278838 �����
FINAL ORDER I ,� � „�'
File No. �`r��� �� �-���Z
af sid�ralks
tn the Matter of rfc�nrtYvatianiand wos1� ioja3�i��1 tbr�rste of t� lotivMi�or�s�_ -. - • -- .
Order Project Votin� Ward
S-10943 North side FRONT AVENUE fro�r Galtier Street to West 60'+ 5
tlest side GALTIER STREET from Front Avenue to North 130'+
5-10944 North side W.CALIFORNIA AVENUE from Oxford St. to West 63'+ 5
S-10945 West side MACKUBIN STREET from Laurel Ave. to Selby Ave. 1
S-10946 North si:de CP.RROLL AVENUE at 1869, 1871 , 1867, & 1857 Carroll 4
South side CARROLL AVENUE at 1902, 1908, & 1832 Carroll
109� �. ,' B � �., s. `' E - ...St. . o st .
, ._ _ -
0948 a side BRIMHA VE f R, dolp to . . , 7'
t ,'8 ha &`` 50, 2 , S, � rimh 11 a u ting _ �,--
20 to �24, �Xaper & �Parker's A`dd,ktion) __
5-10949 East side of JALY STREET from 3ames Ave. �o Palace Ave. 2
S-10950 East side of ERIE STREET from W. Seventh St. to Grace St. 2
S-10951 Botn sides of W. HOYT AVENUE frtmi Chatsworth St. to North �
Oxford Street.
...e� •_ �� °m` �xi t'on_.. y,,w.t . �la, _
5-10953 South side of E. NEBRASKA AVE. from Flandrau St. to West 133' 6
S-10954 Both sides of PALACE AVE. from Milton Ave. to Chatsworth Ave. 2
S-10955 South side of PORTI.AND AVE. from N. Saratoga St. to East 150' 4
at 1514 Portland Ave.
S-10956 South side of PORTLAND AVE• from N. Wheeler St. to West 20s' 4
South side of PORTLAND AVE. from Fai�view East 140'
5-10957 Both sides of ST. ALBANS ST. from Charles Ave . to Thomas Ave. 1
South side of EDMUND AVENUE from St. Albans St. to East 56'
S-10958 South side of ST. CLAIR AVENUE from Davern St. to Wheeler St. 3
S-10959 East side of SARATOGA AVENL�E from Laurel Ave. to Hague Ave. 4
5-10960 Both sides of YORK AVENUE from Flandrau St. to Kennard St. 6
S-10961 Both sides of WEBSTER STREET from W. Seventh St to Jefferson 2
�` - `� w,���„ � PUBUSN�D J U(1��Z'�'��:�
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Honorable City Council of St. Paul , Mn.
The undersigned Property Owners on West Hoyt Ave. from Lexington Pkwy to
No. Dunlap Str. object to the installation of a new sidewalk. We are mostly
Retired Families and in our opinion the existing sidewalk is satisfactory.
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Honorabl e Ci ty Counci 1 of St. Paul , Mn. "°r`�""'S"""
The undersigned Property Owners on West Hoyt Ave. from Lexington Pkwy to
No. Dunlap Str. object to the installation of a new sidewalk. We are mostly
' Retired Families and in our opinion the existing sidewalk is satisfactory.
�F; sIOGW►�LK C?DNS ? ni t/GT/ ON ��.E Jll�. S-/C►�s a x'� �r 3
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TO COUNCIL: May 18, 1982
llate of Hearing Description Cost
6/15/82 In the matter of sidewalk reconstruction
and work incidental thereto of the following:
� Votin� War
5-10943 No�r'th side FRONT AVENUE from Galtier Street to West 60'� 5
West �ide GALTIER STREET from Front Avenue to North 130'+
S-10944 North side W,CALIFORNIA AVENUE from Oxford St. to West 63'+ 5
5-10945 West side MACKUBIN STREET from Laurel Ave, to Selby Ave. 1
S-10946 North side CARROLL AVENUE at 1869, 1871 , 1$67, & 1857 Carroll 4
South side CARROLL AVENUE at 1902, 1908, & 1832 Carroll
S-10947 Botti sides GOODRICH AVENUE from Dale St. to East 750'+ 2
5-10948 East side of BRIMFiALL AVENUE from Randolph Ave. to North 107'' 3
at 476 Brimhall & 450, 442, 438, & 432 Brimhall (abutting Lots
20 to 24, Draper & Parker's Addition)
S-10949 East side of DALY STREET from James Ave. to Palace Ave. 2
S-10950 East side of ERIE STREE'T from W. Seventh St. to Grace St. 2
S-10951 Both sides of W, HOYT AVENUE frt�in Chatsworth St. to North 5
Oxford Street.
S-10952 Both sides of W. HOYT AVENUE from Lexington Pkwy. to N. Dunlap 5
S-10953 South side of E. NEBRASKA AVE, from Flandrau St. to West 133' 6
S-10954 Both sides of PALACE AVE. from Milton Ave. to Chatsworth Ave. 2
S-10955 South side of PORTLAND AVE. from N. Saratoga St. to East 150' 4
at 1514 Portland Ave.
S-10956 South side of PORTLAND AVE. from N. Wheeler St. to West 205' 4
South side of PORTLAND AVE. from Fairview East 140'
S-10957 Both sides of ST. ALBANS ST. from Charles Ave. to Thomas Ave. 1
South side of EDMUND AVENUE from St. Albans St. to East 56'
S-10958 South side of ST. CLAIR AVENUE from Davern St. to Wheeler St. 3
S-10959 East side of SARATOGA AVENUE from Laurel Ave. to Hague Ave. 4
S-10960 Both sides of YORK AVENUE from Flandrau St. to Kennard St. 6
S-10961 33oth sides of WEBSTER STREET from W. Seventh St to Jefferson 2
$10.00 per lineal foot - S feet wide (1, 2, 3 , Family) New Constructi
$ 5.00 per lineal foot - 5 feet wide (1 , 2, 3, Family) Reconstruction
COMMERCIAL RATE: (All property other ttian Residential)
100%. of actual cost - estimated to be $3.00 per square foot
. __ ---- --- -- --_ ..
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PUBL. I � H � �► RI �I � �JC� �' I � � �'��b����
SIDEWA►LK � C� N �T � �J �CTIC� �
D� 5 ri.c I'larGnin�; (,'ouncjl. ll 9
� � �.., � N �. S-10961
P�G �
To deeicii: on wl�etl�er t<> �'�roe�rE�cl �,�iCh i�e�•cinsrr��et �i�,n nt� rh��
£oll���win�; siclewalk orclers:
Both sides of WEBSTER STREET from W. Seventh Str.eet to
(��,.1 � � �,�C�.
�.c� � ,��r �� r�
�,,,���� '� G Tuesday, June 15, 1982, 10:00 A.M.
City Cotincil Ch<zmbers, 3rd FI_oor City Elall-Court House
If the Cotmcll approves the orders (or any part tliereof,
a porlion of tt�e costs will. be assessed (after construction)
against benc�fittecl properties. The esti_mated assessments
for ttii.s project are as follows:
� � �� � � ���`� New construct ion (where no wal k ex i sted) $10.00* ��er
front foot.
������A���� Replacement of old wal.k--$5.00* per fronC foot.
*Please note that Resi_dentia]. rates are based on the
construction of <:i 5-foot wide sidewa].k; all extra width
sidewalks wi.1.1 be pror.ated acc���rding].y.
COMMI;RCIAL rates (zl.l_ property other than residential.)
100% of acttial cost estimated t:o be approximately $3.00
per square fooC of walk cc�nstructed. ,
Construction: 298-2455 Assessments: 292-7029
�u � �'�`)O A1 c Also, City staff will be avail.able to answer any last minute
����� quest:ions on th:Ls project in thc City Council Chamb�rs from
9:30 to 1.0:UO A.rf. the same day as the liearing. �
by the Valuation and Assessment Divisj.on
Notice sent May 28, 1982, Department of Flnance and Management Services
Itoom 21.8 City Hal1-Court House
St. Paul, Mi_nnesota 55102 •
� `�. P �► U �. � � �' 1� � C� �J �l � i �. ��= �-�-�-�.�
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PU6LIC t� � A � IfVC �1 � � 1 �: � 2`�����
51DEWALK CON �`� � U � TI� C�
D ri.ct Pl ar�nin� Couttci.l. �12
F I L. E N Q. S-10960
PA� �
To dec�ide on wheCher Lo proceed with reconsLruct�on ��fi tlie
following sidewa l k c,rde�-s:
Both sides of YORK AVENUE from Flandrau Street to Kennard
Ll7C �►�' IC� N
: , :
�..��A R �N G Tuesday, June 15, 1982, 10:00 A.M.
C�.ty Council Ctiambers, 3rd rl.00r City Hall-Court House
If the Council approves the orders (or any part thereof,
a portion of the costs will be assessed (after construction)
against benefitted properties. T}ie estimated assessments
for this project are as fdllows:
��► �� 5 5 M E N T New construction (where no walk existed) $10.00* per
front foot.
��F���A�I�N Replacement of old walk--$5.00* per front foot.
*Please note that Residential rates are based on the
construction of a 5-foot wide sidewal.k; all extra width
sidewalks wi11 be prorated accordingly.
COMMERCIAL rates (all proper.ty other than residential)
l0U% of actual cost estimated to be approximately $3.Q0 �
per square foot of walk constructed.
ConstrucCion: 298-2455 Assessments: 292-7029
Q U � �"r)0 1�1� Also, City staff will be available to answer any last minute
��� questions on Chis project in the City Council Chambers from
9:30 to 10:00 A.M. the same day as the hearing.
by the Valuation and Assessment Divisj.on
Notice sentMay 28, 1982, Department of Finance and Management Services
Room 218 C�.ty Hall-Court House
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
. �
� �". P A U L � I �' �f C� � �J �J � I L� �'�� �-��Q��
� _ �
PUBLIC HEAF� If� � N � T' l � � 2�����
D ric Pl.anriin�; Council_ ��13
� � L. E (1�Q. 5-10959
To decide on whether to proceed wi.th recc�nstruct ion c�f t li��
, follow�ng sidewalk orrlers:
East side of SARATOGA AVENUE from Laurel Avenue to Hague
�� � �a��G
��� ,
L� \., M�1) IV �
� t
i��A Ft i N G Tuesday, June 15, 1982, 10:00 A.P1. '
City CounciJ. Cliambers, 3rd Floor City Ha11-Court House
If the Council approves the orders (or any part thereof,
a portion of the costs will be assessed (after construction)
against benefitted properties. The estimated assessments '
for this project are as follows:
AS �� SSMENT New construcCion (where no wa:lk c:xistecl) $10.00* per
f.ront foot.
(��O����)O N Replacement of old walk--$5.00* per front foot.
*Please note that Residential rates are based on the
construction of a 5-foot wide sidewalk; all extra width
sidewalks wi11 be prorated accordingly.
COMMERCIAL rates (all property other than residential) �
100% of actual cost estimated to be approximately $3.00
per square foot of walk constructed. r
Construction: 298-2455 Assessments: 292-7029 '
Q U E S T I 0 N S Also, City staff will be available to answer any last minute ;
questions on this project in the City Council Chambers from
9:30 to 10:00 A.M. the same day as the hearing.
by the Valuation and Assessment Division
Notice sent May 28, 1982, Department of Finance and Management Services �
Room 218 City Hall-Court House
St. Pau1, Mi.nnesota 55102
�► �': �' A C� � � 1 T � � � IJ C� � i L �"'��- c�.z.� ,
� ,
� U � LIC �i � � � If� +G �JC� TICE 2'����8 �
� ID � �lIALK CC� N �`f � UCTI� iV
ll's rt.ct PlanninQ Council ��
� ( L E ��. 5-10958
To decide on whether to proceed with reconstruction of the
following si�lewalk orders:
South side of ST. CLAIR AVENUE from Davern Street to
Wheeler Street
��� � � ���
�`� �r Q�� �V !`f
���� �� G Tuesday, June 15, 1982, lp;p� A,M,
City Council Ctiambers, 3r.d Floor City Hal.l.-Cotirt F�ouse
If the Council approves tlie orders (or any parC thereof,
a portion of the costs c�i11 i>e assessed (after c�onstruction)
against benefitted properties. The estimated r:issessment:;
for this project are as follc�ws: •
�� 'Jwy� ,� � �� �� New c<�nr;tructi���n (wlierc: nu wa71c exi�;ted) $1U.OU* ��er ,
fronk fc�ot. •
� ��� �� A���� Replacement of old walk--$5.00* per front fooe. '
*Pl.ease note that Residential rates are based on tl�E� ,
construction of a 5-foot wi.de sidewalk; all extra width
sidewalks will be prorated accordingly. �
COMMERCIAL rates (a11 proper.ty oti7er Chan residc>nt-tal ) ,
100% of actual cost estimated to be approximately $3.00
per square foot of walk constructed.
Constructiori: 298-2455 Assessments: 292-7029
QU � �',"')Q A1c Also, City staff will be av3ilable to answer any last minute
�,�J questions on this pro�ject in the City Council Chambers from
9:30 to 10:00 A.M. the same day as the Y�earin�;. •
by the Valuat�.on and Assessment Division
Notice sent May 28, 1982, Department of Finance and Management Services
Room 218 City Hall.-Court House
St. Paul, M.innesota 55102 ?
�� �: P � u �. � � �r � c � � � � e �. �G�- ���.,�
� ,
� � � Lic � � � � i �v � r� � � � c � ������
� I � � W11�4L. K +� � N �`r' � lJCT6C� �J
U:�_StL'1CL' P�_i3Tlil�ll� Council �� 7
� � � � (�(�, 5-10957
PAG � .
'1'o c3ecide on wlieLl�er tc� proceed w:i.lh reconstruct:i��n of' ttie.
fo:ll.ow�Cng sidew�.�:Lk ordcrs:
Both sides of ST. ALBANS STREET from Charles Avenue to
Thomas Avenue
South side of EDMUND AVENUE from St. Albans Street to
East 56'
�'''� �� � C.� .'�5�
N�IJ �.
�..�� � ��1 �V �
�.���� �N G Tuesday, June 15, 1982, 10:00 A.M.
City Council Chambers, 3rd I'loor City IIall-Court Housc
If the Council approves the orders (or any part t.hereof,
a portion of ttie costs will be assessed (af.ter constructi.on)
against benefitted properties. The estimated assessmEnts
for this pro,ject �re as follows:
�� � �� � � M��� New construction (where rio walk ex.isted) $].0.0()* l�er
front foot.
� �� ���� A�IU� Replacement of old wal.k--$5.00* per front f<�ot.
*Please note that ltesidenCial. rates are hased on tl�e
construction of a 5-foot w:i.de sidewa:lk; all extra wic:lth
sidewalks wi11 be prorated accordingly.
COMMERCIAL rates (all property other than residential)
100% of actual cost estimated to be approximately $3.00
per square foot of walk constructed.
Construction: 298-2455 Assessments: 292-7029 �
�� � �"�"� �N� Also, City staff wi1]. be available to answer any last minute
questions on this project in the City Council. Chambers from �
9: 30 to 10:00 A.M. the same day as the hearing.
by the Valixation and Assessment Division
Notice sent May 28, 1982, Department of. Finance and Management Services
Room 218 City Hall-Court House
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
� +T: P.A U l� C I `1' Y �: � U N C I �. �`��- ���:�
PUBLIC F� E � f� 1 �1G Na1� IC � 2����$ �
s ric : Plan�in Cou�_il I113
F I L E N 0. S-10956
To decide on wher.her. to proceed with reconstruction of the
following sidewalk orders:
South side of PORTLAND AVENUE from N. Wheeler Street to
West 205' and from FAIRVIEW AVENUE to East 140'
�UI� pdSE
l,�C� � A�" I 0 N
i��A R I N G Tuesday, June 15, 1982, 10:00 A,M.
City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall-Court House
If the Council approves the orders (or any part thereof,
a portion of ttie costs will be assessed (after construction)
against benefitted properties. The estimated assessments
for this project are as follows: ;
� '� �� � � ��N�' New construction (where no walk existed) $10.00* per
front foot.
I N�0 R M A Y I 0 N Replacement of o]d walk--$5.00* per front foot. .
*Please note that Residential rates are based on the
construcLion of a 5-foot wide sidewalk; all extra width
sidewalks will be prorated accordingly.
COMMF.RCIAL rates (all property other than residential)
100% of actual cost estimated to be approximately $3.00
per square foot of walk constructed.
Construction: 298-2455 Assessments: 292-7029
�l� c�. �'i' I �N S A1so, City staff will be available to answer any last minute
questions on this project in the City Council Chambers from
9: 30 to 10:00 A.M. the same day as the hearing.
Uy the Valuation and Assessment Division
Notice sent May 28, 1982, Department of Finance and Management Services
IZoom 218 Ctty H<zl.l.-Court }Iouse
St. Paul, Minnesola 55102 '
: � A U L C I Y Y C t� lJ �J � l �. ���-- ���:.'�--
� 1' P �
�' U � LIC HEARIf� G NC� � 1C: E 2��3���
D -rict PlanninK Council 1113
F ILE NQ. s-1o9s5
1b �lec.ide ��n whetlier C<� l�rocc.e�d wiCli reci�nsYr�ict ion ��f tlie ��
folluwi.n�; s�iclewalk orclers: �
South side of PORTLAND AVENUF, from N. Saratoga Street
to East 150' at 1514 Portland Avenue
���,.� � �� ��J� �
LU � �►�� ION
H E�R I N G Tuesday, June i5, i9s2, io:oo A.rc. '
City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall-Court Houge
If the Council approves tlie orders (or any part thereof,
a portion of tlie costs will be assessed (after construction)
against benefitted properties. The estimated assessments
for this project are as follows:
A � �E S S M�N T New construction (where no walk existed) $10.00* per
front foot.
I CV F�,!�M A�I�N Replacement of old walk--$5.00* per front foot.
*Please note ttiat Residential rates are based on the
construction of a 5-foot wide sidewalk; all extra width
sidewalks will be prorated accordingly.
COMMERCIAL rates (all property other than residential.)
100% of actual cost estimated to be approximately $3.00
per square foot of walk constructed.
Construction: 298-2455 Assessments: 292-7029
�� � C�``�"'O N c Also, City staff will be available ta answer any last minute
J questions on this project in the City Council Chambers from
9:30 to 10:00 A.M. the same day as the hearing. '
by the Valuati.on and Assessment Division
Notice sent May 28, 1982, Department of Finance and Management Services
Room 218 City Hall-Court House :
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 i
' � i T 1( C t� U N C l L ���- c�,�`��
� `�. P A U L. C � �
D ict P� inQ_ Co�:il �19
F I L E N 0. 5-10954
To decide on whether to proceed with reconstruction of the
, following sidewalk orders:
Both sides of PALACE AVENUE from Milton Avenue to
Chatsworth Avenue
H�A R I N G Tuesday, June 15, 1982, 10:00 A.M.
City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor °City Hall-Court House �
If the Council approves the orders (or any part thereof, f
a portion of the costs will be assessed (after construction)
against benefitted properties. The estimated assessments "
for this project are as follows:
A S S� S S M E N T New construction (where no walk existed) $10.00* per ��
front foot. A
I N�O R M A�I O N Replacement of old walk--$5.00* per front foot. a
*Please note that Residential rates are based on tY►e
construction of a 5-foot wide sidewalk; all extra width
sidewalks will be prorated accordingly. "
COMMERCIAL rates (all property other than residential)
100% of actual cost estimated to be approximately $3.00
per square foot of walk constructed, s
Construction: 298-2455 Assessments: 292-7029
Q U � (J``1"�o N 5 Also, City staff will be available to answer any last minute :
questions on this project in the City Council Chambers from �
9:30 to 10:00 A.M. the same day as the hearing.
by the Val.uation and Assessment Division �
Notice sent May 28, 1982, Department of Finance and Management Services <
Room 218 City Hall.-Court House
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 �
� T. PAlJL C � T' Y CCJUNCIL. ���` ���.�.�-
D ri.ct PlanninQ Council ll2
F i L. E N 0. S-10953
PAG � "
To decide on whether to proceed with reconstrucllon of the
following sidewalk c�rderr;:
South side of E. NEBRASKA AVENUE from Flandrau Street
to West 133'
}-��A� �N G Tuesday, June 15, 1982, 10:00 A.M.
City Council Chambers, 3rd F1oor �City Hall-Court House
If the Council approves the orders (or any part thereof,
a portion of the costs will be assessed (after construction)
against benefitted properti_es. The esti.mated assessments
for this project are as follows:
A :� �E S 5 M E N T New construction (where no wa�k existed) $10.00* per
front foot.
I �V F O Ft M A 7 I 0 N Replacement of old walk--$5.0�* per fr.ont foot.
*Please note that Residential rates are based on the
construction of a 5-foot wide sidewalk; all extra w:idth
sidewalks will be prorated accordingly.
COMMERCIAL rates (all property other than residential)
100% of actual cost estimated to be approximately $3.00
per square foot of walk constructed.
Construction: 298-2455 Assessments: 292-7029
QU � �`�'�O A1 c Also, City staff will be available to answer any last minute
���`� questions on this project in the City Council Chambers from
9:30 to 10:00 A.M. the same day as the hearing.
by the Valuation and Assessment Division
Notice sent May 28, 1982, Department of Finance and Management Services
Room 218 City Ha].1.-Court House
St. Paul, Mt.nnesota 55102
� T'. P � U �. C � TY C � kJ �J � IL �L�� ���-
� ,
PU6LIC HEAF� ING NOTI � � �����$ '
ric • P1a`in��C��un�ci1�1�10
�' I L E N 0. S-10952
To decide on whether to proceed with reconstruction of tl�ie
following sidewalk orders:
Both sides of W. HOYT AVENUE from Lexington Pkwy.
to N. Dunlap
�.C� � A►YION
���� �� G Tuesday, June 15, 1982, 10:00 A.M.
City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor' City Hall-Court House
If the Council approves the orders (or any part thereof,
a portion of the costs will be assessed (after construction)
against benefitted properties. The estimated assessments
for this project are as follows:
,� S �� S � M E N T New consrruction (where no walk existed) $10.00* per
front foot.
���O�� �`'��)�� Rep]_acemenr of olcl walk--$5.00* per front foot. :
*Please note that Residential.. rates are based on the
constructi.on of a 5-foot wi.de sidewalk; all exr.ra wi.dth
sidewalks wi11 bP prorated accordi.ngly.
CONIIvtERCIAL rates (all Property other than resiclenL:ia1.)
100% of actual cost estimated to be approximately $3.b0
per square foot of walk constructed.
Construction: 298-2455 Assessments: 292-7029
QU � ��-� �w1� Also, City staff will be avai.lable to answer any last minute
�r questions on L'his project in the City Council Ciiambers from
9:30 to 10:0U A.M, the same day as tYie hearing.
by the Valuation and Assessment Divisi.on
Notice sent May 28, 1982, Department of Finance and Management Serv:ices
Room 21.8 City Hall-Court House
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
� U N C I L ��`'�� ����`�
ST PAUI� � IT� �' C � ,
PUE3LIC �fEA � INC� �IC� TIC � ������ '
D �rict Pl_annin� Council lll�
� � (_„ � N o. S-10951
To decide on whether to proceed witl� reconstruction of the
following si.dewalk or.der.s:
Both sides of W. HUYT AVENUE f.rom Chatsworth Street to
North Oxford Street
��u � r-�c���
L.(� � A'T i 0 t�
���� )N G Tuesday, June 15, 1982, 10:00 A.M.
City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall-Court House
If the Council approves the orders (or any part thereof,
a portion of the costs will be assessed (after construction)
agalnst benefitted properties. The estimated assessments
for this pro�ect are as follows:
A� �� � S M�N T New constructian (where no walk existed) $10.00* per
front foot.
� ry h ��� ����N Replacement of old walk--$5.00* per front foot.
*Please note that Residential rates are based on the
construction of a 5-foot wide sidewalk; all extra width
sidewalks will be prorated accardingly.
COMMERCIAL rates (all property other than residential)
100% of actual cost estimated to be approximately $3.00
F�er square foot of walk constructed.
Construction: 298-2455 Assessments: 292-7029
�� � �"'r'o��c Also, City staff wi11 be available to answer any last minute
�� questions on Chis pro�ect in the City Council Chambers from
9:30 to 10:00 A.M. the same day as the hearing.
by the Valuation and Assessment Division
Notice sent May 28, 1982, Department of Finance and Management Services
Room 218 City Hall-Court House
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
� �". PAUL. � 9 �' Y C � UN � iL. ��
T I C ` '���� ;
D rict� Pla�n�ini� Council �� 9
F � (� � N�. 5-10950
��� PAG �
To decide on whether to proceed wj.tti reconstruction of the
following sidewalk orders:
East side of ERIE STREET from W. Seventh Street to
Grace Street
�URF' t�SE
L.00A�' ION
H E A R I N G Tuesday, June 15, 1982, 10:00 A.M.
City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor 'City Hall-Court House
If the Council approves the orders (or any �art thereof,
a portion of the costs will be assessed (after construction)
against benefitted properties. The estimated assessments
for this pro�ect are as follows:
� � �� � � ���T New construction (where no walk existed) $10.00* per
front foot.
' � �O ����'�'v Replacement of old walk--$5.00* per front foot.
*Please note ttiat T�esidential rates are based ai7 tlie
construction of a 5-foot wide sidewal.k; al1 e.xtra width
sidewalks will be prorated accordi.ngl_y.
COMMERCIAL rates (all property other than residenti.al.) ,
100% of actual cost estimated ta be appraximately $3.00
per square foot of walk constructed.
Construction: 298-2455 Assessments: 292-7029
Qu � �"'�'Ir1 N s Also, City staff wi11 be avail.able to answer any last minute
v questions on thi. •.,project in the City Council Ctlamhers from
9: 30 to 10:00 A.� the same day as the hearin�.
by the Valuation and Assessment Divisi.on
Notice sent May 28, 1982, Department of Finance and Management Servi.ces
Room 218 City Hall.-Court House
St. Paul, Mi.nnesota 55102
� �". PA�JL CiT `Y C � UNCiL. �'�� ����
� +
� c � P_1_nni�oun�i��9
F i L E N 0. S-10949
To decide on whether to proceed with reconstruction of the ;
following sidewalk orders: :
East side of DALY STREET from James Avenue to Palace
�U � � d��
LC� C �►�' ION
N E A R I N G Tuesday, June 15, 1982, 10:00 A.M.
City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor •City Hall-Court House
If the Council approves the orders (or any part thereof,
a portion of the costs will be assessed (after construction)
against benefitted properties. The estimated assessments
for this project are as follows:
�� �E � � M E N T New construction (where no walk existed) $10.00* per
front foot.
f ��o��~���� Replacement of old walk--$5.00* per front foot.
*Please note that Residential rates are based on the
constructi.on of a 5-foot wide sidewalk; all extra width
sidewalks wi11 be prorated accordingly.
COMMERCIAL rates (all property other than residential)
100% of actual cost estimated to be approximately $3.00
per square foot of walk constructed.
Construction: 298-2455 Assessments: 292-7029
QU� �"'f�o A1� Also, City staff will be available to answ�r any last minute
�,� questions on this pro�ect in the City Courtcil Chambers from
9:30 to 10:00 A.M. the same day as the hearing.
by the Valuation and Assessment Division
Notice sent May 28, 1982, Department of Finance and Management Services
Room 218 City Hall-Court House
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
ST. PAU�L CITY Ct� U �1C � � �'�-� ����
P].anninQ Council I�14 & ��1�>
F I L E N 0. S-10948
To decide on whether to pr.oceed witt� reconstruction of the
following sidewalk orders:
East side of BRIMHALL AVENUE from Randolph Avenue
to North 107' at 476 Brimhall and 450, 442, 438, and
432 Brimhall (abutting Lots 20 to 24, Draper & Parker's
H E A R i N G Tuesday, June 15, 1982, 10•00 A.M.
City Council Chambers, 3rd F1oor �City Ha11-Court House
' If the Council approves the orders (or any part thereof,
a portion of the costs will be assessed (after construction)
against benefitted properties. The estimated assessments
for this pro�ject are as follows:
�4 � 5 � � 5 M�N T New construction (where no walk existed) $10.00* per
front foot.
������A���N Replacement of old walk--$5.00* per front foot.
*Please note that Residential rates are based on the
construction of a 5-foot wide sidewalk; all extra width
sidewalks will be prorated accordingly.
COMMERCIAL rates (a11 property other than residential)
100% of actual cost estimated to be approximately $3.00
per square foot of walk constructed.
Construction: 298-2455 Assessments: 292-7029
�� � C�`"r'�r^y�S Also, City staff will be available ta answer any last minute
v questions on this project in the City Council CY�ambers from
9:30 to 10:00 A.M. the same day as the hearing.
by the Valuation and Assessment Division
Notice sent May 28, 1982, Department of Finance and Management Services
Room 218 City Hall-Court House
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
� �. P � UL. C � � � � � � � � � �.. �`�` C"���
� .
PU6LiC HEARI �IG Nt�TI � E �~�����
D s rict Plannin�Coun�1 �/16
� I L E N 0. S-10947
PA� �
To decide on whether to proceed with reconstructian of the
fol.lowi.n� sidewalk orders:
Both sides GOODRICH AVENUE from Dal.e St. to E. 750'+
f" �J � �� l,� J�� G
�._`� l,, ��tp 1� 1 tl
���� �� G Tuesday, June 15, 1982, 10:00 A.M.
City Council Chambers, 3rd I�'loor �City Hall-Court House
If the Council aPpr.oves the orders (or any part. thereof,
a portion of the costs will be assessed (after construction)
against benefitted properties. The esti.mated assessments
for this project are as follows:
� � �� 5 :i NI E N T New construction (where no walk existed) $10.00* per
front foot.
I lel �O F�11�A�'1 O N Replacf�ment of old walk--$5.00* per front foot.
*Please noLe tliat Residential. rates are based on the
constructj_on of a 5-foot wide sidewal.k; all extra width
sidewalks will be prorated accordingly.
COMMERCIAL rates (all property other than residential)
100% of actual cost estimated to be approximately $3.00
per square foot of walk constructed.
Construction: 298-2455 Assessments: 292-7029
�u� �"�'1�N S Also, City staff will be avai.lable to answer any last minute
� questions on this pro3ect in the City Council Chambers from
9:30 to 10:00 A.M. the same day as the hearing.
by the Valuation and Assessment Division
Notice sent May 28, 1982, pepartment of Finance and Management Services
Room 218 City Hall-Court House
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
� �': P.A U�L C I T 1( C � U N C � L ���- c�c%��-
PU6LIC HEARIfVG �V � �fi � E
���� �
D .ric - Plannin� Council. �i 13
F I L E N 0. S-10946
To decide on whether to proceed with reconstructi.on of the
following sidewalk orders:
North side CARROLL AVENUE at 1869, 1871, 1867, and
1857 Carroll
South side CARROLL AVENUE at 1902, 1908 and 1832 Carroll
F�UR � t7SE
LO � A�' ION
i�E A R I N G Tuesday, June 15, 1982, 10:00 A.M. '
City Council Chambers, 3rd F1oor �City Hal1-Court House
If the Council approves the ordera (or any part thereof,
a portion of the costs will be assessed (after construction)
against benefitted properties. The estimated assessments
for this pro�ect are as follows: ;
A� 5� S S M E N T New construction (where no walk existed) $10.00* per i
front foot. �
I N F�R M A T 1 O N Replacement of old walk--$5.00* per front foot. '
*Please note that Residential rates are based on the `:
construction of a 5-foot wide sidewalk; all extra width
sidewalks will be prorated accordingly. �
COMMERCIAL rates (all property other than residential) '
100y of actual cost estimated to be approximately $3.00 i
per square foot of walk constructed.
Construction: 298-2455 Assessments: 292-7029
QU � �"'�"�01�1 c Also, City staff will be available to answer any last minute i
����� questions on this project in the City Council Chambers from
9:30 to 10:00 A.M. the same day as the hearing.
by the Valuation and Assessment Division
Notice sent May 28, 1982, Department of Finance and Management Services ;
Room 218 City Hall-Court House
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
ST P-AI� L CITY C � l1NC � L ��-- ����
� � .
D ic � Plann3n�_C� il # 8
F � L, � (�Q. 5-10945
To decide on whether to proceed with reconstr.uction of the
following sidewalk orders:
West side MACKUBIN STREET from Laurel Avenue to Selby Avenue
f- U � f V�G
�� �..� �� �� Ir
���� O N G Tuesday, June 15, 1982, 10:00 A.M.
City Council Chambers, 3rd I'loor;City Hall-Cour.t House
If the Council approves the order.s (or any part tliereof,
a portion of the costs will be assessed (after construction)
against benefitted properties. The estimated assessments
for t}iis pro�ect are as fol.lows:
� �.�` �� � � ��N� New construction (where no walk existed) $10.00* ����r
front foot.
S ����M A���N Replacement of old walk--$5.00* per front foot.
*Please note that Residential rates are based on the
construction of a 5-foot wide sidewalk; all extra widtli
sidewalks will. be proraCed accordingly.
COMMERCIAL rates (all property ott�er than residential)
100% of actual cost estimated to be approximatel_y $3.00
per square foot of walk constructed.
Construction: 298-2455 Assessments: 292-7029
QU� �"�"�O w1c Also, City staff will be available to answer any last minute
���J questions on this pro�ect in ttie City Council Chambers from
9:30 to 10:00 A.M. the same day as the hearing.
, by the Valuation and Assessment Division
Notice sent May 28, 1982 Department of Finance and Management Services
Room 218 City Ha11-Court House
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
� �': P-A lJ �. C � T Y C � U �1 C I L ��-�`= c�'�-�-'�
� .
D rict PlanninQ Council ��10
F I L E N 0. S-10944
PAG� :
To decide on whether to proceed with reconstruction of the
� following sidewalk orders:
North side W. CALIFORNIA AVENUE from Oxford Street to
West 63'+
H G N R 1 N G Tuesday, June 15, 1982, 10:00 A.M.
City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall-Court House
If the Council approves the orders (or any part thereof,
a portion of the costs will be assessed (after construction)
against benefitted properties. The estimated assessments
for this project are as follows:
�4� S� S S M E N T New construction (where no walk existed) $10.00* per
front foot.
I N F��M A Y��N Replacement of old walk--$5.00* per front foot.
*Please note that Residential rates are based on the
construction of a 5-foot wide sidewalk; all extra width
sidewalks will be prorated accordingly.
COMMERCIAL rates (all property other than residential)
100% of actual cost estimated to be approximately $3.00
per square foot of walk constructed.
Construction: 298-2455 Assessments: 292-7029
w u G S'r'�0 N S Also, City staff will be available to answer any last minute
questions on this project in the City Council Chambers from
9:30 to 10:00 A.M. the same day as the hearing.
by the Valuation and Assessment Division
Notice sent May 28, 1982, Department of Finance and Management Services
Room 218 City Hall-Court House
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
S1". PAU�L CITY Ct� UNCIL. �� ��-'�
T I ���� �
i Pla�in�t�Cw.ni C.il�f 6
F l L E N 0. S-10943
To decide on whether to proceed with reconstruction of the '
� following sidewalk orders:
North side 'FRONT AVENUE from Galtier Street to West 60'+
West side GALTIER STREET from Front Avenue to North 130'+
PUi� P05E
LO � A�' IaN
N�A R �N G Tuesday, June 15, 1982, 10:00 A.M.
City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall-Court House
If the Council approves the orders (or any part thereof,
a portion of the costs will be assessed (after construction) :
against benefitted properties. The estimated assessments
for this project are as follows:
A� �� � S NIE N T New construction (where no walk existed) $10.00* per
front foot.
������ ��)O N Replacement of old walk--$5.Q0* per front foot.
*Please note that Residential. rates are based on the
construction of a 5-foot wide sidewalk; all extra width
sidewalks will be prorated accordingly.
COMMERCIAL rates (all property other than residential)
100X of actual cost estimated to be approximately $3.00 .
per square foot of walk constructed.
Construction: 298-2455 Assessments: 292-7029
Q U E S'�°�0 N S Also, City staff will be available to answer any last minute
questions on this project in the City Council Chambers from
9:30 to 10:00 A.M. the same day as the hearing.
by the Valuation and Assessment Division
Notice sent May 28, 1982, Department of Finance and Management Services ,
Room 218 City Hall-Court House '
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
. . � � -� � � � �
�, . - , . _ �
_.� - _ - _ �
• .. � ... _� .. . � � .. . . . . . . . . . . - . . T k .
� � .. _� � . . . . ' . .. . � � . . ..
. - �� '::t, -� June 15, 1982
. , .
., ,, •
. , , .
, . , ,
� "-` :� j : ":� �{��Ns � �a i _
�z"' x � `�. 3� �,,�:+t,s } " _ ,
. r � . ��.Y * x ,��� •., _ ; .
— Y 5 —:�3
Mr. J. lam. bonovan �' f. ?m.,,a � '� �, '
_ .
_ Valuatioa Engiaeer ` `4 ' � - -
, , _ ,LL
,�. -,.,: : `'
,- , . ,.-
_ � , �- .. �.. , � .
Room_219.s City HeJ:l � �` ' •,� '
, .
Dear Sir: . , ' .
T'he City Council 'todqy adopted a Final Order, C.F. 278838, for �
the reconstruction of s3devralk�s on various streets under . •
'p.0. 278683. Yrior to approval of the �rd�r� the Pollowing
eidewe�7.ks were deleted.Prom the order and laid over until �
June 29th, 1982: .
, ' ' 5-10947 . Both sides �oodric�h Av�enue f�om Dale St. to East 750'+' �
� S•10948 " Eaet side of Brimhall Av�. '�rom Randolph Ave. to North � . ,'
� ' _ 107' =at`k76 Brimhail & �+50, 4�2, 438 & �+32 Brimt�all.. �
� (abuttiag Lot� �20 to 2�+, Draper & Parker's Additioa. ;
� � 5-10952 Both sidea ,oP id. Hoyt Avenue �om Lexington Pkwy. to �
� . N. Dun].ap.
Very truly yourg, -
. �. � ' .. . . 4 . - _ -
�. Albert B. Olaon -
, � . City Clerk
-�. � .
ABO:Ie . . .
. cc: Public Worka Dept. � � '
- ' 1 , _/ `, .
` ; '
1 ; C7'�'y�'.: �s4r ��:;4 1,,r'; � � � ar-�v s�34� �a e �p��,� ..�y, � � t ..' � ..., �+.�� �"'�3v"�t��f s�s�' ��>,..*:.'� S`�' -
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