278818 WHITE - CITV GLERK y�/� PINK - FINANCE GITY OF � SAINT PALTL Council .`l/�'y'� � CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. � ° '°��"� BLUE - MAVOR �• � uncil Resolution . . Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, Zantigo American Mexican Restaurant (Zantigo) made application to the Planning Commission of the City of Saint Paul for a special condition use permit for the purpose of operating a fast food restaurant on the northeast corner of Grand and Grotto in the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, on property described as Lots 16, 17 and 18, Block 6, Summit Park Addition, the subject property being zoned B-3 General Business District; and WHEREAS, Fast food and drive-in restaurants are a permitted use subject to special conditions as contained in section 60.543 of the Zoning Code and Zantigo further requested that the Planning Commission modify a stated condition which requires that points of vehicular ingress and egress be located at least 60 feet from any abutting residentially zoned property and at least 60 feet from the intersection of any two streets; and WHEREAS, Section 64.300, subdivision 4, permits the Planning Commission to modify certain specified special conditions when the strict application of the special conditions would unreasonably limit or prevent otherwise lawful use of a piece of property or an existing structure and would result in exceptional undue hard- ship to the owner of the property or structure, provided that the modification will not impair the intent and purpose of the special condition and the modification is consistent with the health, morals, and general welfare of the community and is consistent with reasonable enjoyment of adjacent property; and WHEREAS, The Zoning Committee of the Planning Comznission held a public hearing on the application of Zantigo, the public hearing being held on January 7, 1982, at which time the Zoning Committee considered the report of staff, statements made on behalf of the applicant, and statements made by other persons both in support of and in opposition to the request for a special condition use permit COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: In Favor " __ Against BY — Adopted by Council: Date Form Appr ve ity torne Certified Yassed by Council Seccetary BY By t#pproved by Mavor: Date _ Approve y yor for Submission to Council BY - – — BY . 2`���'��� Page 2 . and modification of the special condition referred to above and having heard the same, and having considered the statements and evidence, the Zoning Committee adopted a recommendation to the Planning Commission to deny the modification of the special condition and further to deny the special condition use permit for the following reasons: (l) The District 16 Plan which discusses the B-3 zoning along Grand Avenue and the difficulty in attracting neighborhood oriented businesses at these locations, suppoxts the development of these areas when it is in keeping with the character of the street. (2) The District 16 Housing Plan recommends four floors of residential units above one floor of commercial use for this property. (3) The land use element of the Comprehensive Plan recom- mends a mixing of uses and a more intense development in the proposed area. The land use element of the Comprehensive Plan also recommends a carefully planned mixture of residential and commercial uses along Saint Paul' s commercial strips. (4) The Grotto exit for the proposed Zantigo restaurant is only about 20 feet from the abutting residentially zoned property to the north and the proposed development therefor does not comply with the special condition set forth in section 60.543 (4) . (5) The proposed use as a fast food restaurant is incon- sistent with the general welfare of the adjoining community and the character of the community along Grand Avenue is commercial mixed with residential use. The Comprehensive Plan of the City supports this type of commercial-residential mixed use and not the proposed fast food restaurant. •. �F����� Page 3. (6) That the proposed modification of the special condition relating to the location of the driveway access on Grotto Street would impair the intent and purpose of the special condition, that it would not be consistent with the general welfare of the com- znunity and further would not be consistent with the reasonable enjoyment of the adjacent residential property. WHEREAS, The Planning Commission at its meeting on January 8, 1982 adopted the recommendation of its Zoning Committee and denied the modification of special condition and further denied the special condition use permit based on the record made before the Zoning Committee and the reasons set forth by the Zoning Committee; and WHEREAS, Zantigo filed an appeal to the Board of Zoning Appeals of the City of Saint Paul requesting that the Board review the actions taken by the Planning Commission, and the Board of Zoning Appeals after a public hearing held for that purpose on March 9, 1982 found and determined that the Planning Commission did not commit an error in its applicatian of the Zoning Code and its interpretation of the Zoning Code, and the Board upheld the actions of the Planning Commission and denied the special condition use permit to the applicant; and WHEREAS, Zantigo did file an appeal to the Saint Paul City Council pursuant to Section 64 .205 requesting that a hearing be held before the City Council for the purpose of considering the actions taken by the said Planning Commission and Board of Zoning Appeals; and WHEREAS, Acting pursuant to Sectior�s64.205 through 64 .208 and upon notice to appellant and other affected property owners, a public hearing was duly conducted by the City Council on May 20, 1982 where all interested parties were given an opportunity to be heard; and WH17E - CITY CLERK � PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA IT L Council ��.��y'1�' GAN0.RV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO• w � � • '. Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 4 . WHEREAS, The Council having hearc� the statements made and having considered the application for modification of special conditions and the denial of the special use permit by the Planning Commission, the report of staff, the minutes and findings of the Zoning Committee, and the Board of Zoning Appeals, does hereby RESOLVE, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby affirm the decision of the Planning Commission and the Board of Zoning Appeals in this matter and does hereby concur in the findings made and determined by said Planning Commission and Board, and further the City Council determines that the Planning Commission's denial of the requested modification of special condition use is based upon the Planning Commission's finding and determining that the proposed fast food restaurant would create traffic congestion, noise, litter, damage the neighborhood i�nage and the need for more neighborhood-oriented uses and therefore would not be consistent with the health, morals and general wel- fare of the community and reasonable enjoyment of the adjacent property as specified and required as a condition for granting a modification of special conditions as set forth in Section 64 .300, subdivision 4, of the Zoning Code; and, be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the appeal of Zantigo be and is here- by denied; and, be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the City Clerk shall mail a copy of this resolution to Zantigo, the Zoning Administrator, the Planning Commission and the Board of Zoning Appeals. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Fietd�e� � Levine [n Favor Masa� Nicosia _�___ Against BY — Scheibal Tedesco yy��� JUN 1 01982 Form Appro ed y 'ty orne Adopted by Council: Date Certified Y•:s C� eta BY By, App by iVlavor: Da — ��N � 5 �9ET Approved b a r for Submission to Council By — BY PUBLISHED J U N 19 1982 . . 3 °t�' °P ' C I TY�����.I�f PA U L ` • �� s� � = a DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT � iiii�l l��i � v� „o DIVISION OF PLANNING +""• 25 West Fourth Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota,55102 GEORGE LATIMER 612-298-4151 MAYOR May 12, 1982 Albert Olson, City Clerk Room 386, City Hall St. Paul , Minnesota 55102 RE: Zoning File #9113 - Zantigo City Council Hearing: May 20, 1982 PURPOSE: Appeal of Zantigo Mexican Restaurants from Board of Zoning Appeals decision upholding Planning Commission's denial of a Special Condition Use Permit to operate a fast food restaurant. BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS DECISION: Deny appeal (6-0) STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Deny appeal SUPPORT: None OP SITION: 5 letters Dear Sir: On January 7, 1982, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission held a public hearing on the application of Zantigo to construct and operate a fast food restaurant. A staff report was presented that recommended denial based on six findings. These findings can be found in attachment A. PJine letters and a petition with 62 signatures were received in opposition. Eighteen people testified in opposition. The proceedings of the hearing are substantially reflected in the Zoning Committee minutes (attachment A) . At the close of the hearing, the Zoning Committee voted to recommend denial of the Special Condition Use Permit. On January 8, 1982, the Planning Commission voted to deny the permit on a vote of 20 to 0 (attachment B). On February 5, 1982, Zantigo applied for an administrative review under the provisions of Zoning Code Section 64.206(1 ). A public hearing was scheduled before the Board of Zoning Appeals on March 9, 1982. At that meeting, a staff report was presented recommending denial of the appeal based on findings that the Planning Commission had committed no error of fact or procedure in denying the permit. These findings can be found in the staff report (attachment C). Two people testified in support and eight people testified in opposition. Five letters were received in opposition. 7he proceedings of the public hearing are substantially reflected in the minutes (attachment C). At the close of the public hearing, the Board of Zoning Appeals upheld the Planning Commission's decision and denied the appeal on a vote of 6 to 0. . ������ Zoning File #9113 - Zantigo - 2 - May 12, 1982 On April 21 , 1982, the Planning Division received a notice of appeal of the Board of Zoning Appeals decision (attachment D). Zantigo bases the appeal on the same grounds that were used before the Board of Zoning Appeals. This matter is scheduled to be heard by the City Council on May 20, 1982. Please notify me by May 19 if any member of the City Council wishes to have slides of the site presented at the City Council public hearing. Sincerely, ` /( .°c���C� Patricia N. James City Planner PNJ/mb attachments / ! I ��.5�-.-�r /.i.r._-�...( � i� 9075 � � � ZONIlVG STAFF REPORT 2705 . . � 0 ���� l . APPLICANT: ZANTIGO . DATE OF HEARING 1/7/82 2 . . , , , . , . . CLASSIFICATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CURRENT PLANNING & ZONING COMMITTEE BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS ❑ Rezoning ❑ Variance Special Condition Use � Administrative Review O Determination of Similar Use � Other Change of Nonconforming Use a . . Other . . 3. LOCATION: Northeast corner Grand and Grotto. 4. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lots 16, 17, & 18, Block 6, Summit Park Addition. 5. PRESENT ZONING: B-3 ZONING CODE REFEREPICE: Sections 60.543(4) & 64.300 Sub. 4 �6. STAFF INVESTIGATION & REPORT: DATE 12/20/81 gY Patricia N� James A PURPOSE Special condition use permit to operate a fast food restaurant (Zantiga) with mo i �cation of the distance requirement between exits and residentially zoned property. B. PARCEL SIZE: 121 .68 feet (Grand Avenue) x 150 feet (Grotto Street) = 18,252 sq. ft. C. EXISTI�JG LAND USE: Vacant commercial . D. SURROUNDING LAND USE: North - Institutional--church (RT-2) South - Vacant commercial (B-3) East - Commercial (B-2) ' West - Residential and commercial (B-3) E. ZONI�;G CODE CITATION: Section 60.543(4) permits restaurants , fast food and drive-in, subject to the following conditions: (a) Subject to the provisions of Section 64.300, Subdivision 4, the site shall be limited to a lot having B, I , or ES zoned property within 300 feet of the site. (b) Points of vehicular ingress and eoress shall not be onto a street which is used primarily for access to abutting residential property. (c) Subject to the provisions of Section 64.300, Subdivision 4, points of vehicular in�ress and egress shall be located at least 60 feet from the intersection of any t4ro streets and at least 60 feet from any abutting residentially zoned property. (d) GJhen the site abuts an alley which also serves residentially zoned land, no access from the site to the alley shall be permitted. (e) Impact on adjoining property by use of the site may not resuit in the followina: (1 � Loud, boisterous , and disturbing noise levels. (2} Nazardous traffic conditions. (3) Offensive, obnoxious , and disturbing odors . (4) Excessive litter. (5) Excessive artificial licthtina. (6) Substantial decrease in adjoinina property values . (7) Any other condition inconsistent with the reasonable use and erijoyment of adjoinin� property and inconsistent with the health, safety, morals , and �eneral welfare of the adjoinin� comr�unity. ' Section 64.300, Subd. 4 states : "IJhen spECific reference is made to this Subdivision 4 of Section 54.?00 in Chapter 60, the planninq commission, after public hearinc�, may modify specified special conditions , when strict application of such special conditions v;ould �nreasonably limit or prevent otherwise lawful use of a piece of property or an existinq structure and would result in exceptional undue hai°dship to the oi�Jner of such property or structure, provided that such modification will not impair the intent and purpose of such speciai condition a��d is consistent with health , morals and aeneral ��elfar� of the community and is consistent with reasonably enjo.yment or" adjacent �roperty. The requirements of Sections o1 .100 throuQh 61 .1Q5 and 62.103 shall remain in forcF and effect and shall not be superseded or ti�faived by any such mo�ification of a speriried special condition. . . � � � 2`����� ZANTIGO (#9075� STAFF REPORT Page 2 F. FI��DINGS: 1 . In 1953 a filling station was constructed on this site. The building remains. The most recent use for this site was a used car lot. Applicant proposes to construct a Zantigo American Mexican Restaurant. , � 2. The District 16 Plan (p.19, 20) discusses the a-3 zoninq alon� Grand, and the difficulty in attracting neighborhood-oriented businesses at these locations . The Plan supports the development of these areas when it is in keeping with the character of the street. - 3. The District 16 Housing Plan, which has not yet been adopted by the City, recommends 4 floors of residential (33 units) above one floor of commercial . ,/4. The Land Use element of the Comprehensive Plan also recommends mixing of uses and more intense development. In particular it recommends a carefully planned mixture of residential and commercial uses along St. Paul 's commercial strips : "In some cases the mixing of uses on the strips has been haphazard causing conflicts between adjoining uses. To be successful , mixing of uses should be intentionally planned. City regulatory controls and fiscal incentives should be aimed toward achievinc� a compatible mix of activities." (p.26) 5. B zoned land is within 300 feet of the site, meeting condition (a) . 6. There is access to the site from both Grand and Grotto. Neither street is used primarily for access to abutting residential property, meeting condition (b) . ,� 7. a�The Grand Avenue access (entrance and exit) and the exit onto Grotto are both over 60 feet from the intersection, meeting the first part of condition (c) . � b�Nowever, the Grotto exit is only about 20 feet from the abuttinq residentially zoned property to the north. Applicant therefore needs a modification of this part of condition (c) . 8. The site plan shows no alley access , meetinq condition (d) . 9. The use meets the requirements for condition (e) numbered 1 , 3, 4, and 5. 1�: Requirement 2 of condition (e) is hazardous traffic conditions. Based on formulas provided by the Institute of Transportation Engineering, a drive-in or fast food restaurant of this size would gEnerate approximately 926 trip ends per week day, By contrast, the use proposed in the District 16 Nousing Plan would generate approximately 134 trip ends per week day. The level of trips qenerated by a use of this type could create traffic problems . (The average daily trip count on Grand is currently 10,850. ) 11 . Requirement 7 of condition (e ) prohibits uses that are inconsistent with the qeneral welfare of the adjoining community. The character of the community alon� � Grand Avenue is pedestrian-oriented commercial mixed with residential . The � Comprehensive Plan supports this type of activity. A heavily auto-oriented use , would appear to have a detrimental effect on this pedestrian quality, and therefore to the general welfare of the adjoining community. 12. The proposed revisions to the Zoning Code reqardinq fast food rest�urants , which the Zoning Committee discussed in April 1°80, would require fast food restaurants to be located on major thoroughfares (at least minor arterials in the Comorehensive Plan) . Grand Avenue is classified as only a collector street. 13. There are two fast food restaurants on the block to the west of the proposed Zantigo's , which were built before the 1975 Zoning Code and the Comorehensive ' Plan were adopted. G. STAFF RECOhiMENDATION: Based on findings 2, 3, 4, 7b, 10, and 11 , staff recommends denial of the special condition use permit. H. NLANNING COMMISSION DECISION: Denial of the Special Condition Use based on findings 2, 3, 4, 7b, and 11 of the staff report. Finding 11 is amended to read "Requiren�ent 7 of condition (e) prohibits uses that are inconsistent with the general ��relfare of the adjoining community. The character of the community along Grand Avenue is commercial mixed with residential . The Comprehensive Plan supports this type of activity. � �� � :='�'7/.�,-��-� ' .� M � ������1 I UTES OF THE ZONING COMMITTEE � � ' IN CITY COUNCIL CHA�IBERS, ST. PAUL , MINNESOTA ON JANUARY 7, 1982 PRESENT: Mmes. Karns and Summers; Messrs . Armstead, Laneqran, Levy , and Pangal of the Zoning Committee; t•1r. Seqal , Assistant City Attorney; Ms. Lane of the Division of Housing and Building Code Enforcement; Ms . Beseman, Ms. James , and Ms . Von Mosch of the Plannina Division Staff. ABSENT: ��essr. aryan. � The meeting was chaired by Joseph Pangal , Vice-Chairman. - ZANTIGQ (�9075) : Special condition use permit to operate a fast food restaurant � on the northeast corner of Grand and Grotto. The applicant was present. There was opposition present at the hearing. ��s . James showed slides of the site and reviewed the staff report with a recommendation for denial of the special condition use permit. The Summit Hill � Associat�on submitted a letter in opposition. " � J.E. Brill Jr. Attorney, 100 l�lashington Square, Mpls . , introduced Joe Ash from � Zantigo's Home Office �who presented slides , �ave a presentation on their proposal , . and stated their investment would be approximately $500,000. Mr. 8ri11 commented that the restaurant would not generate a large amount of traffic as indicated in � the staff report; according to Mr. Ash 's figures , it would generate about 250 cars a day based on actual usage. A restaurant could be built without a special condition use permit under the present zoning. They feel their proposal is a neighborhood use, geared to serve the neiahborhood, and fits in with the definition of uses under the Ordinance. - Toby Lapakko, 1671 Victoria Road, owner of a 4-plex at 768 Grand, spoke in opposi�tion, stating that there are already too many restaurants in the area, parking has become � a problem because of the restaurants and small businesses in the area. She felt that rental units should be encouraged where possible and suggested that an analysis be done on Grand Avenue. Rich Kamick, 760 Linwood, owner of a 6-plex, concurred with the previous speaker, stressing the existing parking problems on Grand Avenue. Judy Bigelow, representing the Summit Hi11 Association, District 16 Plannin4 Council , r�iterated the oppositi�n stated in their letter of January 5, 1982. She ;�•inted out that a fast r'ood restaurant by its definition does not cater to the neiqhborhood; it caters to a very broad area. In a 4 block area they have 15 restaurants and 3 other eatin� related places which avera�es one restaurant every 155 feet. The District Council feels very strongl,y that this preposal is inappropriate and would like to see a commer�ial use on the first floor with residential use on the floors above. !Sar�aret Olson, 715 Grand, presented a letter from her tenant in opposition. . She supported the comments made by the representative from the Summit Hill Association and also stated that cars park in the alley makinq it impossible for � emergency vehicles to getthrouah. ��ames Schumaker, 405 N. l�lashinc�ton, representing the Church of Christ, expressed concerr i•ri th cars us i ng the i r parki ng 1 ot and c�-eati nn pr°obl ems for the Church. , t . .. . i � ; f , f I i i { � I i � , . i � I � . . ; . . 2����.8 • Zantigo (n9075) Page 2 Paul Teruin, 750 Lincoln, stated that most of the restaurant's patrons would be driving to the establishment. He questioned assumntions made by the applicant and did not feel the applicant understood what he is proposing for the neighborhood. � Tom Bradley, 727 Grand, presented a letter from a businessman on the Avenue and a petition with 59 signatures fror� area residents in opposition. He expressed concern about ordors , noise, increased parkinq problems , and litter. He also �tated that the architecture they are proposin� would not com�.lement the victorian architecture of their house. � • Carol Bradley, 727 Grand, testified that a fast food restaurant would not fit into the neighborhood and stated that the site should be used for a parkinq . lot which Grand Avenue really needs . John Downey, 745 Lincoln, spoke in opposition stating that a fast food restaurant would generate more traffic into the area and would have a neaative impact on the neighborhood. � � . � �,'onda Blaha, 777 Lincoln, presented a letter from her elderly neighbors in cpposition and stated that she concurred with the previous speakers in o�position. � Michael Loney, 722 Grand, representing the Grand Avenue Condominium Association, testified in opposition. He stated that the bus stop on the corner would create congestion and also the very nature of the business , the fact that it is open so late, would generate a high noise level . Debra Loney, 722 Grand, stated that a Zantiao Restuarant would n'ot add to the image of the neighborhood. . Greg Clark, 812 Fairm�unt, suggested that the site would better serve the area � as a munici�al parking lot for other commercial enterprises. alonc� Grand. ihe community is looking to improve the area and restore it to a character it once had. A Zantigo Restaurant certainly would not achieve these goals . 8ob Casselman , 794 Liricoln, stated that he has been involved with the Grand ;�venue and Summit Hill planninq since 1976. The Grand Avenue businessmen, uistrict 16, and the community do not perceive Grand Avenue as a strip such G� University or South Robert. The businesses alono Grand de�end to a laro.e ��gree on the support from the community and the community looks for many of �ts services alon� Grand Avenue. He com���ented that additional housin� is .:hat they had in mind when they looked at the site in question and feel it ;s a good site for mixed commercial and housinq. He also stated that the ��arF;irg as proposed by Zantigo's would be within 3 feet of the pi°operty line �-��king an exhaust pipe about 7 feet from the bedr•oom windo��r of the adjacent ���operty owner. Ne felt that fast food restuarants should be spaced apart: �i�ere are already 2 other fast food establishments witi�in 300 feet of the :>roa05ed establishment. �::���n Be/er, 722 Grand, supported opposition previously stated and expressed ' ���r,cern �rith other fast food restau��ants that i��i�ht con�e into th� area . �:,r Zef,,-inq, I'resident of the Summit Nill Association , District 16, expressed �r;cerr, 2ho��t the damaging effects on the �u���,o�n;dinc� !�rope�,t�,�, nct cnl�,� ' ';' ��� ;;Lt d�50 C0:?�:Illel'Cln� . ���' S'..�`..�?C' `. .ic�. ,.!�� frE'� iIIQ� � .�. :��:. iP " , � , •j�,,-�-�. - � ; � ; -; � � _ ; ! . _ , , ; i � _ � • � , __ �Ct . . . 2'�����8 Zantigo (�9075) Paoe 3 Arnold Steffes , 791 Lincoln, testified in opposition and expressed concern with the parkina problems and traffic in the alley, which presently make it impossible for fire vehicles to get through. John McKeen, 62 S. Dale, expressed opposition and commented that if fast fooc+ restaurants continue to be allowed, Grand Avenue will turn into another Lake Street and the cale of auto obiles will overwhelm the hurian scale. � Hearing no further testimony, Mr. Pangal closed the public hearing portion of the meeting. Mr. Levy made a motion to recommend denial of the special condition use permit based on findings 2, 3, 4, 7(b) , 1Q and 11 of the staff report. P1s. Summers seconded the motion. Mr. Lanegran then amended the motion to strike finding 10 as a basis for denial , and amend finding 11 to read as follows: "Requirement 7 of condition (d) prohibits uses that are inconsistent with the general welfare of the adjoining community. The � character of the community along Grand Avenue is commercial� mixed with . residential . The Comprehensive Plan supports this type of activity. Mr. Levy accepted the amendment to his motion. The motion passed on a roll call vote • o f 6 t o 0. � . Su�mitted by: Approved_b : ..-----�----. � � ` - � , � : � r �--•-�� �' � �- Patricia N. James James. Br�, �hair . / � � _ � �_.- ' � � � ' � � , ; � ' . I ; _. � 2`�����8 . . ,�l � - �' � - , �% - . � �- � ��� -� , � :�� ��-; . .�. ., � �F 1�� �-- t � ��J ^\ � � �� f" APPLICATION POR SPECIAL CONDITION USE PERMIT CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA FOR ZONING OFFICE USE ONLY Zoning File # �- � � TO CURRENT PLANNING AND 7.ONING COMMITTEE � 1101 City Hall Annex Date Received 25 West Fourth Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Tentative Hearing Date "Application is hereby made for a Special Condition Use Permit under the provisions of Chapter _�'y� , Section , Paragraph � of the Zoning Ordinance, to operate a �A NT 1 l D •4 t�E iZ t G A(�1 l�l�X i C A N �E ST�4 U �A 1•t'�' �'•4 U L �• D�.t�l I E t_ Applicant Z�I��T( <C� Phone (Daytime) 6/Z- �3(• 4045 Address 9- 6 ¢O W 7'� 7--H Eb I N•0. , M1•! . Zip 'S54 3�' Property interest of Applicant (owner, contract purchaser, etc.) PU�'_l��'� Address/Location of Property N, E. G�RNE1� �iizA1�ID AV�. �. �KaTTL� �S'G' Legal Description: Lot I G� 17� 1P.� Block � !o Addition S�JMMtT PARK. Lot Size !Z 1. � `L x /5 c� �'7", Present Zoning '�-� Explain how you will meet each of Special Conditions. Attach supporting material (diagrams, site plan, letters of support, etc.) SI'�"E P�-AN i4TTAGN�P If yau have an}T questions, please contact Zoning Office, at 298-4154. �------- �� � ��~�� r !� r �-. �f�"-r�' �=''P°. � �,� - � ` _ ' _��_/,S � Feb.80 . • � • • • • • • • • � . • • • • � • � �� r � � �'� *' �� � � ;�►�-�..�..,: �� �i��i: L.,■`� � .., �a , � :�•"-'•� �• . � M�. �� � . ,, d� , �� • � . • � • .� , . . � _ - _�, �- /� � . , . �.:�..,.... ..,.:... • � � � _.. _ �. . - ■ < �;.:,��.:.� ..r�:._..-_ , _ > .,.; ... ,- .._ • • � � � � . . • � • �► • '=-: �. • ' !.s ���.. � � .�'�� . , j �,� .� ±. :�►� ,� _ ;�!, �l� • , � ,.:��.�- - .�_ :� _ ..-.- r.v_: , �r _ _ _.. _�=� w �_ _ ,,_ . - - - - - - ,_ , -. �' - .. ,_;,.r..�.��,: w-` > .; i �� L��� ,+ ��� �' � � �-�/� �� M � t � � L � _ �- � �, ��``. �� -.,�;�I��. r,.,�v� �� ' ��, ,1� �` ��: -�1 �� `.��(_! 0 .• e� �� { � y�F � � . �Y. -.�i � � � ��� .. I � � :-'�`r � �=�,1.� u _ � _,�� � � .�..,�: .' 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Daniel 4640 41est 77th RE: Zoning File #9075 Suite 160 Edina, Minnesota 55435 ` Dear Mr. Daniel : � On January 8, 1982, the Planning Commission voted to deny your request for a special condition use permit to operate a Zantigo Restaurant on the corner of Grand and Grotto. This decision was based on findings 2, 3, 4, 7b, and 11 of the staff report. Finding 11 was amended by the Corr�nission to read "Requirement 7 of condition (d) prohibits uses that are inconsistent with the general welfare of the adjoining community. The character of the community along Grand Avenue is commercial mixed with residential . The Comprehensive Plan supports this type of activity. " If you wish to appeal this decision to the Board of Zoning Appeals , you must do so within thirty (30) days from the date this letter is mailed. , There will 6e a filing fee of $150.00. Sincerely, � - �_ Patricia James City Planner - Zoning PJ/cc til�.<'�e`d %zl 8 Z � � �� - - , � �-T i�I'��fti- '� . . �9����?V ��� city of saint paui board of zon�ng appeals resofution zoning file number 9113 � �ale March 23, 1982 _ WHEREAS, ZANTIGO has applied for an administrative review under the provisions of Section 64.206(1 ) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, of the decision of the Planning Commission to deny a special condition use permit to operate a • fast food American-Mexican restaurant on the northeast corner of Grand and Grotto; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Board of Zoning Appeals conducted a public hearing on March 9, 1982, pursuant to said appeal in accordance with the requirements of Section 64.204 of the Legislative Code; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Board of Zoning Appeals based upon evidence presented at the public hearing, as substantially reflected in the minutes attached hereto, made the following findings of fact: 1 . Fast food restaurants are permitted uses subject to special conditions in B-3 zoning districts. 2. Appellant Zantigo applied for a special condition use permit with modification to operate a fast food restaurant at the northeast corner of Grand and Grotto. 3. On January 7, 1982, the Zoning Committee .of the Planning Commission held a public hearing on appellant's application. . 4. At the public hearing, the Committee received a staff report with recommendation for denial based on findings : a) that access to the site on Grotto Street was 20 feet from the abutting residentially zoned property to the north rather than the required 60 feet; b) that the number of trips generated by this type of use would exacerbate the already heavy traffic on Grand Avenue; and c) that granting the permit would be inconsistent with the general welfare of the adjoining community because: (i ) the Land Use and District 16 components of St. Paul 's Compre- hensive Plan question the suitability of B-3 zoning along Grand and recommend a more intense mixing of commercial and residential uses , � m ove d by Ms. Summers Decisions of the Board of Zoning � S e C OC�d e d ��I _ Appeals are final subject to appeal Mr nchnrn t0 the City Council within 30 days in favo r 6 by anyone affected by the decision. against � � � Ma i 1 e d , �- �/: - %'-�`��-- � It3��� city of saint paul board of zoning appeals resolution zoning file number 9113 da�e March 23, ,982 (ii ) the draft of the District 16 Housing Plan recommenus a residential and commercial mix of uses f.or this site, and (iii ) the heavily auto-oriented nature of fast food restaurants would be detrimental to Grand Avenue's predominantly pedestrian character. (See attached staff report dated 1/7/82, part F. ) . . 5. Testimony at the public hearing (see attached minutes ) stated the neighborhood's desire for more rental housing and their c�oncern about traffic congestion , noise, litter, neighborhood image, and the need for more neighborhood-oriented uses . 6. At the close of the public hearing, the Zoning Committee recommended denial of the permit and the modification. On January 8, the Planning Commission approved this denial (see part H of the attached staff report) finding that the applicant did not meet two of the required conditions of Section 60.543(4) , c and e. 7. Condition c, the distance from abutting residentially zoned land may be modified by the Planning Commission if ineeting the condition would unreasonably limit or prevent otherwise lawful use of a piece of property . and would result in exceptional undue hardship to the owner, and if the following findings are made: aj the modification will not impair the intent and purpose of the special condition; b) it is consistent with the health, morals and general welfare of the community; and c) it is consistent with reasonable enjoyment of adjacent property. Based on staff findings and testimony presented at the hearing, the Zoning ` Committee and the Planning Commission found that modifying the condition would not be consistent with the health , morals , and general welfare of the community and would not be consistent with reasonable enjoyment of adjacent property. � m ove d by Ms. Summers __ Decisions of the Board of Zoning _ Appeals are final subject to appeal s e c o n d e d by Mr. Osborn _ to the City Council within 30 days �n faV�r _ 6 by anyone affected by the decision. against � Mdl �E?d �-.?� `�y',� /"i" � _ _ _ ._._ �._..,. �_..- _- .��._..__-___-_�-_._ ����� . .... ... city of saint paul board of zoning appea{s resolution zonir�g file number 9113 _ date March 23, 1982 __ 8. The Zoning Committee and the Planning Commission found that condition e(7) � was not met. The finding was also based on staff findings regarding the Comprehensive Plan and testimony presented at the hearing. This condition is not modifiable by the Planning Commission. 9. Appellant makes the appeal "on the basis that the denial is unreasonable and discriminatory. " Appellant contends that all conditions were met except one (condi'tion c) . 10. Appellant' s letter of appeal does not specify grounds for finding the Planning Commission's decision unreasonable or discriminatory, and the decision does not appear to have been either. The Commission found, after a public hearing, that two conditions were not met, one of which (e 7) could not be modified in any case. The Commission considered modifying the other condition (c) and determined that the condition could not be modified without detriment to the cor�,munity and adjacent property. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Saint Paul Board of Zoning Appeals that the Planning Commission made no error of fact or procedure; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLUED, that under the provisions of Section 64.206 the appeal of the Planning Commission decision to deny the special condition use permit to operate a fast food restaurant on the northeast corner of Grand Avenue and Grotto Street be denied, in accordance with the application for appeal attached hereto. - m ave d by Ms SummerS Decisions of the Board of Zoning Appeals are final subject to appeal s e c o n d e d by Mr. Osborn _ to the City Council within 30 days i n favor 6 by anyone affect�ed by the deci s i on. against � Mai 1 ed =5�r -r,� %,z � _-T _ - � __ _ _ - !/�'�/ ... .... .. . . . ...,. ...... . Y \�/��j� n . � � V , �"j�!(�'r��I---� t-F� ( r------� MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS IN COUNTY BOARD ROOM, CITY HALL, ST. PAUL, P•1IN��ESOTA, MARCH 9, 1982 FRESENT: Mme. Summers; Messrs. Grais , Kirk, Osborn , Peterson and Woods of the Board of Zoning Appeals ; Mr. Segal , Assistant City Attorney; Ms. Beseman, Mr. Haider, Ms . James and Mr. Soderholm of the Planning Division Staff. ABSENT: Mme. Morton. The meeting was chaired by Sam Grais , Vice-Chairman. ZANTIGO (r9113) : Appeal of Planning Commission decision to deny a Special Condition Use Permit to operate a fast food restaurant on the northeast corner of Grand and Grotto. � The appellant was present. There was opposition present at the hearing. Ms. James showed slides of the site and reviewed the staff report with a recommendation for denial of the appeal . She reported that the City Council adopted a resolution initiating a 40-acre zoning study for Grand Avenue from Dale Street to the Short Line Road and a 90-day moratorium on building permits during the study period. She also stated that there were 4 letters received in opposition to the appeal . Mr. Segal clarified that the issue before the Board is whether or not the Planning Commission committed an error. He suggested that the Board consider the application and not concern themselves with the moratorium. Linda Bergman, real estate agent representing Zantigo, 4640 W. 7th, Edina, • stated that witho�t the modification of the curb cut, they would have to shift the building eastward eliminating 7 parking spaces . This would leave only 16 spaces which would not be adequate for their customers. They would also have to put in a bypass lane for people who don' t want to use the drive- through facility. Because the lot is small it would require a very sharp turn creating poor traffic flow on the site and making it hazardous for people driving on the site. Modification of the curb cut will not affect adjoining property and if not approved, would limit the use of the property causing them undue hardship. She stated that 99% of their customers come from within 12 miles. Their restaurants don' t generate traffic; they feed off existing traffic. They spent time observing other fast food restaurants in the area and found that only 55 people total came during the lunch and dinner period. The majority of themroblem makingtatleft o��right turn. There were no traff�c problems; no p They have no direct access to the alley and there would be no reason for customers to park in the alley. Their hours are from 10:30 a.m. to 11 :00 p.m. weekdays, and 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 a.m. weekends. Their building is very attractive and tai:ll fT.t� �in wi:th the m1z o� arch.itecture on Grand Avenue. - Lloyd Stearn, St. Paul attorney representing Hess Kline, owner of the property in question, and Richard Kline property owner directly across the street, stated their support of the appeal . They feel the proposed use of the site would be an improvement to what is currently there. Bob Casselman, 794 Lincoln , testified that he has been actively involved in the District 16 Zoning Committee and the plannin9 along Grand Avenue. ___ .__ ___ _____ .___._.�_..��..w_..- ..:�__.. _. ___._ _._____ ___ _._. _.__._ _ ����� � Zantigo (�9113) Page 2 The proposed development is not in the District Plan or the City's Comprehen- sive Plan. A fast food restaurant is not the kind of business that would support the other businesses on Grand. He stated that the oldest residential structure on that end of Grand is right next door. Putting a fast food establishment with the cars , exhaust, lights , and noise immediately adjacent is an issue that should be considered. One of the proposed curb cuts opens onto Grotto which serves 30 residential properties . The proposed use would add additional traffic to the area and they already have two other fast food • establishments within 300 feet. The most appropriate development for the site would be commercial on the first floor and residential above. Richard Zehring, President of District 16 Council , reported unanimous community opposition. They feel there are too many restaurants in the area and the proposal is totally inconsistent with the health , safety, and general welfare of the community. It is in noncompliance with the Comprehensive Plan and the District Housing Plan. He stated that the proposed development abuts an alley which serves residentially zoned land. District 16 is unanimously in opposition to granting the appeal . They want orderly development and to maintain a residential/commercial mix. Tally Rhame, Community Organizer for District 16, representing the Chairman of the Zoning and Land Use Committee, read a letter in opposition. She reported that there are 20 restaurants along Grand, making 1 restaurant every 155 feet. Parking has become almost an impossibility, not only on Grand but also on Lincoln, Summit, Dale, Grotto and Avon. Arnold Steffes , 791 Lincoln, testified in opposition. He stated that parking in the alley makes it impossible for fire vehicles to get through. The . proposed restaurant would add to the existing parking problems in the area. Richard Arey, 750 Lincoln, spoke in opposition and stated that the bus stop on ttie corner would create traffic congestion. He expressed concern with garbage and parking problems. A property owner on the corner of Goodrich and Grotto spoke in opposition because of litter and traffic. Mr. Beyer spoke in opposition stating that Grand should not become another Robert Street or White Bear Avenue. J. E. Srill , Jr. , 100 Washington Square Building , Minneapolis , attorney representing Zantigo, reported that the property is zoned B-3 and the proposed use is a permitted use <nder the Code. The conditions that have been referred to in the staff report are all conditions in the sense of performance standards that the appellant will have to meet. The neighborhood is not a residential neighborhood, it is basically commercial . The site has been used as commercial . for many years and the adjacent property owner was aware of the surrounding circumstances when he purchased the property. He stated that with today' s - market, it would not be practical to develop the property for residential use or combined residential and commercial . Ms . Suruners asked about the traffic count on Grand and was told by staff that the average daily trip count on Grand is currently 10,850. ��`���� Zantigo (n9113) Page 3 Mr. Woods asked about the hours of the proposed business and how many people would be employed. Linda Bergman stated their hours would be from 10:30 a.m. to 11 :00 p.m. weekdays and 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 a.m. weekends . During peak hours they would employ 4 to 5 people. Tom Bradley, 727 Grand, testified in opposition. Hearing no further testimony, Mr. Grais closed the public hearing portion of the meeting. Mr. Kirk made a motion to deny the appeal based on findings 1 th�ough 10 of the staff report. � Mr. Osborn seconded the motion. The motion passed on a roll call vote of 6 to 0. Submitted by: Approved by: • , �����y1L�D � , , � 'l�- Patricia N. James Gladys t ton, Chairman f�; �-�+'`Y-;r J r-��'._�, ZOP�It�G STAFF REPORT ��`+�`-' 9075 . . F� f���� ' �1 , i;P?LICANT: ZANTIGO � DATE OF HEARItaG ��g/82 2, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , CLASSIFICATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CURRE�JT PLANNIt�G & ZONING COhiMITTEE BOARD OF ZO��IN� APPEAIS . Rezoning ❑ � Variance ❑ Special Condition Use ❑ Administrative Review � IX7 Dete rn�ination of Similar Use ❑ Other ❑ Change of fVonconforming Use , o Other � 3. LOCATION: Northeast corner Grand and Grotto. 4. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lots 16, 17, 18, Block 6, Summit Park Addition 5. PRESENT ZONING: B-3 ZONING CODE REFEREP�CE: Sections 60.543(a) ; 64.300 Subd.4 6. STAfF INVESTIGATION & REPORT: DATE 2/26/82 BY P�tri�i� P�. ,l�mP� A. PURPOSE: Appeal of Planning Commission decision to deny a Special Condition Use Permit to operate a fast food restaurant. B. PARCEL SIZE: 121 .68 feet (Grand Avenue) x 150 feet (Grotto Street) = 18�,252 square feet. C. EXISTING LAND USE: Vacant commercial . � D. SURROUNDING LAND USE: North - Institutional--Church (RT-2) South - Vacant commercial (B-3) � East - Commercial (B-2) West - Residential and commercial �6-3) ' E. ORDINAfdCE CITATION: Section 64.206�1 ) states : "Administrative reviev�: To hear and decide appeals where it is alleged by the appellant that there is an error in any order, requirement, permit, decision, or refusal made by the zoning administrator and any other administrative official in carrying out or enforcing any provisions of this code ar that there is an error in any fact or procedure in any order, requirement, permit, decision or refusal made by the planning commission in carrying out or enforcing any provisions of this code." . Section 60.543(a) permits fast food restaurants subject to 5 conditions : (a) Subject to the provisions of Section 64.300, Subdivision 4, the site shall be limited to a lot having B, I , or ES zoned property within 300 feet of the site. (b) Points of vehicular ingress and egress shall not be onto a street which is used primarily for access to abutting residential property. (c) Sub,ject to the provisions of Section 64.300, Subdivision 4, points of vehicular . ingress and egress shall be located at least 60 feet from the intersection of any two streets and at least 60 feet from any abutting residentially zoned property. (d) When the site abuts an alley which also serves residentially zoned land, no access from the site to the alley shall be permitted. (e) Impact on adjoining property by use of the site may not result in the following: (1 ) Loud, boisterous , and disturbing noise levels (2) Hazardous traffic conditions (3) Offensive, obnoxious , and disturbing odors • (4) Excessive litter (5) Excessive artificial lighting (6) Substantial decrease in adjoining property values (7) Any other condition inconsistent with the reasonable use and enjoyment of . adjoining property and inconsistent �,�itli the health , safety, morals , and general welfare of the adjoining community. Section 64. 300, Subdivision 4 allows the Planning Commission to modify specified special conditions after holding a public hearing when they find that the strict application of the conditions would "unreasonably limit or prevent other��ise laarful use of a piece of property. . . and �-�ould result in exceptional undue hardship to the owrer of such property. . . , provided that such modification will not impair the intent and purpose of such special condition and is consistent with health, morals , and general welfare of the community and is consistent with reasonable enjoyment of adiacent property. " . 2����� ZANTIGO (�9113) STAFF REPORT Page 2 F. FTNDINGS: l . Fast food restaurants are permitted uses subject to special conditions in B-3 zoning districts. 2. Appe7lant Zantigo applied for a special condition use permit with modification to operate a fast food restaurant at the northeast corner of Grand and Grotto. 3. On January 7, 1982, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission held a public , hearing on appellant's application. 4. At the public hearing, the Committee received a staff report with recommendation for denial based on findings : a) that access to the site on Groito Street was 20 feet from the abutting residentially zoned property to the north rather than the required 60 feet; b) that the number of trips generated by this type of use would exacerbate the already heavy traffic on Grand Avenue; and c) that granting the permit would be inconsistent with the general welfare of the adjoining community because (i ) the Land Use and District 16 components of St. Paul 's Comprehensive Plan question the suitability of B-3 zoning along• Grand and recommend a more intense mixing of commercial and residential uses , (ii ) the draft of the District 16 Housing Plan recommends a residential and commercial mix of uses for this site, and (iii ) the heavily auto-oriented nature of fast food restaurants would be detrimental to Grand Avenue's predominantly pedestrian character. (See attached staff report dated 1/7/82, part F. ) 5. Testimony at the public hearing (see attached minutes) stated the neighborhood's desire for more rental housing and their concern about traffic congestion, noise, litter, neighborhood image, and the need for more neighborhood-oriented uses . 6. At the close of the public hearing, the Zoning Committee recommended denial of the permit and the modification. On January 8, the Planning Commission approved this denial (see part H of the attached staff report) finding that the applicant did not meet two of the required conditions of Section 60.543(4 ) , c and e. 7. Condition c, the distance from abutting residentially zoned land may be modified by the Planning Commission if ineeting the condition would unreasonably limit or prevent otherwise lawful use of a piece of property and would result in exceptional undue hardship to the owner, and if the following findings are made: . a) the modification will not impair the intent and purpose of the special condition; b) it is consistent with the health, morals and general welfare of the community; and c) it is consistent with reasonable enjoyment of adjacent property. � Based on staff findings and testimony presented at the hearing, the Zoning Committee and the Planning Commission found that modifying the condition would not be consistent with the health, morals , and general welfare of the community and would � not be consistent with reasonable enjoyment of adjacent property. 8. Tne Zoning Committee and the Planning Commission found that condition e(7) was not met. The finding was also based on staff findings regarding the Comprehensive Plan and testimony presented at the hearing. This condition is not modifiable by the Planning Commission. 9. Appellant makes the appeal "on the basis that the denial is unreasonable and discriminatory. " Appellant contends that all conditions vdere met except one (condition c) . ������ ZANTIGO (�9113) STAFF REPORT Page 3 F. FI�JDINGS CONT' D. 10. Appellant's letter of appeal does not specify grounds for finding the Planning Commission's decision unreasonable or discriminatory, ard the decision does not appear to have been either. The Commission found, after a public hearing, that two conditions were not met, one of which (e 7) could not be modified in any case. The Commission considered modifying the other condition (c) and determined that the condition could not be modified without detriment to the community and adjacent property. G. S7AFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on findings 1 through 10, there is no evidence that the Planning Commission made any error of fact or procedure in denying the special condition use permit, and staff recommends denial of the appeal . . H. FOOTNOTE: Because of land use changes along Grand Avenue since 1975, the City Council is currently initiating a 40-acre zoning study for Grand Avenue from Dale Street to the Short Line Road. The Council also proposes a 90-day moratorium on building permits during the study period. Final adoption of the ordinance is expected on March 9, 1982. ___ __ ___ __._ _--_ _ __ ..__ . � _ _. ---__-_-_ _ _ ---__.--------_ _. . f.--.--;-�.��.��.��.�._-._�,-- 2`����8 �� zo;�<<r�c �oaa� C} � � =. � APPLICAI"ION FOR ZONfNG ORDINANCE ,VA`RI�NCE CiTY OF SAINT PAUL A VARIANCE OF ZONING CODE CHAPTER ,SECTION PARAGRAPH IS REQUESTED IN CONFORMITY WITH THE POWERS VESTED IN THE BOARD OF ZONING AP- PEALS TO PERMIT THE_��i���C-}'(�f���?� � UIf UJ ON PROPERTY : DESCRIBED BELOW. ' A. Applicant; NAME: (1� ' � � � ADDRESS ���I D `: . ���1*�l C�'�`� ti Cl� I1�� ���� -i C � ZIP CODE �� � �AYTIME TELEPHONE NO. X�I - �-I U�. 1. Property interest of appiicant: (owner,contrect purchaser,etc.) . 1 " �v�G`��5�� 2. Name of owner (if different) , \ • t"1P « k� � r�� . B. Prcperty Description: ADDRESS .. / I 1. Legal description: LOT��� f 1�1 � BLOCK l D ADD.�:��n'1 t j, i �� 2. Lot size: � � , �i� U 5 �� �`�� � 3. Present Use V (1��_CLY'�T Present Zoning Dist. �d l- � C. Reasons for Request: j� �,� i� i� �, �`�� �� 'J,-,I 1. Proposed use �i� ,,� L., �, E� L ;S - ��� 8 1���' . 2. What physical characteristics of the prpperty p�eyen;t;is being used,for any of the permitted uses �,, , , �,` ;, , in your zone? ftopography,soil condrfiobs s��Zd'and shape`of lot;`�etc:� c .r - - , 3. � State the specific variation requested,giving distances where appropriate. l � . � Explain how your case conforms to each of the foilowing: �� i a. That the strict application of the provisions of the Zoning Ordiance would resufi in peculiar � or exceptional practical difficulties,or exceptional undue hardships. ��� cs.-� �� Ett ' CASHIERS USE ONLY �' � b. 7hat the granting of a variance will �� not be a substantial detriment to �y i r.,,� i public good or a substantial impair- _ _ _ _ _ --r�: �_-c � ment of the inient and purpose of '__. . _ __ __ ._� [ -:. _! the Zoning Ordinance. " �F� ,_ _. �_.� f - `"�- _ - - - _ �\ � l . - - • ' ' • NOTE: THIS WILL NOT BE PROCESSED WITHOUT A COMPLETE SITE PLAN! � '; � /�'J� � � �� ,.. i , . . %��� ��r}--i C�i"3L�.�_r--" _l/ � `fj \ Signature / z� ____ _ f � Date Received _ � � 2'7���8 . . �;-�--�u�.�<s1��.r,(�1�� , I r--f• n � ° L, p rra� �j{� �-e '����� � � l,r�v 1( . i �\; ��. ,\�: � Y � f`�4=n ._._- '_.._ .. .._'-_ _"_., ._ _-_..... . .�.VL_ � "" ' '..V'/-!�/ �� —_ . . _' _ .._.__..__ . .__ •.___� (�.___-� . __�__' ..Y._...__.._��._._"__�_.� �._..'_" -...`_._'_'.___... � � • , _.___'."__' ._..._...._ .;.._. . ..__C�____ .. . . _-__�� ��... .._. �._._--_.-_.�_�_._.._..._. __ _.._.__—_.��...__'..... . �� • , R �. /���«��...� - ����__ __. _�_�c� �-- � � ; o � � __.________ ___ .: ______ ____� __7-- __.___ � t, -___.___._____ _-:.---- ____._ _ _ ___ ----- -----.---_____ ___----_ � . . --- ------ .... .__ ----___ c�- __ _ _ _ ____ _ _ _ - �iu__��C� � � � � � ✓L --- .-___ _____ ._c��--- _�S � �!Yz,-c/' �'___._. _ .----- __ _ .___ �j ---- .----. . — — ------ ------ ---— U � ; � Q2��_ -__--------_ :____ ._—.---- ---_________ . _ __ __ _ _ ._ _ _._ _______ '�.,� _ _ _ " � _ �.__. __ __ _: _ . _ _ _ _.__ � : , ___�_--��_ -----�,�.�___�� -- _ -___ __ _' _.__.�-�,._��----����_____-_--..__ -�-�,�'�`'� ._------_____:��� _ ___ ___ __--�-�___�-�--���.__ _ _ _.__ ___-- . . , � � . . ______.__._--- -___ _ __._ ____ _ _ - -- - -- -- _.�_______ _ _.---.__�.�----_,.__ __ _.---- __ �: . ; - . � � , ; ______._____ :_ --- - ___ __ --- _-- � ,� ------ -__ ____ __ _. : -� . _ --.-- _ _ __ _ ____ _. __ _ __ _ _ ;; . . - � �y �� _� �-_� _�__�� � _�_� ._ ___ _ � .._.._.v______.'_'... k'_�___....�-.._�... _. _� /� ' ._. , v __ ^ �, -� � .._"____'_-____.._-....�..Y=-.�`' ' �"'.-_...__ .Y._.___ . � � _.. ._ / .. _ ._...__.._. . . _�-.___�_ . _...._ __ ......_.�... .._.�.._. ______ _.___ �._., I� � ,/� � v C '' / � ,, . � � -� ;� r ._��.r.�".' ._'__..__._..._� ._""'�. �.� _ _.�__� � . .�_�_.__ .._._... __ _. �_.__..__.�.!��" _'__-__..____ ._. , , . , o y , , . _.._.___�_�.�.- !-�-.- _-. :� t7!.'�L.��.����-. ��;.�'�!�'�J�..._..i..____, _..._.__z.- . 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Suite 1r0 . Edina, tv1N 5��;35 . 612-831-4045 April 2�, 1982 � T0: Ruby Hunt, Chairperson St. Paul City Council :, � Dear f�s. Hunt: • - �� j.�G ��" `/� �/�� This is notification that Zantigo P1exican Restaurants would like to appeal to the City Council the decision reached by the Board of Zoning Appeals and the Planning Commission to deny our request for a special use permit with one minor modification for the property located on the NWC of Grand & Grotto in St. Paul . We believe we have complied with all but one of the requirements of the special condition use code, but we adequately demonstrated that compliance with that one requirement would cause us undo hardship and restrict our use of the property. This site is zoned B-3 which permits a fast food user. t�Je have also addressed the issues raised by staff inembers and neighbors as reasons for denial and demonstrated that they are not applicable or valid to our proposal . ' We would appreciate and look forward to the opportun�ty to appeal our case before the City Council . Sincerely, �`�c%r�Gl.%_, �e'_���-�—r�,,-t��•---..� J ;i Linda Bergmann Real Estate Representative . LB �-:�E..�e �.,�, � � ���.a?�e� � �-����. a.�-�. r ' �C��.� �l ) (� J 'y`�'� G�� C,�--�, U.-�-e—� �-�;..c� �. �.•-�-C.� G--c1 ��a.N ��r,�-l�--��, � � r° � �����'�SR�� FOOc.7 S'cRY10E& FRAtdCh{ISIF�G G�RC:t!P �:�{�:� . • . ������ � _ ' ST. PAUL CITY COUNCI� � PUBI.IC HEARING NOTICE Z4NING � �,�E� ,� , . �;� ; � can C�, an7 _., t; � '+ �.. - . _ ':r- .,/��" To property owners within 350 feet and FIL E N 0. 9113 representatives of District 16 PAGE PURPOSE Appeal of Board of Zoning Appeals decision upholding Planning Commission's denial of special condition use permit to operate a fast food restaurant. L 0 C A TI 0 N Northeast corner Grand and Grotto. � P E T I TIO N E R ZANTIGO MEXICAN RESTAURANTS � H E A RIN G Thursday, �v 20, �9s2 io:oo A.M. Citv Council Chambers, 3rd Floor Cit�� Hall - Court House Q U E STIO N S Zoning z9s-4154 (Patricia James, 292-7359) Contact the Zoning Section of the Planning and Economic Development Department, Room 1101, City Hall Annex, 25 W. 4th Street; St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Notice sent May 7, 1982 y i rM i-`-: �,.y�'� ,i'p"i :' .� I`'' � �` !�r-�.:f r�'C ... r '�`r �{ ���C F � ,i� L � y�'.�&-Yl�;"` `�,� Y� " ' '1/.k'� }S'�'2'F�F,`.'""7i; ,�... � ��4 l���;. t�x'�, ' / i', ''�' r;tY�='��� .� .i "��� ��� � �.�. t�{ �� 5 �" 'e<�"�iv'r.�r�.� ! t'}3✓,u.�'���,r 'n?� ,a t �x ,'7�x�, �. �" �-"D1 d :'. ''�ti �" a �`'; • � �Y:'� E�� i�� � f a � �w r �� �.+C�° '";1 � l�.': \tA ,A s�j 1� � '�{ �� y`� w }� .� �. : v a;� � <. �*� L� � �`� f.. � r} .'� �i�a:S" r ��: 4 ���A � �F y� r� ,^-..� �A� � j e � �sx�.�:� `C� u�` ; N : I ��'' t a��f�i7 �, 'f }�,�z �� �.t� L .i: � � � i � ,'f n t ;� � e yg:1f�,1 � �,K� > rx a ,� r � . T � �, t a,. 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