278348 WNITE - CITY CLERK �,�y PINK - FINANCE �' /���Q CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I T Y O F S A I N T ��U L COUtIC1I ,� v BLUE - MAYOR File N . C il Resolution Presented By ` Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An admini strative Re soluti.on aboli shing the title and class specification for Development Finance Specialist and establishing the tit].es and specifications for Devel- opment Finance 5pecialist III and Development Finance Specialist IV. RE50LVED, that the Civil Se rvice Rule s be amended in Se ction 3. J (Professional-Administrative Non-Supervisors Group) by striking out of Grade 22 the title of Development Finance Specialist and by substi.tuting in lieu thereof the title of Development Finance Specialist IV; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended in Section 3. J (Professional-Administrative Non-Supervisors Group), by inserti.ng the title of Development Finance Specialist III in Grade 16; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be further amended in 5ecti.on 32 by striking out the class specification for Development Finance Specialist and by inserting, in proper alphabetical order, the attached class specifications for Development Finance 5pecialist III and Development Finance Specialist IV. App rove d: ---, C ai man, Civ Se rvic ommi s sion COUIVCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt PERSO EL OFFIC �e���e In Favor Maddox i' . McMahon � __ A ainst BY Z�� Showalter - g Tedesco Wilson MAR Z ��Z For pproved b Cit Att r Adopted by Council: Date 0 Certified . •e Council re BY gy _ � App by ;Vlavor: Dat M�3""'� Appro y Mayor for S m's i to Council By - — / Pi►BUSHFD MAR 13 1982 Do n:�i a��acn Ln�s �►�C�����a��u� , .:`" � X� _ � , resof��ian so that th�s info�mation witl �� �, /�J � �C- J � a�Jaiiab+e to the City Councii. �8 48 EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRAT�VE ORDERS, RESOLUTIONS, AND ORDINANCES ' Date: January 12, 1982 , ,�..,. _ �, � � _i;�„�.��,�t,�;�:�� FEB3 - 1982 T0: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER ��iNYOR� G'e°Y'��►� FR: Personnel Office RE: Resolution for submission to City Co ncil ACTION ItEQUESTED We recommend yqur approval and submission of th�.s Resolution Xo the City Council. PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTTON This Resoix�tion establishes the title for Development Finance Specialist III in Grade 16 of Section 3. J. (Professional Administraia.ve Non-Supervisors Group) of the Civil Service Rules and the class specification for this title in Section 32. _ The bi-weekly salary ran.ge for Grade 16 and Grade 22 are shown below: Grade 16 A B C D E F G 10 yr. 15 yr. 913. 76 950. 39 987. 67 1037. 38 1089. 05 1143. 34 1200. 89 1236. 23 1272. 20 $23, 822 annually $33, 166 Grade 22 �— B C D E F G 10 yr. 15 yr. 1090. 35 1�133. 5 3 1179. 31 1238. 18 1300. 33 1365. 07 1433. 09 1476. 27 1519.44 �_ at' „� .' -: $28,425 annually $39, 612. This Resoluti.on also abolishes the ti.tle and class specificati.on for Development Finance Specialist and substitutes in lieu thereof tlze new title and class specification for Develop- ment Finance Specialist IV. The old title is and the new ti.tle will be in Grade 22 of Sec. 3. J (Profe s sional Admini strative Non-Supe rvi sors Group) of the Civi1 Se rvice Rule s. The �<lass '�pecifications are in Section 32 of the Civil Service Rules. �NANCIAL IMPAC T None. ATTACHI�ENTS: Resolution and copy for City Clerk. Title of cl��s: � �r�pc�Al Q � ����LiL� DEVELOPAIENT FINANCE SPECIALIST III DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs responsible professional work in directing the activities in the Division of Development in the Depart- ment of Planning and Economic Development relating to development financing; and to perform related work as assigned. Supervision Received: Works under the general guidance and direction of the Development Finance Specialist. Supervision Exercised: Exercises general administrative and technical supervision of staff assigned to projects requiring development financing. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED � The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. P.eviews and modifies development financing proposals for projects in the Department of Planning and Economic Development to ensure that they are financially sound. Determines financial feasibility of the division's development pro,�ects prior to implementation. Proposes alternative financial schemes on City projects at point of inspection. Negotiates City's involvement in financial packages for proposed development. Analyzes proposed projects to determine what financial resources can best • be used to achieve maximum cost benefit. Tracks federal and state legislation relating to the pro�ects managed by the division. Maintains federal and state agency contracts to assure a continued flow of information on a timely basis to the division's project management staff. Provides liaison and makes presentations to the rlayor, Council and other City boards and. coannissions on financing schemes for City projects. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Thorough knowledge of private development techniques. Thorough knowledge of structure and development financing packages. Thorough knowledge of banking practices, accounting skills and tax incentive proposals. Ma.rked ability to be innovative in the financing of development pro�ects. Considerable ability to deal tactfully and effectively with public and private representatives. Considerable ability to communicate clearly and effectively witli individuals and groups. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS College graduation and three years of professional experience implementing financing of community development or economic development pro�ects, including two years of experience in evaluating financial aspects of large scale urban development pro�ects; or eight years of experience arranging real estate financing for urban development. Title of class• DEVELOPMENT FINANCE SPECIALIST IV DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs highly responsible professional work in irecting e activities in the Division of Development in the Department of Planning and Economic Development relating to development financing; and to perform related work as assigned. Supervision Received: Works under the general guidance and direction of the Deputy Director-Development. Supervision F�ercised: Exercises general administrative and technical super- vision of staff assigned to the development financing. Supervises� consulting services provided to the division. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Reviews and modifies all development financing proposals for pro�ects in the Department of Planning and Economic Development to ensure that they are financially sound. Determines financial feasibility of all the division's development pro�ects prior to implementation. Proposes alternative financial schemes on City pro�ects at point of inspection. Negotiates City`s involvement in financial packages for proposed developments. Administers department tax increment pro3ects. Analyzes proposed pro�ects to determine what financial resources can best be used to achieve maximua cost benefit. Exercises responsibility for the development of ongoing management of the division's training program. Supervises consulting services provided the division including such technical assistance as underwriting, development financing, grants, legal assistance (in cooperatiott with the City Attorney), and federal regulations. Assumes responsibility for the division's budgetary and financial reporting affairs, including the division's operating budget, CIB requests, HRA tax levy budget, special revenue fund budget, fees derived from tax exempt bond sales, administrative costs derived from UDAG grants, and other funding sources. Tracks all federal and state legislation relating to the pro3ects managed by the division. Maintains federal and state agency contacts to assure a continued flow of information on a timely basis to the division's pro�ect management staf£. Provides liaison and makes presentations to the Mayor, Council and other City boards and commissions on financing schemes for City projects. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Marked knowledge of private development techniques. Marked knowledge of structure and development financing packages. Considerable skills in managerial and administrative procedures. Considerable ability to coordinate elements of pro�ects with activities of City agencies and other private and public organizations. Considerable ability to resolve differences among competing points of view and develop commitment to mutually accepted goals. Marked ability to deal tactfully and effectively with public and private representatives. � Marked ability to plan, organize and direct the development of projects and maintenance of programs. (continued on reverse side) MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS College graduation and five years of professional experience initiating or implementing community development or economic development projects, including two years of experience in evaluating financial aspects of community development or economic development pro�ects. ; Title of class• DEVELOPMENT FINANCE SPECIALIST IV ����8 DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs highly responsible professional work n rect ng e activities in the Division of Development in the Department of Planning and Economic Development relating to development financing; and to perform related work as assigned. Supervision Received: Works under the general guidance and direction of the Deputy Director-Development. Supervision Fxercised: Exercises general administrative and technical super- vision of staff assigned to the development financing. Supervises coasulting services provided to the division. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in � this class. Reviews and modifies all development financing proposals for projects in the Department of Planning and Economic Development to ensure that they are financially sound. Determines financial feasibility of all the division's development projects prior to implementation. Proposes alternative financial schemes on Citq pro3ects at point of inspection. Negotiates City's involvement in financial packages for proposed developments. Administers department tax increment pro�ects. Analyzes proposed pro3ects to determine what financial resources can best be � used to achieve maximum cost benefit. Exercises responsibility for the development of ongoing management of the division's training program. Supervises consulting services provided the division including such technical assistance as underwriting, development financing, grants, Iegal assistance (in cooperation with the City Attorney) , and federal regulations. Assumes responsibility for the division's budgetary and financial reporting affairs, including the division`s operating budget, CIB requests, HRA tax levy budget, special revenue fund budget, fees derived from tax exempt bond sales, administrative costs derived from UDAG grants, and other funding sources. Tracks all federal and state legislation relating to the projects managed by the division. Maintains federal and state agency contacts to assure a continued flow of information on a timely basis to the division's project management staff. Provides liaison and makes presentations to the Mayor, Council and other City boards and commissions on financing schemes for City projects. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABZLITIES Marked knowledge of private development techniques. Marked knowledge of structure and development financing packages. Considerable skills in managerial and administrative procedures. Considerable ability to coordinate elements of pro�ects with activities of City agencies and other private and public organizations. Considerable abi.lity to resolve differences among competing points of view and develop commitment to mutually accepted goals. Marked ability to deal tactfully and effectively with public and private representatives. Marked ability to plan, organize and direct the development of pro,�ects and maintenance of programs. (continued on reverse side) MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS College graduation and five years of professional experience initiating or implementing community development or economic development pro�ects, including two years of experience in evaluating financial aspects of community development or economic development projects. �___ __ _ _ --_ _ _ - ,__. _ _ _ _...__ __ _ _ __---. .. _ -- --__ ___ _ _____ _ -------------- _._._. ,-.:- . WHITE - CITY CLERK 2�'834� PINK - FINANCE i � CAtVARY - DEPARTMENT G I TY O F SA I NT l,A U L COUIICII � BLUE - MAYOR File N . CITY CLERK Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An admini strative Re solution aboli shing the title and � class specification for Development Finance Specialist and establishing the titles and specifications for Devel- opment Finance Specialist III and Development Finance Specialist IV. , RESOLVED, that the Civil Se rvice R�le s be amended in Se cti.on 3. J (Professional-Administrati.ve Non-Supervisors Group) by striking out of Grade 22 the title of Development Finance Specialist and by substituti.ng in iieu thereof the title of Development Finance Specialist IV; a.nd be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended in Section 3. J (Professional-Administrative Non-5upervisors Gxoup), by inserting the title of Development Finance Specialist III in Grade 16; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be further amended in Secti.on 32 by striking out the class specification for Development Finance Specialist and by inserting, in proper alphabeti.cal order, t�.e attacned class specifications for Developxnent Finance Specialist III and Development Finance Specialist IV. App rove d: Chai rman, Civil Se rvi ce C ommi s si on COUNCILI�IEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt PER50NNEL OFFICE Levine In Favor Maddox McMahon B Showatter A gai n s t Y Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Vassed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by :Navor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Counci! R�, _ ----- B� _ ` ' Title �f cl��s: � DEVELOPAZENT FINANCE SPECIALIST III �'�8348 DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs responsible professional work in directing the activities in the Division of Development in the Depart- ment of Planning and Economic Development relating to development financing; and to perform related work as assigned. Supervision Received: Works under the general guidance and direction of the Development Finance Specialist. � Supervision EXercised: Exercises general administrative and technical supervision of staff assigned to pro�ects requiring development financing. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. P.eviews and modifies development financing proposals for projects in the Department of Planning and Economic Development to ensure that they are financially sound. Determines financial feasibility of the division's development projects prior to implementation. Proposes alternative financial schemes on City pro�ects at point of inspection. Negotiates City�s involvement in financial packages for proposed development. Analyzes proposed projects to determine what financial resources ca� best be used to achieve maximum cost benefit. Tracks federal and state legislation relating to the projects managed by the division. Maintains federal and state agency contracts to assure a continued flow of information on a timely basis to the division's pro,ject management staff. Provides liaison and makes presentations to the riayor, Council and other City boards and coamnissions on financing schemes for City projects. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Thorough knowledge of private development techniques. Thorough knowledge of structure and development financing packages. Thorough knowledge of banking practices, accounting skills and tax incentive proposals. Marked ability to be innovative in the financing of development pro�ects. Considerable ability to deal tactfully and effectively with public and private representatives. Considerable ability to communicate clearly and effectively with individuals and groups. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS College graduation and three years of professional experience implementing financing of community development or economic development pro�ects, including two years of experience in evaluating financial aspects of large scale urban development pro�ects; or eight years of experience arranging real estate financing for urban development. -J• w � _ , (;ITY OF S.�.I�;T �AUL �: � - 8348 ^{ '� O��FICE OF TH� CITY COUYCZL � �„ ��Y -;� t� rs,q.u.��,� F"- Lr '�'-.l]�t��y+��_T4 ir ` - �,'� . D o t e ; FebYVary 19, 1982 .�� �. �:..... �'. Q 1/� IY� i 1 � � � . � � iQ Q i�� � . � T0 : Soin�i Paui City Councit .. . � � �R O i`�1 � C o m m i t fi e e o n FIrra�cE, btANAGII�'�NT � PERSO�tIVEL . . � . George McMahon , choirman, makes the foilowing � ' . report on� C.F. (11' �-� Ocd'inance �- � � (�) [�] Resotution . � . : � Oth er ' . Ti�'LE : � . At its meeting of February 18, 1982, the Finance Committee recommended approval • of the following: � � _ 1. Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 11490 pertaining �to severance pay.� (12702-Q�t) 2. Resolution approving issuance Qf approximately �510,000 in revenue Bonds by the Port Authority to finance construction of production facilities by Century Circuits � Electronics, Inc. (12710-(�I) � . � _ 3. Resolution amending 1980 Gapital Improvement Budget to provide funding for _ Town Square Streets Project. (12687-� . . � . � � � 4. Resolution revising Corrmerical Rehabilitation Laan Program. .(I2711-Q`i)� �- S. Resolution approving Memorandwn of Agreement amending the 198I 1�'Iaintenance . Labor Agreemen�C bett,reen the City and the Electricians Local 110.. . (12680-��� - 6. Resolution establishing titles and class specifications for Operations - � -. Assistant-Town Square Park and .Program�Planner-Town Square Park. (12708-(�t) _ - ` 7. Resolution establishing title and class specification for title of Marine . _ Marrnnal Keeper-Trainer. (12709-Q�4) � _ � 8. Resolution establishing title and class specification for Development Finance Specialist III and abolishing title and class specification for Development Finance Specialist and substituting in lieu thereof nei�r title and class specification for Development Finance Specialist IV. (12707-Q�'� CITY H�►I_L S£VE�iTH FLOOtt SAIYI' PAL11-. tiiltitiESO�'A 5510? .,���y,:y .:s�-- :_. . .CI'�Y' ��' ,�i.�.�NT �ATJL ' � �^�` ��'��� J • -or�F`ICE OF TSE CITY �OUNCIL �(S3�V r;�.`• �,� �i �::=�:=� �.. . ,:,,�..�.�,,,.,- F. - . LZri ''-+�ti�' 'v=+'?� ic . � � . -� a D a t e . February 19, 1982 ��. : . i+:` � Q �� l� a� 1 r.'�.. � � � � � ;�i . _ - . � TO : Sain�t Pc�ut Ci�y �ouncii _ -- � �R O � = C 0 i7`1 tri i��8� O tl FINAi�?CE, NIANAGIl�IENT �, PERSONNEL ._ - - . t - - C,eorge McMahon , chai�man, makes the foilowing � � � report on� C.F. �11� �-� Ord�inance . - ��) � Resolufion . �] Orher � T i't"L E :: . At its meeting of February 18, 1982, the Finance Committee recorrnnended approval • of the following: _ �..._._...._ _.._ _ --- - -- - �� � 1. Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 11•490 pertaining �to severance pay.� (12702-�5) 2. Resolution approving issuance of approximately �510,000 in revenue Bonds by the Fort Authority-to finance construction of production facilities by Century Circuits � Electronics, Inc. (127.10-C�I) . � _ - 3. Resolution amending 1980 Gapital Improvement Budget to provide funding for` Town Sc�uare Streets Project. (12687-� � � 4. Resolution revising Commerical Rehabilitation Ldan Program. (12711-Qt)� - S. Resolution approving Nlemorandwn of Agreement amending the 1981 l��aintenance . Labor Agreemen�C bett,reen the City and the Electricians Local 110.. . (12680-�i} - 6. Resolution establishing titles and class specifications for Operations Assistant-Town Sauare Park and Program Planner-Town Snuare Park. (12708-Gbi) " 7. Resolution establishing title and class specification for title af 1�4arine . -_ Mammal Keeper-Trainer. (12709-��) � 8. Resolution establishing title and class specification for Development Finance Specialist IIi and abolishing title and class specification far Development Finance Specialist and substituting in lieu thereof neiJ title and class specification for Development Finance Specialist IV. (12707-Q�1) CITY H�LL SEVE�iTH FLOO[t SAI�TT Pe1UL, ti1ritiESQ�'A 55102 '��r� .