstores, Allied and Hillcrest (and/or their respective successors in
�. -
� • � interest) shall agree ta share the maintenance, operating and regai� _ _ .
costs for the� 3�obert S�reet skyway bridge and its related equipine�2�.
. 5. Claseman and Alstores (together with Allied) , and Alstores (to-
. gether with Allied) aad Hillcrest shall enter into an agreement for
� • sharing the maintenance costs and operating and repair costs for the
� .skyway bridges and re�ated equipment which abut their respective huild-
�� � . .
. . . �. . . ings. _. � .. . - . . � : .. : .
. : . . .
. . � � � • . . � � -� �. ��-�=.:��_--
6• Any disputes between First Parties on the one hand and.Second
~ • • Par�ies on the other with respect to Second Parties'� responsibility and
obligation to adequately maintain and operate the skyway bridges shall .
� be settled by arbitration in accordance with the rules of the American �'
: � Arbitration Association. Unless the parties hereto have mutually agreec
. " � � upon qualified persons, one arbitrator shall be appointed by.each party,
� � and the t•�ao so chosen shall designate the third. The arbitratoxs shall
then decide the matter or matters in dispute, and the decision of any
two out of the three arbitrators shall be binding upon the parties .
. hereto. . . . � . . _ � _ - . .' _
. � 7. A surety bond and insurance for hazard and liability per the
attached Erhibit "A" shall be a maintenance cost to be assu�ed by Clasemar
� � and T.lstores (togE4her ;�ith A�lied} for tha skyway bridge a�er Seventh
_ Szreet, ar.d shall be shared in aecordance with the agreement foz the �
sharing of operating, maintenance and repair costs that Bank and Alstore
� (together with Allied) shall enter into as �erein provided. � � : .
8." A surety bon3 and insurance for hazard and liability .per the
attached Exhibit "A" shall be a maintenance cost to be assumed by
Alstores (together taith Allied) and Hillcrest for the skyway bridge �
over Robert Street and shall be shared in accordance with the . agreement
for th� sharing of operating, maintenance and repair costs that Alstores
(iogether t•�ith Allied) and Hillcrest shall enter into as herein provided
. 9. Insurance for hazard and liability for the areas designated
• as easements for the sky�aay system shall be a maintenance cost to be
• . ._
. . - s -
. . . - . � • ' :
� • � .. 5 ' . . : . . . . -
, • � .. . .. � � . . . . . � ' . 4• ..
. . . .._. • . w . . , � � ;.. , . , • , • . � .. . . : • . • � .�i � •� • �.—
� . ., . . , . . . . x� � -
�.� ia-a�s-��
�° -, . . . � - ✓ ��'�� �
� . . � �
� .
'� assumed by the respective building owners. Claseman, Alstores (together
witn Allied) and Hillcrest shall furnish and maintian public liability and
• casualty insurance. coverage with a duly licensed insurance company, where- '
in the City and FIRA shall be designated as co-insureds, said insurance
containing the following minimum coverages: For personal injuries, •
� including death, $500,000. 00 for each occurence; for property dar.iage
to the extent of $200,OQ0.00 in any single accident. The casualty
insurance shall have an all risk or ph�►sicat loss coverage in the amount
. � , -
of the full replacement cost of the bridge. °
7.0. Claseman, P_lstores (together with Allied) and Hillcrest hereby
agree, for themselves, their successors and assigns, to grant to the
City for the public, subject to the terras and conditions hereinafter
set forth, an easertent for the limited purpose of a pedestrian passageway
over, in and upon the pedestrian concourse system for the use by and
benefit of the public for the limited purpese of utilizing said areas as
a pedestrian thoxoughfare, in and through their respective buiSdings as
fol lo��s: � �
A. The said easement area through the Brer.�er Building shall extend
froTn the property line opening oi the Twin City Federal Building �.
� to the proger�y linE at the bridge opening spanning Seventh Street
to the Donaldson's Departnent Store Euilding and also across the
existing escalators to the Seven�h Street public siclewalk. The
said easer,lent area shall be twelve (12) feet in wiath eycept
at the lesser wiclth of the escalator or k*here the structural de-
sign of the bui�c:ing i� such tha� a �:idth of 12 fezt '_s impossibl�.
B. �he said easement area through Donaldson's Department Store shall
extend fror.i �he property line at the bridge opening on 5everath
Street to the property line at the bridge openizi� on Rahert
� Street and also to extend acrass the e�isting escGlators to th�
. Seventh Street public sidewalk. The saiz easer.:ent area shall
be ten (10) feet in width, except at the lesser width of the
escalator ar where the structural design of the building is
such that a widtn of 12 feet is impossible.
C. The said easement area through Hillcrest shall e;;ter_d from the
property line at the bridge openir.�; on Robert Street across the
exis'�ing� escaZators to the Seventh Street public side4�alk. The
�� said easerient area shall be t�aelve (12) feet in �•ridth, except at
� the lesser �aidth of th� escalator or �•�here the structural design
. of the building is such that a- �aidth of 12 feet is ir.tpossible.
That said easer•2eat area shall be subject to reasonable rules and regulations
as set forth in Exhibit "B" which a11 parties hereto deer,l appropriate for
the purpose of regulating the conduct of pe�rsons within the easer.lent �reas
in order to maintain the commercial integrity of the grantors ' prer.lises.
Approval by the HRA of any proposed changes in the regulations� governing
. the easement areas shall not be unreasonably withheld. The aforesaid ,
•� �='=�=',`easement :areas shall be su�rveyed and described..by a registered land surveyor
at the expense of the HFtA: ,
" � . -G-- �� .
�w. � , , . "� ' � • HItA DrG-►f t
�. : . �► , � 12�28-77 _ .
� • �� . � ' � �,: .
�. . . . . 2������ � -
_ . . . .
� ; 11. That except as otherwise provided herein, the grant of . � _ �,
', �,��s�nea� bg Second �artizs s;�all be lia;tited t� oaly �:�ose days an3 hours
during tvhich the said s�cyway bridges shall be open and said easements '
shall exist only during said days and hours,. as hereinafter provided on • �
' Exhibit "C" which is attached h2reto and made a part hereof by reference
• thereto. � . � . � . . . . . .
_ 12. • That Second Parties agree to provide those members o� the
, . public who are physically handicapped with reasonably direct access within
. � .
their respective buildings to elevators at the ground level and .
� �reasonably direct access from said elevators to the skyway bridges and .
; .the pedestrian concourse system wit:�in each respective building; provided.,
_�however, said access shall not be deemed to be within the easement � �
- areas as hereinabove describsd. • � � • •
- 13. The parties hereto agree tYiat overhead dir�ctional signs may
' be installed within the skyway bridges and the easement areas. The
location of said directional signs shall be determined jointly by the ' .
8RA and the respective building owner. The initial purchase and installa-
tion of these directional signs stiall. be borne by the HRA. The costs of . -
operating, maintaining, and repairing the sic�ns shall be borne either
. individually by the party on whose property the sign is locatedr. or as
��to� those signs located within the skyway bridge, jointly by �those parties
to whose building the bridge attaches. If for any reason the locatiori area
of the easement is changed, the sign shall be moved accordingly, and the
cost of moving a;�d install?ng signs to new easement areas shall be borne
by the respective property owner (s) . If .the sign moving requires a char.ge
. in the sign face, this shall be done at the property o�rner's expense, .and
shall be consistent with the graphic design �system established for skyway
. . . . �. _ , _ . .
signs. � . . .
. � 14. ' The skyway bridges which are 'the subject of this Agreement � .
shall not be operated fox- the purpose of advertising the narae of - .
produc�s or businesses of any of the Secon� Parties or others; nor for _
the conduct of any cQmmercial activity wnatsoever; provided, however, -
nothing herein contained shall prevent tne installata.on and maintenance •
of the aforesaid directional signs or signs identifying the building .
Ac1I:l°S. . •
• . , k , .
� . • . �. . . ' • • • '�. • " . -
_ - _ � .. . • • _ 7 � � • � . � . .., . '_�
� •` , _ _ ._-._.._ :. ... . , . . , . ,. . _ . ,- _ : . . : .,.,. '.
.�.� . ` ' . ' . . . . . . - • . .
HR� '
� �� • - � � . � ' 1-2-28-77 _ � � . •
� � • • ' ' . • ' . . � :
� � l5. All parties hereto a ree that the skyway brid es will be � � .
. g 9
= onen not less than the� hours set fo=th on the Exhibit "C, " which is � � .
attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference thereto. "
. ` �.6. The grant of the easem2nt a�oresai.d is sub3ect to the . • � .
atorementioned ground leases. ' ' - � . �' -� . t:� •
.---- _.._.. . � . �:_. - - - . ;' . . . : : _ .._ , .
� • 17. The grant of easement herein by Second Parties shall be sub�ect �
to the right of grantors to change the location of the easement areas • .
conditioned upon the grant of a new easement which shall permit the� �
�ontinuity of the pedestrian concourse system, and, on the further �
� condition that the new easement area shall be installed at the sole �
-cost ane� expense of the grantor, and, on the further condition, that
� no change in the easement location shall be made V�ithout first obtaining �
the approval of HRA and the City, which approval will not be unreasonably
withheld or delayed by HR.A and the City, and, on the furthQr condition, .
that said r,ew easer;en� area shall be surveyed and described by a registered
land surveyor at the cost of the owner. � . . - � .
� . 3.8. All constructior. by First Parties of the skyway bridge shall be �`
done in a workmanlike manner, utilizing materials of reasonable quality and
.First Parties shall comply with all applicable building codes .and regula-
'• tions. All construczion pursuant to this Agreement shall be pursuant to
" the plans and specifications as approved by Second Parties. � � .
� 19. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, the easements giver.
� or to bz given by Second Parties shall terr:�inate upon the happening of any
of the foZlowing events: . � _ . .
� A. In the event the pedestrian concourse system � . . "
� ' . t�ithin their building is vacated, abandoned - � .
` or discantinu�d in the manner requ�red by law� . -
_ B. In the event the building in, upon ox over - -� �
� which the easement areas are located shall be
• � substantially destroyed or demol.ished and such . �- �.
" buildings shall not be repaired or recvnstructed. . .
• C. Tv�enty-five years from the date of this agreement. _ � . �
. . � .
• . � . . . . - :
. ' � . • . ' . . . • ' ' , . . -8- . �: ' . . , :" . - _ .
_ . •. . . • , . . . . ' • ; . � � � . • ' _ .• -
. . . . . . .' ' . , .' . . . . : . :f� - ;:` �`t'' %-
. w � � . . �V' . . . . . I . .. ..
. . • � . fiRA
• � ' '� 12-28-?7
20. Alstores and Allied and/or their respective successors in
� interest hereby agree that in the event the use of the first and
� second floors of their buildin is ever used for
� g purposes other than
� retail sales or office space, during the term and existence of the
� easement granted herein, that then, the second floor pedestrian con-
� course easement area shall be providecl with an adequate security line
which may include, at the discretion of the then building owner, enclosing
the easement area with permanent or temporary walls; providing a roped
. . off sECUrity line wi�h security personnel in attendance; or any other
security device which may be acceptable to the then owner; provided,
however, that the selection of the said security line or security device
by tne then building owner shall be subject to the consent of the City
and/or HRA, which consent shall not be unreasonably �r�ithheld.
21. The HRA and the City hereby waive any right they may have to
share in an a�aarc? of damages in the event that a public body acquires
all or any part of the aforesaid buildings by condemnation or under the
threat of condemnation. 5aid waiver applies to the easement through
the respective buildings but not to the skyway bridges.
22. The HRA will include a provision in its contract for the con-
structior� of the skyway bridges whereby the contractor consents to the
. assignment of warranties to the owners of the buildings abutting the
23. It is agreed by and between the parties hereto that the skyway
bridges shall at all times be owned by the City and/or HRA, and said
bridges shall not constitute property leased, loaned or otherwise made
available to second parties, or any one of them (within the meaning of
Chapter 272. 01 (2) of Minnesota Statutes) it being understood that said
bridges are intenc?ed to benefit the public generally. In consideration
of secand parties undertaking t�erein, the City and/or HRA ag'ree to keep
said bridges open to the public during the days and times provided on
Exhibit "C", which is attached and made a part hereof. .
IN WITNESS �dHEP.EOF, the parties have caused these presents to be
executed as of the day and year first above written.
� : - � � � ��� 2`����� .
`�'� . � 12-28-��
� In the $r sence o • OF TH� CITY OI' SAI 'T PAUL, I�iI23NESOTA
do ��
t�' .. �� , By -- �
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In the Presence of: APpROVED AS TO /'C OF SAINT � L, NiINNESOTA
1� 'v�4
i«�.•c,..I s M i
_ -�/� �.t By 'J �
ItskDirector,Dep .of Finance&Mgmt.Serv.
, �
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sy� � :� �-�=-�s�,,� �
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In the Presence of: ��,.� ANB RE T CORPORA
. w, Bv . rF ��. �J . . .
.�r ,Z '�� . ` .. .
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_ By ! f,.� ./,, �:_ r ���;: ,^ �; �
In the Presence Of: - A.C. CLASEMA�.�I F: A��CC. , INC.
�,,,.,.�' B �., " .
+ y � �fJ ����► -
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-�.� �.%_.� �� //�,/��ti-!`%=-1 B �
In the Presence of: ; ALLIED CENTRAL STORES, ItJC.
. ,_� /, � �'L.:�___,� gy .�,--'?►
��/J -i_�C, L% '.% ' ! �- � i gy C . ���
In the Presence of: � . HILL� �ST DE v NT " ^
: . ; C _ .
• BY � `°�-
J /�
BY �"�'t..P.-Z-C2--C.,__- cx---t.�G
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. -10- . " ��
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. . . I .
. ; �
. . '�} �".• � ���Z�Z�nCC.� Ordinance NO. - 1�,�--=—
�res.ented By ��� +. .��-/ �! ' '�� � • .
- .- % •
:�.� , . , � / =_,_�.,��� r � � .
'=`> � 'P.eferred� To '" � � Committee: Date ~���
!� • Out of Committee E3y • • • � Date �
� • _
J � Att OR!?!?lA`t�E YP.KttlG Pt OVJSiaPI YiiF.FE�OR �1�1D CRA!,Tt"IC i"dT0 7N� � . � � '
�' �10!!5l�iC �',ldJ P.L•�E�'ELO;'1;c:1T /'.JfFt�RlTY Qf Y�� C1TY L�F SAI?JT AAUI.� . •
� • �1lJ�lESOTA, A F11?(�;cSOiR CCF.PQRA1'!0'i, �!ID 1TS S��C�SSO?5 OR � . : �
�J' � ASSff..ttS, F'EttNtSSt�!! TA CC'fSTRUf;T, :?A1�tTl1lt! AP+J OPEF:ATE TFf'c � � . ' �
'� F�l.1.0!dl!!G OV�t�1icA�J A��JESTRIA:1 PASS�',t�EI,AYS 4VE�t PJSLIC STR��TS
� ' � �/JTNi:: Tl�lr. C0�''OP,A'F� lt�;tTS OF Tl:� CITY U� SAlt+7 P�JL; `,EiD - �
' ��? ACR�SS F.AS7 5EVE�lT�! PL1',CE �3�:T11�E�7 TFSr i':�'�RS�C7lCtt THEr�- .
�ftTH OF t�s�y;tES�TA STi�cET A!iD R{13£RT ST�E�T, St11Q CU�R;iEAD �
� ' �, � , . SR�NER StciLDlrtG Q;1 Tct� SC:;TH Si�E Ofi EAST SE'�E"2TH PL'1C�' . : • �
. : Xp- DO:Jal.�SC:1'S Oil TltE tt0?.TH S1DE OF �.�Si ,SEY:.�?:i PLf10E. . . .
". � 2} AC��JSS R�S�RT S7'r'.E�T BcTW�E;i TH� 1yTERS�CT�0�1 '3�:ERENITH �
- � .� . - � � : 0�' �AST SE'vc't+CN PLACc A►1� EtrH7li 57RE�T, SntD 0`dE�NFAD
. - PEGESTRiP:i ?j;SS;;GE.t,'4�. 3'0 8E EXFE�tOc� FR�N E�CiSTItJ; DO?!S',!D-
,�' SO?1�S O:l Tt;� 1�T��S7 S1�E Q� �:7;rRT S7R��.7 70 T�3_ I;�TP.O at;� .� �;•,�,�
• . . $�UAitE 8[i t LD 1 i�G Cf� i f1E E.'lSi' S i C� OF fiq3EiiT S7It►�T. ' o � r+:r, �
� � ' F'}YI �r\N
3� ACRQSS CE�1n� STP.��T F3ET�,.rEE!1 TFIE 1;iTE�S�.CTlO;� 7HFi?E�.�ITl� cxs .EK
: 0�' �P►ST c��rtT;' S�'�cET !',?�:D �.^.S1 F�f?3� S7�EET� SP,I� 01rEi- Rco ose .
.� . f�EA� PEL�'c53P,1.-^.:'1 PASSAGC.L�r�Y TO $E �XT'EfIR�� FnO;! THE �ss cr.r
�XlS71r:G Aii:LETIC GLf3� �UltDttlC Q:i T�iE Et,ST SiC� QF "�' 'u�
. ' • � CfJ�R STt'.�ET 70 Tt�� !!I':�lES�TA 1ili7UAL �.tF'E �UiLDI:�G 0� "E• .H? �
� � TNE 1t£ST S 1 G� Cr CEI?A� STREET. . � ,� . . � �_� f
. . • r.�w c�.H.a.
. . �i� ACR�SS �AST f0UZ7f� S7�t«T EET'»'cEtl Tls'c" !'aTCF.Sz�'f�0�� T:�ERE-
. 1tITN 3� C�Ds:�i 57'[:E�T Afi: i1,^,�3:SfSA ST2�ET, S�1� Q'Ir".?i',��lb -
. , PEDCSTRIA�J PRSSf:G;'dhY i0 Ec" EXTEti�.D �ROM TH� EXiST1�tG
tS�N;i�S�7�'1 E'U;�;;�L L.1 FE Ril l L41�;G C`! THE H��T}f S i i� OF ��SY � �
. �t)RTl�! STR�fT TO Tii� CEG�E£ 0� F'O;IOR BUtLDil+� OZ`I TF;E .
• . SOU'ffi SID� Or EA5T FOU;:TH 5TR�ET. .. � .
- . . _. � ... ....
.. _ . . . • ` : ' � - . _ . : _ *: . . -, . � --
COU�TCIL1iEti' �
l�eas hays ' � Ftequested by Departmen� of: . , � .
Butler . '
Hozca ' " �n Fati�or .
Elunt -
Lcvine • . . A ainst BY ' • . ' •
Rordlcr g • • . �
Syl��ester �. . . : . - ,- . . . . - . .
Tedesco � ' � N' ' •
Form Approved by City��ttorney •'..' •
Adopted by Council: Date _ t` /�'
Certified 1'assed by� Counci( Secr�tar�� By ! _� �j�
By . �� -`c�' -' '
rlppcoved by 3tayor. Date � Approved by hiayor for �ubmission to Couneil
By , By .�. :� . . . ,._ ,
. . .. .. . . _....._ . . .. - � --- ..___. .�----�--• - -�- ��-----•.. .. ._�•• --�. .__.._ _--- -- '_._� _..
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�� • Sett Ion 1. . . . , • . •
� � ' ' ' � � ' -
�.: ' 1'hat p�rnTsston and �u[hority hereby arc Granted to the Housinq and • .
'� P.edeveTopm�nt Authority of the City of Saint Paul , Mlnnesota, a Minnesota
C� torpor:�tion and/or its successors Tn lntcrest to construct, maintain and . ',
opet'ate the folloti•�ing overhead pedestrian passageways over public streets , �
. wTthin the corporate limlts of thz City of Salnt Paul ; and •• _'-
: . 1) atross East Seventh Place between the intersectton therewith of
� � . Nitt�tesota Street and Robert Street, said ovcnc�ad pedestrlan ' � •
passaeeway to be extende� from the existtne� Rrem�r Building on -
• the south side of East Seventh Piace to Donaldson's on the �orth..
. � .side of East Seventh Place. ' -
' . . 2) aeross Rob�rt Street be h�reen the intersection therewith of East
Seventh Place and EigF,th Street, said overhead pedestrian pas-
� sageway to be extended from existing Donaldson's on the west . �
� . S1de of Robert Street to the N�etro Square Bullding on the east
Side of P.o�ert Street. . • . �
3) aeross Cectar Street betaleen tfie intersection therew�th of East
Fourtfi Stre�t and East Fifth Street, said overhead pedestrian '
passage►.�ay to be extended �ro� the existing Athletic CI46 Suild- '
• 1r�g on the cas*_ side of Cedar Street to the Ntnnesota h�utual
.. Lire Bulldi��g on the rrest side of Cedar Street. . .
_ �� acrass Eas� F�:,rt� Street between the intersectlon therewfth of -
Cedar Sireet and Uabasha Street, said overhead pedestrtan pas-
Saoeway to Ee exten�ed rrom the existino Ninn�sota F;utual Ltfe ' • �
Building on t�e north s(de of East Fourth Street to the De�ree
of Eionor Buliding on the souLh side of East Fourth Street. .
. Seitlon 2. • � . .
that the Director of Public 1�'orks is hcreby authorized to issue '. � .
ne�ess2ry p�rmits to s�ic{ perr•�tttee, the Nousing and P.edevetopne�t
� � R�Eho�lty of thc City or 5aint Fac�l , ?�inn�sota, for the construction, �
tnalntenar�ce, and opc�ration oF said overhead pedestrian passa�eways ac-
cc�rding to the plans an3 s�ec�r'ications a�proved by the DeoartR�ent of
� i'ublic �:ot-ks and at ti�e separate cost and expense of satd pernitLee,
• �pon saTd permitte�'s com�liance with the folloYring conditlons.
' a. That said per•nT ttce and/or i ts successors f n ir►terest shal i ,
� �t its o�•m cost �nci er.��nse and in accordance with all applic:able ord- � ,
lnanccs of the City of Sa�nt Paul , statutes of the State of i�iinnesota -
��nd regul:tlons of �,��.,51 ic aut�ority havtna cogntz�nce, construct, rnaln-
• • t-ain, and operate said overhead �edestrtan p�ssage�•;ays hereunder; - �
b. That sa:� perr�tttee sh�ll pay th� costs for the publicatTon of
tEiis orJtr��nc;e; . . • � .
� : � . - .
.. ___. . _._...__ .._. . _.__---- - -- . ---- __.---• -- - - .. ___ _ _ . _. _.. _ . . � ____.___ . ___ _
_. .
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� . • .'. � �. . � ` ., . .. �/ � - • �� . . _, �.�
__ _._.__.._._ __ ._.---___.. __ .___�_----. __._ _____. .__.._. . _..._ . _ _ � _.. _:..._.
, ; '.._ j� . . . '� �•�rl'7���}'J '
s�� �
:'�i " � . , ' ' ������ .
� " e. fihat satd pernittee shall pay the costs of admintstratio�,
� • engincerTng, and inspection incurred by the Department of Publie t:orks
ao d'ue to this undertaking, s��id costs are estir�ated to be a sum of Six -
.� tiundred Dollars (S600.04) for each overhead pedestrlan passaaeway. noted � .
�- �bove and'shall bc accounted for under scparatc Departnent of Publit . • �
� Norks ProJect �lumbcrs; , . � . . � �
' d. That sald permittee shall furnish the Department of Publie .
� � {Joc'ks �rll docunents of record, for each overhead pedestrian passageway,
. that are a part of each contract or lncid�ntal to its execution includtng, .
but not t imi ted to, addendu�s, a�•�ard ot contract, contract amount� "as .
built" plans, tracings �nd tracings oF shop pians; � - "
� e. That satd permittce sha11 construct eacf� overtiead pedestrian �
• . passageway to tha satfsfacttan of the Directo r of Public k'orks ond in . _
' � . ae�ordance ��ith approvsd p14ns and sp�cificatTons of the Housing and
. � Redevelopment Authorlty of thz City of S�inC P�ul , Hinnesota. Copies
-� � of said plans and specifications for each averhead pedestrian passageway ' .
' � hereunder are to bz filed with the Departmsnt �f Pubiic Works prior to �
. : bidding. Su�h corstruction shall be rade in strict co^�pliance with the ' • �
' Amet-lcan Rssociation of State Highway and iransport�tion Officiats
• . : (AASHTO) 5pectfic�tions, as amended, �r.d the Uniform Building Code and �
. - be �uthorized under a building perr�it issued by the Departnent of .
CQm�n�init}• Services, Division of Housing and Buiiding Code Enforcement; .
f. Tfiat �said pernittee and/or its successors in Tnterest st�ati � � �
fu11r ir�d�rmiiy� }�olo narnl�:ss, a�d derEnd the City of Saint P�-�ul , its
. �gents, offtcers ancf ert�plc�yees fro�n any and ail d�.�ages, claims, tosses,
� �udgm�nts, sults or exYpnses ar�d on account of all ciains of whatever -
� �att!re for ir,Jury to Yerson(s) and/or property arfsing out of or con- .
�. f�ected with the constr�ction, erectton, raintenance, operation artd/ar
temaval of each overhead pedestrian passa�eway hcreunder; and tt�aL sup-
plcment�l to all other ablln�tions, o� their part, jotntly an�/or
� - severally, here�nder, said permttt�e 2ndlot' its successors in interest
shall fur�ish and :,::intain an� pay all pr�:miums and other expanses Lhc•re-
• for, Casualty insuranc� Coverage, with a duly iicensed Casualty' tnsurance '
Co�pany to the extent of SS�O,�JOO.OQ for Tnjury to any person and/or _
pet'sons in �n•f sir.ate inctdent, and to the' extent of S200,0��.00 for
� � daraoe to pr-op�r�y in any sina3� accicenL, indemnifying the City of
S2int Ya�l ag��in,t ti�hiltty Cr. acco�nt• of all cl�ir�s of thi�d persans - •
fot' iny�ry to person(s) �nd/or property arisIng fren or connected ti•iTLh �;
the constr�rct3on, er�ction, 'r��intenance, oper-�tton and%or rer:.oval of
sald structures h�reundAr, at ati tir;�s, and to furntsh conpetent -
� evidence �t said cav�rag�� �rcn tine to timn, to the 0irectar of Ei�ance
,�nd .t�ana�ement S�n�ices of ihe Ctty of Satnt Paul ; . ,
� g. That sa3d permlttee shall not proceed with the appiieablz con- ,
�tru�tion uniess vc�� LYntil said permittce shail h�ve fuily eomplied with
LF�e Provisions r^c��rdinq tns���'ance ai�d inde�nification c�nCained in the
Departn�nt of �e��]•��c °�.'orks, Ci ty of Satnt P�ul "Standard Suppien�ental
Speeiftcattons i�� }�ic���:ay Const:vctIo�," dated Septenber 1 , t976, Seetion
nunbered 130�.? �Car c�ch �vcnc��d ped�strian passaneway noted above. For -
the purposc o� t�is 13rdTn�ncc, ihc afores�id Section of said Spccifleations
shal l bc read �s ����igh t�L ti,rord "pemi ttee" was substi tuted for the wbtd . -
. . , . ' �
• � .
. - , . . . .
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'� �:�,"�ontractor" wherever same appears theretn. Sectton 1305.z of the �epart- �
/` ts�nt of Publtc Works, City of Saint PauT "Standard Supplemental Spccifica-
�' " tions for FliGhway Construction" dated September 1 , )�76 is hereby incor-
, porated hereJn by reference as fully and as eompletely as if set focth -
herein verbatim. . •
' ' � � h. � That satd permittee and/or 1ts successors �in inte`rest, shatt �
�mong other things, at thelr o�•m cost and expense, make adequate and effec-
- tive provisions therefo r and drain a11 motsture. rain and snow tyhich shall
� � aecumuiate thereon by proper devices through each overhead pedestrian •
p�assageway noted above and in a manner so that the flowTng and/or spilitng�
� ' of s�ame on any pari of said sectio�s of satd public streets or privatc
� property shall be prevented at all tir:.es. Said perr�ittee and/or Tts -
successors in interest shaii maintain and operate each overhead pedestrian
` • � passaoeway at its sole cost and exo�nse in a safe condition for pe�estriart
, travel , such malntenance to include, but sha1T not be limited .to, glass, . • �
floor, netal trim, and hardv�are cleanina, eottshing, and replacement;.
- .� toof naintenance; repatnting; fight bulb replacz^�ent and lioht fixture
. . . . tleaning; and th� supply of heated and cooled air within each bridge to
. _ maTntain terperature co:naa�able to thaC nornally naintained witnin heated
_. and air-conditioned rental office spaces; �
� 1. � That saTd permittee and/or its successors in interest sha11, at
all tines, construct and maintain all of the supports of each overhead
; pedestrlan passageway noted above entirely within the lines oF the sub- �
ject private real_ estate and entirely wttho�t pubiic street rinhts-of-
. - �•tay i -
}. 7hat said �pernittee shall notify t�a Traffic Bure�ts of tf�e
. A�partnsnt of Publtc 4!orks if the construction or maintenance of tf,e
� above overhead pedestr'san passaaeways shall r�aS:e necessary the closing .
of cestain public streets or any part thereof; ali expenses incurred : `
by t�e Trafflc Bureau in furnishino, installing, or �e�oving barricades,•
stgns, and other control devi:.es shall be paid by the petriittee; .
• k. . That said permittee and/or its successors in interest shatt
_ � � h�t .�se any part of ;he above overhead pcdestrian passageways for - .
- __ advertis�ment or dis�lay purposes, �•rithout tn� wriiten consent of Lhe
� - � � Clty of Satnt Paul and t:�e application tE:ereto of any advertisinq . �
� � nateria] or display shall be deemed prohibiied by this Ordinance; � '
1. ?hat said �ermittee_ ar►d/or 1ts successors i� interest shali , �
� � af a�i �z;tinznt tires, T� t�se construction, malrter.ancc, and operation
o� ea�� ovLrh�ad p�des��ian.pa5sage�•�ay herevnder, pravide respectiveiy �
a mintnu�� verLIea1 clearance of at least 17' 3" on the bridges across �
Cedar Strc�t and acr�ss East �ourti� Str�ei and �t least 17' �" on the
bridges acr�ss East Sevznth Flace and across Robert Street betr:een and
. thraughout Ll�e course of the bottom of said structures and the su�face � �
of satd sections oF publtc stree�s, except as may be altered by the -
C1 ty's future street �•rork; ..
. . . _
� m. Th�t s�1d p�rmlttee expressiy agrees to comply with Chapter . -�
" 216 of Lhe �alni Paul Leclslative Code, as amended, pertaining to�
' Stt'eet obstructions; .. - . ��
• � n. T�,aL satd permi�tt�ee and/or its successors tn Interest shali '
tomplete Lhe construction and erection of each overhe�d pedestrian _ _
. . .. . .
" . � . . - •
. . � , .
. . : � . � . .
� � � l4 . � � -
. . _ . . ,:
. . . . . . . . . . . _. .. .. �( ..�1'�1
• . � _, . - � F • •..•.
� ��
/ �
���� . .
�''�, passageway by not later than one (1) ye�r after eom:r:encement of construc-
� tton. S�Id eor„cnencenent shail be evidenced by Pu51 �c Norks� receipt of
� wrltten notiflcation thercof, and sha�Tl be dated therein, as further �
� provTded for u:�der Paragraph (o} below; , . �
, . _ � ,
� o. That said permtttee sha11 notify the BrTdc�e Engineer of the �
� DepartMCnt of Public tlorks before and when construction h�s been eom- �
-� pieted to �iTo�r for a final lnspection of each overhead pedestrian
� passageway hereunder; �
�.5� • . ;
� p._ that each ovcrhead pedes.trian passaget•ray hereunder shall be
�' . � removed �iy and at the sole cost and cxpense of said pernittee and/or
�1 its successors in lnterest whenever the Council of tfie City of Saint
•� . ' Paui sha11 by Resotution detcrmine such rert:ovai nccessar
, interest and accordingly order the removal of sai.d structure f�ornPsaicfC �
. itiGation; � . . , � ;
• � - ..
, ,. q. 'Fhat said. permittee shall , wTthin thc period of 10 days after
the publfcation of this Ordinar,ce, flle with the City Clerk its Nrritten
. -. aCteptance oi tfiis Ordtnance and agreement to be bound by a11 the
. : provTsiars, terms �nd conditions thereof riithout limitatfon which
� written instrunent of acceptance �and agreement sha}1 be in the form '
approved by the Ctty Attorney; � .
� !'. Th�t upon the executlon of an Agreenent by and betr�een thc City
� of SatnL Paul , �the Housing and Redevelopnent Authority of the Cfty af '
� .. . Sa1nt� Paui, Ptinnesota, and thc a�plica5le buildino/property oyin�rs
tespecting the aforesald pedestrian passag��rays noted above, the per- '
. mittee beinc� the Housing and RedeveTapr�ent Authorlty of th� Ctty of
- . Saint Paul , ttinnesota, sl�all be relieved of any further oblie�tTcn
under tfte terms of this Ordinance, and the successors in interest of
the permittee, i.e. the applicabie bu11d1na/property o►�nPrs respecting
the aforesatu overhead pedestrian passaoeways as noted above shatl be
respanslb]e for paying the insurance premiu�; for the ov�rhead pedes-
trtan p�ssageway{S) . eonn�cting th�ir buildings and also for providing
the natntenance and opsration same; � �
• , s. That upon the Flousing and Redevelo�ment AutF�ority's conveyance �
� of its o�li�attons ur.der the te ms of this Ord(nance to the above
s�:c�essors tn in*c!-est, ;;aid pere�ittee's successors in interest s�aTt
furn is;s �n� del iver unto t�e Ci ty ot Sa i nt Paui a Surety Fand i n �the '
arr►ou;�t o� Flfty 7housand Dollars ($50,0�0.0�) for each conpleted over- � ' "
head pedcstrian passa�eway (brfdge) herF��ndcr, made �nd executed by
" satd perraTttee's successors in interest as Principal , and a Corporate � •
Surety Co�:�pany duly au;horized to transact business in the State of �
- - hinneso�a as Surety. to �7d in favor of the Cfty of Saint Paul as •
oblt�ee, conditlaned uFon the permittee's successors tn interest
com�lying �•rith the terns and condltions of thts Ordlnance and also
_ tondttioncd that, in the event thc p�rnittee's success�rs in interest
fa� l ta r�inLain or •repafr satd overhead pedcstrian pass�g�s�ay to a �
' �casonable standard of safety; or f�il to rer►ove satd ovcnc�ad �
passaoctilay upon ordc� by tne Co��r.c11 , the City of �Saint f'auI mayeunderj`n
t�f:e the naintenance, rcpair, ar removal thereo` and may recover Its
reasonable cost incurred thereby from s�f� surety, t�,hlch Surety 8ond
_ sfi all renatn in fuil force and effect as lon� as sajd c,verhead p�.destrian
pa:s�gct-ray or any p�rC thercof renaJns In that portion of publie rtght-
• ; . � � . _ -
• ... _:... __.._..---�-_�•. ------- ..._._. .. . . . . . . . ' . ' �-
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. .. � -x
/" �.~r' . . . , ���G�'G1�L��C�' Ordinancc N O. '�.��.
.�` - � - �
�'resented E3y '
. Referced To . � Committee: Date '
Out of Committee By � Date .
�, � .
�. • �
� � nf-�+aY as shoxn on p1�ns to bc� fi ted with thc Oe�artcr�nt af Pub1 ic l,�rlcs.
S� � .
�, 7h� Surety BonJ sha1l bc in fom ns �hJti b4 approvcd by tho City Attorney,
� ancl sha11 have sueh surety as shul� ba apprav�d by thQ Diroctor ofi �iflsnca. �
�^ and t�anassnerrt Servtces; . - .
`� • • .
t. Ttia�t said pernittc$ $nd/ot^ Its s��cc�ssors in Intcrest 3ha11 submit
� prop�sed plans and s�ciri�attons xo t�i�: t��partr..�nt of Publ ic 11�rks for rc-� .
Y1�r and ahproval of an� intend�d structural rz��irs or r.:aJor �,afntenanca
- work on each bridg� b�for� any sucf� •�ror�c �s carrtQd out� U*bn co�:�p�ction
- .;. .og suc� struetura� rc�airs a�proved 'oy th:: Deparcr.�snt oY Pubiie works, perw �
: �.�nent repraductbic tr��clnccs sh�it be i'�rnt�fzed th� R�par�tr^snt shoxing the
.� +�rork done and mark�d w�th any "a3 bai It" chan�es, as Nei i as reproducible
� � shop drawing tracings of rhe Sar��; .
' v. �7#��t said p�rntttee shati au5rli� the n�cessary tnsurance docu-
rents to th� Qsftc� E:��tn��r of th� Dc��r±�r•:�zt oi` Pt:b� Tc �lorks for Fach
ovethead pcde->tr1�n r�ssage:r�y h�t�eu�td�ra Ths OF�tc� �r���reer fn tijrrr
� . shatl subr..it s�fd docu:r::nLs to the City At�as°ney af tt�e Ctty ot Salnt rau't
. ;or revtex and, iC �ai�i Sr,sur�r�ce is sur�Tcten�9 said docum�n�s sh��l b�
�. spproprta��ly itte� wtth the Director o� �in���e and �.anag�r�:nt Serviccs
. - of the Ctty of Satnt Paui. . .
. 5ec�tan 3. . � : '
� '�hat Ltiis Ordinance shai3 f�!:e efFcc� �nci b� it► force tfiir�y �30}
. days fror.t and A�ter 1ts �ssage, apprava} ;tnd publicaxfan� :
:;:b � • . -
Yeas � Nay�s • . ' . Requested by Departmer�, oE:
Butter publ ic �,'orks .
Hozza � In �avor —` • . : .
- -H�unt � . � ( `� .
Levine A ainst gy �`` /, , , r ..-l_�.• :.�-� _r � r�
Roedlcr � g
S yl�esccr � Daniel .�. Uun. ord� O1recLc�r �T.1E/•i�1Ft
: Tedesco �i'�'f"
�!(�lj 3 j�7� Form Approved by Ci.y Attorney
Adopted by Cou;�cil. Da4e . • � : . ;- •
Certified Passed by Council Secre�a�y ' BY s . `� � `',, ' ',� �
� -� � . .
By ti�"9 � ��� , • _
���V J Approved by b1ayor for Svbmission to Council
Appcoved by;btayor: Date • .
' By .. . � ' . ._ . . .. gy . ._. .... . .. __ . . .� __.._. ._ --- .- ....
- � . �b_�
:, � � _ . .
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. � � ' ' . . . . • •
� EXHI�3IT �
� . �
�. The grant of easet�ent� pursuant to paragraph 10 of that .certain �
Skywav Agreament dated , 1977, to which this
docurr,ent is an Exhibit, shall be subject to the follocaing rul.es,
� regulations and standards o� conduct which shall be enforceable by
� �he grantors of sa�d easen�n� areas by any action of la�� or in equ.ity
or by r�ray of ejecting tnz o�Tending person �or persons from the ease- � �
ment areas. _
� , YIHERE�S, H� and� �hz C?ty, �?rst parties, have agreed to construct
certain skycaay bridges across Sevznth Stree� and Robert Street in
St. Paul, Mir_nesota, in ord�r to connect the buildings cor,u:�only knosn
as tne Brem�r Axcade BLild�ng, Donaldson Departrinnt Store Building and
Hletro Square Building to thz 5t. Paul skyway sys�er; anc�
�7'ri£REAS, first par;?es ar.d second parties ha�e ayx'eed that s2cand
parties shall grant certa=n ease*:��r.ts thro�.:gh their resp2ctive buildings
� to Lh� �gublic in order to con�?ect the said skyti•�ay bridges �aith a - -
pedestrian passageE•:ay; and
t�S�iEP.EAS, said ease�!�nt areas, when the same are surveyed and laid
out, t��ill, in sone ins�.ance�, bz adjacent to re�ail selling areas of
� the grantors as unenclosed aisles; and �
Z1�?E?�.F.�S, gxantors hajrs oror�.L??gated certain rules, reguZations ar_d '
standa,ds o� conduct i� 01"ClBL" to ?nsure thz co.m.mercial i.ntegrity of '
. ' .
gran�ors; tneir successors ar�d ass�gns and other business invitezs,
tenants �nd custo�zrs o� gran�ors. �� ' •
. iJ0;7, T�ii�.REt O�E, thz rollo��?ng ru?es, r2gulations and standards
, . .
of conduct shaZl prevail in, over and upon the easenent areas, violation
of whicn si�a12 be grou�ds, among other� things, to eject the violatinq
person or pers�ns from tnz easenent areas and th� prernises of grantors.
1. No person shall conreit any lewd, obscene, imr.�oral or illegal
• • act. -
. � , .
2. No person shall con:?uct him o� herself in any loud, boisterous
or disru�tive nar.ner.
' � 3. No person nay carry on or conduct anj activity c,;hich amounts
� to a nuisanc�. .
.. � � . �� . � � _ ' . .
. �� - ,, . . � . � ���ic��
�.� �
c�o . � • .
� � ' .
So � �
� 4 . No person shali block access to a::d from the easement are�zs
� or otherwise i*:terfere caith t'r.e free flow of pedestrian traffi.c
• within the ea�er..�ni areas. �
5. ' No pzrson shall consume food or b�verages within the easement
6. No person shal? sit or lay 411tr11T2 th� ease�ent areas or
unreasonably loiter therein. � �
7. No person shall bn p�rmitted to advertise any cause or
� product withir_ tc:n eassr��nt arzas, r_or shall any person
_ carry any placards, sig;�s nor harid out literatt:;:�, hand-
bills, leaflets or any other written or printed material
. � � of any r„ind wh�tsozver. � � • . _
8. No p�rson shall solicit funds for any purpose nor sha11 any
person be perr�itted to solic?t signa�ures or circulate
petitions for sigr.a�ure within the easeraent areas. �
9. No person sha13 demonstrate or pickez �aithin the easem�n�
areas, irresp_c�ive of the purpose or cause, nor shall . � -
� organized grou�s or indivi.duals be pernitted to r.�arch,
chant, sing, or ��monstrate for any purpose w:�atsoev�r.
10. No Zoud speakeYs, bullhorns or souzd am�lifications of any
kind whatsoev�r sha11 be perr•iitt�a to bz uszd within thz
ease�ant areas.
' - 11. No pzrson, fir:1, corporation, partners�ip nor any '
govern,enLal agency sha�l be grant�� any concession, license,
perr,tit, gra:�t o= �uThority, eas�ner_` or francnise to se?1,
barter, ver.d, peddlz, distribu��, solicit or give anything
whatsoever wi�'s:in the easeme:�` areas.
In addition to tne .�oregoing, gran�ors res�rve the right to
pronu�gate suc�� furtner a:�d additional rules and. reguZations as •ail.l,
in grantors' collectiv� judg:n�nt, maintai;� the comr,�ercial integrity
of grantors an� thei.r succ�ssors �r.d assigns and advance thz
convznien�� oi' grantors ' �er.anLS , busin�ss invitees and customzrs.
. . ! . � - • . . � .
� .
. , � . . . . .. . - . , .
. . � � �^ � . -� ' � . . - , . � . . . � . .� ��� -... . . . �. . . ..
. � .
� � �� . � � � a �l ���� .
� � � �
� � � - . ,
, .
� � . . -
This Exhibit C to be attached to and made a part of that
. -..
certain Skyway Agreement dated the day of ,
1977, by and between the Housing and Redevelopment Autharity of
� the City of St. Paul and the City of St. Paul, first parties, and
the American Natibnal Bank and Trust Company; ANB Realty Corporation;
. A. C. Claseman and Associates, Inc. ; Alstores Realty Corporation;
� Allied Central Stores, znc. and Hillcrest Development.
That the grant of easement pursuant to paragraph 10 of the
� above-referenced Skyway Agreement shall be limited, pursuant to '
paragraph 11 of said Skyway Agreement, to only the following days
' ' . and hours during which said skyway bridges and easements shall be
open, and said easements shall exist only during the following days
and hours: •
� A. The said sky�vay bridges shall be open and the easements �
shall exist during and coincidental with the regular -�
� hours during which the Donaldson` s Department Store
building is open to the public for business.
� B. That the skyway bridge over Robert Street, connecting .
� the Donaldson' s Department Store bu?.lding and the
, Metro Square Building and the grant of easement over
_ certair_ por�ions of the Metro Square Building shall be
' open and shall exist in accordance with paragraph A �
hereinabove except that the bridge and easement� described
. in this paragraph B shall close and shall not exist
� . . . _ �. ..: .
subsequent to six o'clock p.m. , Monday through Friday
and Saturdays, Sundays and holidays. �
. � �
. � .
.. � , .
�� � � . .
... ..,. , � ' - ��f �.J�IS�V
.;, . , .
O �
� GEORGE �+.JO�+NBON g5402 . 339-8a31
'� WARi7:N E.EASTlUNO 612
MANS F. ZIMMERMANN January 16 , �7�� �
2�ir. Terrence J. Garvey
Assistant General Counsel
Housing & Redevelopment Authority
55 East Fifth Street
St. Paul, MN 5510}.
Mr. Bruce G. Odlaug .
332 Hamm Building
St. Paul, MN 55102
Mr. Russell Sudeith �
L•J - lOth Floor
First National Bank Building
St. Paul, l��i 55101
Re: St. Paul Skyway Agreement
Gentlemen: ._.
As you perhaps kr..ow, our client, Allied Central Stores, Inc. ,
has submitted the final draft of the Skyway Agreement to its parent
corporation in New York for their review. 5everal questions have
been raised by this review and P4r. Garvey and I have discussed these
matters by telephone. This letter shall serve as a modification of
and amendment to the Skyway Agreement in order to resolve certain
issues without creating the necessity for preparation of a formal
amendment to the Agreerient. If the contents of this letter are
acceptable to you, please indicate your acceptance-with your clients'
signatures on the signature lines herein below.
One of the questions which has been raised is the application
of the proceeds from the fire and extended coverage insurance in the
event of the destruction or damage to the skyway bridge. The Skyway
Agreement appears ambiguous in this regard and, based upon my dis-
cussions with Mr. Garvey and with Mr. Odlaug, I believe the most
reasonable interpretation of the Agreement as. it relates to this
matter is as follows: +
1. With regard to public liability insurance, the respective
building owners (second parties to the Skyway Agreement) and the
. . . . � 2�����
�,.. . .� �
� Messrs. Garvey, Odlaug and Sudeith Page 2 January 16 , 1978
� Housing & Redevelopment authority and the City of St. Paul will be
co-insureds on said insurance policy or rider to an existing policy.
2. With respect to f ire and extended coverage on the skyway
bridge itself, each building owner will be the sole insured for its
respective portion of the skyway bridge.
3. In the event a bridge is damaged or destroyed and .
a. The City Counsel does not order the bridge removed
(pursuant to �2, �(P of the City of St. Paul Ordinance
�16362) and .
b. If such destruction or damage occurs within twenty-five
years from the date of the Skyway Agreement,
then the insurance proceeds shal.l� be used to rebuild and repair the
skyway bridge.
4. In the event a bridge is damaged or. destroyed and
a. The City Counsel orders the bridge removed or
b. The damage or destruction occurs subsequent to twenty-
five years from the date of the Skyway Agreement, _
then the easements gra,�ted by second parties shall terminate and the
Skyway Agreement shall terminate and the insured shall retain the in-
. surance proceeds.
A second matter which requires clarification is with respect to
the ordinance number of the City of St. Paul ��hich has been attached
to the Skyway Agreement as Exhibit A. In the body of the Skyway
Agreement, the ordinance number has incorrectly been stated as #269927
(cvhich is the City Counsel file number} instead of the accurate ordinance
number which is #16362.
A third matter that requires attention herein is that
in order that the second parties to the Agreement (building owners)
can adequately make future plans, it is imperative that some time para-
meters be agreed upon by all parties to the Agreement. Accordingly,
in the event said skyway bridges have not been completed at the end
of two years subsequent to the date of the Skyway Agreement, the Skyway
Agreement shall become null and void and the easements granted by second
parties (building owners) shall terminate and be of no force or effect
whatsoever; provided, however, that in the event the City or HR.A shal.I
be delayed or hindered in or prevented• from doing or performing any act
or thing required by the Skyway Agreement by reason of strikes, lock-
outs, casualties, acts of God, labor troubles, inability to procure
� R � ��(��`��
clSo' . •
�o • � �
.. '► ^
� �` .
� Messrs. Garvey, Odlaug and Sudeith Page 4 January 16, 1978
& ASSOC. ,
_ _ ��e
� � � � � � 2"���r��
� . .
� Messrs. Garvey, Odlauq and Sudeith Page 3 January 16, 1978
materials, failure of power, riots, insurrection, war or other causes
beyond the reasonable control of HRA and the City, then the completion
of said skyway bridges shall be excused for the period of delay and
the period for the completion of the skyway bridges shal.l be extended
for a period equivalent to the period of such delay.
The fourth matter requiring attention in this letter is that
it is understood that the Skyway Agreement and the easements grarited
by second parties shall be subject to the ground leases of second
parties as referred to in the 5kyway Agreement and prior mortgage
encumbrances. �
Finally, it is agreed that in the event any of second parties se�.l
their buildings and assign their interest in their respective ground
leases and improvements thereon; or, in the event of termination of any
of the second parties ' ground leases, pursuant to the terms thereof; or,
in the event of a foreclosure by the mortgagee of any mortgage which is
or may becom� a lien on any o� the premises of second parties; that then
and in any of the foregoing events , the second party so assigning its
interest; or the second party whose lease is terminated; or the second
party whose mortgage is foreclosed sha].1 be deemed released trom any
and all liability and obligations of the said Skyway Agreement and
all attachments thereto including the City of 5t. Paul, Minnesota
Ordinance �16362.
Very truly yours,
''` --z .� APPI�VED AS � FOF�i .----,
P,PP%�VED AS Zn P'O£�q. ;:�,�—�----� � � � � �
� , � r'�,�
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By �,�'�'-�C��`� _ i���� �'C l�<.�.�'-�.- �BY � '� �,� -,�L�_._----
' Its Dire ,Dept.of Finanoe&Mgmt.Seivice
, ;� �` ,''
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� � A G R E E 1I E N T � . . ' . �
� � � � � �
•� . TKfS Ac:REEMENT mac�e and entered into this � day of '
• �9'�7� by and between the � � : . � -
• • a public� body corporate and politic
� . � . . �hereina�t�r referred to as the "HR�") _• .
- . - . . , and � . �. . • � � ' . .
. • . . . . . . . . .
CITY. AF SAI�i� PAUL, MINNESOTA, a - . � � . - .
' � � . � . municipal corporatioa (hereinafter � � ' . �
� referred to as the "City") . � ; .. '
.. . . � � � � and . ' � - .
- . . _ j _ . _ .
, � . � COMPANY, a corporation organized as a � ' � - �
. ' National Ban'�ing Association un.der the � ",
� � - ' laws of the Lnited States of Anerica • - '
� . (hereinafter re�erred to "ANB") . . �
..... . � and . y
ANII REALTY CO:�POR�TI0:1, ('nereina�ter � �
� . � referred to as "R�al:.y") , ' ' '
and � .
A. C. CLP.S�.�Y & ASSQ�. . Ir?C. , a . � . ' :
. : • . Minneso�a corporation (hereinafter � � . _
� _ xeierred to as "Claszman") . � �
• � � : � . and � '. - � ' . � .. .
, . . . . . , :
ALSTORES RF�.L?Y CORpOF.�,TIC�T, .a . business � �_
� corporatio� or��-��zed and existing under � � � ' �
� . � the laws of th? State o� ' ' �
(hereina?=te: re��erred to as "Alstores") � � �
. �
� � and ' . : . ...
� - � ALLIE.D C��T;� SmO�S, INC. , a business . . ' _
� • . � corpora�son or��.*��zEd and existing under "
� the laws o= �...�°_ State �f 2•1_ss�uri � . � -
(hereina:�`�r Ye�zrred to as "Allied"} . - �
� and • . �
• . • fiILLCFLS^ :�E'�"�D,�t,'�v?', a limited pertr.er- �
ship (h�er���a=��r referr�d to as "Hillcrest")
That for, !3ze pur�ose� a� •this Agree�Qnt, HRfi and the �ity� ��i�.�
sc�*�tir..es col1�..-tivelg 3�� referred to as "First Parties, " and ANB, '
� Re�:r!ty, Clase:.-��rl, Alstores, Allied a�d Hil�crest ��ill sometimes
. '
co�t:�•�c�ively be �reierre3 to as "Second Parties. " -
i , . .
. .. . . . . _ .
. �? � � ' w . .. � ' . � � �� � � �
' • � '.' � • , : • . . �2-2$-%� .. ' • .
. , . .
�. That ANB, Realty and Claseman will sometimes be referred to, . . �
_ �: • collectively, as °Fsank." � . • � . � : . - ' . • . . '
. . ,� . .
� t�ITVESSETH: � � � � '
' � WHEREAS, the City and the HRA, 'through the Downtown Urban Renewal
, ,=Froject, Minn. R-20, undertook to de�elop a pedestrian skyway system
. .
� within the Do�►�town Central Business District of Saint Paul, blinnesota;
- ' and . � , . . . _ � . . . � . ,
� �. j9HEREAS the Cit � � � � ��
� ��' , y, purssant to Chapter 764 of the laws of 2linnesota,
. � . �973, is authorized to operate a pedestrian skyway system; and � - . ' �
� ' � WHEREAS, an extension of the pedestrian� skytaay system over East� �. �
� �. Seventh Street from the Brem�r Arcade Building to the Donaldson's � . ' .
� :Department Store Building; arid over Robert Street from the Donaldson's
�.. Department Store Building to the Metro Square Building, has been �
. � .
approved for funding as part of the Community Development Year II Block
_ Grant Program; and � ' � -
'� . WHEREAS, Realty, Alstores, and Hillcrest, are the owners, respective:
� of the a{orementioned structures; - and • . �
' . WHER�'AS, Allied occupies the structure knoVm as the Donaldson's . ~
� ,:' �epar�meni Store Building, pursuant to the terms of a lease dated
� ' . Deceraber 1, 1951, �between Alstor.es as Lessor, and Allied as ,�,essee; and
� �. . t�7�I:R£AS, Alstores' rights of ownershig are subject to that certain
. � ground :lease dated July 6, 1914 by and between Winifred rlurray Denung, �.
. Lucy Alexancler Murray, Fenton C. Murray, and Hermon W. Phillips, as � '
. trus�ezs under the .Last t•;ill and Testament of Carrie C_ Murray, deceasedr
. Lessors (and others) and the Golden Rule, a corporatiori, Lessee, filed -
- -
with the Regis�er af D�eds in and fo= �tamsey County, Mi.nnesota, as�� �
Boo�: 1 of Leases, Page 259; and ^ � .
' y7HEF�AS, part of A.uB 's rights of o�•inership are subject to that �
certain ground lease dated October 12, 1912 � in favor of Otto Bremer
and Benja�nin N. Schneider, filed on Nover.tber 23 , 1912 with the P.egister
of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, riinnesota, in IIook I of Leases at
page 543; and � �
, � . . �
. � � �
- . _ • . . -2- .
.-• „' ;''. :- . ,. . � . • . . : l4x$ - • •_
. . . , ' . . . , �7 7�
. . . � � ��7 �. .���. .
. �t�THEREAS, Hillcrest' s rights of ownership are subject to that .certai.n
. � . . . . . ._
:� ground Iease dated 'June 14 , 1912 by and between 24artha �
Miller, �lmer K. Pdiller and the Theo Hamm Brewing Co. � .
' � , .filed with the Register of
� • Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota, in December I2 , 19I2 • ; �
: , - _ .. . .
. in Book I o� Leases at page 560. � • . . . . . ' � • . . " .
' . WHEREPtS, Second Parties are desirous of the construction of said :' . .
�. . sk a brid es between the aforesaid buildin s- and • � � � • . � � ' -�%'
�'�^' Y g . J . . . �.�
� : • . � . � � . ' � " � . : `- .
. S�TFiEREAS, Second.. Parties will derive a substantial. benefit .trom
the construction of the sky�ay bridges between their respective buildings;
.�a � . .. ... . . � .. �. � :. .. � � : .� � � � �- : _
� � � WH�REAS, substantial "public monies will be expanded for the . �
tonstruction of the aforesaid skyway bridges over Seventh Street and
. } . .
Robert Street to the respective structures hereinabove referenced; and " _
� . ' i�E'rtr�-1S, the City, by Ordinance No. 2 6�g 2� granted the �
HRA per�ission to cons�ruct and operate a skyway bridge across Seventh
� Street betw�en P.ober� ar_d r:inneso�a Street, ar_d across Robert Street �
� .between � Sever.Lh Street and Eighth,.Street, which Ordinance is attached � "
• hereto as Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof by reference thereto. .•
. : � . . � . . .. . . : .
.pARTIES� HERF.TO AS F�LLOT7S: . . . . ' . . ' -
� .�; � : l. . This Ag�eeraezt is subject to the aforesaid Ordinance No., � •
- 269_927 as ado�teC by the Council of the City of Saint Pau2. . � .
-- 2. �The Fi�rs� Par�ies agree to construct a skyway bridge over .
Seventh Strezt co.r�e�ting the Bremer Building and the Donaldson•s ' �� �
D�partnent Store EL�Zr�ing, and a skycvay bridge over Robert Street
. � . . -
copinecting the �cn33dson� s Dzpartment Store IIuilding and the �ietro .
Sguare Building, purs�zant to plans and• specifications prepared by� the �
HRA and Hamme7., Greer� ar�d Abrahamson dated �over.he_r � S . '1,,,477 �
also Y.nown as HRA Contxact No. 77-245 ; said plans and specifications
� shall be subject to the approval of Second Parties. Said bridge, . .
� specif ications and construction shall include the skyway bridge, support
. structures, necessary construction work on the existing structures herein-
above r2ferred to for the purpose of opening said structures to receive
' . . , . _ • 3 ^ . . . , - ,, , •. ..
. . • ' • . � , gr,,,p� ' ., . �_ . .
, • , .. ..
� • • � . � 12-28-77 -
. '. . ' . ' . - : .
� the skyway bridge; necessary mechanical and electrical systems and relatE
- ° equipment for the heating, cooling, lighting and roof drainage of said
� � bridge which may be connected to or tied into one or more of the abuttinc
' buildings for purposes of roof drainage and obtaining a source of heat,
. . cool air and electricity; glass doors at one end of� each skyway bridge
. . _.. . .
� �� including necessary door framing; firedoors and framing to the extent �
� neces�ary or to the extent required by applicable fire and building code:
. ' fir,ishing related to bridge and connectors, and insulated or Thermopane
. . . . .. _
� �glass to the extent glass is used to enclosed said skyway bridges. Bank
� � and Alstores �(together with Allied) , and Alstor_es (together with Allied)
. r . -
: � �and Hillcrest agree to make_ the necessary improvements in the interiGr
� .. of their respective� buildings in order to accommodate the skyway con-
'�. •� course system. � � � . � ' � - � � ' . .
. � 3. Claseman�Alstores, and Allied, and/or their respective successor:
� in interest, agree to operate and provide the necessary repairs and
maintenance of the skyway bridge over Seventh Street ana its integral
parts at their sole expense ann at no expense to the City or the FIFtA.
. . Such maintenance shall include, but not be lim,ited to, win�ot•�, floor ..
and r:ietal trim cleaning, polishing, repair ar_d replacement; roof .
. maintenance; repainting; ligi�t bulb replacement and lic�ht fixture
cleaning. Claseman, Alstores and A].lied (and/or their re�pective succes-
sors in interest} shall agree to share �he maintenance, operating and
repair costs for the Seventh Street sky�vay bridge and its related equip:�e�
4. Als�ores, Allied and Hillcrest, and/or their respective successo:
� ir� interest, agree to operate and provide the necessary repairs and main-
tenance of the skywa1 bridge over Robert Street and its integral parts
. at their so�e expense and at no expense to the City or the HR.A. Such
. ,
' maintenance sha13 include, but not be linited to, window, floor and metal
trim cleaning, polishing, repair and replacer,ient; roof maintenance;
repainting; light bulb replacement and liyht fi:cture cleaning.
� !
. --4- •
' • . . ' �
• � � . .�. � • ' • � . � . � . �. . . ..
- . . • � • • � . . �' , � . . I� -.��.
. . : ' . . . � � . • . . .. •1��.
. . ' • ' �Hg� .
. ., • . .
. . . . , . - . . 12-28-.77. �
• • . . . . .
� � Alstores, Allied and Hillcrest (and/or their respective successors in
•' • � interest) shall agree to share the maintenance, operating and repai�c .
� costs far the� 3tobert St�eet skyway bridge and its related equipm.ent.
. 5. Claseman and Alstores (together with Allied) , and Alstores (t�
: . gether with A11ied) and Hillcrest shall enter into an agreement for
� .
` � � sharing the maintenance costs and operating and repair costs for the
� . .skyway,bridges and related equipment which abut their respective huild
,� .
.. , .. � . ings�. � . _ � .� .. . . . ' - . � � � . . .._
6• Any 'disputes between First Parties on the one hand a�d Seco;
• � Parties on the ot,kier with respect to_ Second Parties '� responsibility a;
_ obligation to adequately��-maintain and operate the sk
_ _ . : yway bridges shal:
. � be settled by arbitration in accQrdance .with the rules of the America�
:. � Arbitration Association. Unless the parties hereto have mutually� a r4
. .. } g
• � upon qualified persons, one arbitrator shall be appointed by .each par�
- � and the t�.ao so chosen shall designate the third. The arbitratoxs sha�
� then decide the matter or matters in dispute, and the decision of any
r . two out of the three erbitrators shall be binding .upon the parties
` . . . . hereto. . . . � � . , . .
- �. � 7. A surety bond and insurance for hazard and liability gez� the
attached Erhibit "A" shail be a maintenance cost to be assur�ed by Claser,
� � . : and T.lstores (togE��her �rith A�lied) for th� skyway bridge o�er Seventh
�: Street, ar.d shall be shared in accordance with the agreement fo= the
sharing of operating, maintenance and repair costs that Bank and Alsto:
� " _ (together w�th Allied) shall enter into as herein provided. � � � _
8.' A surety bon3 and insurance for hazard and liability per the
- attached EYnibit "A" shall be a maintena*�ce cost to be assumed by .
Alstores (together �•�ith Allied) � and Hillcrest� for the skyway bridge �
: over Robert Street and shall be shared in accordance with the�. agreement
for tYi� sharing of operating, maintenance and repair costs that �lstore
(together t•�ith Allied) and Hillcrest shall enter into as herein provide
. 9. Insurance for hazard and liability for the areas designated �
� as easements for the skyway system shall be a maintenance cost to be
� ` . .
. . ' . . : : . . . . • . . . - . . ' , t
� . . . . . . . . _ • • . -. . . -
� . '� - 5 - • . ' . . ' . .
�--.-; . ^ . : .- . . • .• . . � . . . :.� : . . .:i _ : -• � _�- :._.�:
. � � � ' . xxA-
_ , . .. • 12-2�8-77 �� .
. � 7 �.�, ,
assumed by the respective building owners. Claseman, Alstores (together
- with F.11ied) and Hillcrest shall furnish and maintian public liability and
• casualty insurance. coverage with a duly licensed �insurance company, where-
in the City and �IRA shall be designated as co-insureds, said insurar.ce
containing the following minimum coverages: For personal injuries, •
. �
� including death, $500 ,000. 00" �for each occurence; for property dar�age
to the extent of $200,000. 00 in any single accident. The casualty �
insurance shall have an all risk or ph�Tsical loss coverage in the amount
� - � .
of the full replacement cost of the bridge. '
10. Claseman, P_lstores (together with Allied) and Hillcrest hereby
_ - s , _ - -
agree, for themselves, their successors and assigns , to grant to the �
� City for the public; � subject to the terr.is and conditions hereinafter
set forth, an easer•►ent for the limited purpose of a pedestrian passageway
��over, in and upon the pedestrian concourse system for the use b� and
benefit of the public for the limited purpcse of utilizing said areas as
a pedestrian thoroughfare, in and through their respective buildings as
follo�•�s: �
A. The said easement area through . the Brer.ier Building shall extend
` • fro*n the property line opening o� the Twin City Federal Building
� to the proper�y line at �he bridce opening spanning Seventh Stree
to the Donaldson' s Departnent Store Euilding and also across the
existing escala�ors to the Seventh Street public siuewalk. The
said easeraent area shall be twelve (12) feet in width except
= � at the lesser wiclth of the escalator or where the structural de-
sign of the bui���ng is such tha� a �:idth of 12 feet is impos�ibl
� B. The said easement area through Donaldson's Department Store shal�
extend fror.i the property line at the bridge openi,g on Sever.th
- Street to the property line at the bridge openiz:g on F;obert
= � Street and also to extend across the e�isting escGlators to thz
. Seven�h Street public sidewalk. The saiz easer.:ent area shall
. be ten (10) feet in ��idth, except at the lesser caidth of the
escalator ar where the structural design of the building is
suc?� that a widt:z of 12 feet is impossible.
- C. The said eas�ement area through Hillcrest shall e::ter_d from the
property line at the bridge open.ir.c:• on Robert Street across the
- exis�ing�escalators to the Seventh Street public 'sidewalk. The
_ � . �- said easenent area shall be twelve (I2) feet in ��ridth, except at
� the lesser width of th� escalator or �•�here the structural design
. of the building is such that a- t�idth of 12 feet is ir.tipossible.
That sain easenent area shall be subject to reasonable rules and regulatic
as set forth in Exhibit "B" which all parties hereto deen appropriate for
the purpose of regulating the conduct of persons within the easer.lent zreas
in order to maintain `the commercial integrity of the grantors ' prer:lises.
Approval by the HFtA of any .proposed changes in the regulations� governing
. the easement areas shall not be unreasonably F�ithheld. The aforesaid .
-- -�='�'easement areas shall be �u�rveyed and described by a registered land surve�
at the expense of the fIRA: - . . . : .
� , -G-
. _; , . , T • - ' • HR�i Draft .
'. � ' �' . 12c28-77
� • • --
. -� . .
' � . � . .. . ;.
�: 11. That except as otherwise provided herein� the grant of . �
'� �,z�..sanz�� by Second Partizs s�all be li�. 'tzd �� oaly �:�ose days an3 hours
during which the said s;cyway bridges shall be open and said easements '
shall exist only during said days and hours,. as hereinafter provided on -
' Exhibit "C" which is attached hzreto and made a part hereof by reference
' -* � � � - • - -
• � . thereto. � . . � . .. . . . . _ . .
_ � . 12. � That Second Parties agree ta proviZe those mEmbers oL the . .
. . •, . . . .
, . public who are physically handicapped with reasonabll direct access withi:
. � ' •
their res�ective buildings to elevators at the ground level and � �.
� �reasonably direct access from said elevators to the skyway. bridges and .
; . ._
; ,the pedestrian concourse system within each respective building; provided.
_-however, said access� shall not be deemed to be within the easement � '
-�areas as hereinabove described. • ' . � � � � � .'
. • 13. The parties hereto agree that overhead directional signs may �
' be instalTed within the skyway bridges and the easement areas. The
location of said directional signs shall be determined jointly by the ' .
HRA and the respective building owner. The initial purchase and installa-
tion of these directional signs shall be borne by the HRA. The �costs of .
operating, maintaining, and repairing the signs shall be borne either
. individually by the �party on whose property the sign is locatedt_ or as
�•to those signs located t,ithin thE skyway bridge, jointly by �those parties
�. to whose building the bridge attaches. If for any reason the Iocation are�
� of the easement is changed, the sign shall be moved accordingly, and the
cost of moving and ins�alling signs to new easement areas shall be borne
by the respective property owner (s) . If .the sign moving requires a char.ge
. in the sign face, this shall be done at the property owner's expense, .and
. shall be consistent with the graphic design system established for skyway
. . . . . . .. . , ._
signs. � • � • � .
. � 14. ' The skyway bridges which are 'the subject of this Agreement � .
shall not be operated for the purpose of advertising the name of • .
produc�s or busin�sses of any of the Second Parties or others; nor for
� the con3iict of any eQmmercial activity whatsoever; provided, however, �
nothing herein contained shall prevent tne installation and maintenance
of the aforesaid directional signs or si ns identif � .
, , g ying the building .
nc'1�t°s. . . . . ... - .
� ' . • . �. � . • . ' . . :,. ' . . . . . . -
. ' . ' ' • _ 7 - , . . . : ' � ' . : , ' .
, , . , _ . . .... •;
' + • �� . , • . . . • ;,;� ' '
. � . , • .
� � � � . • � - . HR� • ' ' •
� • ' . . . ' 12-28-77 �
• • 15. All parties hereto agree that the skyway bridges will be � '
: onen not less than the� hours set forth oa the Exhibit "C, " which is � .
attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference thereto. '
. ' �6. The grant of the easement aforesaid is subject to the . • '
. _,; . • . . .
atorerr,entioned ground leases. ' ' -.� � � � � � �- -- � y;�
....:_ _.__.. . . . . .. � � �. � • -- .- _ . .. .__. �.. . - , . . . . . . . . _'--
- • 17. The grant of easement herein by Second Parties shall be subject ` �
to the right of grantors to change the location of the easement areas •
conditioned upon the grant of a new easement which shall permit the� �
continuity of the pedestriany�oncourse system, and, on the further . -
� condition that the new easemerit area shall be installed at the sole � •
�cost ane� expense of the graintor, and, on the further condition, that
' tio change in the easement location shall be made t��ithout first obtaining
. � � } .
the approval of IiRA and the City, which approval will not be unreasonably .
withheld or delayed by HRA and the City, and, on the further condition, .
that said r.ew ease::en� area shall be surveyed and described by a registered
3.and suYveyor at the cost of the owner. � � -
� • , 3.8. �ill constructio*►_ by r irst Parties of the skyway bridge shall be �
� done in a workmanlike manner, utilizing materials of reasonable quality and
� �First Parties shall comply �rith all applicable building codes ar.d regula-
'• tions. All construction pursuant to this Agreement shall be pursuant to
' the plans and specific�tions as approved by Second Parties. � � - � �
� 39. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, the easements give
• or to bz given by Second Parties shall terr:�inate upon the happening of any
of the foZlowing events: . � .
. A. In the event the pedestrian concourse system � .
: . within their building is vacated, abandoned � �
� or discontinu�d in the manner required by law� . -
• . B. In the event the building in, upon ox over . .� ' �
- � which the easement areas are located shall be
• � substantially destroyed or demolished and such -• � �
' buildings •shall not be repaired or reconstructed. � . '
• C. Twenty-five years from the date of this agreement. . ' . ' '
., . � . . . . . : . . .
, � ' , � � • • . ' . � . � . • ' ' , . . -8- . , ., ` ... . _ . .
. . . . . . . . : . : .
• • . . . " ' . ' . . .. . . . - . . • _ .J.l."�. �t .
• ti
. - ' � . - HR1�
- . 12-28-?7
_ � `� � � � �
20. Alstores and Allied and/or their respective successors in
interest hereby agree that in the event the use of the first and
�� second floors of their building is ever used for
purposes other than
retail sales or office space, during the term and existence of the
- easement granted herein, that then, the second floor pedestrian con-
course easement area shall be. provided with an adequate security line
_..l� which may include, at the discretion of the then building owner, enclosinc
�'ry` the easement area with permanent or tem ora
� P ry walls; providing a roped
... .off security line wi�h security personnel in attendance; or any other
security device which may be acceptable to the then owner; provided,
_ however, that the selection of th�e said security line or securit device
� - • - Y
by the then building owner �hall be subject to the consent of the Cit
- ` Y
and/or HRA, which consent shall not be unreasonably e�ithheld.
_ 21. The HFZA and the City hereby waive any right they may have to
� share in an ac.�are� of namages in the event that a public body acguires �
all or any part of the aforesaid buildings by condemnation or under the
threat of conderr.nation. Said waiver applies to the easement throu h
the respective buildings but not to the skyway bridges.
-_ - 22. The HRA will include a provision in its contract for the con-
, structior� of the skyway bridges whereby the contractor consents to the
, assignment of warranties to the owners of the buildings abutting the
�" bridges. .
23. It is agreed by and between the parties hereto that the skyway
bridges shall at all times be owned by the City and/or HRA, and said
bridges shall not constitute property leased, loaned or otherwise made
� available to second parties, or any one of them (within the meaning of
Cha�ter 272, 01 (2) of Minnesota Statutes) it being understood that said
bridyes are inteii�ed to benefit the public generally. In consideration
of secand parties undertaking t�erein, the City and/or HRA agree to keep
said bridges open to the public during the days and times provided on
Exhibit "C", which is attached and made a part hereof.
IN WITNESS ti�IEP.EOF, the parties have caused these presents to be
: executed as of the day and year first above written.
� -9- .
� � - �IR�1
� . � APPROVED AS Tp FORM �. �-�� 12-28-7�
, � .
,� _ � By
_ � /J; , .-� ��----
�%!L'll.':�'r � ��:��, By �^ ,1
� � 'v i /�-� � ; j /'f'��;,� ���t/
In the Presence of; AppROVED AS TO /C� OF SAINT f L, NlINtJESOTA
/ , Y � -
"�'�c�,I s M.a , �
- -" / _
By -, �' 1 '�
. Its �Director,Depit,of Finance&Mgmt.Ser�
- In the Presence of: AMEF2ICAN NATIONAL BANK. �1ND ^_'RUST
�— COI��A
., • �
By �� S �Sc,��.�
s� ,
By l� �,�s__ �?�.:,_,�w,,,� .
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_ In the Presence of: = - � � '
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• " By � - `✓�.i `.�1/ � r � , .
/ "L C.�: � r..
In the Presence Of: �,c , � *
��,,,,-- " A.C. CLASEMA��T £ P_�.,C,C. , INC. . . _
� By � � '.,�..1a . _..
..+c� � _�
- By ..-�.G_..-�,�.m:o �c
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; In the Presence of: j ALLIED CENTRAI, STORES, ItdC. �
. <� � / �,,� ;
//� � � / � i By _ %��'/�
Y � ' � C�.�..�
J, '�__,� �/ _�'�;' �i',- -, J By
_ ,
In the Presence of: �
, • HILI� �ST DE I, IENT � ,�
� � �_ � - . ;
By �-�
. BY �'YU'-Z C'� `�_'" `z-�-Z.J �
, � .
• .,
-10- . ' .
.. . . . . .
• • ' �; �rc�z���nce OrdinanceNO. -• ��
�Pres.en ted By �t�.+. -_�/ �/ ' ' ' ' ,
- � . , �,��,�I
� . --�. ,,,_
� pe[erred To '' � � Committee: Daje
• Out of Committee Eiy � � ' � � Date '
. ' . .
� /�tt ORQS2rR�tCE Yr.Kt�lG P?OVtSt�rl TiiERE�R Atlp CRA!,Tt"!G L':lTO THE � ' '
iloUSS!;G ��� P.L•pE�'ELO;'1:c:1T t;:r3ilORiTY 4F 7F� C17Y L�F S�t�1T PAUL�
• F�!!�liFSOTA� A F11t1;:'cSOiA CCRPORp7'jp'1� �!!D !TS S�CC�SSO?S OR � • : �
� Asstr.r�S, PER»tSStCtt T� CC.,STRUr,T, :!AI;tT/1t�� �t;� L�PE�ATE THL - � �
' � � 11jTH1:: Ttk C0�'OP.AT� �!!t{7S OF T1:F Cliy 0� SAI��? P�JL; AEiD -
, ' . � �1y ACRaSS FAST 5EVF�fTN P?I,CE fl�Ttt�Et� TEii: t':T�P,ScC?1Ctt THE�E—
` � NtTN aF Z���y;JES�TA STRcET A!ID R(�3E�;T ST�CET, St1tD CVEP„{EaD
. • .
PEL`ES�RI�'T� PASSyGE�J.�Y 70 5� �'S;TEt;�cD �'P.0`; T}:c E�ZSTlNC
' . . ' . • BitEkER E�lILDttiG 0;! T'r!, SC:;TH SiCE OF EAST SEYE"�TH PL�lC�' ' •
�. . . . Y'0.D'J:lA,ti}SC:�'S Oil TlIE ti�,�.Tt; S I BE OF Er15 i .SE�i�t?:i Pu10E. . . .
'.. � 2� AL.RJSS R�SERT 57'r:E�T B�TU�Et� TH� 1?�TERS�CT10,i T�:�RENIT�3
� � •�. � � � : 0� EAST Sc'JctiCN PLACc A►?D E�rEi7fi 57REET� SAID O�dECN�AD '
� . � . . PEGESTF:ilt'i ?�;SS:;GE:J,'�Y. TQ 9E FXTE�IDiD �'P,�ti E�f3STlli; DO>ls,►D— �
,� � S0:'J�S 0:� Tf:� k1=ST S1-�E �F F���'F{j STnEcT TO T�i= i;�iPO 0.�•a -t u�
� • . . S�tlAitE Eti t LD i iiG Ctl i ffE E�S7 S f CE 0 F R03EitT S�R:ET. • � � n:
." � � r.��. �.:
- � 3� A��QSS CE�i,? STP.��T t3ET�,.rEE!� THE 1�sTFfiScCT10�I TNERE�aITi� cXS ,f,
. _, . OF �1',ST F�.:RT:'. STi cET !',}:D �.^.Si F� f?3� STr EEf, S�',t� OVEi— Rco o�
. . . tiEAD PEL�'cSTI;I.-",:`t Pr.SSaGC.L';�Y TO BE �XTEtJ��L� f�0;! Ti�iE Jrs «
, _ EXi57f►•F� Aif:LET1C C�U� �Utt�1:1G �:i T�lE EI,ST S10E QF � } ►�� •�;
. . . ' • � LEJ�R STI'.�ET 70 Tt�£ ltl.':�tES�TA ?itiTUAL 1.lF'E �UiLDi:tG 0� ?,f� . •M
. . - TF:E N�ST S 1 C: CF Cf DA� S7P.EET. . . • ,� . .�E . ,_;
' • ' r-�o. n.H
� . � �) t+CR'JSS EAST Ft�UZTf-t ST�r�T EET'h'c"Ett Tt�� t;JT�R;�L'T'lL,; T:��RE—
. 11ITH �� CE�;:�t STrEFT Afi.^. 'tlA�3r SHA STR=�T� S�1� Q`lERf:z.'�D -
. . , PEDL•STRIA;I P1t55f:C::�►AY �0 Ec EXTEt��£D FF'�0?', TN� EX1 S�1�EC
_ ti12�i:iES�Tr'1 E'.U;i�';�L l 1 FE Rli J LD 1�:G C.`1 THE NO�TN S!►".F OF FASI' � �
� � • FOtJRTH STR�fT TO Ti�'c CEG�,"c� OF ,�:Ot�OR BUiL01�it; ON TtIE
• . �OI1TH SIDE 0� EAST FOJ6:TH STP.��T. ,. . �
. . � � . ' . . . ' . • : . • . : . �l .. . _'•.... . .. .
COU1�'CIL11F�' � -
� Yeas ha3•s ' � • ' T�equested by Departmen: of: . „ �
I3utlzr ' • .
. . Hozca - •. � itt Favor . .
Hunt � • .
l.e�•ine " B . �
Rordicr � � Against Y • •
Syh•estcr �. , � � . _ • . � : . _�
Tcdcsco " •. • • ,� . , . ' .
�dopted bl Council: Date Form Approved by City � ttorney •'' � .
�1 ,�� �
Certified Pa�sed b}� Council Secretarl� By � �_�1 !r..
By . • '�� -''-�' .' . . �
��ppcoved by :'�t�yor: Date ' Approved by 111ayor for $ubmission to Counci! �
gY . � . By ' ._ . . . . . ..
�. ; •
. ' .
. . .. _.._ _ .. . . - .'�---_. . .._— � -- •--- .�._,_. . .._ •�,._...... . _.._....... --•- •-- ------ �---- ---
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_ _ ;.'\ • � • • r� . ._
' .. . . . , - .. ,
�� 7l1E COU,1CiL OF TttE CITY.OF SAItlT PAUL DOES OROAIt�: � �J ����
, .•; , . . . .
_ . � • . , .. , . . .
- :. • . . . • Se�t I on 1 . . . • ' ' � •
� , , • .
:.� ' That� p�misslon and �uthortty hereby are granted to the Nouslnq and � -
. P.edevelapm�nt /luthority of the City of S�int Paul , Mlnnesota, a Minnesot�
eorpor�tion and/or its successors �n tntcrest to construct, naintain and .
operate the follo►iing overhead pedestrian passaqeways over publtc streets : _
. htithln the corporate lir.►tts of the Clty of Salnt Paul ; and •• .
: . 1) aeross East Seventh Piace between the Tntersection therewiLh of �
� . . Kln�esota Str�.et and Robert Street, said overhead pedestrlan ' '
passaeeway to� be exten�deZ f rom the ex 1 s t t nc� f3rc.�ner Bu 1 l d f ng on
. • � the south side of East Seventh Place to Donaldson`s on the north..
� • .slde of East Seventh Place. ' - :
' . . 2) . a�ross Rob�rt Street hetwePn the intersection tfierewTth of East
� Seventh Plac� and Eiahth Street, said overhead pedestrian pas- �
. � sageway to be extended from extsting Donaidson's on the west . �
' . � . side of Robert Street .to the Netro Square Bullding on the east
. side of P.oEert Street. . • .
across Ceclar!Street betw�en the intersectlon tfierewith of East
- . 3) . � .
Fourth Strect �nd Eas2 Fifth Street, said ovcrhead pedcstrian
p�ssage�.ay to be extended �ro� the existino Athletic Club 8ut �d- '
� • 1r�g on the cast si"de of Cedat Street to the Nlnnesata Mutual
LiTe 6u'ildi��g on the rrest siJe of Cedar Street. . ,
�) across Eas� Fau�tti Street bet►�een the interseciion tfierewlth o� -
Cedar Street and Nabasha Street, said overhead pedestrian pas- •
� S�oeway to �e exten�ed Trom the existinq �!inn�sota P.utu�l Llfe - �
Building on ti-,c north� side of East Fourth Strect to the Deoree
of Y,onor Suilding on the south sids of East Fourth Stree�.
. � . � :
. . � Sect f on 2. . • . • . � .
.� . � , . .
That the Director of Public �'orks is hcreby authortzed to Tssue -.
� necessary p�rrnits to s�ic� p°rr•�ittee, the Nousing and REdevelopnent
- � ' A+�Eho;ity fl` thc Clty oT Sai�t fai�1 , 1d;nn�sota, for the constri�ction,
�aintenar�ce, and operation of said overhead Redestrtan p�ssa�eways ac- .
c�rding to the plans a;�d spec�rications a�ptoved by the DepartR�ent of
- P�bltc �:orks and �t tt�c separate cost and expense of said pernittee,
• , u�on said pernit;e�'s cor��liance wtth the follo�•ring conditions. .
� " a. That said pernittce and/or tts successors in ir►terest shail ,
• �t Tts o�•.m cost .�nd er.��nse and in accordance wi th at l appl icaf�le ord- -
lnanccs of the City of Sa3nt Paul , statutcs of the State of Jdinnesota -
�nd regul�Lions of ���bl ic �ut'�ority havina cogniz�nce, construct, r�ain-
- • • t•aln� and operate said overhead �edestrlan passageti•;ays hereunder; . - :
�- b. that sa:� pe�r�tttee sfi�li pay the costs for the publlcatTon of
: t`h1s ordTn�nc;e; � . � ' � -
a= . : • . . • ,
. . . � , , . - . � k - : -^� .,_ •: ... r
. . .t , . . . . . .- �
� • - . • � � .� . . ' .
' � • � ' - ' '
t.. ,__ _ . ,
� • �. • , • . ' . ,
- ' ' . , ,
, • . • -
" ' _ .�. . . ;4� • ' f�_ ` . . � . • . . ' ' . . . -
_ � :!- � ' ' ' � .�.__�..--.'' - . � � � . .
. • . � �s . =J � �
. , . � ai , � .. .v
.,,' . � � � 7��'�� � .
�f � t. That sald pernittce shall p�y the costs of administration, �
• engincerTng, and inspection incurred by ihc Ocpartment of Publtc 1:orks
due to tf�is undertaking, siid cosLs are estir�ated to be a sum of Six
. . Ne�ndred Dollars (S600.00) for each overhead pedesLrlan passaoeway. noted � �
. � above and' shatl be accounted far under separate Departnent of Publi� � .
N�t'ks ProJect t�umbcrs; � , - . �
� d. That said permittee shali furnish the Department of PublTc . �
: � � �iorks a11 docunents of record, for each overhead pedestrian passageway,
. tfiat are a part of each contract or incidsntal to its execution Including,
_ but not limited to, addcndu.-�s, a�•�ard ot con�ract, contract amount� "as �
. built" plans, tractctgs and trac�ings of shop plans; ' -
� e„ That said permTttee shali construct each overhead pedestrian �
_ • . passageway io th� satisfactian of the Director of P�blic 1,'orks ond In . �
' � . �tcordance v�ith approvsd plans and sp�cifications of Lhe Housing and
_ � • Redevelopm�nt Authorlty of the �ity of Saint P�ul , Hinn�sota. Copies �
� •�. � of said plans ancl specificatio��s for each everhead p=destrian passage�ay '
' • hereunder are to be filed with the Dep�rtr�ent o` Public Works prior to •
�. . :. bldding. Such cor.struction shall be rad� in strict co^�pliance with the ' .
' Amerlcan Association ofi State HighY�ay �nd Transport�tton Officials .
• . �. (AASHTO) Specific�tions, as�amertded, �r.d tf�e Uniform Euflding Code and -
. . be authori2ed undzr a butlding pernit issued by the Departnent of
� � Com:nuntt} Scrvices,=-Division"`of Housing and Bullding Code Enforcement; _ .
� f. That �satd pernittee and�or its svccessors in interest shail � �
�ullr ircd�nCliTy� ►�010 �arnless, a�d de`End the City of Saint PauI , its
. �gents, officers and en�p�oye�s fro�n any and all o��ages, claims, losses,
� �udom�nts, sutts or expenses an� on account of al ! claic-zs of �rhatevert �
� ' nat�re for ir,,jury to Ferson�s) and/or property arising out of or con- .
- �. t�ected with the constr�ction, erection, raintenance, operation and/or � -
temovai of c�ch ov�rhead pedestrtan passageway hcrcunder; and that sup-
plement�l to all other obltnations, on their part, jointly an�/or
� - severally, here�nder-, said p�rntttee 2ndlor its successors in interest
shall f�r�ish anci :.�intain and pay all prPmiums and ot�er expenses rhere-
• for, Casualty ins�r�ncs Coverage, wtth a duly 1lcensed Casualty' lnsurance
' - .. Co�pany i� the extent of SS�o,000.00 for injury to any person and/or -
� � persflns in �n•f sir:gie incident, and to the' extent of S20Q,0��.00 for .
' � daraoe to pr�per�y 1n any sinal� accic�nt, indennifyinq the City of
Szint 1'ae:l ag�►inst ti�hi llty er. aceo��nt• aF al l el�ic�s of thi.-d pe-sans . •
� for in;ury t� petson(s) �nd/or property arising fren or connected a,tth
the consiruction, erectEon, 'r,t��ntenance, oper�tlon and%or rer:.ov�l of �
sald structures herevnder, at ali timti:5, and to furnish conpetent
� evTdence o= said COVBi'og�� �rcn tine tu tim�, to the DirecLor of Finance
�nd .tSana,ement Ser.�ices of : ihe Ctty of Saint Paul ; . , '
� g. That sald perm�tiee shal� not proceed with the applie�btz con-
; �truction unless �s�d until sald permittee shail h�ve fuily cortplted with '
- the provistons r�c��rding ins��r�ncc and indc�nification, c�ntained in the
Departn�nt of �'u3l•;c °.lorks� tity of S�lnt P�ul "Standard Supplen�ental
Specificatlons for l�Ig�tti�:ay Const:uc�lo�," dated Septenber 1 , t976, Section
nu�bered 130�.?_ far c�ch avcnc��d ped�strian p�ssa�eway notcd above. for -
the purpose of t�is OrdTr+�ncc, Lf�e afores�id Section of said Speciflc�ttons
sha11 bc rc:ad as ��aouyh thc word "pcmi ttce" r�as �ubsti tuted for the word .
. . � , + . .
. � , . .
. . . • . , . . . . . .. . . ��_ -•.:_._.:• _".
: -- . '-.� . ;.t_ .. » _.... ' _.. •�,- � .y � _-^r----- -^ ^
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• . \
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• � --- • . ..._.__.._.,. _r._.__-- ----_ M o��*�_�,,�,_,..
� _ ��,' .:i�. j
"contractor" wherever same appears therein. Section 13�5.2 of the PeFart- '
� tr�nt of Publtc uorks, C� ty of Saint Paul "Standard Supp)emental Speciftca-
;•• Lions for �tiShway Constructton" dated SepLember 1 , 1�76 is hereby incor-
: , porated herein by refer�nce as fully and as conpletely as if set forth .
hercin verbaiim. . • -
' ' � � h. � That said pefmittee and/or Tts successors �fn inierest, shali - �
among other things, at LheFr o�•m cost and expense, maf:e adequate and effec- �
. tTve provisions therefo r and drain ali motsture� rain and snow whTch shall
, � accumulate thereon by proper devlces through each overhead pedestrian
passageway noted above and in a manner so that the flowTng andlor spill �ng�
� ' : of s�ame on any parL of said sectio�s of sald publlc streets ar private � �
+ � property shall be prevented at all t1r..es. Sa1d perr�itiee and/or 1ts •
successors Tn interest shall maintain and operate each ove.rhead pedestriart
� �• � passaaeway at iLs sole co5t and exo�nse in a safe condition for pe�estrIan �
- , � � travei , such mai ntenance to i_ncl ude, but shal l not be -i imi ted .to, elass, - • �
floor, netal trtm, and hardv,are cleanina, eollshing, and replacerer�t; � �
• .� roof naintenance; reoatntinQ; _,-}ight bulb replaczment and light fixturz �
. . . . eleaning; and th� supply of heated and coo)ed air within each bridge to
� _ maintain terperature co�aarabte io that nornaiiy natntainea within heated
�� _: and air-conditioned rental office spaces; �
� T. ' Thai said permittee and/or its successors in Tnterest sha] t , at
� a1) tines, construct and .r.atntain all of the suoports of each overhead .
� � ; pedestrian passageway noted above entirely within the ltnes of the sub- '
Ject privare real estate and entirely wltho�t public street rinhts-of-
. - ►lay; ' ' . � '
� �. That said �per,:ii itee shal l notTfy t�e 7raffic Bureac� of the
. , D��artn�nt of Public ��!orks if the construction or maintenance of Lhe .
. � above overhead pedestrian passaaeways shal ) . r�a�e necessary tfie c�osing
' � of eerta�n publTc streets or any part ihereof; all expenses incurred : � '
. by the TraffJc Bureau in furnishino, instailing, or �e�oving barrica�es,• �
signs, and other control devi:,es shall be paid by the pernittee; .
� • k. . That said perr�ittee and/or its successors tn interest shail .
_ � • t►�t .rse any part of :he above overhead pedestrian Fass�geways for - .
:. �-� advertisrment or dis�lay purposes, �•rithout tnc h�ritten conser�t or Lhe , ,
• • • � City of Saint PauI and the application thereto of any advertisinq .
. ' ' � naterial or display sha� l be deemed prohibiLed by this Ordinance; ' _ ��
� 1; That said permltt_e. and/or 1ts successors in lnterest shall , :
. . . . ' D
. . af a�l ertinent tires, 1� thP co�struction, malr.ter.ante, and operation
of eath averhead pedest+'ian.passac�ti•�ay hercunder, pravide respectively �
a mtninu�� vertjeal elearance of at ieast 17' 3" on the bridges across �
Cedar Strcet an� acrass East Fourth Strcet and �t least 17` �" on the
bridges across East Sevznth Flace and across Robcrt Street bet�.een an�
. thro�ghout the course, of the bottom of said structures and the su�r-face �
of satd sections o` pub) Tc streets � excPpt as may be altered by the
C1 ty's f�ture street �•�ork; , ��
• m. That sa1� p�rmtttee expressly agrees to compiy wlth Chapter . -�
� 216 �of t?�c S�1r�i Paul Lecislative Code, as amended, pertaintng to�
' street obstructtor,s; . .. • ��
• � n: 'T�at sald permt�tt�e and/or Tts successors in interest shall '
. compleie ihe con5truction and erection of each overhe�d pedestrian _ .
. . , . � . . .. - • -
• • . � . . . •
• . • . , � . ,
- . ; � • � . • •
� ' .
• • • � � � .
. . I`r� � . ' �, • _ ' t' F � •
: . �? / -� .�`(�
� passageway by not jstcr th�n one ()) ycar aftcr cor�.Tencement of construc-
' , Lton. SaTd cor�nenccncnt shatl bc evidcnced by Pu51fc l/orks' reccipt of
a writtcn notific�tion thercof� �nd sha11 bc dated thereln, as further
� � provided for u:tder Paragraph (o) beiow; . . �
. . . ,. . , .
• � o. 7hat satd permlttee shalt notify the Brldqe EngTneer o� the
� . Departr�ent of Publ ic llorks before �nd when constructton h�s been com-
� pleted to ailo� for a fJna1 inspection of each overhead pedesirian
Passageway he reunder; . •
, p. That each ovcrhead pedes.trfan passage►•�ay hereunder sha1T be
. removeJ by and at the so)e cosx and expense of said perntttee andJor
. lts succcssors in interest whenever the Council of the City of Saint
• . ' Paut shall by Resolution determine such rerr:oval necessary in the pubTie
, Interest and accordingly order the t-emoval of sal.d siructure fro:n said �
. location; • . , � ;
. , .. . q. 'Fhat sald. permitiee shall , within the perio� af 10 days after
the publlcation of thTs Ordinarce, ftle with the City Clerk its �•rritten
� . . aeteptance of this Ordfnance and agreement �o be bound by a11 the
. . . . . provIstors, terms �nd conditions thereof r�ithout iinitatfon which .
� '. � wrltten instrunent of accept�nce-and agreement shall -be in the f�rm � . '
approved b y tf�e C J t y� A t t orney; • �
� �. Th�t upon �;�e execution of an Agreenent by and betr�een the CTty
: . : � of Satnt Paul , •the Navsino and kcdeveIo��ent Authority of the City of ' '
- ; _• .. , Saint' Paul , r;fnnesota, and the a�pl ic�51e bui ldino/property ovm�rs
- tespe�tlnq the aforesald pedestrlan passag�ways noted above, the per- ' �
. mfttce being th_e Housing and P.edevelopr,,ent Auth�rity of th� City of }
; - . Saint Pau1 , tiinnesota, slial l be rei ieved of �ny further obl ig�ticn '
- � under the terms of this Ordinance, and the successors in interest of
. the permittee, T.e. the applic�ble bulldlna/proaerty o�rnPrs respzcting
. the aforesaiu ove�head pedestrlan p�ssaaeways� as noted above shait be
Yespansib)c for psying the insurance premiu�s for the overhead pedes-
trIan p�ssa,eway(s) . co�r,�cting th�ir but )dings and a)so for providing
. . � the natntenance and op�ration sam�; • .
. -
. . s. � Tfiat upon the t�ousing and RedeveTopment Authority's conveyance �
- ' of its obli�attons ur.der ihe te ms of this Ordtnance ta the above �
� s�ccesso�s in Tn*_�rest, said per-r�ittee's successcrs in interest shall
furn)s6 Lnd delJver un:o ttie City o` Saint Paul a Surety E,�nd in �the �
arr�u;�t o� Fi fiy 7:�ousand DoT lars ($50,Q�0.00) for each con letp �
. hc�d edcstrian P d over- �
. p passa�e�,�ay (brtdge) here��ndcr, made �nd execute� by
. ' sa1d permittee's successors in interest as Principai , and a Co�porate �
. Surcty Co�.�pany duly au�horized to transact business tn the State of
� - -- t�tnnesota as Surety� to a�d in favor of the City of Saint Paul as .
obllgAe, condltloned up�n th� permlttee's successors tn interest
c�.flmptying �•�ith the tems and condltions of this Ordinance and aTso �
- _ � eondltioned th�t, tn the event the Fernittee's success�rs in interest �
.� fai ) to r.-.��r;*atn or •repatr sald ovcrhe�d pcdc.strian pass�geway to a '
: � ' rcasonable standard of safety,� or f�il to rcr�ve said overhe�d �
. passaoe�•!ay ���o.� ordcr by tne Co��r.cil , the City of �S�int P�uI mayeunderj�n
� tal:e the nalntenance, �epair, or rem�val thereo` and may recover its �
� reasonahlc cost incurred thereby from s�ic; surety, y�}�Ich Surety Bond
:� sh�ll rcn�in in fu11 force and effect as ionc� as said c,verhead p�;destrfan
� pa:s�geti•ray or any p�rt ther.cof renatns in th�t portion of publ ie rtght-
• � ; - � . •
' .. . -.- --.:�---- •,--• . �"' . ,-•.-- •. . � ..:. . .. � . ._ . .. . ..__:. ..-- -_--...,.--�._t. �=t-�-----�----
. . . . _. ►
. '. ' . � � � . M � - j � � .
� _ .. ��� • : ' . . . � .
• - . � . ' . . � -
� • . , . '
• , �f�`����j���C(�' Ordinancc N 0. � `v JV�c�� ,
� .' . . . , , ,
resented By . �
. Referred To . Committee: Date '.
Out of Committee By � Date
. , " . .
• ef-uay as sho*rn on plans to bn fi icd �r1th tt�c OE�artrr.ent of Pub1 ic 1,�rlcs.
' Th� Surciy Bozd sh�ll bc in fom r�s sh�Il b� approvcd by tha City Attorney,
and shall h�ve such surety as sh�ll bs approvEd by Lho Diractor of �'IQSnce -
and h'anag�ent Servlces; . _ . -
L. Tt�at said perntttc� and/or Its sz�cccssors Tn intcrest shatl submTt
• pro�o�ed pl�ns and sn�ciricattor�s to tha T��parir•.�nt of P�b) ic tlor3cs for rc° .
Y1e►r and a�proval of �n� intend�cl stt-�c�ura3 re�afrs or r.:�Jor ��tntcnanca �
- e,�ork on each �ridQ� befor� any suci� •�ror�c �s c�rrlsd out� Urc,n eorp�ciion
� ,f .of svch sirueturr,l rc�a i� approved ny tH� L'cp�rLnsnt of Fubl t e Wor�s, per- •
r•.anent reproduclbia tr�cInns sh�i 1 be f�rr+tst�ed th� R�partr^rnt shokinc� iche
.� �rork done �ad ma�-ktd wI th any "as bai 1 t" chan�es, as Nei� �s reproducibje '
' � shop drawi ng Lraci ngs ot the sa��e; � . -
� ' n. �7hat sald p�tnTtteE shall suSr�T� Lt�e r+�tessary insuranca dacu- .
rents to tfi� arf;c� Eaain�er of th� Lcpar*r:��►t oi` Pt:bl tc t,orks for Fach
. ovet'head p�de�trt�n pass���:ra�y hereundare Th� O��fce ErcJ�r,ecr In t�}rn
• . sha1� subr..it s�id �oc�T�nts _to�the City Atras�nzy of L�e Ctty ot Saint rau2
. �For revleH and, !r �aic� tnsuranc� is suf�tcien�, ��id docu��tis sh�� i b� --
. �. spproprla:�ly file� wlth rhs Director o�` Fin��c� and F.anagz�:nt Senrtces :
- . - " of Lhe C�ty of S�int P�u3. . • .
. . . . � . _ , * . R .
. . Secticn 3. . � � . �
� Tttat ttits Qrdinan�e sh�jl t��e �f►`ect anc� b� in force thlrtjt (30j
. days fras� �r,d a�ter �Zs �ss��e� approva� �tnd pu�] i cat f nn� :
:b � . � ' � .
� COUNCILI?FN � . Requested by Deyartmer►. of:
fe�s . . Na3,s � . � .
�� Butler Publ #c �,arks .
- Houa � In Favor —'. • . _ . �
iiunt � f
y � /- � t � - ''1..� !.�.[ � � r•
� Levine � Against B ' —
Roe d i cr Dantcl J. Dun.�ot'd. D�cecLvr (7JE/i��
: Syfvtstcr � �
:_�Tcdtsco I�
- ' }i(�\1 '3 �g'j� Form Approved by Ci.y Attorney
�dopted by Couacil: Date , � : : ;' _ / ' • '
! • `i': �,' , .,i
;ertified Passed by Council Secretary By ' . „
sy , �;'— � ~�` �`� - ' . .
tt�V AQproved by hT�yor fvr Submission to Cauncil
1p�roved b};bI:►yor: Datc . ' • .
By .. .. . ._ . . _ By . .. _... . _. .... _� . . .. __..^. ._ .... ... .
, - . . . �b_�
_._ ... __... _.___.__ .._ ., . .
. � � • � . � - � � . � _ � � � -
� � - . . � � .
• ' . r .�.. . 1 . . .
. - ... . . ' � _' � . . _ -. : � '
� . � ' • , • . . • � -
. - � ' . � . . � . . . - .�J
•�-.= .::. . , , • •� • .�
� • � 7 ����
. _ � .
� • Ei�iI�3IT � .
�. The grant of easer.ients �ursuant to paragraph 10 of that .certain �
Skywav Agrezment dated , 1977 , to which this
. _•.
. docur^,ent is an Exhibit, shall be subjec� to the follo��ring rules,
- =egulatior�s and standarns of conduct which shall be enforceable by �
' the grantors of sayd easen�n� areas by any action of la�� or in equity �
or by way of ejecting tRe ofTending person �or persons from the ease- �
. �ent areas. � . _ ' _ . _
. j _ • _ . .
� - . WHEREAS, Ii� and `he Ci�y, �irst parties, have agreed to construct
� � certain skya�ay. bridges across Sevznth Stree� and Robert Street in
St. Paul, Mir_nesota, in o=der to connect the buildings cor,u:�only knoc•n
. as tne Brem�r .�rcade Bnild�ng, Doraldso:� Departn�nt Store Buil.ding ar�d
� HIetro Square Building to t::z St. Paul skyway sys�er:.; ancl
Yi'dEREAS, first par`ies ar.d second parties ha�e a�reed that second
parties shall grant certain ease:;�er.ts through their respective build?ngs
. ' to �h� �publie in order to connAct the said sky��ay bridges with a •
pedestrian passage;•:ay; a:�d . .
• : �5�i£P�AS, said e�52?'i!�nt areas, when �he same are surve��ed and laid
: outj ��ill, in sone ins�ances, be zdjacent to re�ail selling areas of �
'- 'the grantors as unenclosed: aisles; and ' _ �
� � �•I�?E?�.F.AS, grantors have pror.u?c;ated certain rules, regulations ar.d '
standa�ds of conduct i� OrQ2?' to insure thz co.2merci�Z 'integr?ty of �
gran�.ors, tneir successors ar.d assigns and other business invite�s,
� tenants and custo:aers o� grantors. �• ' �
. 2J0:7, THLREtORE, the rollowing ru?es, r�gulations and standa�ds
., . .
of conauct shall prevail in, over and upon the easenent areas, violation
of whicn s�all be grou�ds, among other' things, to eject the violating
person or persons from th2 easenent areas and th� prer.iises of grantors.
1. No person shall cor:u�it any lewd, obscene, imr�oral or illegal
• • act. . �
� � � , •
2. No person shall conduc� him o� herself in any loud, boisterous
. or disru�tive nar.ner.
� � 3. Ivo person nal carry on or conduct any activity c,;hich amounts
� to a nuisance. .
' � � , � •
�.♦ ... ,
. � . � ,
4 . No person shall block access to a;:d from the easement are�s
, , or otherwise i*:terfere c�ith tr.e free flow of pedestrian traffi.c
. within the ea�er..�n� areas. �
5. ' No person sha?1 consume food or b�verages within the easement
areas .
6. No person shall sit or lay withir. th� ease�nent areas or -
t�nreasonablX loiter therein. "
7. No person shall b� p�rmitted to advertise any cause or
� proc?u�t �rithir_ �'r.� eas�r�ent arzas, r.or shall any person
_ carry any placa=ds, sig�s nor hand out literatt:��, hand-
bills, leaflets or any other written or printed material
. � � of any Y,.ind wh,�soever. � � ' • . . .
8. . No p�rson shall solicit funds for any purpose nor sha11 any
�. person be pe r.*iitted to solicit signatures or circulate
� � petitions for sigrature within �he easenent areas. -
9. N� person _shall _a�:ionstrate or picket taithin the easem�n�
areas, irresa_ct?ve of the purpose or cause, nor shall . ' .
• � organized grou�s or individuals be pe�nitted to narc;�, '
chant, , sing, or dnmonstrate for any purpose whatsoev�r.
10. No loud sp�akers, bullhorns or souzc� a��lifications o� any
k3nd whatsoever s:zall be perr•iitied to bz used within the .
ease;aent areas.
' - 11. No pzr�or., fir�, corporation, partnership nor any �
� govern;::enLal agency sha�l be gran��C any concession, license,
p�rrait, cra:�t o= 3uLhority, eas��er.� or franchise to se?l,
� barLer, ver.d, �eddlz, cistribut�, solicit or give anything
whatsoever wit'r.�n the easerr�e:�t areas.
In addition to tne foregoing, grantors res�rve the righ�t to .
pro►ulgate suc;� furtnzr and addit�onal rules and. regulations as �a?11,
in grantors' collectiv� judc:;���t, maintai;� �he co►-�::�srcial integri�y
of grantors and their successors ar_d assigns and advance tha '
convznien�� oi` gran�ors ' �er.an�s , busin�ss invitees and customzrs. �
. �
. �
. . . , . .
_ � , '�: . , • � ' . .
. • . • '
� �� EXHIIIIT C � �
This Exhibit C to be attached to and made a part of that
certain Skyway Agreement dated the day of
� .. ,
1977, by and between the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of
� � the Cit�t of �St. Paul and the City of St. Paul, first parties, and
• ' � � the American Natibnal Bank and Trust Company; ANB Realty Corporation;
. A. C. Claseman and Associates, Inc. ; Alstores Realty Corporation;
. � Allied Central Stozes�, Inc. and Hillcrest Deveiopment.
That the grant of easement pursuant to paragraph 10 of the
� above-referenced Skycaay -Agreement shall be limited, pursuant to '
paragraph 11 of said Skyway Agreement, to only the following days
.. .. }
. and hours during which said skyway bridges and easements shall be '
open, and said easements shall exist only during the following days
and hours: .
.� A. The said sky��ay bridges shall be open and the easements �
•. . shall exist during and coincidental with the regular �
� hours during which the Donaldson' s Department Store
: building is open to the public for business.
' � B. That the skyway bridge over Robert Street, connecting .
, � ' the Donaldson' s, Department Store building and the
� _ . , Metro Square Building and the grant of easement over
� .� - certair_ portions of the Metro Square Building shall be
' open and shall exist in accordance with paragraph A �
hereinabove except that the bridge and easement� described
. in this paragraph B shall close and shall not exist
. , _ �... ..: .
subsequent to six o'clock p.m. , Monday through Friday
and Saturdays, Sundays and holidays. �
. . • . .
., I ' 1 , � ✓] V � �{^- V
� V
•r 1
OOUGI�►5 J.C�►RNE`I �7
MARK T. SOLSTAO . Tanuary 16 � 19 /$
i�Ir. Terrence J. Garvey
Assistant General Counsel
Housing & Redevelopment Authority
55 East Fifth Street -
St. Paul, MN 55101 - f -
Mr. Bruce G. Odlaug. " .
Attorney �
332 Hamm Buildir�g
St. Paul, MN 55102
� •
i�ir. Russell Sudeith � .
�•� - lOth Floor
First National Bank Building
St. Paul, r�T 55101 _
Re: St. Paul Skyway Agreement
' Gentlemen: � '
As you perhaps kr..ow, our client, Allied Central Stores , Inc. ,
has submitted the final draft of the Skyway Agreement to its parent
� corporation in New York for their review. Several questions have
been raised by this review and Mr. Garvey and I have discussed these
matters by telephone. This letter shall serve as a modification of
and amendment to the Skyway Agreement in order to resolve certain
issues without creating the necessity for preparation of a formal
amendment to the Agreement. If the contents of this letter are
acceptable to you, please indicate your acceptance with your clients '
signatures on the signature lines herein below.
One of the questions which has been raised is the application
of the proceeds from the fire and extended coverage insurance in the
event of the destruction or damage to the skyway bridge. The Skyway
Agreement appears ambiguous in this regard and, based upon my dis-
cussions with Mr. Garvey and with Mr. Odlaug, I believe the most
reasonable interpretation of the Agreement as. it relates to this
matter is as follows:
l. With regard to public liability insurance, the respective
building owners (second parties to the Skyway Agreement) and the
. . . , •
� Januar 16 , 1978
Messrs. Garvey, Odlaug and Sudeith Page 2 y
Housing & Redevelopment authority and theiderytofantex sti glpol cy.
co-insureds on said insurance policy or r.
With respect to f ire and extended coverage on the skywaY
bridge itself, each building owner will be the sole insured for its
respective portion of the skyway bridge.
3. In the event a bridge is damaged or destroyed and �
a. The Ci-ty Counsel does not order the bridge re�noved
(pursuant.. to §2, 1F� of the City of St. Paul Ordinance
�16362) and •
b. If such destruction or damage occurse�thin twenty-five
years from the date of the Skyway Agreem ,
then the insurance proceeds shall� be used to rebuild and repair}the
skyway bridge.
4. In the event a bridge is damaged or� destroyed and
a. The City Counsel orders the bridge removed or
. b. The damage or destruction occursasuAs�e�entto twenty-
; ' . five years from the date of the Skyw y g
� then the easements granted by second parties shall terminate and the
� Skyway Agreement sha�l terminate and the insured shall retain the in-
. surance proceeds. �
, A second matter which requires clarificaWhichlhaslbeeneattached
the ordinance number of the City of St. Paul
� to the Skyway Agreement as Exhibit A• orrectlb�beenfstatedkasan26992�
Agreement, the ordinance number has inc Y
(�ahich is the City Counsel file number) instead of the accurate ordinance
number which is #16362.
_ A third matter that requires attentAo�e�entn (building owners)
in order that the second parties to the g ara-
can adequately make future plans, it is impera� �en�at Accord ngly,
meters be agreed upon by all parties to the Ag
- in
the event said skyway bridges have not been compl�e�ent ttheeSkYWay
of two years subsequent to the date of the Skyway g �nted b second
. Agreement shall become null and void aa�etandebe ofnno force or effect
� parties (building owners) shall termin
whatsoever; provided, however , that in the event the City or HRA shall
� or performing any act
be delayed or hindered in kr areAe�ee-ent bydreason of strikes , lock-
or thing required by the S yw y g rocure
outs, casualties, acts of God, labor troubles, inability to p
. " , • � . . Y,� 1l � ���
. . �
Messrs. Garvey, Odlaug and Sudeith Page 3 January 16, 1978
materials, failure of power, riots , insurrection, war or other causes
beyond the reasonable cantrol of HRA and the City, then the completion
of said skyway bridges shall be excused for the period of delay and
the period for the completion of the skyway bridges shall be extended
for a period equivalent to the period of such delay.
The fourth matter requiring attention in this letter is that
-it is understood that the Sk�caay Agreement and the easements grarited
by second parties shall be subject to .the- ground leases of second
parties as referred to in the. 5kyway Agreement and prior mortgage
encumbrances. - -
Finally, it is agreed that in the event any of second parties sell
their buildings and assign their interest in their respective ground
leases and improvements thereon; or, in the event of termination of any
of the second parties ' ground leases, pursuant to the terms thereof; or,
in the event of a foreclosure by tl�e mortgagee of any mortgage which is
or may becom� a lien on any of the prenises of second parties; that then
and in any of the foregoing events , the second party so assigning its
interest; or the second party whose lease is terminated; or the second
party whose mortgage is foreclosed shall be deemed released from any
and all liability and obligations of the said Skyway Agreement and
all attachments thereto including the City of St. Paul, Minnesota �
. Ordinance �16362.
Very truly yours,
for --
AFPRUVID AS 21D F'OI� !,�-�-�-�� �� "� APPI�VED AS 'it� FOld�'i� .�. C �----�
� � . . .
�/� � r,
g ��-'=�, %'/�--_ B ��ti� �.. , 'Ll��--�
y ' "T- Its o�'� - .
/; i � .J �
By -;y',���=�;.�„ ;�i�.���:���,,� -- By�� �1r�. ..�.� ..--
Its Direc�or`,Dept.of Finance&.Mqmt.Servi.c
. ; � � �}
; �
..\ . �r �� �, i
t � �' � I
BY \ � :L-•— � �S C��L� By ;�'��` ;,i i \; ,�- z''
� �, -
By �Y
� �
y ��. � I ' , • � . . � i../ � (S �V ' .
f 0
.. �� '•
Messrs. Garvey, Odlaug and Sudeith Page 4 January 16, 1978
& ASSOC. ,
By � Y
i���i�i�� �
By . BY ���'�` � '
�. /
By - , .BY i /
� il�:2�'�� �
gy �C�.�`}'V'''�- � • BY