279229 WNITE - CITV CLERK ��"��� PINK - FINANCE � � CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PAIT L F le ci1N0. ` BLUE - MAVOR C uncil Resolution Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An administrative Resolution changing the title, grade, and class specification for Supervisor of Custodians in the Civil Service Rules. RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended in Section 3.H thereof by striking from Grade 41 the title of Supervisor of Custodians and by substituting in lieu thereof the title of Supervisor of Custodial Services in Grade 45; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be further amended by striking from Section 32 the class specification for the title of Supervisor of Custodians and by substituting in lieu thereof the attached class specification for Supervisor of Custodial Se rvi ce s. App rove d: � Chai rman Civil Service Commission COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � F�etcner p E N N E O F C E �evine In Favor Masanz Nicosia � scheibe� _ __ Against BY �iss�. W ilson Adopted by Council: Date SEP � 6 1982 Form pprove by �rn - Certified as- by Counc Sec tar BY B;' �- ta by iVlavor: a �2 2 �98� Ap ed y Mayor for u mis 'on to Council By - — B Pll�IIS�iED SEP 2 5 1982 � ���2� Title of class: SUPERVISOR OF CUSTODIAL SERVICES DESCP.IPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Plans and directs the cleaning and routine maintenance of a large number of buildings and their immediate grounds, coordinates and supervises the energy management and security functions for the buildings; and performs related duties as required. , Supervision Received: Works under the general guidance and direction of the Executive Director of School Plant Planning and Maintenance. Supervision Exercised: Exercises supervision through subordinate super- visors over custodian engineers, custodians, security monitors and clerical oJOrkers. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. . Develops and maintains a custodial program specifically designed for each facility establishing manpower requirements, cleaning priorities, and schedules. Reviews, researches, recommends and implements new processes, materials, and equipment, in order to produce greater productivity and efficiency. Develops and manages an inservice training program. Plans and directs the work of custodian engineers and custodians. Directs the work of the Central Security station. Prepares budgets and grant applications for energy management projects; orders fuel and monitors consumptions. Researches ar.d analyzes energy conservation techniques; responds to regulatory agencies. Coordinates the installation of computerized energy management equipment; coordinates monitoring of the units and maintenance of the system. Prepares and monitors the budgets for Operations of Buildings, and for security and energy management. Manages the permit use of school district grounds and facilities. Prepares and monitors all leases and joint City-District facility agreements. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Thorough kno�vledge of general housekeeping materials, equipment and methods. Considerable knowledge of heating and cooling systems and related energy managenent techniques. Marked ability to prepare and monitor budgets and related reports and records. Marked ability to construct and modify long-range work plans. Ability to establish and maintain effective communications with administrators, supervisors and subordinates. Knowledge of safe and proper work practices and techniques for building and cleaning and maintenance operations. . MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Ttao years' experience as a Custodian-Engineer III or above. Title of class: �t,� ��7��� SUPERVISOR OF CUSTODIAL SERVICES DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Plans and directs the cleaning and routine maintenance of a large number of buildings and their immediate grounds, coordinates and supervises the energy management and security functions for the buildings; and performs related duties as required. , Supervision Received: Works under the general guidance and direction of the Executive Director of School Plant Planning and Maintenance. Supervision Exercised: Exercises supervision through subordinate super- visors over custodian engineers, custodians, security monitars and clerical workers. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by alI positions in this class. . Develops and maintains a custodial program specifically designed for each facility establishing manpower requirements, cleaning priorities, and schedules. Reviews, researches, recommends and implements new processes, materials, and equipment, in order to produce greater productivity and efficiencp. Develops and manages an inservice training program. Plans and directs the work of custodian engineers and custodians. Directs the work of the Central Security station. Prepares budgets and grant applications for energy management projects; orders fuel and monitors consumptions. Researches and analyzes energy conservation techniques; responds to regulator}= agencies. Coordinates the installation of computerized energy management equipment; coordinates monitoring of the units and maintenance of the system. Prepares and monitors the budgets for Operations of Buildings, and for security and energy management. Manages the permit use of school district grounds and facilities. Prepares and monitors all leases and joint City-District facility agreements. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Thorough knowledge of general housekeeping materials, equipment and methods. Considerable knowledge of heating and cooling systems and related energy managenent techniques. Marked ability to prepare and monitor budgets and related reports and records. Marked ability to construct and modify long-range work plans. Ability to establish and maintain effective communications with administrators, supervisors and subordinates. Knowledge of safe and proper work practices and techniques for building and cleaning and maintenance operations. _ MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS T�wo years' experience as a Custodian-Engineer III or above. 'HHITE ;C�TV CLEFtK � � � � • �" ; � PfNK — FINANCE � I TY O F SA I ��T j�L1 l} L COUISCZI ��y�j�d{� CANARY — DEPARTMENT BLUE — fNAVOR . � F1�E' NO. CITY CLERK ��uncil Resolution Presented Qy Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An administrative Resolution changing the title, ' grade, and class specification for Supervisor of Custodians in the Civil Service Rules. RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended in Section 3.H thereof by striking from Grade 41 the title of Supervisor of Custodians and by substituting in lieu thereof the title of Supervisor of Custodial Se rvice s in Grade 45; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be further amended by striking from Section 32 the class specification for the title of Supervisor of Custodians and by substituting in lieu tlzereof the attached class specification for Supervisor of Custodial Se rvi ce s. App rove d: Chai rman Civil Service Commission COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: F�etcher PERSONNEL OFFICE Levine [n Favor Masanz Nicosia scheibei _ __ Against BY Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date CertifiE:d Passed by Council Secretary BY B� ,lpproved by 19avor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ - By . . . `�'�9��'9 . • � Title of class: SUPERVISOR OF CUSTODIAL SERVICES DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Plans and directs the cleaning and routine maintenance of a large number of buildings and their immediate grounds, coordinates and supervises the energy management and security functions for the buildings; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general guidance and direction of the Executive Director of School Plant Planning and Maintenance. Supervision Exercised: Exercises supervision through subordinate super- visors over custodian engineers, custodians, security monitors and clerical workers. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. . Develops and maintains a custodial program specifically designed for each facility establishing manpower requirements, cleaning priorities, and schedules. Reviews, researches, recommends and implements new processes, ma.terials, and equipment, in order to produce greater productivity and efficiency. . Develops and manages an inservice training program. Plans and directs the work of custodian engineers and custodians. Directs the work of the Central Security station. Prepares budgets and grant applications for energy management projects; orders fuel and monitors consumptions. Researches and analyzes energy conservation techniques; responds to regulatory agencies. Coordinates the installation of computerized energy ma.nagement equipment; coordinates monitoring of the units and maintenance of the system. Prepares and monitors the budgets for Operations of Buildings, and for �security and energy management. Manages the permit use of school district grounds and facilities. Prepares and monitors all leases and joint City District facility agreements. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Thorough knowledge of general housekeeping materials, equipment and methods. Considerable knowledge of heating and cooling systems and related energy management techniques. Marked ability to prepare and monitor budgets and related reports and records. Marked ability to construct and modify long-range work plans. Ability to establish and maintain effective communications with administrators, supervisors and subordinates. Knowledge of safe and proper work practices and techniques for building and cleaning and maintenance operations. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS lfao years` experience as a Custodian-Engineer III or above. CITY OF SAINT PAUL �"�y��n _� ; - ' OFFICE OF TH� CITY COII�TCIL �.,.,.. , .,..,...... �_�='� D o t e : September 2, I982 -.� COMMtTTEE RE PORT � TO = Saint PQUI City Councit -- ; . F R � M = C o m m if t e e o n F�rr�rrcE, MGMT. f� PERSONNEL . :� -. . - ' --'.:�'::�x1; � � C H A I R James Scheibe I ' . + 2. Resolution approving an agreement with Face to Face Health F Counseli � � Service whereby the City will provide laboratory analyses. (Community ServiCes , - ' 3. Resolution setting the date of the public hearing to adopt service charges ; against all benefitted properties for the Operation and Diaintenance for the � Town Square "public s aces" or the eriof fro 1983. � . (Finance Dept. � � � __ . mnni n� t.. t._ t al.,. � t.'���PP A l• �, + �tl.n� - � . ance e . � � 5. Resolution increasing the 1982 budget for the Downtown and Seventh Place , _ T.I.G.O. Debt Service Fund. (PED . � 6. Resolution abolishing title and class specification for Supervisor of Custodians title and substitutes a new title of Supervisor of Custodial Services. (Personnel) 7. Resolution allowing the Civil Service Commission to put on record specifically the fact that a disciplinaxy action against an employee was �found to be unwarranted and, in effect, to remove it from the employee's record. (Personnel.) . _ �� � --- _ _ . _ � ,- � # CI'TY HALL SEVEN'TH FLOOR SAINT PAUL. MINNESOTA 55102 f .�,.�, y . �OUTING Ayn EXPLANATI QN SHEET J�y �./�$� . (GREEN SNEETI �. For Administrative Orders, Resolutions, Qrdinance d agreements �QUTIN6 ORDER ' ROUTE AY ASSIf•_NED �1 MBER: � � '�'t`�� DIREC OF MANAGEMEN7 MAYO R�CE��D DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR DIRECTOR, FINANCE & MGT� SERYICES ,�[._ CITY ATTORNEY 2 CITY CLERK AU G 1 '9198� BUDGET DIRECTOR . ` �,E��RS O�FICE ACTION REOLIESTE Sj:LiP ALC LdCATIONS FOR. NLaYaRAL,,,_,�IGNLATIJRE). ` We recommend your approval and submission of thia R.esolntioa �to t�.e �ity Couacil. HA'� HILL BE ACHIEVE� BY TA iNG ACTION ON THE A7TAGNE� MATERiALS �Ri(QPQSE AN1] R�,TIONALE)�; This Reaol.utiaa abolishea the title of Supervi.sor of Gustodians in Grade 41 of Secti.on 3.H tMaiatenan�e �p+ervi:sors Gronp) and the class specifieation for this ti�e frorn Sec�iaa 32 . 'd� 'the Civil: Se rvice Rule s. �t substitutie s in lieu the re of the new_title of 5upe rvi:�t�x� of Gustodial Se rvice s in Grade 45 of Se ction 3.H"(Mai.�itenance Su.pe rvi soxs Group) aa�d th:e new class specification for thia ti.tle in Secti.on 32 of the-Civil� Service Rules. The bi-weekly `�alary range for Gxade s 41 aad 45 are shown below: ; _ .. . �`i rst six mcnt�x s A�t�r six nso�#�s'. ` : Grade 41 $1,096,43 $1,127.68 _ Grade 45 $1, 229.88 . $1, 2�i6.:5� T�NCIAL, BUDGETA.R.Y AND PERSO�TNEL IMP�iCTS ANTICIPAT�D: Nc�ae. Thia is exclusively a School District positi.o�, a4tzd the promota,on will be pai� Saoar vwith its fuiads. _ __ , ATTACHMENTS �LIST ALL ATTACHMENTS): 1� Re solution • 2� Copy for City �ierk 3. : ea.ae nev.cuu ►i2cesa:c.ty on erzt c e �o �g euppon.tuu� ceumer.ts U¢�¢K,L ; C.i.tu Atto'utey: 1. Cocuie.i.e Re�sotu,ti.on Reqwi.t2ds YES NC . 1 r R¢,�o�wLi.C�t? Y�S ,Y4 _. 2. i,uw;a�tce Re�ai.:ed? YES �v0 2. 1►tisc�tru:ee Sus��ai.e►L#? YES I� 3. I��a..a►tce Attaclted? yES ,VO: Revisiai aM:dlB/$2