278839 M�HITE - CI7V CLERK ����(��
• . Co cil Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
WHEREAS, The City Hall and Court House is owned by the City of
Saint Paul and the County of Ramsey, and the costs of operation and
management of the City Hall and Court House is shared by them in
such proportion as specified by state law; and
WHEREAS, The management of the City Hall and Court Hause is
instilled in the Joint City Hall and Court House Commission estab-
lished by state law, and the Commission recommends that the City
Hall and Court House facility contract for its heating requirements
from the District Heating Development Company; and
T�HEREAS, The City Hall and Court House will have to be converted
in such a manner as to receive and utilize the hot water heating
services pursuant to contract with the District Heating Development
Compan_y, the costs of such conversion to be shared by the City and
� County in the same proportion as are the annual operation and
maintenance expenses; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does here-
by approve and authorize the Joint City Hall and Court House Coin-
mission to enter into an agree�nent with District Heating Development
Companv, a Minnesota nonprofit corporation for hot water heating for
the City Hall and Court House, a copy of said agreement to be
maintained on file in the office of the Department of Finance and
P�anager�lent Services .
COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas F��h� Nays
Levine In Favor
Nicosia '� gy
_ __ Against
w� � i � ,982 Form Ap ro ed by City A or ey
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified a -�b_y Counc cr BY
By �'`'�1 �
t�pproved : av r: Date � � 6 Z Ap ove by Mayor f r Sub 'ss' n to Council
By By
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C'o���,�1 .�Zesc�l�ti�� __—
Presented By ------ — ---- – — —
Refe.rred To __._ _ Committee: Date —
Out of Committee �3y_ — - Date
RE�OLVED, That the CounCil of the City of Saint Paul does
hereby approve hot water delivery agreements between the City and
District Heating Development Company, whereby the City agrees to
purchase its heating requirements for the following buildings
owned by the City, and the Mayor and Director of- Finance and
Management Services are hereby authorized to execute the �agree-
rnents on behalf of the City of Saint Paul. The buildings se.rved
by said agreements are:
City Hall Annex, 15 W. Kellogg Blvd.
Public Health Center, 555 Cedar Street
-Public Safety, 101 East lOth Street
Public Safety Annex, 100 East lOth Street
Public Library, 90 �•�est 4th Street
Capital Center Plaza, 9 East 5th Street
COU!�tCIL11EN Requested y Uepartment of: �
Yc�r�s Na}�s �
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Ir, Favor , - ,1---- - �- --- 1;�;' --------,—
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Form Approied by City Abt�c rney r
;lcloptcd t,y Counci!: Uate ------- ---- f �'� , , f/�
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Cc•rtificd { assed by Counc:il Secretary F3Y --_��,._i,� ��_i:{�__ ___
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Appro.�d+ Mayor for Submi 5ior to �ounci!
A�,p ro.ed bg ;41 a v o r: D a t e --------------- ---- � .�
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e,;_ue_ _ .�,aYOrj File N�. t
C'a��c�l es�l����� �
F'res en t ed �3y --.------ — ------
Referred To _. Committee: Date
Out of Committee By ___ Date
WHEREAS, The City Hall. and Court House is owned by the City of
Saint Paul and the County of Ramsey, and the costs of operation and
management ot the City Ha11 and Court House is shared by them in
such proportion as specified by state law; and
WHEREAS, The management of the City Hall and Court House is
instilled in the Joint City Hall and Court House Commission estab-
lished by state law, and the Commission recommends that the City
Hall and Court House facility contract for its heating requirements
from the District Heating Development Company; and
T�?HEREAS, The City Hall and Court House will have to be converted
in such a manner as ta receive and utilize the hot water heating
services pursuant to contract with the District Heating Development
Company, the eosts of such conversion to be shared by the City and .
Count_y in the same proportion as are the annual operation and
maintenance expenses; now,, therefore, he it
RESOLVED, That the Council of tr�e City of Saint Paul does here-
by approve and authorize the Joint City Hall and Cour�t House Com-
mission to enter into an agreement with District Heating Development
Corapan��, a Minnesota nonprofit corporation for- hot water heatinq for
the City I3all and Court House, a copy of said agreement to be
maintained on file in the office of the Department of Finance and
P�-sanagefaent Services .
Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays �
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- -- A gai n s t I By _ ",�,f t. ` -�-��'�'� ,�,- --
Form Ap rou�ed�by City AtY'orr�ey ���
Adopted b�� Council: Date —_ _ _ / /
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Certified Yassed by C�un<:il Secretary BY -- ��� ''j''"'` � '`�
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/lpproved by ;1lavor: Date —_—___.___— __ App ov_ by Mayor foi Subg��ss on to Council
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