279217 WHITE - CITV CLERK COUIICII � O ��f� I PINK - FINANCE CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L BLUE - MAVOR File NO• � esolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date BE IT RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby certifies and approves the action of the City of Saint Paul Board of Appeals and Review pertaining to the following listed property and as shown by the Excerpted Minutes of said Board of Appeals and Review, dated August 10, 1982, and marked EXHIBIT A, and attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference: DATE OF BOARD MINUTES CASE N0. PROPERTY APPELLANT 8/10/82 46-81-H 642 Blair Ave. George Fine (single family house) BOARD ACTION: Granted refund of filing fee of $10. 00 because board lacks jurisdiction. Property Description: Syndicate No. 3 Addition - Lot 6, Block 1 -------------------------------- 8/10/82 49-82-H 778 Hague Clarence A. Lindeke (duplex) BOAR.D ACTION: Granted time �xtension to spring of 1983 to complete exterior painting, on condition that loose lead paint on interior of first floor dwelling unit, on exterior back door, and on front porch floor and railings be removed immediately and all said surfaces be resurfaced with non-toxic inaterials, as ordered in city' s letter of July 26, 1982. Property Description: Nininger and Donnelly' s Addition Lot 10, Block 12 -------------------------------- COU[VCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Fletcher ;•"'�"° In Favor Masanz Nicosia scheibe� _ � __ Against BY iedesco W ilson Adopted by Council: Date SEP 1 4 1981 Form Approved by City Attorney Certified a•s b Counc Se tar r �~ �'�+�� g� ���1���, i 6lpproved b : or. Date Q� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By - BY �'UBLISHED SEP 2 5 1982 , .t ' j . 8/10/82 - Aleeting A�`�7 � ,� � / � �. XN/ C� IT f� MINUTES OF TfiE NiTETI�;C ST. PAUL BO�RD OF A�'PEALS F� REVIE�Y Tuesday, August 10 , I982 � - Room 707 City Hall , 15 tV. Kellogg Blvd. DiE�iBERS PRESENT: Ron Glassman, Chairman � . Lucille Collins Harold hnutson William Tilton � Glenn Gausman ABSENT: Rudolnh Sawyer Ro�ann Bostrom AGENCIES PRESENT : Dept. of Community Services - Division of Housing � Building Code Enforcement : G. L. Kern Frank Staffenson Glenn Erickson Fire Pxevention Bureau: Dan Norrgr-an, Assistant Fzre Marshal ' Greg P�ante QTHERS PRESENT: Les Craig Harry B. Paulson Sharon Craig Lawrence J. Krenik Angie Williamson tVilliam Brose Helen A4. Carl Dale tio�Jard Inez M. Aspelund STAFF PRESENT: Patricia Aloxness Chairman Glassman called the meeting to ordex at 1 :30 p.m. The minutes of the meeting of July 13, 19�2 , t,rere appxoved as distributed to the members . � CASE N0. PRO�ERTY APPELLA?�T 46- 81-H 642 Blair Ave . George Fine (single family house) SUBJECT: Req�est_ variance from order issued by St . Paul fIousing �, Building Code �'�92�7 : = 'Z` 8/10/82 - Meeting No. 187, Enforcement Division to repair broken sewer 7_ine, because of financial hardship. Appellant also rec�uests refund of fi7_ing fee because of financial haz-dshin. APPEARANCE : None PROCEEDINGS : Chairman Glassman reported tl�at the subject of this appeal is no langer appealable to the board, according to information pxovided by the code enforcement office. He therefore recommended that the �10 filing fee be refunded. � B0�1RD ACTION: Mr. Knutson moved that the $10 filing fee be refunded t:a t e appellant. Mrs. Collins seconded. I�tOTION CARRIED AND SO ORDERED. THE VOTE : Ayes - 5 Nays - 0 Abstentions - 0 ------- - -- -------- ---- ----- ---- -- - ----------- --�_____ __ -- -- ------ ------ __.__ BW6-RINANCB ACCTG CITY OF SAINT PAUL � �' °s ���� / � ��'VEImOR ADVICE . _ .. . _.._ __ __ . _ ._.... r�+"�wsi�`� ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMIENT SERVICES PINC�PT.ACC�TG V� ��tO°��"''�O1'�'� Ciry Hall,Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 � PAY VOUCHER � CMARGE TO DEPARTMENT �*'r ��� r �� ti �roisi N DATE AUTHORITY pAYMENT N0. E ACCOUNT CODE � B . I FILE N0. T P � q E REFER. NO. 1 Y N ��Y� �� REFER. NO. 2 D �� E�i�.! �'�. T 8�. �� � ��� 0 O p VENDOR NO. '�. l,st�a�d sf �10.�A tflfas fa� for,aa �p�uti b +s �t#�a �! " � St, F�ai D�ossd o! Appwls � �aa i�ar � � 642 �3�i�r ��rs.y sai�d r�i'rd ws s�rd 'b,�► �t �t�7► tb�ai]. aa S�t. �, �982 � C.l. 8a. Z793iIr #�►� � � . � FOR PROPER USE OF THIS FORM OBTAIN INSTRUCTION SHEET FROM .PURCHASING PAY THIS AMOUNT OR ACCOUNTING DIVISION. ,: . EXEMPT FROM PAYMENT OF MINN: SALES TAX, MINN. STATUTE 297A.01 TO 297A.44 nMOUNT oF coNTRACr� PURCHASING AGENTS APPROVAL rtt�oR PAVMeNrs AS TO PURCHASING REQUIREMENTS TH�S PAYMENT TOTAL PAYMENTS � BALANCE DUE ON CONTRACT BY: 1 MilltCY CBR77frY 7?IAT OOOD3 NAVB BB6N RCCi1V6D 1 H6R6dlf csw�nRr TF1AT iN6R6 � �� �F INAL AUDIT Approval IN 60OD� ORD6R� IIffir6C7ED Alm� CH6CICtD Af TO AYAILABL6�TO rAY TNIS ORD6R. . � . � qUALITY Alm QlJAN77TY AS s�6CIFIED IN 7MIf ORDBR.. . . DATi R6CEIV6D ,, ACCOUNTING DIVISION � i e„ DEP TM NT Approval F r ayment ' • .- By Br Br . ti � � .. �' , .. �� � ST. PAUL BOARD OF APPE�ILS � REVIE{1l 705A City Hall St . Paul , P�Iinnesota 55102 (612) 298-4163 September 23, 1982 T0: City Clerk _ Room 386 FROM: Pat Moxness RE : Refund of Filing Fee Attached is a copy of C. F. 279217 which authorizes the return of the filing fee for an appeal to the following : George Fine 642 Blair Ave. St. Paul , MN 55104 � � WFifYE � - CITV CLERK:,-� ._. � � �. ... ..� . � . .. ` . ��..��7 • �f��� . PINK - FIN.ANCE ' COIII�C11 � �.N°R� _ oE°ARTMENT :,; G I TY O F SA I NT PA LT L BI.UE - MAYOR � . . F11C ' NO• � C _� ���`-^''-���� ;� ��, CounGil�.�.,Resolution � � r. � � 1 ' - . . � . _ Presented By � '� � �'T� � °»� . - ^- � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date B$ IT R$SOLV'ED, That the Council of the C3t� of Saint Pa�l hereby certifies and appraves the action of the �ity of S�int Pau2 Board of Appeals ana Review pertai.ning to the fallaa�ing listed p�opertp and as shao,�n by the Lxc�rpted Miautes of said Boa.rd vf Appe�ls and Review, dated August 10, 1982, and marked SXHIBIT A, and attached hereto arsd made a part h�r+eof by reference: : - '-��"��� �� ;'�� � _ DATE OF BOARD - - MINUT�S CASE NO. PR�PERTY APPEI.I�A�1d'T SJ10/82 4b-82.-8 542 BX,air Ave. George Fine tsi.ngle family housej BOARD ACTION: Granted refund o� fil:tng f�e of $1�.8U because board lacks � jnrisdietion. Property Tlescriptioa: 3yndicate No. 3 Additicn - Lot 6, Block I ___�.�...._.�._.�._._ _....____��_ . 8/10/82 �9-82-H 778 Sague C2arence A. Lindeke (duple�t) . BOARI) ACTI��i: �ranted �e extension to spring of 1983 to co�aplete exterior painting, on condil:ion that loose lead pa3nt crn inter�or of first floar dwellinq nni.t,. an eu�erior back door, and on front poreh floor and railing� be removed inmaediatelp and aIl said srerfac�s be resurfaced wi�th non-toxic materials, as ordered in ci�y's letter of Julp 26, 1982. . Propertp Description: Iv�.ninger and Donnelly's Addifi.fon Lot 10, Block 12 _,__-__._..___ ---__...�__.�... COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:. Fletcher . � - � in Favor Masanz Nicosia scne�nei _ � Against BY r�r�. wilson Adopted by Council: Date `��P � 4 ��BZ Form Approved by City Attarney Certiiied P�ssed;by Council--$ecretary ��h �'� �� g� � J�^`"��.-1��.�',.✓ A►pproved by 17avor: Date SEP � g 1982 Approved by Mayor for Submissian to Councit By _ By