279247 , - _ -
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Council File No.279247—By Chris Nirnsia—
RESOLVED. That upon'the petition of
Arland Atneoxn,et al,the portioROf public
street hereinafter described,be and the same
hereby is vacated and discontiaued as a pubiic
" Commencing at the southeast rnmer ot
Lot 1T, Block S. "Bohland's Edgcumbr
Hills" according to the recorded piat
_ thereof, Ramsey County, Minnesota;
thence southwesterly along the southerlv
line ol said Lot 1T a distance o(1S.I0 feet to
the point of beginning; thence mntinue �
southwesterly along said southerly line
24.65 feet thence deflect to the left 119
degrees 34 minutes 16 seconds a distance of �
12.33 feet;thence noRherly to the point of
� beginning;
subject expressly to the following conditions
and reservations:
1. 11fat the vacation be subject to ail the
tem�a and rnnditions of Chapter 130.coditIed
Na�ch 1,18e1,of the St.Paul Legislative Code,
u amended.
Y.That the vecated areaz deseribed herein
� shall automatically revert to the Citq of SL
_Paul tor no mmpensation In t6e event the pm'
sent buildtn�is removed tor any reason trom
thfs area. , -
3.T6at t6e petltioner pay to t6e City;SOp.pp-
for Administ�stive rnsts.
4.That the petitioner fumish the CIty mith a
bond in the amount ot=S,ppp.pp.�d in addi-
tion t�ereto,by acceptance of the t�nyy�d
conditfons of this vacation aQsees ta indem-
nity, detmd and save 6armiets.tbe Cit�ol
Salnt Paul.ib officen and employees trom all .
suitr.actiom�or cla[ma o[anY character.in-
dudins,but not llmited to,a claim bnought
baa+ue of any ioluriet.or damasa recelved
ur sustatned bl aRY D�non.Penooa or proper
t7.�aocount at this yqtioq or beca�ue ot
anY act or omission.��leet or misconduct ot
said petiUo�r, or because ot an�da1ID or
llabillt�uisi�trom ot based oo any vlola-
Uon or an�law or tetulatlon made in aaoi�
da�x with the L�v,whether bl t6e petitloner
or any ot hls agmta or employen,
Adopted by the Councu Sept�p�21,19a2. '
APProved September Y3.19tY.
(October Y,198�.
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Mayor Latimer
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To; Victor Tedesco, Cou��cil Presider.t
and Members of the City Council
Fram: J. William Donovan
Valuation and Assessment Engineer
Da.te: August 5, 1982
Subject; Petition of Arland Atneosen for the vaca�ion of a portion
of Edgcumbe Road thats adjacent to Lot 17, Block 5,
Bohland's Edgcumbe Hills Addition
Public Hearing - August 31, 1982
Tne petitioner, Arla.nd Atneosen, nas requested this vacation in order to
eli.minate the existing encroachmen� of his garage on the public right-o°way.
The Boa.rd of Zonin� Appeals in gran�ing a va,riance to this property on October
28, 1980, also required Mr. Atneosen to obtain the vacation as a condition of
the variance granted. The garage, constructed in 1962 encroa.ches onto the
Edgcumbe Road right-of-way by a total of 110.6 square feet. The site and
surrounding area is zoned R-1 Sin�le Fami7�y Residence.
The Department of Planning and Economic Development has reviewed the proposal
and ob�ects to the vacation. They state tha.t Edgcumbe Roa.d is identified i.n
the Comprehe:.siJe Plan as a trail. Trails provide for recreational �:ravel,
such as plea.sure driving, hiking, and bicycling. The flLtl right-of�way of
Edgcumbe Road is needed for this fla.nction. They suggest that the land be
leased for 10 years and that the garage be moved by the end of the time period.
The Departments of Public Works and Cor.ununity Services have reviewed the pro-
posed vacation and ha.ve been advised of the comments of the De�.rtment of
Planning and Economic Dev�lopment. They report no objections to the vacation
for the life of the structure 3ue to the small size of the encroach.ment.
There were no objections, recommendations or restrictions received from any
other City depa.rtment or utility company in response to rqy �letter of inqui_ry
ser�t them on April 29, 1982.
In view of the foregoing, I recommend that the vacation be approved subject to
the follawing terms and conditions:
1. That the description of the portion of said street to be
vacated be described as fol.lows;
Cammercing at the southeast corner of Lot 17,
Biock 5, "Bohlan�'s Edgctunbe Hi11s" according to
the recorded plat thereof, Rar.isey County, Minnesot�.;
thence southwesterly al�r.g the southerJy line of
said Lot 17 a dista.r.ce cf 15.10 feet to �the point of
begi�:ning; thence continue soutYiwesterl�y al�ng said
sou�herl,,v line 2�+.65 feet; thence def_lect to the lef`t
119 degrees 3�+ minu+es 1"o seconds a distance of 12.33
feet; thence ^orther];� to the point of beginning.
, - _2_
�� That the vacation be sub�ect to all the terms and conditions
of Chapter 130, codified March l, 1981, of the St. Pa,ul
Legislative Code, as amended.
2�3! That the vacated areas described herein shall autamatically
revert to the City of St. Pa.ul for no compensation in the
event the present buildin� is removed for ar�y reason fY�om
this area.
� ,jt! That the petitioner pay to the City $500.00 for Administrative
� �. Tha.t the petitioner flzrnish the City with a bond in the amount
' of $5,000.00, and in addition thereto, by acceptance of the
terms and conditions of this vacation agrees ta indemnif�, defend
and save harmless the City of Saint Paul, its officers and
employees from all suits, actions, or claims of ar�y charactex,
including, but not limited to, a claim brou�ht because of any
in�uries, or damages received or sustained by ar�y person, persons
or property, on account of this vacation; ar because of any act
or omission, neglect or misconduct of said petitioner; or be-
cause of any claim or liability arising from or based on any
violation or any law or regulation made in accordance with the
law, whether by the petitioner or arLy of �s agents or employees.
cc: Mayor George Latimer
. .
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