278987 WHITE - CITY CLERK � COUflCll 2i898'7 PINK -, FINANCE TT CRNARY - DEPARTMENT G I T•Y O F S A I N T �� lJ L BLUE y MAYOR File N . � ��o ncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The Mayor pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul does certify that there are available for appropriation total revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1982 budget; and WHEREAS, Council File 277510 adopted October 1 , 1981 , did establish certain Special Fund Policies; and WHEREAS, The Mayor recommends that the following additions be made to the 1982 budget (detail of all the changes are listed on the attached sheets separately.) CURRENT AMENDED FINANCING PLAN BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET 130 Parking & Transit Fund Activity 36100 to 36104 $773,284 $410,120 $1 ,183,404 NET CHANGE $410,120 SPENDING PLAN 130 Parking & Transit Fund Activity 36100 to 36104 $773,284 $410,210 $1 ,183,404 NET CHANGE $410,120 NOW, therefore be it RESOLVED that the City Council adopts the above (� -l6-�2' additions to the 1982 budget. a�pro�� B+ad�e{Di��r COUIVCILMEIV Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt .�wn+c+ In Favor Maddox �_ � McMahon __ A g81 Il S t BY � Showalter — � J e Bel s Steve Wellington wi�son �UL; 2, Q 19a� Form Approved y i ttor y Adopted by Council: Date — Certified as•e b C uncil S ret BY App v by 19avor. _�UL 2 2 �982 Approved r Submi t uncil BY - – — BY PUBUSH�D J U L 31 1982 ��8��� 1982 Budget Amendment Parking & Transit Fund #130 CURRENT AMENDED BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET FINANCING PLAN 130 Parking & Transit Fund Revenues from Parking Meters $350,710 $ -0- $ 350,710 Revenues from Jac kson/ Warner Lot Parking Fees 10,500 1 ,500 12,000 Revenues from Block 7A Parking Ramp 300,000 50,000 350,000 Revenues from Harriet/ Navy Island Parking Fee 10,000 -0- 10,000 Miscellaneous Revenues 4,680 17,550 22,230 T.S.M. Grant -0- 201 ,500 201 ,500 Use of existing unreserved Fund Balance 97,394 39,570 136,964 Balance 1/1/82 273,223 Use of existing Reserved Fund Balance -0- 100,000 100,000 Balance 1/1/82 ±�'�� ` 105,000 TOTAL FINANCING PLAN $773,284 $410,120 $1 ,183,404 NET CHANGE $410,120 6_�6 _�? � � �er; � �B P"��gti p"r;'`'`o -,�..�. BH,�/'`._. � �"�8��'7 CURRENT AMENDED BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET SPENDING PLAN 1 30 Parki ng & Trans i t Fund Activity 36100 General Parking & Transit EXPENSE CODE TITLE 219 Consultation Fees-Parking Facilities $ 15,000 $ -0- $ 15,000 279 Maintenance of Parking Facilities 15,000 (15,000) -0- 287 Shopper Parking Program 1�30,030 (121 ,803) 8,227 537 Adm. Cost Transfer to Special Fund 193,104 (71 ,000) 122,104 739 Improvement of Parking Facilities : -0- Masonic Temple 20,000 Donaldson Ramp Site 233,�800 253�800 SUB-TOTAL $353,134 $ 45,997 $399,131 36102 Block 7A Ramp 217 Engineering Fees $ 25,000 $(20,000) $ 5,000 222 Telephone 400 -0- 400 299 Agents Expense (Arts & Science Council ) 79,000 11 ,000 90,000 319 Repair & Maintenance 10,000 (5,000) 5,000 371 Electricity Charges 35,300 -0- 35,300 376 Water ( Fire supply) 300 (150) 150 898 Building Improvement Resealing of 7A Ramp -0- 100,000 100,000 SUB-TOTAL $150,000 $ 85,850 $235,850 ` V.: 6- 16 -�?��. ���,: . r. � ����:._���; ,/A' ��� 4 �� z�f-- - � ��y.��.�� .f'.� + � � ����� � CURRENT AMENDED - � BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET 36103 Jackson/Warner Lot EXPENSE CODE TITLE 299 Misc. Supplies $ 150 $ -0- $ 150 SUB-TOTAL $ 150 $ -0- $ 150 36104 St. Paul Comprehensive T.S.M. Program 288 Preferential Parking & Ride Sharing $ -0- $ 10,000 $ 10,000 249 Fringe Parking Program -0- 41 ,115 41 ,115 289 Shuttle Service Program 270,000 (13,000) 257,000 287 Shopper Parking Program -0- 59,158 59, 158 297 Skyway Signage Program -0- 8,000 8,000 389 Seventh Place Program -0- 10,000 10,000 359 Bicycle Storage Program -0- 2,000 2,000 299 Demonstration Program-Transit Improvement -0- 5,000 5,000 539 Transfer-Computerized Traffic Signal Program -0- 75,000 75,000 219 Evaluation of Program -0- 10,000 10,000 537 Adm. Cost Transfer to Special Funds -0- 71 ,000 71 ,000 SUB-TOTAL $270,000 $278,273 $548,273 TOTAL SPENDING PLAN $773,284 $410,120 $1 ,183,404 NET CHANGE $410,120 ..�, �,.;: �_.a��_._6 !_6 ^�-, _. �x?f� r�_.... .. � 1�`F-_ .z�_ ... .____ - _-��'---_., -3- �,�� �i. - �,�.� •:• . o�.�zc� o� �e�cr cz�� covvczx. r--;._ c�. - � .` . . �'789�'7 .- t,ti�.:. .,_ _ � • �� •......>.•• �.�_ . ;.L„',:.::.:. . - '�! �`�:� Date : July 16, 1982 � :� � _ _ • � �. � COi� I� tTT� E E� EPORT ` � . . . . . TO : Scrinfi PQUt Ci�y CouRCii � _ _ - FR Q I� = Commit�ee OCI FZNANCE, MANAGE�I.ENT & PERSONNEL - . - J`am.es' Scheibel : ch a i Fm ct n, . � - The Finance Committee; �at the �meeting of '7/15/g2 . , recommended approval of the following: . ].. Approva� of minutes frora meeting held July 8, 1982.������ - � 2. Resolution amendino the 1982 Parkino & Transit Special. Fund Budget.��.?'� 3. Resoluti,on revising the specification for Tractor Operator I in the Civil Service Rules. � " 4. Resolution amending the Civil�Service Rules with regard to 2ayoff ���� � S. .Resolution replacing the class specificat�ons for School Food Service • Supervisor I and School Food Service Supervisor II with new specifications.� � ,�;Q� 6. Resolution approving the 1982-83 `taintenance Labor Agreement betcaeen the City of St_ Paul and the Operative Plasterers and Cement Tiasans YnternaCional Association, Local 20. � 7_ Resolution amending the 1979 and 1980 Capital Ir�prove�ent Budgets to provide County aid funding for cer[ain street resurfacing projects. 8. Resolution approving the securities pledged by ���estern State Bank, ta protect ' funds of the City of St. Paul while held in said Bank. 9 Continued discussion of Citizen Participation Sudge[s_ I0. Resolution amending the 1982 Capital Budget for appropriation of funds for costs of relocation, land acquisition, design and construction of Broadway Market. r �9. The committee budget proposed by Councilman Fletcher on a vote of�- it is hereby referred to the City Council for additional discussion, . deliberation, and action. �r�. .� . !. • SrL�t:��rrl r�t.c.:.,:r ' S:1tiiT[':lt:t.. :tt�;�:=.S�.�i:� ijiU' _:y,-„ . • (� . � DEPARTMENT: PED � . � CONTACT: °m eyer ROUTING Ar�n EXPLANNTI�N SHEET PNOt1E: 292-6090 � ' GREEN SHEET - (," / F'or Ado�inistratine Orders, Resolutioas, Ordinances aad Agreements R4UTiNG ORDER - ROUTE BY ASSI6NE� NUMHER: 1 . Tom Meyer 1'�""' �. �RECTOR OF MANAGEMENT 2. Steve Wellin t 7. r�voR 3• 8• DIRECTOR� FINANCE 8 MGT� SERVICES � ''�'L'!'1'�-�9RNE�f 9• CITY CLERK 5• BUDGET D I RECTOR -"'� T r- -- " _ __�.'�...�.9�r�. _ ACTION REQLIESTED �CLIP AL� L�CATI�NS FOR MLAYORAL SiGNATURE); ��UN v _ ��� Signature i:�:��'��O�eS ��0=3�:� I�IHOT WI B A -HI VED BY TAKiNG ACTI�N ON TFIE ATTAGHEt_1 NLeTERIALS �PLIRPOSE ANn RATtONALE)�; Purpose: Amends 1982 Parking & Transit Special Fund Budg�t. Rationa]e: 1 .} To establish a budget for a new program called St. Paul Comprehenstve T,S.M. Program for which a Federal Grant has been sanctioned and T.S.M. Activities were approved by the City Council File 277847. 2.) To include spending plan for additional; items not budgeted before - A.) •Resealing of Block lA Parking Ramp; B.) Demolition & improvement of ponaldson's Parking Ramp site. 3.) To have more reaTi�stic Budget for 1982�. Both Financirtg a�d EiN�,�iAL, BLlI10ETARY AND PERSONNE�L IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: spending plans hav� been revised to reflect current estimates. Net Change $410,120 both Financing & Spending Plans. � ATTACHMENTS �LIST ALL ATTACHMENTS): 1, Council Resolution, �2, 1982 Amended Budget. 1 3 . . ¢aee nev.cew ne.ceea on o e o 4W�pon,t.cng cumen.ta � . Gi.ty A,Ltonn¢.y: 1. Counc.i.l. Re,ao�u.ti.on Requ.ined? �(yES NO 1. Reeo.P�►,Li`on? YES NO 2. Ineunance Req:u�.edf Y�S NO 2. Inaw�ance Sa64s.c.i.ant? VES NO 3. Ineunanc¢. A,LtachedY YES NO Ravisian OM:4/29/82