278376 WHITE - CITY CLERK �[���(1 PINK - FINANCE rt h CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I T Y O F S A I N T ��U L COUtIC1I r� �� V BLUE - MAYOR File N . uncil, Resolution Presented By �CLI;aL COIu�:iTi��' Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date o�aGLT��: That Applicat�on I�. 20�,7 for the transfer of the Cn �ale L�inuor �icense, expirinb Jar�uary 31, 19a3, issuec� to .-'ennetr. �.. and 'Tiola ':". "_'rompson, inactive at S66 lin:.v�rsity kvenue, be and the same is her��b,j transferred to A. C. Cla.seman at 10 �,�°emer iowers, but on an inactive status. COUIVCILMEIV Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Levine In Favor Maddox �`M°�°" __ Against BY �sNe..elee� - .�'�eleaso Wilson r� 9 �9a2 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date — Certified as•e Council etar BY l' � App o b ;Vlavor. Date ��.��OA� Approved by Mayor for Subrnission to Council By - – — BY ' V �SHED MAR 2 p 1g82 .. i S �� t.6 " °"""`° CITY OF SAINT PAUL . �����°��_= o.�>>, -`°� *'* '��"''' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT $ERVICE$ 'o a': '� iiii�iii�ii •� ;,,., �= DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION ��s� Room 203, City Hall '''mm��..���\ Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR ?�a.rch 9, 19�2 i:a,dam President and '.:or:oraole :lembers of the City Council Saint �au1, �iinriesota i:a::ari :'resident a:�d '.:onorable T�embers : I:enneth x. and Viola x:. mhor!z�son and A. C. Clase�an request that tt�e �?n Sa1e Liquor License presently issue�. to �enneth k. and 'Jiola ::. '?'�:o:�pson as inactive at �66 ur.iversit�r �,veriue k;e tr�.ns�erred to k. C. Clasenan a.t 10 Laremer "'owers. :i.r. Claseman desires to keep it as an inactive license at the �resent tir�e. ir,is a:.,plication has :een reviewed by �he T�icense and Perrlit Liv�sion and the Cit;r :�ttorne�r's office. ".'�:e reco*�mend- ation �s �'or anproval. `;ery �rulzr STours� `��� . Joseph �'. Carcr.ec�i License Ir.spector O v ^ �����. . „ ,,,,:,,. ���`'T' °'�''''� CITY OF SAINT PAUL _=��� :;� �� ���: DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES ;� ut m� ;: >� u� �u � �= �'' =- DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION �..•c,.._ '':m,,,,... Room 203,City Hall GEORGE LATIMER Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 M11YOR March 4, 1982 Mr. A. C. Claseman 2015 Juliet Avenue St. Paul , Minnesota 55105 Dear Mr. Claseman: Your application for a transfer of an On Sale Liquor license has been received by this office. Afte: review and investigation of this application, this office will recommend to the License Committee that such license�s) be granted. A hearing on your application for sai.d license�s) will be held before the License Committee on March 9 1982 Date at 1p"p� at Council Chambers 3rd Floor i a (Time I.ocation You are hereby required to appear at such hearing. If you are unable to appear at sa�d hearing, please not�fy this office immediately., Oi:r telephone number is 298-5056• JOSEPH F. CARCi�DI License Inspector