279219 WN17E �- CITV CLERK COUIICII ������ PINK -�FINANCE Cp.�.kRV - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L � BLiIE - MAVOR File NO• cil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date BE IT RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby certifies and approves the action of the City of Saint Paul Board of Appeals and Review pertaining to the following listed property and as shown by the Excerpted Minutes of said Board of Appeals and Review, dated August 10, 1982, and marked EXHIBIT A, and attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference: DATE OF BOARD MINUTES CASE NO. PROPERTY APPELLANT 8/10/82 48-82-F 11 E. Kellogg Blvd. Radisson St. Paul Hotel (500-room hotel) by William �3. Brose,. General Manager BOARD ACTION: (1) Granted variance of Minnesota Statute #299F.011 (1974) , pertaining to providing an alternate way of exiting from the northeast, northwest, southeast and southwest second floor level which exceed 35 ' in dead end limits, as designated in Item #7 of State Fire Marshal' s inspection report of May 11, 1979, subject to approval of State Fire Marshal. (2) Granted variance of Minnesota Statute #299F. 011 (1974) , P•Zinnesota Rule FireMar 31, and Minnesota Uniform Fire Code �' Section 26 .112 (a) and (b) , pertaining to number of occupants permitted in public meeting rooms, as designated in Item #15 of State Fire Pdarshal' s inspection report of May 11, 1979, to permit such number of occupants as may be deter- mined to be in the interest of the safety of the public and the occupants of the building by joint study and con- sultation between representatives of the St. Paul Building Code Enforcement Division, the St. Paul Fire Prevention Bureau, and management of the Radisson St. Paul Hotel, subject to approval of State Fire Marshal. COUNC[LMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Fletcher �evine In Favor Masanz Nicosia Scheibel __ Against BY — Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorne Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary !�� �� B� lapproved by Mavoc Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY - – BY WH17E - CITV CLERK �OVnCll ������ g PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L CANA:RV -DEPARTMENT �► BLZJE - MAYOR File NO. Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date (3) Granted time e�tension of six months from date of hearing on Minnesota Statute #299F.011 (1974) , Minne�ota Rule FireMar 31, and Minnesota Uniform Fire Code Section 10 .105 (3) pertaining to corridors where fire resistive materials are required on wall�, ceilings, and openings, as designated in Item #17 of State Fire Marshal' s in- spection report of May 11, 1979, to allow time for study and consultation by repre�entatives of St. Paul Build- ing Code Enforcement Division, St. Paul Fire Prevention Bureau, and managem�nt of Radisson St. Paul Hotel, subject to approval of State Fire Marshal. Property Description: City of St. Paul Blocks 3 thru 12, 17 thru 26 , and 31 thru 39 5ubject to boulevard and street, the following tract: except northwesterly 66 86/100 feet, the southwesterly 1/2 of Lot 4, and except northwesterly 66 91/1.00 feet, Lot 5, also except northwesterly 65 feet, Lots 6, 7 and 8, also Lots 9 thru 1.3, and except northwesterly 20 9/10 feet of northeasterly 44 feet, Lot 14 and all of Lots 15 and 16, Block 23. -2- COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Fletcher � �� In Favor Masanz NiCOSia scneibei _ __ Against BY — �edeseo Wilson �p 1 419�2 Form Approved by City rney Adopted by Council: Date Certified P• s Councii cre ry B Q—z��`�• By – Approved by : vor: Dat SEP �. 6 1981 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY - – — BY PUBLISHEfl S E P 2 5 1982 ►-�t � g� , • � � � - 5- 8 10 82 - Meet n��o`1,87 . / / g _ ��N � ,� / 7� �- .. ___ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ ___ __ ___ _ __ __ __ _ __ _ ___ _ __ __ ____ _ _ _ _ ____ _ _ __ _ _ __ __ __ _ ____ 48- 82-F 11 E. Kellogg Blvd. Radisson St. Pau1 Hotel (50�-xoom hotel) by �u�iZliam H. Rrose SUBJECT: Request variances on Items #7 , #15 , and #I7 , as listed in Fixe I�sarshal' s le�ter of hiay 11, 1979 , concexni.ng alternate exits on second floor level , the number of occupants permitted in four meeting rooms , and fire resistive protection rec{uirements in lobby level corridors , respec�- ively, for various reasons explained on sep�.rate sheet attached to appeal application. APPEAR.ANCE : tiJilliam H. Brose , general manager Dale Ho�aard, building superintendent PROCEFDINGS : Mr. Brose stated that all items listed in the Fire b�arshal `s report had been complied with except the three namecl in the apneal . Regarding Item #7 which required altexnate exit�Jays from four corridor locations , _he explained that the corridors were sprinklered and each room adjoining was sprinklered and provided with smoke ctetection. Each room also had two entrance doors .��, The� corridors outside these second floar � rooms were created at the time the s��limming pool i��as rooFed over and enclosed. 8 10 82 Meetin . , �T.m T rn�Y • .� w �,� � ..; ', � -6- �� � _ � gJ���I87 � _,. Glenn Erickson, City Architect, drew a ske�ch of tl�e second floor layout . He said the. city had stipulated, at the time the hotel oianers began to plan :For enclosure of the open-air poo:L , t}iat al]_ acljoinin� rooms and corridors created by the enclosure must be sprinklered. In acicc�i..tion , a11 rooms had smoke detection devices . Although the dead end hallways exceeded code limits , the city felt that the life safety provided by these measures was adequate. Dan Norrgran, City of St. Paul Assistant Fire l��arshal , explained that the hotel inspection program is carried out by .the State Fire MarshaZ`s o££ice , by directive of the state legislature. i�tihen the state took over the program, an appeal provision was made that any appeal should be heard a� the local level. For -�his reason, the matter came to the Board af Appeals � Revieiv. �Vhen the board reaches a deczsion, a copy tvi11 go to the State Fire Marshal for xeview and he makes a determin.ation. Mr. Norrgran said the Fire hlarshal might want to go one step further, to xequire smake detec-� . tion in the corridors connected to the fire alarm system, but he himself felt that present equinment was adequate . bir. Tilton asked Mr. Norrgran if the addition of smoke d.etection devi�es in the corridors would improve safety. Mr. Norrgran and Mr. Erickson both stated that in their oPinion the existing provisions for safety were very satisfactory. BOARD ACTION: Mr. Gausman moved that a variance of_ I�Zinnesota Statute . 11 1�74) , as designated in the hatel inspection report of May 11 , 1979 , pertaining to exitway rec{uirements on the second floox 1eve1 , be granted. Mrs . Collins seconded. T70TION CARRIEn AND SO ORDERED. - TNE VOTE: Ayes - 4 Nays - 0 Abstentions - 7. (Til�on} Chairman Glassman next proceeded to Item #15 , the hotel management's appeal that a larger number of occupants be permitted in four meeting rooms than stipulated by the State Fire Marshal' s order. � Mr. Erickson said there had been problems an this matter since the day the hotel was built , and some exceptions had been made in the past on the number of occupants which might not have been in the best znterests of fir.e protection. Wh�en remodeling plans i,rere brought in, �he city had met tiaith hotel representatives , who agreed to put in an additional door�,�ay and to install a sprinkling system. In t,2r. Erickson� s opialion, th.ese improveme.nts provided the safety needed for the capacities reques-�ed by the hotel. Mr. Norrgran agreed with Mr. Erickson' s evaluation of the si�uation. Mr. Brose said that, although he could live with the capacities he had proposed and would certainly go along �vith them if they were authorizec�, he felt that a samewhat greater capacity could safely and comfortably be handled. Mr. Erickson suggested to the board that, if they felt setting specific numbers was a problem, a better a�proach might be for hotel management to file a seating and aisle plan for the meeting rooms with the city building code office and the Fire Prevention Bureau. In joi.nt consultatioii betiaeen the three parties , he was sure a mutually satisfactory decision on capacity figures could be reached. � . �`_'d��� 9 . e , � ., .,_, �.. - 7- 8/10/82 - Meeting No. 187- - _ BOARD ACTTON: Chairman Glassman moved that the ap�eal for a variance on Item 15, pertaining to number of occupants permitted in four meeting xooms , as Iisted in the inspection report oF l��ta�r 11 , 1� 79 , be �rantecl, subject to approval of a seating and aisle plan by the St . Paul Buildin� Dept . and the Fire Prevention Bureau of the City of St. Paul , arrived at in joint consultation with representatives of the Radisson St. Paul Hote� management . Mrs . Collins seconded. Mr. Tilton asked if it would be advisable to prouide _smoke detection devices in the meeting rooms as an additional safety factor. Mr. Norrgran replied that he did not feel this ia�ould add anything to the safety already existing with the sprinkl.ing system an d the additional doorway. Ni0TI0N CARRIED AND SO ORDERED. - THE VOTE: Ayes - 4 Nays - I (Tilton� Abstentions - 0 Moving on to Item #17 of the inspection reportp Mr. Erickson s�ated that th.e great problem was that the Gxeenery restaurant ��ras exposed t� t�e cor- ridor system leading to Wabasha St. Hoiaever, �hP only section of the Greenery that was so exposed ►vas the table area. The kitchen raas separated by two-hour construction and was equipped with a fire-sup�ression and duc� control system. The State Fire Marshal` s concern was the lack of a fixe° rated wall between the restaurant and the adjacent hallway. Mr. Norrgran explained the cuxrent fire code p rovi�ions relating to stair-- ways leading to lobby level in this type of huilding. �4'hen the hc�-�el tiaas built , stair�,rays were permitted to terminate zn the labby , but code has been changed to require that at least SOo lead directly �o the outside. Tn this case, there were two stairjvells emptying directly into the lobby, and one of the corridors that would have to be used fox escape to the outside tvas the. one near the Gxeenery. Mr. Erickson suggested that the hotel ' s man in charge of renovation and . construction, Dennis Barron, come in to discuss the p roblem and to gresen� any ideas he might have to solve the problem. A member of the Fire Pr�- vention Bureau should also be present at the meeti.ng fio o ve his vietivs on the subject. Mr. Tilton asked about the possibility of 3.nstalling a �.Tire glass ►sall �a separate the restaurant from the corridor. BOARD ACTION: Mr. Knutson moved to grant a time extension of six months to reac a solution on the requirement of one hour fire resistive protec- tion for lobby level corridors , as designated in Item #17 of the A�ay 11 , 1982 , inspection report of the State Fire biaxshal , to allo�r time for study and consultation by representatives of the Radisson St. Paul Ho�el , the St. Paul Building Dept. , and the St. Paul Fi.re Prevention Bureau. Mrs . Collins seconded. Mr. Tilton questioned the advisability of such a Iengtliy time exten.sion. MOTION CARRTED AND SO ORDERED. THE VOTE: Ayes - 4 Nays - 1 (Tilton) l4bstentions - 0 The meeting adjourned at 2 : 50 p.m. 8/10/82 - ��eeting No. 187 MINUTES OF THE MEETING ST. PAUL BOARD OF APPEALS � REVIEW Tuesday , August 10 , 1982 - Room 707 City Hall , I5 W. Kellogg Blvd. RtEMBERS PRESENT: Ron Glassman , Chairman Lucille Collins Harold Knutson William Tilton Glenn Gausman ABSENT: Rudolph Sawyer Rosann Bostrom AGENCIES PRESENT : Dept. of Community Services - Division of Housing F� Building Code Enforcement : G. L. Kern Frank Staffenson Glenn Erickson Fire Prevention Bureau: Dan Norrgran , Assistant Fire Marshal Greg Plante OTHERS PRESENT: Les Craig Harry B. Paulson • Sharon Craig Lawrence J. Krenik Angie Williamson William Brose Helen M. Carl Ilale Howard Inez M. Aspelund STAFF PRESENT: Patricia Moxness Chairman Glassman called the meeting to order at 1 :30 p .m. The minutes of the meeting of July 13, 1982 , i,rere approved as distributed to the members . CASE N0. PROPERTY APPELLANT 46- 81-H 642 Blair Ave . George Fine (single family house) SUBJECT : Reauest variance from order issued by St. Paul Housing �, Building Code _ . ' � �'����.9 APPLICATION FOR APPEAL ITEM #7 Our reason for asking a variance again is that Radisson Saint Paul is a Class I building. The corridors are sprinklered and the adjacent guest rooms will have smoke detectors installed by January I, 1980. ITEM #15 LJe feel that the numbers given in the Assistant Fire Marshal 's report are too low considering that these rooms are often used for theater- type meetings and we would suggest that the numbers be: Minnesota East Room 700 Minnesota West Room 250 Capitol Ballroom 200 Wabasha Room 700 As you probably are aware, since Radisson has taken over the hotel all banquet rooms have been sprinklered. ITEM #17 � Mr. Scherek is referring to the hallway off the main lobby to the Wabasha exit. The problem, accarding to Mr. Scherek, is that there is no fire-rated wall between that hallway and the Greenery Restaurant. We are requesting a variance for several reasons: (1) When the restau- rant was renovated, plans were subr�itted to the City of Saint Paul in 1977, and no changes were indicated by the City. (2) The door leading from the Greenery into the kitchen has fire-rated doors. (3) There are three other exits in the immediate area, two which lead directly outside from the lobby and one which exits through the kitchen. Also, the re- sponse time from the Saint Paul Fire Department would be a matter of minutes in this location. :- � - �. ♦. - . t. . . ) • � i .. .. . I ' � i 4. 4. �:1 . ... " 1 '♦ c- . � -_ „ '��/V�`�Sr i.� � a' � r ,.\ '3-� �''1S-�ae1� �� ��.�4�i'���� ' �r`. _ ,t � ,r,r . : . < + ,�� �, '� �'��.`�14�-`:�}i�>�#����.�» �a�����` .- . _ .: ' "` ' �'�s' ,�,�.��i��..�.�.�i� 7. �., �E"�� ,'�.4� , . •�, �r , �.. q . ti - � _ -.;i - �,�.�, ,���%���������.�.�'-Jr,Fy�'��� ��' .!>... ,. __ . . .�`�°� . �. . ._ " . .� , -•�'�+;�=����t'7'�N�!�a.�Vf��7F.-. t���' � ��! ' - . 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' - �cc�a?lcy : ' . �rtc�t, agent €�r essee - . - S�eet A�reS�, City, �ta�e; �.ip Co e , . .��� _ . � P-,�ws�ant �a iTSe -authc,i•�ty� ves'ted zn �e b� s�atut�, . �o� :r�nd �ach vf r�ou upori �itoin tkis �or�eM t�. �ervad are . kzre�y �rd�red �i�i�in i�Jre �ire�cribsd .tir.:e to: - .�t. �rT3th�n $Q 3�;��, _Prov�de �:�i� �si s .on� t3�e :�2rid floor �ev�1 '�s_ dis�ussec� �' � wit}, F�u. i�:1e ne�rar�, s�o�•irc� c�ec�:ior�, Furs�az�t t:o: . - � -1K,iri.�... Stzt; . �2����. 011 �y�7�� • _ �� .I�inr,. R„I eF t re��:�r 31?. � • �2C��''V i�C• .�.�.�.L�l�)� "iiaJ�E.'i! v�.Zv�.'�'J'. ' . "�;, �oery required e:it �oer�:ay, 2.r�3 t����revzr other�:�yLe re.c�uired ta cle�i��� indicafe 4he d�.r�cti.cn o�' e�re��, �n e�i t s3..�? �j���� Ietiers ai: leas� 6 -�ncne�. hi�Y, �.nd re��i:t'� c.is�:?.�a3s;.�.bl�: s"r�zll �e L�*�ir_tai�eo �'rc� aZl aY•e�:s s�r��ir:; tre ec�.t�p�.r.� :c���: ' s�eci�-��a =n th�s St:b�ection. . � Ir_ int�r�Q�� st�i r�:�,•s th� fioor iezr4l 1 eac.ir� a�.rect?y to tho exterior sh�ll ri� c?ear?y �r:��.cateu. Grc�u_� � Occu���n�i�.� �r�d Cro.up� B, D ar�d 5 " H �ccu��.:�c i e� �i th ar_ occupar� lo�:� of �:are fh�:n 0. , �1.1. oth°r oc���?�sr,���s �er��.r_� ar: occupar_t l�U� �i' �ore �han �C�." 5. �'it°:in �'�z;�s�_ v�rify t��t �h^ �Terlts t�n �!1 z�ioor• levels zo yn° c�z•s•:�c'�U�•5 �z� fire ca.::�er��, pur�kant to: • ��.Tl�':. .�v�.t� . �,�c���. QZ? �1`�7�� • • ' . �?inn. Ru�.e �iz•��::� 31. 1'��►�� ✓rC• .�fla !�1�A� � 1:�'_1vII , S'�.4'�.L'S . t��.��"iE3''� CO�'Y'j�OiS 2Z'� �'f.•G�a_3"'�u �0 t'if �ir. e T'E5�5t3'4e� .8��. 2:u3.1Sy CBi�=.*l�c= , and er er:i::�s �ha�1 tie ���.r��:'�z:ea as srec�.��ed �n the ��.�ildir:a Ccc�e. `` • {- . � , rov'�_ae �.t le�k�� a �. hovr fir° re�i^tine �rot�c��on #'ar �fi. Ivi vri.� �C aG.1 __ P . . th� g?a.ss ;s� ►.h4 fie2.�?Ly S:-rop ar.�: Ea�^ber 5n��: pursu�nt i�- : ?r,;3::�. S�,;�t . fi��s}�.Gl? (�;7�� • _ �. j•��}y"t. u!i��h T��r �" '��'+ �� . � � � . � . . . . . � - � .$iL�'� c��. 1.C�.�C�CGi � .ta�':3ch str:.t�'� : . . .�.£'� 1�Ei►i j � t/�. •.►s{ :.� a� ��� �}1^O�'.'•_CZL' a*� alLerr���e t:ay �i exic�r:� fro:�� �`,^ r_�ri�re«s4 , ►._...�1_il �l� C.�.,. � .. t 2'i0'"''liti�:f";T . }1 ` "'.::� "DUf}• " � �CCt):?Q f?car 1�ver. �:�'1'iCh �xceed 3� � �:���w'V2aEC.�11i �� . ..t...y4 �>:+ ;��r�z��.. G?ii�� 1�.��.�r, r�=.:r:;uar.� :;o : g':i��::. S��� . �=2;��'. G?]. (i_�'i-'f 1 . . . � T.f �:c� can t�e c�f yurther 4;::;i�t=nce. , n].ease ie��1 fr.ec to con*:act : , �-,,. ��if: L=r?:li..'::1�',Tli:< <i c. E:.!.c.--!�V—( 1 l�:i i'.i? ' t0 C'O'.}?7�f 'w���/1',�� '�'� �' �?'O..�i-.:ciC� �: Q 1);-'JOQ�':,�_"11 �If �'.}:; l�:'s.'. �'LE�1Sr: �.�J7I �Y I Jt ��R i TJ��.G 1'��E�t 1 R�= �'f:�.,t���:i'.�..� � �F�I�:E ����': CC?�•i;'L,T I•^,i� . ���_, �T�,•r:c�ri St:;i�c -:'i�t :�.�r�tTi . , fi . � i� � � 9 7 9 �3; /''.•^!`�=��•�_���-`�—�= :_::�."� _��. a t e cl ''�'<<,; 7.1 I. ' : - A<.:_ is�ur►t:���,t�^ 1'i.'c i�r:;i:�. � �!a1f:c:� Scl:�rc�;� y���• ? of. C . . . .. . . _ _ _....�. ,.. . . . _ ...,. __. ...�. _ .. . . ; ....�_ ,.._ -: • ' � � . � ' �'�..�"C �`.�� ���i����, :��z�ai�:�z . � � , � : �. �.�A�k���n-: ��`-����-������r�x � � ������::9 .. � ° '.:_ . x'is ���a:� _�1�:v�x.s�.o� - .-... . - � � . �� �n�.�u���jr �re�r#�e . � . . .�t �:��2v; �ii'nx�P.s�rt$ �S'��:�4 " . � - - . �:�.3..s:cn }Ict�I . . - . . . , . ' �c�.a..cy . . �cz, ag:e:��. or essee � - Cteei A c�ress � Cx:t;�, Stat�, ip Go . : . . � � . . � � . . -F�ty►euctrtt .�o tHa r�utito�i:ty,. ts���etl in �te by st�ttute� t,�ou .attd each� of �ou t�p� - -�ka�r thia "ox�der i� sr�rv�cl ar� here�y ordereci, r.ri.thtin t�� prascrib�d tirr.e �o: . - ' !�'.nn. �,ule ,r i�el��:r 31• - , ; ,,. ,,e ��.e���ar 33�0�• H�tT�ti Sec. I.2IE., as �.meAdFd ��5' r.3.r_ri. � P.�., . �FrA s}o. ?i:l, t�:�'.e P.--5-1�.8 , ��hi ch st�tes : . . see �.tt�ened. `� , p U�z;M ; ost 'the .f�oilov.tin� 2rLas �or n�r�'�er o� t�c�tz�ants, - . �'�en - $. �:ithi� 3 p� t,�ea 3=�t�Fco�, �°e� $50; �2r.d Tioor 2��i guarsuar_� to: Mlnn. ���.L- . �2co�. J1�. (:L9?�) : . ' �1T;;i. �L'�_° �`'1.rF'1`_c?.. �j�.. I�gU=C S�c . 2i�.'12 ia) ar.:� (b) , �,ri�?�� st�te� : "�n� I;:zm��r or peT�sor�s ir. an�► t�u�.idir�o or gort:.on �herecf}=sha11 not C.,u„ e�.cen� �_ �:.t Y:h�:'E SL�Cr: e:�ceee.d tr� 2r:�ur>t� �Fe^ified in tY:° E�a�7,dii�; ^ j , ,,,t �oa� �:a3' be incrc:�s��: ' a�ci�:��c:r!21 e:i� i'acil���es 2re pr•c��.de� 't:�e o�c�.�a�. ., �� ;,rrv�ri h;,� f,�►e Ct;-�.ef; t�?_tho�tt aei.nc �... �.,� .�,.r� �,���, �r► pAr. �ont :!�en -F� ., . .., .._ _ . � co:�;::ic�e��e� o�eccY�;:�c:�n�. .'; � n �7, .�d„iy.���n�e o1' a�ny person Le;;c•r_c (b) i10 p�r. san �ha_1 pGr•mit overc. ocrain� t}�e ��;p�^c�tiea c2pacit� of a*►y p.�'.�.Ce of� pub�j.e asse�:bla�e. TY:e Chi✓'f� �:pe�= i ir,��rb �.��� ov�rc�rc�;c�in� co::d'_� tior�s or ob�tr�ct-;on in aigl.es, �»=���t�'- �;?y� , cr et�-:er ;�:e�n� of��r�ss ; cr upon fir.d:�n� Gny condi�l0^ 1r:�c� coz:s�i 4�ates � scx��.o�s �*�e7'�ac� to :t;fe, sh�.l� c�.k:e t�.e �erz"or:=G�.asc��, P�=�_ seut�yf:�`o:�, ��lec��c"�e, oY er_tertaanrnent to be ��opFeci until s�:cY: conc:�a:.°c�-: or o:::.�r�ct"on is ct,rrecte3. " . L 10' x 20' ru�s na��g;in� �:n t::e a;�ll �ro.:. g. �T.'�.i•fs_Tl �j(� ��?.`.'S a_�Vei 1Fy' �}1c^.i; L}1"• ,�. f Y ' ''h�E.'� �1:.�"'SUu2"ii: t0 � �;::e f'�rs�r:►.oe�� �a ��i-:e secor.c1 f'�GJ_ �.S r102"j la:�:� • ' t',-1r.r; CL:..t: . ��'�.���:. � �tl,i �],R7i1 � , . a�_ . .�-- :� �`F! .,,-, � �, ;i.��-��:::.I' ��. - _!,,,,. �itl_. r�l'-c :��4. :�.�.c2, :�},�.�n S��t:G� : , .� r� ,L. .-,� rops ar.�+. a�Z othFr decorat=�rc r�Gt4r=�'! tt��•; al"'e_I?E':i s re:�Ilt:2Z�., � Ci�7 Ve,�..�y C�' � tCllC'' ::O i;)CZ,='?`',E; Ylf' ��.. E: cY'iCt c..=G ..� tY � �r.�t; :::�z�__� t t _ , � it:c]t:a�:�f> CY�.�':i.,,,r.�as .,�. c:e � , f1.....1::�.. . _ . _ _ • - � t` �7. , a_ 1-� i r ;10:� ?t' '��? r' F� r" � 3 ..� G•-• �, ^.1 - AJ� �:�L1`C': �T'C'l:l l�wl���.��.�:.� Z'tala.l.•� 4� ., nG%'.i:3't.: ✓ii �7 ��1. �„lk^'Y� � .'_0�� i.��� �_4C'...:�::: � � f� j j'?i:'1��:1Yi��Ci- 1.�1 � �1.�..l:ir G� r.1 C�r:� .�.� J s1,;�..�1 t>� tx°c-�,L��: �_r� � I.t c_c;:�:�: ,,- :�.-:�,, 1, �„e C},ie,. . %.x" �. r•� . {'-^•_7'.�:i::� SG11;�iCI: O� �.'� GCt::.^, i''_1:;��1 � . .,.. , Ul A r.c�i::�J 1-��� -� Ii��t�e cu. b� o� f.u�:r.hcr 4:.s;.:�t�.r:��c� , pyea:,�_� � eel free to c�nt..�ct � tl�c u:c�_,z:; ������d a::�1��_�c,F,_7c�1 _ .,. f, - , . ,. ;. ;� F�roi+ia.�rL i� a vial Zt=ien. or t:l:^ Z�:.�- cii u� t- ..� c�.;�t,1.r� ,,;:•�;:�. i t�.:� �LE:!';S� t�C�'? i`t IP� F•,'�;l"i i!:i, 'I t�� .� I i:E i"i�`,1��Sc{r,�' S (i;F.C:� itl'i!:`1 �C:'tt�C F I���: • '"`J�^tc•���iTZ'c v�I:I�rs:�:-:i��.__ ��• �.� •r,l~� .� r''j/`i .t-_ ��_`` --_ U�±'c•c?. �'-�v 1]_:_._��}.9^__79 �' :' _._ - �,- -----�,:- -� ►.►:�.r.,-►;:. _ -=--- . A::s�st.^.ttL �_aC�� il ., y � � c.f ( . y!..} ! c,�. i(��1C`I��e�_ �j ��=3�.- — .. _"�' _;�..' .. _�3E£' 7t�:.ttT ��f P�t�LiC �S�IFE�Y , - - . ` • �_, : ,. . -. AR _ . , -, • . . <�i�-.e M�rsh�I :I3ivisio�i . : - _�� � - � •- � �Z2-�i:b ���versit -A�vertan - _ _ � . .. y : ti �. •. ,..'.�t.` �s'itlt�,� ����3�l:SQ�':•. '�5�.�3� . . �'��u 3C�R.}?�'��� - ' - . . . . _ ��c�upancq . . � . . : . .�Owner, a���z .csr essee . . ':�-:S.ueet r� r�ss, City, Sta�e., Zip t;o � � . � . � � . . . . �....� . . Pursu:R� to th� author�it� vsst�d i�: �rre br� stat�cte, yau and. Rach of you un�in .��:�.:: this ord¢.r is served izre. ltareb� ordered s�i:thin .t�ie. �rewcribed tim� t�: ezit ���hts., .f':lre a12s� ser�.3r�� st��`.�o:?w� �r1et a�3r:dpipe 23o�e �c�r{net: _ ` �.nn fire est�n�,ru���;er �.�c4�i�i�g sha�= not fie eon��;;,"s.e3 or Qb��ruct�d. � �� any decorat��►e �cat�r�al.;f � . l�. �:'�th�.� 3C;• c�.��� , ver'.3'�J t��t tr� s�r2*r o� �r�sa. �n t�� I}�n t_�� �3ec�hccrr��r Y'OGCi �5 31G�'! i i.�ik.i^,r�.b�.�J . �?1r`5I1€iTl� 4�: `. �?r.:-�. s��t. §2�gF. c�1 4��7�): � - � �3�n. . �:1� Fir eF;�.r 31. - . ' �FJ�-C �e�. 25.1 Q2 y zs �.�.en3e3 by_ l�:ir_r.. Fiule F3z�e?,�� $���} ,. �;hich states: see :��er�, g �.�. �T�`�.f'_�;l �0_ d�ys, Pr�v�.d� £X�t S-_"._� c'�. S Li�.�G''a.£iC� S�w.�`. � = s' 1 n C r. �- � �,; •,�r �' t_ ��r. 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Su�hL devices :�r 2pFlwanee� 3;.2� C��.r•1� Of �u�e;�:c��',:iC flY'�.° a��.I'"�".'. 5�'�LE.'�''_.:� � :.L'►�ORaGTJ`1c', 3DT`i;�'t".�E?� Q?' •vu,�:�Y' 5�:2'$3: 5� , � r��r.�' ar�z ?:ose , �'i:_��� �?; por��.�'?� firc extir_� i � %° �:n G�.:i��i.� J l.Ct?i�:�.j.t • �u u � ca���°� er ��_���:=� ���c���ei�• �c��r ar other snec�►�.1 �=rc�-en`;�r.�;�zj�:��?r_�, �� "' � � -- � ,.. ,SV�i c��'S• �•`7��r. e ��:eh s,y�ier:cs nY'E '_.T:,�c��GG� tt:23'. Src^,.�� ��f,' �.I2 i.t'�4v^?:'C�.:.22Cf.' �;j�r ti;;: �.���1�c��I.e st�r.�Grds c� the 1«�:i�,al FlrL Yro�ECtiG?? it��sc•c�. � u,t 1 C�??, s� 1•t � �.�-; . T, Q' �^ �;. 1�01i C�E' 2.''� �.�.'a�� 8. � ltOLiT . �f�`2 I'�5��`3.�'E �rctect;�on for s.�t�_1. �U C r_.>-_._z-- � . t:iL �.J�.��.: _SGE:, corr•i.^:crs��� F=i?'SU?.ri� t:ti . � ' T _ ot..-. � n`��C,. (;l 'i {1 t7 j• � � r�,... .:, _� .. . _ . � , � Z�.i::��_. F�u�c� r'ire�•i:.i� �1. r�Li-C S�c-. ?�. ?�r(Ei , tah�cr :'�:�FS : E h�?,� � ,_ �L��• x�enuirec! �;o be f�re r.�:�.StiV@� a��. h*al�, c�3.l�.r_�:;_ u r .�, nj,C:CT'^ �_ c2'1� O��E1:�?�r''S ��i''�.l �`' I':'t..:..�,LI'ei;c^..42ZC(i ::.5 SY.:GC:L��?Cti =2"! ��?? FJi.��_�C3.:LIl�t�., �'C�iC:. r �, � -• -.,,� � ,. � ; �h SL- P2.t?1 Fire Fz�cve:�i;i_or. �� �'.•:;r�- ;c}_�..�.i�r �_:. ���.c�_ t r4. , : • _ . ,. o }- L���:lr_-• i'�,..�.i'.° t; a Ln-�-� ,- -�� , j;�.l:l��.+_�� r:rc�e, �:L�,n ..1?L�;: .:r�it : '=� : , ?i.. =Z�—�� � �f ��t� C�'il t%E'. ()� �L2'-t"�.:'i f..:;,;?_S�c�:l(_C` � I��.�c^C' fee? i:7"�.C' t:0 CC.)FII:.�Cr 't j?!'_ ti:i�l;�T�C 1�-.1��'C� �:� l"�.-i���— j i�i l � _c. t .. , 7 .:1' �� C.'C`i� �� i:�.. � ..-I: t'. ..'", _ i`i.'i�"LC.e.'Ci 1 ' '�Z 1'�!7Zut:.G1Z �i� f:�t'' 7•C1I.?. „ �. - �' `: ;% ' •%" � �; . , � l;• � ��l_E:Et�� ('.�'TIF`i i:' �v�� )T;i;G "i�:ii_ �"] �;r �'i�:�;::i�;;t_. :� n;=i�I::F U:'Gs! G! '►'l.l=Ttr;:: . �-�.._ _:•�:„r�. _ , JL.34C'��•i r.iC 'r1.�.T.: +`.:�. '— 1 ! �� '�Y'-� /. � ._ I:�Ztc.�� ;� ,.- 1.'_ 7.� If� gy_ ,/ r'Y.'_: � '-:"�._, ��:.!`_�-- -- --- -•------�----- r"�s s i_,i ::��c :��.?L�_• r �:r J'�::�r s:��.. } ( ,- � • � �r:t�.1.l'Z��i.11:'T'Cl� �'lC��.�,. :? �1 � > ' - "� � � . • . � � - 5- 8/10/82 - Dleeting�''I�To�'��'J __ � XH � l3 / �' /�- �-- - - - - - --- ----- - - - --- -- -- -- -- -- -- --- - --- - -- -- - - -- ---- - - -- -- -- -- ---� -- - ---- 48- 82-F 11 E. Kellogg Blvd. Radisson St . Pau1 Hotel. (500-room hotel) by �1iiZliam H. Brose SUBJECT: Request variances on Items #7, #15 , and #17 , as listed in Fire I�laxshal' s letter of A1ay I1, 1979 , concerning altexnate exits on secand floor level , the number of occupants permitted in four meeting roams , and fire resistive protection reauirements in lobby level corridors , respect- ively, for various reasons explained on separate sheet attached to a�peal application. APPEARANCE : William H. Brose , general manager Dale �ioward, building superintendent PROCEEDINGS: Mr. Brose stated that all items listed in the Fire b7arslial `s report had been complied with except the three named in the appeal. Regarding Item #7 which required alternate exittaays from four corridor Iocations , .he explained that the corridors were sprinklered and each room adjoining was sprinklered and provided with smoke detection. Each room also had two entrance doors.�� The corridors outside these second floor � rooms were created at the time the stiVimming pool i.Tas roofec� over and encloseci. � > ' '6' 8/10/82 - Meeting No. 187 • : � •. ' ��;'7 '"» �. �K._, ,.� Glenn Erickson, City Architect, drew a sketch of tlie second floor layout . He said the. city had stipulated, at the time the hotel o�aners began to plan for enclostire o.f the open-air poo1 , that all adjoinino rooms and corridors created by the enclosure must be sprinklered. In addition, all rooms had smoke detection devices . Although the dead encl hallways exceeded code limits , the city felt that the life safety pxovided by these measures ivas adequate. Dan Norrgran, City of St. Paul Assistant Fire Marsllal , explained that the hotel inspection program is carried out by .the State Fire Marshalts office , by directi.ve of the state legislature. �tihen the state took over the program, an appeal provision was made that any appeal should be heard at the local level. For this reason, the matter came to the Board of Appeals F Revietiv. When the board reaches a decision, a copy iaill go to the State Fire Marshal for revietl and he makes a determin.ation. Mr. Norrgran said the Fire Nlarshal might want to go one step further, to require smake detec- tion in the corridors connected to the fire alarm system, but he himself felt that present ec{uipment was ad,�c{uate. Mr. Tilton asked Mr. Norrgran if the addition of smoke detection devices in the corridors would improve safety. Mr. Norrgran and Mr. Erickson both stated that in their opinion the existing provisions for safety were very satisfactory. BOARD ACTION: Mr. Gausman moved that a variance af Minnesota Statute . 11 1 74) , as designated in the hotel inspection report of May 11 , 1979 , pertaining to exitcaay requirements on the second floor Ievel , be granted. Mrs. Collins seconded, b10TI0N CARRIED AND SO ORDERED. THE VOTE : Ayes - 4 Nays - 0 Abstentions - 1 (Tilton) Chairman Glassman next proceeded to Item #IS , the hotel management's appeal that a larger number of occupants be permitted in four meeting rooms than stipulateci by the State Fire Marshal` s order. Mr. Erickson said there had been problems on this matter since the day the hotel was built, and some exceptions had been made in the past an the number of occupants which might not have been in the best interests of fire protection. When remodeling plans were brought in, the city had met s�ith hotel representatives , tiaho agreed to put in an additional dooriaay and to install a sprinkling system. In Mr. Erickson' s opinion, these improveme.n�s provided the safety needed for the capacities requested by the hotel. Mr. Norrgran agxeed with Mr. Erickson' s evaluation of the situation. Mr. Brose said that, although he could live with the canacities he had proposed and would certainly go along with them if they were authorized, he felt that a somewhat greater capacity could safely and comfortably be handled. Mr. Erickson suggested to the board that, if they felt setting specif�c numbers was a problem, a better approach might be for hotel management to file a seating and aisle plan far the meeting rooms with the city building � code office and the Fire Prevention Bureau. In }oint consultation between the three parties , he was sure a mutually satisfactory decisian on capacity figures could be reached. � t. i . . , � ` 7- 8/10/82 - bleeting No. IBT: • . � � �"�9�1.�� ' BOARD ACTTON: Chairman Glassman moved t}iat the appeal for a variance on Item S, pertaining to number of occupants permitted in four meeting rooms , as listed in the inspection reoort oF P�Ia�r 11 , 1979 , be granted, subject to approval of a seating and aisle plan by the St . Paul Building Dept . and the Fixe Prevention Bureau of the City of St. Paul , arrived at in joint consultation with representatives of the Radisson St. Paul Hotel management . Mrs . Collins seconcled. Mr. Tilton asked if it would be advisabTe to provide _smoke detectzon devices in the meeting rooms as an additional safety factor. Mr. Norrgran replied that he did not feel this would add anything to the safety already existing with the sprinkling system and the additionaZ doorway. MOTION CARRIED AND SO ORDERED. - THE VOTE: Ayes - 4 Naxs - 1 (Tilton) Abstentians - 0 Moving on to Item #17 of the inspectian report, Mr. Erickson stated that tfie great problem taas that the Greenery restaurant was exposed to the cor- ridor system leading to Wabasha St. However, the only section of the Gr�enery that was so exposed was the table area. The kitchen was separated by t�vo-hour construction and was equipped tivith a fire-suppression and duct control system. The State Fire Marshal' s concern zvas the lack of a fire- rated wall between the restaurant and the adjacent halltivay. Mr. Norrgran explained the current fire code provi�ions �elating to stair-- ways leading to lobby level in this type of building. �4ihen tlle hotel tivas built , stairways were permitted to terminate in the lobby , but cvde has been changed to require that at least 500 lead directly to the outside . In this case, there were two stair�vells emptying directly into the lobby, and one of the corridors that would have to be used £or escape ta the outside was the one near the Greenery. Mr. Erickson suggested that the hotel ' s man in charge af reno�,Tation and construction, Dennis Barron, come in to discuss the prob].em and to present any ideas he might have to solve the problem. A member af the Fire Pre- vention Bureau should also be present at the meeting ta d�e his views on the subject. Mr. Tilton asked about the possibility of ins-�allzng a i�*ire glass �aall to separate the restaurant fxom the corridor. BOARD ACTION: Mr. Knutson moved to grant a time extension of six months to reac a solution on the requirement af one hour £ire resistive p rotec- tion for lobby level corridors , as designated in Item #17 of the D1ay 11 , 1982, inspection report of the State Fire I�larshal , to allo�� time for study and consultation by representatives of the Radisson St. Paul Hote1 , the St. Paul Building Dept. , and the St. Paul Fire Prevention Bureau. h9rs . Collins seconded. Mr. Tilton questioned the advisability of such a Iengt}iy time extension. MOTTON CARRIED AND SO ORDERED. THE VOTE: Ayes - 4 Nays - 1 (Tilton) Abste�itians - Q The meeting adjourned at 2 : 50 p.m. _ � � 8/10/82 - Meeting No. 187 . MINUTES OF THE MEETING ST. PAUL BOARD OF APPEALS � REVIEW Tuesday, August 10 , 1982 Room 707 City Hall , 15 W. Kellogg Blvd. b7EMBERS PRESENT: Ron Glassman, Chairman Lucille Collins - Harold Knutson - William Tilton Glenn Gausman ABSENT: Rudolph Sawyer Ro.sann Bostrom AGENCIES PRESENT : Dept. of Community Services - Division of Housing � Building Code Enforcement : G. L. Kern Frank Staffenson Glenn Erickson Fire Prevention Bureau: Dan Norrgran, Assistant Fire Marshal Greg Plante OTHERS PRESENT: Les Craig Harry B. Paulson Sharon Craig Lawrence J. Krenik Angie Williamson William Brose Helen b4. Carl Da1e Howard Inez M. Aspelund STAFF PRESENT: Patricia Moxness Chairman Glassman called the meeting to order at 1 : 30 p .m. The minutes of the meeting of July 13, 1982 , were approved as distributed to the members . CASE N0. PROPERTY APPELLANT 46- 81-H 642 Blair Ave . George Fine (single family house) SUBJECT: Reauest variance from order issued by St . Paul Housing �, Building Code _ . �• � . � �"�y��.� APPLICATION FOR APPEAL ITEM #7 Our reason for asking a variance again is that Radissan Saint Paul is a Class I building. The corridors are sprinklered and the adjacent guest rooms will have smoke detectors installed by January I, 1980. ITEM #15 We fee1 that the numbers given.in the Assistant Fire Marshal `s report are too low considering that these rooms are often used for theater- type meetings and_4ie would suggest that the numbers be: Minnesota East Room 700 h1innesota West Room 250 Capitol Ballroom 200 Wabasha Room 700 As you probably are aware, since Radisson has takerr aver the hotel a17 banquet rooms have been sprinklered. ITEM #17 • Mr. Scherek is referring to the hallway off the main lobby to the 4Jabasha exit. 7he problem, according to Mr. Scherek, is that there is no fire-rated wall between that hall��ay and the Greenery Restaurant. We are requesting a variance for several reasons: (1) irlhen the restau- rant was renovated, plans were subr�itted to the City of Saint Pau7 in 1977, and no changes v��ere indicated by the City. (2} The door 1eadinv from the Greenery into the kitchen has fire-rated doors. (3) 7here are three other exits in the immediate area, two whieh lead directly outside from the lobby and one which exits thraugh the kitchen. Also, the re- sponse time from the Saint Paul FTre Qepartment would be a matter of minutes in this location. . . .. . . _.. . �__..V,...... . _ _ _,_ . ... . . _ _ __ , . _ __� ..., .. .� F...,... ..,�.. wr. ,.,y..�, � .''' � �.����� �E����'���rii i�.s�tT� ' - FS E}6�1�–�?Z -. • . .. ., ' . • . . - _ , . . . .__ ,� .,:.'� ". �- •. . • . : . : : . -; .. ..i�EP�►��?tE�i:� �r- 'Pui��.:i C :S�F LT�I - :. ����� � ~ � .. : � : 1 � . ,°� - .,;:.�ixc. .M�r.sr�r� ��ivi:.ion � . - _ � � - . •1 � . ��:�►��i�T�'•�+Si2.L•L''��;a9c-L'�t''t'1V't':#ZI�' . 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". . . � �t . � � �- _ . : . �� � �- � � � - . .- � . - •'Pursu:nt �to th� authorizJ ve�st�d ir; me b� 'statrcte, yo�r ana'.Rach : of �au up!�n_ � _;a3:�.:= this or�¢r is� aerv�d ttrs� 1cer�b� orderad r,��ticin .t�e: preacribed t�mr�- ��. r , � e�c.it �i�s�, :�fir� a2� ser,.d�ir►r st��ion�,�.�et s�andFipe ho��e 'cxr�zrcts -� .. � : �.' ann� Pire est{n�,�zis�Y:er 3�c4�t�n� s�K.2= not �� -es�:�c��:'s.�3. or� t�bs:ruct�cz:�- - -: "_ b� any� decQrats�;e r�z��r.yaT.;' � - _ .- . -- : . . � . , . . . _ - . . . .- , - - � 1�,. �::�th�� 3G�� e��� , . versi'"y� t��t� t'r_� :.�r2*r o� �r�s�.. �n. t�� D�r� t5� �3e��hccrN�r _- TOCiG'i :�3 3lG;! i ius Tr�b�.e� �'i;.13"SlLalr y ��: � '. - _ �..' ��.rai�l. �il�.��..4. ����1. C�..i ��.�j.�'2.��• , . . . . . � • . • ' . . - . . '. . . ... �i�n. . file FireT:as 31. . . � - . . - . - 1�ttl�,�-C ���. �S.ltf2, 2s 2.�en�e3 Dy-.1�3:�r_, htile Fi��e?,ar $7��:) , y�;hic.h sta�es: -. . . see �ter, g � : : - . - - -Z�. �"•�fl;� � a'�:�s.�,.r grovide ex�t S�r�`,"S R. 5 Ci�S��.i.£SC� �f�.� �. ; r t � ^� Y ��r. 5.,��.:.`� .�r. D�.s. t'� Dc��.:c:,.::�r PCGYI: �'OL:th;:e�t e�.�� 4ccesa r;,, �- - ux= a � 1'„ �ii►is'�. ►�'�'u�'i. ;j�j�i�. ^r.� �1�rlil r� . 'J ►� �: ' 1".�.iZT?. 1�:�E.' !'�="GS:�1° :i.i... �``.�I.�C. .�',.e�. �d..i��t�� � iri�"!�.G�1 S�2.�E3 : . see iter► � � - . 12. t'��'�:ir. r,'C ��►�-- J 7 pro:Tici� prar�� e�.�?�ir� out o�' �?�A �ase,: � ?�i - ci� y� „ : • E:lt 2Y`P'�,. :�r��� F;c.^L �"OC�G� 1�.'iY'_22?��t� -::�5� �?OG� aii� �' : z .,��., • � _ i c..f 2 �ic..�:.:,,:_� t!GO:': S� i& u O .LZ�;l.�'. t''.^�' ;i �'�Z'i*�7 CI�.c.�^*',CE ZO G;1 P�3,� Z:O� �.r.'Ez�E?'' '�t?Fi,''. jC� yi�_'8i.�:'_�� i.� : !"�..r.._. "S..�.� . ,2�l:. , n?I (�.c�j.�; . - . �_`i�n. �'.;?E ?ir��rizr _',1. . I��.T�'C S�c. �i. ���, a, ��Er_�e�.i r� r:ir,n. �Ru�e�'i^e;:., ' � J I ��'1-�1 �J t O�.. . 1 • ��"r�: ::^., _GI, �ec , f--1i,2, Y:�;?cn Li_•L:=s : -- - � uTt, t:r:. c:�F� /�r �rF� ^r��,� t n • � r . .. . 'ti J V�. . � +i ' ��� r V� V ��.LJ� 4PC.L� ���� �ll,C�.CV��` lA\ . V�lc P..C3rt Y't'F`'a�E.• T''C�+.;I:." .+• ia . „ ' .�. . � ��.tb� .r.- cc� 3c..�:r�r���.. Ir� �:f,e• c��.r: o*h 'r.�;�:.-�.. r•c►c :;s su�,,��ct .L-o cc.ct�c�-_��y�bv r_�� r•.�r�� tfi:.:i � x-:.�: , � �f �1�,, ��<� �z1.-.. G 2i. � �.�l.�►•i.:i.C t,.1 ...1_ t., " . •S�?:-S?3 b3 :�vaSUZ`c?L fi ci.? �'}'iE' ��,.OG'_'S U:� ST.IC+2' rc;�,i_.S t??"O!'_.:i£'Gt ��?l-. ••••,"• ` '.+-••;-nl �rc�:.•: :�n.: p�i�� ii: tt�.c x c�r z:_ � - r ._..r. a� ...0 .._ ' ` ' ^ f'.O 'ir . GJi:: GCG� G�C�a T:'Jv E'�CCE'�(� '�� `'3�;+' _� ` �- ,,C Jt c. �r • Zj. j1'::..f:iT1 C1�1 C._'L'.a. _• ��r+ .i ' a +�►r,T�F•r +i+•.�=-_-,�ir s' � : -t R+ • ` ,A 1} F � C� + Gi. 1:� �.f �••.�. ..t2: 1 G•' E•�.:.�...;:� CIIt U; �}"ti �j:�:'?t^.%SO�� � �•�. :.,. �cW E:n�c:: e�i:;s �.r_°o::�r tl:� :_�:;enen �.re=. ��::Y�:,�:ar:� to : . . � � I.f t.•e c.;r. h� c;� iu:.t'r,�: �_s=:;��n;.e, plea_,;e fe;.•'. f-r.�e. tc, c:�n_��t th� t;t��i�����i:�T�::�: at �, ,: ., , �+2,VT�.,', �n 4yG � '' . - ' ��•��_�..5_.� �,i l .. r•i:l..'.� :.i �:1:2): �:', t':i' !, •�:.: ';. • P�r'r.� } T '�' . . • �. ;7':i. . . CQ :. : cZ 'J:.!��!:;'i u�l: I' f :�;f' .,.!' d. L • �� ItLi 1 1 i ={'i �i�1 f 1 i'�� ! Ci:. i f�?: �i1.CeJ�S►iL.!� �,�r •� �r'�• �- .�-�' � ai. .� f �l.G ��. l•{� ..�U� �[ �.t_ � 1 F.ii:s . � 4'�C:�.v �• +..�.lyl,.Yl�.2j.J��4�. —����� �` U��c�' ",'.` �� �g 7? .• ; �� =: ..,__ ,� �' . - __.... ---__ �S•. i ' .••r . 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'�:�1, tC:4 4e A��—l�a� 'iaiz'�ch st2tes: . » : � . see �ttac::ed. . - - - - _ `� '- �he .foilokf�.Tt� 23"�^u�. ��T' :1lir''.aer o� oce��n`s� - _ ��r�en - $.� �sithi�, 3Q u��'� . . p�s�• _ . . t�ea 3{o peol. r.s e� �5fl; �2r:d� =ioor 2��i� p�.:rsuar_� �o: � . � M3�nn. ��3�. �2r.ox�. �1�. (1r;7��p : : _ . �_ , _��.T:;i. �L'�.� �•'].�!'F'I'=�.�..:" 3'1 - , • I�3U;'C S�c . 2i:.'12 �a) ar.�. (ti) , t�fiic?�� st�te� : : . �iitly' 2i�kIr�C2' Or peT�sor.s 3.P. 331�r t3U;1C�ipo py` �Or��'.0:2 �h�I'('G� Shill�. Y?O�% e�cee.d ti:� . �r�u:�;� ��e�ified in tY:� Eu�l.di�:�; �o:e e1:ce_r,t �}_�'� Y:�Lre s�cr � c,:iCli4:.G:121. 4.':�� f^c.C:tlii.�..E'.S 2Y`? :.rC�''1.C?E'� �:'i•°_, O�^U�'c1i:t: �.Oc'1G' ::$�' j?t•^. �TiG?'C'sL`.Sc• �,. �.,� �..�.,� f�-`n ln •,Ar. �o,�t .,:�,er. �aF,i rnv�ri h;,f fhe Ch_�.ef; w�_tht��at r•e�.nr; . ��•. ., .. _ -- r - • � � co;�::ia.e�•e� o►eT•c�c:�d�n�. 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