279064 WHITE - CITV CLERK COURCll ������ � PINK - FINANCE CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L BLUE - MAVOR File NO. Council Resolution Presented By �� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WI�REP,S, The Minnesota Uepartment of Natural Re�ourcea, as a State agency, is only required to pay street maintenance asgessment on praperty used for residential purposes, and the DNR has been billed for 1390 �eet of street frontage at the Fish Hatchery Site, parcel No. 02-00400-o3ao9o, when th� residexrtial use is limited to 100 feet of' fY�ontage; now therefore be it RESOZVED, Th�at the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to request that Ramsey County revi$e the assessment records to ehow 100 fe�t of assessable atreet frontage �'or parcel No. 02-00�+00-030-Og0 and to rei'tind to the DIQR 1981 street aasessments payable in 1g82, in exces� of the correct $50 ehaxge for 100 feet of' frontage. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Fletcher � Pv�L�� �o�JG �evine � In Favor � Masanz e���� Nicosia scheibe� _ __ Against By — � Tedesco Wilson AuG�� Form Approved it A torne Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pa se o nci S ta BY By / i Approved by , or: Date _G 5 19 Approved by Nlayor for Submi Cou cil gy By �U8 1S1iE AU G 1 19 2 ' � �y�`�Yv . �r ��t.l��� _ _ . t ,'i�"��' f �' . 1 " ' .� � � Dote ; July �p 1982 y =�~•:+-- . ; - . Z9' ; . !,. � . �. � co � � �T�� E � � PO �� : � . . . � - � T4 : Soinfi PauE Ci�t�r Co�tncil , � � - � FRQM � Commit�e� OIl FZNANCE� MANAGEMENT & PERSONNEL - . • J'ames' Scheibel � ��oiFmon, • � - �� _ r:-�. Ttie Finance Committee; "at �the meeting of 7�'29f g2 . , recommended approval of the follawing: � - : � 1. Approval of minutes from meeting held July 22, 1982.� � 2. Resolution reimbursing Mr. � rirs. James Carmouch for �overcharges in .the amount of $233.40 due to an error in the classificati.on of their property for tax purposes. .. -- 3. Resolution reimbursing the Dept. of Natural Resources for overchar es in street maintenance assessments for the Fish ��atchery site. � ' 4. Resolution approving a ti�o year Agree�ent beti�e ' � St_ Paul and the Electrical Union, Local 110. S. Resolution authorizin c#�r+1,.Q#�r rious City of St. Paul� General Obligation Bonds. �� ' .� • 6.--R�esc��uz�,ou-a�r�g.-t� �Rati3-e�d-t�e-£3 � 7. Resolution amending the Civil Service Rules concerning promotion req���nt '°�,^`_.�s�► �� 3 ,, �.s . 8. Resolution transferring $23,000 into the Oxford Pool Account code ,�'�� � ���.Presentation by Joann Nelson of the Rec}�cling Unlimited Project. , . / � � � �ti,�%��O�w l.-/l�'� � Q,,o �'JLG7` , . G�2� �• ' `, �� . _ %�'�,, ��-✓�;-.o�f'. _J , .. _ CIT'r ;!:\t_l. SEVF�TH Ft.OUR J:1I,iT P�\t;L,:•11ti�f:SU'C�\S�tQ'_ �-r ,. . �'7906� - , DEPARTMENT: ��� Worka A ROUTING ayn EXPIANATION SHEEi CONTACT: Rosert a, petersoa IGREEN SHEET) PHONE: � 5�T0 . For administrative Orders, Resolutions, Ordinances and Agreements R EC EIVE D RQUTING ORDER — ROUTE �Y ASSIf•N D N IMRFR; � �u�_ 1 � 1982 DIRECTOR OF MANAGEMENT �ITY ATTORNEY • 4 MAYOR DIRECTOR, FINANCE 8 MGT, SF.RVI�ES $ — f �- ..�CITY ATTORNEY � CITY CLERK BUDGET DIRECTOR R�CtIVED A�T1�N REQUESTED �G IP A o errnNS Fne MAYORAI STfNATIIRF); JUL 131982 Approval �or submissioa to Council. MAYORS OFFICE I'�HAT WI B A HiFVFi1 RY TAKIN+ AfTifiN nN TH ATTA HFl] MATFRIAI S (P IRPOS AND RATiONAI F)�; A correction will be made in an rnrercharge in street mainte�ce aseeaamente. Bv aW the State onlv vavs asse ��+ ±±f=s r;�+�.; n��d i_'Ar ±�si dence T�e assee�ent for the D.R.R. �'ish Aatchery site should be reduc�d to only that � � street froataga �'or the reaidence there. � � Jl�� `l � .. � EINANCIA , B iD� TARY ANn PFRSONNFI 1MPa('TC AuTtrTPATCTI• � There are no impacte anticipated as a reault of thie re].atively s�all ref'und. . ATTACHMENTS �LIST ALL ATTACHMENTS): 1, 'Proposed Resolntion. 2, 3, enee aevcuu neceae.c.f.y on, a.LLze en.t o .t e, o ocu.r�g auppo�.tcng eumen.te Depan-8^ant : C.i,tu A.tto•tney: i. Counai.L Reboi.u,Li.on Reqwih.ed? yES NU I. R2�o�wLi.on? YES NO 2. Ineunance Reqa.i,tedY YES NU 2. rna�,,.ce s«66.�,e►,.t� YES NO 3. Inaunancz A.�,inched? VES NU �,,..:_:__ �v.,.,.oi„