278372 WHITE - CITY CLERK ���y� PINK - FINANCE 'l' l CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I T Y O F S A I N T ���L COUtIC1I y� BLUE - MAYOR File N O. Co ncil Resolution Presented By �C'��:�� C;G::.�1`�T-;_� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date ':J..�:��_;�;,;: 0'C:axa �_ar and ��rill, .�nc. (Timothy �. 0'Gara, ='Mes-dent), doin� busir_ess as G'uara �:�ar and �:,rill, iiolds an Gn uale Liquor Licerise and ?�scelZ�.neous licenses issueci to them at 16� ::. ��iellin� ��venue, permsttin�; � .'�em to serve 1�qucr in tlae ;nair floor ��ar room �s�d r:a:i�z floor d�r.�n� roa^�, and ??'� '''"' "'re�r r�ave recuesteci perriissio�� tc in.crease ti�e area -°or t'r�e serv-�ce of _liquor to j--.�..,.��: .. include lh� and 172 ;'. �n�llir�;; x�v�r�ue, involvir_� the ma:�n iloor of both 1:uildir.�s, there"ore, i�e it "'^;�OL`��;: ihat nermission be �zd the sarne is liereby �ranted to ^'�ara ':ar and �-rill, Inc. to increase t�ie area for t;�e se-�vice of lir,uor to include 168 and 172 ��. Snellinc-= �venue, main iloor o:" both k�uild_in4Js. COUIVCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Levine In Favor Maddox � � __ Against BY — 'r'�seo Wilson �p � � �,o� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date — CertifiE:d P . -ed y Counc� ecretar BY B � App o b : avor. Da e '� �R 1 �- 19g2 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ �— By PU6LISNED M A R 2 0 i982 � ►� ;�783'`l2 ...,,.,�,�.:, � ' :���T• �:;;, CITY OF SAINT PAUL -R`� ���'`� DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES �� �`: '� iiii�i'ii ii �= �.. �' DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION ,. o _ `'�.,, ,�,� , ` Room 203, City Hall i:amn���o..c```c GEORGE LATIMER Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 MAYOR l.arch 9, 19��2 :lacta.ri rT.es:Ldent and ��onora;�le x°1er�bers of the CitST Council �aint Paul, :iinnesota ::ada:� ;resident and 'r�onorable i•:er:Lers: Currently i"i�ara ::ar ar_d ;:rill, inc. (�mothy �. G'��ara, Presi�ent) r�olds an On �«le Liauor �icense and mis- cellaneous lice:.ses i�sued to trem at 161� ::. Snellin� Avenue, doin�, busir�ess as C''_-ar�. ''ar and urill� nerrii.ttin� them to serve lic;uor in the .main floor bar room an� r^.ain floor dinin� roon. -lr. G'vara has reouested permission to increase t?-�e area �or t?:e service of liquor to include 16� and 172 �;orth ;:�nellir.�; Aver_ue, involvin�; tY�e *�ain floor of both buildin`s . �his ap�licat7_on has been rev�e��ed b�T the I,icense a�d Permit �,�vis-ior: and tre Cit,�r Attornev's office. '�he recoTM��end- ation is =or aprrova�.. ?;c��r t�l Zr �rOUT'S� ��i71Y��✓'�'�� Joseph �'. �arcrec.i Licen�e It.s�ector O _ � � . - . �+�y'v�� ......,,,,,,���� =�``.T= �,�,,' CITY OF SAINT PAUL =1� '� �° "��: DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERViCES ;� niwu :_ ;• n �•nn �= �' =- DiVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION ,"''m����°`�` Room 203, City Hall GEORGE L/OTIMER Sai�t Paul,Minnesota 55102 MAYOR March 4, 1982 �1r. Timothy S. p'Gara 0'Gara Bar & Grill , Inc. 164 N. Snelling Avenue 55104 Dear Mr. 0'Gara: Your application �o lncrease thP arPa �f cPrvira nf liqUOr� has been received by this office. Afte: review and investigation of this application, this office will recommend to the License Committee that such license�s) be grarited. A hearing on your application for said license�s) will be held before the License Committee on Date at 10:00 a.m. at Council Cha b —TTime ,I.ocation You are hereby rzqui:ed to appear at such hearing. I; you are unable to appear at said :�earing, please nct_:y this office immediately. Qur telephone number is 298-5056. JOfiEPH F. CARCHIDI License Inspector -;