278989 WMITE - CITY CLERK (((������yyy PINK - FINANCE ��Q�Q� CANARV DEPARTMENT COUi1C11 �� BLUE � MAYOR GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. V v� � C uncil Resolution , Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION AMENDING THE 1982 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET TO PROVIDE FINANCING FOR THE REPLACEMENT OF THE FARMERS MARKET BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon recommendation of the Mayor and advice of the Long Range Capital Improvement Budget Committe, that the 1982 Capital Improvement Budget, as heretofore adopted by'the Council and thereafter amended, is hereby amended by the following: ADD NEW FINANCING AND TRANSFER EXISTING FINANCING IN THE 1982 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET NEW EXISTING TOTAL Disposition proceeds - Sale of City Farmers Market Site (Parcel 1-A, Tenth & Jackson), (Debt Capital Improvement Fund) as per Council Resolution CF276714_ , $550,000 $ -0- $ 550,000 - Urban Renewal Bonds -Economic Base Development Opportunity - (1982 Sale) -0- 155,000 155,000 1981 Capital Improvement Bonds - Economic Base Development Opportunity -0- 100,000 100,000 Developer - Broadway Square Associates 37,660 -0- 37,660 Saint Paul Progress 75,000 -0- 75,000 , Total � $ 917,660 ADD NEW APPROPRIATIONS TO THE 1982 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGE'T Broadway Market $ 917,660 COUNCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Levine [n Favor Maddox McMahon B - snoWaiter __ Against Y Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date — Form Approved by City Attom CertifiE:d Yassed by Council Secretary BY � By —_ Approved by :Vlayor. Date _ Appro by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ - — BY - WHITE - CITY CLERK 2►�g��9 PINK - FINANCE n C�A-N�AR� = MAYOR MENT > G I T Y O F S A I N T 1 �U L F le cil N O. Co ncil Resolution Presented By ��='r' Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date APPROPRIATIONS ANALYSIS CURRENT AMENDED PROJECT APPROPRIATIONS CHANGE APPROPRIATIONS Broadway Market: Acquisition of Real Property $ -0- $248,380 $ 248,380 Construction of Public Improvements -0- 587,660 587,660 Relocation, Design, Miscellaneous Professional Services -0- 81,620 81,620 Total $ -0- $917,660 $ 917,660 BE TT FURTHER RESOLVED, that any future proceeds from the sale of either parcels 1-A or 1-B of the former City Market Site will be originally deposited to the City's Debt Capital Improvement Fund and then paid to the Housing and Redevelopment Authority to reimburse for actual expenditures incurred on the Broadway Market. '?'l. �- 9-�Z. Budget D e or Director, Department of Finance a}�d Management Services ?•� -� �1'1 7/i��"'—' T�^:�S�. A«ul�.onc7-���cse r'a,r,i�31 Tmuzr;���z±^er_# ��;�f,^?:Jr^-X �Oii1:'�11'clF.•?I..^^�:.2'_z7a�i[2?,3 i'L'�i3.r�'i O_T1 �:�i3�G•����,��cilllfl iE.'CCI12??IE;����; �u1C�118C�: � � COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Hunt � ��� -Eerine-� I n F a vo r Maddox �i McMahon �— B N �}r7� �, � showalter __ Against Y �adacoo-. Wilso� JUL 2 p� Form Approv City Attor� Adopted by Council: Date — Certified a•s y C uncil cret BY v App d ;Vl vor. Date _ �` '� ApProved by or.for Subm' si Council By - _ gy � UBf.tSNED J U L 31 t��2 ,� , WHITE • CITY CLERK. PINK - FINANCE �� „ /� ^L � .COUflC1I BLUE RY - MA OR MENT � \�-)�I T,�� \/1� �A I N T I�A i? L File N O. uncil Resolution 2"18��9 Presented By ' Reterred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLUTION RELATED TO THE FARPIER'S MARKET VACATION A�1D RELOCATION 4JHEREAS, the Farmer's Market is an important element of the City of Saint Paul ; and WHEREAS, the vacation and development of the existing market site will necessitate relocation of the market function. 6JHEREAS, all proceeds from the Market land sale will go into the Department of Planning and Economic Development Parking and Transit Fund. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Saint Paul supports the continued operation of a Farmer's Market within the City of Saint Paul and commits to retaining the market function at the existing site through October 31, 1981. In addition, the City agrees to cooperate with the market representatives in developing a public relations effort related to the relocation of the market. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Saint Paul City Council directs the staff of the Department of Planning and Econonic Development to work with an advisory committee made up of representatives of the Grower's Association, the Farmer's Market Coalition other city departments and affected district councils to develop a detailed plan for t.- �te�-nate site for the Farmer's Market function. The Department of Planning and Economic Development is further directed to report back to the City Council within three months as to the progress of this study and to prepare and submit to the City Council a final report and recommendation no later than five months from this date. he Midway Stadium/Energy Park BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Saint Paul City Council will set aside a maximum of $550,000 from the proceeds of the land sale to be used for all expenses relating to design, acquisition, and development for relocating the city scale if necessary, the Police Department parkin„ and the market functions to other sites. If a reasonable relocation of the functions can be achieved for less than the maximum figure stated, then the remaining money shall be put in the HRA tax levy fund to be used for purposes that substantially increase the tax base of the City,� In no event shall the city costs for relocation exceed this dollar amount unless expressly authorized by the City Council . � COUNCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays � Hunt � Levine In Favor Maddox McMahon gy snowa�te► ---�-- Against Tedesco • �Ison ApR 2 � 1981 Form Approv City Atto ey Adopted by Council: Date Certifie•d s�;ed by Coun�1 , cr BY • gl, l.�"�"r� � App �- d by Vlavor: �� � 1�Q1 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ By BLISHLD MAY 21981 ':�� `::. O�+`k''�LCE OF TF1ri+: CITY COU`TCIL . \ .��C':_ ,,� , . . �_ :�\,:�:::.-• �:�_ . , ��V989 _r� i;s� ` tr Lr'..:.,_ / . - •-rY. ..!4 � . Date : July 16, 1982 �'�;�1" .i - . . , . �. � C Q f� IV� ITT� E F� � P 4 R �" ` � < . , . + TO : Sainfi PQUE Ci�� Courrcit � � - � F R� I� = C o m m i t�e e O C? FZNANCE, MANAGE`�lENT & PERSONNEL - � J`ames'. Schexbel : chaiFinan, _ � ' The Finance Committee; "at �the �meeting of �/�5/g� _ , recommended approval of the following: . 1_ Approva� of minutes frocQ meeting held 3uly 8, 1982.��w�j�� Y 2. Resolution amending the 1982 Parkino & Transit Specia2. Fund Budget. �dC..=_3'd� 3. Resolution revising the specificatiore for Tractor Operator I in the Civil Service Rules. �� " 4. Resolution amending the Civil�Service Rules with regard to layoff,���,;�',��'`�� ` 5. ,Resolution replacing the class speci£icat�ons for School Food Service • Supervisor I and School Food Service Supervisor II with ne�v specifications�T���� �. 6. Resolution approving the 1982-83 `taintenance Labor Agreement bet�aeen the City of St_ Paul and the Operative Plasterers and Cement Tiasons InteLna�ional Association, Local 20. 7. Resolution amending the I979 and 1980 Capital Ir.iprove�ent $ud�ets to provide County aid funding for certain street resurfacing projects. 8. Reso�ution approving the securities pledged by I�Testern State Bank, to protect funds of the City of St. Paul while held in said Bank. ��� 9 Continued discussion of Citizen Participation Budgets. 10. Resolution amending the 1982 Capital Budget for appropriation of funds for costs of relocation, land acquisition, design and construction of Broadway Market, t , 9. The committee�� budget proposed by Councilman Fletcher on a vote of�- it is hereby referred to the City Council for additional discussion, . deliberation, and action. ci��. .� . t. • SrL�i:,1'1•�i r�t.c;<,:c : :.11i�T I':ll:t., . ll�:ti:=�.•.�i:� i�iU= '►�:�yV 11 _ � . r ����4�� . " • OM O1: i2/1975 . _ . t�ev. : 9/8/76 , R�v. : 5/7/8Q ANATION OF I�MINISTRATIYE Ot�E�, Rev. : 4/3Q/81 RESOLUTIONS Afi1D QRI3IPIANCES . _ _.., Date: 4/2/82 ��� , w �.,D � �, aPR ��� � RECEtVED � . T0: GRE LEES, ETER HAM�yI��ipI���R (please route) �PR 13 ��82 Steve Thom son z9z_C�l 0 OFFICE pF 7HE DIRECTpR FRt�N: R � g DEPqRTMEN7 qF �ry�ANCE RE: Resolution Amending 1982 Capital Improvement Budget (��ar�mers-M�T SERvIC� �CTI(NI REQUESTED: RECE'jVE'D _ � l � Sig�ature JUL � - 1�oc � , MAYORS OFFICE Pt1RP0��.�ID RATIt�+lA1,E FOR TFIIS ACTION: . Amends 1982 Capital Budget for appropriation of $917,66U ($805,000 of Cit� funds inclusive of proceeds of sale of lOth & Jackson site) for costs of relocatior�, la�d acquis'ition, design and construction of Broadway Market. , �� FIt�INCIAL IM�ACT: • Contribution of $255,000 to supplement balance of disposition pr�ceeds set aside for Market relacation. Meets condition of $565,OOA UDAG awarded for Broadway Square Praject. A'i�A�ENTS: Resolution