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To: Ruby Hunt, Council President
and Members of the City Council
F'-'OA1: J. William Donovan '
Valuation and Assessment Engineer '
Date: Aprill2, 1�82
Subject: Petition of Darrell P. Butler for the vacation of
pa.rt of NLystic Street.
Rescheduled Public Hearing - May 25, �982 � ,
On October 13, 1981, the City Council laid over this petition and referred
it to the Depa.rtment of Public Works. Since that time, Public Works staff �
held meetings with the petitioner, residents on Njystic Street, and va.rious
City staff. The Public Works Department now recommends placement of a
cul-de-sa.c northerly of the area. Butler's wish to vacate and use to build
a ga.rage. The Public Woxks Depa.rtment no longer needs a conditifln in the \
vacation that the ga.rage be removed if the street was extended. Due to a
��er�� steep slope just souther]�y of the proposed vacation, there is little
cha.nce that the street would ever be extended.
The Police Department attd the Depa.rtment of Planning and Economic De yelopment _
offer no objection to this vacation at this time due to the decision by the �
Depa.rtment of Public Works. ,
There were no objections or recommendations from ar�y other public or private `
agencies involved.
In view of the foregoing, I recommend the va.cation be approved, subject to •
the follawing terms and conditions: .�9
- .:,
1. Tbat the description of the street to be vacated read as �;'
follows; r
The West 10 �eet of Mystic Street lying between
a line six (6) feet north of and pa,rallel to the �=
south property line of I,ot 38, Block 7, Burlington
Hei�hts, Division No. 2, Ramsey Co. Minn, and a
line 19 feet south of and parallel to the south
line of said Lot 38.
��: That the va,cation be subject to all the terms and conditions of
Chapter 130 of the St. Paul Legislative Code.
y3: Tha.t the petitioner pay the City $250.OG as marY.et value for. the �
portion of the street vacated herein and ior pa.rt of the admini- t�
strative cost �or said �racation.
. ' . ,'i ♦ .
��' That the petitioner flirnish the City with a bond ir. �he
amount of $5,000.00, and by acceptance of the terms and
conditions of this vacation, agrees to indemnif�, defend and �
save harmless the City of Saint Pa.ul, its officers and �
employees from all suits, actions, or claims of ar�,v character,
including, but not limited to, a claim brou�ht because of any !
injuries, or dama.ges received or sustained by ar�y person, per- E
sons or prot�erty, on account of this vacation; or because of
ar�� act or omission, neglect or misconduct of said petitioner�;
or because of a�- cla.im or liability arisir� from or based on
�r�� violation of arb�law or regulation m�.de in accordance with
the law, whether by the petitioner� or ar�y of t,�ie-�r agents or �
employees. H�5 (
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cc : Mayor George Latimer ,