278377 WHITE - CITY CLERK ���� PINK - FINANCE CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I T Y O F S A I N T �A U L COUflC1I BLUE - MAYOR File N . Co c 'l solution Presented By ���'-�j-� CO;L=�T'�'::- Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date ��,.�.'L�LV�L: That hpplication ' 2102 for the tr�.ns:�er of t��e On Sale Licuor License� Sunday On �ale T-iquor --license and �nter��a.inment L=cense, all expir�in� Jar.uaMr 31, 1�83, issu:ed to Jan.es C�iarles Toner at 830 '�. �everth at-:�ee�t, be anr tr�e sar!.e are r:e-�ek��r traris- fe�red to Leonard ':�. :'asso=•'aro at tY�e same a���ress, +o do business �.s ,"eventh �treet '�rolle�T Comnany. COUIVCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Levine In FavOr Maddox iMi.�e}aheh ,�� _ __ Against BY — �ede�se . _ Wilson MAR 9 ��7 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date — Certified P •s d b Counc ecr BY By _ App v d by :Vlavor. Dat � � � ,�v Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By //��/ _ BY PUBLISHED MAR 2 0 198Z . �� ��33"77 ...,,,,«.,:,�. � ���lTr �-m��,,, CITY OF SAINT PAUL =4� ���i _; �; DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES ,,,� ���uimu c`= ` "" 1i°° �= DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION . - '`o;,,. +.,. , Room 203, City Hall �mm��..,�°�\ GEORGE LATIMER Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 MAYOR :iarcti 9, 19�2 i-iadam President ar_d :.onora�,l_e ::e*�bers of tl,e G�t�* Co,mcil Sairt Paul, ''irLnesota Iiadam Uresider_t and "r:onorable :�e^�?�ers : Jari�s Cr�arles ^orer and Leonard :�. i'assofaro re- quest t��at the Un Sa.le Zi�uor, aunday Gn �:ale ?iquor and ��,nte�tainment Licenses ��resentlt- issuer to �ar�es �harles ioner at �;�0 :�. �ever.th St7°eet be tra:�s�erred to Leonard �,. �as s o i aro at tr.e s a:.e add.re s s. :�. _ assofaro �,�ill ope�ate this �>usiness persona?1� and it uaill ��e known 4J the �eventh Street "'rolley �or�_pany. Ttiis appl�cation t;as beer_ rev�et,red by the Ticense and �'errr!it ;:�_vis�or_ ��d the City �',ttorr.ey's ofrice. "'l.e re- con�endation =_s �or a,,�roval. �;er`r trul r zrours, ,�����.�.' Joseph '�. �arc�edi License Jnsrector O � - 2��3"7"7 , �"�Nat�� -�`"' °'�'� CITY OF SAINT PAUL _4� ����� ?� '� DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES ;� �i iim�, .: ;� �= ,+ �_ � ' _- DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATfON /J``�11. !��� ` '+m��,.:...�°'��` RoOm 203, City Nall GEORGE LATiMER Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 tvUYOR March 4, 1982 � Mr. Leonard E. Passofaro 7711 - 49th Avenue North New Hope, Minnesota 55429 Dear Mr. Passofaro: Your application for a _trancfar pf an (ln Sala I ir�unr license has been received by this office. After review and investigation af this application, this office will recommend to the License Committee that such Iicense�s) be granted. A hearing on your application for said license�s) will be held before the License Committee on MdrCh 9, 1982 Date at 10:00 a.m. at Council Chambers, 3rd Floor, City Hall . Time�— I,ocation You are hereby required to appear at such hearing. If you are unable to appear at said hearing, please not-fy this office immediately. Our telephone number is 298-5056- JOSEPH F. CARCI�DI License Inspector