278371 WNITE - CITY CLERK �g3►�� PINK - FINANCE CANARY - DEPARTMENT � COUtIC1I BLUE - MAYOR C�I T Y O F S A I N T PA U L File N O. Co ncil Resolution Presented By ?�I�:�::� : COiL:l^.`��,; Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date :����LTL:;: Tl�at np;�lic�tion .'. 1��91 ror t7�e tra.n��°e^ -:f "'a�.cat, �cer.se i"o. L�2, ��esued to �errv ��. � urley, doin�; business as 1ellc,tia �a� Co-npar�,r, '.e and the sa�e is �:ereb;r trarsferred to Jesse :.;. i_iller, to do Uus;ness as `�Tellow �ab �,;ompar�,v, coverin�; a 1979 tii�evrolet, ;;erial �;um':�e-r 1L6�}u9J108111�, insured to ::��' "'?�::"_:; by �fuaranty :;ational �nsurance Compan5*, Policy .�A 71 3� 09, vehicle pa�nted yellow. COUNCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Levine In Favor Maddox �,o,�„ � _ __ Against BY — — -�edeseo Wilson Adopted by Council: Date �R � ��� Form Approved by City Attorney Certified a s d by Counc ecr BY By - Appr v by Ulavor. Dat 1 IAR � 1 ��� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Bv - - — BY PUBUSHED MuK � 0 1982 . � ���3�� , ,,...,,,,,�„�:,�. z _��'��_� o.;�,,,, CITY OF SAINT PAUL -``� ���''� DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES 'e a': _,+ ����,°'° c; ,, � _ DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION '�r,. - Room 203, City Hdll �u• ��°'.m«,,.....o,. GEORGE LATIMER Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 MAYOR i•=arcri 9, 19�.2 :�ada�n rresident ar:d I:onorable ;iembers oy tl�e Cit,r �ouncil aairit 'raul, �iir.nesota l:ada:^ �resider.t ar.d ::onorable '_�*�bers : Jerr�,�r :;. �urlev and Jesse T . ':iller rea,uest t�.at �a.xicab Licer.se ::o. lt2 �resentl�r issued to Jei°r.y �. �-urley, doing �;usir�ess as °ellot-r :;a� Corpar�y, ��e trans�'erred to Jesse v,. l�iller to cio G.,us=r_�ess as �=�ellow Cab Cor�pan;r. �:�. �il.ler will operate t��is ta:�c�_ca1• personall«, a 1979 �hevrolet, r_�rited yellot�7. ""4.is a��lic�.t�.on .�as been ;^eti-;_e*.�*ec' r�� the License and ?erTM�it :;�.v�.siorl and t}_e .�it�= Atto�^r�e�'s o�'rice. :"ti:e reco^�r?end- atior. _s "or ar�No�ral. -TeMr trul�� �rours, �� � ����� Joseph :'. Carcredi Licer�se Ir�s.rector 56 " ' IV I���� � ;`���L{T�,p����� _=�•� ;`��,,, CITY OF SAINT PAUL `� �= DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES :� ii ii°� �= :,a C. ��' = DIVi510N OF LICENSE AND PERMiT ADMINISTRATION �... ; "'��m,,.......��''�� Room 203,City Hall GEORGE LAT�MER Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 MAYOR March 4, 1982 i�r. Jesse B. Miller 13000 Overlook Road Dayton, Minnesota 55327 Dear Mr. Miller: Your application for a transfer of a Taxicab (#42) license has been received by this office. After review and investigation of this application, this office will recommend to the License Committee that such license�s) be granted. A hearing on your application for said license{s) will be held before the License Committee on March 9, 1982 Date at 10:00 a.m. at Council Chambers, 3rd Floor Cit Hall . Time Location You are hereby raquired to appear at such hearing. If you are unable to appear at said hearing, please not_fy this office immediately. OL:r telepr.one number is 298-Sa56- JOSEPH F. CARCHEDI License Inspector