278988 WNITE - CITY CLERK �" /�Q[�(`� PINK - FINANCE TT COl1I1C1I l J(��j CANARY.A DEPARTMENT C I TY OF SA I NT �� lJ L BI�E -- �MAYOR File N . Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Oot of Committee By Date PAGE 1 AN�DING TI� 1979 AND 1980 CAPITAL Il�ROVEN�NT BU.DGETS TO PROVIDE COLJNTY AID FUNDING FOR CEfZTAIN STREET RESURFACING PROJECTS BE IT 13ESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Pa,ul, upon recommendation af the Mayar and advice of the Long-Range Capital �nprov�ement Budget Committee, that the 1979 and 1980 Capital Il�rprovemerrt Budget, as heretofore adopted and amended by this Council, is hereby fl.irther amended in the followi.n� particulars: A. TRANSFERS - COUNI'Y AID FUNDS Pa.ge Yeax Lo� No• Pro ect Fran To Balance !+8 1979 S-3 Warner Rd. ROW (I�-840g) $ 59,7.25.00 - 0 - Sibley to Childs Rd. -- 1979 -- County Aid Balance $ 1,1�+.41 - 0 - -- 1q79 5-0209 Maxyland Ave. Overlay (1983) $ 60,26g.�+1 $ 60,269.41 (Prosperity to White Beax Ave.) 61+ 1980 5-0408 Warner Rd. ROW $334,000.00 $298,000.00 _. Sibley to Childs Rd. -- 1980 S-1�+o6 Clevel�nd Ave. Over].a4y (1982) $ 65,000.00 $ 65,000.00 (Randolph to Summit) -- 198o s-55�+3 naie st. (1983) $ll+�+,000.00 $14�+,000.00 (Hatch to Iarpenteur) -- 1g80 5-1211+ Raymond Avenue (1982) $125,004•00 $]25,000.44 (Univ�rs3ty to Cleveland) COUIVCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Levine [n Favor Maddox � � McMahon B snowaite� - __ Against Y — Tedesco � Wiison Adopted by Council: Date — Fotm Approv by City Attorney CertifiE:d Passed by Council Secretary BY By __ Approved by :Nayor: Date _ Approved y ayor for mission to Councii By _ _ - BY _ WHITE - CITY CLERK �Q(��� CANARY y DEPA TMENT � COUflC1I V� BLUE , -- ��MAYOR C�ITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. '' Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date PAGE 2 _ B. APPROPRIATION ANALYSIS Currerrt Amended Log No• Pro ect Appropriation Chan�e Appropriation -- County Aid Balance $ 1,11+4.�+1 -1,1�+.�+l - 0 - -- Warner Rd. ROW (19'79 �) $ 59,125.� -59,�5.00 - 0 - s-0209 Maryland Ave. Overla,y - 0 - -+�0,269.�+1 $ 60,269.�+1 s-0�+08 Warner Rd. ROW (1980 CA) $632,000.00 -334,0�0.00 $2g8,000.00 S-1�+06 Cleveland Ave. Overlay - 0 - +65,000,00 $ 65,000,00 5-55�+3 Dale St. Overlay +11+1+,000.00 $1�+,000.00 5-121�+ Raymond Avenue � 125,ppp.pp $125,ppp.pp BE IT FURT��E��D t an appropriate amount of 1984 County Aid be allocated to Warner Roa#�x��}� ��� ���l��a��,t� the 1984 Cap3tal Im�provemerrt Budget is ° � 1 �c�r�c� � �r� ti� �lf:=,: �r�. .aa; � adipted. =dat -� � 7 ' ����"'--�,. Ec"dt4 -Cf.�.l.4 al.'�_1»._ld::j APPROVED: Sigrce • /� APPROVED AS TO FtT1VDING: +A.�r--.,,,,,.,.;...,,,�.,w+�,. � . . .,,�, --4--. ___ � � � Grego B es, Budget Director Peter Hames, Director of Finance and ement Services �Jvt� COU[VCILME(V Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays ��' Hunt te.+ne�= - ' In Favor �G��L�%�� Maddox �� McMahon • sn�� __ Against BY � wilson JUL 2 0 1982 Form Appr v d by City t rney Adopted by Council: ` Date Certified s: d by Cou .i r ry BY JUL 2 �7 Appr y Mayor f m iBn to Council Ap :14ayor. — Bv — - — s PUBLtSHED J U L 31 1��� .�_ , . • DEPARTMENT: Publ3c Wor�ca���� M � ., • COMTACT: Mike Eggum , • ROUTING A�n EXPLANAT14N SHEET PNO�IE: 292-7153 GREEN SHEET _. For Administrative Orders, Reaolutions, Ordinsnces snd Agse.meat� ��/ v ROUTING ORDER•- ROUTE BY ASStfMFn NuMncR; � JUN � G � D TOR OF MANAGEMENT � MAYQRS OFFICE DIRECTOR, FINANCE & FI�T. SERVI�ES 7 tITY CLERK � �CTI4N �EAL cT n„�C iP A A('ATiOP1S FQR MAYnRAi Stl;NATIIRG); Approval by M�,yor for submission to Council. ��1AT WI i B A Nt vcn RY Ter.t�u; A�rrnw fl,u jN �nA -H e (NA? R A 4 (p �PAe AND ttATtON4t C)�; Financin� will be provided for resurfacing by City forces of two streets which are in need of' such work. �tNANCIAL. BLDCFTARY AND PFasnnraF� 1Manrre AurirTAATCn; The Waxner Road pro�ect has suffered repeated delays due to right-of-way acquisition eomplications; As a result, some 1979 and 1980 County Aid funds allocated to this pro�ect remain unspent. This resolution would allow enough 19'j9 and 1980 County Aid ftiinds to be released to finance two needed City - Forces pro3ects. When Warner Road comes closer to being a reality, County Aid flzizds could be allocated f"rom the appropriate flxture year. Th�re are no personnel impacts anticipated, \ ATTACHMENTS �LIST ALL ATTACHMENTS): � _ ]., Proposed Resolution. '$j,�F,p�'���, ��, ��F/ 0 9�Fo� `'� GFO 2. 3. F�2��'F� �� .,r ���o ti��� sF q�, o� ���F e�aee xev.c¢w neceae on ¢n.t o o �uppo � � C.i.trl At.toantys 1. Counei.0 Reeolu.t�on Reqwinedt X YFS NO i. RetoLu:tiont YfS NO Y. In�WCaxct RtQ;iiJr.tdt YF.S XNO Y. Iumuaanct Su��.i.c.i.t�.t1 YES A�0 3. tnsu�ance A.Ltacletd3 YES �XkO � � i / ' Aeviai�an tkl:4/29I82 \ � '^� '�'.. o��zcE o� �c�rr•. cx�e�z- co�r�rczx. " r---'��c: �'�� . � �.ti�.- .;_ I • W1 '(� [� • 1r r��l�;:i:a� r' . � � i V�li`•J - - •f�.� -. -..!`�;� _ Dcrte : July 16, 1982 '-.� ., - . . . � �. C O I� IV� 1TT� E F� E P O R�" ` � . � ; TO : Sain� Paut Cit� Council � � - . " FRQ � = Comr�nifi�ee on FTNANCE, MANAGE`�IENT & PERSO�INEL - � J`ames' Scheibel : choi�m c�n, . . � ' . The Finance Committee; �at the meeting of �/�5/g� _ , recommended approval of the following: _ ]._ Approva� of minutes frocu meeting held July 8, 1982.��1���i�� � 2. Resolution amendino the 1982 Parkino & Transit Speczal Fund $udget.�F����-�. .�.a��"-�<,.T 3. Resolution revising the specification for Tractor Operator I in the Civi� Service Rules. . t,,� ��� � 4. Resolution amending the Civil�Service Rules with regard to 1ayoff����,d:.� � 5. _Resolution replacing the class specificati.ons for School Food Service • Supervisor I and School Food Service Supervisor II with ne�a specifications������ �- 6. Resolution approving the 1982-83 ;Iaintenance Labor Agreement betcaeen the City of St_ Paul and the Operative Plasterers and Cement riasans Internatioilal Association, Local 20_ 7. Resolution amending the 1979 and 1950 Capital Ir�prove�;ent Budgets to provide County aid funding for certain street resurfacing pro}ects. 8. Resolution approving the securities pledged by ��'estern State Bank, to protect funds of the City of St. Paul while held in said Bank. 9 Continued discussion of Citizen Participation Budgets. 10. Resolution amending the 1982 Capital Budget for appropriation of funds for costs of relocation, land acquisition, design and construction of Broadway Market. � �9. The committee budget proposed by Councilman Fletcher on a vote of�- it is hereby referred to the City Council for additional discussion, . deliberation, and action. cr��. :_ . s. • 5r4�i:��r�t t�t.c;.�:; :.t�� • ; +T[:ll:t., . ll�ti:=.�.tti:� i�I(1' .�i�If