279246 WH17E - CITV CLERK -3'� /�•)A� PI 1� . -'�'INANCE COUnCIl y � (-� C�ARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL ~r �6 BLUE - MAYOR File NO• RETURN COPY TO VALUATIONS • • DNISION � Coun il Resolution � � , Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS , the Council of the City of 5aint Paul by Resolution C.F. 278941, adopted July 6, 1982, did vacate that portion of public street located in the City of Saint Paul, County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, legally described as follows: All that part of Hazelwood 5treet lying Northerly of a line run Northeasterly from the Southeast corner of Lot l, Block 1, Phalen Heights to the most Southerly corner of Tract G Registered Land Survey No. 196 and Southerly of a line described as follows: Commencing at the Northwest corn�r of Tract B, said Registered Land 5urvey No. 186, thence South, along the Westerly line of �aid Registered Land Survey, for 300.12 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described• thenc� West, at right angles to last described line, for 53 . 00 feet; thence Northwesterly, along a tangential curve concave to the Northeast and having a central angle of 16° 47 ' 29" and a radius of 45.00 feet for an arc distance of 13.19 feet to the Westerly line of said street and there terminating. and WHEREAS, said vacation reserved to the City of Saint Paul and other public instrumentalities, public utility easements contained there•in and thereon; and WHEREAS, the Council has been requested by Ear1 A. Brown Develop- ment, Inc. to waive said retained easements, and the affected City Depart- ments, Northern States Power Company, and Northwestern Bell Telephone Company have filed written certificates of intended non-use with the office of the City Clerk, which Certificates are incorporporated herein by reference; and WHEREAS, the affected City Departments and other public instrumentali- ties have consented to waive the retained easements in the vacated property as more fully set forth in their Certificates of intended non-use as COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fletcher Levine In Favor Finance and N�na ement Services Masanz � Nicosia scheibei __ Against BY — Director Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary � �r2�_�� By� c tapproved by Mavor: Date _ App d by Mayor for S b is on to Council By _ _ B WHITE - C�TV GLERK ���{��� PIN,K � � FINANCE ` C�ANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAITL COURCII BLUE - MAVOR File NO. RETURN COPY TO VALUATIONS DNIS NQUncil esolution . _ Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date -2- as heretofore mentioned. NOTnT THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul, pursuant to Section 228.06 of the 5aint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, does hereby waive, release and extinguish the retained easements in the vacated public streets as specifically set forth in this resolution. BE I:T FURTHER RESOLVED, that the above mentioned waiver a�d xelease of said easement are for the City of Saint Paul and those persons for whom the City has reserved easeme�sts in said vacated property for the installation, maintenance and operation of any sewer, water, gas, or elec- tric main, pipe or conduit of public instrumentality. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays � Requested by Department of: Fietcner Finan and Management Services �evine [n Favor Masanz � N�cos�a Director Scheibel _ __ Against BY �bdesso. '� Wilson Adopted by C ouncil: Date SEP 2 11982 Form Approved by City Attorney Certified P _ •e ounc. ec y �g--�" --�t' w}G� ,�'� '�Z�°"`�'�� B� ` App d by Mayor for mi sion to�ouncil Appr v by :Vlavor: a — BY — — B PUBUSHED OCT 2 198Z w� ' • ' • o ( `�� � ������ TIiE HONORABLE MAYOP, AND MI2;EERS OF T?�.E COUNCIL OF TtiE CERTIFICATE OF CITY OF SAIh'T PALTL INTENDED NON-USE The undersigned }�erehvi certify tt-_at they do not intend to exerc�se �heir i_t±li�;� easement ri;,hts in tiie follokiao described :eal*_; : All that part of Hazelwood Street lying Northerly of a line run Northeasterly from the Southeast corner of Lot 1, Block 1, Phalen Heights to the most Southerly corner of Tract G Registered Land Survey No. 196 and Southerly of a line described as foll�as: Co�nencing at the Northwest corner of Tract B, said Registered Land Survey No. 186, thence South, along the Westerly line of said Registered Land Survey, for 300.12 feet tro the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence West, at right angles to last described line, for 53.00 feett thence North- westerly, along a tangential curve concave to the Northeast and having a central angle of 160 47' 29" and a radius of 45.00 feet for an arc distance of 13.19 feet to the Westerly line of said street and there terminating. �ated , e27 , 19� � , � V. Director of Pu�lic ►•)o City of Saint Paul `. General Manager, Water �epartr.�er.� Cit�� of Saint Paul Northern States Power Company r� sy (SEAL) Northwestern Bell Telept;one Company By (SEAL) = . ������ . 'T'�..: :;O:iCRAB� K�'.v=. �+'t� 2�%tr�,� �= `^r� �CL""tC�, �F T.�'�'. CER�IFICATB Q" ��:`' 0? SA i?�'!' PF LZ iNT�fiDID NON-USE mhe t:.�ce�s'_g-ed here�o;; ce�ti;- �:ia;, tney d� .,.,,. �::te�3 �o exercis� �he•�: u�i?ity easeme::t :�ghts �:� ihe i'cllowir.g desc.T�bed realty: All that part of Hazelwood Street lying Northerly of a line run Northeasterly from the Southeast corner of Lot 1, Block l, Phalen Heights to the most Southerly corner of Tract G Registered Land Survey No. 196 and Southerly of a line described : as follows: Commencing at the Northwest corner of ZYact B, said Registered Land Survey No. 186, thence South, aZong the Westerly line of said Registered Land Survey, for 300.12 feet to the point of beginning of th� line to be described; thence West, at right angles to last described line, for 53.00 feet; thence North- westerly, along a tangential curve concave to the Northeast and having a central angle of lbo 47' 29" and a radius of 45.00 feet for an arc distance of 13.19 feet to ths Westerly line of said street and there terminating. na�ea 3 , Ig�� Directer of Public iiozk.s Ci�y Or .581'JL �8L'.�.. ' ,, General Man _ , Water epa.rtment �ity of Sain� Paul :�orthern S�•.ates Pa�rrer Campa�y By (S'BAL) Porthxestern Be11 Telephone Ca�spa�y B3r - (SBAL) �: .. -- � �'� . ��J�r�� ,w ^.':.. ::Oti.r.:.n?:.E M�"::=. n?tT t�'EK=.r...r"'.� �: ��.'�. ��L�'�I��.. �'� TtL CERmIFICAT$ �! .._.��� e� sh�� �F��L I?VTExDED NON-tSSE `:�C.' i:.^.Cn�-S��'°'� Ile�'COy' .^.e�`�.�j' �.`3$� tney dc ^.�C'v l.ste^Q `..O exercise :,he_: 4��.,+Vy easeme:t :ights '_^ �he fcllaving desc.Tibed realty: Al1 that part of Hazelwood Street lying P�ortherly of a line run Northeasterly from the Southeast corner of Lot 1, Block 1, Phalen Heights to the most Southerly corner of Tract G Registered Land Survey No. 196 and Southerly of a line described as follows: Commencing at the Northwest corner of Tract B, said Registered Land Survey No. 186, tt►ence South, along the Westerly line of said Registered Land Survey, for 300.12 feet to the point of beginning of th� line to be described; thence West, at right angles to last described line, for 53.00 feet; thence North- westerly, along a tangential curve concave to the Northeast and having a central angle of 160 47' 29" and a radius of 45.00 feet for an arc distance of 13.19 feet to the Westerly line of said street and there terminatinq. Dated �cl � 19 �-' Director o.° Pnb1=c Works Ci'..}' Or ,581�� �8L'Z , General Manager, iia:.er Bepartment � City of Saia� ?Yaul :; � :�orthera S�`•�ates Prnrer Campan�y BY ) Northxestern Be11 Telephone Caaspe,.r�y � �� � B� �SSAL) �,,,� .r . ��aJ►r�.�r�� . . � - STATE OF MINNESO'rA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) On this �O_ day of � 19_, before me, a notary public within and f r said County, eared�os�[�/� �l� �flscafen� to me personally app . personally kriown, who, being bx me duiy e�rora. did say that he is thes�f PQ�-��i�isia� Ge�e,�aL�AG��f NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY, a corporation, named in the foregoing �S�'��t' te , .� •a and that said instrume�t was signed in behalf of said cozporation by au t hority of its Board of Directors and aaid 7ose,�� �.(�. ASC����/ acknowledgeci said instzum�'nt to be the free act and deed of said corporation. - . ,niw°�n' �� . ,��[.(�/ ��' BETN A.DRElS � I hOTARr PUBUC-MiNNESOTA �J,��i1n� hs�+ ��s�,, �'dASHINGTONCdt;NTY � � ublic County. Minn. � - ,;�.��i,uss�cn�.����res Sept 24,1988 2 NOtZTy • ,��..vv."VYrWVVVVVdNV�VbWV�y / ^� My commission expiree • p� 0 p STATE OF MSDID7ESOTA ) ) ss. • ; co� oF �s� ) � . On this .___ day of • ?9 , before me, a notary public within and far 8aid County, . - _,_._ to me ,�.: persor►ally appeare�d did say that personally lcno�wn. who being by me duly swozz�. he is the of NORTHWESTERN B� T���� �plvlpANy, a corporation., named in the foregoing inBtr�e�t• � that the seal affixed to said instruiaent is the cerpo rate seal of said corporation, and that said instrument was sigr►ed and sealed in behal£ of said corporation by authority of its Board ackno�wledged of Directors and said ration. aaid instrument to be the free act and aeed of said cozpo Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My coramission expi.ses 2 �. � � - �'�92�� .___ . _ � - STATE OF MINNESOTFI ) ) ss. COUNTSC OF RAMSEY ) On this �_, day of � 19 , before me, a notary publi� within and for said County, _____ to me personally appeared personally known, who, beinq b�C ma �wly e��• did say that he is the of NORTSERN STATES p�� CpMpANy, a corporation, named in the foregoing instrument. and that the seal affixed to said instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation. and that said instrume3zt w$$ e.�.gt�e� and sealed in behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directors and said acknowledged said instrum+�nt to be the free act and deed of said corporation. Notary Puh1iC. RamseY CountY. Minn. My co�.ssion expirea STATE OF MINDtESOTA ) ) ss. ' ; CO'JNTY OF RAMSEY ) " ��� �t,t.y�. On this_� day of �_.._� 19�, before me, a notary public within and fcr 'd County, to me .� personally appearecl + R E L�Qer - did say that � � personally knoMn'i. who being by me duly sworn, � he is the ni stri ct Mana er-Di st�but_,,;on a� N�RTHWE3TERN B� TE��� � sation. named���.n the foregoing i.natrumant, and � CpMpANY, a corpo . rate seal � that the seal affixed to said instrument is the corpo of said corporation, arid that said instrument was signed ana sealed in behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board nrnnrat'i on ackIIO�►ledged of Directors and said � r�tion. said instrument to be the free act and deed of said corpo ��.4.,G°�GZ� � ���z��---�-a� Notary Public, Ramsey CcuntY. Minn. Nty commission expirea � - �9 �� 2 ��„�.._ dtTa��nzct cNtltI11JQR12 f-� ` � �1••1•_ �•IM>�ESOtA �9" h0'? �'` r.^ti'."�' rOU^1TY ►,1•• •otmi:!io- ez�ires PJwY 21, 1989 - +o-.._..,�._ ' ��J�v�t� "-�~^... _.y. :;C'�C:.i�:i�E K::'0=, rlt� 2�'�a`.;.._�;� �: `n:� CGU�1C�, ��' �'!� CERmIFICAT$ O" ��:�. OF SAI'�?' ?�LZ IN'PSICDID NON-USE mhe Lade�s�.�-ed he�e'oy ce:�'_;• �:�v tney dc �.... ��'.e^3 �o exercise �he'_r ;:�'_�:�y eeseme:t ri.ghts '_^ zne fcLv�oi:ig descr�bed realty: All that part of Hazelwood Street lying Northerly of a line run NoYtheasterly ; � from the Southeast corner of Lot 1, Block 1, Phalen Heights to the most Southerly corner of Tract G Registered Land Survey No. 196 and Southerly of a line described as follows: Commencing at the Northwest corner of ZYact B, said Registered Land Survey No. 186, thence South, along the Westerly Iine of said Registered Land Survey, for 300.12 feet to the point of beginning of th� line to be described; thence West, at right angles to last described line, for 53.00 feet; thence North- westerly, along a tangential curve cancave to the Northeast and having a central angle of 160 47' 29" and a radius of 45.00 feet for an arc distance of 13.19 feet � to the Westerly line of said street and there terminating. natea , la , 19�� D irectcr of Pu�lic Works Ci�y or Sainz Pati:. ' Genera.l I�anager, NaLer Begaxtment � �ity of Sain� ?aul :�orthern S`�.ates P�rer Cam � PanY 3 BY (SBAL) Nort2ivesLern Be11 elephone Caape�.n�y ���) �., �. . � ��� �i �� �s,,M„��,, ��q�$� '. r ��,,!�'�.� �`� �4°1 ��4 q�idapl�' �,�'�':.�,-��°� �r.^> �� . �. �°!�.' �T. �+��11��` ,s �� �»� � �� ..�:. ��� . w!����. �'�' � � �;a,� wr��p4� � ,�x �:;♦ .�.�; ��i q, 4�i i � @ 4�: �� ' � .s. �;��:j �� ��;; .�: ��;Y::: � �, +�.r. �� ._ , '�.�r�: � ` .- , :. •m: -wp•� �w+t�a• �4r���uf�%�ci � ��7 -�0��* +eM� A 4t��i ol��oiA � �R�L 1 '��114�i lo i�i�Q�q1 m ' °�A��4a t��Y'PyP�oaoee.rw �qi�pW�:i'P�N�!�"�.�41 I� � ��4'*.�a,+.oo..�m� �+a tw�-���wat,Y �` �u � ��r.�i:�r:���.�a d+�rw.a.n.�r.'riq�•�#�am - ��myx.saa��a o��w-�o,. -��++Pil�.�t 'alr,'�R!rP '. ��'i� ����a��= � �+��+q�'irp63'��'�W�1f ��i;��•�vatv�v�� ����:�����. :�.�, ::�;„,:��•�...�va. , ���tt�i�Y a►4rwas�n. ���P��ot.�� �rG!�9i�M�7�f1'LT'%o�WP ���ti�i!?'9FJ���P�.6i.A .9t la'�3l+t���I�V P�t�Rs -.wK.agt�a�+,se�n000 weo ppmiaq ■ �1�'jF�i�r4iroN�47 7�T 00'i4 2O) '�11 Po4ir+r+V Wt��i4�V i�'iaK �41�Vo41�P�q ot�WI�30�N '�1�9 fo i��1 q»�i ZPOOL�I�S Pw'1 V� V!� Jo�ff �!1 ��oi�'��S�Ri'9tt'oN�+�B Va'I P��11�H PS�$1�L.Jo taa�ao �VKoN �4i i� �P'�?�1[� p P�P�![*10�4iroB Pa oiT '�N�A$�'1�91W,L1oaa ��W91�R�+�pw'�WI�Hm1�4d '1 �o1H"! p'!�,�m�!9Mw9� �l�'4i+M1��R�Jo�oli �l�l i��B POOrI�H W i+�7�W t11/ ��!i'9M e w PoaoA -�IP V�P�7��I��4��V� �4'PW1+�P���4 iwy��Il9��W)o �od i�q1'1��`�4'�1�M0,�ra�Y Y i+�7 J��Rtiv���'RT.'�A'�8l� —R�1li�VK!4"tNNit�Nl�9�0 ��2;f�� � . , - � �. - --.. —-- ----- — -- --- - �.. 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'r-:�f,� �� ,/ �+�y `��,/ (� e - � �� '� � . 1 ��A `r _�' �� ,, Q� � ,- �I � � , � - � . .s �, ,i - ' � . , - �l-iz. �c cc 'i a'8�.�� fr�'9 .if'c�z �'Lvs �l . - ^ Z9�S� :�� _ —y�- _ •�!3 L �� �. i � ' . �. ' � --�r ��� -'ii,`.--:.. - / CK �.; Y .` --- y � ... J .. ------- —� t , ��' f � ' � � � �n � , • � �—. . .. . . . . . � � -- ; , , . . • . I� . . ;♦ ifl � r---�-- � �e �'-' •��^ ' . I i j� _d 3 1 /d "$i N '�� �, �'/r y�� N s _ �, �+ ' _ ' � ' r Mi' N - - -_ ; r'_`i ; . J � r � r �� ;� ;- - -; i �� � � � � . � y � s � � t� �X,..,;. U ;.� c� � �,� -.�...,........�: ; , ;° �� . �. `z�c` �— _�_ .�-�f-- ,—y_ . —-- --:�--- -t-- ----r---- i� 'r. ��` � � � � � ��vk�" � � � i• � � � , ' � �_._ ! � � �1 � . � „ ,� a ,t • ;r _- c .. a .oy � � i o !� ' N I � � �: , t' N �! ! O �� �: � �' � ' � i ���Y/' " l�/ ' � i � I i � • .( i G r , i _' �� � � 1 . . , � ! i ��1+ ,p n i � fE i � i . ., � ' -. � ' . , . ; • i sr I S�� i 9 :- ' � ' ' ' ' � � . � _ _ � .r ' �— —'-- -----'----- -�1-----• ---._� ._____.'.___.--- -- — O � ' .�; - o -���-���_•�.� �,�y - ���31�1-_ - -- _ � r--- -- -- ���-; �' — --- - -- . , , .---�---- ------ ----------- - � FE ��� cc o. .� . . j . I . .y - .. T� .' -. ' , 1 . . • , �.. -_ - � �._.__.�. �'�9��� EARL A. BROWN DEt'ELOPERS, INC. 2576 E. SEVENTH AVE. NO. ST. PAUL. MINNESOTA 55109 � /� �1 � ����,�� ���-s�sa 4pri.1 14, 1932 P;�r . TW. Du_.zovan Citg of St .P�ul Reg�rding: F-iazelwood v�.c=.ticn . Dear Mr . Dunav�n, P.s �er cur �hone cor_versatio,� �f �-14-�52, I a�;. v�i�iting th�s le�ter to Usk ,y�.^u to please �,et u: the certific�,tion of nor.-intent of use for the public uti'_ities for �he sec�' cn of iiazel�vood St . to be vacated . Please feel ir•ee to contact mc if any ather �u�,er• wark is needed. �i�anks in advance for your coor�eration in this matter . S�_ncerely, �_Q�►X lJ�.�a.t�� ��'�rl A . Brown � Earl � . Bro wn Deve lober 9 , In c. , Department of Finance & Ma p,�ices -� ROUTING ,a�n EXPLANATIQN SHEET ����[1 September 3, 1982 GREEN SHEET) Comtact: J. William Donova Phone: 292-7-A�S For administrative Orders, Resolutions, Ordiaances and Agreements �6/, ROUTING OR�R � ROUTF BY ASSI6NE1 NUMBER: � � ��������* pIREC�`QR OF MANAGEMENT �v _� PtAYOR SEP � 9982 DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR 1,_ DIRECTOR, FINANCE 3� MGT. SERYIA�yp�s �FFICE CITY ATTORN@Y �_ CITY CLERK BUD6ET DIRECTOR A[TI N RE�LESTE?1 (CLIP I}LL L�CATIONS FOR MAYORAL SIGNATLRE), Mayor's signature on Council Resolution �. � esolution to be submitted to Council Action is necessary in order to release easement interest in vacated street not needed by City or utility companies. - FiUAN IAL. �un„r,y�T(�gY AMD PEQSO.NNEI IMPACTS ANT�I AT �; None ATTACHME"1TS �l.I ST A�� ATTACHMENTS): 1. Counci�� Resolution 2. One se� of Certificate of Intended Non-Use (Northern States Power Co. � Northwestern Bell Telephone Co. 3� Public Works Department Water Deparrment) 3. Map of area 4. Copy of Council File No. 278941 ;VG (.2.G.Jd. i.?.�•t�^.'•v �tC'..^.PiSJ4.i.�f �J•t G.LtQC,UnPJI.� C� �Lie �o Ct�Gt:tCJ Stc�JpC/L�c►t3 CulttCitZS Ue;r�,.D�¢�ct : Gi.ty Attc,t�c¢cr: 1. Cuwcc.�.i h�scZ;:Li.;,:i Rtqwi,:E�:" �YES VC 1. Rzsc2u.ti.o�t" '/ES X yU _, i+uwta►tc2 R2q;�,i._ed? YES �w: 2. I►uuuucce Su��<cl�uct? yES �v� 3. t►:�.,uc►:ca A�t�c;�ed? yES �v0 AeL�.aic:� C!►i:�/8/82