279031 WHITE - CITV CIERK ' (1�(���� PINK - FINANCE COIIflCll � y CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PALT L � File NO. ,� v BLUE - MAVOR Council Resolution \'' Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An administrative Resolution amending the Civil Service Rules with regard to layoff. RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended in Section 22 thereof by adding the following paragraph at the end of said Section 22: "If a title has been regraded and an employee who formerly held this title in a different grade reduces to it to avoid layoff, said employee will be reinstated to the title at the higher of the two grades." Approved: �� Chairman, iv Service Commission COUNCILMEN Yeas Requested by Department of: Ftetct+er Nays PERSONNEL OFFICE �"'"� [n Favor -� ��ant � N'�`� __ Against BY S�� �1� JUL 2 7 1981 Form proved b Ci rne Adopt�d by Council: Date C Certified a s y Council S etar BY �3` . App ovye y Mavor: Date 2 App ov y Mayor for Su iss n t Council (. � gy � - ^ °-� By � . , R�icNf.p �i�r, 7 19�2 - � NHITE - CITV CLERK ��9�►3�. ��IfJK - FINANCE �` Council :ANqRY - DEPARTMENT �J I TY OF S� I�'T PALT L File NO. E�l_UE - MaYOR CITY CLERK Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An administrative Resolution amending the Civil Service Rules with regard to layoff. RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended in Section 22 thereof by adding the following paragraph at the end of said Section 22: "If a title has been regraded and an employee who formerly held this title in a different grade reduces to it to avoid layoff, said employee will be reinstated to the title at the higher of the two grades." Approved: Chairman, Civil Service Commission COUNC[L1�EN Yeas Fletther Na •s , Requested by Department of: S PERSONNEL OFFICE �. � �� [n Favor Nicos;a � � __ Against BY Tvdesc� �l9on JUL 2 '� 1981 Form Approved by City Attorney :ldopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Seccetary BY B� Approved by IVlavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council - ���� �i. �c- •• o��zcE o� �e�rr Cx�e� cotrvczr. r��i�� �•�� . . . , . � •... ::>,:':' t , . 1r n'�-r.�'-_a� r� - ����� - •�!,-• ���:. , D ct t e : Ju ly 16, 19 8 2 ..,�r- , � �. � C Q [�i I� tTT�E R � P Q R�" ` � . . . . . TQ : Sainfi Paut Ci�� Cour�cii � - - FR � I� = Comr�ifi�ee OC) FZNANCE, MANAGEl�IENT & PERSONNEL - � ,Tames' Sche�bel : choiFinan, . . � ' . The Finance Committee; �at the meeting of. '7/1S/g� . , recommended approval of the following: . , . 1. Approv�� of minutes frora meeting held July 8, 1982.�� . . r 2. Resolution amending the 1982 Parkino & Transit Speczal. Fund Budget.�`�� 3. Resolution revising the speci£ication for Tractor Operator I in the Civi� Service Rules. � " 4. Resolution amending the Civil�Sezvice Rules with regard to 2ayoff '" ' S. .Resolution replacing the class speci�icat�ons for SchooZ Food Service • Supervisor I and School Food Service Supervisor II wi.th ne�v specifications�T� 6. Resolution approving the 1982-83 `faintenance Labor Agreement betc�een the City of St. Paul and the Operative Plasterers and Cement rlasans InternaCional Association, Local 20. � 7. Resolution amending the 1979 and 1950 Capital Ir�prove�;ent Bud�ets to provide County aid funding for certain street resurfacing pro}ects. 8. Resolution approving the securities pledged by I.'estern State Bank, to protect funds of the City of St. Paul while held in said Bank. 9 Continued discussion of Citizen Participation BudgeCs. 10. Resolution amending the 1982 Capital Budget for appropriation of funds for .costs of relocation, land acquisition, design and construction of Broadway Market. ��� �9. The committee budget proposed by Councilman Fletcher on a vote of�,-- it is hereby referred to the City Council for additional discussion, . deliberation, and action. cra. .; .. ►. • SrL�L:�{'i��t s��.t;.,:t ::1faiT [':lt:l., :ll�.ti:�.�.!1i:� ��lU' ��yY�1 . ',�� ROUTIP�G An�n EXPLANATI�N SHEET �'�. ;- �C�(o ' ,� • GREEN SHEET . �. ���-- �rs�� � . For �ldministrative Orders, Resolutions, Ordinances and' agreements _ ROUTINC, �ORDER - ROUTE BY ASStrNED NuMEER: � . ����lY GL �D RECTOR OF MANAGEMENT . J�L '� -.'��L 1 MAYOR DEPARTMENT DIRECi'OR DIRECTOR, FINANCE � MGT� ME�y�RS OFFICE CITY ATTORNEY 2 CITY CLERK ^ BUDGET DIRECTOR �(TION REd �EST D t _ IP A L 0 _ATIONS FOR AYO AL SIGNATt1RE): �WAT WiLL BE ACHIEVE� BY TAKtNG A�TI�N ON THE ATTAG4ED MA7ERIgLS �PURP�SE AN� RATIQMA �: This Resolutio� amends Section 22 of the Civil Servfce>Rul.es �egarding -Iaqoff. The new langnage clarifiea the status of aa employee wlxose rights to vQlu�tariiq rectuce to avoid layoff involves a title which has been r�egraded,�' . �jNANCI�BLI1lGETARY D PERS�NNEI. IMPACTS ANTtCiPATED; None. ATTACHMENTS �tiST AlL ATTACHMENTS): 1. Resolutian . 2, Citp Clerk�� copy. 3. eaae nev.cuv ►iueso.c.i.� jut aLtae e�d e� 'ie �o �wc►►g euppoz�u�g eum¢nts � : C.i,tu Aatto:utey: ' ). CcwTr.i.Z Reao4.u.ti.o�t Reqwi.t�d? YES . W6� , 1. ReaeCU.�.i.on? �/ YES NO " 2. I►uu.:cu�ce RequLted? yES NC 2. I�tsu.t,z�:ee sa66.i.e�e,�t� yF�/�NO 3. I�eawuuece ALtaclzed? _v�S _ Ravieion Q�Is�3/S/82 ' : , • HOW TO USE THE GREEN SHEE�T! _ , ; . . . � � � � . . � . � � � � . . � .. . . . . .y* .. .. � �� . . . . . �� . . ,.-. �,; ' The GREEN SHEET has severa 1 ourpa se s: ""r 1. To assist in routing. documer�ts an3 in securing � :required signatures 2 . To brief tr.e reviewers of documents on the imAacts of apgraval 3. To he].p ensure that necessary sup.po�ting m�terials are prepared and, if required, attached. � ROUTING _ Most GREEN SHEET actions must be reviewed by a Department Director, the City Attorney, the Director of Management, the Director of Finance and Management Services. Other possihle, reviewers/signatures are listed. BRIEFING M�ost of the GREEN SHEET headinqs are designed to assist in develdpiAg �a preeis of�-the deCision �hich the att�a¢I�r,�ee�'t� � represent. The headings are offered to remind users of same af :th�_��ore� critic$1 el�m��ts� crt this 3a��:ef. �f _ The Financial; Budgetary and P�ssoEnrte]. Zmpact� heading grov`i:d�s ��:; , a s�ace to explain the cost/benefit aspects of the c�.ecision. ' Cos�ts and benefits relate both to City budget iGeneral �znd andlor ' SpeciaZ Funds) and to broader financial impacts Ecost to users, MoFneowners or other groups affected by the action) . The personrel impact is a description of change or shift of Full-'�ime Equival,ent (F'TE) positions. SUPPORTING NIATERIALS In the Attaclzments section, list all attachments. I€ the GREE�T � SHEET is well�one, no letter of transmittal need be included (unless signing such a letter is one of the requested actS.ons) . Note: Actions whieh require City CounciT reso].utions include: a. Contractual relationship with another goverMment unit. _ . b. Collective bargaining. . c. Purchase or sale of land, or lease of land. d. Issuance of bonds by City. . e. Eminent domain. f. Assum�tion of liability by City, or grant�ing. by City of indemniiication. : g. Agreements with�;.8tate or r^ederal Government `�iiider which they�are providing Eunding. , Note a1so: If aa agreement requires evidence of insurance/co-� insurance, a Certificate of Insurance should be one ' of the attachir►ents at time of routing.