279003 W H I T E y- C I T V C L ER f( /1{��/'�/��� y�E - M YORE GITY OF SAINT PAITL F1ecilNO �'�_`-�si CANARV - DEPARTMENT ' `� �j RETURN COPY TO VALUATIONS C�un •l Resolution DIVISION . - � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul by Resolution C.F. 278914 adopted June 30, 1982, did vacate that portion of public street located in the City of Saint Paul, County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, legally described as follows: That part of the northerly 2 feet of Ivy Avenue lying between the southerly exten- sion across said avenue of the east and west lines of Lot 12, Block 9, H.agers Sub- division of Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 of Walcott's Addition to Cottage Homes; and WHEREAS, said vacation reserved to the City of Saint Paul and other public instrumentalities, public util�.ty easements contained therein and thereon; and WHEREAS, the Council has been requested by Harry Anderson and Electro Plating Engineering Company to waive said re- tained easements, and the affected City Departments, Northern States Power Company, and Northwestern Bell Telephone Company have filed written certificates of in- tended non-use with the office of the City Clerk, which Certificates are incorporated herein by reference; and WHEREAS, the affected City Departments and other public instru- mentalities have consented to waive the retained ease- ments in the vacated property as more fully set forth in their Certificates of intended non-use as heretofore mentioned. COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fietcner Finance and Management Services Levine In Favor Masanz Nicosia Direc tor scheibei _ __ Against BY — 7edesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorne Certified Passed by Council Secretary ��� �� By Approved by 14avor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Counc'1 By _ BY � WHIT�CiTV CLERK COUIICII ��j��'r���►� PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L �ANARV - DEPARTMENT �l_UE - MAVOR File NO. RETURN COPY TO VALUATIONS Coun il Resolution DIVISION , � � , Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul, pursuant to Section �28.06 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, does hereby waive, release and extinguish the retained easements in the public street vacated in Council Resolution C.F. No. 278914, adopted June 30, 1982� as provided in the incorporated Certificatea of Intended Non-Use. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the above mentioned waiver and re- lease of said easement are for the City of Saint Paul and those persons for whom the City has reserved easements in said vacated property for the installation, maintenance and operation of any sewer, water, gas, or electric main, pipe or conduit of public instrumentality. COUIVCILMEN Yeas Nays / Requested by Department of: Fietcher (�, Fi e and Man ement Services '^�°"'"°` �� In Favor Masanz Nicosia �, B Dire c tor Scheibel _ __ Against -- Tedesco Wilson 2 p 1982 JU� Form Approved by City Attorney � Adopted by Councii: Date Certified P�ss d Co cil et 4: . =t;-��-e�.. ��2-�� • By A�ppro d vor: D e J�L 2 2 �9�� Approved b or for Submission t Council B � By _ Y usus �� . ��c �r a-a r■ wMITE — C�TV CIERK . -� . ..,�_ / � ?INK — FINANCE - `�"•"� ''°EP "T'"E"' � G I TY O F .SA I NT PA LT I: Councii _� ; ���E -.�,a�R . File N0. � � �C'oun il Resolution - �"����� ' " " �� . ,� . Presented By ��/`,.� �' ' f� -:--t<t,' r� � Referred To Commitfee: Date Out of Committee By Date RES�vBV, That npon the petitioA o! 8arry 1�nd�aarso�n �nd Electro Plating EnqinNrinq Co., that section ot pablic str�at har�inattar dvcribed, b� and th� sa� her�by is vscatsd aad discontinned as a pnblic stre�ts , Tl:st part o! tbs northarlp 2 f�et of Zvy Aveaue lpinq b�t�+eea the sonth�rly sztawsion across aa id ive�e o! the east and wst '1in�� of Lot 12, Slock 9, Haqers Snbdivi�ioa ot Lot� l, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 14. 15, 16, 17, 18 0� t�ta lcott•s Additia� to Cotta qe So�aes t snbjsct e�cp�casslp to tl�e followinq �:on�ciitiaris aacl resezvatf,ons: 1. Tt�st th� �racatioa b� snb ject to a 11 th� t�rms and conditions o! Cb�ptar 130, codili�d l�srch 1, 1981, o! th� St. psnl I.,gisLstiv� Code, a,s a�eaded. 2. �t a apacific e�s�at be retsia�d to pr�otect th� iatar�sts o! 8ortb�rn SLatea Povar Co�panp �►ithin sa id poartion o! t�ist Ivp 1�venne. 3. �L tha.:p�titio�r:, t�ir succ�as�rs oz� assiqris paY to th� City a• ossi�at valw t2� stm ot �400.0� as co�p�asation tor th� vscatioa. COUNC[LME[Y Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Fletchsr ' �°���Q In Favor Masanz Nicosia — schelbsl A ga i n s t BY Tsdssco Wilsa� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopled by Council: Date ^ ��-�\ ,�;� Certified Passed by Council Secretary TM�� `-i�. '� -=-�� k-- : .,?� ^ By, `', `"`"- Approved by Mavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ gy CIEMK - �N C E Council '•qT""E"r " GITY OF SAINT PAUL , . � ''°R • , File N0. � ' � Co ncil R esolution � �'���Q� 'd BY — �'- . . r J ` :t' _ � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Commi[tee By Date .� 2 4. ?hat the petitio�re, thsiz succesaors or asafqns turni:h ths Citp with a boad in the amoc�nt o! $5.000.00, and ia addition ther�to, by aec�ptance ot the terms and co�dit3ons of this vscation aqr�e � ��ifY'. d�tend aad saw harmisss t!� C ity of � 3�int Panl, its o!licers aad edployeea l�ros all � �uits, actioas, or claims of any charscter, iacludinq, but aot liaitad to. a clais brouqht , b�canse o! anp in�uriss, or dsoaqes recaived or ' snstaiaad by any p�rson, p�rsans or PropertY. on aceount ot thia vacation= or brcaus� of anp act or a�isaioz�, a�ql�ct or �aiscon�ct ot said p�titiaderst as b�can� o! any clai� or lisbilitp �risinq lro� or bassd oa� any violatioo of any ls�r ar z�lation �ad� in accordaneo �ith th� la�r, wti�thsr by th�� p�tition�ars or anr o! th�ir aqants or esploy�s. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Fletcher � �s��r,e In Favor Masanz Nlcosia scneibet _�_ Against BY Tsdssco Wtison JUN 3 0 1981 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date CertiEied Passed by Council Secretary B}r--'" "'-'�- ^� f. -� "'�''—� - - • ��• . B}� Approved by Ylavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council �y ' — BY - — . , • � . � ��9�1�3 T:._�. ,OI�O�:�:� !dr1�'O�t A?4✓ i+�l�t3�'.�`,J �_ "_'y CCtI��,�, Js? �r,�`�,�' CFRTLF_TCA'?'B QF cIT" oF SA��'!' �AuZ IR�ED 140N-USE ^'he u^:d�rs�g�ed 'ae�eb�� c��i� :.hat they do na4 i��e�3 wo cxercise ��:.e'_� ;:�i�_�y easeme^t .i�;h�s _�: ;.he follcarir�g ites�it�e� rees�ty: That par*_ o� the nc::herl�• 2 feet Q� Zvy Avenue ?yi:�g betweer. �he sout:^.erly extea- sion acrass sa�c� avenLe a:. �h� east and , ves*_ 2ines o: Lo� i'_' , Biocr 9, Hagers Sub- division of Lo�s � -9 �a � , 4 , 5, 6� %� '�4� 15, lb, =7, i8 ef Wai�at�gs t,daitioz �o Cottage Homes. ndz� Tv�v� � , �g 8a �,�` � i.��-�ctor o° ��^ :�� (,<� -� �i'�y c'_' Sa.i�,. ?z..,. � �� + , (�,7 , �' ,j�(-�'Ci Genere.i I�age�, ie�:.sr B�par;�ent Ci�y cf Saint �.., �€nrtae.Tn S''•.ares ?�re_T C�m�r�Y BY ��i Nor.t�es�,ern B� �e�.�p�one Co�aas.s,� �'y'' (S�,; . - � . 2'�9���` m?� HOI�ORA3LE M�S.'�n Al� k�ERS o� T� cot,-xc� oR �� , c����c�Ts a: CI'?`Y OF SA�* PAUL I14'PFRDED NOF=tTSE The undeTsigaed hereby cer�_,• �;�.� t:2ey de not i�te^d �o exercis� �heir Lti3i�y easrment rig�ts �n the fcL.o�ri^� desc..T�beci rea�ty: �.. . ?hat part of the northeri}� 2 �eet o= Zv� Avenue lyiag betweer. tE:e sou�::erZy exten- � sion across saic� avenue o: �he easz and . West lines oF Lo� i2, ��oc� °, Hagers Sub- division of Lots 1, 2, � , �:, �, 6, ', �4, 15, 16, 17, i8 of Walcot:`s Adcitio:: to Cottage Homes. I�ted r(,(/__Yl� OC , ?�� Director of Pu�Iic Works C1�V O° $8�� $L'� � Genera� Manager, Ye�er Be e�z Li�y cf Sain� ?�;,, �o�th�Tn S�•.ates Power Compar�,y BY �SBALi North�estern �e:1 Telephone Cos�oaxLy $Y (SEAI�) � � � 2'��9�03 �� T:" :tOhCFcA��E !r4�,:'V-. ��� i�t��S �: ^'N�' COT��TC� ^�' m?�W CERTIFICATB OF CIm`_' OF SA�i^_' PAiZ IN2'��iDED NOR-USE f � � '�'he L:.^•Q��'S��'r::°� �°_tC;� Ce=�„�j' ;:38,`. they do IIO� inte�3 �O exerc�se i � �he�r u�i�.:ty eeseme^t _�ghts _� �he fcl�oxi:ig deseribed rea.Zty: 'I f I � ; T�at �art of Lhe no:ther?< < Teet of Ivy Aveaue lying betweer. the sou�nerly extea- ' sion scross said avenue oi the east and , West lines o= Lo� i2, $lock 9, Hage:s Sub- . division of LGtS 1, 2, � , 4, S, b, ', 14� 15, 16, 1-, i$ of k'alcot�'s AdCi4ion to Cottage flomes. Iktted , y9� � Director of �3=� Works C��}' Or Sa.�IIt P8.'tll Genera? Ma.nager, WB.ter De�.•-tme�t C:�y of Saint Paul l�orthe.rn Sy.ates P�rer CampazLy BY (S�AL) Northxestern Be�I. eph ne Cc��e.�y � (s�.) L � � � 2'�90Q� STATE OF MINNESOTA � ) ss. , courrrx oF �s�t ). Oa this �,_,,,_,_ day of • 19 , before me, a notary p��-ic within and for said County, _.___ to me personally appaared . gersonally knav�m. who, being b� me dn�Y a��+ �d say that he is �he o� �R� 3�� � COMPAI�Y, a corgvration. �nam�d i.n t3ze foregoing instru�aent. and that the seal affixed to Sai� �s��t � �e�°�°r�� seal of said corporatiou. and th$t ga�.d �� and s�aled i.n behalf of said cor�ration by sut3sority of its Board of Di.rectors and said a�knowledged said instr�t to be �e fr'ee act and deed of said corporation. btot�s'y p�b].3.C. Ra��F -Cottnty. Minu• My comm�s�ion expir� STATE dF MINMESOTA � � ) ss. . COLYI3TY OF RAM9EY ) �� On this /� day of _._....� 19 ��" , before �e, a notary puhlic within ancl er sa�d County, ; to me �- persvnally appe�a�ced did say that � personally kno�wn, who 'being by me duly swarn. he is the +►^;�t Manaaer-Di s _ri b�ti on of ��}gT�T� g�, 3'��NS .i�.l��-..— i.natrt��, � C�IPADIY, a corpora�ion.. named in the fo�egain�3 ate aeal that the seal affixad to $aid ingtru�aent is the Carpor �� of �aid cvrporation, and ��at said iastr��� Qf�� ��d �ealed in beha1f of said cor�aration by y ��1�� of Di.rectors ar�d said Corporati on said instrumant to be the free act and deed of said corporation• 4/ .R�� '?7Z`�'�y"� ._ � Notary Public, Ramsi'�Y' C���l'� �nn. My comm.i.saiczn ex�pirea -� -�`''�—�� /�.. t( ``, �i �r,a:•e �� :zrr�.t^n (t 2 � t;�i< i' :SOPA l � � �� � , � ���. ._ ) th � c: ._... � _..___._ . . . .. . ... .. ... .,. _ - ` . ` �����'�' � r ?':.. �1.�1G't(E:�Si. �l�'i��v: a� �.�.�.7 s'�.Ci F. . � �"4 t�� ��..: `r:� ��T''�C.u.1 �� ^_�?IT' ' ���i"..� 'a � �T�V Lp a�.L� �p'UZ „ M � �.�a+�' �+ - F � r ;�„ a:�. �r� +�w'r�u�at; ��'�� •.�'a>����a•�i � �,�� � «f : ��i� . � "�FFy3,9 �'t r �•�•t�` ..t`"�M1� ' y.; i: ;..1'�.? Yn .' .:. : � :. i,�' i. � �• � � .,�. . '�t.pMy ; `.��. . T�t� 1�.T4�rS<�~�d hereay C��Vri� 1il"� 6r �r�i.y~��V' �4/M ���� rV ����Y���'T�5 J�6'd' �g�' ,. 6 j+� ' • -we �a `: M , .,� -."l.r�ve�4 r,arc ��` �� + y � � •I;� � t �.�t ': _-, tR� � '` �:e•�.r ;:ti_�ty easeme^t r��hts ;n ihe fcLaring descr��a�d .�a��� �.i� � �'��^` ...y! � K.i '�rf`��P��k� r�.Y^^w � 3'�^"-�4 I N 7F �r.y '� I� l �Yjry'4;^'�w.'���.vy�. i _ �� �.�2 r���.�� M�i A �{-', �' _.. • q Y Thac pa:t or the no:t'tierly 2 ieet o� Ivy ,.;�r"��,' ' Anenue �yimg betcieec the sout'r.erly exten- � sion across sa�d avenue o� �ne east anC , west lines ef Lo� 1'_, Block 9, Hagers Sub- . d1V1S�OL1 OL LOtfi �, 2, � , !+, 5� 6� �� i�i� 1�, 16, 1�, i8 of Walcott's AdciLioa to CotLage Homes . Desied �V �.5 E 8 , 19 '�— Directar af Azb?ic Waz�ks City o.° Saiat Patil irL`IIGT� M8.II8ge.P� j78�..eT B@�38S�eLL City of Sain� �u1. • Ncrtnern S`..ates ?ower Ca�par.Lv . -� Bp (�,�,} Northves�ern BeI1 gelephone Coae� BY (S�AI,) ' . � c�;�'J i�► e STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. courTZy oF x�s� ). on this �,_ day of � • 19��, before me, a natary p��ic wi�hin and ` or said County, � S h �'A.SCcz�wrd'.a� to me personally appeared � � �' did say that - personally known, v�►ho, beinq bg me duly e�rcrn• 'he is the ,4 of NORTFiF:RN STAT� pO� COMPANY. a corporat orl, named in the fo=eqoing instrumeat, � ' , and that said inetrvme�nt wa� ��°d •in behalf of said corgora�io by siuthority of its Board of Directors and said -1� �'/ ��'��' acknawledqed said instrnment tv be the free act and deed of said corporation. , ,. . ���� " BETH A DitE1S �?�'� 1�1ARY PUBLIC•MIt�NE50TA Glif�Cl�/Iil� s�en �'��,��� WASH1iVGTON CdiiNTY t Pt1�h1�C• � ���• �• Mp�sw„E�v�seoz 2a,1988� Nc� arY � , * My COit4�l�.8$f�! @Xj31=� STATE OF MINNESOTA � � ) ss. ' . covrr� oF �s� ) On this_�_ day af � 19 , before me, a notary public within and far said County, _ � to me .�� personally appeared _ personally know�� who being by tae duly swozn, did say that he is the of NORTSWE3T�KIQ H�.LL T�"g�� CpMpAmiy, s corporation, nam�d in t�e fosegoing instrum+�t, sa8 t h a t t h e s e a l a f f i x e d t o gaad ins�r��� �g �e Co����'e �1 of said corporation, aad that said fastrume�t was s iqn e d an d sealed a.n beh8lf of said corporation by authority of ite BoarcA of Directors anc� �ai3 ackxYOwledged said inatrument to be the free act and de�d of said corporation. Notary Public. �tamaey County, Mi.nn. My commi.ssion e�cpix'es 2 . ROtJTING .an�D EXPLANATI�N SHEET Dept. of Firiance & Man ement GREEN SHEET J. William Donovan _ _ly 2, 1982 � 292-7019 �..)� �� For �dminiszrative Orders, Resolutioas, Ordiaances and Agreemen=s RGUTING ORDER � ROUTE BY ASSIf:NED NUMBER: IRECTOR OF MANAGEMENT �,_,,., YOR -/ l�1 VlS10n� /� D�'Pi��MC-i�F D 1 RECTOR 3_ D I RECTOR, F I NANCE � MGT� SERV I CES Z CITY ATTORNEY 5 CITY CI.ERK BUD6ET DIRECTOR -�vEIVED � r 'dUL�2 1982 ACTI�N R Q ST � �C IP A 0 _AT�ONS FOR MAYQRAL SI�NATL�R_E); Ma or' si ature so resolution can be submitted to Cit Council OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR y � y DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES JI�jaT WI� B A NI V � ,�,Y TAKIN6 ACTION ON THE ATTqCHED MATERtALS „S,p�RPOSE ANO RATiONAl�E)7; Release retained easements in said street so property can be built on. RECEIVED J U L `:' - 1��-_ . ELNAN[IAL. BL1i�GETARY AND PERSOPlN£t_ IfNPACTS ANTICIPATE�: MAYORS OFFICE - None. � ATTACHME"ITS �LIST ALL ATTACHMfNTS): 1. Proposed Council Resolution 2. Copy of Council Resolution C.F. 278914 3. Certificate of Intended Non—use signed by Northern States Power Co., Northwestern Bell Telephone Co., Public Works, Water Utility 4. Area map. ;. c.� i.raae zz�•c::u :tec��ti�c� j�•t �.t,tuC,oee►tit e� Lie ,;o eauc.:eg sr.��nenLcru� oCwnGtiLS Ue;:�.�aaQxt : C�i,tl �u�J=ecr: t. C�wtai.Z �esc.L�:.Li.;.st R2�;.�,i,te.d•" X YES VC i. �i�tsc�;,t.i.i.wrt:" �yES �0 .. i�uu,ut►cc2 R2?;c,i,.:2d? YES XVL' 2. T�uccuuice Suj�-�c�e►LtY YES VO 3. I►:si•.a:tct a�Gt..w•" '✓ES 4Q �is� aK:als�sa