279252 WNITE - GITV CLERK ��(��� PINK - FINANCE COUTICIl J CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PAIT L BLUE - MAVOR File NO. ounc 'l Resolution Presented By � � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The Mayor pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul , does certify that there are available for appropriation total revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1982 budget; and L,IHEREAS, Council File 277510, adopted October 1 , 1981 , did establish certain Special Fund Policies; and WHEREAS, The Mayor recommends that the following additions be made to the 1982 budget: FINANCING PLAN Current Budget Chan e� Amended Budget 925 911 Emergency Communication Center 34T14 Fund Balance 0 259,535 259,535 Net Change 0 259,535 259,535 SPENDING PLAN 925 911 Emergency Communication Center 34114-219 Fees - Other 0 5,160 5,160 34114-363 Paper, Forms, etc. 0 2,875 2,875 34114-892 Architectural Fees 0 50,282 50,282 34114-898 Building Improvements 0 99,252 99,252 34114-348 Other Specialized Equipment 0 101 ,966 101 ,966 Net Change 0 259,535 259,535 Pdow, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the City Council adopts the above additions to the 1982 budget. APPROVED: /c , 1;2-�� �� — Z'�Z Bu get i ctor COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Fletcher � Pol i ce �evi�e [n Favor �IlFasatrr .�lieeeie ' Scheibel _ � Against BY �� � Tedesco Wilson SEP 2 3 1982 Form roved b City At ney Adopted by Council: Date c Certified a-s d y Counc� Sect By � By, -r�� t�pproved y : vor. Date Ep 2 7 1�2 Appr e y Mayor for u is ion to Council By _ BY PUBLISHED Q�� 2 19�� ������ . DEPARTMENT OF POLICE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER-OFFICE COMMUNICATION ��t������� AUG 2 61gg2 T0: �reg Blees, Budget Director M�1YOi�S t��6=�C� FROP�: Lieutenant John McCab `�' SUBJECT: Council Resolution Amendinq 1982 Police Emergency Fund Budget DATE: August 20, 1982 In order to progress on the 911 Emergency System, it is necessary to set up budget figures for the amounts estimated to be needed in 1982. The following information may help to explain the requests on the council resolution: 219 Fees Operator training 5,160 363 Paper, Forms Supplies 2,875 892 Arch. Fees CAD design 33,000 Eng.fees for remodeling 10,748 Consultation on telecom- munication consoles and modification of police consoles 5,532 Consultation on E911 equip. 1 ,002 50,282 898 Remodeling RemodelinQ Comm. Center 9�,252 848 Specialized Equipment Telecommunication consoles and modification of police consoles 22,968 E-911 Equipment 78,998 101 ,966 Total 259,966 We request that you approve this council resolution to adopt these changes for the Police 911 Emergency Fund. PM 73-65 �9?�2 • CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF TH� CITF COIINCIL ���I MP ��•�����•De{ O Q f e :September 16, 1982 �si-��^ �.� C4MM (TTEE REPORT TO = Sqint Paul City Council F R� M : C o m m it t e e O h Finance, Management F� P�rsonne 1 C H A i R Jim Scheibel Resolution No. 13250 Committee Approved. CTTY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAIN'i'PAUL.MINNESOTA 55102 ��� �� 2�925� - . DEPARTMENT: Police ROUTING AND E}CPLADTATION SHEET • CODI',CACT: /YleCA � (GREEN SHEET) PHONE: - s.t' � �'or Administrative Orders, Resolutions, Ordinances and Agreements � .-16� R�ZJ'!�'ING ORDER - ROUTE BY ASSIGNED NUMBER: ' .. . II.IRECTAR. OE MAIJAGEMENT,_. �. MAYOR DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �$�P�IF, "" . . S . CITY ATTORNEY �� L BUDGET DIRECTOR � �. ACTION REQUESTED (CLIP ALL. LOCATIONS FOR MAYORAL SIGNATURE) : A City Council Resolution authorizing additions to the 1982 Police 911 Emergency Corranunication Center Fund Budget, 34114. WHAT WILL BE AiCHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS (PURPOSE AND i2ATIONALE)?: Proposed expenditures and receipts for the Police Training Fund (34114) were set too low when the budget was originally prepared. Amending that budget will bring it in line with the actual activity occurring and planned for the fund for 1982. FINADiCIAL, BUDGETARY AND P�RSONNEL IMPACTS ADTTTCIPATED: The actual balance of the fund currently exceeds proposed expenditures for 1982. In addition, in the requested amendments, receipts (financing plan) exceed proposed eapenditures (spending plan) . There is no impact from this request on personnel . ATTACHMENfiB (LIST ALL AC N re ' " 1. � �fo ♦irv 2. 3. NO'PE: Please review necessity'for attachment of the �ollowing supporting d�cuments. Department: City Attorney: 1. Council Reso,l.ution Required? �es No 1. Resolution? �Yes i No 2. Insurance Required? Yes ✓No 2. Insurance Sufficient? Y��No 3. Insurance Attached? Yes ✓No � Revision OM:4/29/82