279067 M/HITE - GT�V CLERK COUIICII ��v �� • PINK t- FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT �A lf L CANARV - DEPARTMENT '�LUE - MAYOR File NO. Co ncil Resolution Presented By -��� � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION AMENDING THE 1982 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET AND RECOGNIZING CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDING OBLIGATIONS TO PROVIDE FINANCING FOR DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS AND TO AMEND THE DOWNTOWN AND SEVENTH PLACE TAX INCREMENT DISTRICT ��82 FINANCING PLAN. BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon recommendation of the Mayor and advice of the Long Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that the 1982 Capital Improvement Budget, as heretofore adopted and previously amended by the Council, is hereby amended as follows: 1982 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET ADD NEW FINANCING Tax Increments - Downtown and Seventh Place Tax Increment District 4�82 $ 788,200 ADD NEW APPROPRIATIONS Department: Planning and Economic Development Donaldson's Parking Ramp $ 107 000 � Saint Paul Hotel - Pedestrian Skyway Bridge $ 200,000 Saint Paul Hotel - Rehabilitation $ 481,200 Total New Appropriations $ 788,200 APPROPRIATIONS ANALYSIS Current Amended Project Appropriations Change Appropriations Donaldson's Parking Ramp $ -0- $ 107,000 $ 107,000 Saint Paul Hotel - Pedestrian Skyway Bridge -0- 200,000 200,000 Saint Paul Hotel - Rehabilitation -0- 481,200 481,200 Total -�- $ 788,200 $ 788,200 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Fletcher �evtne In Favor Masanz NiCOSia Scheibel __ A gai ns t ��Y Tedesco Wilson Form Approved y ty Atto Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY v �.. B�' 6lpproved by Ylavor: Date _ Ap rov y Mayor for Su m s io o Council By _ _ BY WHITE - CITV CLERK ��n��� C NAR; - DEP RTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL -Council � , 'LUE - MAVOR File NO• Council Resolution Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Oat of Committee By Date BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the following capital project funding obligations be financed with tax increments and be included in the Mayor's Proposed Capital Improvement Budget and Program budget documents when these are prepared for City Council consideration: 1983 Budget Document: Donaldson's Parking Ramp $ 114 000 � District Heating 750,000 864,000 1984 Budget Document: Donaldson's Parking Ramp $ 114 000 � District Heating 1 250 000 1,364,000 1985 Budget Document: Donaldson's Parking Ramp $ 114,000 1986 Budget Document: Donaldson's Parking Ramp $ 1,007,000 � ���� . ,� � a Si. Paul�,oz��°��i?�2 '�'rE1�i����fA�TOi`c7H'�A17� Budget ir tor Budge:Comniitt��r�c�i�r��l �hia Fe�ti��-�a� (date) �/S�� a��;����xr�xr��at��.,�a Signed: v �'' ��� "'"``---t , -•��. COUNC[LMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Fletcher �evtne In Favor Masanz Nicosia � scne�nei _ �"� __ A gai n s t ���y Tedesco Wilson A�G 1�1982 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified P s e Council r a BY By r Approved by : or: Date � �8� A by Mayor for S ission to Council . By _ .�U� SH� AU G 1 1 2 � . .i� .�� _. __.��. �.,��.,_.�..�. �'�"''��� � y 1'� - 1r �Lr,.:..r._,• . - � ' � ( . ' f..� . , � �;; .� . Dot e : July .1982 ����_�� . -� _ �� . . . . . � � . �. � C4 �JI �Jil7"�"�E � REP4R i : � . . . . � TO : Sc,in�t Pauf Cif�t Co�tncit _ � � - � .- F R Q M � C o m rr►i��e e O CI F�NANCE� MANAGF,MENT & PERS ONNEL - � James' Scheibel , �hoiFin a n, . - .�. � : � :.:�.. The Finance Committee; "at �the meeting of 7/29�82 . , recommended approval of the following: 1. Approval of minutes from meeting held 3uly 22, 1982. ` 2. Resolution reimbursing Mr. F, birs. James Carmouch for overcharges in .the amount of $233.40 due to an error in�the classification of their property for tax purposes. � - .. - 3. Resolution reimbursing the Dept. of I�atural Resources for overchar es in street maintenance assessments for the Fish �iatchery site. ' � ' 4. Resolution approving a two year Agreement betYe " St_ Paul and the Electrical Union, Local 110. � ° °'-i_�- --- _ � 5. Resolution authorizin d c.t.a���,,,�; rious City of St. Paul General Obligation Bonds. - 6.--R�e,sc+d�t;ien_a�e�r�g--t ��4� 0 St�-�e333—��-�he-£3�vato -s.-� , . 7. Resolution amending the Civil Service Rules concerning promotion req����_� �t . 8. Resolution transferring $23,000 into the Oxford Pool Account code �����, - , �/�.Presentation by Joann nelson of the Recycling Unlimited Project. , % • • _ ��� � Olc-O l..M`� ct.o c`1'Lo-r - ���k' �• �c�i1 _ -- /==.�-. lir�,��"'��- — � ,��'�/ C1T'r" i i:\!_L SEVFNTH Fl.OUR ,:\I�i'I' P�\t;L,:•![ti�FSU-C,�S�I Q'_ �� _�,. . a . :. � DEPARTMENT: �P�D � !9Q6 ! � • ONTACT: '� ; ROUTING nr�a EXPIANATI�N SHEET PHONE: ��4 D GREEN SHEET For Adminiatrative Orders, Resolutions, Ordi ces and Agreements � —,�Q ROUTING ORDER - ROUTE BY ASSIGNED NUMAER: ED RE TOR OF MANAGEMENT JUL 1 9 ��2 R . MAYORS OFFICE DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR DIRECTOR, FINANCE 8 MGT. SERYICES CITY ATTORNEY CITY CLERK BUDGET DIRECTOR ACTIOM REALEST�D {CLIP ALL LOGATI�NS FOR r'IAYORAL SiGNATl1RE); Approval to submit Council Resolution amending the 1982 Capital Improvement Budget. WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVFD BY TAKiNG ACTIAN ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS �PLIRPOSE AND RATIONALE)�; Add three new projects to the 1982 Capital Improvement Budget - Donaldson`s Parking Ramp, Saint Paul Hotel - Pedestrian $kyway Bridge, and Saint Pau1 Hot�e1 - Rehabilitation - all to be financed with tax increments from the Dawntown and Seventh P1ace District #82. Also, recognize funding obligations in future years. FINANCIAL. BLDGETARY ANO PERSpNNE•L IMPACTS ANTIC�PATED; 1982 Capital Improvement Budget Amendment: �Add Appropriations - $788,200 Add Finartcing (Tax Increments) $788,200 � Recognize obligations for future years to be financed with Tax Increments - �3,349,p00 x ATTACHMENTS �LIST ALl ATTACHMENTS): 1. Council Resolution 2, 3. ?,abe A.ev.c?JU neCebb.c.ty oh. erLL o e o buppo Cu►n2tLtd � . � Git.�J A.tto�t�1� i. Counc i.Y. Reeo�u.ti.on Requ,ixedt YES NO i. Reao.�u�t.c,`on? Y�S NO 2. Inaunaxce Req;ained? YES NO 2. Ineunanee Su.�b.i.c.i.¢y�tY_y€S NO 3. IneuJcance Axtuc.hedY Y�S NO Iieviaicn �35:4/29/82