278986 WHITE - CITV CLERK A►i�}�/��� PINK - FINANCE COUI�CII w %�i� CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L BLUE - MAVOR File NO• ' � Co ncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That the following securities $200,000 U. S. Treasury Notes, 14.125%, due March 31, 1984 $100,000 U. S. Treasury Notes, 12.125%, due September 30, 1984 $100,000 U. S. Treasury Notes, 10.375%, due May 15, 1985 $100,000 U. S. Treasury Notes, 7.625%, due November 15, 1987 pledged aa collateral to protect deposits of public funds of the City of Saint Paul with Western State Bank, St. Paul, hereby is authorized, ratified and approved, such having been done in conformance with the applicable statutes of the State of Minnesota. COUNCILMEN ��,, Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Fletcher Finance and Mgmt. Services - Treasury Division "�°'�"'" [n Favor Masanz �, Nicosia scheibe� _ __ Against BY �' �adacr.� Wilson Adopted by Council: Date JUL 2 (l 14R2 Form Approved b Cit t cney Certified P s b unc� S r BY � ,, . I�1 r by Mavor: at JUL 2 2 1QS}9 A by Ma or f Sub sio to C uncil BY gY + �� PUBLISHED J U L 31 1982 � �.��� �i. ��,.� �• . o�k-zc� o� �Fxr•, c��cY covvczx. + �r,--:-.• ;, `j;% . . �. �... =:�,- . . - ��� ,:....-.,.-. ��: � �g� , �r^„_.:,,:. . � Date : July 16, 1982 x � ' � _ - ':!r. ..•4 _ ''�'" .� - . . _ � �. CUI�ii� lTT� E f� EPOR�"' ` � . . � TO : Suin� Paul Ci�� CouRCii � � - � FR � I�I = Comt-nit�ee OI3 FZNANCE, MANAGE�lENT & PERSO�INEL - J`ames'. Scheibel : choi�-m�n, . � ' . The Finance Committee; �at the �meeting of '7/15/82 . , recommended approval of the following: r � . . 1. Approv�� of minutes from meeting held July 8, 1982 i�C�� r 2. Resolution amendino the 1982 Parkino & Transit Speczal Fund $udget.�_���.�.7 3. Resoluti.on revising the specification for Tractor Operator I in the Civil Sezvice Rules_ . �,Q��°�j ' 4. Resolution amending the Civil�Service Rules with regard to layoff��.:��<+� F 5. .Resolution replacing the class specificat�ons for School Food Service � -7, • Supervisor I and School Food Service Supervisor II with new specifications. �?��� �'.�_. 6. Resolution approving the 1982-83 `taintenance Labor Agreement bet��een the City of St_ Paul and the Operative Plasterers and Cement rlasans Ynternatioital Association, Local 20. �''�'R9 - 7. Resolution amending the 1979 and 19s0 Capital Ir�prove�ent Budgets to pravide County aid funding for certain street resurfacing pro}ects. 8. Resolution approving the securities pledged by ��Testern State Bank, to p�-otecC funds of the City of St. Paul while held in said Bank. 9 Continued discussion of Citizen Participation BudgeCs_ 10. Resolution amending the 1982 Capital Budget for appropriation of funds for costs of relocation, land acquisition, design and construction of Broadway Market. � � 9. The committee��g budget proposed by Councilman Fletcher on a vote of�r- it is hereby referred to the City Council for additional discussion, . deliberation, and action. Cl'i. .: . 1. • SY".4�L:V"i"r! ?�I.U;1:. ; ' ::1fiiT['_\l:t., tl�ti:�.:.�.�i:� i�tU` �yV Il , _ , 6-28-82 �B���DEPARTMENT: Finance - Treasury CONTACT: Gary Norstrem �'OUTING aNn EXPLANATION SHEEt pyONE: 7oi6 IGREEN SHEET) ����0� For administrative Orders, Resolutions, �rdinaaces aad Agreements R EC EIVE D �OUTING �RDER — ROUTE BY ASSICNED NUMBER: . J UI_ 1 1q82 ! CTOR OF MANAGEMENT CITY ATTORNEY 3 R DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR DIRECTOR, FINANCE & MGT. SERVICES . � TY ATTORNEY . �_ CITY CL�RK RECEIVED 3UDGcT DIRECTOR � f II�L � �I�O; �� MAYORS OF��� �: A[TIQN RE9UESTED �CLIP ALL L�CATIONS FOR MAYORAL SI6NATURE); �� The pessage of the attached resolution approves the securfties pledged by Western Stete Bank, St. Paul, to protect funds of the City of Seint Paul while held in said Bank. Y�HAT WIL B ACHI V n BY TAKtN, A TtON ON TH ATTA H T1 MAT RiA S �P �RPOS �ND RATIONA E)�; MSA 118 requires collateral to protect public funds and sets out a procedure to be followed in the handling of said collateral including the requirement of approval by the governing body. ' � R�CEIVED .�.. �IUN 3 0198� FIMANGIA . BLD+ETARY AND P R ONN IMPA -TS ANTI -i�AT n: OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR None. � DEPAR7PJIENT OF FINANCE � AND MANAGEMENT S6RVICES - - - ---- ___ - ATTACHMENTS �LIST ALL ATTACHMENTS): I, � Proposed Council Resolution. Z. 3. . N ease -t2v.ca�v nec¢ae.c.ty on a.t;ta ent o .t e 6o auppon.Lcng eumer.La pe pn,t - Ci.ty A.ttonn¢�lc 1. Coune.f.f. ReaoP.u�t.i.on R¢qwi.ted? YES NO 1. Reeo.�u.ti.onY YFS NO 2. Inswance Req;wced? YES NO 2. Ineunance Su6�.i.ei.ent? S�ES NO 3. Ir.,aunanc2 A�tached? VES .NO