278814 � � ����'� � . i .. . 'E" . �. CounSil Ftle 1Q�Y18l1�-r�p• RE80DVi�,�1L1(Y up��_ n of$t. Paul 8tnxtueal Sfeel Co., tLe iatimr of pub�c aEne! qaid:pu� l�einetta ewAr��fi�. S�ti�nb',are. va¢atd aod d�ued as a public�reet ��` All ai�Ya�t-Wst a�l�y,iR,Hlack 5,Ed. _ . mu►d Rla's'lT►in1 Addttian to City M$t. P°ul'�nd ; ' °MIIP��"�MI aa�m�,:a�s- AIl tl�at part of llork Avmue�ying bet- ��91,.�aes��qyadian�. ween the Wpt itae of i.o! 7 e�qel�d; negil�t4tce ut t6b-�tetitfonea, its ,� rait6�iy and t6e-West llee o1 Lot�iO M[',� �P�'9�M.a9mb:ar hptlMO lnvltta. febded�uffierly.boih i�7n�i.Rldr 8.T6�ttaep�llal�a'w311I�R�dble fot mun&Rfoe's T!d!d A�B4IaRC�c34q^(�s0!`.., 'all cirt�a4d�!n tte�eoomtnu� 8t Pwi: •'-.-.-. � 4 3- •.rt; � "�t��the,;tre�.R 1n��n�Wte. s1�M�!!�7'��►e�lo�paidifdma <8kn�,a�7C�k Avemie,��e t1x Fao- wdresavaUpnc ' - ste�EfpA aad/o; zecoast3qcHon oL 1.7�e�t the vaq�be spbfact to�all tbe ��e�ILttla�aa8�tF cq�eMam'o! -temts.and saaditieos o3 QuPter 180. . '�!N"rtdi?�u.bw�ev's�4Tr�md curbinB cqdiried Msri�i_.I,_7�t of ffie St. Paul , aera�s 4he pid Pi+oPO�i�d'�'ieie}qd York Lejlstadve Code� ae:amended�i�luding •�• �°�bD tl�`�w.� thr th� setpntion of �11 sublic uHlltya � . ����W�: eat�.. . 7.T!�t�pditiao�e'pql to tbe City as 2'l�t 4 � r�jtem�j�'6d rettl�qeQ to �'��M�����- D�tict:'�ta�dr o!`Ifo�th!l�Pf'$ta4a ' ���thsvant�.,.,,. , ��mhji�t�y+wiffiinfLevsoateda�ey f.�t'�1�i�aerlWeidttl�eCiylNth , and striet. - , h<.,i_ , i-�a0��t�lf�ottnt ad•��6M�b:��'� a.Tlltt�t��ecitk ea�otuu�De�In `�-�o,:by�'o!•!6'e" the foFprotect t6e intee�'t�lfor�'' ' � and candttiar�s of this � t�w� ..�e[1 TsIepBone.ComV+u�7 �f�M �'�'.•_dRlmd a�d �ave withint��edaUq. ' ;` I ,� $� �� �be �r�talped a4tetea'm.�6t �dstfn�t �t . . r . � � � � '�It',;,,;, .�W or . ddmt � ° �'aot 12-�reaa�lise ett�e�tlie ltn�of ��� t6e veatlon evirhio'rF'�f/F�ue:-> . , s�eod�ei.a�fined 5.'l�at a watlr'�f tb�ntained over ��`� �����' the nozth JO icet.dY�Araoue$astria •'��fi�Catlon:or b�cnpe ai'aeW tiaos within ths w�gt uest s6e11 be as ' rAiar dn�aq�ae0aet or mi�ca�ot folloax . . - :- :; s�id DatltioaK'arqreiuse a[a�d�rs a� �1�at no b�s.stnx.tu�as.ar� 'll�6imtg-aei�ip�lrapi os�i�d;ia fitq � ;M,K+eP��wltbiat6�.�,��, �� ��arldeln • .a� w1,�SPot'+eY scar��t., a�lW�e�4�,v�AY the �e,l�rac4'ath�g:°b1�►�t�l� , Petitlon� .er an�s:�-#�-#p�Rls or �i1��Sl�q:k4_.lp�[4�R.w�! ', � l�p�l� ,. '�-, �,� ..-Y' facltitlai f�mdnte�ee pu�,.,ia... �.� Adopted by fJte CEnbeiC;k�„�t:- b)'11U11���RQ16.t�l. ��� �.J�dd�i�TS.i�4." r r:-xi`: �s D�A!�ted:l�-!!���'� (Jwie IY.198t1.z t�*�. boa�6e�Yder UH1tf,�.q.I4�jc Warki�, r c?�1e��eiaau�fidesailQ�tttew► : s�t ts��1s¢�lmltai��qu permLd� irom the WaSer UtlUt� or ����..:. : . , d)Th�t the Perifjq�ee.its�ont aqA- artiOn iEult. Iad�mnifY.defmd snd tave hsemle���a�id ad Water Com- misdonen.t6e(�tp-oI&.-Piul.tt�of- Hcas. aYwt�. �e►pla�er am! servaote li+oeii=�lL�uits.�ell8ei ot ela�n!whid� dull atise from any In�uAes or�drm�ea 'r�eeived atY�aiMd by a�hruk Ln r�q xvvboe pipe.'3swbr�ater mdn.or cam-. . � �..L_t_ � -�� _ � •' � � . r • �¶T�,� / /�. LA� �• ���� ,'a T..� CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM To: Ruby Hunt, Council President and Members of the City Cauncil From: J. William Donovan ' Valuation and Assessment Engineer Date: April 13, 1982 Subject: Petition of the Saint �.ul Structural Steel Comparyy for the vacaticn of a certain pa.rt of York Avenue and all of the East-West Al1ey in Block 5, Edmund Rice 's Third Addition to the City of St. Paul Public Hearing - May 25, 1982 The petitioner, Saint Paul Structural Steel Compar�y, asks that the vacation be granted as that part of York Avenue and the aforementioned alley are un- suitable and inconvenient for public travel. It would better serve the public interest if this va.cation was granted and the property placed on the tax rolls. The area to be vacated is described as follaws: The street is 60' by 165' (9,900 sq. ft. ) and the alley is 15' by 309•5' (�+,6�+2.5 sq, ft.) for a tota.l of 1�+,542.5 square feet. The area is zoned I-1 (Industrial). The Department of Public Works reports that York Avenue is an improved dead- end street, with an existing 12-inch sewer serving the petitioner's property. A 20-foot perma.nent sewer easement must be retained along the center line of the street for access to this sewer. (Restrictions in the easement area will be stated later in this report. ) The alley in Block 5 is unimproved and dead-ends on the East End. The Depa.rtment of Public Works also recommends that the petitioner be re- sponsible for all costs and expenses in the reconstruction of the street inter- section on Agate Street at York Avenue, to include the construction and�or reconstruction of drainage facilities and the construction of new sidewalks, boulevards, and curbing across the said groposed va.cated street, all to the satisfaction of the Department of Public Works. The Water Utility reports a 6-inch water main in the portion of York Avenue proposed to be vacated. As a condition of the va.cation, they request that an easement be reta.ined over the north thirty (30) feet of York Avenue. The Water Utility has no objection to theproposed alley vacation. The Northwestern Bell Telephone Compar�y reports an aerial cable with joint use poles wi�h Northern States Power Compar�y in the alley proposed for tira.cation that serves customers in the area, They request that their interest be pro- tected. P;orthern States Power Compa.�y reports of hav�ng a �+-inch gas main in the pro- posed vacation of a portion oF York Avenue. They also have electric distri- bu�ion f'�ci=ities in the a�ley. 'I'he�• request that their interest be protected. . T � /�'C.�'�'� � -2- ihere were no objections from any otner public or private agencies involved. In view of the foregoing, I recommend the va.cation be approved, subject to the following terms and conditions: 1. That the description of the alley and street to be vacated read as follaws: All of the Ea.st-West alley in Block 5, Edmund Rice's Third Addition to City of St. Paul; and All that part of York Avenue lying between the West line of Lot 7 extended southerly and the ;�est line of Lot 10 extended souther�r, both lots in Block 4, Edmund Rice's Third Addition to the Cit3r of St. Paul. � -2�- That the vacation be subject to all the terms and conditions of Cha.pter 130, codified Maxch l, 1981 of the St. Paul Legis- lative Code, as amended; includir� the retention of all public utilities easements. a� That a specific easement be retained to protect the interests of Northern States Pdwer Compar�y within the vacated a11ey and street. �� That a specific easement be retained in the alley to protect the interests of Northwestern Bell Telephone Comparly within the vacated alley, �f� That a 20-foot permanent sewer ea.sement be retained centered on T the existir� 12-inch sewer line extending the length of the vacation within York Avenue. JI�Ff. That a water easement be retained over the north 30 feet of York Avenue. Restrictions within the easer�ent areas sha11 be as follokTs; a) That no buildings, structures, or trees are permit�ed within the easement area, or ar�y temporary structure, maierial storage, fixture or other objects that will prohib it normal access to sewer or wa.ter facilities for maintenance purposes. b) That no change from the existing grade is permitted without written permission from the Water Utility or Public �dorks. c) No change in surfacing within the easement area is permitted without written permission f�om the Water Utility or Public Works. d) That the petitioner, its successors and assigns shall iLtlly indemnif�r, defend �.nd save harmless the Board of Water Commissioners, the Cit� of St. Paul, its officers, a�ents, employees , and servants from all suits, actions or c1ai.Ms which shall arise fY�om any injuries or damages received ,_ .,, � ^ ��t3��� -�- or sustaine3 b�- any break in ar�� service pipe, sewer water main, or connection in said reserved e�.sement, arising out o� or resultin� f�o� ar�;r action or negligence of the pet�t�oner,�ts e�raloyees, agents, or business invitees. �-�'. That the petitioner� will be responsible for all costs and ex- penses in the reconstruction or the street intersection on Agate Street at York Avemae to include the construction and�or re- construction of drainage facilities and the construc�ion o� new sidewalks, boulevards, and curbin� across the said proposed vacated York Street, all to the satisfaction of the Depa.rtment of Public Works. 7 �8: That the petitioner pay to the City as riarket value the sum of $8,600.00 as compensation for the vacation. g'� That the petitioner ftirnish the City with a bond in the amount of �y7,000.00, and in addition thereto, by acceptance of the terms and conditions of this vacation, a�rees to indemnif�, defend and save harmless the City of Saint Paul, the Boa.rd of Water Commissioners, its officers and employees from all suits, actions, or clai.ms of ar�v character, including, but not limited to, a clai.m brought because of a�y injuries, or damages received or sustained by a.rur person, �ersons or pro�erty, on account of this vacation; or because of ar�r act or omission, ne,fi,lect or m;.�sconduct or ssid petitioner; or because oi ar�,� claim or liabilit}� arisin; f�om or based on ar�y violation of ar�* law or regulation made in accordance with the law, whether by the petitioner or ary�� oi' its agent� or ermlo Ees-:----,_ � \ � � � �;' � /� � � �` � / r �, � ��\ ' ' � /L j; _ � �-v---- � , - cc: ?fayor George Latimer /�