279065 WHITE �- CITV CLERK COUIICII ��'V `�'�� �PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA lJ L � CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. C uncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WI�RF•AS, Due to an error in Ram.sey County land usage records, the praperty of James B. and Anne Carmouehe, parcel No. 10-20100-122-01, was classified under a "J" eommercial use rather than as an "A" residential use, whieh resulted in overchax�es of $233.�+0 For street maintenance assessments for the years 1977, 1978, 1979 and 1980; now therefore be it RESOLVED, That the proper City officials axe hereby a�xGhorized and directed to pay to James B. and Anne Carmouche the amount o� $233.40 from fl.ind number �+2312. COUNCILMEN Requeste by Departm t of: Yeas Fletcher Nays �v�L��y �'1/��5 �ev�ne [n Favor Masanz C��(��Q G►. Nicosia g/ scheibei _ __ Against BY — � Tedesco Wilson AUrj 5 1982 Form Approved y Ci Atto ey Adopted by Councii: Date Certified Yas d 1 S e BY B}� ��'� t�pproved by ; or. Date A Approved b Ma r for Su 'on to Council By — BY r�BL HED AU G 14 $ � vx:��[C� OF X COUNC�x. - �� ,, �c�ecr cx� � - - �::;�::�`� �V ' - :�;,•.,,�-;� . - X,� , '� , QQt e ; July.�p ,1982 ���"�`� - �, - . . _ Zg? , - . .r. � - . C Q I�! I�117'�"'�E F� E P � �?J � � . , - � Ta : Soin�t Paul Ci�'� Co�ncil � � . � � - �R Q M � C O!'Y)�TI!��$l° o n FZNANCE� MANAGE,MENT & PERS ONNEL - . - � J'ames' Scheibel . ��►oiFmcrn, -.�.., _- - ,;-: Tiie Finance Ccimmittee; "at �the meeting of 7�29/`g2 . . , recornmended approval of the folla►�ing: � 1. Approval of minutes from meeting held July 22, 1982. (�'fL =3-�t� � � 2. Resolution reimbursing Mr. �, b1rs. James Carmouch for overcharges in .the amounfi of $233_40 due to an error in the classification of their property for tax purposes. �P�o�e.d 3..p, .. -- 3. Resolufiion reimbursing the Dept. of 1�atural Resources for overcharges in street maintenance assessments for the Fish Hatchery site. ��a� ; �—p • 4- Resolution approiring a two year Agree�ent bettYeen the City .of St. Paul and _ the Electrical Union, Local 110. ��,ro�,� : �,�� - S. Resolution authorizing destruction of various City of St. Paul General Obligation Bonds. ': �"P+� 3-p - 6. � 7. Resoluti.oa amending the Civil Service Rules concerning promotion requ'xe nt • 8. Resolution transferxing $23,000 into the Oxford Pool Account code_ �� ,3�0. Ar�xa vecl 3'n �,��.Presentation by Joann Nelson of the Recycling Unlimzted Project. , . � 11�CJT'� • � �.2,��t-(,�,�i mR.v ��,,� ' r.�,o �-n,�-y. , _ � ��.a. �gl,��,� � . - �� CITY ;i:\f_L SEVF+�TH Fl.OUR � � S:�I�i'1'P��l;L,►•!Iti�i fiSU�CA S�I Q_ .:r-±.�.., . .,..._.,. _ _ _.��.._ . _ . _ - - . . ._..___.,.._ •� ._._... _.._�_..._. � ..___.�..._. .� -- - - � ._ ._-- . _ � _ _ . .: . __� _ _ __ .. . .. ... ,.....�.,,.,.._ _. �.-...,.--_.,..�.._ " � y � Public Wor� 0 J�s��' DEPARTMENZ. CONTACT: �e �� ROUTING ar�n EXPLANATI�N SNEET PHONE: �92-7153 GREEN SHEET � RECEIV�D � For Admiaistratfve Orders, Resolutions, Ordinances and Agreements R9l1TING' ORDER - ROLITE A� ASSifNEII NUMS R; ' � , D ECTOR OF MANAGEMENT CITY ATTORNEY - • MAY R �a — I I� RECTOR, FINANCE & MGT� S�RVICES G�� �TY ATTORNEY � CITY CLERK BUDGET DIRECTOR ,_ R�C�I�'L� ACTION REALIESTETI (�LIP AL( 0 ATiONS Fc1R MAYORAI Si('NeTtiRF�: JUL 131�2 , Approval for aubmisaion to Couacil. MAYORS OFFICE WHAT WILI BE aCHIEVFD BY TAKING Q TION �N TNF ATTO('41CT1 �ATFRTAt c �PIIRPACe eun neTTnun� e19. A correctioa �ill be msdc ia an overcharge in atreet maintenance aaaeaameata cauaed by incorrect Ramsey Couaty data coaceraing the usage of the property. It haa beeen incorrectly claaaitied as a co�naercial use xhen, aa a duplex, it� proper claseifica3ion ia reaideatial. FiNANCIAL. B �nc TARY AND P asnruNFi 1MpnrTa AaTtrraercn; There are no impacta anticipated aa a result of thia rel.atively amsll retbad. '�.Z���� , ATTACHMENTS �LIST ALL ATTACHMENTS): 1, Pro�posed Re�olution 2. 3. eaee nev<¢w neceaaa.ty on en.t q e o buppowtu�� eumen.te � : . Ci.ty A,ttoRney: 1. Coune.i,L Rebo.fu.ti.on Reqwin¢dY YES NO 1. R¢.eo�u,ti.onY YES NO 2. IneWanct Req;wiedt YES NO 2. IneuJranct Su6�.i.c.i.¢ntf YES NO 3. Innunance A,Ltac,hedY VES NO �a�ricinr+ nN•f,/?o/q�