278799 � WHITE� - CITV CLERK J���'�� PINK - FINANCE COUIICII N CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PAUL BI.UE - MAVOR File NO. Cou 'l Resolution Presented By t Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date BE IT RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul approves the attached "Recommended Procedure for Conveyance of Tax Forfeited Lands for Redevelopment Purposes" ("Procedure") , and BE IT ALSO RESOLVED, That the Council adopts the Procedure for use by City officials and staff, subject to adoption of same by the Board of Commissioners of Ramsey County . COUNCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Fletctler NaYs �evine [n Favor Masar�t N��� __ Against BY ScMeibel Tedesco JUN �p WilsOn 8 �Jp2 Form Ap r City At rn Adopted by Council: Date Certified a - ncil re BY '�—Ilr� � /#p d by Mavor. ����� �'�� App y Mayor for Su is o Council B �i1BLISNED JUN :1� 1�82 •, 5/14/82 �"�8"��� RECOMMENDED PROCEDURE FOR CONVEYANCE OF TAX FORFEITED LANDS FOR RIDEVELOPMENT PURPOSES After receipt of notification of classification and proposed sale of tax forfeit land by the County Land Commissioner and application within 90 days of notification to the County Board by the City Valuations and Engineering Division (Valuations) approved by the City Council on behalf of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority to withhold a tax forfeit parcel from sale for redevelopment purposes, the County Board shall withhold said parcel from sale in accordance with Minnesota Statutes Section 282 .01, Subdivision 1. Through a State conveyance to HRA for redevelopment purposes, the County and City agree upon the following procedure designed to obtain voluntary payment of some consideration for benefit of the taxing districts upon prior unpaid taxes and assessments and to effect enhancement of the parcel valuation through its redevelopment upon future tax revenues: I. The County Board shall fix a value for the parcel upon the market value recommendation of the Land Commissioner. Before making his recommendation the Land Commissioner shall consult with Valuations respecting proposed redevelopment and valuation. II. The County and HRP, shall conclude a Certificate of Sale of Forfeited Lands incorporating these terms: a) Price: Appraised valuation (or such greater or lesser amount as is fixed by the HRA Contract for sale for private redevelopment and received on such sale) less actual reasonable costs incurred by HRA in the maintenance, site preparation, title clearance and sale of the parcel; b) Deed: The County shall recommend to the Commissioner of Revenue in favor of his conveyance of the Parcel to HRA in accordance with Section 282 .01 . Upon payment of the price, the County shall make application for the State deed to the HRA. c) Termination: In the event the parcel is not sold for redevelopment within three years from the date of the Certificate of Sale, HRA may pay the appraised valuation and receive a State deed, or suffer the termination of said certificate without further act or requirement on the part of the County. In event of termination of the Certificate of Sale, HRA shall deliver a quit claim deed to the State; and _���� - 2�;�'��� a r� ^�: � �i• I�il. wCE � �':��. ,� . . . � ip�"°'� ' �/ ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL �„�,�i �� ° � INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM PL,� ,: ; . ��:..k .re��4\ '�� .. ,�.,... May 2 0 , 19 8 2 ��._i r �;�: � , . � `�, N _.���, �.�F��9�2 �°� � TO: JAMES BELLUS �•� ���,i�� � ��+ � � �y ��:: '��,� [ t�; 00� FR: GREGORY HAUPT Y i�-� ' °'"� � `'�° J RE: TAX FORFEITE LAN PROCEDURE ���""� �``�� �'< t'_= ���R�.'_'`.lf y♦ Attached are the o iginals of materials for City Council con- sideration regarding the referenced procedure . Please sign the resolution and process the packet with the City Attorney and City Clerk. As you are aware , Jim Hart believes that the referenced pro- cedure commits the Housing and Redevelopment Authority Board to buy parcels from the County in advance of sale , closing and receipt of purchase price from the developer . I believe that his analysis is accurate , but believe as well that there is another option: To modify HRA redevelopment agreements to provide for the developer depositing the purchase price for the parcel with the HRA, with HRA then acquiring the parcel from the County under this procedure . I leave for you to decide which way to pursue the matter in each individ- ual instance . It is Mr . Reiter ' s preference in these matters to deal with - �`t� Bill Donovan as the conduit for purchase of parcels. I believe that that request can and should be honored; nonetheless, it would be well if Sheri Pemberton could spend time with Mr . Reiter , at his convenience, to gain additional familiarity with the processes he follows and concerns which he has regarding tax forfeit transactions. As well , Sheri should keep track of transactions under this procedure (assuming City Council adopts it) in order to document any problems or difficulties it presents. Mr . Reiter will be doing the same on his end of the process. Mr . Reiter and I will be getting back together a year from now, or sooner if necessary, to modify the pro- cedure should it prove impossible , or even diff icult , to work with as presently structured. I will rely on advice from you, Sheri and Jim Hart regarding its workability over the course of time. I leave to you to decide whether there is need for , and if so to carry out, a briefing of Council members on this issue . GH:kh cc: Mayor Latimer Tony Re iter Jim Hart Sheri Pemberton Attachments � . � � �����9 ,. _2_ d) Maintenance: HRA shall be responsible for parcel maintenance during the three year period covering the Certificate of Sale. This Procedure shall be evaluated by the parties one year from its approval as to the reasonableness of costs deducted by HRA from the price paic3 under paragraph a) above. This procedure may be terminated by mutual agreement or by either party upon 90 days written notice to the other. Procedure termination shall not affect any outstanding Certificate of Sale. D'°` °`'""""°' �'°"" ""''" T0� THE COMMIS�IONEx OF TAXATION ������ „ � L[:R �A ' ` AUDITOR'S CERTIFICAT� OF PAYMENT IN FULL OF LANDB 94LD (vnaer ffi;Qnaoa sta�cuces,Seccion.zs2.o1 to 282.12 iaclnsivs> State of Minnesota 1 COUNTY OF RAM3EY � sa. "County Auditar oi the County of xameey� State of �innesota. do hereby certify that the foUowing described ]and lying and being in said county, tawit• according to the recorded plat thereoY in the Of�ce oi the Re�ister of Deeda of Ramsey County, Min- ne�ota, excepting and reaerving to the said SLate, in truat !or the taxing di3tricts concerned all min- erais and minerai nghts as provided by law� was on th�+ day of , yold under the prnvisione of Minnesota Statutes, Sectione 282.01 to 282.12 incluaive. to Purchase Price: Chat the final inataUment al the purchase price of the laad above deecribed was paid on the dsy of. : that all other coaditions ot said sale have been fully complied with by the purchaeer_, and that _he_ ia/are entitled to • conveyance in !ee oi said land pursuant to .►aid vt:�tutes. . Given under my hand and eeal of ofl3ce at Saint Paul, County ot 8ameey� State ot Minnesota, this -- �Y � .. Contract No. : County Auditor, $am,sey County, Minnesota Property No. : • District No. : $y neputy Auditor - 2���99 Property ivo. Cer�;ifica�;e 1�To. District OFFICE OF THE COUNTY AUDITOR Buff Copy• Land Comm�r White Copy- Purchaser RAMSEY COUNTY, MINNESOTA Green Copy-Co. Auditor CERTIFICAT,]E OF S T,� OF FORFEITED LAND� (Minneeota 3tatutes Annotated, Chapter 282) STATE OF MINNESOTA, � COUNTY OF RAMSEY Ss� County Anditor of the County of�tam�ey, $tate oi Minnesota,do hereby certdfp th�st the following described land lying and being in the Connty of Ramsey, State of Minnesota,to-wit: excepting and reserving to the State of Minnesota sll minerals and mineral sights ia and bo said land,having beea�dnly offered for sale as tax-forfeited land under Minnesota Statutes Annota.ted, Chapter E82, wae on the da� of , 19 , purchased by HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �f -- — oa the foilowing terms and conditions,to�vit: 1. The State of Minnesota, upon performance by the pnrebsaer of alI the conditione and terma oa�ia patE to �e perfozme�l, as � hereinafter set forth� agrees to convey said lsnd to said purchsaer, his heirs and ssaigna, by comeyance ia zee, which aball have the ' force and e�ect of a patent from the State of Mianesota. 2. Said pnrchaser shall pay to the State oP Minnesota at the oflice of the County Treasurer of said eonnty the �fii�it�!' appraised value adjusted as provided for in St. Paul City Council resolution dated , �xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx���c�������g�c�x�g�#����������x }��� CF , and Ramsey County Board resolution 82-457 , dated May 17, 1982 , x�����cao�ec�c�xis�renabg�cicar�dar3�e�t,x�cfdae��ok a�a�ox�c ��ac�fc�xxxxxxxxxxxxx�g�which shall be payable on or before the day of ._,19 , �t�tls��a�ogx��e�am��e�mex�ex�:xx,xxxx�x �X4�r� �i4stsace�lx ���ger�a�c�����t9c�kadsmoe���x���x�t�� �a��me�� �ag�a�c paying the fnll amount o!said pnrchase pnce, �at any time. S. No etructures, etanding timber or timber yroducts, minerals, sand, gravel, Deat, eubsoil or toDeoil ahall be removed from raid land unGl the full amount oi the Durchase price has been Daid by the purchaser, yrovided, however, that notLin¢herein shall be construed as DrohibitinY the removal of auch materisls as may be incidental to the erection of structures on said land or to the 8rading of esid Iand, whenever such removal or grading ehall rcwultin enhancing the value thereot. 4. Said Iand shall be eubject to the Droviaions of any eziating valid leese made in behalf of the State, and subject to building reetrictione aPPearing of record at t6e time of forfeiture and subject to essementa acquired by governmental subdivieiona or agencies thereof. b. Said Durchaser ehall DaY all current taxea uDan said land before they become delinquent. 6. The failure of aaid Durchaser to comDly with any of the terms and conditions on hia Dart to be performed, as hereinbefore set Yorth, ahall constitute default, and the state may, by order of the county board of eaid county, during the continUance of such default, without notice, declare this certificate cancelled snd take Dosseasion of said land and resell or lease the same as Provided by law. 6-A. The purchaser of any Darcel liaving an insarable building thereon ah all carry fire and windstorm iniurance on said building or buildings in such amount as to insure the balance of the purchase price of the building as same is re8ected in the aDPraiaed value, all such inaurance policies to be deDOeited with ihe Land Commisaioner and to contain a clause providing that loeses, if an y,be made DaYable to the County of Ramsey and the Durchaser as their reapective interesta maY aDDear. � 7. This certiflcate ie subject to all of the provisions of Minnesote Statutea Annotated, ChaDter 282, and of any other aDDlicable lswa, and all Dertinent yro- visiona thereof are made a Dart hereof as though set out in full herein. Given under my hand and seal of of�ice at St.Paul,County of Ramsey, State of blinnesota, this day of , 19 . County Auditor, RAMSEY COUNTY, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Accepted: By: Deputy AudlWr HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF SAINT PAUL PnrcLaser 1400 CITY HALL ANNEX, 25 W. FOURTH STREET SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 3% Assurance Account: Address Formerly Code No.: By: �CR aeia JAMES J. BELLUS, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR \ . . �tt�o. CITY OF SAINT PAUL ��t.�pe'�� . ;6 '; OFFICE OF THE MAYOR o a + wu uiu , � m t� � ♦ w 347 CITY HALL ���� SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 GEORGE LATIMER (612) 298-4323 MAYOR May 17 , 1982 re: Tax Forfeited Land Policy and Procedure Council President Ruby Hunt and Members of the City Council Dear Council Members: Attached you will find a resolution by which the Council would adopt a procedure for conveyance of tax forfeited parcels for redevelopment purposes. The procedure has been negotiated by City staff and the Ramsey County Land Commissioner. It represents an attempt to clarify responsibilities and reimbursement for tax forfeited parcels acquired by HRA for redevelopment. An evaluation is provided for one year hence . I recommend your approval of the resolution. The Procedure, as attached, was approved by the Ramsey County Board of Comr,iissioners May 17 , 1982 . Should any of you wish to discuss this matter or the background to it, please contact Mr . Gregory Haupt , ""'`�"�_ Director of Management , in this office . Sincerely O IME Mayo GL:kh Att achment cc: Commissioner John Finley Larry Brown Tony Reiter James Bellus James Hart Sheri Pemberton Council Members-Elect �O