279018 � �. a � 9'a J 8� � � � Co�ndl File No.2l901a—By Chrl:Nicoda— RESOLVED,That upm the petftlon of H.A: 4ynch Funilq Tnist, that poetion�publlc :treet hecelnafter dmcribed,be and the wme hereby is vaated aad dltmotinued: All that p�R ot the northeasterlq t�vo(� inchef of Wycliff Street,asorlelnally pLt- ted,lying southwesterly of and adJoinina the fouth�vesterly line ot Lot I0,Block T0, 8t. Mtlon� P�rk $oYt6 Ilu��fJ CO., 1[Im.; sub�eet expressly to the tolb�sa�conditlon� �ed ee�eev�tloor. • ` i.Thaf the v�nUou M ml�ct b alI the'— teims and condltims of Chap4r 1]0 of the St. Paul I.etialative Code,as ammded,includin� the rtendm of sll publlc utilities ss�mti 2 That the v�ated aieaa deocrlbcd he�eln shall auWmrttally mer!Lo tLe City of St. Paul tor no mmpmseUm,ln t�e event the pie- , smt butldin�is c�oved foraa�eeasoo Irom these ueas. S.That�tpedal eatemmt be retalncd for the pcotectlon of NoRhen SLta Pmva C�- P�9 Aghb in Wydift Strcd_ t'lbat the petitfooes p�y b the C7ty u�d- minfstradve mrts tor qid v�odau the amount of f500.�. . S.That the petltio�s tumhh the Cit�,u Rqulred by Secdon 130.OS(D of fhe St Paul LqWative Code,avitp a bmd in theamomt of iS,000.00. md by tooeptanoe ot the tetms and conditloos ot th4 vavtbn, the pdf- tlonen,their suo�esson and�sdp�;�m W fndemnil�,defmd and save haffilm the Qt� ot Seint Paul,lta ot8oets.aad mplo�en from �ll suib.act[ous,or claim�d aq�chaiacter. Includla�,but not limited ta,a d�im broudtt berause ot any inJuiies,or dama�ea reoelved or nistalned b7+�7 P«.D�or piopeF ty,on a¢ouat ot this wetloo,or becauae of m�ad or omiadoa,neglect ar miscandud of �aid pditioneca;or becauae ot aa�daim or llsbllity arWns tmm or baaed on an�vfo4- tlam of aay Lw or re�uLtlm made ia atsor dance wlth the Lw,�hetherb�the yetitionas or rqy of thdt�smts or empla�ad. Adapted by the Councll Jut�2t,198t. ADDmved Jul�2E.19aY. _ " (Ju1T 31.1Y8� l p.���\�,��v � + J • ' � ��••'-11•• V • CITY OF SAINT PAUL 2'79�18 INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM � • • To: Victor Tedesco, Council President and Members of the City Council From: J. William Donovan Valua.tion and Assessment Engineer Date: J�ne 24, 1982 Sub�ect : Petition of H. A. Lynch Family Trust Por the va.cation of the northerly two inches of Wycliff Street th�.t abuts Lot 10, Block 70; St. Anthoc�y Park. Public Hearing - J1aly 6, 1982 The petitioner, being the H. A. Lynch Famil,y Trust, requests this vacation to help clear the property's title as the existing building encroaches on to the public right-of way by less than two inches and has been this way for years. The encroachment area to be vacated is less than two inches along the south side of the building, consisting of 25 squa.re feet and is zoned I-2 (Industry). Northern States Power Company reports of having a gas line and one pole in the vacation area. They request that their interest be protected. The Department of Public Works reports that Wycliff Street is a 66 foot wide street right-of wa.y. They recommend va.cation only for the life of the . existing building with its existing encroachments. There were no objections or recommendations from ar�y other private or public : agencies involved. i In view of the foregoing, I recommend tl�t the va.c�tion be approved, sub�ect to the following terms and conditions: l. That the description of the property to be vacated read as follcnrs; � A 11 that part of the northeasterly two (2) inches of Wycliff Street, as original],y platted, lying snuthwesterly of and adjoining the south- � wester]y line of Lot 10, Block 70, St. Anthor�y � �� Park South Ramsey Co. , Minn. � �-2: TY�at the vacation be sub3ect to all the terms and conditions �� of Chapter 130 of the St. Pa.ul Legislative Code, as amended, including the retention of all public utilities easements. �, � i � .. . . -- � � . , � 2�9D1� -2- 2,�! Thmt the vacated areas described herein sYrsll autom�.tical]y revert to the City of St. P�ul for no compensation, in the event the present building is removed for ar�y reason from these areas. �� Ttia,t a special easement be ret�inhdsfon �C�.iff Street,of Northern States Pchrer Compa�y 8 Y �� That the petitioner. p�.y to the City as administrative costs for said va.cation the amount of $500.00. s� That the petitioner f�u�nish the City, ,as required by Section 13�•05 (2) of the S�. Paul Legislative Code, with a bond in the amount of $5,��•�� and by acceptance of the terms and conditions of this vacation, the petitioners, their successors and assigns, a�ree to indemnif�r, defend and save harmless the City of Saint Pau1, its officers, and employees from all suits, actions, or cla ims of aqy character, including, but not limited to, a claim brought because of any in�uries, or dama.�es received or susta.ined by aay person, persons or property, on account of this vacation, or because of ar�y act or omission, neglect or misconduct of said petitioner; or because of an�y claim orat onility arising from or based on ar�y violation of ar�y law or regul � made in accordance with the law, whether by the petitioner or e.r�y of its agents or employees. . cc: Mayor George I,atimer � � ;� � \ �