279228 WHITE - CITV CLERK COUIICII ����f.'Fl� PINK -�FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAUL C7RJARV - DEPARTMENT ����MV BLUE - MAVOR File NO. Cou cil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That Section 16.0 of the Civil Service Rules is hereby amended as follows: 16 .0 PROCEDURES FOR APPEALING DISCHARGE, OR REDUCTION, OR SUSPENSIONS The employee may appeal the appointing officer's action before the Civil Service Commission. If the employee requests a hearing, he/she must inform the Office within five calendar days of the date the notice of discharge, reduction or suspension was sent or given. Within ten days of the hearing request, the �i�+�ta�Commission shall set a hearing date, and inform both the employee and the appointing officer. The Civil Service Commission shall conduct its hearings informally and impartially, in such manner as it deems best calculated to ascertain the correctness of the charges preferred, and without regard to any technical rules of procedure or evidence. The Civil Service Com- mission shall have the power to subpoena witnesses and administer oaths . The decision of the Civil Service Commission shall be by a majority vote. The Civil Service Commission shall have the power, after having heard whatever evidence it deems sufficient, to act as follows: a. Discharge the employee from service in the city in the classified service. b. Reduce the employee in rank and/or compensation, COU[VCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fletcher Levine [n Favor Masanz Nicosia scheibe� _ __ Against BY Tedesco Wilson Form prove by Attorney Adopted by Council: Date ` Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY � B� ._ tapproved by 17avor: Date _ Appr ve y Mayor for S i uncil By _ BY `NHITE - C�TV CLERK ��92�� PINK � FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT 1 A L1 L COURCIl �ANA'RV - DEPARTMENT File NO•' BLUE - MAVOR Council Resolution Presented By � ` Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date provided sueh reduction could be made in accordance with Civil Service Rules. c. Suspend the employee, provided such suspension could be made in accordance with Civil Service Rules. d. Reduce and suspend said employee. e. Order the employee to complete the last year of an apprentice program. f. If the evidence does not support the action of the appointing officer, the employee may be reinstated, and the Civi1 Service Commission may order that the employee be paid his salary for any part of or for all of the time that he was relieved of his duties.- , and further ma order that a letter, indicating t at the actian o t e a pointing o icer was un- founded and that the speci ic charge shoul not be considered in any future actions, be placed in the employee s Personnel i e. The Civil Service Commission' s decision shall be in writing and shall be served upon the employee personally or through the mail at the employee's last known address. Approved: Chai rman Civil Service Commission -2- COUNCILMEN � Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fletcher p E N E L O F F C E �evine In Favor Masanz Nicosia scne�bei _ � __ Against BY — ��o wilson SEP 1 6 1982 For Approv by City Attomey Adopted by Council: Date Certified as-e by Cou �l S y BY � B�� � A d by Mavor: at SEP 2 ��2 Ap ove y Mayor for Su si ncil By — BY ' PUBLISHED SEP 2 5 1gg� . • . -F _ _ — - - _ _ _ _ . _ _ WH17E - CITY CLERK ' V �+ (� ) ) PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT ��A LT L Council I�+��1Ir+�F•r� � CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. CITY CLERK �DUncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That Section 16.0 of the Civil Service Rules is hereby amended as follows: 16 .0 PROCEDURES FOR APPEALING DISCHARGE, OR REDUCTION, OR SUSPENSIONS The employee may appeal the appointing officer's action before the Civil Service Commission. If the employee requests a hearing, he/she must inform the Office within five calendar days of the date the notice of discharge, reduction or suspension was sent or given. Within ten days of the hearing request, the �ire�to�Commission shall set a hearing date, and in£orm both the employee and the appointing officer. The Civil Service Commission shall conduct its hearings informally and impartially, in such manner as it deems best calculated to ascertain the correctness of the charges preferred, and without regard to any technical rules of procedure or evidence. The Civil Service Com- mission shall have the power to subpoena witnesses and administer oaths. The decision of the Civil Service Commission shall be by a majority vote. The Civil Service Commission shall have the power, after having heard whatever evidence it deems sufficient, ta act as follows: a. Discharge the employee from service in the city in the classified service. b. Reduce the employee in rank and/or compensation, COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Fletcher �evt�e (n Favor Masanz Nicosia scne�be� _ __ Against _ By — Tedesco Wilson i Form prove by Attorney Adopted by Council: Date -��� Certified Yassed by Council Secretary � By � B� Approved by ;Navor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � R.. , . HHITE - C�TV CIEHK Y �»:x - F1NAUCE COF°i1C11 �e-.:.F2Y - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAI ;V'T PALTL 3t_i:£ - MAVOR File NO.� Council Resolution Presentzd By • Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date ' r provided such reduction could bz m�`de in accordance � with eivil Service Rules. c. Suspend the employee, provided such suspension could be made in accordance with Civil Servi:ce Rules. d. Reduce and suspend said employee. e. Order the employee to complete the last year of an �apprentice program. f. If the evidence does not support the action of the appointing officer, the employee may be reinstated, and the Civil Service Commissian may order that the employee be paid his salary for any part of or for all of the time that he was relieved of his duties- �,� and further ma � order �that a letter, indicating � t at the action o the a�ointing o icer was un- founded and that the speci�'`ic charge shoul� not be considezed 'in any future actions, be �laced zn the e'mployeers Personnel i�e. The Civil Service Commission' s decision shall be in writing and shall be served upon the employe� personally or through the mail at the employee 's last known address.. Approved: Chai rman Civil 5e rvi ce Commi s sion -2- _ �OUiV'CILI�IEN RequesEed by Department of: 1'ea_ Nays Flaicher pERSONNEL OFFICE l.evine [n Favor 6tasar+z P�ico::ia 5cheibel � Against BY �e 1AFiie�eir �rso h SE� � 6 19�� For Approv by City Attorney :'�uo;�ted b}� Cuuncil: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY � Bv _ :'�poro�ed b�; Mavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Bi — — BY " v CITY OF SAINT PAUL ;c��;���� - ' � OFFIC� OF THE CITY COIINCIL ....,.. .,,......., '�^•;,,,•t�i -- D O t e ; September 2, 1982 � COMM �TTEE RE PORT ' TO = SQint Paul City Councit -- F R a M = C o m m it t e e O h FINANCE, MGMT. F� PERSONNEL � : - . � - _. ,. -.��xv� C M A I R James Scheibel _ ' 2_ Resolution approving an agreement with Face to Face Health � Counseli - e� `�,� Service whereby the City wi12 provide laboratory analyses. (Community Services " 3. Resolution setting the date of the public hearing to adopt service charges . against all benefitted properties for the Operation and Diaintenance for the Town Square "public s aces" or the eriof fro 1983. ' (Finance Dept. � � - � .. . . , _ � . ance e . � , . � S. Resolution increasing the 1982 budget for the Downtown and Seventh Place � T.I.G.O. Debt Service Fund. (PED � 6. Resolution abolishing title and class specification for Supervisor of Custodians title and substitutes a ne�r title of Supervisor of Custodial Services. (Personnel) �� 7. Resolution allowing the Civil Service Commission to pvt on record specifically � the fact that a disciplinary action against an employee tiaas found to be umrarranted and, in effect, to remove it from the employeets record. (Personnel) � � �� � I � _ � � -- _ _ __ . � - . � � i � � ; CITY HALL SEVEN"TH FLOOR SAINT PAU4 MINNESOTA 55102 I .�.�. .-� _ � , : � ��.y i�,� i48��� ° ' ROU7ING ,aryn EXPLAP�ATION SHEET V , (GREEN SHEET) ,, �� I For Administrative Orders, Reso1 tions. Ordin es gnd a�reements � �UTING ORD� - ROUTE BY ASSIGNED NUMBER: ��C����Q - D� R OF MANAGEMEN7 'AUG 1 `tJ' �I`��� 1 YOR ' DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR DIR R, FINANCE $ M6T, SE�ATE3'R� �FF�CE ' r CITY ATTORNEY 2 CI7Y CLERK -- : BUDGET DIRECTOR Q�TIAN RE�LtECTED �CLIP AL� LOCATIONS FOR�AYORAL SIGNATI�RE)t We recommend your approval and. submissian of thie Resolution tc� the City Cour�eil. ;. �HAT NILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAK2N6 ACTtON ON T� ATjACHED MATERIALS �PL�RPOSE ANLf RATIf]N�)�; This Resolution is for the purpase of maki.ng it pos.aible for t�i.e Civil ' Sexeice"Comxrussion to put on record specifically the fac� th.at a '� diacip�inary acticm against an employee was found ta b� u�.warran�bed � and, ia effect, to remove it from th.e employee.xs re:cord. FINANGIAI_. BLDCETARY AND RERSONNEI IMPA -TR ANTI -IPAT *1, None. � �C � . _ . _ . � �bv� � � l . �t '�iC �!(;� ���� u� : - ATTACHMENTS �LIST ALL ATTACHMENTS): a � . : . 1►� : 1� Re aolution . � ������ A 2. Copy for City Clerk : 3, ;v ea.ae nev.�¢u� ►eeceaa.�.ty en a.tt.s vnz►ct e� �ie �o cec.ueg eu.ppontcr� . ocume►zta ve.�a,tt�nvnt ; C.i.tcr A.tto%utey: —�— _ i: Cauxc.i.Z Reae4a.ti.o�e Requ.i.t.:dY VES �� . 1. Resc�u.Li.e►t? YES NQ i. t�r,sw:wtce Reqai.:ed? YES VC 2. I�tsut.u:ce Su�$.i.cte+�.t? i�ES AtG' 3. I�ww:a►tc2 Attar.ieed? YES tiC' _ , a��S�o:z aK:.sia�aa