279047 .-c�eRK� Council 2'79�4'7 - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL �,..NARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. BLUE - M7CVOR • � � + �W Z �nce Ordinance N 0. I [o / �/ Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An Ordinance entitled, "An Administrative Ordinance Amending Chapter 5 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code by Inserting Certain Functions of Data Processing Therein" , amending the Saint Paul Administrative Code. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the Saint Paul Administrative Code is amended by adding a section 5. 08 to Chapter 5 of said code which will read as follows: "5. 08 Division of Data Processing. Within the Department of Finance and Management Services there shall be a Division of Data Processing. Under the �supervis�on of the director, the division shall be responsible for: 1) approving and coordinating all data processing activities for the City, 2) supervising of all City operations in data processing, including designing, programming, implementing and maintaininq all data processing systems within the City, COUNCILMEI�T Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fletcher �e11;�e [n Favor — Masanz Nicosia Against BY Scheibel Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WHITE - CITV CLERK 2�9�4'7 PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - fJrAVOR File NO. , • l� �s� � . • Z � Ordinance N 0. Presented By . Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date (3) formulati,ng all City data processing contracts, designs and programming specifications, (4) coordinating all City data processing activi- ties with other governmental units engaged in such activity, (5) providing, with the assistance of the City Attorney, for compliance with all statutory requirements concerning confidentiality of information, (6) determining the City' s long-term data process- ing needs. " Section 2 . This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days after its passage, approval and publication. -2- COU[VCILMEN Re '§ted by Depart nt of: , Yeas Nays � C���`tA`'� � Fletcher �'�� «�'`'`� �e��ne In Favor Masanz � Nicosia Against BY Scheibel Tedesco ��if�en�� AUG 19 1g82 Form App�er�d by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date ( ) Certified ed b Coun ' ec a BY v � BY 198Z A ro by Mayor for S ' si � to Council Approv d rby �r Dat By � , u� FUBLISHED AU G Z v 1982 . : .� . .: ., . • • . . . � �� ...__.. DEPART�IENT: Finance . ... _.:� ,_. ._ _ .._. _._... . . _ ` Y � � CONTACT: Peter Names RQUTING ar�n IXPLRPiATIgN SHEEI' •--- _ �ReEr► SHEET PHONE: 2Q8�6��� , . For Admiaistratiye Order�, Resolutfons,• Ord3nances�aad Agreements `-����� , ROU72N� ORDER — ROUTF�BY ASSIGNED N �MBER: . , , - - . . 2 , �.u� 20 �2 DtRE R OF MANAGEME�IT .; . , � : .. - .:�MAI�ORS QFFICE _ . . _ 3 ' MAYO : . . 1 DEPARTMENT DIREC70R DIRECTOR, FINANCE � MGT. �SERYICES CITY ATTORNEY 4 CITY CLERK ..._ _ . . . - BUDGET DIRECTOR _ _ ' .. _� _ . 'R�TIQN REQLESTED �,� I� A L 0 -ATIONS FOR MAYORAI S� AI�,.TL1RE): � _ ,f ` . Amend the Administrative Code by transferring the Data Processing Section from the . . Mayor's Office to: the Department of Finance and Management Services. ; �� _ �. . Purpose of thi s move i s: to recogni�z� the .exi sti ng repo�rti ng re1 at�i.onsk�i-p���e�wee�a::. the Data Processi ng Mlanager 'and--tfie Di rector of Fi rrance. and-�Nana�emer�t -Servi:�es�:�: : It was appropriate to 'have the �ata .Processfng functaon :i� the MayoH^:'s Of�'1�e rr#��n it was first established. Nou� that it is .performing_well.:: and the�e are few.:�s-�u�s �vhich require the attention of �hE Chief Executive, :it is appropri.a�� to-�move ,.tl�xs °managemer�t service"°.�o the department. - ._ . , FtN�NCiAL. Bl1DGETARY.AND PERSatlP7�i IMaaCTS ANTICI�AT�: � � ~ i - , _ .: ... . _.� . . __ ._ : . . . .. Since this is on7y a change in the organization location, there ,are nor���� . �.�; � _. . , _ _ . ., . ; . ,. _ . , . . - �.._. . _ . . _ _ ,.__ , _ _ _ .. . �. . ..;. - -.- - ATTACHMENTS tLIST AL� ATTACHMENTS): 1, two-page ordinance 2. : .. _ , , _ . - - _ - n _ �. : : . _. '_ , . . : - .: �v ea,ee tewe¢w nze2e.u.ty �on ' ent o .tne o ' u:cng auPPvn.tr.►�g oeum¢nts Da�n.�n�ct : -- N fA Ci,ty A�ttonney=:.- _ ' - .�:.,, ..,..- - . - :,. .:-- ..„: _ , ,- ._ _ _�.� :: . : _ J. Counc.i.� R¢eo.eu.tion�Req�u.tedt . yES - NO • . _ 1. `R¢.eo.f.u,L'coK? �-' yE4 F!Q �- �- _ _ _ � y - . .. a C �.H' .`�� Cr.rs. _ .__�� ,..�. ..i i.:.r< .,„r: '. �.��^'f� ., .r� i:: :. � 2. IneuRanee Req:svc¢d' YES NO t Inaartanee SubS.i.e,i.¢n.t• YES NQ , — , f; .� . .-, _ { � � _ � ` f . �.. :.,.. ,tro,,�. �.,� ';, 3. In4cv�anc2 A.Ltacrted' yES NO , F,. •, *;�:*,� �.z���^ : ,�;�. -r�-�.�� ' .. � ,�..-�r , . 'i 9�lx e� 1� : r-rsr. . . r� , .. _. ..... ... e" ..l2 i-: T��r...,.,^� r 2• 5 T 34^,:A . . . . ..t �.t.,' '. . ._ �, ., a '� �: �e V.:.-x(sr"y.4. . �'.9'.—' . � SI" � lt.� "� ':����. . �� . �,.:�',� � �. �" �'rF �r�,.r°iv �+�— . : '�y'+��°'. � . '� �, �=� � w c -'°� �'►��'°� �� �.- ,�i,a Asvfsf�s �a.�'t 6/29182 � : , r-° ._ . .x.�-�.,t,''Y 4.,:'A}''�°..s� .,:r- .�.. :.��_. . ,��5..�� _. �?,.,, .-_.. Y,r' s.. Sr.,�,t.....v._.r+>. ._Y.L, .. ... .......k�%tu.:.._�,� ,.. ,c�ac. �s' _ — ....r � lst � � (J � 2nd �� � � 0 � � 3rd �' / � — b a Adopted � ' � � ` �� , Yeas Nays FLETCHER � ���� LEVINE � �S�Z ��9�►4'7 NICOSIA SCHEIBEL WILSON � MR. PRESIDENT TIDESCO �� ,