278378 WHITE - CITY CLERK ��r�I�Q PINK - FINANCE �T COUIICII �V � V CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT �� lJ L BLUE - MAYOR File N O. Co nc 'l esolution Presented By LIC�:::i.� Cu�-:���1T�� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date �t�S�L`Tyi�; Tr:at �pplication IL 161�9 �or the trans�''er o* Cn Sa1e ?:alt r�vera�;e Licens� and ��estaurant Licerse, expirinf �:arc�i 31� 19�2, issued to Cxreat ;:,x_pectations ''�estaurant, Inc. at 1671 �elby «venue, be az� the s�,ne a-r� i�ereb;� tras.s�'erre�'. to ekon�;, Inc. at the sam� address� to do busirl�ss as :�eI:on£; .'�estaurar�t. COUNCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt �evine [n Favor Maddox � �� _ __ Against BY � wi Ison MAR 9 ��7 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date — CertifiE:d a,s by Council reta BY By� �� .1 Appr v ;Vlavor: D t _ � 1 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY - – — BY PUBLISHED M A R 2 0 1982 IS �r/��7 /U �AM P�� �R �. �` . PARK � MERRIAM W COMMUNITY COUNCIL, I�tc. p � 645-0349 • WILDER AT SAINT ANTHONY . SAINT PAUL,MINNESOTA 55104 O �F f�L �F� P�-AC� �`'�R .� �� �,r ��s'+ �,� � Z Y r�, .. t� �� '�'��:i j�''.S ��F/ t4arch 2, 1982 , ' ��%;'y}��, �F Mr. Joseph Carchedi, License Inspector . Division of License and Permit Administration Room 302 City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 _ Dear Mr. Carchedi: The Merriam Park Community Council discussed the application by Mekong, Inc. for the transfer of a Restaurant and On Sale blalt Beverage License. The Merriam Park Community Council is very pleased to have another restaurant at 1671 Selby Avenue, and totally supports the issuance of a Restaurant License to Mekong, Inc. We are opposed to the transfer of the On-Sale Malt Beverage License. Our opposition to the Malt License comes as the result of complaint by the neidghborhood. Area residents felt the clientele at Great Expectations changed once the On-Sale Dialt Beverage License was issued, thus _ negatively affecting the neighborhood. If you have any questions regarding the Council`s position, I can be reached at 645-0349. Best regards, .� /� C�'� / C� / '�----- `�-c Molly ' ourke Community Organizer CC: Mr. A1 Olson, City Clerk City Council Members . �� �'`'i�3r78 ' ""�������"'° CITY OF SAINT PAUL c���\\`G�TT OUJ�Ii -`r� *"' ''�"`' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND NtANAGEMENT $ERVICE$ 'o a'; ;a �uni,ntu �, '_� "" �'°° �' DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION ,. , �= 'r,: ,��� ' Room 203, City Hall ��imarc�....�°�• GEORGE LATIMER Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 MAYOR �_arcr� ?, 19�2 �::a.dam ?resident and :�or.orarle ���;m��rs of the �ity �ouncil aaint 1'aul, ':innes ota ;.ada~� �'res�c?.er.t ana �:or�orab�_e :"-enbers: ��reat ';�yec1ations ��ESta.urant, Inc. ar.d .;�'-onF,� Tnc. reauest trat tre Cr_ ��le :.alt �everas-e T�icens� ar_�_ �estalsant T1CP,Y152 ?l?'E3Sf.'?'�t.��' 1SSU•.°.Ci t0 '�T'�'8.V '-,X�gC�',c'l.�'.l_OIIS '�f;St7-1T'-'??^_f;� T7lC. at 1671 'c:el�_�-r <,ve.^ue ?:e trar_s'-'erred to ':ekor_;-, ir_c. a.t the s�me add.ress. '�he oY_?icers ot this cor�oration are ���Y_�ep �'huc ::fiu��e:n, t':"esicent; _'`.1.I�1 )LL.� i�vTSt_T'OTIl� ''�aCB TT'AS1.��ri't� �riCl i,r.on 1�':c11�'1 I,2� ;,ecretarv-^-r.easurer. "'r_e`r are als o tl e stocI>.:�olders. ll�e�> Trtill onerate this busir_ess t�ersonall;,� a.nd it ur 11 oe known as t?�_e �:ekor�; i_estaurant. �'1�.is a,:.plic�.tion i.a� ;;een rev�ewed b�T the Ticense and Permi�- �ivisior� �.r_d t:e i%ity :ttorney's office. ml.e recon�end- ation is for atir:roval. ,'erv trulj* trou.rG, �� Josep'r� _'. Carchedi Liceiise lnspector O , � � ��°�83�78 `„..au��uin�,�,, -���``T' °'• `�� CITY OF SAINT PAUL _.• • _, �� '� DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES ;� uiuo�, c: ;,� u r� u� - � ' -� DIVISION Of LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION �... - "'+m�h,.,..�°'�" RoOm 203, City Hall GEORGE LATIMER Saint Paul, Minnesota SS'102 MAYOR March 4, 1982 tJghiep P. Nguyen 3856 Jordan Avenue North New Hope, Minnesota 55427 Dear Mr. Nguyen: Your application for a transfer of a Restaurant & On Sale �1alt license has been received by this ofrice. Afte� review and investigation of this application, this office will recommend to the License Comrnittee that such license(s) be granted. A hearing on your application for said license�s) will be held before the License Committee on March 9 1982 Date at 10:00 a.m. at Council Chambers 3rd Floor Cit Hall . —�Time Location You are hereby required to appear at such hearing. If you are unable to appear at said hearing, please not-fy this office immediately. Oi:r telephone number is 298-5050• JOS�.PH F. CARCHIDI License Inspector