278328 WHITE - CITY CLERK COUflCII �$328� PINK - FINANCE � CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I T Y O F S A I N T PA U L � BLUE - MAYOR File N O. � 'l Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the Minnesota Legis1ature directed the Minnesota Zoological Board, the City of Saint Paul and the Como Zoological Society to submit a joint statement regarding cooperative programs by the Minnesota Zoological Garden and Como Zoo by January 1, 1982; and WHEREAS, �he Board, Cjty and Sooiety desire to formally adopt a position statemen� covering aspec�esof cooperative programs between the �wo zoos so as to maximize pub1ic benef�� from the inves�ment of pub1ic funds; and WHEREAS, such cooperative programs are in the best interests of each insti�ution, its visitors, and an�ma1s; and WHEREAS, the approval of the St. Paul City Council is necessary prior to the execution of thjs agreement; now, therefore, BE TT RESOLVED, tha� the Counci1 authorizes proper C�ty officials to execute �hjs agreement and subm�t i� to the Legislature as required. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of: �+�+�, � COMMUNTTY SERVICES Levine IR Favor Maddox '� McMahon snoweiter - � __ Against Tedesco ��alYilca� FEB 2 5 1981 Fo� Approved ,, to� Adopted by Council: Date r. � Certified P�:_e y Council� BY Bv „ r Appr by ;Vlavor. t �R � ���%Z A ro by Mayor for ss Council B _ B ( PUBLISHED MAR 6 1982 � OM O1 : 1'l/1975 , � Rev. . �/$/76 Rev. ; 5/7/80 EXPLAN�TxON OF I�DMI2`?TSTF.A`rIVE ORDERS, P.ev. : �j�1� uV�(,7 ��SOLUTIOi•1� A�+D ORilIN1:P10E5 � . . Date: Fel7ruary.l0, 1982 ���E���],� . FEB � � 1�u�' To: Mayor ceorge Latimer k�d�1Y0R5 OFFiCE FRO�i: Thomas J. Kelley jl�� - g�; Cauncil Resolution authorizing agreement between City of Saint.Paul and . Minnesota Zoological�.Society sulanitting joint statement of cooperation _ ACTION RE(�UESTED: Signature on Council 'Resolution . PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: Fulfilling direction of the Minnesota Legislature to submit a joint state�nt betw�een Cam Zoo and MZG regarding cooperative programs ` FINANCIAL I�SPACT: ' None • ,�:'�'TAC"r:i�IEP1T5: • Cauncil Resolution Copy of Agreem�azt � '