00-449G � I��U��u. ,� Council File # 00 - °� Green Sheet # 1t�33�t RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented Referred To Committee Date 13 1 An Administrative Resolution to Establish the Rate of Pay for the new classes, Design Associate I and Design Associate II. � 7 BE TI' RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the Design Associate I be established at the rate set forth in grade 8, Section ID 3, Professional Employees Non-Supervisary Standard Ranges of the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation, and that the rate for the Design Associate II be established at the rate set forth in grade 13, Section ID 3, Professional Employees Non-Supervisory Standard Ranges, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period following passage and approval. r by Department of: Human Resources Office ��i����' � �U�--�� � By: ✓C� Form Ap oved b Attorney B _� �1( Z�'� � B "`�� � . ..,.5� A .. Approved by Ma oC��� te �"`� � 5 2! By: � � /! Approved by Ma r for Submissio� to Council B e `�'h-Y' �y���c� � � o � Adopfed by Counc�l: Date �G Adopuon Certified by Counci] Secretary � �o 'yy4 DEPARr�r�o��c�couNC�.: DA� �� GREEN SHEET No.• 1Q339 Human Resources ,. �2� � a d ' CO?1TACT PERSON & PHONE: �; p L�nLinnTE iViY'IAIJDaTE Mazk Robertson 266-6471 �t'�� Michael Foley 266-6484 g� ASSIGN 1 DEPAR'PMENT DIlt. 5 CTPY COU;JCII. 7� NUMBER 2 C1TY ATl'ORNEY 6 CiTY CLERK MUST BE ON COLNCII, AGENDA BY (DATE) FOR i FINANCIAL SERV DIIt. TECH & VTGT. SERVICES ROUTING D1R. ORDER 4 MAYOR(OTtASST.) �� � CNII,SERVICE coNmnssior; TOTAL iF OF SIGNAT[lRC PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIOATS FOR SIGNATURE) nC'rlox xEQUES'1'En: Approve the attached resolurion establishing the salaries for the new classes entided "Desi� Associate I" and "Design Associate TI". RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Rejeci (R) PERSONAI, SERVICE CONTRACTS bIUST AA'S WER TI� FOLLOWA'G QUESTIONS: _PLANNING COMMISSION _CNIL SERVICE COMMSSSION 1. Hat tLis peisoNfirm evu woiked under a con4act for trris department? ` CIB COMMTITEE _ Yes No STHFF _ 2. Has tttis person/fum ever been a CiTy empl0yee? _DISIRICTCOURT Yes No SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCII, OB7ECTNE? 3. Does titis persoNfirm possess a sl:ill not noxmally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain aIl yes answers on sepazatr sheet and attach to green sheet lxrriATING rxoBr,EM, LSSUE, oProR'rUlvrrY (wno, what, Wnen, Wnere, why) In the past few yeazs the design unit has found that personnel assigned to the Architectural Drafter lltle have been ab]e to assume higher level duties and especiaily project manager duties, assisting Ciry departments with leasing, cons[rucfion, maintenance, and rehabilitation of City buildings. This hac ailowed Real Estate to transfer some of the non-architectural duties that have traditionally been assigned to ArchitecCS to these positions. However, this still represents a major increase in responsibilities for these positions and compensation should be zealigned. This resolution proposes such action. anvnN'raGES u�' ArrROVEn This will pernut management the opportunity to tailor the work projects to most effectively use City resources by matching projects to the appropriate education and skill level of each member of the design staff. This will also cosect the out-of-Ufle situation and provide some cazeer progression for non-degreed design staff employees. City deparhnents affect�d by this action aze: Parks and Recreation-and the Real Estate Division of T&MS. nisnnvnrrrncES � arrxovEn: There aze no known disadvantages at this time. nisnnvnr*rACES � NoT nrrxovEn An out of title pay situafion will continue. Cost saving personnel actions may be discouraged. TOTAL AMOUN'1' OF TRANSACTIOIV: $ 400 COSTIREVENUE BUAGETED: Xe5 FIINDING SOURCE: $pCC131 Fllnd 160 ACTIVITY NUMBER: 11040 F��vcinL m�o�T[ox: �xrc.n� One employee is being paid out of titie at the moment and so there is relatively little monetary impact from actual current operafing expenses. � ��=�i'� �S���PC�3 CBt���4' ' .� —� � : ��i�t ��*� � �� ��.�n G:lShamd�Te�2�CLAS5IMORINNjn0.v+pd '' � �" ""'`" 5 �.,.. � � �'�' s'�. "�.✓' v.._ ...� .. / � w� ... u r� n V oo-��q SUMMARY OF CLASSIFICATION STUDY REPORT CLASS STUDIED: INCUMBENT: STUDIED BY: DATE STUDIED: Design Associate I Vacant - Proposed New Position Michael Foley ���� February 24, 2000 PERSONS CONTACTED: Bazb Morin (Architectural Drafter) Dave Nelson (Supervisor) Peter White (Division Manager) AL OF MANAGEMENT: Background One of the staff assigned to the design function of the Real Estate Division submitted a job profile that indicated that some people in the function were performing duties that were not clearly described in any existing class specificaUOn. While the particular problem was resolved in another study, (which proposes the creation of a title called "Design Associate II") several other problems in the career ladder of the function were revealed. This study proposes the creation of a position called "Design Associate P' that will provide a"bridge" between the Architectural Drafter and a way to get to higher level responsibilities without an architecture degree. Stud,�ponents Review of job profile Interview with staff Interview with supervisor Interview division chief Comparison to class specifications Comparison to other positions QES evaluation and analysis 0 C� - �i�i Comparison to Class Snecifications The following class specifications were reviewed: Architectural Drafter Trainee, Architectural Drafter, Architect I, Architect II, the Project Manager series, the Public Works Technician series, and the Civil Engineer series. None of these class specs adequately described the responsibilities of the position in question nor did they have appropriate minimum qualifications. Comnarison to Other Positions The positions associated with the class specifications listed above were reviewed. The responsibilities actually assigned to the positions and the minimum qualifications of the positions did not correspond well to the responsibilities for the position in question. Q. E. S. Evaluation and Anal s�is The QES analysis supports allocation to gxade 8 in PEA and supports allocation to the proposed Design Associate I class. Recommendation It is recomznended that a new fitle, Design Associate I, be established and that the position in question be allocated to this title. It is further recommended that compensation be set as described above. CODE: 647X BU: 06 EFFECTIVE: QO��{V9 PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: DESIGN ASSOCIATE Z DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs professional work assisting Gity departments in defining facility needs, providing alternative solutions, and overseeing the administration of construction projects; per£oxms other duties as required. Sunervision Received: Works under the general technical and administrative supervision of a team leader, unit supervisor, professional architect, or landscape architect. Suuervision Exercised: May exercise within the unit supervision over assigned staff and/or may act as team or project leader. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Assists in the preparation of plans, designs, specifications, bids, and estimates of projects involving City agencies. Projects range from small interior design/office layout, to major rehabilitation, to complete huildings and grounds. Assists with the inspection o£ construction projects and observes and checks the quality of work, compliance with contract specifications, and compliance with the building code. Assists in contracting including assembling information, following the process through the bidding procedure, meeting with contractors, and overseeing administrative procedures through to completion of construction. Advise on payment to contractors or termination of contract. Assists in contracts for architectural and/or consulting services. Assists customers to critically assess and express desires and wants relative Co facilities and develops plans accordingly. Assists in preliminary design work including neighborhood contact, coordinating land surveys as required, and any required real estate actions. Assists in establishing and monitoring project schedules and budgets. May lead a project team. (continued on reverse side) DESIGI3 ASSOCIATE I Page 2 PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: DESIGN ASSOCIATE I KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES AND COMPETENCIES ao -4�19 Some knowledge of principles of construction and £acility design. Some knowledge of inechanical and electrical systems. Working knowledge of the building codes. Working knowledge of the principles of interior/office design. Working knowledge of drafting, especially computer aided design. WoYking knowledge of math, engineering formulas, and technical principles of architecture and construction. Some knowledge of contract law, contract relationships, legally binding contract provisions, and related legal documents. Some knowledge of the techniques of project management. Some knowledge of the principles of real estate and land acquisition. Working ability to plan and coordinate work on a design project and a construction project. Working ability to coordinate several projects keeping all critical deadlines. Some ability to communicate technical terms to laypeople. Some ability to analyze user facility needs and to express them in architectural terms. Working ability to communicate orally and in writing. Working ability to deal tactfully and effectively with public and private representatives. Working ability to deal with spatial issues. Some ability to manage resources such as time, money, personnel, and technology. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Option 1 Education; College graduation with course work in architecture, urban planning or a closely related field, and DESIGN ASSOCIATE I Page 3 PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: �� _yyq DESIGN ASSOCIATE I Experience: two years experience in drafting which involves design of major rehabilitation projects or complete facilities; OR Option 2 Education: A vocational or associate degree in architecture or architectural drafting, and Experience: five years experience in drafting which involves design of major rehabilitation projects or complete £acilities; OR Option 3 Four years as an Architectural Draftex in the City of Saint Paul. No substitution for the vocational or associate degree except in Option 3. DESIGN ASSOCIATE I 00 -�yq Memo For Record Subject: PEA Agreement with Design Associate I and II Date: October 21, 1999 On October 19, 1999 at approximately 11:4� a.m. I�ke Wdde of PEA called me to say that the union approved moving ahead with the positions of Design Associate I and Design Associate II. ��/��22%'Z� ��°�/C/ Michael F. Foley OfFtCE OF HUMAN RESOURCES John Hamilton, Director CTTY OF SAINT PAUL 40QGryHaIIMrt¢ Norm Coleman, Mayor ZS WestFourth Street SaintPaul,Minnuota 557 02-/631 TO: Peter-�Iae�es • Technqlagy, and Nlanagement Services Victor Wittgenstein, Director Parks and Recreation FROM: Ivfichael F. Foley G � Human Resources C � DATE: � September 2, 1999 Twenty Day Notice - Design Associate I(revision) oo-4yq Te1ey3+one: 65 1-2 66 6500 TDD/CfY.' 657-166-6501 Jobline: 651-266Q502 Facsimile: 651-292-7656 It has been determined that the class specification of Design Associate I should be created. I have attached a copy of the class specifications for your review. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss this matter. If I do not hear from you within that time frame, I will assume agreement and will proceed with the process. In the meantime I will be processing a resolution to estab;lish the rate of pay for this title in Grade 8, Section I D 3, the Professional Empioyees I3on-Supervisory Standard Ranges, in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation This revision contains some changes to the minimum qualifications and clarifies duties invalving contract administration. I hereby waive the time remaining on this 20 day notice for the purpose of revising these class specifications. f �' ��� ��� Date cc: Peter White . 7ohn Wirka � � - �- d�S �. S ;nr�gF,rv�U�=J :;��"�v'(l� . ,;`��' �� �4 r�1q� ;1r. t:-:��.� `� �:�.=�'U Department Director or Management Official Signature OFFICE OF HUMrW RESOURCES Johq Hcmitfan, Drrecmr CTI'Y OF SAIIVT PAUL Norm Coleman. Mayor TO: FROM: Is7:�1I�I � 400CityHallMrs¢ 25 WutFourth Sbeet SarntPauLMinnesota SSIO2-1637 Peter Hames, Director Technology and Management Services i�ar;V�tt�genstein;DiiectQr - PaitksAaiiiiItecreatian- .. Ivfichael F. Foley Human Resources September 2, 1999 ��� Twenty Day Notice - Design Associate I (revision) 0o-4�►g Telephorss: 651-26b6500 ZDD/ITY.• 651-266650f JobGne: 65I-26G6501 Facmmile: 65J-192-7656 It has been deternuned that the class specification of Design Associate I should he created. I have attached a copy of the class specificat'sons for your review. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss this matter. If I do not hear from you within that time frame, I will assume aa eement and will proceed with the process. In the meantime I will be processing a resolution to estab;lish the rate of pay for this title in Grade 8, Section I D 3, the Professional Employees Non-Supervisory Standard Ranges, in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation This revision contains some changes to the minimum qualifications and clarifies duties involving contract administration. I hereby waive the time remaining on this 20 day notice for the purpose of r�vising these class specifrcations. /j or cc: Peter White John Wirka Official Slgnature ���� �5. Date 90: 6� S l d3S t�. ���'�"� = ��' t� �'�ifl{? ��� �, � Rt� " _ : _', ao—y y°l Salary Considerations for Proposed Design Associate I Position Present Title, Bargaining Uni� and Salary Architectural Drafter - AFSCME Tech - $ 1482.31 (Crr 030) Proposed Title, Bargaining Unit, and Salary Design Associate I- PEA (Gr 8) $ 1710.59 (Note: The effective cost here is currently $ 0 since there are no immediate plans to fill this position. This position is proposed as a career development position for future employees.) Difference : Per Pay Period Per Year $ 228.28 $ 5,958.11 (Note: This difference is based on a comparison of the salaries of the respective titles at the `�ve year step" which is the salary level we traditionally use to compare costs.) G'�Shared�Team2\CLASSWiOR➢�payl.wpd � -yy9 SUNIMARY OF CLASSIFICATION STUDY REPORT CLASS STUDIED: INCUMBENT: STUDIED BY: DATE STUDIED: Design Associate II Vacant - Proposed New Position Michael Foley,;i��� February 24, 2000 PERSONS CONTACTED: Barb Morin (Architectural Drafter) Dave Nelson (Supervisor) Peter White (Division Manager) OF MANAGEMENT: �G (Signature) (Date) Background One of the staff assigned to the design function of the Real Estate Division submitted a job profile that indicated that some people in the function were performing duties that were not cleazly described in any existing class specification. This particular problem will be resolved with the approval of a title called "Design Associate II". (A related study indicates a reasonable career ladder could be created by the use of a"Design Associate I" title that will provide a "bridge" between the Architectural Drafter and a way to get to higher level responsibilities without an architecture degree.) Review of job profile Interview with staff Interview with supervisor Interview division chief Comparison to class specifications Comparison to other positions QES evaluation and analysis Stud,�ponents 00 -y4g Comparison to Class Specifications The following class specifications were reviewed: Architectural Drafter Trainee, Architectural Drafter, Architect I, Architect II, the Project Manager series, the Public Works Technician series, and the Civil Engineer series. None of these class specs adequately described the responsibilities of the position in question nor did they have appropriate minimum qualifications. Comparison to Other Positions The positions associated with the class specifications listed above were reviewed. The responsibilities actually assigned to the positions and the minimum qualifications of the positions did not conespond well to the responsibilities far the position in question. O. E. S. Evaluation and Analysis The QES analysis supports allocation to grade 13 in PEA and supports allocation to the proposed Design Associate I class. Recommendation It is recommended that a new title, Design Associate II, be established and that the position in question be allocated to this title. It is further recommended that compensation be set as described above. CODE: 648X BU: 12 EFFECTIVE: OO�yV t PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: DESIGN ASSOCIATE II DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties Performs responsible professional work assisting City departments defining facility needs, providing alternative solutions at varying cost levels, and overseeing the administration of construction, architectural and/or consulting services contract; performs other duties as required. Sunervision Received: Works under the general technical and administrative supervision of a team leader, unit supervisor, professional architect, or landscape architect. Su�ervision Exercised: May exercise within the unit supervision over assigned technical, professional, and clerical employees; may act as team leader or project manager. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Discusses facility needs with departmental management and assists departments with developing alternative approaches at various budget levels advising on the impact of various trade-offs on the operations involved. Prepares plans, designs, specifications, bids, and estimates of facility projects for City departments for approval by customer department. Projects range from interiorjoffice design, to major rehabilitation, to construction of complete facilities and grounds. Inspects construction projects, observes and checks the quality of work, compliance with contract specifications, and compliance with building codes. Develops and administers construction, architectural, and/or consulting services contracts including assembling information, following the process through the bidding procedure, meeting with contractors, and overseeing through to completion. Recommends or authorizes payment, non-payment, or recommends termination of contract. Develops and administers contracts for architectural or consulting services. Assists customers in critically examining desires and wants relative to facility design and budget constraints and develops alternatives accoYdingly. Conducts preliminary design work including neighborhood contact, (continued on reverse side) DESIGN ASSOCIATE II PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: DESZGN ASSOCIATE II coordinating land surveys, and any requires real estate actions. Establishes and monitors project schedules and budgets. Advises and/or assists contractors if they experience technical or management problems. May lead a project team. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES AND COMPETENCIES Page 2 �so —4yq Working knowledge of the principles of construction and facility design. Working knowledge of inechanical and electrical systems. Working knowledge of math, engineering formulas, and technical principles of architecture and construction. Working knowledge of the principles of office and interior design. Working knowledge of contract law, contract relationships, legally binding contract provisions, and xelated legal documents, Working knowledge of the techniques of project management. Working knowledge of the building codes. Working knowledge of the principles of real estate, leases, and land acquisition. Considerable knowledge of drafting, especially computer assisted drafting. Working ability to plan and coordinate a design project and a construction project. Working ability to coordinate several projects simultaneously keeping all critical deadlines. Working ability to communicate technical terms and concepts to laypeople. Working ability to analyze user facility needs and to express them in architectural concepts. Wosking ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing. Working ability to manage resources such as time, money, personnel, and technology. Considerable ability to deal tactfully and effectively with public and private representatives. Considerable ability to deal with spatial issues. DESIGN ASSOCIATE II Page 3 PROPOSED TZTLE OF CLASS: .�,��y� DESIGN ASSOGIATE II MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Option 1 Education: College graduation with course work in architecture, urban planning, or a closely related £ield, and Experience: thrae years of experience assisting in drafting, designing, and planning and administering construction projects; OR Option 2 Education: A vocational or associates degree in architecture or architectural drafting, and Experience: six years o£ experience in assisting in drafting, designing, and assisting in planning and administering construction projects; OR Option 3 Six years as an Architectural Drafter in the City of Saint Paul. No substitution for the vocational or associate degree except for option 3. DESIGI3 ASSOCIATE IZ 00 -`�ty `� Memo For Record Date: October 21, 1999 SubjeCt: PEA Agreement with Design Associate I and II On October 19, 1999 at approximately ll:40 a.m. NTike Wilde ofPEA called me to say that the union approved moving ahead with the positions of Design Associate I and Design Associate II. ;/�f����/ I/ `''� �// Michael F. Foley OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCES JohnHamrkon, D+rutor CITY OF SAINT PAUL f00CityHaIIAnn¢ Norm Coieman, Mayor 25 WettFourlh Sheet SaintPau�Minneswa 55101-1631 TO: Peter Hames, Director Technology and Management Services vctor Wittgenstein, Director Parks and Recreation FROM: DA'TE: � Nichaei F. Foley �� Human Resources ���� 5eptember 2, 1999 Twenty Day Notice - Design Associate II (revision) oc - V �l'l Zelephone: 651-266 6500 TDD/lTY: 651-2666501 lobLne: 657-26bb502 Facsimile: QS1-292-7656 It has been determined that the class speci6cation ofDesign Associate II should be created. I have attached a copy of the class specifications for your review. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss this matter. If I do not hear from you within that time frame, I will assume ageement and will proceed with the process. In the meantime I will be processing a resolution to estab;lish the rate of pay for this title in Grade 13, Section I D 3, the Professional Employees Non-Supervisory Standard Ranges, in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation This revision contauts some changes to the minimum qualifications and clarifies duties involving contract administration. I hereby waive the time remaining on this 20 day notice for the purpose of revising these class specifications. or Managemem Officiai Signature � 3 � Date cc: Peter White John Wirka OFFiCE OF kIUMAN RESOURCES JohnHamrIIon, Directo� CIT`Y OF SAIN`f PAUL Norm Coleman, Mpyar TO: FROM: DATE: i7� Peter Hames, Disector 400CiryHallAnnas 25We.rtFourthSbeet SmntPau�Minnuom 55702-1631 Technology and Management Services �a�tor.��ditCgenstein, £1iFeetor. �-EaEks an�Recreatian lvfichael F. Foley �� Human Resources ���� September 2, 1999 Twenty Day Notice - Design Associate II(revisinn) Telephane: TDIJ/lTY.' Joblrne: Facsimrle: 00 — y `�°� 651-266-6500 651-1666501 651-�66-6502 651-292-7656 It has been deternuned that the class specification ofDesign Associate II should be created. I have attached a copy of the class specifications for your review. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss this matter. If I do not hear from you within that time frame, I will assume agreement and will proceed with the process. In the meantime I will be processing a resolution to estab;lish the rate of pay for this title in Crrade 13, Section I D 3, the Professionai Empioyees Non-Supervisory Standard Ranges, in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation This revision contains some changes to the minimum qualifications and ciarifies duties involving contract administration. I hereby waive the time remaining on this 20 day notice for the purpose of revising these cia�s specifications. /-y � �r t Director or Official Signature � y j Date� 5 cc: Peter White John Wirka od-�ty'� Cost Considerations for Ms. Barb Morin and the Proposed Design Associate II Position Present "PermanenP' Title. Bargainin� Unit, and Salarv of Incumbent Architectural Drafter - AFSCME Tech -$ 1584.61 (Gr 030) Present "Out of Title" Bargaining Unit and Salarv of Incumbent Architect I- PEA (Gr 11(Step 8) - Pro�osed Title, Bargaining Unit, and Salary Design Associate II- PEA (CYr 13) Difference : Per Pay Period Per Year G�\Shazed\Team2\CI,ASSWIOR➢V�Pay2 wpd $ 1781.57 $ 1796.89 $ 15.32 $ 399.86 G � I��U��u. ,� Council File # 00 - °� Green Sheet # 1t�33�t RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented Referred To Committee Date 13 1 An Administrative Resolution to Establish the Rate of Pay for the new classes, Design Associate I and Design Associate II. � 7 BE TI' RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the Design Associate I be established at the rate set forth in grade 8, Section ID 3, Professional Employees Non-Supervisary Standard Ranges of the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation, and that the rate for the Design Associate II be established at the rate set forth in grade 13, Section ID 3, Professional Employees Non-Supervisory Standard Ranges, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period following passage and approval. r by Department of: Human Resources Office ��i����' � �U�--�� � By: ✓C� Form Ap oved b Attorney B _� �1( Z�'� � B "`�� � . ..,.5� A .. Approved by Ma oC��� te �"`� � 5 2! By: � � /! Approved by Ma r for Submissio� to Council B e `�'h-Y' �y���c� � � o � Adopfed by Counc�l: Date �G Adopuon Certified by Counci] Secretary � �o 'yy4 DEPARr�r�o��c�couNC�.: DA� �� GREEN SHEET No.• 1Q339 Human Resources ,. �2� � a d ' CO?1TACT PERSON & PHONE: �; p L�nLinnTE iViY'IAIJDaTE Mazk Robertson 266-6471 �t'�� Michael Foley 266-6484 g� ASSIGN 1 DEPAR'PMENT DIlt. 5 CTPY COU;JCII. 7� NUMBER 2 C1TY ATl'ORNEY 6 CiTY CLERK MUST BE ON COLNCII, AGENDA BY (DATE) FOR i FINANCIAL SERV DIIt. TECH & VTGT. SERVICES ROUTING D1R. ORDER 4 MAYOR(OTtASST.) �� � CNII,SERVICE coNmnssior; TOTAL iF OF SIGNAT[lRC PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIOATS FOR SIGNATURE) nC'rlox xEQUES'1'En: Approve the attached resolurion establishing the salaries for the new classes entided "Desi� Associate I" and "Design Associate TI". RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Rejeci (R) PERSONAI, SERVICE CONTRACTS bIUST AA'S WER TI� FOLLOWA'G QUESTIONS: _PLANNING COMMISSION _CNIL SERVICE COMMSSSION 1. Hat tLis peisoNfirm evu woiked under a con4act for trris department? ` CIB COMMTITEE _ Yes No STHFF _ 2. Has tttis person/fum ever been a CiTy empl0yee? _DISIRICTCOURT Yes No SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCII, OB7ECTNE? 3. Does titis persoNfirm possess a sl:ill not noxmally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain aIl yes answers on sepazatr sheet and attach to green sheet lxrriATING rxoBr,EM, LSSUE, oProR'rUlvrrY (wno, what, Wnen, Wnere, why) In the past few yeazs the design unit has found that personnel assigned to the Architectural Drafter lltle have been ab]e to assume higher level duties and especiaily project manager duties, assisting Ciry departments with leasing, cons[rucfion, maintenance, and rehabilitation of City buildings. This hac ailowed Real Estate to transfer some of the non-architectural duties that have traditionally been assigned to ArchitecCS to these positions. However, this still represents a major increase in responsibilities for these positions and compensation should be zealigned. This resolution proposes such action. anvnN'raGES u�' ArrROVEn This will pernut management the opportunity to tailor the work projects to most effectively use City resources by matching projects to the appropriate education and skill level of each member of the design staff. This will also cosect the out-of-Ufle situation and provide some cazeer progression for non-degreed design staff employees. City deparhnents affect�d by this action aze: Parks and Recreation-and the Real Estate Division of T&MS. nisnnvnrrrncES � arrxovEn: There aze no known disadvantages at this time. nisnnvnr*rACES � NoT nrrxovEn An out of title pay situafion will continue. Cost saving personnel actions may be discouraged. TOTAL AMOUN'1' OF TRANSACTIOIV: $ 400 COSTIREVENUE BUAGETED: Xe5 FIINDING SOURCE: $pCC131 Fllnd 160 ACTIVITY NUMBER: 11040 F��vcinL m�o�T[ox: �xrc.n� One employee is being paid out of titie at the moment and so there is relatively little monetary impact from actual current operafing expenses. � ��=�i'� �S���PC�3 CBt���4' ' .� —� � : ��i�t ��*� � �� ��.�n G:lShamd�Te�2�CLAS5IMORINNjn0.v+pd '' � �" ""'`" 5 �.,.. � � �'�' s'�. "�.✓' v.._ ...� .. / � w� ... u r� n V oo-��q SUMMARY OF CLASSIFICATION STUDY REPORT CLASS STUDIED: INCUMBENT: STUDIED BY: DATE STUDIED: Design Associate I Vacant - Proposed New Position Michael Foley ���� February 24, 2000 PERSONS CONTACTED: Bazb Morin (Architectural Drafter) Dave Nelson (Supervisor) Peter White (Division Manager) AL OF MANAGEMENT: Background One of the staff assigned to the design function of the Real Estate Division submitted a job profile that indicated that some people in the function were performing duties that were not clearly described in any existing class specificaUOn. While the particular problem was resolved in another study, (which proposes the creation of a title called "Design Associate II") several other problems in the career ladder of the function were revealed. This study proposes the creation of a position called "Design Associate P' that will provide a"bridge" between the Architectural Drafter and a way to get to higher level responsibilities without an architecture degree. Stud,�ponents Review of job profile Interview with staff Interview with supervisor Interview division chief Comparison to class specifications Comparison to other positions QES evaluation and analysis 0 C� - �i�i Comparison to Class Snecifications The following class specifications were reviewed: Architectural Drafter Trainee, Architectural Drafter, Architect I, Architect II, the Project Manager series, the Public Works Technician series, and the Civil Engineer series. None of these class specs adequately described the responsibilities of the position in question nor did they have appropriate minimum qualifications. Comnarison to Other Positions The positions associated with the class specifications listed above were reviewed. The responsibilities actually assigned to the positions and the minimum qualifications of the positions did not correspond well to the responsibilities for the position in question. Q. E. S. Evaluation and Anal s�is The QES analysis supports allocation to gxade 8 in PEA and supports allocation to the proposed Design Associate I class. Recommendation It is recomznended that a new fitle, Design Associate I, be established and that the position in question be allocated to this title. It is further recommended that compensation be set as described above. CODE: 647X BU: 06 EFFECTIVE: QO��{V9 PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: DESIGN ASSOCIATE Z DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs professional work assisting Gity departments in defining facility needs, providing alternative solutions, and overseeing the administration of construction projects; per£oxms other duties as required. Sunervision Received: Works under the general technical and administrative supervision of a team leader, unit supervisor, professional architect, or landscape architect. Suuervision Exercised: May exercise within the unit supervision over assigned staff and/or may act as team or project leader. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Assists in the preparation of plans, designs, specifications, bids, and estimates of projects involving City agencies. Projects range from small interior design/office layout, to major rehabilitation, to complete huildings and grounds. Assists with the inspection o£ construction projects and observes and checks the quality of work, compliance with contract specifications, and compliance with the building code. Assists in contracting including assembling information, following the process through the bidding procedure, meeting with contractors, and overseeing administrative procedures through to completion of construction. Advise on payment to contractors or termination of contract. Assists in contracts for architectural and/or consulting services. Assists customers to critically assess and express desires and wants relative Co facilities and develops plans accordingly. Assists in preliminary design work including neighborhood contact, coordinating land surveys as required, and any required real estate actions. Assists in establishing and monitoring project schedules and budgets. May lead a project team. (continued on reverse side) DESIGI3 ASSOCIATE I Page 2 PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: DESIGN ASSOCIATE I KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES AND COMPETENCIES ao -4�19 Some knowledge of principles of construction and £acility design. Some knowledge of inechanical and electrical systems. Working knowledge of the building codes. Working knowledge of the principles of interior/office design. Working knowledge of drafting, especially computer aided design. WoYking knowledge of math, engineering formulas, and technical principles of architecture and construction. Some knowledge of contract law, contract relationships, legally binding contract provisions, and related legal documents. Some knowledge of the techniques of project management. Some knowledge of the principles of real estate and land acquisition. Working ability to plan and coordinate work on a design project and a construction project. Working ability to coordinate several projects keeping all critical deadlines. Some ability to communicate technical terms to laypeople. Some ability to analyze user facility needs and to express them in architectural terms. Working ability to communicate orally and in writing. Working ability to deal tactfully and effectively with public and private representatives. Working ability to deal with spatial issues. Some ability to manage resources such as time, money, personnel, and technology. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Option 1 Education; College graduation with course work in architecture, urban planning or a closely related field, and DESIGN ASSOCIATE I Page 3 PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: �� _yyq DESIGN ASSOCIATE I Experience: two years experience in drafting which involves design of major rehabilitation projects or complete facilities; OR Option 2 Education: A vocational or associate degree in architecture or architectural drafting, and Experience: five years experience in drafting which involves design of major rehabilitation projects or complete £acilities; OR Option 3 Four years as an Architectural Draftex in the City of Saint Paul. No substitution for the vocational or associate degree except in Option 3. DESIGN ASSOCIATE I 00 -�yq Memo For Record Subject: PEA Agreement with Design Associate I and II Date: October 21, 1999 On October 19, 1999 at approximately 11:4� a.m. I�ke Wdde of PEA called me to say that the union approved moving ahead with the positions of Design Associate I and Design Associate II. ��/��22%'Z� ��°�/C/ Michael F. Foley OfFtCE OF HUMAN RESOURCES John Hamilton, Director CTTY OF SAINT PAUL 40QGryHaIIMrt¢ Norm Coleman, Mayor ZS WestFourth Street SaintPaul,Minnuota 557 02-/631 TO: Peter-�Iae�es • Technqlagy, and Nlanagement Services Victor Wittgenstein, Director Parks and Recreation FROM: Ivfichael F. Foley G � Human Resources C � DATE: � September 2, 1999 Twenty Day Notice - Design Associate I(revision) oo-4yq Te1ey3+one: 65 1-2 66 6500 TDD/CfY.' 657-166-6501 Jobline: 651-266Q502 Facsimile: 651-292-7656 It has been determined that the class specification of Design Associate I should be created. I have attached a copy of the class specifications for your review. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss this matter. If I do not hear from you within that time frame, I will assume agreement and will proceed with the process. In the meantime I will be processing a resolution to estab;lish the rate of pay for this title in Grade 8, Section I D 3, the Professional Empioyees I3on-Supervisory Standard Ranges, in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation This revision contains some changes to the minimum qualifications and clarifies duties invalving contract administration. I hereby waive the time remaining on this 20 day notice for the purpose of revising these class specifications. f �' ��� ��� Date cc: Peter White . 7ohn Wirka � � - �- d�S �. S ;nr�gF,rv�U�=J :;��"�v'(l� . ,;`��' �� �4 r�1q� ;1r. t:-:��.� `� �:�.=�'U Department Director or Management Official Signature OFFICE OF HUMrW RESOURCES Johq Hcmitfan, Drrecmr CTI'Y OF SAIIVT PAUL Norm Coleman. Mayor TO: FROM: Is7:�1I�I � 400CityHallMrs¢ 25 WutFourth Sbeet SarntPauLMinnesota SSIO2-1637 Peter Hames, Director Technology and Management Services i�ar;V�tt�genstein;DiiectQr - PaitksAaiiiiItecreatian- .. Ivfichael F. Foley Human Resources September 2, 1999 ��� Twenty Day Notice - Design Associate I (revision) 0o-4�►g Telephorss: 651-26b6500 ZDD/ITY.• 651-266650f JobGne: 65I-26G6501 Facmmile: 65J-192-7656 It has been deternuned that the class specification of Design Associate I should he created. I have attached a copy of the class specificat'sons for your review. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss this matter. If I do not hear from you within that time frame, I will assume aa eement and will proceed with the process. In the meantime I will be processing a resolution to estab;lish the rate of pay for this title in Grade 8, Section I D 3, the Professional Employees Non-Supervisory Standard Ranges, in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation This revision contains some changes to the minimum qualifications and clarifies duties involving contract administration. I hereby waive the time remaining on this 20 day notice for the purpose of r�vising these class specifrcations. /j or cc: Peter White John Wirka Official Slgnature ���� �5. Date 90: 6� S l d3S t�. ���'�"� = ��' t� �'�ifl{? ��� �, � Rt� " _ : _', ao—y y°l Salary Considerations for Proposed Design Associate I Position Present Title, Bargaining Uni� and Salary Architectural Drafter - AFSCME Tech - $ 1482.31 (Crr 030) Proposed Title, Bargaining Unit, and Salary Design Associate I- PEA (Gr 8) $ 1710.59 (Note: The effective cost here is currently $ 0 since there are no immediate plans to fill this position. This position is proposed as a career development position for future employees.) Difference : Per Pay Period Per Year $ 228.28 $ 5,958.11 (Note: This difference is based on a comparison of the salaries of the respective titles at the `�ve year step" which is the salary level we traditionally use to compare costs.) G'�Shared�Team2\CLASSWiOR➢�payl.wpd � -yy9 SUNIMARY OF CLASSIFICATION STUDY REPORT CLASS STUDIED: INCUMBENT: STUDIED BY: DATE STUDIED: Design Associate II Vacant - Proposed New Position Michael Foley,;i��� February 24, 2000 PERSONS CONTACTED: Barb Morin (Architectural Drafter) Dave Nelson (Supervisor) Peter White (Division Manager) OF MANAGEMENT: �G (Signature) (Date) Background One of the staff assigned to the design function of the Real Estate Division submitted a job profile that indicated that some people in the function were performing duties that were not cleazly described in any existing class specification. This particular problem will be resolved with the approval of a title called "Design Associate II". (A related study indicates a reasonable career ladder could be created by the use of a"Design Associate I" title that will provide a "bridge" between the Architectural Drafter and a way to get to higher level responsibilities without an architecture degree.) Review of job profile Interview with staff Interview with supervisor Interview division chief Comparison to class specifications Comparison to other positions QES evaluation and analysis Stud,�ponents 00 -y4g Comparison to Class Specifications The following class specifications were reviewed: Architectural Drafter Trainee, Architectural Drafter, Architect I, Architect II, the Project Manager series, the Public Works Technician series, and the Civil Engineer series. None of these class specs adequately described the responsibilities of the position in question nor did they have appropriate minimum qualifications. Comparison to Other Positions The positions associated with the class specifications listed above were reviewed. The responsibilities actually assigned to the positions and the minimum qualifications of the positions did not conespond well to the responsibilities far the position in question. O. E. S. Evaluation and Analysis The QES analysis supports allocation to grade 13 in PEA and supports allocation to the proposed Design Associate I class. Recommendation It is recommended that a new title, Design Associate II, be established and that the position in question be allocated to this title. It is further recommended that compensation be set as described above. CODE: 648X BU: 12 EFFECTIVE: OO�yV t PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: DESIGN ASSOCIATE II DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties Performs responsible professional work assisting City departments defining facility needs, providing alternative solutions at varying cost levels, and overseeing the administration of construction, architectural and/or consulting services contract; performs other duties as required. Sunervision Received: Works under the general technical and administrative supervision of a team leader, unit supervisor, professional architect, or landscape architect. Su�ervision Exercised: May exercise within the unit supervision over assigned technical, professional, and clerical employees; may act as team leader or project manager. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Discusses facility needs with departmental management and assists departments with developing alternative approaches at various budget levels advising on the impact of various trade-offs on the operations involved. Prepares plans, designs, specifications, bids, and estimates of facility projects for City departments for approval by customer department. Projects range from interiorjoffice design, to major rehabilitation, to construction of complete facilities and grounds. Inspects construction projects, observes and checks the quality of work, compliance with contract specifications, and compliance with building codes. Develops and administers construction, architectural, and/or consulting services contracts including assembling information, following the process through the bidding procedure, meeting with contractors, and overseeing through to completion. Recommends or authorizes payment, non-payment, or recommends termination of contract. Develops and administers contracts for architectural or consulting services. Assists customers in critically examining desires and wants relative to facility design and budget constraints and develops alternatives accoYdingly. Conducts preliminary design work including neighborhood contact, (continued on reverse side) DESIGN ASSOCIATE II PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: DESZGN ASSOCIATE II coordinating land surveys, and any requires real estate actions. Establishes and monitors project schedules and budgets. Advises and/or assists contractors if they experience technical or management problems. May lead a project team. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES AND COMPETENCIES Page 2 �so —4yq Working knowledge of the principles of construction and facility design. Working knowledge of inechanical and electrical systems. Working knowledge of math, engineering formulas, and technical principles of architecture and construction. Working knowledge of the principles of office and interior design. Working knowledge of contract law, contract relationships, legally binding contract provisions, and xelated legal documents, Working knowledge of the techniques of project management. Working knowledge of the building codes. Working knowledge of the principles of real estate, leases, and land acquisition. Considerable knowledge of drafting, especially computer assisted drafting. Working ability to plan and coordinate a design project and a construction project. Working ability to coordinate several projects simultaneously keeping all critical deadlines. Working ability to communicate technical terms and concepts to laypeople. Working ability to analyze user facility needs and to express them in architectural concepts. Wosking ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing. Working ability to manage resources such as time, money, personnel, and technology. Considerable ability to deal tactfully and effectively with public and private representatives. Considerable ability to deal with spatial issues. DESIGN ASSOCIATE II Page 3 PROPOSED TZTLE OF CLASS: .�,��y� DESIGN ASSOGIATE II MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Option 1 Education: College graduation with course work in architecture, urban planning, or a closely related £ield, and Experience: thrae years of experience assisting in drafting, designing, and planning and administering construction projects; OR Option 2 Education: A vocational or associates degree in architecture or architectural drafting, and Experience: six years o£ experience in assisting in drafting, designing, and assisting in planning and administering construction projects; OR Option 3 Six years as an Architectural Drafter in the City of Saint Paul. No substitution for the vocational or associate degree except for option 3. DESIGI3 ASSOCIATE IZ 00 -`�ty `� Memo For Record Date: October 21, 1999 SubjeCt: PEA Agreement with Design Associate I and II On October 19, 1999 at approximately ll:40 a.m. NTike Wilde ofPEA called me to say that the union approved moving ahead with the positions of Design Associate I and Design Associate II. ;/�f����/ I/ `''� �// Michael F. Foley OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCES JohnHamrkon, D+rutor CITY OF SAINT PAUL f00CityHaIIAnn¢ Norm Coieman, Mayor 25 WettFourlh Sheet SaintPau�Minneswa 55101-1631 TO: Peter Hames, Director Technology and Management Services vctor Wittgenstein, Director Parks and Recreation FROM: DA'TE: � Nichaei F. Foley �� Human Resources ���� 5eptember 2, 1999 Twenty Day Notice - Design Associate II (revision) oc - V �l'l Zelephone: 651-266 6500 TDD/lTY: 651-2666501 lobLne: 657-26bb502 Facsimile: QS1-292-7656 It has been determined that the class speci6cation ofDesign Associate II should be created. I have attached a copy of the class specifications for your review. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss this matter. If I do not hear from you within that time frame, I will assume ageement and will proceed with the process. In the meantime I will be processing a resolution to estab;lish the rate of pay for this title in Grade 13, Section I D 3, the Professional Employees Non-Supervisory Standard Ranges, in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation This revision contauts some changes to the minimum qualifications and clarifies duties involving contract administration. I hereby waive the time remaining on this 20 day notice for the purpose of revising these class specifications. or Managemem Officiai Signature � 3 � Date cc: Peter White John Wirka OFFiCE OF kIUMAN RESOURCES JohnHamrIIon, Directo� CIT`Y OF SAIN`f PAUL Norm Coleman, Mpyar TO: FROM: DATE: i7� Peter Hames, Disector 400CiryHallAnnas 25We.rtFourthSbeet SmntPau�Minnuom 55702-1631 Technology and Management Services �a�tor.��ditCgenstein, £1iFeetor. �-EaEks an�Recreatian lvfichael F. Foley �� Human Resources ���� September 2, 1999 Twenty Day Notice - Design Associate II(revisinn) Telephane: TDIJ/lTY.' Joblrne: Facsimrle: 00 — y `�°� 651-266-6500 651-1666501 651-�66-6502 651-292-7656 It has been deternuned that the class specification ofDesign Associate II should be created. I have attached a copy of the class specifications for your review. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss this matter. If I do not hear from you within that time frame, I will assume agreement and will proceed with the process. In the meantime I will be processing a resolution to estab;lish the rate of pay for this title in Crrade 13, Section I D 3, the Professionai Empioyees Non-Supervisory Standard Ranges, in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation This revision contains some changes to the minimum qualifications and ciarifies duties involving contract administration. I hereby waive the time remaining on this 20 day notice for the purpose of revising these cia�s specifications. /-y � �r t Director or Official Signature � y j Date� 5 cc: Peter White John Wirka od-�ty'� Cost Considerations for Ms. Barb Morin and the Proposed Design Associate II Position Present "PermanenP' Title. Bargainin� Unit, and Salarv of Incumbent Architectural Drafter - AFSCME Tech -$ 1584.61 (Gr 030) Present "Out of Title" Bargaining Unit and Salarv of Incumbent Architect I- PEA (Gr 11(Step 8) - Pro�osed Title, Bargaining Unit, and Salary Design Associate II- PEA (CYr 13) Difference : Per Pay Period Per Year G�\Shazed\Team2\CI,ASSWIOR➢V�Pay2 wpd $ 1781.57 $ 1796.89 $ 15.32 $ 399.86 G � I��U��u. ,� Council File # 00 - °� Green Sheet # 1t�33�t RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented Referred To Committee Date 13 1 An Administrative Resolution to Establish the Rate of Pay for the new classes, Design Associate I and Design Associate II. � 7 BE TI' RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the Design Associate I be established at the rate set forth in grade 8, Section ID 3, Professional Employees Non-Supervisary Standard Ranges of the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation, and that the rate for the Design Associate II be established at the rate set forth in grade 13, Section ID 3, Professional Employees Non-Supervisory Standard Ranges, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period following passage and approval. r by Department of: Human Resources Office ��i����' � �U�--�� � By: ✓C� Form Ap oved b Attorney B _� �1( Z�'� � B "`�� � . ..,.5� A .. Approved by Ma oC��� te �"`� � 5 2! By: � � /! Approved by Ma r for Submissio� to Council B e `�'h-Y' �y���c� � � o � Adopfed by Counc�l: Date �G Adopuon Certified by Counci] Secretary � �o 'yy4 DEPARr�r�o��c�couNC�.: DA� �� GREEN SHEET No.• 1Q339 Human Resources ,. �2� � a d ' CO?1TACT PERSON & PHONE: �; p L�nLinnTE iViY'IAIJDaTE Mazk Robertson 266-6471 �t'�� Michael Foley 266-6484 g� ASSIGN 1 DEPAR'PMENT DIlt. 5 CTPY COU;JCII. 7� NUMBER 2 C1TY ATl'ORNEY 6 CiTY CLERK MUST BE ON COLNCII, AGENDA BY (DATE) FOR i FINANCIAL SERV DIIt. TECH & VTGT. SERVICES ROUTING D1R. ORDER 4 MAYOR(OTtASST.) �� � CNII,SERVICE coNmnssior; TOTAL iF OF SIGNAT[lRC PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIOATS FOR SIGNATURE) nC'rlox xEQUES'1'En: Approve the attached resolurion establishing the salaries for the new classes entided "Desi� Associate I" and "Design Associate TI". RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Rejeci (R) PERSONAI, SERVICE CONTRACTS bIUST AA'S WER TI� FOLLOWA'G QUESTIONS: _PLANNING COMMISSION _CNIL SERVICE COMMSSSION 1. Hat tLis peisoNfirm evu woiked under a con4act for trris department? ` CIB COMMTITEE _ Yes No STHFF _ 2. Has tttis person/fum ever been a CiTy empl0yee? _DISIRICTCOURT Yes No SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCII, OB7ECTNE? 3. Does titis persoNfirm possess a sl:ill not noxmally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain aIl yes answers on sepazatr sheet and attach to green sheet lxrriATING rxoBr,EM, LSSUE, oProR'rUlvrrY (wno, what, Wnen, Wnere, why) In the past few yeazs the design unit has found that personnel assigned to the Architectural Drafter lltle have been ab]e to assume higher level duties and especiaily project manager duties, assisting Ciry departments with leasing, cons[rucfion, maintenance, and rehabilitation of City buildings. This hac ailowed Real Estate to transfer some of the non-architectural duties that have traditionally been assigned to ArchitecCS to these positions. However, this still represents a major increase in responsibilities for these positions and compensation should be zealigned. This resolution proposes such action. anvnN'raGES u�' ArrROVEn This will pernut management the opportunity to tailor the work projects to most effectively use City resources by matching projects to the appropriate education and skill level of each member of the design staff. This will also cosect the out-of-Ufle situation and provide some cazeer progression for non-degreed design staff employees. City deparhnents affect�d by this action aze: Parks and Recreation-and the Real Estate Division of T&MS. nisnnvnrrrncES � arrxovEn: There aze no known disadvantages at this time. nisnnvnr*rACES � NoT nrrxovEn An out of title pay situafion will continue. Cost saving personnel actions may be discouraged. TOTAL AMOUN'1' OF TRANSACTIOIV: $ 400 COSTIREVENUE BUAGETED: Xe5 FIINDING SOURCE: $pCC131 Fllnd 160 ACTIVITY NUMBER: 11040 F��vcinL m�o�T[ox: �xrc.n� One employee is being paid out of titie at the moment and so there is relatively little monetary impact from actual current operafing expenses. � ��=�i'� �S���PC�3 CBt���4' ' .� —� � : ��i�t ��*� � �� ��.�n G:lShamd�Te�2�CLAS5IMORINNjn0.v+pd '' � �" ""'`" 5 �.,.. � � �'�' s'�. "�.✓' v.._ ...� .. / � w� ... u r� n V oo-��q SUMMARY OF CLASSIFICATION STUDY REPORT CLASS STUDIED: INCUMBENT: STUDIED BY: DATE STUDIED: Design Associate I Vacant - Proposed New Position Michael Foley ���� February 24, 2000 PERSONS CONTACTED: Bazb Morin (Architectural Drafter) Dave Nelson (Supervisor) Peter White (Division Manager) AL OF MANAGEMENT: Background One of the staff assigned to the design function of the Real Estate Division submitted a job profile that indicated that some people in the function were performing duties that were not clearly described in any existing class specificaUOn. While the particular problem was resolved in another study, (which proposes the creation of a title called "Design Associate II") several other problems in the career ladder of the function were revealed. This study proposes the creation of a position called "Design Associate P' that will provide a"bridge" between the Architectural Drafter and a way to get to higher level responsibilities without an architecture degree. Stud,�ponents Review of job profile Interview with staff Interview with supervisor Interview division chief Comparison to class specifications Comparison to other positions QES evaluation and analysis 0 C� - �i�i Comparison to Class Snecifications The following class specifications were reviewed: Architectural Drafter Trainee, Architectural Drafter, Architect I, Architect II, the Project Manager series, the Public Works Technician series, and the Civil Engineer series. None of these class specs adequately described the responsibilities of the position in question nor did they have appropriate minimum qualifications. Comnarison to Other Positions The positions associated with the class specifications listed above were reviewed. The responsibilities actually assigned to the positions and the minimum qualifications of the positions did not correspond well to the responsibilities for the position in question. Q. E. S. Evaluation and Anal s�is The QES analysis supports allocation to gxade 8 in PEA and supports allocation to the proposed Design Associate I class. Recommendation It is recomznended that a new fitle, Design Associate I, be established and that the position in question be allocated to this title. It is further recommended that compensation be set as described above. CODE: 647X BU: 06 EFFECTIVE: QO��{V9 PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: DESIGN ASSOCIATE Z DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs professional work assisting Gity departments in defining facility needs, providing alternative solutions, and overseeing the administration of construction projects; per£oxms other duties as required. Sunervision Received: Works under the general technical and administrative supervision of a team leader, unit supervisor, professional architect, or landscape architect. Suuervision Exercised: May exercise within the unit supervision over assigned staff and/or may act as team or project leader. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Assists in the preparation of plans, designs, specifications, bids, and estimates of projects involving City agencies. Projects range from small interior design/office layout, to major rehabilitation, to complete huildings and grounds. Assists with the inspection o£ construction projects and observes and checks the quality of work, compliance with contract specifications, and compliance with the building code. Assists in contracting including assembling information, following the process through the bidding procedure, meeting with contractors, and overseeing administrative procedures through to completion of construction. Advise on payment to contractors or termination of contract. Assists in contracts for architectural and/or consulting services. Assists customers to critically assess and express desires and wants relative Co facilities and develops plans accordingly. Assists in preliminary design work including neighborhood contact, coordinating land surveys as required, and any required real estate actions. Assists in establishing and monitoring project schedules and budgets. May lead a project team. (continued on reverse side) DESIGI3 ASSOCIATE I Page 2 PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: DESIGN ASSOCIATE I KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES AND COMPETENCIES ao -4�19 Some knowledge of principles of construction and £acility design. Some knowledge of inechanical and electrical systems. Working knowledge of the building codes. Working knowledge of the principles of interior/office design. Working knowledge of drafting, especially computer aided design. WoYking knowledge of math, engineering formulas, and technical principles of architecture and construction. Some knowledge of contract law, contract relationships, legally binding contract provisions, and related legal documents. Some knowledge of the techniques of project management. Some knowledge of the principles of real estate and land acquisition. Working ability to plan and coordinate work on a design project and a construction project. Working ability to coordinate several projects keeping all critical deadlines. Some ability to communicate technical terms to laypeople. Some ability to analyze user facility needs and to express them in architectural terms. Working ability to communicate orally and in writing. Working ability to deal tactfully and effectively with public and private representatives. Working ability to deal with spatial issues. Some ability to manage resources such as time, money, personnel, and technology. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Option 1 Education; College graduation with course work in architecture, urban planning or a closely related field, and DESIGN ASSOCIATE I Page 3 PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: �� _yyq DESIGN ASSOCIATE I Experience: two years experience in drafting which involves design of major rehabilitation projects or complete facilities; OR Option 2 Education: A vocational or associate degree in architecture or architectural drafting, and Experience: five years experience in drafting which involves design of major rehabilitation projects or complete £acilities; OR Option 3 Four years as an Architectural Draftex in the City of Saint Paul. No substitution for the vocational or associate degree except in Option 3. DESIGN ASSOCIATE I 00 -�yq Memo For Record Subject: PEA Agreement with Design Associate I and II Date: October 21, 1999 On October 19, 1999 at approximately 11:4� a.m. I�ke Wdde of PEA called me to say that the union approved moving ahead with the positions of Design Associate I and Design Associate II. ��/��22%'Z� ��°�/C/ Michael F. Foley OfFtCE OF HUMAN RESOURCES John Hamilton, Director CTTY OF SAINT PAUL 40QGryHaIIMrt¢ Norm Coleman, Mayor ZS WestFourth Street SaintPaul,Minnuota 557 02-/631 TO: Peter-�Iae�es • Technqlagy, and Nlanagement Services Victor Wittgenstein, Director Parks and Recreation FROM: Ivfichael F. Foley G � Human Resources C � DATE: � September 2, 1999 Twenty Day Notice - Design Associate I(revision) oo-4yq Te1ey3+one: 65 1-2 66 6500 TDD/CfY.' 657-166-6501 Jobline: 651-266Q502 Facsimile: 651-292-7656 It has been determined that the class specification of Design Associate I should be created. I have attached a copy of the class specifications for your review. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss this matter. If I do not hear from you within that time frame, I will assume agreement and will proceed with the process. In the meantime I will be processing a resolution to estab;lish the rate of pay for this title in Grade 8, Section I D 3, the Professional Empioyees I3on-Supervisory Standard Ranges, in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation This revision contains some changes to the minimum qualifications and clarifies duties invalving contract administration. I hereby waive the time remaining on this 20 day notice for the purpose of revising these class specifications. f �' ��� ��� Date cc: Peter White . 7ohn Wirka � � - �- d�S �. S ;nr�gF,rv�U�=J :;��"�v'(l� . ,;`��' �� �4 r�1q� ;1r. t:-:��.� `� �:�.=�'U Department Director or Management Official Signature OFFICE OF HUMrW RESOURCES Johq Hcmitfan, Drrecmr CTI'Y OF SAIIVT PAUL Norm Coleman. Mayor TO: FROM: Is7:�1I�I � 400CityHallMrs¢ 25 WutFourth Sbeet SarntPauLMinnesota SSIO2-1637 Peter Hames, Director Technology and Management Services i�ar;V�tt�genstein;DiiectQr - PaitksAaiiiiItecreatian- .. Ivfichael F. Foley Human Resources September 2, 1999 ��� Twenty Day Notice - Design Associate I (revision) 0o-4�►g Telephorss: 651-26b6500 ZDD/ITY.• 651-266650f JobGne: 65I-26G6501 Facmmile: 65J-192-7656 It has been deternuned that the class specification of Design Associate I should he created. I have attached a copy of the class specificat'sons for your review. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss this matter. If I do not hear from you within that time frame, I will assume aa eement and will proceed with the process. In the meantime I will be processing a resolution to estab;lish the rate of pay for this title in Grade 8, Section I D 3, the Professional Employees Non-Supervisory Standard Ranges, in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation This revision contains some changes to the minimum qualifications and clarifies duties involving contract administration. I hereby waive the time remaining on this 20 day notice for the purpose of r�vising these class specifrcations. /j or cc: Peter White John Wirka Official Slgnature ���� �5. Date 90: 6� S l d3S t�. ���'�"� = ��' t� �'�ifl{? ��� �, � Rt� " _ : _', ao—y y°l Salary Considerations for Proposed Design Associate I Position Present Title, Bargaining Uni� and Salary Architectural Drafter - AFSCME Tech - $ 1482.31 (Crr 030) Proposed Title, Bargaining Unit, and Salary Design Associate I- PEA (Gr 8) $ 1710.59 (Note: The effective cost here is currently $ 0 since there are no immediate plans to fill this position. This position is proposed as a career development position for future employees.) Difference : Per Pay Period Per Year $ 228.28 $ 5,958.11 (Note: This difference is based on a comparison of the salaries of the respective titles at the `�ve year step" which is the salary level we traditionally use to compare costs.) G'�Shared�Team2\CLASSWiOR➢�payl.wpd � -yy9 SUNIMARY OF CLASSIFICATION STUDY REPORT CLASS STUDIED: INCUMBENT: STUDIED BY: DATE STUDIED: Design Associate II Vacant - Proposed New Position Michael Foley,;i��� February 24, 2000 PERSONS CONTACTED: Barb Morin (Architectural Drafter) Dave Nelson (Supervisor) Peter White (Division Manager) OF MANAGEMENT: �G (Signature) (Date) Background One of the staff assigned to the design function of the Real Estate Division submitted a job profile that indicated that some people in the function were performing duties that were not cleazly described in any existing class specification. This particular problem will be resolved with the approval of a title called "Design Associate II". (A related study indicates a reasonable career ladder could be created by the use of a"Design Associate I" title that will provide a "bridge" between the Architectural Drafter and a way to get to higher level responsibilities without an architecture degree.) Review of job profile Interview with staff Interview with supervisor Interview division chief Comparison to class specifications Comparison to other positions QES evaluation and analysis Stud,�ponents 00 -y4g Comparison to Class Specifications The following class specifications were reviewed: Architectural Drafter Trainee, Architectural Drafter, Architect I, Architect II, the Project Manager series, the Public Works Technician series, and the Civil Engineer series. None of these class specs adequately described the responsibilities of the position in question nor did they have appropriate minimum qualifications. Comparison to Other Positions The positions associated with the class specifications listed above were reviewed. The responsibilities actually assigned to the positions and the minimum qualifications of the positions did not conespond well to the responsibilities far the position in question. O. E. S. Evaluation and Analysis The QES analysis supports allocation to grade 13 in PEA and supports allocation to the proposed Design Associate I class. Recommendation It is recommended that a new title, Design Associate II, be established and that the position in question be allocated to this title. It is further recommended that compensation be set as described above. CODE: 648X BU: 12 EFFECTIVE: OO�yV t PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: DESIGN ASSOCIATE II DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties Performs responsible professional work assisting City departments defining facility needs, providing alternative solutions at varying cost levels, and overseeing the administration of construction, architectural and/or consulting services contract; performs other duties as required. Sunervision Received: Works under the general technical and administrative supervision of a team leader, unit supervisor, professional architect, or landscape architect. Su�ervision Exercised: May exercise within the unit supervision over assigned technical, professional, and clerical employees; may act as team leader or project manager. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Discusses facility needs with departmental management and assists departments with developing alternative approaches at various budget levels advising on the impact of various trade-offs on the operations involved. Prepares plans, designs, specifications, bids, and estimates of facility projects for City departments for approval by customer department. Projects range from interiorjoffice design, to major rehabilitation, to construction of complete facilities and grounds. Inspects construction projects, observes and checks the quality of work, compliance with contract specifications, and compliance with building codes. Develops and administers construction, architectural, and/or consulting services contracts including assembling information, following the process through the bidding procedure, meeting with contractors, and overseeing through to completion. Recommends or authorizes payment, non-payment, or recommends termination of contract. Develops and administers contracts for architectural or consulting services. Assists customers in critically examining desires and wants relative to facility design and budget constraints and develops alternatives accoYdingly. Conducts preliminary design work including neighborhood contact, (continued on reverse side) DESIGN ASSOCIATE II PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: DESZGN ASSOCIATE II coordinating land surveys, and any requires real estate actions. Establishes and monitors project schedules and budgets. Advises and/or assists contractors if they experience technical or management problems. May lead a project team. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES AND COMPETENCIES Page 2 �so —4yq Working knowledge of the principles of construction and facility design. Working knowledge of inechanical and electrical systems. Working knowledge of math, engineering formulas, and technical principles of architecture and construction. Working knowledge of the principles of office and interior design. Working knowledge of contract law, contract relationships, legally binding contract provisions, and xelated legal documents, Working knowledge of the techniques of project management. Working knowledge of the building codes. Working knowledge of the principles of real estate, leases, and land acquisition. Considerable knowledge of drafting, especially computer assisted drafting. Working ability to plan and coordinate a design project and a construction project. Working ability to coordinate several projects simultaneously keeping all critical deadlines. Working ability to communicate technical terms and concepts to laypeople. Working ability to analyze user facility needs and to express them in architectural concepts. Wosking ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing. Working ability to manage resources such as time, money, personnel, and technology. Considerable ability to deal tactfully and effectively with public and private representatives. Considerable ability to deal with spatial issues. DESIGN ASSOCIATE II Page 3 PROPOSED TZTLE OF CLASS: .�,��y� DESIGN ASSOGIATE II MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Option 1 Education: College graduation with course work in architecture, urban planning, or a closely related £ield, and Experience: thrae years of experience assisting in drafting, designing, and planning and administering construction projects; OR Option 2 Education: A vocational or associates degree in architecture or architectural drafting, and Experience: six years o£ experience in assisting in drafting, designing, and assisting in planning and administering construction projects; OR Option 3 Six years as an Architectural Drafter in the City of Saint Paul. No substitution for the vocational or associate degree except for option 3. DESIGI3 ASSOCIATE IZ 00 -`�ty `� Memo For Record Date: October 21, 1999 SubjeCt: PEA Agreement with Design Associate I and II On October 19, 1999 at approximately ll:40 a.m. NTike Wilde ofPEA called me to say that the union approved moving ahead with the positions of Design Associate I and Design Associate II. ;/�f����/ I/ `''� �// Michael F. Foley OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCES JohnHamrkon, D+rutor CITY OF SAINT PAUL f00CityHaIIAnn¢ Norm Coieman, Mayor 25 WettFourlh Sheet SaintPau�Minneswa 55101-1631 TO: Peter Hames, Director Technology and Management Services vctor Wittgenstein, Director Parks and Recreation FROM: DA'TE: � Nichaei F. Foley �� Human Resources ���� 5eptember 2, 1999 Twenty Day Notice - Design Associate II (revision) oc - V �l'l Zelephone: 651-266 6500 TDD/lTY: 651-2666501 lobLne: 657-26bb502 Facsimile: QS1-292-7656 It has been determined that the class speci6cation ofDesign Associate II should be created. I have attached a copy of the class specifications for your review. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss this matter. If I do not hear from you within that time frame, I will assume ageement and will proceed with the process. In the meantime I will be processing a resolution to estab;lish the rate of pay for this title in Grade 13, Section I D 3, the Professional Employees Non-Supervisory Standard Ranges, in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation This revision contauts some changes to the minimum qualifications and clarifies duties involving contract administration. I hereby waive the time remaining on this 20 day notice for the purpose of revising these class specifications. or Managemem Officiai Signature � 3 � Date cc: Peter White John Wirka OFFiCE OF kIUMAN RESOURCES JohnHamrIIon, Directo� CIT`Y OF SAIN`f PAUL Norm Coleman, Mpyar TO: FROM: DATE: i7� Peter Hames, Disector 400CiryHallAnnas 25We.rtFourthSbeet SmntPau�Minnuom 55702-1631 Technology and Management Services �a�tor.��ditCgenstein, £1iFeetor. �-EaEks an�Recreatian lvfichael F. Foley �� Human Resources ���� September 2, 1999 Twenty Day Notice - Design Associate II(revisinn) Telephane: TDIJ/lTY.' Joblrne: Facsimrle: 00 — y `�°� 651-266-6500 651-1666501 651-�66-6502 651-292-7656 It has been deternuned that the class specification ofDesign Associate II should be created. I have attached a copy of the class specifications for your review. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss this matter. If I do not hear from you within that time frame, I will assume agreement and will proceed with the process. In the meantime I will be processing a resolution to estab;lish the rate of pay for this title in Crrade 13, Section I D 3, the Professionai Empioyees Non-Supervisory Standard Ranges, in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation This revision contains some changes to the minimum qualifications and ciarifies duties involving contract administration. I hereby waive the time remaining on this 20 day notice for the purpose of revising these cia�s specifications. /-y � �r t Director or Official Signature � y j Date� 5 cc: Peter White John Wirka od-�ty'� Cost Considerations for Ms. Barb Morin and the Proposed Design Associate II Position Present "PermanenP' Title. Bargainin� Unit, and Salarv of Incumbent Architectural Drafter - AFSCME Tech -$ 1584.61 (Gr 030) Present "Out of Title" Bargaining Unit and Salarv of Incumbent Architect I- PEA (Gr 11(Step 8) - Pro�osed Title, Bargaining Unit, and Salary Design Associate II- PEA (CYr 13) Difference : Per Pay Period Per Year G�\Shazed\Team2\CI,ASSWIOR➢V�Pay2 wpd $ 1781.57 $ 1796.89 $ 15.32 $ 399.86