279085 WMITE - CITV CLERf( ������y.� PINK - FINANCE �� � CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L COUIICil � [y BLUE - MAVOR File NO. �o cil Resolution Presented By ` � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING SUBMISSION OF APPLICATION AMENDMENT TO THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION FOR CONTINUFiTION OF PLANNING ASSISTANCE GRANT WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has received funding from the U.S. Economic Development Administration since June 1980 under Title 302a of the EDA Planning Assistance Grant Program; and WHEREAS, said funding has been used by the Department of Planning and Economic Development for a portion of staff costs of the nationally renowned Neighborhood Business Revitalization Program; and WHEREAS, the City continues to be eligible for EDA Planning Assistance under Title 302a; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby approve the filing of an Application for a Continuation of the Planning Assistance Grant in the amount of $22,212; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that Mayor George Latimer, as Chief Executive Officer of the City of Saint Paul , is hereby authorized and directed to submit said Application to the U.S. Economic Development Administration in such form as prescribed by the regulations of said Administration, and to execute and submit to said Administration any assurances, certifications, or additional information that may be required by said Administration during their review of the Application. Gr gory le Pe es, Director Budget Direc or Department of Finance and Management Services COU[VCILMEN Yeas Nays � Requested by Department of: Fletcher {1e""'� In Favor 1 n 'n an conomic Dev lo ment Masanz Nicosia scheibei _ __ Against BY Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date _ AUG 1 �+ �JSZ Form Approved by City Attorney Certified a- d by Council creta BY `�' g �l �.J �ppr 17avor. Da� _ AUG 1 6 1981 Approved ayor for Sub ss' o Cou i ^ � , �B� . � � ' � B� -� `; � ti AU G 21 1s8� , DEPARTMENT: PED � ROUTING nyD D(PUINATIQN St�fT �A�' Marshall Turner (GREHN SHEETI PH�� 292-1577 l�or Admiaist.rative Orders, Resolutions, Ordinanc�a snd A�rreesenta ROUTIN6 ORDER - ROUTE BY ASSI6NE� NLMAFR; ��(](�Q� �7 d��C� � DIRECTOR OF MANA6EMENT �� pR .�,_ DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR � DIRECTOR, FINANCE $ 1*'sT. SERYICES _Z CITY ATTORNEY � / CITY CLERK � � BUDGET DIRECTOR ��j� ACTIAN RcAL�cTEi] �CLLP ALL LOCSTIANS FaR MAYO AL StGNATI�RE); f.r �.f Approval for submiss,ion to City Council � WFIAT W1LL gE ACHIEVEfl BY TAKiN• A -TIAN Oa TN ATTA -N � eT RIA S �P �RPASE ND RATt� t_F)�; This amendment will obtain a continuation of funding for EDA 302(a) Planning Assistance Grant through December 31, 1982. Ft NCiA . B m��T RY A n P RcpNN t IMPA -TC ANTt -iPAT �, Grant will provide $22,213 for PED staff costs to be matched by $7,404 in local funds. Local funds are budgeted and available in account # 39817 - CDBG; _ 36606 - NRA Bonds; and 06000 - City General . ATTACHMENTS �LIST ALL ATTACHMENTS): 1, Council Resolution � 2, 3. t nev.c.e�v ntceaa ar. o e o a cu� anb�ax�t . . G�-ty A,Ltoxxey: i. Co�i.0 ResoLuxi.on Requ,ined? X Y�S NO 1. Reeo�L�nf X yES NO 2. Inewranct Keq;wr.edY y�S X NO 2. Inbun,anc.e Su6��.cien.tt S�S WO (�//� 3. In,eunance A.LtachedY YES X NO Pnv3.siCn 0lte4/28/82