278367 WNITE - CITY CLERK ��`� J� PINK - FINANCE ILti(� CANARY - DEPARTMENT COURCII �;h BLUE - MAYOR G I T Y O F SA I N T PA LT L File N O. '�j Co ncil Resolution Presented By L:CC::�;a� �O��i �'i,":'�?'� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date �T:�;�%�.�:s T�ze 5�:. raul Chapter o� tr:e �:isabl�u �:mericaxi ?;eterans currently holc;.s a .=in�*o :`'ames Licer.se, e�irin� June 10, 19�2, issued to tt�em at 1060 ur_iversit�, Avenue, perMitting them to conduct the �,ar�es on Thursd_ay evenin�s, and '.�1Ii����,i�;�: They r�ave requestec� a c�ar�4.e of aay of the �ames to "�aesday ec?n?n�s k�et��een the hours of ��:00 -'.''. and 12:00 m�_cani�;r,t, t;�_erefore, be it =��SOL`.�D: That permission be and the same is liereby ��anted to the St. '?au1 Chapter of_ tY?e i:)isa`uled :�merican �Teterans to c?�an�<e the da�T o:E their �;ames to "'uesc�av evenin�s, 'aetween tY�e hours of 8:00 ?.I�:.and 12:00 midni�ht. COU[VCILME[V Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Levine Itt Favor Maddox MI�Mahen � __�__ Against BY — T�a Wilson Adopted by Council: Date � 919� Form Approved by City Attorney Certified P s_ y Cou cil S tary BY B � Ap o by :Vlavor. L�a � �i �4�� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY : — T BY PllBUSHEO MAR 2 0 19�- � ����� �"'°'°""°'° CITY OF SAINT PAUL ;��°��_• �.���, R`�� '���'�� DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES 'a a`; ';,r iiii�i ii ii �� �= DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION ,. • _ ��e� _� Room 203, City Hall rJ'"ym���r��...c°', Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR _''arch 9, 19£;2 :iadam ;'resident and :ionorable :'�embers o�' tre City Council Saint Paal, ���n�esota i�.adam President a.nd '::or.orable i:enbers : �urrentlf the St. Pau1 Gr�apter o�' the ':isableci rlmer- ican �'eterans holds a �ir.�o Games �cense issued to them at 1060 �Tniv�rsit3* t.venue pPr�ittin�_ them to conduct t_r.e �-ames on '"hu.rs- day evenings. �hey r_ave re�uested to chant;e the day os these �;ames to '"uesday ever.in�s b�ttiti�eer. the hours of �::00 P.i��. and 1?_:00 mic�ni�-rt. '�r:is request has been rev�e��reci �,�- the License and :�er^nit �ivision anci the C�tv !;�torne�*'s orfice. ir:e recom.mer_^_ati.on is ror approval. � '�er�r trul.ti* �*ours, �� Joseph _i . Carchedi License ir_sbector 66