278804 WHITE - CITY CLERK ���l�J�■� PINK - FINANCE TT COUI1C11 ��v�v CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I T Y O F S A I N T �� ll L BLUE - MAYOR . FII@ N O. Cou cil Resolution � � , Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That the proper City officers are hereby authorized and directed to execute on behalf of the City of Saint Paul an agreement with the Chicago and Northwestern Transportation Company providing for the reconstruction of their railroad grade crossings on Randolph Avenue, with the City to furnish rubber type crossing matarial to be installed by the Company (City Project P-0812) ; and, be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That because Randolph Avenue is a County Aid street and it is deemed advisable to expend Municipal State Aid funds off system, the Council does hereby appropriate from our Municipal State Aid funds the sum of $75, 000 to purchase said crossing material, subject to the approval of the Commissioner of Highways . COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of: nt v e Fletcher [n F a vo r M dox l,evine ,`j; s a iter Masanz � -- Against By �(/ ` Nicosia ilson Sd�eibel p��1 T�p dV^ � � � Form App ove it Attor ey Adopted by Council��� Date — Certified P : Council cr BY By _ Appro 'Nayor: Date � Appro d or f r Submi Coun il By � — BY ��1BL16NED JUN 19 1982 DEPkRTMENT: P�lic works , � � CONTACT: ltobert G. Peterson , ROUTING nr�n EXPLANATI�N SHEET PHONE: z98-5o�0 � GREEN SHEET ►•y��� ! �� , ( ti For Admiaistrative Orders, Resolutions, Ordin�nces and Agreements 1 ent Schonberger ECTOR OF MANAGEMENT �y�AY �4 ?9� 4 aYOR CITY ATTORNEY � -�`��" ' J DIRECTOR. FINANCE 8 MGT. SERVICES 3 CITY ATTORNEY CITY CIfRK ���,��"��,T� BUDGET DIRECTOR _ _ _____ll lut_L, _ , �C�� ACTIAN RE�L�EST D �C IP A O ATiONS FQR hLoYORA SIGNATUR ); �A'�ORS OFFiCE Authorize the City to enter into agreement with the Chicago Northwest�rn Transportation Co. to improve grade crossinqs on Randolph Avenue and to expend Municipal State Aid (M.S.A.) monies off syste�On for this project. ' WNAT W2L!_ BE A[HIfVE� BY TAKING ACTI�N ON THE ATTAGHEII MATERIAI,$ �PL P�SE AND RATIONALE)�; The City will furnish rubber type crossirx�s and the Railroad will install them. The use of M.S.A. funds on a county aid route (Randolph) represents the most judicious use of funding sources for this improvement. F1NAaCtAL, BLDGETARY AND PFRSnNNEL,_ IMPACTC ANTiCtPATED: This grade crossinq improvement is part of the approved 1982 C.I.B. (Loq No. 5-6603) . The crossing intprovement will result in lower maintenance costs to the City, and a net savings to motorists because of less wear to vehicles. � ATTACHMENTS �LIST ALL ATTACHMENTS): 1. Council Resolution 2. Proposed Agreement 3. t xewi.wr neceaa oR en.t o o suppo cun� De `an�ct . Ci.t1 A�tt.onney: 1. Couxc,iL ReaoLu.ti.on Requ.i�.edY � YFS NO 1. Reeo[wLi,ont YES NO 2. Iruwaxce Rtq;�ihedf YES �NO Y. I►uu/�a►tct Su66.i.c.i.entY YES NO 3. Ineunance A.LtackedY YES X NO i8.wisi.a�t Oti:4/29/82 ! � , � � . � � �������..���� � 2��3��� , 'I'f-iIS 1�GFtF;:1T�IF�l', n�de anu enterc�d i.nto by and l�etwc�:n the City of St. P�ul, Minnesot�, hcr�einaf.ter c�llled thc "City", �rid the C�IIC'�C'�O I�ND NORI'fi WESTERN 'I�ZI�NSPORTATION O�X��11N1', h�reinaEter ca11ec1 the "Ccxn��ny". � WTTNESS}�II-I: i • , i THTiT, tti'I-lEC2E,�S, Randol.ph Avernl�, �s pr.e:=�ently locai-�d in thc Ci.ty , ; ; ' of St. Paul, Niinnesota, crosses at grac�e (1) le��d anc� (') sptir tracks of t ; the C.on�aany; and the crossinc�s i:hus forrned is constructeci of f.lange rail . and blacktop materi�l and prot�cted by reflect�orized cross btzcks; and � WI�E'�1S, the parties hereto desire to upgrade the track �t the • � . � crossings ancl to reconstruct the crossings proper with pref�briG3ted � rub}.x�x panel s; and � . WI�RF',AS, the City arx� its intr�bitants and the t�sers of sai.d i • public street will derive substantial�k�enefits frorn reconstructing the 1 � c�-ade crossinqs, th�.� Ci.ty is willinc� to fur.nisYl all necessar-y rubber crossing n�.terials. , � . � NOW, ZT�F.�t�F'OCtE, in consider�tion of the premi:sc�s and of t�he � . j mutual convcnants �ncl ac�-eerrx�nts �s hercinaft.er_ containc�c3, the Partie:, j hereto agree �s follows: y ; . • � SECTION 1. The parties hereto shall construct, or catLSe to k� ; � � constructecl, the fo_llowing it�n.s of work: ' � 1. The City shall ft�rni.sh, or caLL�e to 1� ftirnishe�d, at its r � sole cost and expense, all labor, n�aterials, �tools and � � work equipment requirecl to perfonn and cornplete; t � a. Furnish all rubl�e.r crossing materials. � b. Resurface strcet approaches, as required. P � c. Furnish necessary ssc�ns and barricades for the detour � completely cl.osing t��e street to pernlit crossing - . , 2'����� _ _, . . , � a. R<�iiov� c�ist.irx� c ��c�s:>iru�:; ��cc.,l�cr. . b. R�l�abili_tate lc�d and sptr.r track st.r..�.zctures. c. Install rtu��nber crossinq mater_i�ls, f:t�rnished by � t.l-�e ci ry. d. Incidental i tern.� necessaiy to cotr�_lete fi}�� �}�ve � described wark. , �lx:PI ON �. I L �t any tirne st�b:;c.�u�,n t to th i s i�rr�rovc.�nent, thc� tracks tht:ottgh the crossing are el iminatecl for any r-ca,on whatsoever, the �:rossing prop�r and the track nk�terial thr.ough the cr.ossing sha11 be rei�ved by the Ccx��ny, at its expense, and tY� rubber crossing �x3nels shall be tuxned over tc.� the City. The Ca.ty, at its expense, shall fi_11 the qap in the roadway cau.s�� by the tracic rc�nova.l. . The Com�ny agrees that it wi_ll not re�mve or replace any af , the rubt�er crossing rrr�terial witliout fi.rst h�ving o}:�tained concurrence fran the City. If it is mutually agrec>d u�n r�etw���n the �urties that the crossing proper, or any pas�t thereof, is to be eliminatecl, re�noved, or replaced, tY� crossing proper materials shall k� re�rloved by the . Company at its e;cpense; and the rubt�er crossing panels turnc�cl over �o the City. • SE�I'IO�I 3. Upon cornpletion of the work he.rein conlrmplated, . tYx� Cotnpai�y shal_1 ��.-�intain, at its expense, the renewExl crossing proper;• and the City shall nx-�intain, at its e�ense, the street up to the ends of the tr�ck ties and provide replacement components of thc rubber_ , crossing materials in the future. Such maintenance obligation shall conform to the State law govering sarr� as it shall bE from time to tame in the future. ' SDCTION 4. The City wil.l rec�zire all contractors �rforming work on o�adjacent to the Company� right of way to furnish to the Ccxnpany , � • ' ' . � - " ��(.7�`�� , � LUidence of saicl insurarn_e cover�c�c s11a11 LY� furni.sl�3�:�c3. to the Coi��ny for appi:�oval; arx� no work s}`�all kx• Fx.�r("orrrx.�d no�� shall the Ci_ty'.s cc�ntractor be pc�t�rni.tted to enter u}�on thc� Con��ny's riqht of way until ir.surance coverage t�s kx.�n approveci by th� Ccam��any. SECTION 5._ 'I'hi.s agreccanent shall l.x�ccxi�e effccl=ive tipon execution by both �rtie� hereto �nd shall Y�e bin:inq ti�n the part�es, their • . .SLICCC�SSOL S OY' c1S:;1.C�I]S. � IN WI'I'M;;S WEiL3�EOF, tY�c parties havc caused thc>se pr.esents to lx � c�_xecuted in duplicate munterparts, each of which shall be consider.ed as an original, as of the dates k�low inclicat.ed. . s CEiICT1C'�O AND NORT[-I 4JF�.S'I'Q�:v . TI�IINSPORTATTON COMPANY , �� �ri�rs�r: � czz�� oF� s��. P�cn,, r�lv�r�sar� . �- - — ---- Mayor By Director, Department of Finance and Management Services By Director, Department of Public Works APPROVED AS TO FORM: