278365 WHITE - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE ��`��;�� CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I TY O F SA I NT ��U L COUIICII � BLUE - MAYOR � File N 0. Council Resolution Presented By LIC�I';;� C0:�;1'1";'�::; Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date ����L'J;�: That licenses for �aermission to cor_duct �ingo �-am;.�s applied for Y�,� the follot�rina or�;anizations at tne adc±resses stated, �or t.1e ciays, dates �iid hours ir?ca.ieated on saci-� ap�lic�,tion, �e ar.d t�.e s2r^e are here1,�T �r�nted.. ;;t. ;aul �hapter ::ational tinico 900 ��.ce Street 50 pds. �prr.. '?18l�5 t'_enPwal at. Joseph's Society ior L•ittle Sisters of tre "oor 1079 :�ce Street 52 " " ?1v51 " Catholic ��thletic �ssociation �!.0� �`ain atreet 50 " " '�:2003 " COUNC[LMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Hunt Levine In Favor Maddox �ddIC�018No�+-� �. __ Against BY -- � wilson � g r�� Form Approved by City Attomey Adopted by Council: Date CertifiE:d a_s by Cou Se ar BY A r by ;Vlavor: t •�!l���� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ BY i �UBI Sk�ED MAR 2 0 1982 � ° ��365 ' "°��""'" CITY OF SAINT PAUL _���'T' °%:�; -`° '��''' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT $ERVICE$ �� ��; `� �ii�i!ii�ii �� _,,,.� �_ DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION `'r, ,��� c,,,� Room 203, City Hall ..,m��o�....c GEORGE LATIMER Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 MAYOR :iarcr; 9, 1982 :iada,ri Presider.t and :ionorable i:embers oi the City Council Saint :: aul, i:inr_esota :iada� �'resident �*�d �.onorable ':�embe„s : ':!'r.e St. �oseph's SocietJ� for tr�e Li+.,tle Sisters of the °oor :�!ak�s ar:p�ication for ��rmission to conduct '�in�o ��!es a.t 107° nice Street �e�i-rrin� :.oril 1, _l_9��2. `.�ne a�plicati�n has been made by Jan �1lerman, ^resi�'.e�t, and Lois �::lom';�er� will be ��a�ar:_;in�- '�r.e �;arnes, tiahich will be played on T:�ursd.a; af�ernoons k�et>�reen tne '�.ours oi 1:30 �.r.d �;3Q �'.',_. < '�'::is a��;licat�orl ::as }-een retr;_er��ed ���- the Zicens� and ?err�it �;ivision and tl-�.e Cit`; ?_ttor.ne«'s oi'fice. '?r:e reco-��:end- ation is �'or app?"O�F:,l. �i emr trul;� �rOUT'S� [ �� Jose h �. ;�areYiecii License inspector O . �� 2'�8365 , ....,,,�:,� =-```'T' �'�``'� CITY OF SAINT PAUL _.� � _; �' � DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES ;o ; :� 'u�i uw: .; >< u r� u� �_ ��' _� DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION "":m:����°`���_ Room 203, City Hall GEORGE LATIMER Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 MAYOR March 4, 1982 P1s. �an Shet�nan 1036 Bdyless Avenue St. paul , MN 55114 Dear Ms. Sherman; Your application for a ' � �er5) license has been received by this o: ice. After review and investigation of this apglication, this office will recommend to the License Committee that such license�s) be granted. A hearing on your application for said license�s) will be held before the License Committee on Date at ��_ at e. Time Locatzon You are hereby required to appear at such hearing. If you are unable to appear at said hearing, please not�fy this office immediately. Oi:r telephone number is 29�-5056. , JOSEPFi F. CARCF�I License Inspector , . ����365 . _;'��;����o;;,,,. _� ;,.,, CITY OF SAINT PAUL �' ��: DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES ;e , :+ It1111111 i J %� �Il lil U w= � ' _- DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION „':��;����'�`` Room 203, City Hail GEORGE LATIMER Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 MAYOR March 4, 1982 Lois Blomberg 132 Demont A�enue E. , qpt. 341 Saint Paul , Minnesota 55117 Dear Ms. Blomberg: Your application for a �in90 �St. JoS Soc,,,,� L1tt�P SisterS) license has been received by this office. After review and investigation of this application, this office will recommend to the License Committee that such license�s) be granted. A hearing on your application for said license�s) will be held before the License Committee on Date at 10:00 a.m. at C n i Time Location You are hereby required to appear at such hearing. If you are unable to appear at said hearing, please not_fy this office immediately. Our telephone number is 298-5056. JOSEPH F. CARCHIDI License Inspector . � �78365 . ����������"`'" CITY OF SAINT PAUL `.....C,T. 0.��ry -R�� '"" ''���"'� DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES '_ '`: "� iiii�iii�ii �� ��+ �= DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION s _ a,� ,.,. � Room 203, City Hall ��'m��":....o`..��` GEORGE LATIMER Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 MAYOR :�arch 9� 19�2 iiada:: A'resi�er�t and. : onora'ole �:emY�ers of tl�e City Cour�cil , �aint i'aul, :.Iinnesota ::adam Presid.ent �.d :�onorabl<: :�eT'-ers : �he Catholic r.tkiletic nssoc�atio�i TMake, applic��tion for per:�ission to conruct ;ir4o �"ames for �0 �?eriods at 1.i0�' ::air� �treet be�;innir.�; ;"azr l, 1?�2. mhe apT�licat�on rias re�n .^!ade b;; ''i�J_ia*� J. Jo?-_nson, �Presi�en�, ar��' ")omonic J. 1�zzone �,_l_1 be mana€Y�_nc� tr� ?arn�s, T�rhich �:rill be pla`rea on `'atu�^:'.a�r e Ten;_n`s bet?�re�n the rours o�' � :00 ?.��:. and 1_?_:00 mian��;ht. '�'his a_;plicatior� 'ti�s �-een �=��_e:rec? l:�r the Li.c�nse a�d rermit .)ivision and ti.e Cit�- i.ttor��eti's o=_"'°ice. ir:e recor°!end- ation is :�or a,:proval. �rery tr�l_�.� -rours, ��`����J Jose�h ':'. Carc:�edi Licer�se Insnector O d � ��7���5 . ;,...:�.:��o�.,, =�+` �="'�� CITY OF SAINT PAUL 'a ;�; ;, � „�;,,,,, ;; DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES ;:,� ���� �u�� ^= � = DIV1SiON OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION ,.. - Room 203, City Mall GEORGE LATIMER Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 MAYOR March 4, 1982 William J. Johnson 673 Farrington Street St. Paul , Minnesota 55103 Dear Mr. Johnson: Your application for a Bingo (Catholic Athletic Association) license r.as been received by t::is office. Afte: review and investigation of this application, this office will recommend to the License Committee that such license�s) be granted. A hearing on your application for said license�s) will be held before the License Committee on Date at �L.� at Council Chambers 3rd F r. i 1 Time) location You are hereby required to appear at such hearing. If � you are unable to appear at said hearing, please not��y this affice immediately. Our telephone number is 298-So55. JOSEPH F. CARCI�I License Inspector .. . ¢ � � ^ �,�v�V� �vaq�.:n �` `''T ''J�'�'' ClTY OF SAINT PAUL _-4�� ;�s ?_ � �= DEPARTMENT OF FINA,NCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES :., ,'i�u tuu, �: � uu ��u u� �- � ' _- DIVISION OF LiCENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION ,... - "'':R,,,, ,,, Room 203, City Hall GEORGE LATIMER Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 MAYOR March 4, 1982 Dominic J. Azzone 1310 Lincoln Avenue St. Paul , Minnesota 55105 Dear Mr. Azzone: Your application for a Bingo (Catholic Athletic Assn. ) license has been received by this office. After review and investigation of this applicatian, this office will recommend to the License Co�unittee that such licensets) be gra.nted. A hearing on qour application for said 2icense�s) will be held before �he License Committee on March 9, 1982 Date at 10:00 a.m. at Council Chambers 3rd Flr. Cit Hall . Time Location You are hereby required to appear at such hearing. If you are unable to appear at said hearing, please not_fy this office immediately. Our telephone number is 298-5056. JOSEPH F. CARCHEDI License Inspector ' � ���W� � ��..������4yh �°°"�iT• �-°�-- CITY OF SAINT PAUL -~�� ''��"'� DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES >e A> `;� iiii�l ii ii ;: _,.+, ,:= DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION �..• � Room 203, City Hall ';m,no,.,o'. GEORGE LATIMER Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 MAYOR ��arch 9, 19c2 �iadam �resident a�c: ::onorable :;enbers of the ��it�T �ouricil Saint ��aul, i•:.ir.nesota [5102 '.:adar� �resident and. �'_onorable :'_e�b�r� : The �t. ''a.u1_ "�h�pter of :'ational T:nico r�a�;es aprlication for �erMission to cor.duct 'in�o �:anes �or 50 p�r�.o�s at 900 .':ice atr�et t�e�innin�� ':arch ]_1�, l�f 2. `�"he apnlicatior. has 1 e�n �a�'e b` Louis "orel.li, V,�ce "resi�?er.t an� ::arvin ':aiola T�Jill ��e TMa_�?a�ir_�; the �-a-�es, �•ir�icr� t�r�ll be n1_^�*ed on :un�',a�T eve.li�n,;s c:etureen t!�e hours o� �:00 .: .i'_. �nd 12 :OC �:idni�;r�t. �'ris application has �;een rev-i ei�red bzT the L,ycerlse 3I1C�. .-�P,r'T11t �1V.'.S].OI1 r3X?C� �r-8 :.i t�* 1_ttornetr r c O nf�C2. `i�!P T'2- co�nendation i� Por a��roval. T;erti truly �.rou.�s, � , Joseph �'. �archedi License IrLspector 66 . . . ���65 , ......�.,,:,� �\` `�T' �'�"' CITY OF SAINT PAUL _�� .�-, -. :--_. �� '� DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES :' �u�ii�ii� +: ;` �- �' =- DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRAT{ON ,... _ �"'•*��•"���� Room 203, City Hail GEORGE LATIMER Saint Paul,Minnesota 55'102 MAYOR March 4, 1982 Mr. Louis Morelli 1596 E. Thi�d Street St. Paul , MN. 55106 Dear Mr. Morel1i : Your application for a R�_�slni��,Nat7Gl�aa.T license has been received by this office. Afte: review and investigation of tnis application, this office will recommend to the License Committee that such license�s) be granted. A hearing on your apglication for said license�s) will be held before the License Committee on MarCh 9, 1982 Date at � at Time Location You are hereby required to appear at such hearing. If you are unable to appear at said hearing, please not-fy this office immediately. Oi:r telephone number is 298-5056- JOSEPH F. CARCHEDI License Inspector , � � � � ;���365 .... ,,,:��. �� `�*' �'���''' CITY OF SAINT PAUL >=.� ;,-, �' '� DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES :o : :� ' u�mu, c; s• u r1 u� ��' =- DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMfT ADMINISTRATION �... _ � >� Room 203, City Hall GEORGE LATIMER Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 MAYOR March 4, 1982 Mr. Marvin Raiola 1676 E. Arlington Avenue St. Paul , Minnesota 55106 Dear Mr. Raiola: Your application for a Bingo (St. Paul Chdp. Unico) license has been received by this office. Afte: review and investigation of this application, this office wil.l recommend to the I,icense Committee that such license�s) be granted. A hearing on qour application for said license�s) will be held before the License Committee on March 9 1982 Date at 10:00 a.m. at Council Chambers 3rd Floor Cit Hall . �Time Location You �re nereby requi:ed to appear at such hearing. If you are unable to appear at said hearing, please not_fy this office immediately. OL:r telephone number is 298-5�Sb- JOSEPH F. CARCHIDI License Inspector