278816 WNITE - CiTY CLERK ��('���(� PINK - FINANCE j� )� h CANARY - DEPARTMENT C I T Y O F S A I N T j �u L COQflC1I �J �,� BLUE - MAYOR � File N 0. Community Development Council Resolution Presented By V Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the Counci1 of the City of St. Paul did approve the Community Deve1opment Block Grant Year VTTT Application on April 5, 1982, Counci1 File 278507; and WHEREAS, the City Council did also autharize and direct the Mayor to submit said Community Development Year VIII Application to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development in such form as prescribed by the regu1ations of said department; and WHEREAS, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development has approved the City's Community Development Year VITI Application with certain minor changes and conditions as stated in the attached letter and grant agreement from said department to Mayor George Latimer, dated May 25, 1982; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of St. Paul does hereby accept the Community Development B1ock Grant far Year VIII with all the conditions and terms attendant thereto as contained in the attached grant agreement and letter from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development; and be it � FURTHER RESOLVED, that the proper City officials are authorized and directed to execute the grant agreement and contract between the City and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for the Community Development Block Grant Year VIII Program. COUNCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt L in �� In Favor Ma ox Lsvine � s o hter �� __ Against BY �0�� edesc Nic�sia ilson Stheibel T�� .IUN i 0 }982 Form Approve by City A tor Adopted by Council: �yj�5pt Date � d Certified Ya:�e Council S ret BY By � App d b :Navor. Date Ap o y Mayor for S b i ion to Council By r` B PU8I.ISHED J UN 19 1982 , ,. , . -� * ,. t � . � 0���� QTP�MENt'��/' DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT � O�' ��I�II1� �(, ; ���, ��I;;� = MINNEAPOLIS-ST.PAUL AREA OFFICE �y �l������ �0 220 SECOND STREET SOUTH � o MINNEAPOLIS,MINNESOTA 55401 a �r3n3a N"0 REG[ON V � IN REPLY REFER TO: M4Y k 5 inS2 Honorable George Latimer Mayor of St. Paul 34? City Hall � 15 West Kellogg Boulevard St. Paul, MN 55102 w , -• _,� - �',;, , ',:�.; .� Dear Mayor Latimer: JUPI � - �,v�'l SUBJECT: Community Development Block Grant B-82-MC-27-0007 �';;".i�i i�i�� �.����-!�-•�_ St. Paul, Minnesota � I ar:► �leased �o inform }•�u trat th� Department of Iiousing and Urban De- velopment has awarded St. Paul a grant under the Fiscal Year 1982 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program. The grant assistance which you are receiving includes $2,000 in funds reallocated from Fiscal Year 198].'s appro- priation, in addition to your 1982 entitlement of $8,411,OQ0. Because �ae are required to account for these funds by the fiscaZ year in which they were appropriated, the reallocated funds have been assigned the grant number establish�d for your 1981 entitlement grant. The �program period for the 1982 grant begins on June 1, 1982. Three copies of the Funding Approvai Form and Grant Agreement are enclosed. These two documents comprise the grant contract between the Department of Hous- ing and Urban Development and St. Paul. Item 1:3 of tYie Funding Hpproval Furm identifies s�cial conditlor�s affect- ing your grant. The first condition reminds you that funds for activities need- ing environmental review and clearance under 240 CFR Part 58, Environmental Review Procedures, cannot be obligated or expended until your request for re- lease of funds is approved by HUD. The second condition requires correction of any inconsistencies between your proposed use of 1982 funds and requirements included in new regulations yet to be published that will implement the 1981 amendment to the Housing and Community Development Act. Any inconsistencies noted will need to be corrected within 90 days of the affective date of the regulations. ` Also enclosed is a letter outlining provisions of a recent court ruling that requires equal access for handicappec7 persons to CDBG program benefits. Please read it carefully and assure compliance with the requirements of the ruling. Your application contained assuranaes of compliance with federal Iaws and executive orders, including Davis-Bacon Wage requirements and other labor standards. Please identify, on the enclosed form, the person who will be responsible for labor standards activities and return the form �o our office. .. h: ' • • � �t.���� � 2 . r Another assurance included in your application required compliance with Executive Order 11246. This Executive Order prohibits discrimination in employment contracts, and directs governmen� contractors to establish and maintain affirmative action programs for enployees and applicants for employ- ment. The order is administered through the local office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs of the Department of ?�abor. Questions about you� respon- sibilities under the order should be dir8cted to Mr. Gene Dario at (6Z2) 725-3809. A copy of an information packet developed by the Department of Labor for distribution at pre-construction conferences is enclosed. This year's review process was different than our application review process of previous years. We no longer conduct, prior to grant award, a de- tailed review of each activity to determine eligibility for funding. Thereforer it is essential that documentation be maintained locally tnat will support your deterrnination that each activity in your program is eligible and meets one of the three statutory objectives of the Housing and Community Development Act. My CPD staff is available to meet with your staff whenever clarification of eligibility issues is requested. Please sign all three copies of the Grant Agreement, return the original. and one copy to our office, and retain one copy for your reco,rds, Your Letter of Credit account will be increased by $8,413,000 as soon as we receive the executed contract. The following information shall be entered on Farm SF-Z83 (Request for Payment on I�et.ter of Credit and Status o£ Funds Report) . In Section III (Classification of the Amount of this Request) of Form SF-183, enter your first program year's grant number (i.e. , B-75-MC-27-0003) until the cumulative amount drawn down is equal to the amount of CDBG funds awarded under that num- ber. At this point, enter in Section III the following year`s grant number (i.e. , B-76-MC-27-0003) until such time as the cumulative amount dr.awn down under that number is equal to the amount of CDBG funds awarded under that number, a�id so fortn for each succeeding year's gran� num'r�ar. �uch runds, although identified in this "first-in, first-out" manner, may be exgended on any year's activities, provided that any contract conditions affecti,ng the expenditure of CDBG funds have been met. Again, please note that reallocated funds have been awarded under the 1981 grant number. Consequently, you must continue to enter the 1981 number in Section III of Form SF-183 until the cumulative amount drawn down under that number equals that year's entitlement amount plus the reallocated funds awarded to you under that number. My staff and I look forward to the successful implementation of your Community Development Block Grant program. Please contact William Grasavage at 349-3026 with requests for information or assistance. Sincerely, ..-��"'����� � Thomas T. Feeney Area Manager, S Enclosures CC: 4�7i 1 1 i am n_ Patf-�n .ti. � i ' U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT ���O��' �+ • COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRAN7 PROGRAM r�$ FUNDING APPROVAL UNDER TITLE 1 OF THE HOUSfNG AND C7MMUNITY DEYELOPMEN7 ACT OF 1974 (Public Low 93-383), I1S AMEPIDED 1. NAME OF GRA TEE 2. � GRANT NO. City of St. Paul B-81-MC-27-0007 B-sa-MC-a�-000� " GRANTLE S �DDRESS(Include 5treat, City, County, State �nd 2ip Coda) 4. DATE OF SUBMISSION 347 City Hall 4-26-82 I.S WOSt. K01.�.00JCJ B011�.eVdrC�L S. DATE OF HUD RECEIPT OF SUBMISSION St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 4-27-82 (Ramsey) . • 6 • �] Origir�al Funding Aporoval � 0 A�rendment.Amendment No. • All section references below are to the Housin2 and Commuoitv Development Act of 1974,as amended, uniess otherwise indicaied. 7. CATEGGftY OF COMMUNI7Y DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FOR 7Ht5 FUNDINC ACTIOk !Chr�k only uneJ � a. � Metropolitan Entitfement(Sec, 106) b. ❑ Mei!;,potitan Discretioaary(Sec, 106? c. [� Non-Metropolitan Entitlement (Sec, l0e) d. ❑ tvon-hletropolitan Discretionary(Sec, l00) e, ❑ Secretary's Discretionary(Sec. 101) � i. � Categorical program Settlement Grants(Sec. 103�b)) 5. AMOUNT OF C4MMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRAN7 FUNDS APPROVED 81 82 . a.. Amount ot CDBG Funds Currently Reserved for this GRANTEE • • � • • • • • • • • • • • • •• •2.000. . . . S 8,411,aao D. Amount ot CDBG Funds Now Being Approved fot this GRANTEE . . . . . . .. . . . . .. .?c000, , , , S 8,�I1,000 c. Amour,t of Reservation to be Cancelled(Line 8a minus 8b). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .�. . . .. . S � HUD ACCOUlt71NG USE ONLY SATCN TAC py� Y A RHG ARE DOCUMcNTN PROJECT NUMHER — 5 1 5 3 ' i7 �6 7082 , � � t ♦ . � a f2 t3 14 /e 1s 23 ao as CATEGOR AMOUNT 1 EFFECTNE DATE F AMOUNT 2 SCHEDULE NO. � � 3e 41 a5 a0 04 e0 SS a5 70 7• ?D 9. DISTRIdUTION OF APPROvED COMMUNI7Y DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT 81 82 a. Grant kmcunt Budgeted by Locality fot Repayment of Urban Renewal Loans .. . . . . . • . . •• • 0� • • • • S 0 � — b. Grant Amount W'�thheld for Payment of Principal and Interest o� t_oans Guaranieed Pursuant to Se�c. 108 . S � c. Grant Amount Deducted by HUD iu Settle Outstanding Urban Rer►ewal �aans 0 0 (Sec. 112ia)(1)) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S d. Sum af lines 9a,9b,and 9c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .�. . . . . S e. Amount of Ap�roved Ct�BG Available fot Disbu�sement(Line 8b minus 9d) . . . . . . . . . . . �..OQQ, . , S 8,411,000 Prwio�s Editions or� Obsot�e• 1 HUD-7082 (8-78) 10. • ,A►v10UNT OF SURPLUS URBAN RENEWAL FUNDS APPROVEO AND BALANCE AVAILABLE (See, 1l2(bj) ������ .; ' GRAIr'TEE S a. Amount of Surplus U.R. Funds Reserved for this .... . ..... ... ........ b, flmount of 5urplus U.R. Funds Nor+v Being Approved ........................... S c. Balance of Surpfus U.R. Funds Available for Future Use (Ltne IOa m�nus 10bJ........ S HUD ACCOUNTING USE ONLY ' BATCH TAC PROGRAM Y REG R DOCUM�EM'Nlp, PROJEC7 MUMBER • 5 153 08 't 7 � 1 y g 32 13 �� 36 18 23 30 35 CATEGOR AMOUNT 1 FFECTIVE DA F AM�UNT 2 SCHEDULE NO. � 41 45 SO S4 60 6I 65 ,�0 74 79 11. MAXIMUM AMOUNT OF LOAN GUARANTEE COMM{TMENT AVAILABLE ANQ AMOUN7 NOW BEING APPROVED � Grantee's x3 ' S a, Latest Entitiement Amount — S b. Grant Amount Required by HUD to be Apptied to Urban Renewal Loans s. c Amount of Ouutanding Loans (Includirsg Principal and Interest Thereonf Guaranteed � Pursuant to Section 108 ' . t d. Amount of Outstanding Loan f uarantee Commitmenu Approved Pursuant to Section 108 S e. Maximum Amount of Laan Guarantee Commitment Available (Line lla minus Ilb, Ilc, � and i1dJ f. Amount of Loan Guarantee Commitment Naw Being Approved $ 12. RECIPIENT OF LOAN GUARANTEE(CheckApplicableBoxf a. ❑ Grantee�dentifted in Block No. 1 b. ❑ Public Agency Designated as Grantee to Receive Loan Guarantee(Na►rte and Addressf . 13. SPECIAL CONDITIONS SEE ATTACHED ttUD-70$2 (8—)8? ` ' t1 ' �, . .. . 2`���J_.i`..� 13. SPECIAI, CONDITIONS a. The funding assistance authorized hereunder shall no�. be obligated or utilized for any activities requiring a release of funds by HUD under the Environmental Review Procedured for the Community Development Block Grant Program at 24 CrR Part 58, until such release is issued in writing. b. . The Grantee shall take all actions necessa�y to correct any inconsistencies with the requirements of HUD regulations implementing the Housing and Community Development Amendments of 1981 within 90 days of the effective date of such regula�ions. . , , _ 2'����.� GRAI�'T AGREEIbTENT This Grant Agreement is made by �nd between the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and st. Paul (the Grantee} pu;s�.�ant to the authority of Title I o the Housing and Community Deve apment Act af 1�74 (Public Law 93-383), as 8mended. The Grantee's submissions for Title I �ssistance and the HUD regulations at 24 CFR Part 570 (8s now in effect and as mey be amended from time to time), which are incorporated by reference, together with the certifications of the Grantee and the HUD funding Form 7082, which are hereto attached, constitute part of the Agreement. In reliance upon and in consideration of the mutual representations and obligations hereunder, HUD and the Grantee agree as folloK�s: Subject to the provisions of this Grant Agreement, HUD w�1.1 make the funding assistance ' for Fiscal Year 19 82 specified in the ettached HUD funding Form "r082 avail�ble to the Grantee upon execu ion of the Agreement by the parties. The �bligation and utilizati�n of the funding assistance provided is subject to the requirements of the regulations and any special. conditions set forth in the HUD funding Form 7082. The Grantee further agrees to sccept respcnsibility for adherence to the Agreement by subrecipient entities or designated pvblic ag'encies to which it makes such funding assistance available. THE DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING � UR3AN DE�`ELOPMEA'T BY: ----'—�,w,+1"'�, . T I TLE: Area Ma a DATE: ��Y � J 158� T`�� GRANTEE st. Paul . BY: TITLE• Ma o , City of Saint Paul, Minnesota � DATE: June 3, 1982 APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPR04'ED: ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY PETER HAMES, DIRECTOR DEPT. OF FINANCE & MGN1T. SEF.VICE . . • DEPARTMEHT: PED � ' ` CONTACT: 606 HAMMER ROUTING Ar�a D(PLANATIgN SHEET pH�E; 2gg-5586 GREEN SHEET �or Adviaistrative Orders, Aeaolutioas, Ordin ee and Aareaments ������ ROUTIN6 ORDER - ROUTE BY AcSt�NEn WIIMAFR; �,pj ��C�I�fED I REC MANAGEMENT �U N `�: - {�U� 3 �'Y0R MaYORS OFFICE , �DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR DIRECTOR, FINANCE $ I�T� SERVICES � CITY ATTORNEY CITY CLERK BUDGET DIRECTOR 4 CounCil President Tedescn ACTION REQL�StED �CLIP ALL O _ATtONS FAR MAYORA c1Gt�1eTLQF)t Approval and signature. I�NAT WtLL BE ACHIFVED BY TAKINC ArTinN ON TH ATTA -H�,i1 �T RtA S �P �RPOS AND sTtO A��; This Resolution formally accepts the Fiscal Year 1982 (CD Year VIII) Block Grant from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, and authorizes the City to execute the Grant Agreement. INANCiAL. BLR)6ETARY AND PERcONNEI_ IMPACTS ANT�GtPATED, The CDBG Year VIII Grant represents $8,413,000 which the City wi-11 receive ATTACHMENTS �U ST ALL ATTACHMENTS): L Award notification from HUD 2. 3. c �r.ev.c.aw neceaa o�c o e a a c,u�en,te � . . Gi.ty Atto�ut¢.y: 1. Counc.i.0 ReaoLu�ti.on Rtqu,inedt �YES NO 1. Reeo�Cu.t�.oK! �VES � f� Y. I►tOUnQnCe R2qu�lZEdf YES �NO 2. Tnewsance Su6b.i.ci.�+,t°—_'re- ��- L�n 3. Ineu�tanc.t A.ttacitedY Y�S X NO Aevision O�t:4/29/82