278819 WMITE - CITV CLERK + PINK - FINANGE �j I TY OF SA I NT PA U L Council 2����� CANARY'- DEPARTMENT BLVE - MAVOR Flle NO. RETURN COPY TO VALUATIONS CQUn il Resolution DIVI ON . , Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS the legal description of public real property on Arcade Street and alley described in Council Resolution C.F. No. 277858 adopted December 22, 1981, was erroneously described as follows: "All that part of Lots 14 thru 16 inclusive, Block 1, Schur- meiers Seventh Street Addition to Saint Paul, that lies east- erly of a line drawn from the southeast corner of Lot 10, to a point on the north line of Lot 16, that is 37 feet west of the west line of Arcade Street, said line hereafter known as line "A", and westerly of a line described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of line "A" and the north line of Lot 16, thence southeasterly 25.0 feet to a point which is 10.0 feet north- easterly of line "A"; thence southeasterly 89.64 feet to a point on Line" "A" and there terminating said parcel". NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That Council Resolution C.F. No. 277858, adopted December 22, 1981, is hereby amended by changing the legal description of that portion of Arcade Street vacated to read as follows: All that part of Lots 14 through 16 ir►�lusive, Block 1, Schurmeiers Seventh Street Addition to Saint Paul, that lies easterly of s line drawn from the southeast corner of Lot 10, to a point on the north line of Lot 16, that is 37 feet west of the west line of Arcade Street, said line here- after known as line "A", and westerly of a line described as follows: COU[VCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays [n Favor Finance and Mana ement Services Director _ __ Against BY — Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by C ouncil: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary �~� — �� By �lpproved by A�tavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY - — — BY . ' r � DepartmeAt of Finance and Manage- � May 25, 1�82 � ROUTING A�D EXPLANATI�N SNEET ment Services GREEN SHEET Contact: J. William Donova Phone: 292-7019 � Por �dminissrasive Orders, Resolutions, Ordiaances aad dgreemeats RCUTIPJG ORDER � RO�TE BY ASSIGNED NUMBER: �— IRECTOR OF MANAGEMENT 2 YOR _� DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR - DIRECTOR, FINANCE & MGT. SERVICES CITY ATTORNEY 3 CITY CLERK BUDGET DIRECTOR AETION RE�LE�TEn �CLiP At� OCAT,jONS FdR P�LAYQ�AL St6NATURE); Approval of Mayor to submit resolution to CounciT �jAt NILL BE� ACHIFVFn BY TaKING A -TiON ON TH ATTACH D MATERiALS �PLRPOSE AN1] RATtONALE)�, To correct a legal description on property vacated on Arcade Stre�t by C.F. No. 277858 adopted December 28, 1981. FiNANCtA�. BLmGETARY AND PERCnpINEL IMPACTS An(jtCjPATE�; ' None . ATTACHME"1T� �I�I ST AI,.L ATTACHMENTS): 1 Council Resolution , Copy of C.F. No. 277858 2. ;3 Letter from Public Works asking th�t the legal descr�ption in � C.F. No. 277858 be changed 4. Map of Area ;,vc i.c.cwe �.�•c::v :ie��oati�c� �az a�tacune►r,t c� •t,ee �o c:v.c:rg siq:pc-�.Lu� ocumc►s.Ls Ue��,zanQxt • C.i.ty A.ttc•'.►c¢cr: t. Cowcci,� h¢sc.Lc:t.i.,,:� Rz.r;ci.�ed:" X YES uc,' 1. Azsceu.t,i..��iF X yES �� _. I�uu,ta+ec2 R2.�;�,i,:Ld? YFS R uC 2. isuuzc►cce Suj�+i.ci.z,ct'? yES VO 3. I,:a�.��.a:ict A.;ti,:c;itd' yES X.VO � � Re�istca CEI:4/S/82 , � � � . � . � � - � ' � � ~ � � . , _ , �30W.TO USE THE GREE�1 SHEET i : , � _ � _i . ', . � _ � � � , � The GREEN SHEET has several purposes: 1. To assist in routir_c documents and in securing requ�.red signatures 2 . To brief the reviewers of documents on the impacts of approval 3. To help :ensure that neczs�sary supportinct r.iaterials are prepared and, if required, attached. ROUTING Most GREEN SHEET actions must be reviewed by a Department Director, the City A�torney, the Director o= �Ianagement, the Director of Finance and Management Services. Other possible reviewers/signatures are listed. li , . , � i s � > BRIEFING � Most of the GREEN SIiEET headings are desiqned to assist in developing a precis o,f trh� de�ision �whichl the attacthmen�,s ,, ; �l� repzesent. The headiaqs a�e of�ered ta ;�semi�d users-of .som.� , of the more critical elements of this brief . The Financia? , Budgetary and Personnel Impacts headinc provides a space to explain the cost/benefit aspects af the decision. Costs and benefits relate both to City budget (General Fund andJor Special Funds) and to broader financial impacts tcost to users, homeowners or other groups aff�cted by the action) . The personnel ., lIitD&Ct is a description of change or shift of Full-Time Equivalent ' (FTE) gositions. , SL'PPORTING MATERIALS In the Attachments section, list all at�achments. If the GREEN SHEET is well done, no letter of transmittal need be included {unless signing such a letter is one of the reguested actions) . Note: Actions which require City Council reso2utions include: a. Contractual relationship ��ith another gove=nment unit. b. Collective bargainizg. , . c.� 'Pnr�crh�se or ���1P of� land;� or le��s��di land�. � � � � . . , . d. Issuance of bonds by City. � > . e. Eminent domain. f. Assumption of Ziability b� City, or gr�-�ting by City of indemnificatior.. g . Agreer.tents with State or FeCeral Go�ernment under which �hey are �rov'_3�.nq `unding. Note al.so: If an agreement reCUirss evidence of insurance%co- insura:ice, a Certificate of Insurance shoul� be one of the attach.ments at time of rauting. WHITE - CITV CLERK ��^^�� PINK -pFINANCE �JL� Bl:NERV -MAYORTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT � F�AU L COUIICII �{`,� � � File N 0. RETURN GOPY TO VALUATION COU Zl Resolution DIVIS ON � �` r Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Beginning at the intersection of Line "A" and the north line of Lot 16, thence southeasterly 30.0 feet to a point which is 10.0 feet notth- easterly of line "A"; thence southeasterly 88.01 feet to a point on line "A" and there terminating said parcel. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that in all other respects Council Resolution C.F. No. 277858 shall remain and continue in full force and effect. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Ffetcher Fina e and Management Services Levine [n Favor Masanz � Nicosia _ � __ Against� BY Director $cheibel TedeSCo � ,uN � Q �9g2 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by �b'u�n�cil: Date — Certified Ya s ouncil Se tar ° 's°2 � � By �-/- � � t�ppr y IVtavor. Date _1�i.��1���/d� App � d by Mayor for Su is ;io to Council .� � By � ' _ — B ° �UBUSKED JUN 19 1982 WMITE` ,,.�' CITY CLCRK f , l (S ^' � f �' ' � .. rINK - FINANC[ L! � ! `-�-�� CANARt - DffrARTM[NT ' G I TY O F SA I N T �A U L Council , •LUC ,� - MAVOR � • F1Il� N O. ` V�, ���\�r�� � - C cil Resolution�� �=��' � �a � . ,� � ,.��.�� / � Presented By , .__ . , . _ . . _ �,.., _ Referred To Committee: ° Date� ` '"�y � � � � �� Out of Committee By Date xSSOLYBD, ?hat apon tha petilian ot IIousinq and Redevolopment 1�athoritp, et al, t�se sections of public streets snd public a i ley h�reina fter aescribe�d be and the sase h�rebp a re vaca t�d and discoatinae�d as pabYic stxeets and public allep: � �111 thst part of Lots Z4 thsu 16 inclns ive, Hixk l, schuzcaef era Seveath Street Addition ta S�int Paul, that lies easterly of a line drawn frcm the souLheaat caraer of Lot 10, to a point on the north line of Lot 1�, that fa 37 feet we�st o! tbe vest line of llrcade Street� ;�aid lia� heseafter ]tnawa ss lio� '1,', and vesterly of a Iine deacribed as follaars: Segioniaq at tha intersactioa of 13n� •1�' and the north line of Lc�t 16t tneac� sontlzeasterly S.v feet to s pofnt vhict� is 10.0 lett n�artl�easterlr of liu� 'l►'� then�co sout2�esstarly 9. feetF� to . a poiat on Liae '1t' a ers t�r�inatiaq sai8 p�zc�l= � - �� - 111 of se�ch Str�sL, lyinq betweee tts� . COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Hunt �_ t-��e [n Favor rNeddox McfNsnon ' .. � �,���, Against BY Tsdesco Wilson . ' -_ . Form Approved by City Attomey �" ` � Adopted by Cuuncil: Date - Certif�ed Passed by Council Secretary s ��`�y j�' B�' -- Appruved by Via�or Daee _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council - �� $�" -- g'. __--- -- _ __- --___._ __ ------- — , ' . , ,., . • � • ,� "'+ , . . ' . ��L:�G:'��� 2 extensions across it of the West right-of-way line of Arcade Street, and the East line of Lot 2, Block 1, Schurmeiers Seventh Street Addition to Saint Paul on the North half, and the East line of Lot 3, Block 2, Officer' s Rearrangement of Lots 12, 21 and 22, Warren' s Garden Lots on the South half thereof; and All of the alley platted in Block 1, Schurmeiers Seventh Street Addition to Saint Paul, lying between the ex- tensions across it of the East line of Lot 19, said Block 1, to the Easterly line of Arcade Street, as opened, which line is described as: Commencing at the Southeast corner of Lot 10, Block 1, Schurmeiers Seventh Street Addition to Sa int Paul; thence Northwesterly to a point on the North line of Lot 16, said Block, that is 37 feet West of the Northeast corner of said Lot 16, and there terminating; subject expressly to the follow ing conditions and reservations: . . 1. That the vacation be subject to aIl the terms and conditions of Chapter 130, codified March 1, 1981, of the St. Paul Legislative Code, as amended, including the retention of all public utilities easements. - } � � ; ��� ������ 3 2. Tha t a spec if ic ea sement be reta ined to protect the existing Northern States Power facilities presently located in the proposed vacation area . 3. That a specific easement be retained to protect the existing Northwestern Bell Telephone Company facilities presently located in the proposed va ca t ion a rea . : 4. That a sewer easement be retained in the alley in Block l, Schurmeiers Seventh Street Addition to Saint Paul for an existing private sewer connection for as long as it is needed for the existing structures. . 5. That a water main easement be retained which is now located in Beech Street west of Arcade Street and � serves the property at 797 Beech Street. 6. That restrictions within the above easement areas be as follows: • a) That no buildings, structures, or trees are permitted within the easement area, or any temporary structure, ma ter ia 1 stora ge f ixture or other objects that will prohibit normal access to sewer or water � facilities for maintenance purposes. b) That no change from the existing grade is permitted without written permission from the Water Utility or the Sewer Engineer. . • � - � �V _ 1trC ���� 4 c) That no change in surfacing within the easement area is permitted without written permission from the Water Utility or the Sewer Engineer. d) That the petitioners, their successors and assigns shall fully indemnify, defend and save harmless the City of St. Paul and the Board of Water Commissioners, its officers, agents, employees, and servants from all suits, actions or claims which shall arise from any injuries or damages received or sustained by any break in any service pipe, water main, or connection in said reserved easement, arising out of or resulting from any � action or negligence of the petitioners, their employees, agents or business invitees. e) That the petitioners, their successors and assigns will be responsible for all costs and expenses for the cutting off and plugging of the water main in Beech Street at its connection to the Arcade Street water main, when the service is no longer required to serve the existing , property. 7 . That the prime petitioner, being the Housing and Re- development Authority, shall not be required to pay compensation for this vacation inasmuch as the value of the public lands vacated herein have been taken into account in the overall financing of this project. a]+F T'z""1„"" '�°..I's'i -' �"�.��„"._ �� #�G° 'C'i' Z .i�� .°.i4, •, .. . ..: .. . ,. . .� d"`� .N.�;::j1 ��a �. S'_', y3 . ',�"�+iii+, .+ � ' . � i+-.. �� �:.F�` i� , __' .. ' ... .. ;/u- .. wi+�rt �crrr ccsww e ,. , , .� . ,,, rtnic ;�u�wrc� ,;; - �k _ Council. � cw++ww�r :� o�PwwzM cNT �, ._ " G I T Y O F€ SA I N T PA U L . � �`�W! '�,;�+ MAYOR File N�. � . . . . y'. . . . . ' . �ro i� . � =�m � � Council Resolution ,� �'�����9 ��' � =- _ . . m . . . �' ."; Ptesented By - . , ;- �.�. _ . _ , . ;- _ _ .,. , " Referred To Committee: �Date Out of Committee By Date - S . 8. �hat in lieu of a boad, th� pris� p�titi�oaer, its s�cceasozs and a�siqna oov�asnt �ad aqrew, sad in s�dition tb�reto. by acceptaac� o! tl's teras and eonditioas of this vacst3�. bo fnllY in�tiy, � defea8 aad save haz�aless tne Citl of 8aiat Panl, i2s offic�rrs, aqents. �ploye�a, aad sezvsnta fz�oma aIl �ntits, actions or claims �+hich shall arise �ro� a np in j nr ies or daa�a ges re�ce ived or susta ined by aag break ia any service pipe, or eonnectioa , in �aid r�erved eaae�at, arieinq out af or �: r:sniti�g lraa snp actioa or peqlig�nce of thm �� petitivners, l.hair tap3.oyees, ag�eats o�r bnsiness !, invitets. � '�; . ; . ` COUNCILMEN __ Requestgd by Department of: Yeas - Nays - - Hunt -Y . " � ��a - In Favor . s�,�i� _ F �.�.. '`� Against $Y ` . Tadssco ��. . � ,.?:, _ ,_ ,,, . � wison :; .. , •_ ..: . � � IIE`' 2 2 ��� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified •Ssed by Counci ecretar BY f�-�y �/ By �`��i�..,`"�� � I��p��S. Approved by� 1'lavor: Date D�C � o l�8` Approved by Mayor for �ubmission to Council BS' -------___...---_ _------------ -- ,, c3v �-----y �' . . ..~ -- . � . 2'����.� 1� �. . - THE DEPARTMENT OF PUaLIC WORKS �� ���� `�� OF THE - . CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER-OFFICE COMMUNICATION m0� P•ir. J. blilliam Donovan Valuation and Assessment Fnqineer Room 218 City Hall FR014: "�. Thomas J. Fqqur.t �O'�^� Office Enqineer - Public Wor - partrnent 600 Ci�j� ?;all 1lnney DATE: "iay 11, 1982 SUBJECT: Vacation of portions of Beech Street, �rcade Street, and alley as described in C.F. P1o. 277P,3, approve�?. Decer,tber 28, 1981 The description of that portion of Arcade Street over lots 14 th.roua?� 16 inclusive, Bloc}: 1, Schurmeiers Seventh Street Addition should he ar.iended to read as follows and as shown on the at±ached amended drawing: All that nart of Lots 14 through 1F inclusive, Bloc?: 1, Schurmeiers Seventh Street Fdditior, to Saint Paul, that lies easterly of a line dra�•m from the southeast corner of I.ot 1^, to a point on the north line of Lot lE, t_^_at is 37 feet west of the iaest line of Frcade :?treet, saia line hereafter }:no4m as line °'A", and westerly of a lir.e described as follows: Beqinning at the intersection of line "�," and the north line of Lot 16, thence .>outheasterlv 3�.� `eet to a point which is 10.0 feet northeasterlv � of line "A"; thence southeasterly 88.01 feet to a point on line "A" and there terminating said parcel; TJF./FJF?/dll �ttac!zment: Map cc: Don Ernster � • � ��`.���� ��� �. a � ' aQ �� � �,n, � �y� `, �, � �� ���� ', ����� y3 �� o°� 2S __.--- �dr��� o .. ���� � � ��, r.� y y ?� 6'} �� , , (�l.i < � t fij n 'Q ` o �')' �' � �. A ,�o � ! N s� �, S � _ t w ��,N� < �� , �Z � � .� a �� � � _ _ .�r � � � ��� f � � � � W { w / — -- ��� S ° � � � � `�� G� y ro b � � � y � � , � � � � b v � � ��� o � • , � � � � � � _ � w o : N �i: � � � .�o� 08 � �1 _ � ..,,� ..... �---� � `ro os 'a Jo GO , � '.. �•-e?.o/.._..' , �r � f._ , °� .� C i0 i ,j.,' 9'? y' ` —I- �� I a � a � ,q,�c,�a� sr. a: � � � �:�1 � � � � � � ^ �, � a � �.� �0 ��U � � � � � a � � 0 �� � � � � a � 3 0 � a � a t� � o �e h "` r � � — ��\� � � � , ", � ^� �"— ---- � — � � � a � � � \o�\ y v � `� �� � 0 a��� Q ��� � � � � h�� � ����, (� � � 3 � _ � � a� o� �